New! ALCHEMY REFINER for Leonardo AI - How to use it & is it any good?

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today we're going to be checking out the Alchemy refiner and seeing exactly what impact it has on our images so the way it works is if I go into my personal feed and I open up any one of these images start this one usually we have a few upscale options but we also have the Alchemy refiner which also upscales so the idea is if I click on Alchemy refiner I've got the strength low medium and high as to how far it's going to refine that image and then we have smooth mode which can sort of help enhance image coherence and improve hands and faces and things like that so what I've done if I come back out of this image I've got this image here which if I switch to the original this is what we've started with and I have actually run high low and medium smooth and normal on this image so we can compare and let's jump in and have a quick look so again this is our original image you can see the details are are decent but they're not really 100% And the resolution is 512 12 x 768 however when I switch to one of the upscales or the Alchemy refined images the image resolution is 1224 by 1840 so about a 2 and 1/2 upscale or 250% upscale whilst adding some detail to those images so what I'm going to do is I'm going to Overlay these images and we're going to compare step by step to see what difference has been made starting with the face okay so we have our original image and I've got the layers over here on the right and you can see by the ey which one I have turned on but I'll also announce this as I go our original image which is looking a bit fuzzy cuz it's low resolution we switch to low normal so this is a low refinement on the normal setting and it has actually produced some good facial features and looks much more pretty similar to the original in regards to the shape when we go to low smooth not a huge difference as a matter of fact I can barely even tell the difference with the face at all they essentially look like the same image but when I go from low smooth smooth to medium normal we get a little bit more refinement the face still looks similar to the original if I click the original on in regards to the shape of the face some of the facial expression however it has been kind of cleaned up and moved in a little bit so you can see how with this low smooth I'm sorry with this medium normal how it has further refined especially if we go to low normal you can see how it's taken that and just kind of taken it a little bit more in the right direction uh especially in the face little things like uh the mark on the face the nostrils it's just a bit cleaner and when we go from medium normal to medium smooth all of a sudden we get the difference things are much smoother the Anor licing is smoother but also the face is now starting to look a little bit more like like a 3D anime style but everything is really clean if you look at the pattern on the armor it's a little bit kind of whatever in here like there just it's just like a a very detailed pattern but this has almost like a focal point and is a little bit more finer and this is where the image I think is starting to really take off now if we go from medium smooth to high smooth this looks pretty good so this is high smooth and it is still a little bit cartoony but I think it's a little bit of an improvement on the face shape the armor and everything looks pretty good it's got that nice smooth anti-icing effect but when we go back to say high normal the effect I had here was probably not quite as good I do believe the refinement is still better but overall it's just a little bit fuzzy in some areas in smooth has a way of just really cleaning up the image and so overall smooth especially if this particular image has had a great impact however let's go back to the original let's look at the mountain up here very quickly this is the original low normal where things are looking a little bit better low smooth much the same medium normal if you compare these two the mountain is starting to kind of have a little bit more of a a jagged face the leaves are looking a bit better medium smooth and we've got a nice glow there now but a smoother face we go to High smooth and back to that more sort of mountain-like jaggedness nice and smooth and then high normal kind of like a bit of a step backwards really my opinion but overall still pretty cool but you can see how so far with those details I got to original and we got thumb it's very basic hand and you look at some of the detail around here it's not too bad we turn original off and go to low it's kind of just upcall and added Knuckles and a thumb and it stayed much more true to the original image which may be what you're after we go from low normal to low smooth much the same again medium normal same thing again it's taking that a bit step further I like the stitching on the sword looks like actual stitching was before it kind of looks like a bit rubbery so the medium is definitely a good it is a good mediums sport but now we've gone for medium smooth and got got a few extra fingers in here it's actually kind of gone off the deep end a little bit same when we go to High smooth we got five fingers in the thumb instead of four it is a smooth cool image but the more we go down that high variance we tend to get more fingers here for some reason so it is something that depending on the image and depending on what elements of the image you're looking at you may get different results now these are some of the first images I created with my leonado AI account they're in my original video covering leonado AI this is uh the Creative upscaled Image at the original image little bit flat and you can see how this image looks it actually looks pretty decent but I'm willing to bet a medium refinement could do a really good job so I'm going to click on this go to medium I'm going to put it on smooth mode and click refine so let's see what results we get with that image so again this is my original creative upscale switch the refiner and it's it looks a bit different again I think it's gone back to that original image as opposed to the upscale but uh so if we go back to the original first the original looking a bit blasé medium smooth refiner and it smoothed it that out so it has it looks like it's reference the original image there I'm willing to bet that but uh still a bit of an up a step up if you look at the background the way it's blurred there I believe that it has a really nice sort of Boker effect sort of starting to form there not quite but really nice like focal lens blur and a more photo realistic image moving on we got zombie Mario a cool looking image a little bit different let's hit refine but this time let's go high and we'll leave smooth off again this is our original image we switch to the Alchemy refiner and a little bit more detail a little bit more of a disgusting skin look and overall it's done a great job with this image and this is old school this is before Alchemy before prompt magic I think it's done a pretty good job of enhancing that but let's go find one of my images from the original Alchemy video I did we have this image which I always thought turned out amazing I used it in the thumbnail let's use the Alchemy refiner let's go hi again smooth mode and refine again we have our original image I switch to high smooth and it's like a different image but check out this the skin texture the pores everything it is a different image but God it just it's a step up in quality however I still want to keep that original look so even though this looks fantastic the detail I'm going to come back use the refiner but this time I'm going to go low smooth refine and just to test it we'll also try medium so again we got our original image 1152 by 768 is the resolution I switch to the low smooth variation this image is 1840 by 1224 so it's actually hasn't 2 and a half it's sort of a little less than doubled the image now the big thing is it does look different again so it's closer to the original so still not quite the image I want but still that detail in the skin texture in the overall look it looks far sharper I zoom in again and this looks amazing we go to our medium we've got that transformation again looking a little bit different uh a little bit more variation but still pretty cool and back to high not too bad so again if we start with our original cycle through so you can see how it slowly transforms that image but overall that is pretty impressive and a nice little upgrade on some of your older images a good way to add some detail and go from there let's try one more image now this is one made using photo real I'm going to go to Alchemy refiner once again we to our original image looks like photo if you take a close look there's a bit of an issue with the lip the eye looks a bit funny but overall that is about the only place where there's any kind of information that looks a bit out of place so let's go to the low and now it's a little bit better looks a little bit more sharper photo realistic the detail on the jacket I believe just the way it folds this is a little bit sort of blurry in comparison these folds look real legitimate Ultra sharp and the fa is a little bit improved we go to medium the face is starting to look a bit more accurate and again everything else is looking pretty good we go to high and that is looking pretty good again the medium and the high are about the same in quality just a little bit different this is a zoom in on the high we can see how the face looks the I door looks a little bit funny the medium looks a little bit better so it hasn't sort of gone too far away in the way it's refined that image but overall it's a powerful way to sort of improve the look of these images so definitely check that out the Alchemy refiner a lot of to play with can be a great way to go to your old images and give them a little extra oomph to sort of sharpen them up and bring them to the next level bring them up to date with AI That's being used in Leonardo today so thanks for watching the video If you enjoyed it please consider giving it a like don't forget to check out the other Leonardo AI videos on my channel there's a playlist linked to in the description below otherwise have a great day and hope to see you again soon
Channel: Wade McMaster - Creator Impact
Views: 1,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alchemy refiner leonardo ai, leonardo ai, leonardo ai tutorial, how to use leonardo ai, leonardo ai alchemy, how to use leonardo ai alchemy
Id: aV-1XSacrd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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