This Prompt Makes Your Prompts 10X BETTER

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today we have what I like to call the prompt perfector now it's not going to start off with a prompt what you're going to do is feed chat GPT a idea a title a topic or anything that you need then Chad GPT is going to ask you a series of questions and give you some amazing prompts this prompt makes all my prompts so much better it won't stop until you get every question answered and you're happy with the sort of content and prompt it provides you now we'll use this prompt to generate images today in Leonardo AI but the cool thing about this prompt perfector is that you don't have to use it just for AI art it can be used for anything YouTube thumbnails you could use it for social media content or blog content it really is a prompt perfector and by just giving you a series of questions to answer once you answer them it's going to keep revising The Prompt until it gets it just perfect the way you want it okay so now the first thing we'll do is head over to my prompts database it has all sorts of different tabs up here at the top anywhere from AI art prompts to SEO and today we're actually actually going to be going into the prompt engineering one one of my favorites because all these prompts that you see on your screen right here these are actually prompt generating Engineers prompts that generate prompts so what we're going to do is scroll down to the one we're using today and this is going to be called The Prompt perfector so let's just go ahead and copy this whole entire prompt I'll post a link in my description so you can get full access to this database right here for hundreds of prompts click the links in the description it says I want you to become my prompt engineer your goal is to help me craft the best possible prompt for my needs and so here is the simple process it's a communicator and so it's going to ask you what your need is then based off your input it's going to take it study it and then ask you a few more series of questions completely relevant to what you're needing so let's start let's try one that we're going to use to generate a photorealistic image to use in leonado AI so when I did this earlier you could see I used it to create a documentary style photo depicting a young woman in the dystopian world and then on my screen over here here are a few examples that it made for me it did just this completely off of my description that one prompt gave me all these amazing images to make in leonado AI so we'll just start with simple terms as simple as possible because let's let chat GPT do all the work for us so if you just have a simple idea in your head just start with that there's no need to go and come up with an elaborate prompt that's what this prompt perfector is here for a young woman in the dystopian World here is the first prompt it gives us okay very simple two sentences but that's where this perfector comes in let's answer these first series of questions because we're going to turn this prompt into something a lot more elaborate and detailed to use specifically in Leonardo AI if you really want to get down to it there are some specific featured fine-tune models that specifically work better with a more detailed and elaborate prompt so if you look at this one right here one of my favorites it's newer it's Leonardo Vision XL and it's a versatile model that excels at realism and photography better results with longer prompts so that's a great one for longer prompts but then we can go over here to this one Leonard diffusion XL is even better with short prompts so let's try this option really quick let's go ahead and copy just the short one head over to leonado Ai and then use this model that is built specifically for short prompts let's go back over to chat gbt and then finish up this Q&A process let's go ahead and answer number one I'm going to put postapocalyptic and then we'll go ahead and go to number two and I'll say uh the woman is just a young blond hair woman with blue eyes sad so we'll just leave it at that and then would you like to prompt to include details about her appearance we'll tie everything into number two sad wearing modern clothes looking directly into the camera okay let's just go and start with this one for now it's going to take it it's going to understand and then it's going to give us a Revis prompt right here now you can see this one's going to be a little bit longer so here's the first prompt up here now here is the second one and what I like to do is that each time I get a prompt I like to just go ahead and copy it and then try it out each time here's the one it made for us in leonado AI we'll go back over here to chat GPT and let's keep this process going what caused the Apocalypse in this world it was a natural disaster War pandemic or something else uh let's just say number one I'm going to say a war okay so it updates The Prompt right here and then here is this prompt right here that gave us okay cool again we'll try this one by copying pasting this go back over to Leonardo Ai and uh let's choose a different fine tune model this time let's take off photo real and then let's do albo base XL we're going to do cinematic and now paste this one in but while we're doing that look at these that it generated for us right here pretty cool so I said blonde hair blue eyes looking directly at the camera okay so then here is this prompt in albo base pretty cool so for the next one I'll put a cinematic photo photo realistic beautiful landscape of a snowcapped mountain mountains let's see if uh we can get something a little bit uh happier and Scenic with this one okay well I actually just exhausted my GPT 4 allowance for the time being so I'm over here in 3.5 which is okay because this prompt is going to work in both and so here we go I changed up a little bit I said a cinematic photo beautiful landscape of snowcapped mountains and then here is the Revis prompt gay me okay pretty simple but let's just take it a step further and let's just try one more image blue hour so blue hour is going to be like that Dusk and then we're going to say large mountains snowy and then this is pretty cool I'll say uh a lake in the background so that's something I really like about this prompt perfector specifically number three I didn't have anything else in mind I just knew I wanted a nice snowcapped Mountain scene like maybe like Utah but I didn't have a lake or wildlife in mind so that's where these questions come in handy uh generate a photo realistic cinematic image okay got the lake in the background let me go ahead and copy that and then head back over to leonado Ai and then hit generate so we have three rows and we'll come back to visit this in a second but if I want to open up a new chat we can do that I can copy and paste this prompt back in here now watch this so instead of making a photo realistic image we're going to do something different this time now what we're going to do is get some YouTube thumbnail ideas I'll do YouTube thumbnail ideas and then just simply type that in again let's let chat gbt do all the work now the first thing is specify the niche AI for the niche and then we're going to say any themes in mind uh blue and uh purple and uh unique ideas and then any sort of information like text or images related to your video I won't include any text now the text will work if you utilize doly since I exhaust in my allowance today I won't include text but it does work well with doly let me hit enter here and then just look at some of these ideas right here so I won't go back and forth to leonado AI but I wanted to show you guys that this could be used for anything so I got my five different thumbnail ideas background deep blue with subtle purple gradients an abstract AI circuit board and bright blue okay this looks pretty good so so this time we're going to try social media post and then again the questions are what comes in handy so specify the platform we're going to say Twitter and uh we're going to say what theme do we have in mind and then we're going to say theme is SEO tips and we're going to have it be um let's just say uh casual and then any other information such as hashtags use the SEO tip hashtag okay this is pretty cool let's go ahead and see what this can come up with now compose a casual Twitter post offering valuable SEO tips use the # SEO tip in your post to reach a wider audience if we like that we can use it if not answer these questions right here so we're going to say number one yes okay number two any specific SEO tip um SEO tips to improve your ranking and then it finalize the prompt compose a casual Twitter post offering SEO tips to improve Google ranking keep the post within the standard 280 character limit and then here is the hashtag we're going to use now let's copy that now let's actually paste The Prompt into a new chat here we go look at this right here beautiful boost your Google ranking with these SEO tip gems there's the hashtag here are the five key points keywords matter research and sprinkle them in naturally mobile friendly site equals thumbs up I like this quality backlinks rule okay pretty cool so you can see it does a fairly good job and so in this SEO one we might have wanted to uh narrow down these tips a little bit more by keeping the conversation going but just for the examples I'm sharing with you guys today I just want to provide you with the details on how you can use this prompt so take this prompt and use it for yourself and let me know what you guys think in the comments were you successful and what exactly did you try and use this prompt for but thank you so much for watching this video and please don't forget to hit that subscribe button because you'll be the first to know when all these videos come out but until then we'll see you next [Music] time [Music] oh
Channel: metricsmule
Views: 35,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, chat gpt, leonardo ai, prompts, prompt, prompt engineering, chatgpt prompts, leonardo ai tutorial, how to use leonardo ai, chatgpt prompt engineering, leonardo ai prompts, prompt engineer, chatgpt 4, prompt engineering chatgpt, leonardo ai art, openai, leonardo ai features, chatgpt prompt generator, improve prompts, chatgpt prompt
Id: jmkeQIKtyUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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