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hello and welcome back to another edition of brittany watches tick tock so i don't have to and today i am bringing in some of the best most mind-blowing cleaning tips that i learn from professionals because there are quite a few professional cleaners and housekeepers who are blowing up over on tick tock and they have the best tips in my opinion because this is what they do for a living they know what works they know what's good so i'm sharing with you the best of the best i'm doing another giveaway starting today all you have to do is share this video there's a share button down below share it on facebook twitter email and then leave a comment down below letting me know where you shared it and i'm going to pick somebody one week from today to give a 300 amazon gift card so with all that said let's get into these cleaning tips the first is using a swiffer to clean your mirrors and glass to get it done faster more efficiently and apparently better so instead of using your swiffer pad put your glass cleaning cloth and i would say to use a specialized glass cleaning cloth over a microfiber cloth they do not leave lint or streaks it is a huge difference spray your mirror down and use that to clean it there's a lot less reaching involved you can clean it faster i mean really for me this is a game changer multiple professional cleaners i follow on tick tock swear by this particular glass cleaner it's a foam style and i will say it does work amazingly well now while we're on the topic of the swiffer one of my tips is there is a way to open and refill the swiffer cleaning solution bottle with your own cleaner of choice i don't personally love the swiffer solution i hate how it smells i don't think it works that great so all you have to do get boiling water and submerge the lid in boiling water for good like two minutes or so to loosen it up then you can open the cap there are these little plastic tabs that are used to keep it locked in place what you want to do is take a nail clipper and clip those off so now you can open and close your cleaning bottle and you can add your own cleaner in there day has finally come i feel like we're we're close now so it's happening we're stripping ryan get on in here we're stripping it's time to strip and by strip i mean laundry stripping have you heard of this it is going viral over on tick tock where basically it is a deeper clean of your laundry to really get everything out hard water build up soap build up dirt odors things that you're just not fully cleaning out in the washing machine and i have never actually tried this before so this is going to be an experiment so what you want to do here is you want to fill your bathtub up with hot water piping hot water then you want to add to that a quarter cup of borax a quarter cup of baking soda and a heaping scoop of powdered thai they are very adamant to use this powder tide so we're going with it then you want to put in your items that you are deep cleaning so what i'm putting in here are ryan's gym clothes they have caked in sweat and who knows what else they never have quite smelled the same so let's see we can strip them down so let's see how dirty these babies really are you want to get a sturdy spoon and kind of stir them up let them sit in this solution for a good four to six hours and every hour or so stir it up just to keep it moving so after a good four to six hours you can look at the water and see the color changing see what's really come out of the clothes i mean they have the time to soak and get everything in there out and then once you do that you just want to wring out the clothes and wash them in your regular washing machine as normal then you are left with your deep clean fully stripped down good as new item now this next one is by far the most viral cleaning tip that i've ever seen on tick tock to the tune of 50 million views there is this specialty wall cleaning brush yes you heard that right wall cleaning brush there is a housekeeper who says she uses this she swears by it it is the best cleaning tool ever so i had to try it for myself i got it from amazon and there is a specialty spray that goes with it it is a wall cleaning spray this brush has a swivel to it so it makes it really easy to glide up and down your painted walls your doors i don't know if you can see how dirty this wall is it's a very narrow walkway so the kids have got their fingerprints all over it oh my goodness that worked so well it almost just like erased it oh my goodness do you see how well that worked and you are supposed to use the specialty cleaning solution that comes with it [Music] i feel like there are a million different methods out there for cleaning your garbage disposal but apparently the easiest and most effective of all time is this so what you want to do is put a good amount of baking soda in your garbage disposal she says 2 cup let that sit for a little bit and then pour in some distilled white vinegar let it sizzle up and then the finishing touch you want to get a full pot of boiling hot water and dump that down the sink so the best part about this method is that the sink essentially cleans itself and this woman says she has tried every method this is the best most effective if you have any pillows in your house and the pillowcase is too big for the pillow don't leave it flopping and hanging like this so this is how you're supposed to do it you take that overhang you pinch the middle and you tuck it into the pillow then you take your hands and you kind of smooth it out so it looks nice and crisp that pillowcase looks like it fits perfectly and it looks so much nicer so no more floppy pillow overhang one big thing that the professionals do that we may not do on our own is that little finishing touch the added sparkle and polishing of items around your house and an easy way to do this is by using your glass cleaner on your knobs on your stainless steel so once you've actually cleaned the item you can go back and polish it using a glass cleaner and it will give it that extra little sparkle glean glisten and look that much nicer and cleaner and i also love the added touch of taking your toilet paper roll folding it into a point and then turning on your faucet turning it off and then stamping the toilet paper roll into that and it gives a nice little emblem it's just that added touch i would say especially for your guest bathroom or for extra toilet paper rolls if you have them out on display this is a simple yet amazing most effective method for cleaning your eyeshadow palettes because they can get really dirty some of the fallout from the eyeshadows looks messy so the easiest way to clean this is so effective is to get another little compact so this is my blush compact wrap it up in a baby wipe or a makeup wipe and then use that as essentially like an eraser on your eyeshadow palette it will clean up all of the fallout definitely the easiest method to do this you don't have to go all around individually it just erases right off a great way to save time is to wash as much as possible on the top rack of your dishwasher this could be things like your toothbrush holder some of your children's toys your dish brushes get the maximum use out of that dishwasher save yourself the scrubbing time and washing time and let your dishwasher do the work for you one housekeeper her name is desi hacks she says the best way to clean the grill on your stovetop which can be really tough to clean because stuff gets stuck on it caked on there is to use a mixture of vegetable oil and kosher salt as the abrasive and scrub it that way and not only will it get everything off but they'll be nice and shiny and look like new again next one this housekeeper i follow swears by using this toilet bowl cleaner by scrubbing bubbles she said it is the absolute best product on the market for cleaning grout in your bathroom she says the key is to put it on your grout and let it sit there and soak for a while and then clean it off and your grout will sparkle shine look nice and bright again right here's my feedback after trying this i would say it definitely lightened the grout however it's still stained so the best thing you can use to really brighten up your grout is this grout pen which i've talked about many times you just draw it on your grout lines wipe off the excess and it will be perfectly white again now the pros say we don't want to just be haphazardly cleaning the house there is a strategy there is a plan involved to maximize efficiency and that is as follows you want to clean from top to bottom always that is because as you're cleaning high up the dust debris dirt falls downward and you can clean that later you want to start in the back of the room and move your way to the front and the strategy for vacuuming is first and foremost make sure you have a clean vacuum because that is going to have the most suction power and work the best and in the room you want to start from the back to the front and first go horizontally across the room and then vertically so by doing that cross hatch it's going to pick up the maximum amount of dirt and she also says to go slower than you think the big mistake people make is they're going too fast as they're vacuuming and the slower you go the more you're going to pick up the deeper clean you're going to get so those are some of my favorite cleaning tips i've come across from the pros and really some of these are game changers for me and i will have everyone linked down in the description box so go follow them over on tiktok and also follow me i post on there almost every day and don't forget to share this video for a chance to win a 300 amazon gift card i will put all the information in the description box thank you as always so much for watching and i will see you soon with a new video bye
Channel: Brittany Vasseur
Views: 1,922,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cleaning hacks, cleaning tips from tiktok, cleantok, tiktok cleaning tips, cleaning tips from professionals, pro cleaning tips, cleaning tips from housekeepers, best of cleantok, housekeeper cleaning tips
Id: jDQg_eygIhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 08 2022
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