This AI Tool Creates Videos in Seconds! (No Editing)

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so I just used a new tool to create the video that you're watching entirely with AI the entire script the music the video editing the clips all Ai and watch until the end of the video where I'll be sharing four steps of how to use this tool and how to make money with it you gotta just press record artificial intelligence has seen a meteoric rise in recent years permeating various facets of Our Lives including the way we create and consume content it's no longer just about humans creating for humans now we have ai creating for humans too so the video you just saw was entirely created using one AI tool called Nvidia AI which I recently just found and it blew me away it can take any prompt and turn it into a faceless YouTube video in minutes with a human sounding voice over engaging script and super relevant footage and the folks at Nvidia were kind enough to sponsor this video so let me show how I use this tool in four Easy Steps step one smart prompts in the in video AI software create better results so when I first started out it took me about six tries to get the hang of the software but once I dialed it in it completely blew me away you could tell it to create a recent events video with a Wikipedia link or a news article so I linked up the YouTube culture and Trends report for this year which actually revealed that there have been over 1.7 billion views already for AI generative tools but all I did was just put that link into the AI tool and it generated the script entirely on its own the YouTube culture and Trends report too sheds light on this growing Trend it reveals that a staggering sixty percent of respondents are open to watching content generated by Ai and 52 percent have watched a virtual YouTuber in the past year but what does this mean for traditional content creators and viewers if you haven't hit the like button on this video yet you should because this is insane Step 2 small adjustments improve the video so after I link the article I selected a middle aged British female voice which in my opinion sounds amazing the question is how will we harmonize this new voice with our own and I should note that I'm using the max plan which unlocks premium voice quality and then I selected the audience and you can select the look in the field so I chose professional and then finally you can select the intended final platform for the video so I chose YouTube click continue and then seriously it's like magic it just makes the entire video for you and again if you want to try this out for free just use the link in the description and in a second I want to show you another clip that I made within video AI but let's hit step number three which is add your human touch to the final video so once the final video is done maybe you want to switch out some of the clips that are inside of the edit so there are two ways to fine tune and replace the placeholder Clips with your own one is to search the in-video stock Library itself there's a lot of great footage in there for free but this also gives people the chance to pay for premium stock footage and get access to over 8 million clips from sources like Shutterstock and eye stock that would cost you hundreds of dollars if you were to purchase the clips separately but the other way to fine tune the clips is to just upload your own and so the video you just saw was actually a combination of both now before I tell you about the clips that I added to my video Let's quickly talk about the edit command box because Nvidia AI completely makes your video for you with no video editing once you see the final version you might wonder well how can I switch things up how can I make changes how can I make edits the edit command box allows you to use natural language prompts to make adjustments to your video for example you might say lower the volume make it more fast paced modify the script or change the music to something more upbeat or dramatic then it just updates the video for you it's ridiculous take for example a fan made AI trailer for a faux Star Wars episode titled the galactic Menagerie that surfaced on YouTube this trailer created entirely by AI garnered over half a million views a testament to the potential of AI in content creation foreign or consider the case of French telecommunications company orange which use deep fake technology to challenge gender bias in a soccer ad this ad which superimposed male players faces and bodies onto female players gained close to 5 million views on YouTube highlighting the power of AI to generate thought-provoking content one of the things you probably noticed in my video was that there were shots of Casey neistat and Elon Musk and Lil Michaela and that AI Star Wars commercial and the soccer commercial like all those clips were in there and so what I actually did was I went and got those clips off the internet and then just used the replace Clips feature to make the video a whole nother level now you may be wondering is it okay to use footage from other people's videos and for the answer to that question I encourage you to just research fair use law or just subscribe to this channel because we have videos that will help being uploaded soon now we gotta hit step number four in just a second but the cool thing is this tool just launched and it's already crazy powerful but there's gonna be a lot of updates to it as it continues to evolve and grow and video is going to be adding new features that allow you to tweak the music the voiceovers do different things with subtitles but one of the things I'm most excited about is the ability to export the final product from the AI into nvidia's video editor timeline which essentially means that you'll have unlimited flexibility and customization after the AI has done all the heavy lifting so I encourage you subscribe to in videos YouTube channel they're pumping out a lot of cool content over there and we'll always be sharing the latest updates and cool news but let's hit step number four which is tap into the YouTube automation movement and start earning passive income so by now you've probably heard about the big trend of how people are earning passive income around the world doing YouTube automation some people call them faceless channels some people call them Cash Cow channels and really it's not easy but it is a legit business and I could see how AI tools like this one are going to get a new generation of content creators started and help the pros evolve even faster and in just a second I want to show you a channel that's earning thousands of dollars a year with faceless content but I think we need to address the elephant in the room some people are concerned learn that tools like this are going to lead to just a bunch of copy and paste content on YouTube that's going to lower the quality and just make YouTube more crowded and I can understand that perspective but from my point of view a tool like in video AI is really just a co-pilot for creators that are willing to still put in the work of learning marketing of learning how YouTube works of learning psychology and of learning strategy it's not a get rich quick tool for lazy people but it is a crazy power tool to help you create engaging videos faster freeing up your time to focus on doing the research to focus on strategy and to focus on writing creative prompts that get results from the AI for example here's another video that I created using in video Ai and what I did was I imagined a faith-based channel that doesn't show my face that doesn't use my voice and that shares Inspirational Bible verses and so I gave it a prompt and I said create a YouTube short with three Bible verses for fear and anxiety here's a little snippet here are three Bible verses that will strengthen you when facing fear and anxiety Joshua 1 verse 9 says have I not commanded you be strong and courageous do not be afraid do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go pretty impressive this is something that would be meaningful for me and something that actually could be very profitable if you do your research you can discover channels like peaceful scriptures online which is earning up to thirty thousand dollars per year all stock footage peaceful music and a voiceover what this tells me is that AI is leveling the playing field for creators and the possibilities are truly endless and a lot of people don't know this but your channel doesn't even have to be monetized to start earning money I'll Teach You How in a free deep dive training that you can watch for free right here on YouTube by just clicking or tapping the screen I'll see you there
Channel: Think Media
Views: 614,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai video editing, ai video generator, ai, ai tools, best ai video creator, ai video editing tools, ai generated video, best ai tools, ai content creation tools, ai video edits, ai tools 2023, how to make ai video, ai video, ai video maker, ai video editor, ai video creator, free ai tools, new ai tools, top ai tools, new ai tools 2023, best ai video generator, think media, invideo ai, sean cannell, ai animation generator, ai tools for video editing, best ai video editing
Id: wqoIe_G2VqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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