Never Trust Deceptive Women

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hi I'm coach Corey Wayne and this is my video coaching newsletter and the topic of today's newsletter is going to be why you should never trust deceptive women well I'm speaking from personal experience I've got an email here from a guy who's basically been living with his girlfriend they've been together for about nine months and they had their first argument apparently while he was out of town and now while he was out of town she's apparently been texting some other guy and arranging to meet thing meetup and because it sounds like that from the gist of her email that she's kind of like a woman I used to date years ago and when I learned this situation I really loved this girl she was [ __ ] drop-dead gorgeous she was sexy as hell she was amazing in bed and the problem was is that she had a devious tendency when she even came right out and said I I can be very devious and when I got to see the amount of time I dated her I got to know her family very well and even though they were very close and very loving towards one another they often told little white lies to each other just because it was easier to tell a lie because when people lie what's really going on is they're afraid that they're not going to be accepted and loved either for who they are or what they did and so for a lot of people it's just easier to [ __ ] and to lie at least in their own mind and so I'm going to go ahead and jump right into this this email here because what I learn about dating women like this is as much as you do the thing is you want to have an objective mindset when you start dating a woman especially when you start to fall for you really your feelings really start to build because when that happens we usually ignore all of the other signs of bad behavior like lying or deviousness we see things oh that's no big deal she's great she's beautiful oh she [ __ ] my brains out in the bedroom whatever it happens to be we tend to ignore those things and so the idea is that you want to catch yourself and spot these signs of the low quality or low integrity woman as early as possible before you get too far down the road and then because if you're in love with a girl and then you find out she's a total liar it makes it really hard to walk away because you just keep hoping for things to get better you just keep hoping it they're not going to be deceptive and devious and deceive you but at the end of the day they can't help themselves just like Dostoevsky said he said a man who lies to himself and believes his own lies is not becomes unable to recognize truth either in himself or in anyone else and that's really something you need to think about so I'm going to jump right in this email here and he says I've been with my girlfriend for nine months and I had to go away for 30 days for work in Australia at that point we had not argued once but a few weeks into the trip we argued for the first time she had always told me that she wanted me and only me that she loved me more than anything or anyone that she would be a mess if she lost me she also promised me that if other guys were to hit on her in my absent that absence that she would tell them no and have nothing to do with them hmm also that if our relationship was going through a rough patch she would run to a past guy for a shoulder to cry on now when I hear statements like that it reminds me of like a politician like there's a big case that has been in the media and I'm not going to mention it but everybody's been looking at it's a legal case in this particular prosecutor after a lot of pressure from people in her district she paid I was amazing I see this woman on TV she's a district attorney and she says now I'm not doing this for political gain I'm not doing this for any reason any reasons you know to help my kandacy or help my political career Mitch comes out and [ __ ] says it's running national TV I'm thinking oh that's exactly what she's doing she's doing it exactly for political gain it's just like when a person says oh hey I'm honest I I do everything with honor and integrity you can trust me I'm an honest guy hey don't worry I won't [ __ ] you over I'm a Christian when you hear people talking like that insane [ __ ] like that their coverage of trying to cover up for what they really are they're trying to make up for a lack of something and so the idea is when you're being objective hopefully when you're dating a woman you're really starting to like her is that you got to look at these little things these little white lies you got to look for little inconsistencies where she tell you one thing and then it later turns out that it's not really the case because when you encounter women like this they're great for sex playmates or to have an open relationship with as far as being exclusive with them or even more especially if you're thinking about getting married to them you got to keep mine if somebody's lying to you now people can't change who they are they can become a better version themselves but if somebody grew up in an environment like this particular ex-girlfriend of mine that I mentioned they can't help themselves they're always going to be a [ __ ] liar no matter how much you love them or how much you hope or want them to be different than they are they're simply going to be a liar and if there's a moment in a relationship where the future is in doubt and they're fearful they're usually going to act upon their irrational fears and go with lying or deceiving or going out with somebody else behind your back because they don't think the relationships going to work out so they would rather line somebody else up a replacement so they don't have to go through the pain of rejection and that's what really weak and insecure women will do in this case even guys do the same thing so he says after our first argument she completely wrote me off and started texting the guy she was with before me while I was away I would say actions speak louder than words isn't that exactly what she told you she would never do and the first time you have an argument she's calling a new guy an old flame meanwhile she was assuring me the relationship was fine and as good as it ever was she flirted with him she sent him half-naked pictures and he sent her a picture of his [ __ ] what a nice guy she also told him that they could possibly get together when her and I ended and they have and they arranged to meet as far as I know they never physically met up I'd say there's a good chance she probably met up with him I found this all out when I got back because the sex was lacking yeah but like as some other dude was farming your lawn while you're away you know you never mow another man's alone but obviously it's like he didn't [ __ ] care she seemed different and secretive about this guy I would ask if she texted him and she would promise me she hadn't I got a bridge to sell your brother it's a [ __ ] great deal I later found out that she has been texting him not while I was away but throughout our entire relationship I'm shocked shocked that she lied not really I mean all all men and women are predictable when you understand their model of the world and what motivates them because human beings will do more to avoid pain than they will do to gain pleasure that's why most people never achieve their goals and dreams because then it's too painful it's too hard it's too difficult and so therefore they move towards the things that are easy and that they think will cause them less pain and hardship and fear in the future so they settle for a life of desperation or quiet mediocrity so to speak quite a desperation or mediocrity I've given her a second chance and she has promised me she will never do this again well there's a trance forecast her name is gerald Celente i like to listen in to hear what he has to say every once a while because this [ __ ] Joker is pretty damn good and he always says that current events form future trends and so she did it to you once and she'll probably [ __ ] do it again if you give her the chance which is hard to believe but I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt for now and I would say dude you need to put the [ __ ] crack pipe down right now she promised she would tell me everything if any other guy showed interest her hit on her whatever relevant or irrelevant she promised to tell me I found out recently that another guy she hasn't even met yet has been constantly hitting her hitting her up to me offering to pay for her to go see him I I can tell you that guy doesn't know what the [ __ ] he's doing if he's trying to buy her he's bribing her he'll just get rejected even if she hooks up with me we should get some money or some gifts but she'll just use a guy like that because he's basically saying please use me he was surprised to find out her and I live together obviously it doesn't seem to have deterred him now does it she didn't tell me anything when I asked about if she if she said it doesn't matter she said I'm not interested in him of course but if that's the case why wouldn't she tell me now she just deletes the evidence what do I do please help so the reason she doesn't tell you is because she's a [ __ ] liar that's the bottom line she can't help herself I'm sure she's probably a lot of fun just like my old girlfriend but you know I learned the hard way and it was really tough when we broke up but it had to [ __ ] be done because the woman I dated after her was absolutely [ __ ] outstanding she was honest I could trust her she was faithful she was loyal she always told me what was [ __ ] going on we had a crystal great friends to this day so what would I do in this situation if I were you I mean you live with this girl so that really sucks but here's about of mine you know where you stand with her you know that she's a liar you know she's devious she the reason she lies is because she's not comfortable being herself and she lies because she feels that you won't accept her tolerate her behavior and so at the end of the day she's not good girlfriend material she's not good exclusive relationship material or an especially marriage material if you want to have an exclusive monogamous relationship this is absolutely not the kind of woman you want to have it with the only kind of relationship you should have with her as a sex playmate Keepers a sex playmate or friends with benefits type of or an open relationship where both of you are allowed to date and sleep with whoever you want and without any judgment and that's really the only thing you can do with a girl like this because she's not going to change and if you think you can get a change you're totally [ __ ] [ __ ] yourself but you know go ahead and don't doubt me if you want and eventually you're going to learn the hard way like I did but like I said the best thing that you can do is get busy meeting and dating some other women hooking up with some other women so you have some options because she's obviously already doing and has been doing that for the whole nine months that you guys have been together and so that that's really all you can do and then maybe eventually what will happen is if you do this eventually you're going to meet a woman who you really like and it was more trustworthy and who has integrity and you just slowly gravitate out of the relationship that you have with her or you can end it and kick her out and you can go that route I mean it's it's totally up to you I'm just telling you that there's no way she'll ever become a great girl to have a monogamous relationship with she's just incapable of being honest and if you're in a relationship with somebody you gotta have trust because there is no trust there can't be love and you'll never be comfortable I mean otherwise you'll be sleeping with one eye open the rest of your life and that ain't a fun way to go so if you find this message of value you can show your appreciation by going down to the 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Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 275,765
Rating: 4.9141049 out of 5
Keywords: Never, Trust, Deceptive, Women
Id: su2nCp4AkKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 30 2012
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