7-ELEVEN DOMINOS PIZZA (BOBA) & LUXURY Instant Noodles! 24 Hours Only Eating 7-ELEVEN in Taipei

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] oh that's what the dryer is looking for the steak what's a true higher on the balcony welcome suits high pay good morning last time I wasn't really here it was about three years ago when sits high nine explored a lot of the local who sings such an amazing trip of course I was here for a few hours a couple years ago just a film that seventy eleven haven't really explored a city again since then so I thought I'd pop over here on my way to Japan just have a few relaxing days here and it's about 6 a.m. right now go to 7-eleven find some food eat it take some food back here and just stay in the whole day because as much as I love this seventy eleven in Japan 7-eleven in Taiwan just as good if not better [Music] well look at this Airbnb 7-eleven it's like as meant to be ended up walking to a bigger 7-eleven [Music] [Music] whoa whoa something show sizzles oh it's so much awesome talent shaken well that's a big compass you're Oh golly fun curry rice pig blood nummy spicy noodles whoa whoa hot pot hot pot with American Wagyu my og me and Cyn oh man this is very Taiwanese nummy oil chicken rice noodles you will never get sick of eating here man there's the classic beef noodle soup Wow I don't know if this is the one I got last time my la-z-boy chicken thighs I want to try one of these little soups I'm trying this the chicken one the ramen selection there they are my favorite needles my hand out Sam this is so good Wow okay I want to try something new this time I don't if I can find some new amazing heels this is a ton time man oh this is amazing I love this but let's try something new I never tried this beef noodle soup before let's do this crazy look at these dealing bucks ramen noodles stuff looks hardcore Japanese spicy stinky tofu duck blood Oh stay away from that whoa buy me an shunt run by me in wow this looks amazing oh my god strawberry Lay's potato chips heck yeah baby haagen-dazs frozen yogurt didn't know they made frozen yogurt spicy pork bun sweet potatoes they have ooh cheesy hotdogs okay this just suffice for breakfast okay Oh 7-eleven Domino's door opens how your lovin whoa holy but Jesus global G pizza in the wars of the great Arnold Schwarzenegger I'll be back all right let's get started [Music] love how convenient all this is I'm using like three of these at the second time this is so cool so well your dishes is too hot you can take one of these thingies and they act up as a little bag for your hot dish look at that oh there you go never bring your fingers over again genius 7-eleven man this looks so good like a fresh bowl noodles alright this smells so incredible ash it has a great shooting aroma coming from this well rice noodles whole entire chicken leg frozen tofu and this is a blood rice cake gonna eat some here and then take the rest to go wow I mean it's not the best version has ever had but knowing that it came from a convenience store and just popped into the microwave for like three minutes there's not horrible the soup it's definitely much better than the noodle noodles a little soggy I mean rice noodles anytime you soak it in and up and broth for a while I couldn't get a little soggy well soup is good though Oh like nice chicken flavor cut tasty oil not nearly as good as two beef noodle soups I get here chicken itself I mean it's in doubt about it's got a funky flavor to it I like those I like the frozen tofu high hopes for this my first bite of 7-eleven Taiwan this was not the best representative and you know just a broth you okay of that it's nice tasting flavorful fragrant chicken broth I don't think I was kind of messed that up she's a hot dog who what is actually route 40 [Music] I have a good reason y'all dumped tons of cheese I'm sort of kind of losing out a little bit well sweep top bit of heat really nice [ __ ] fun you're in the mood for a hot dog this is not gonna disappointment I see pork butter love this first thing I had today I got my heels on clickin Wow so squishy I mean I wish there was more filling but once you take a bike and feel that he ever were Inger head going down girl rope amazing box oh by the way I told her strokes before but uh you know hey guys usually like give up bun to your significant other because then they become your bow BAE sorry get kind of have to understand Chinese Mandarin to understand that joke interesting if another speaks Mandarin I think they get a laugh out of it oh you know what this might be perfect with the mala duck blood that I got duck blood I guess scrub and uh meanness and the spice as soon as I opened this tofu skin chunks of tofu duck blood mung bean noodles this thing looks like I'll bring the heat and I just want to dip my already spicy bun into this broth Wow already spicy as some numbness to it mm-hmm I was actually really good really spiking I mean I chased like a mile out tongue like a really popular dummy and spicy soup or Chinese people love duck blood I've said this before I think all those agents are a little bit vampire we love eating blood and it goes great with like spicy soup noodles actually soak up a lot of that spices and seasoning blood if you never had it before it it's like a little snappy piece of pudding got more texture a little more chew tofu is great soaked up all that great soup and spices it's just that overall spicy and numbing flavor of this is very on point like I would just get more buns and just keep dipping in here oh I still have a little bit of hotdogs left tip that in the Molotov oh that's approved heck yeah go through that get a little snap hello she's in that my lab ain't nothing wrong with a little cheese in that mouth I finish all the microwave stuff rest on me until back to the erbium need and lunch time me and that bubble tea pizza we got a date pretty intimate relationships we got a little bit of a sushi platter ah these egg chicken sandwiches my apple milk beef ramen first things first strawberry Lay's potato chips have a little shade of pink to them it's interesting I'll leave it at that I mean credit to lace when they say strawberry potato chips you're getting strawberry potato chips taste like potato chips dipped in diet strawberry soda powder it's not the best but you could never sue Lay's and claim it doesn't taste like strawberries because the strawberry flavor is pretty significant I mean I don't really think I want much more of that it would not make a really good movie snack this is pretty good it's like a sushi with some spicy meal and vegetables little bits of crappy spicy creamy tons of flavor of Rice's cook the little seaweed wrap is good so good not as much but a spicy crawfish veggie one that's actually pretty decent we'll have all sorts of these slow fruity notes from these Asian 7-elevens hmm I like this it's like little sweet sour yogurt sweet smooth milky it literally tastes like someone feta cow apples every single day of his life war found a massive apple with giant things and just looked it Apple milk I love this sandwiches sha sha Chi tongue seemed done I think it's like soft-boiled eggs in chicken fancy name though it looks like a combo of soft-boiled eggs and egg salad with the chicken on top and some sauce to go along with that as well in a true Asian 7/11 fashion no crust on the bread I feel like the chicken is like a little bit extra doesn't much flavor good texture doubt the egg is a home run humbled of creamy egg salad in the soft-boiled egg give you so much of the grape flavor from the yolk I didn't do it would be really good with the ramen let's test that theory I laid the fact they already put delicious on the seasoning pack here [Music] Wow look how tender the beef is just squeezing it with my chopsticks and it's just breaking apart this reminds me about the beef of my favorite instant noodles - just as tender thicker it's a little bit of a wire instant noodles so it doesn't get soggy as quickly but oh man these things just fall apart huh the lean piece of meat is not that tender and juicy but that is beefy well fati peas right here oh I just fell apart my mouth oh body part with the gender [ __ ] y'all it doesn't me wondering why you can't get these noodles in the UI's usually because it's got these chunks up deep in here this is awesome noodles like I said a little thicker so it doesn't get soggy gets quickly extra tender counterparts that's a legit pull-up beet soup that's better beef soup than a hat of some restaurants and it's already spicy I've only had like a little Chinese vinegar to add to this this will be the perfect chili rainy outside Disney movie inside Kanna instant noodle meal it's with great anticipation that it dipped my sandwich into these instant noodles no GH by CBP broth when you come to 7-eleven whether it's a Taiwan where Japan always when you get the instant noodle we know good soup is gonna be available to you get something to dip it in those egg sandwiches some perfect components for the job I'm I like this more than in my hunch and this is a top tier legit the BMW of instant noodles right here Tony's people when they make an instant you know they don't get around like well I just showed you can creates like a typical cup noodle that you finally I got local Kroger with this neon right carrots and peas how do you compare these two you could open your own noodle restaurant like if I had a big little soup restaurant now that I would ever do this if I had a beef noodle soup restaurant man let's say I exchange like the instant noodles with like you know better noodles I kept the broth and I put some fresh chunks of beeping here you will think that's one of the most of the jet beef noodle places anywhere in America maybe like getting 4.5 stars all over y'all a few moments later I'm a little late but hitting back to the 7-eleven let's go grab some dinner [Music] so they have lobster salad to have Lobster and beef meat all soon - you will SMO chicken and peach and then the bubble tea we're gonna get the lobster and beef and then we're gonna get the bubble tea and the peach one three beats [Music] [Music] did a puny little suit I guess different stuff with dinner it's you when you thought Munoz mascot gets so creepy oh this is the peach and smoked chicken oh the bubble tea Wow and the beef and lobster I'll be honest when he's preparing this it doesn't look like the best so hopefully it tastes good especially this lobster thing it was just like coming out of a plastic baggie there's like pulverized Lobster and mail I mean the flavor is there it's kind of gross because it's like literally squirted from a bag like lobster cream and the beef side tastes a little sweet just like a beef bug go Gators I feel like the sauce is like really really sweet I don't know the pizza dough is nice I think I'm enjoying the dough way more than I'm joined the actual toppings I don't think I preferred the lobster side better there's Lobster clean but you can taste the lobster like the flavor is pretty distinct the sweet beans aren't really funny feelings taste a beef flavor that much it's just really sweet this is really interesting chicken and peach and they actually used like whole chunks of peaches in here I've never had a peach pizza before that's not bad like fruit on pizza come on chickens con leche flavor to it I mean it's burnt it's dried well flavor is nice especially when the juicy peach flavor is kinda like spread all over the slice of pizza and mixed in with the cheese and a nice dough I mean that peach juice with the creamy cheese not a bad combo if everyone so far now why aren't we all been waiting for bubble boba pizza bubble tea pizza well you put it on it kind of look like like something giving birth to like a bunch of fish eggs on top of a pizza and of course is sitting on top of a bed of Domino's cheese which never really been the most stretchy ish it's not bad so there's two different types of boba at they put on here black ones and the white wash after it's been through the oven it just becomes really soft and kind of gooey there's not like there's any milk flavor to it or anything like that it's just a sweet tapioca balls with some kind of syrup on top I think what I learned from the last pizza is that Domino Street pizza it works I like the sweet flavor mixing with the pizza if you're looking for mind-blowing this is not it I think after this experiment conclusion ish I still prefer my boba instead of milk teeth these things actually went down pretty easy stomach feels pretty good it doesn't feel that all that heavy that's why I got a pita noodle soup okay this big almost who don't ask muta Lysa's of beef there's a good cut with a little bit of tendon you see that the tendons is rivering through the slices of beef that is a good cut right there all inside this meaty broth and this is one of those dishes here that's made fresh daily that's really good spicy it's beefy the noodles have a nice xiaochi right chewy I mean you can tell these aren't like pressures of noodles but still retain a nice chew slices of bivas words at that just completely renders hunger its hung and that happens when you get a slice that has good amount of tendon and fat on the cut of meat as well broth is great super beefy mmm perfect amount of chilies in here as well I think a bit of vinegar this will actually be splendid like if you're in Taiwan you can't get out for like an actual fresh bowl of noodle soup this is really not a bad second option Wow this is Jack fire her salmon miso soup oh this is great tender tofu big chunks of salmon the soup itself white great miso flavor with a slight sweetness from the salmon this is definitely a warm your belly up make you feel extremely comfortable ball soup this is perfect after a bunch of pizza and the pizzas themselves they're not expensive right that three pieces I got total came to about $10 so $10 even tried it three different little pizzas I mean again like I never really loved Domino's I don't think it's the best piece of that I don't think the quality is the best but it's fun to try not that best dinner I've had out of 7-eleven but feel pretty satisfied now let's go dessert you guys never had a kakigori before it's one of the most wonderful things ever created on this planet they got a shop right here for it it's basically shaved ice with his own cloud on top this thing is just like the greatest shaved ice ever created and the reason it's like the texture it literally tastes like a cloud if you jump out of the airplane with some sugar or sweeteners and opened your mouth on the way down I'm pretty sure that's what clouds will taste like not saying you should do that that's pretty dangerous of course like anything the Japanese create just like the best it comes with all sorts of different flavors and hold you try one of my favorite look at this only little fluffy nope the cloud on top refreshing shaped eyes that as soon as the spoon touches it goes right in and this thing get a little bit of [Music] nothing melts like a cocky gory finger mouth I know a lot of countries have shaved eyes Koreans are very proud of their is Taiwanese are very proud of theirs nobody can touch a cocky Gordie remember that name anywhere you go look for category especially you go to Japan greatest shaved ice ever created hands down and the great thing about this is just like a pyramid there's secrets on the inside when you get through the surface and you get to the middle look at this it's like a secret chamber and there's grass jelly in there you're like a treasure hunter and like you get past the first layer up already lenders of the world and you get inside the inner sanctum and there's the genies lamp my favorite thing in the world to eat after any meal as a car garden they gave you a little set of mochi as well they're just great I feel like Tony shaved ice really refreshing but it's really coarse koreans is like really milky this is like the Goldilocks of shaved ice I mean I risk getting eaten by bears for the shaved ice good morning 7:00 a.m. this is the greatest thing about being in Asia when I was in Seattle I remember like waking up at like 6 or 7 wondering when I'm about to eating the only option available to me is an IHOP let's go so you thought of it again I think this is like the first time I live 24 hours a day hey this could be one of those 24 hours 7-eleven challenges this will be a 24-hour wasn't really a challenge I kind of enjoy that whoa this is so cool all right this 7-eleven by my yard baby there's no checkout person this is like a self checkout whoa check out 7-eleven suddenly you live in X and there's a regular one here and I want to go here whoa look at this okay so please register Oakland Queen member okay download an app physical cars llevaba are accepted it's no request oh this is so cool you got register an app this is like one of those Amazon go stress I don't know the she even Taiwanese all right there we go it's a small store whoa what is this mine honey oh this is like what the king of all ramen the holy bowl or something with it what oh it's really pretty full of instant noodles so everything is just as the checkout there's not a big store but it's got all the drinks yogurts not a lot of different and ready-to-eat food items ice creams only giddy yeah definitely not a lot of stuff to choose from like each dish has like one that's cool this blueberry sandwich don't mind if I do oh here's the crazy cool Bashan yo zoom in for Bashaw hey what's up this is for reals look at the system you don't oh my god it comes with their like a collector's chopsticks or something Wow I know what I gotta get one of these this is insane two hundred and forty-eight for this and then this oh my god I love this so much okay so this is the drinks this is all I'm a whole whole that's pretty futuristic I don't even know what I want now I just want to stand here and keep opening the drink section take a night job okay so guys Ellie okay jumping scene ping tile guys you gotta put this down I should start so the staff has to come and help me out so you got to put all the stuff facing up oh okay okay she so how you know Kayla oh okay oh this is it and right outside you have the microwaves and the water this is really the fanciest instan you all I've ever seen in my life what the heck it's like the instant noodle of emperors dragging with this what's I'm gonna keep this chopstick it's actually good quality chopstick the dining area of this little futuristic 7-eleven you got wireless charging you get people watch other people shopping at the 7-eleven creep on them a little bit see whether by see if they're being healthy or not criticized or ramen selection whatever you wanted to food and entertainment [Music] there's five packs in here so this one with the beef this is Galt hung so this is the soup base veggies this is miju so secret pickled veggies all this is the spices and all this is my honey my honey feels like Imperial ingredients that's kind of what I mean self in the directions are coming you need to so first thing you got to do add the water and then you add this and then the GALT hung there we go oh my god got a big chunks of beef going to here this is a soup base seal it Wow look at its really nice pair of chopsticks with a nice holder to you with us running but I'm gonna be really agen about this I'm using it and I'm keeping it I also got some kanji my quandary is so good here that's restaurant-quality kanji in a semi eleven I mean you love sentry ace this is a great century a kanji alright four minutes is up I have expected I don't know like golden light to radiate from this boy instant noodles when I open the top just like expecting dragons to roar down from the heavens okay the noodles are really good quality there's thicker noodles they definitely don't get soggy and won't get soggy nearly as quickly as any other noodle look at the big chunk of beef all that little specks of fat in tendon this is gonna be a really really nice oh man oh that thing broke leg gets nothing I'm just squeezing barely with my chopsticks I mean unless my chopsticks kungfu has reached unprecedented proportions this is just really tender beef and then you can add the chilies in the veggies as you like I'm adding at all this is great one of the best posts in business noodles I've ever had my life hands down it's so good so this is a pack of shits hi pickled veggies that's very often eaten with beef noodle soup it's a little salty and really really crispy any toppers about eight bucks for this royal instant noodle which cost more than probably a regular bowl of fresh beef noodle soup here in Taiwan but make no mistake this is so so delicious for instant noodle the great beefy flavor of this broth 100% penetrated these noodles chunks of beef daddy tender supremely delicious if I was the Emperor of the world and I'm just out on a road riding around on my Royal Shinkansen where my flying dragon carriage in the sky I don't know I will want this ball minister noodles by my side you cannot have access to authentic Taiwanese peak noodle soup this is the next best option plus I get a free pair of chopsticks my last rebuttal noodle is a perfect size retains a little bit of shoe great mouthfeel Imperial noodles highly approve as much as I love this after the Royal noodle penetrated my tongue I still like it just not royalty you know Jah Jah man this is one of my favorite instant noodles still so yummy but should not have dish or any instant noodle right after you have to happen it was like being married to anyone else after you were married to how they buried for like 20 years I don't know how you compare with that but you were good but you're not the beat noodle soup so drown my sorrow with a blueberry sandwich well this is just very mediocre yeah second time eating a lot of stuff at a time 7-eleven did not disappoint who love the different milites love this of course means sing instant noodles they're ready to eat dishes coming to places like Taiwan Japan and it's just going to 70 live it's like you want to do it you know it's just so convenient they're everywhere you go downstairs day they Argyll sorts of different stores like this one run by robots and last time I went to one that did your laundry no one is how many people love this place alright guys I gotta go to nap in three hours I'm eating seafood feast we are especially about to you some food that's outside of a convenience store soon anyway thank y'all so much for watching to eat again you
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 4,987,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: taiwan 7 eleven, 7-eleven, 7-11, seven eleven, taipei 7-11, taipei 7 eleven, taiwan 7-11, taipei taiwan, taiwanese food, taiwan food, 7-11 food, 7 eleven food, taiwan eats, taiwanese eats, ramen, ramen noodles, instant ramen, noodles, dominos pizza, pizza, boba pizza, travel taiwan, food tour, taiwan food tour, travel taipei
Id: sSZBdwnVkgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 45sec (1905 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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