NEW AWESOME Eva Airline BUSINESS CLASS! SUSHI CAKE & Self Isolation in New York

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good morning last full day here in japan like on one hand i'm glad i'm leaving because this whole situation is getting a little crazy not just in asia but everywhere but also at the same time like it's so sad to leave here is so many things i feel like i didn't get to do while i was here across the road anyway i'm on my way to akihabara for the last time to meet up with my buddy john this is pretty cool look at this you see the sushi the ramen galza instant noodles these are all cakes crazy huh i love these ice creams oh i want to get that in the middle it looks so pretty [Music] yeah i'll wait this is so pretty i broke it look at this i cracked it yeah try it you never had this no i didn't have this is like super famous here and what's the flavor this just vanilla right yeah yes hokkaido milk oh coyo milk yeah good that's so good right it's super creamy right have some more it's amazing that milk just normal milk can have this kind of a flavor the cows here are super charged they're really happy cows in japan must be all the beer i think that's from just just for the wagyu yeah but dairy cows drinking beer that'd be pretty funny you know why cows drink beer you know why they feed them beer you want to tell us so i went to a wagyu farm and they feed them beer not because it tenderizes the meat it's because it gives them the munchies so they eat more maybe they should feed it something else yeah i thought i thought about asking that but i think that's a little more expensive oh the sushi this is the sushi i guess sushi's first i'm so excited this is nigiri sushi nigiri sushi cake and of course it's not rice but it's a roll cake genius let's give this a try how's your shrimp i love dish really really good cake it's very pleasant it's thick though it's just very dense it's more of like an american cake the japanese ones are very light but i think like two pieces of that and you're you're gonna be uh kind of good i mean i'll take a little piece of this ginger okay whatever this oh came in here pick it up a little piece of ginger ginger is to clean the palette it's probably apple this apple what is that is it wasabi it's got this exact same color frosting it's like pure butter yeah no it's sweet butter this is like really heavy yeah it's really heavy i'll eat one more because i love cake all right it's good to see you yeah man oh next time 100 better circumstances yeah bye bye see ya [Music] so pretty next up i'm going to drop this stuff back at home because i got a bunch of plushies so you're in japan just i don't know why i keep wanting to win plushies and i want a bunch i'm really good at it drop off my bag and then let's go eat some curry after curry i was thinking about doing some street food and then we're gonna go to yokohama to uh meet up with some people for a collab video it's gonna be all about the meat [Music] right now i'm in jim bocho also known as also known as the book district with tons of bookstores and my favorite curry shop in all of japan corey bundy [Music] i was outside of this place i've waited about three hours wow this time is only about 15 minutes away get the beef curry and we're gonna go for very spicy with cheese topping and potatoes i'm so excited about this this is my favorite korean japan and what i love about this is they give you potatoes with butter you should always dip the potatoes into your curry and also get cheese on top of your curry smell some butter on your potatoes splendid [Music] a little bit of rice [Music] oh i forgot how good this place was i mean i remembered it being good [Music] i just forgot how [Music] good so amazing it hurts hands down best parade in tokyo if not all of japan i don't care i freaking love this place the curry's got this like unique creaminess to it as well as blistering heat the flavor is not too acidic it's not too tangy it's not too anything it's just this is perfect this is the type of curry i'll take on a first date and i'm ready to pop the question i'll ted mosby that curry [Music] also that melty beef this is one of those curries i can honestly tell you like i don't even need the meat but that beef is just the extra cherry on top of this already amazing roof curry cake fragrance taste texture spice hints of sweetness good amount of creaminess there's really nothing better bunny curry i went to a lot of curry shops in japan not even close to this this is so good i wish i got two balls i really wish i got two bowls i gotta eat this one more time before i leave japan you miss this when you're in japan time to book your return ticket say without a doubt top three in japan anytime i'm here that place unbelievably good i mean there's good curry and then there's that it kind of makes me sad because i i kind of forgot about it even i was saving it for like when i was just about to leave so i didn't really come and eat this the first 10 days i was here i was busy planting shoots and all that stuff now that i had it reminded me how mind blowing it was now i only have like half a day today and maybe tomorrow morning to come here and eat it again and that's it all right i'm gonna go to yokohoma for a shoe for a collab unless you have time to do something before that [Applause] [Music] heading towards yanaka ginza which is um basically the old parts of tokyo this market in this old part of tokyo and that's the stuff i really dig you know tradition and old-fashioned stuff i don't know i like it and just getting there from from the subway stitching you gotta walk through these little back alleys it's kind of experiences i enjoy [Music] it really kind of transports you to like a whole different side of tokyo right i mean this is almost kyoto-esque so all along the streets it's lined with gift shops grocery stores clothing shops little street food [Music] vendors this is a some sort of fried pastry and this is sakura blossom flavor it's like a halfway between a cake and a cookie and it's kind of dry i i thought it'd be more cream inside than just dish this is definitely best eating with like a tea or a coffee alright good tastes kind of like a cigar looking madeline cookie yeah ice cream or tea or something other than better looks like an onigiri grilled rice ball soy sauce bonito flake [Music] miso soup with the fried tofu bonito flakes seaweed the onigiri the bonito flakes as well this is not [Music] bad actually a pretty satisfying combo nice and toasty rice good seafood flavor from the bonito flakes [Music] actually pretty enjoyable this is awesome wow toasted tofu what a really nice plain grilled aroma i quite enjoyed this combo the bonito face is really delicious edition just got that extra oomph you know the flakes make it interesting just like in life may not be good interesting but they make it interesting and something you got to get here is some of the croquettes [Music] oh that smells so good fresh out of the fryer oh yeah i was like sniffing a truck not that i would know but i don't think this is what it smells like and the feeling it gives you ah looks think i like crunch oh my god yes baby this is something you gotta get here oh my god this thing has just the lightest crunchiest batter inside meat onions a little hot wheel vinegar even better but on his own so nice [Music] 350 year old temple just right here and apparently in the front gate these are bullet holes because there was a battle in like 18 in the 1830s and the imperial army was fighting the shogun's troops and they cornered them into this temple and this is the actual bullet holes from 150 over from over 150 years ago [Music] i wish i had more time here but if you ever get sick of the hustle and bustle of tokyo you want to go to a tourist spot that's actually kind of calming and nice come here [Music] just filmed here for strictly dumpling yesterday so i'm going back for another collab video let's go out from a chico district filming a meat platter today how many pounds 15 pounds we can eat at all [Music] this is what happens before a food gets eaten a lot of prep work i just wrapped up we did pretty well pretty well really debating whether i should go back for more curry so last night didn't really go as planned just had a huge headache so i just went to gym and went to bed had to get up early today got to go to the airport in about an hour one last meal i really couldn't find many places around here i wanted to eat at so the default is always a favorite let's go to 7-eleven for our final final japanese meal [Music] last 7-eleven meal look at this thing though this is insane it's got a soft boiled egg right in the middle oh my gosh tofu cabbage onions and thin slices of beef all soaked in this awesome sauce okay so let's pop the egg right now have you ever seen a more perfectly cooked soft boiled egg in a convenience store bought meal let that egg slowly drip down this might be my new favorite meal so the classic thinly sliced fatty pieces of beef that 7011 is known for now with a splash of creaminess from the egg and some onions and noodles tofu oh my god there's actually off the hook um i think this in the map with tofu new things you gotta try at 7-eleven beef is so tender noodles cabbage i'll provide a nice crunch the tofu is amazing as well i'm so happy with this yeah i think i always get from blossom because 7-eleven doesn't have it until now so it's a new item hopefully that they're gonna keep this forever egg sandwich with tuna oh that is just a lot i feel like this is way more tuna than the lasting uses way more tuna way more egg than what's in the lawson equivalent of the sandwich and it goes to almost the edge oh this is way more ingredients oh this might be better i think 7011 has studied his competition and at this point like what i'm seeing they're ready to take him down way more tuna it is great creamy egg classic what they're known for but oh my god kudos on how much filling they give you in both of these sandwiches so much filling no more golden lawson for this this is all 711 territory now and i wanted something with potato salad so i got a ham and potato salad sandwich so pretty right delicate sheets of pink ham just weaving over a mounds of potato salad it's good not extraordinary it's good the wow factor just is not here with a sandwich this mr mark just tiny bit for me but the other two items very very happy about all right i got about 20 minutes to eat i gotta head to the airport i see over there you know once you stay somewhere for like over two weeks you kind of kind of start feeling like home you know so goodbye home hopefully and i say this sincerely i get to come back to japan soon but we'll see of course [Music] a couple of tips for you guys who are flying um in and out of japan so there's two airports in japan too many airports haneda and narita and narita is really far luckily i always budget extra time um but i think i got on the local train it took me two hours to get here from tokyo if you have a choice definitely flying to hanita they at least have the option of getting a cab because a taxi ride from tokyo to this airport be about 250 300 i'm flying with eva airline business class layover in taipei and then back to new york see you on the flight wow these are the new business concerts for eva this is really this is so much better let me show you around gotta disinfect everything sorry eva girl [Music] let's see what they got to eat i love this oh my gosh sky high tea salon cup of um whoa these are amazing taiwan teas oh my gosh ripe pour like an aged poor it's one of my favorite things it's so smoky and great although like i usually warn against having hot teas on a flight because the water is kind of crushing them i'm gonna have to deal with a cup of tea they have chinese cuisine which they're they have a partnership with the enti phong and this changes every time i'm here luffa stuffed shrimp mousse chicken soup juicy pork dumpling or we can do a japanese yeah we're doing the ding tai phong i love the sea i feel like it's so much better than their previous business class like so much better i also gotta say this massage option you can actually feel it it's like little elves massaging your back that's good teeth man there's some fancy teeth let me taste the smokiness of that cheese this is the dingtai fung hot oil wonton and a little bit of noodles underneath soaked in chili oil and wow this actually looks really really appetizing for appetizers a little chunk of marinated beef it's got nice chunks of tendon in here as well sweet potato this looks like braised chicken and then the soup hearty chunks of beef in this soup huh beef scallions ginger this actually looks quite amazing gotta say wow that's delicious just like a good bowl of beef soup should taste like you taste the ginger the scallions and all that great beefy flavor is stewed magnificently into the broth [Music] the beef it's got some chew to it which i like really nice beef flavor dumpling that's actually a really good dumpling good job dean taipan this is a really fun delicious collab delicious noodles perfect amount of chili oil vinegar soy sauce great al dente texture the chicken is amazing too best meal i've ever had on ebay airline by far the noodles are so flavorful and just a great balance and they made it work for the airplane too like this doesn't even taste like i'm eating this on a airplane absolutely i don't know how they did it and the soup is so many chunks of beef we can also do take some of that chili sauce dump it into the soup a little bit mix it up a little bit even better salute to ebay airline i'll do yourself with this this whole thing this business class this meal amazing [Music] [Music] [Music] two hour layover in the lounge the food actually looks really really good nice melty pork belly little stir-fried chives really been loving all the evil airline food on this whole trip good job eva airline high five i found it i can't believe i'm on my way back to new york already i actually had like speaking engagements all this stuff coming up um next week so i had to push all that back because i want to do the two weeks self isolation i don't want to take even the 0.01 chance of getting anybody sick but i know the situation is kind of escalating out of control everywhere in the world so i wish you guys the best hope you keep safe um really this is a really heartbreaking situation so be safe be good to each other take care of each other this is the older viva business class a little tighter as you can see a whole lot less privacy this is just open aisle right here whereas the other one was just pretty secluded like you really do feel like that's your own personal space and the whole overall feel of that seat it's just way more spacious than this one that's burning hot it's pretty good a little fatty it tastes like a typical chinese meatball [Music] this is actually a pretty typical meatball soup that we always eat chinese meatballs are actually really really tender and pretty loosely squeezed together so they fall apart really easily in your mouth we're really liking our airlines dishes today main course sticky rice and braised chicken this is a massive piece of chicken chicken is good it's tenders juicy the flavor is kind of one-dimensional besides being a little salty and a bit of umami from the soy sauce not much to it that is definitely a very tender piece of chicken i think for this one the texture presentation is right on point flavor it's okay i also love the fact that this is piping hot wow eva airline doesn't back down when it comes to massive chunks of meat but that big checking earlier you know the massive pieces of ribs that is not good at all so dry i don't understand how is something soaked in soup this dry it's one of those rural currencies where the veggie is much better than meat the noodle's good though this is basically my dinner once i get into the airport it's about nine o'clock um going straight home and when i get home and typically what i do between all the food trips is i detox and i've been on the road for about half a year almost straight to the next couple weeks oh we are gonna detox that heck out of my body back in new york as soon as i get out of the airport as soon as i get out of the airport these scammer taxi guys start coming up and telling me they're like where are you going where are you i'm like oh i'm going you're training oh air train's broken you can't take the air train really it's not broken don't fall for that i don't have a car here so every time i come to new york if i want to go home i have to rent a car and i have to rent a car for like two weeks never drove a mini cooper before this could be fun oh so cold in new york so cold in new york home sweet home be honest how many of you guys can drive up to a house like this in the middle of the woods at midnight who thinks this is like the start of a horror movie anyone behind me and i wasn't planning to come back here i was supposed to go back to seattle i figured this will probably make the most sense if i want to do a week self quarantine this will be the best place to do it i guess that starts right now going to bed tomorrow good morning from the chen residence it's been two days since i since i've been back i basically i've been laid out for like two days it's been in bed um did some meditation really haven't done much i chose this place for uh isolation because it's actually really fun i love being here i love laying in the hammock that's really fun building fires i just built one yesterday i just put it out now work out lay on this couch play vr favorite game has been arizona sunshine is great i like sitting in my rug in front of my fireplace reading a book letting a candle or i could go out into my deck stare at my creepy barn where in the room if anybody's inside you could literally have someone live there i wouldn't even know but i can come out here and get some fresh air i get some workout on my big deck it's nice you know now the mess is going to be really apparent my workstation my youtube stuff little fun souvenirs from all around the world also by the way strictly dumpling just hit 3 million today so thank you guys so much for supporting that channel for all these years and i think my vlog channel might hit a million soon too so thank you guys so much you guys been so awesome so supportive love you very much this is my living room again mess i sleep there because i just don't want to sleep anywhere else um reclining chair um i have a roll machine there that i work out on a lot tv now this is really scary so how i've been getting food is that i get my groceries delivered um and then my friends also drop off stuff i'm not going to show you my kitchen it is so messy right now favorite brand of soup campbell steak and potatoes i got as you can see i got tons of these i love rice with spam so i got a bunch of spam some of my favorite noodles are seeing ramen treadmill massage chair weight bench right there free weights in this room basically i have a lot of things stocked up here um so if the fit does ever hit the chain this is a good place to be for me
Channel: Mike Chen
Views: 1,782,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eva air, eva airline, airline food, japanese curry, curry, japan curry, japanese street food, japan street food, street food, business class, first class, luxury goods, luxury, expensive, money, finance, financial, travel, traveling, credit card, travels, hotel, tourism, tour, japan, japanese, new york, food, eating, kitchen, cook, cooking, cookware
Id: oynprMPvpZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 36sec (1776 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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