Create Amazing Patterns Using Leonardo.AI and How to use it for Print on Demand

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So recently I did a video about Leonardo  AI. It's a cool AI app where you can do   text to image kind of like mid-journey. If you  haven't seen that video yet click on this one   right here. In that video I showed you all the  pictures that you can do and how to use it for   print on demand. A lot of you after that  video left in the comments that you want   to learn how to do patterns. So in this video  I'm going to show you everything I know about   patterns. How to create them and where to  use them and how to use them. Let's go!! Hey everyone it's Juna with Detour Shirts. In  this video we're going to talk patterns. I'm   not going to show all the places that you can do  patterns on but patterns are really huge for print   on demand you can put it on so many different  products the two places that I'm going to show   you where you can put it on is Redbubble and  Amazon merch on demand but of course you can   use patterns for lots of other print-on-demand  places there's just so many I can't show you all   of them so I'm going to show you how to create  the patterns in Leonardo Ai and then what to do   with them after you've created them I'm going  to show you taking them just the original size   how to use that and then how you can scale it  up and I think that actually works better so   I'm going to show you both and how to do it  online for free so let's get into Leonardo   AI right now so here we are on Leonardo AI  it's if you don't have an   account yet watch my first video I'll show you  in that video how to sign up for an account it's   absolutely free but it's going to take some time  so watch that first sign up and get here and now   you can go home and one of the things there's  several ways to find patterns so one way you   could do it is just scroll down here and look for  a pattern now they're not as popular as some of   the other things so you may have to scroll for a  little while you could also type in pattern here search and even though they're not patterns  some of these show up as patterns but if   you scroll down I think you'll have some  there there's a pattern and you can hard it   um let's see find another one now flower  patterns seem to do the best on Leonardo   so I'm gonna highlight these or heart these  like these this one's a nice one so you just   start making a collection of nice patterns look  at this one really cool right that's a cool one   and you're going to see a lot more flower patterns  right and so what I like to do is just bookmark   them or like them there's also these like with  animals now Leonardo does animals pretty good   but sometimes you're gonna see like double eyes  or something like this one doesn't have double   eye so this one might be cool but you can see  this one right here like what happened to that   guy right there so something happened so just  be careful about anything but flowers usually   flowers aren't so bad but when you start doing  people animals other things it doesn't do really   well okay so the other thing I want to show  you how to do is I scroll up to the top here um of course you can go to any of these featured  models so if you want to come in here I just pick   Luna just I just picked one and you can see if  there are patterns in here as well so there are   some like that one um and so so you can just  bookmark those and there's also one thing that   somebody said in the comments that I didn't know  is you can go to these fine tune models so check   this out fine-tuned models this is all of it  which I showed on my last video which was the   one there but there's also Community models  and I can search for things here so I can do   um pattern and search and some people have made  patterns too so you may want to come in here if   you like any of these you know you can click on  those and save those as well so you can generate   patterns with this model instead of some other  models I don't know how to make models yet so   um but you can see this one does patterns  for models too so a couple of things there   and hopefully more and more here you can  just click this off too and just search all   there could be some other community models here  that do patterns or if you scroll down um there   might be some but I don't I don't see any right  here so if you go to category they may be under   one of these so um have fun with this I'm not  going to check all of them but that's another   way that you can find patterns okay so now that we  have the patterns let's go to my personal feed you   can see I've made a bunch of patterns just trying  to play around with them and you can see the ones   that I've done the best ones are flowers so I kept  those I could check this out this one's so cool   look at that very nice colors and it's hit and  miss but it's more hit than Miss with flower   patterns so there's some like this with different  styles just really neat and you can see I went up   here too for my like feed these are some of them  that I recently liked just on this video right   we did this one so here's how you would do it  for patterns so let's say we do this we can do   prompt details we can do picture pattern field  daisies watercolor style sure we can copy The   Prompt we could also copy image to image if we  want to make a pattern that's very similar but   let's just do copy prompt and then I'm going  to use this featured model since that's the   one they did illustration V2 that's important  so I'm going to do that and then paste in here   copy command V since we copied it already and you  can see that's the same thing right here so make   sure some of these are filled you can see this is  768 so let's do 768 and then make sure that it's   tiling because tiling will be able so that you can  use it in Redbubble and other things where they   have that tiling feature which is really great  so it just multiplies it so I'll show you how to   do that so now that we have those things you can  do you know up to eight different patterns if you   want I'm just going to do the one because just  for simplicity's sake so let's do this and hit   generate I also like to do one just in case it  doesn't turn out then I don't have a that that   didn't turn out so let's see what it does if I  use the same prompt and the same model yeah pretty   good right so not exactly like the one that we  saw and we can hit it again so let's say we don't   like that maybe we want different colors I would  just add like um white and maybe a blue background and we can put in things like vector if  we want flat all those things you can   look at some of the prompts here and then  kind of get what they're doing so you see   this one says vector flowers pattern so  I want to I want a repeatable pattern to uh flower pattern so let's see what happens when I change these  words up here and generate it's going to give   it a while and let's see it's go it should be  different since I changed the prompt a little   bit yeah totally different look at that right so  I don't like that one as much as some of the other   ones that I did so I'm going to go back and this  one I really like right and so you can see that's   the prompt I use and I use Leonardo diffusion so  let's copy this I can do the same thing copy this   and make sure I do Leonardo diffusion Leonardo  style so I'll come up here I'm going to change it   I did command C back there I'm going to  do command V I'm going to do Leonardo   diffusion Leonardo Style um just do the one one  10 24 right 10 24 okay and I'm also doing tiling   okay let's see what happens now it should make  something similar to the one I did but different   so that I can use it again and again and the  nice thing about AI is that you'll create so   many different patterns and that'll just give you  more and more ideas now this one is cool right   um different than the one we had here but  I still love it so this one right here   I use the same prompt but I got this right here  check it out really cool okay so we're going to   use this as an example it's only 10 24 by 1024 but  we're going to download it you can also upgrade it   right here creative upscale but I don't think  I need to it it still looks really good right   so I'm going to download it hit download and it  just takes you to another Tab and you can just   drag this off here and that there it is it's  a JPEG that's 1024 by 1024 now we're going to   bring this into Redbubble because it's 10 24  by 1024. I cannot use it for Merch by Amazon   or Amazon merch on demand yet because it's  too small I'm going to show you how to make   it bigger but let's first if you don't want to  make it bigger I'll show you what it looks like   um just with this 10 24 by 1024 so here we are  on Redbubble I added uh Ad work I clicked on that   so now I can upload my new work right so I'm just  going to drag this in this is straight uh the jpeg   that I just saved to my desktop didn't do anything  to it straight from Leonardo right and let's see   you can see it's right there and you can see it's  really small so on a t-shirt it wouldn't work on   these it wouldn't work even on a phone case it's  too small but what we can do in Redbubble is we   can choose this and say regular grid now look  because it's a tiling feature remember we put   that on tiling it tiles everything nicely so  it looks like a pattern it's just a repeatable   pattern right and look at this on a phone case it  looks amazing right so some of the other ones you   can do on here a lot of these you can hit that  choose pattern boom do you want it on this right   here let's enable it let's do regular grid boom  look at that look at these looks amazing even   a shower curtain even with that 10 24 by 1024 I  can come in here click on here uh and hit regular   good now you'll notice that the grid is super  small though you can see it the pattern is super   small and I can't make it any bigger I can make it  smaller but I can't make it any bigger so I'm very   limited to the size of my pattern because it's so  small at 10 24 by 2024 but it does work I can put   it on a lot of these things anything on here that  that you can tile and which is almost everything   so you can see that looks great on there so I can  come in here and add that to almost any product   right here but I'm going to show you how you can  add it to products not only here on Redbubble but   on Amazon merch on demand just by increasing the  size so here we are on now these are   only going to work for things that are vectors  or look like vectors some of those watercolor   things I don't know how well it's going to  work but you can do vectors all day long on   Leonardo so uh come in here drag this in so this  is going to take a little while but you're going   to see that it's going to look almost exactly  the same in a vector so the nice thing about   a vector is you're going to be able to scale it  so once we have this it's not going to be 10 24   by 2024 anymore it's going to be an SVG which  is different because I can scale it so you can   see here's a vector here's the original here's the  vector it looks exactly the same colors everything   so I'm going to download this and you're going to  see that it's an SVG so now I can go into any app   that I can make it bigger I can use canva I can  use Photo P I can use Affinity designer anything   just make my artboard 4500 by 5400 but in this  case let's just make it easy 4500 by 4500 or   5400 make it a square right is what I'm saying so  let's get into canvas since that's free but again   you can use Photo P you can use Affinity designer  you can use Photoshop illustrator anything that   can make that size bigger I'll show you how to  do it so here we are on canva but you   can use any of them I just picked canva because  I think it's most convenient I think most people   are familiar with canva and how to get there  and how to use it so we're going to hit create   design like this I'm going to do custom size now  I'm not going to pick this well I could pick 3   000 by 3000 but let's just do 4500 just to make  it bigger 4500 by 4500 remember it's a square so   we're going to need a square and then we're  just going to drag in that SVG file that we   save it should be in your downloads folder  it could be on your desktop depending where   you put it I'm just going to drag it in here  so because it's a SVG I can make it bigger boom right and just make sure that it's you can  feel it from corner to corner so now this one is   4500 by 4500 it's not 10 24 by 2024 so let me show  you the difference what happens when it's bigger   first we're going to need to save this though so  hit save and we can download and it can be PNG but   you can see 4500 by 4500 it doesn't need to be a  transparent background because we have all this   background here and we're going to hit download  now this is going to save to our desktop or a   downloads folder wherever it is and then I'm going  to show you bringing this into Redbubble but also   Amazon merch on demand so let's go to Redbubble  first and I'll show you the difference than what   it was before so we're back on Redbubble and just  to recap remember this right here on the shower   curtain look how small the patterns are right  and I can only make it so big it looks great on   a phone but anything bigger it kind of loses it  right like this is okay but if I put it on like   let's say this bag right here I can come in here  edit it I can do the pattern the regular grid but   look how small it is I can't make it bigger it can  only make it smaller right and you may want the   flowers to be bigger so now that we made it bigger  let's come in here looking replace this image and   let's use the Untitled PNG that we just saved and  we're going to make that bigger so now it's going   to save it at a bigger size 4500 by 4500 watch the  difference now that it's four times bigger so more   more than four times bigger right so you can see  it fits better on a t-shirt but we're not going   to do those we're not going to do those you can I  I just don't think under the a-line dress I think   it does look really cool so let's do the grid you  can see it does it and now I can make it smaller   or bigger right let's turn that on that looks  pretty cool right you can see on here I can make   this bigger or smaller now if I do the pattern  boom so if I still liked it that way I have I have   options now right I can make it bigger or smaller  I don't think sticker magnets pillows I can do but   watch this now that the shower curtain I can come  in here edit it and look how big it is if I do   grid that looks way better than that small  pattern right so now you have options now   that it's bigger so same thing I can come in here  and just click on a lot of these things and just   you know change the pattern to grid and that  looks so much better these look so much better   now that it's bigger right um and and you could  make it smaller if you want to but now you have   the option so you can see I could put it on a lot  of these the mini skirt would look way better now   I'm going to enable that the tops the aprons  they look way better right leggings socks now   if it doesn't fill the whole thing come in here  and do the the grid and it does right this will   work on backpacks and duffel bags and everything  so great way to scale it I think it does a lot   better let's go into Amazon merch on demand  and I'll show you that it will work on pop   sockets and pillows and tote bags all right so  Amazon merch on demand you can see I dragged it   in here now it doesn't look great on apparel  but look on pop sockets I can scale this up looks great how about phone cases come in here  bring this here and scale it all the way up   great on a phone case I can do here  now Amazon merch on demand doesn't   have tiling but because it's 4500 by 4500 it's  big enough to fit on all of these products here boom so it's not tiling it's  just that same pattern but it's   still really nice I'm gonna finish it off here boom so you can have it on pop sockets phone  cases tote bags and pillows if you want to put   it on here you can I wouldn't I don't think this  makes a great t-shirt you may have to put other   things on top of it but for some of these other  ones I think you can so let's go back to Leonardo   AI I have it here imagine Now using all of these  patterns you got 150 credits every day and you can   make patterns after patterns after patterns like  I did this is just one day of patterns like I go   back here on my personal feed look at all the  patterns I made this one the other day you know   these this Daisy one would be really cool right  so this may not translate great on vectors but   I haven't tried it I'm just guessing that  the vector ones will do better with the   vectorize so something like this right we'll do  better or something even more flat so like this   can you imagine that's so cool so have fun with  this do as many patterns as you want I think it'll   do great you can do some abstract things too but  I think flowers and leaves and things do a lot   better on Leonardo but of course you've seen on  cats you saw somebody do cats I think fruits were   one this one is really nice so um play around with  it do different prompts I mean you get 150 credits   every day so you can try things out and then if  you ever figure out how to make your own models   uh Community models maybe use smart enough to do  that you can make one for for patterns as well   you can see that there's not very many ones for  patterns yet but hopefully um people will make   them so there you go that's everything I know  about patterns at least on just   started so I'm gonna learn more and more but you  can see I I've done so many patterns and it's a   real easy way to put it on Redbubble as well as  Amazon merch on demand as well as a lot of other   print-on-demand sites I haven't even talked about  some of the other ones where you can do patterns   for like for material and things like that so lots  of different places that you can put patterns on   there and you can generate new ones every time  even with the same prompt if you do you know eight   at a time or whatever you may get some really  different looking things in different colors   so play around with that have fun with that if  you haven't seen the first Leonardo video that I   did click on this one right here it goes through  step by step on how to do other things besides   patterns of the things that you saw on there and  how to sign up for Leonardo so thanks again for   watching and as always guys keep creating and  keep learning I'll see you on the next one bye
Channel: Detour Shirts
Views: 91,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: print on demand, how to, passive income, selling tshirts, leonardo ai tutorial, leonardo ai, ai tutorial, leonardo ai image generator, leonardo ai image prompt, ai for print on demand, ai art for print on demand, upscale ai art for print, leonardoai, creating patterns, leonardo ai patterns, artificial intelligence, free patterns, patterns for print on demand, ai art, ai art generator, ai art generator free, leonardo ai prompts, tutorial
Id: QMqKvVlY7i8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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