Capcut Script to Video AI Guide - Convert Capcut Text to Video AI - Tutorial

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hi guys I'm going to show you how to use this new scrip to video AI feature it's really really cool uh pretty much converting your scripts to a video and if you are like me that's just got a lot to say and just don't know how to put a whole lot into video this could be very very helpful for you but I am going to show you how you can actually use this right now so you can get to creating amazing videos with this feature and it's just so cool so the first thing you want to do of course is you know log into your cap cut account and uh you could go to the script AI video here you could go to the magic tools just to see what's also new so this is it right here as you can see so what I'm going to do then is Click generate cuz then it is going to open it up now what is so cool is you can create the script in here as you could see you know you could create the script in here or you can also just place your script in there you know you could copy and place your scripts or you could create your script somewhere and then just paste it here as you could see or enter your script yourself so in this instance um we're going to use we're going to press the forward slash and we're going to say create um you know write a script that mentions how important it is to sorry important it is to do social media posts every week and that we can help with that or that our agency can help with that or that our agency can help with that now why am I doing this because you might be a business and you're wondering how can I use this well this is a way that's why I'm showing you um on how you can um actually do it you know um so you have the option option to have a n a narration script or commercial script so but we'll just do it on the narration script round so right now we say write a script that mentions how important it is to show it is to post social media to have social media posts every week and that our agency can help with that um and then our agency let me I'm just going to put our name here and see how that turns out okay and I'll hit the send button so now as you can see it says the script is being generated AI writer will generate scripts for you now we have the script here so hey guys have you ever thought about how important is to have social media post every week I mean it may seem like a daunting task but it's crucial for the success of your business so it has created the script for me here as you could see if I don't like the script after reading it I can discard it if I want to use the script with which in this instance we're just going to use it so I could show you how it works all you have to then do is Click use script and we have our script here so once you click you script it adds it in there and any tweaks that you want to make in here you can actually edit it anything you want to do you can make your edit there and also you want to just make sure you're looking at um everything to make sure that this is exactly what you want to be generated in the video okay now as you can see at the bottom here now we have the opportunity to generate the video and I'm going to click generate video right now and you have the opportunity to do a custom generation which is you being able to add the media to match the script yourself if you want to do all that hard work right now if you do want to do uh less work smart work right working harder and smarter harder and smarter um but you know in all honesty you might have like your you know your own um objects that you want to put there so I'm just just joking here so smart generation though it'll generate the video with material suitable for the script for you and you get to choose your voice over you get to choose your voiceover so in this instance what I've been using is the serus female because we've been doing news and updates and so you have your templates to pick whether it's 16.9 9.16 1 by one and then you click generate video and here we are going to have it showing up very soon now once it shows up you will see the magic that this cap cut tool is becoming it is just so amazing this is just going to make life a whole lot easier for you okay so there it is it has created the video it has added sorry excuse me it has added uh the uh captions in there based on our script if you play itst I mean it may seem like a Dawning task but it is for okay so now you can go back and edit the script if everything in the script just doesn't work for you you could go back right there and edit it or if you want to edit the video now I'm going to show you how to edit the video if you do like it if you watch this and you're completely satisfied with it all you have to do is Click export and then you can download it or you can actually stay till the end and I show you how you can download it after exporting it but right now I'm going to show you how you can edit because there's a likelihood that after all this generates you will want to make changes so this is how you can edit your video in cap cut and these are the videos that have been generated with the AI tool so what happens now is it then generates your um uh your your your your captions to the left here as you could see and you could actually still make changes to your captions here so you have your images here here if you play it you will see that it's showing all these images that it has actually um matched to the text and I think that's really really cool and I will say I will tell you this I've used some tools like this and the images are just not um they just don't really match I will say that one of the things that makes this one so unique is the images for at least 90% is what I've noticed 90 to 95% they really match so now now you have it here you know you have your voiceovers um your captions here and you can make those changes and if you do make a change you will notice that the tool will analyze and make a change so I'm going to make a change to the the bis cron media here the period but I'm going to make it an exclamation mark just to show you what happens so by doing that uhoh no no no cancel cancel cancel sorry uh let's go back back okay so see that um let me just do this and see what happens again sorry but you will see where it says it's just analyzing once you go out of there see applying to text speech so it makes the changes that's what's really cool and I'm going to delete it again so you can make your changes just showing you that you can make your changes to the left here okay and as you can see it makes the AI changes now what I think is really really cool also is that you can add your own video those so let's say you go to this is your media here you can upload your own media and what you've uploaded is already in the cloud so over here we've uploaded stuff already and this is our outro here this is the outro to our company our outro for our company here where is it uh right here so I'm going to click that and as you can see it just automatically goes to the end here to complete that you know so I'm going to say play Boom and that's it so you can add your own images now if you actually see an image that you don't like and you want to replace this is so cool so this is how to replace an image in your cap cut this is so cool why I say it's cool is because you know replacing images might involve you adjusting the length and all that the you know the time frame and all that well what is so cool with this AI tool or at least that I've noticed is if you don't like let's say I don't like this this image over here and I just want to replace it with this Facebook image over here all I have to do is drag it and make sure that it goes on top of the image as you see can you notice I'm putting it on top of the image and it replaces the image exactly per the time frame so you don't have to worry about this image being too long or Too Short once you put it in here it matches it and I just think that is so so cool because you know that is so so cool it just makes life a lot easier all right now that we have our our projects we could say here you title your product importance of social media posts and again I'm doing this because uh you might be a business and you're looking how can I use this as a business well you can see now we're a business we do social media posts for clients and um see how we're using it now you know just to give you an idea so there are ways that you could use it if you're a business bu um just to create this content that people will resonate with right all right so important social media that's the the title and now what you'll notice here at the bottom is the music right so I don't want the music because I don't know who owns the music right so I'm just going to delete that right there because I don't want the music we have our own music here we have our own audio here let me go back to the media files and that is what I'm just going to use over here and then just drag drag it right here or just hit the plus sign and it goes in there okay all right I'm going to go back and then let's start here cuz keep in mind wherever you have this bar your your I don't even know what what the name of the bar is at this point is where when you drag things here things will start from so you could see oh no sorry I'm just going to hit the plus button I'm just going to tap on it actually and it just goes in there tap as you can see and it goes down to the bottom so now we have our own music because I don't know whose music that is and I just want to be wary of that and so let me hit play have you ever thought about how important it is to have social media post every week I mean it may seem like a Dawning task but it is crucial for the success of your Isn't that cool and so that's how you can do that now um if I want to edit the the song Because I could see the song is too long here of course I'm just going to um let's see if I can split the song here I'm going to split that to the right here and then I'm going to delete this part because I don't need it oops delete delete this part of the song Oh Let's split it again delete and then let's go back so we've cut the song Only the parts that we need now if I want to fade out in the song because once the song ends you want it to sort of fade out right if you do want this is how you can fade out a song in cap cut so this is your music your audio right you want to fade out your audio you tap on on it that's me double clicking on it all right I just double clicked on it now you could see the volume here I could reduce the volume a little bit cuz I actually think that's a little loud uh just to figure out where we want it and then I could do the fade out right here so as I fade it out you will notice the the the fading out showing at the bottom here as I move it so I'm going to move it back again you could look at the bottom there and you see the fade outs Fade Out fade in Fade Out Fade Out and here we go okay so I'm going to play it now and you'll see learn more there we go and it goes out and that's how you can do it now once you're good let's say you like this once you've looked at it and you're pretty good with everything that's in here very simple all you do again is go to the export button to the top right here you click your export make sure your file name is what you want it to be you choose your resolution in this instance is a 10 ad resolution that we are using uh you export your file and you see as it's exporting if you don't like it or something comes to mind you want to add and you want to cancel it of course that's the cancel button if not let it be just leave it alone as it's exporting and showing you at what rate it's exporting at so here we go here we go here we go it's coming along it's coming along and again guys this is a phenomenal Tool Man I mean this is just amazing this just makes life a whole lot easier so we have our video here so I can click download here now and once I click download we have our video downloading and it's ready to be uploaded to wherever you want to upload it to now I hope this was helpful this is amazing I think I think it would be really helpful for a lot of people that just want to put a lot of videos out there and just have not figured out a way to so I hope this was helpful if it is like the video subscribe to our channel so you can always be able to see how you can use these new updates and these new tools cuz we TR we just tried to look for them so that we could put it out there for you and see how you can easily use them so till next time take [Music] care
Channel: BizCrown Media
Views: 11,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: capcut script to video, capcut text to video, capcut script to video ai, capcut ai text to video, script to video ai, script to video ai capcut, convert script to video ai, convert script to video, script to video, capcut video editing, capcut tutorial, capcut script to video tutorial, capcut video ai, words to video ai, bizcrown media, ai video making
Id: h2jdp8Vb0t4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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