How to use LIVE CANVAS with Leonardo AI (for INSANE Ai Art - Live!)

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this new feature live canvas on Leonardo AI is pretty insane it allows you to draw on one window and it will create AI art live on the other you don't need to use just your computer there's also full iOS support so that way you can use your iPad and apple pencil for this as well so the way it works is you log in and head down to live canvas and I get a blank canvas if I've opened something left it before it'll probably leave it there for next time but for now I've just got this live canas I do want to take a moment to thank leonado AI for being the sponsor of this video and if you want to check these tools out there's a link in the description below now in order to get started all I need to do is pick a color I click on this color here choose say green I make sure I have my brush selected and if I want to I can make my brush really small by bringing this up to the top having a small brush and it's already starting I can bring it right down to the bottom have a really big brush you can see we got a circle it so finding the right brush size is going to help I'm just going to draw a green shape here it's already starting to create something I haven't even given it a prompt but what I really would like to do is create some kind of alien I'm going to click on the green go down to Black my brush size up a bit and I'm going to draw some buggy sort of eyes and again it still doesn't know it's an alien it's trying to create something else I'm going to come down to my prompt type in green alien and you can see it's already created something over here one thing I want to touch on too is it's really dark that background I like a dark background but not quite that dark when I go to my color swatch here you see I've got brush selected because I'm choosing a color for the brush tool what I can do is go to background click on purple or something like that and create a purple background and now the background has lightened up a little bit bring it up and we got something a little bit cooler from that I go back to brush back to my canvas keep in mind anytime I want to start again I click this B icon and it will I can wipe everything and start again it'll still have the prompt but I can just delete that by hand I'm not going to to do that but that's how you can restart any time also this is not the final image I'll show you what the how to get the final image later it actually is a little bit better than this this is the live representation now one thing to look at here is the shape it's a very basic shape and it's little too basic considering what we're getting because we have the creativity strength up high now if we wanted it to be exactly like this I could bring that all the way down to the bottom and it would be pretty much exact but we're talking about AI here we want it to have a bit of fun if I crank it up to the top it will go on in its own tangent a little bit it won't reference the image as much so finding that balance of creativity strength will help you produce something closer to your drawing something like that is pretty cool and we can work from about there and you can just sort of play around with that till you get something you like the other thing to is we're using the Cinematic filter down here this is like an Alchemy uh Model come up I can change that to anything such as anime or dynamic or even in environment and get some really cool results that way as well now this is a very simple image what we can do is even to go a little bit further I can go in maybe I want to choose white to create some highlights I can make it semi-transparent by bringing this slider across bringing this down and maybe I draw some highlights onto my figure if I decide that transparency is a little too transparent knock it up a bit bring that brush size down I've C some highlights and again I can do the same by choosing a darker green and creating some Shadow this is all very rough but it's been given AI the AI something to create something a little more 3D I've gotten a little messy around the edges here so I can grab this eraser tool and basically erase some of these extra bits and pieces and clean it up so now we have this alien head that's looking pretty cool if I want to I can give it a red and I can actually give it a little bit of like say a red body down here it's still made of green but what I can do is say red jacket and it'll add a red jacket there one thing I want to also note is over here we have real time real time is a premium feature and it updates at a higher frame rate than interactive mode which updates after every brush stroke so you can choose which speed suits you best here but for the fun of it we'll leave it on real time and continue to play from there now at the moment he has no mouth so again we can make any adjustments we want to see I can draw in a mouth even nose and now he has a mouth so as you can see with this basic shape and drawing here I've been able to create this using leonado AI but also I can add in some images if I click on ADD image here I can add one of my uploads one of my previous generations I can even go into Community Feed or if I follow anyone my follower feed to see find something I want to use but let's go back to my uploads if I want to I can upload an image but for the sake of the video I'm going to go to my generations and add this and I'm just going to move this up into the corner or away and one thing you'll notice is it's still got the square box around it I'm going to grab my Eraser again I can erase from these images grab my selection tool at top here move it in I've actually added a second head up here which I think is pretty nifty but now we've essentially got an image and if I want to upscale this image I have normal refine or creative refine mode I'm going to normal refine and then also go to creative refine mode now in the future you'll be able to check out these upscales right within the live canvas but for now we actually just have to go to our personal feed until uh the team at Le out away I get that sorted so I'm going to head back to my personal feed this is our normal refine as you can see the texture everything is really very impressive the jacket if I zoom in the amount of detail on this is really incredible and it was from a very very basic drawing the jacket looks like a real jacket got some cool alien bits and pieces happening really awesome results let's check out the creative refiner creative refiner has given us this pretty cool result almost like reflective eyes and bits of text sort of embedded in the head you zoom in you got some really nice detail and I really love just everything looks like a really high level 3D render which is pretty insane very awesome result but heading back to the canvas we can actually keep doing a few different things I have this image here but instead of actually going in here and importing it I can just click output to input and it will actually pop that image into my input I can even move it around if I want to but I'll put it back I'm going to bring the creative strength down so so we can actually draw onto this if I want to I can grab my brush tool even draw over this head I'll make it 100% opacity and I can actually just draw over this head if I want to and kind of create something a little bit different bring the crator strength up a little bit I can grab say a bit of yellow or orange draw some Flames even or even add a glow to the eyes I'm going to bring the credit strength up and now we have this image and I'm going to stack another and I can continue to hit this output to input and see how far Leonardo AI wants to take this image and we got something really cool over here so let's upscale that with creative refine and normal refine head back to my personal feed and check out this image pretty crazy pretty cool stuff very high level art look looks like a 3D render come across to the normal refiner we get something a little more grounded and realistic but still still pretty cool and these are just a few of the features there are a ton more coming in the next week or two according to the leonado AI team so really your imagination is what's going to dictate what you can do with this tool there's a lot of potential in this tool there's a lot of things you can do with it you can simply draw like I've done here or you can need start combining elements and images to create sort of something a little bit more unique and and basically you can have fun with it try rolling and adding that output to input and seeing how far you can kind of reiterate these images you get some really awesome results by having a quick play having a bit of fun and uh refining to get your upscale and your final result so once again want to thank leonado AI for sponsoring this video what an insane tool this is I cannot wait to play with it further check out the link in the description to try it out otherwise I hope you enjoyed the video and found it useful if you did please consider giving it a like otherwise have a great day I'll see you again next time
Channel: Wade McMaster - Creator Impact
Views: 34,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leonardo ai canvas, live canvas leonardo ai, leonardo ai, live canvas, leonardo ai tutorial, leonardo ai tutorial for beginners, leonardo ai live canvas, leonardo ai canvas editor, the power of leonardo ai canvas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2023
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