How To Spot Untrustworthy Women

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hi i'm coach cory wayne and this is my video coaching newsletter and the topic of today's newsletter is going to be how to spot untrustworthy women well this is a topic that i get a lot of emails on and when i do phone sessions with guys that are struggling because especially when their emotions get involved they tend to be completely blinded by their interest in these particular women and so i thought this was a good email because this particular guy he's a divorced single dad he's got two kids and he says since his uh divorce that my first book three percent man he applied it relentlessly says he slept over at the hunt with a hundred different women and what's interesting is the woman that he is with right now he talks about her in glowing terms and he's like hey this is the only woman since my divorce that i would consider marrying but obviously as i read through the email you know a lot of red flags are popping up i'm going okay so i got a quote that i wrote and then we'll go through his email because it's not only do we do this but i think everybody watching this knows somebody that's in a relationship with somebody and they're going that ain't gonna work man so the quote says great people to have as friends business partners clients and romantic prospects are extremely rare and hard to come by people will treat you and show up in your life in ways that are consistent with how they've always treated others in the past it's not only okay but essential to guard very carefully who you allow into your inner circle as most average humans simply do not belong think of your peer group as a team of elite special forces lots of people will try lots of people will try out to join your team but very few will qualify and be allowed on your team it's like most people it's like i remember when i played uh football in high school like sophomore year because we were we were as a fairly small catholic high school that there were enough slots that pretty much everybody tried out for the team made the team just because of the numbers and a lot of people that watch my videos and just regular people in general pretty much just allow anybody onto their team who shows up for the tryout and then they ignore all the red flags and all the bad things that are happening so with that said let's go through his email he says corey i wanted to say how enlightening your book and content is honestly it saved my life i'm a divorced dad of two and i was in a seriously bad way post-divorce i realized how beta i was with my ex and came across your book short story i picked my sorry ass up [ __ ] nearly a hundred women and went the other way i applied the work from your book and although it was an unstable time in my life i literally went from zero to hero a lot of women to sleep with and not feel anything for any of them that's kind of it's slightly psychopathic to to do that now i'm just saying that to to share yourself your body risking a disease with that many random women maybe i was out of revenge i don't know but that's that's a that's a high body count in a short period of time bro just give me in my opinion if it makes you happy god bless you i've also bought a gym in this pandemic risen above fear and panic and again followed you i honestly can't thank or say how helpful you have been he says you get a free lifetime gym membership if you visit the uk your work is amazing well thanks for the free gym membership don't don't know that i'll ever be going back to the uk anytime soon because you guys are locked down over there man the communists are fully in control of the uk women so i had a nightmare nightmare hot ones and i'm a sucker for hot women who display alpha female qualities despite also hating them despite also hating them so maybe just sleeping and sleeping with women and blowing them off it was a little bit of revenge for you i don't know like i said it's a little bit psychopathic to go through a hundred in a short period of time after a divorce that's a lot of women dude it's a lot of drinks that's a lot of whether it's dating apps or a lot of approaches that's a lot after many women sweet submissive and downright [ __ ] nightmare ones i can honestly say i've had my fair share of them and their drama i've learned so much i would say you probably still have plenty more to learn you must unlearn what you have learned i have realized women can really weaken us and distract us from our purpose if you're not centered and you don't believe in yourself and what you're doing absolutely because they're going to find the chinks in your armor and they're going to test that weakness and if you're not too too sure of yourself and what you're doing they will discover this and they'll exploit it to help you either change your approach change the way you're looking at things or maybe change your mind completely i have a current girlfriend who i've had for eight months and she is the only one post-marriage that i'd consider marrying again we started off amazing but now she is driving me nuts she's driving you nuts and you're going oh yeah i would totally marry her that's think about that statement bro i'm aware it's some of my insecurities too which i'd also like to thank your book for helping me identify this but here's where i really need your help so the bottom line is he's obviously blinded by his interest in this particular woman and he's not too good at spotting women that are trustworthy versus those who are not which will become very clear in the next few paragraphs she's a gorgeous smart independent woman with no baggage are you sure about that dude she's 37 she's very attentive and loving more so than any woman i've had she is very alpha and has calmed down as i've asserted my position in the relationship and led with actions but she constantly has too much male attention let's see what did he say about her very tentative no baggage he says sure no baggage at all none whatsoever he says i made the mistake of asking about her past and she's basically had a 20-year long [ __ ] buddy that she constantly revisits between relationships oh 20 years i read somewhere they said if somebody's in your life for seven years it means they're going to always be in your life so hey if they've been hooking up for 20 years like gerald celente or the trends research institute says current events form future trends i don't think he's going to be going anywhere in her life you've only known her for what eight months he's known her for 20 years he's always sniffed around and she cheated on her ex 10 years ago with this guy and i've got the burden of keeping this secret she's a gorgeous smart independent woman with no baggage remember that earlier in the email no baggage at all none whatsoever she claims she doesn't sleep around and this guy has been been her lifeboat in between all her relationships even though he has a mrs oh so he's married and i don't know if that means he's married or has a girlfriend but he supposedly is in a relationship with somebody else even though he's totally in contact with your supposed girlfriend but she's got no baggage i am angry but good on him for having so many options i can't be a hypocrite as i have cheated before and paid the price and felt shame but had the balls to go to counseling and better myself well that's the difference you recognize that you had no integrity and you operated from a place of integrity and you went and got some counseling now does that mean you've actually permanently changed i don't know he says not only this but i am becoming suspicious and jealous now and that's time to reread your book again to pull me back in i feel she doesn't set boundaries with men and constantly flirts and uses them to gain leverage i've seen this with so many of her friends sniffing around which lots she's slept with she belongs to the streets bro come on man the only one you'd consider marrying she belongs the streets dude you can't turn a hoe into a housewife i know this is a part of a new relationship and as things go by these orbiters go away and i feel that where as a man you have to stay strong the thing you're ignoring is the fact that she likes this attention and she's obviously inviting it a good family oriented woman is just simply not going to do these things dude a chick who just doesn't value it who's a little psychopathic kinda like you are sleeping with a hundred women in a short period of time and you felt nothing for any of them you shouldn't use people as disposable commodities if you're not that into them why why it's a glorified masturbation but it's your body it's your life you do whatever you want however i looked on her phone this week and saw a male colleague weasel trying it on and felt it was disloyal that she engaged in chat regardless of her telling him about me he's definitely pursuing her and i can handle the attention she gets but i'm seriously questioning her integrity as to why she feels it's appropriate to reply at 20 30 in the evening so that's military time so was that eight nine o'clock at night i guess 8 30 at night do you know why it's appropriate for because she belongs to the streets it's a true story she's a street walker she's a street creature bottom line is that i don't feel it's morally right what she's done with her [ __ ] buddy but the past is the past well obviously it's not the past because they're still in contact current events form future trends see she's consistent jared silente was right and i completely understand your advice on jealousy and how it makes women lose attraction at the end of the day she's behaving like somebody didn't didn't get enough strokes as a kid and she's a liar she's a cheater she likes male attention male coworkers i mean at the end of the day she's giving out her phone number to male coworkers even though she supposedly has a boyfriend now why would she do that yeah she belongs the streets because she doesn't care it doesn't mean anything to her she's 37 you ain't gonna change her she was this way before you met her but people go oh i got corey wayne's book i'm gonna use this to make her into the perfect woman you can't make good wine from bad grapes dude the purpose of the book is to help you identify these shady behaviors and there's like red flags everywhere and you're like oh i would seriously consider marrying her totally great thinking obviously i've asked her about the fb facebook as her messaging a male work colleague has pissed me off she likes the attention she didn't get enough strokes when she was a little girl i now feel disgusted that this woman i love has recently two months before we dated [ __ ] her 20 year [ __ ] buddy again dude she's consistent this is totally not surprising to me i'm like of course she did of course she did he's always going to be in her life long after you're gone i'm confused as she had the integrity to tell me about him and she didn't need to but i'm also confused if women do this to create jealousy and control it's full disclosure this way she could say hey i didn't lie just you don't have to worry about him i can control myself i can keep his penis out of my vagina i have total willpower we have fallen out massively after i confronted her about messaging men at work and why they have her number why they have her number cause she belongs to the streets i've also stated to her my values she don't care about your values dude just like whatever means nothing to her what do i expect from a woman how i treat them as a man with my loyalty and integrity well you're making the mistake of assuming that loyalty and integrity mean something to her look at her actions it means nothing zero i have asked her to let me call her [ __ ] buddy and for her to have the integrity to tell her ex who she's still friends with what happened and why she left him it feels controlling but i want to eliminate this dirty secret and to be honest for her to have the balls to make sure this is over as it's making me feel horrible knowing this orbiter for 20 years is an option he's still going to be optioned long after you're out of her life dude she's changing for you she's 37 years old come on people don't change who they are they may become a better version of themselves and obviously she might just become better at hiding it and maybe she doesn't do it as much but you ain't gonna change her what's what's the saying it's like it's some of the you know it's not she's not yours it's just your turn that would apply in this particular case i see a lot of [ __ ] dudes throwing that [ __ ] all over my youtube channel but in this particular case that would definitely apply why because she belongs the streets she blogs the streets she told me she's blocked and deleted his number but let's be honest with today's tech it's easy to get a hold of someone again cory i'm a bit lost here between being stable and not letting any of this affect me obviously it is affecting you or by having the balls to take action and address this like i did i'd really appreciate your opinion here dude you can't turn a hoe into a housewife it's not your job to be captain save a hoe and fix her or be the white knight or save her from whatever happened in her childhood that caused her to think that this is this is how you have relationships with members of the opposite sex this is your values are not aligned now obviously you yourself as a reformed cheater because you went to therapy and counseling hopefully you live up to that but at the end of the day as soon as you decide to cheat you cheat the key is consistently just like the person that promises that they're not going to do drugs or alcohol anymore it's it's like every day you're making that choice to go 24 hours without a drink or a swat or in hunter biden's case some crack like whitney houston said crack is whack or rick james said cocaine is a hell of a drug you go 24 hours and he's you know you make the choice not to go over to the dark side and do bad things but you know she's a [ __ ] buddy friends of benefits sex playmate that's it she's not wife material it's like if i could reach through the camera virtually and smack ya have yours or have you take your right hand to reach out and choke yourself i would definitely tell you to do that because you're delusional thinking that you're going to make this girl or you're going to use what you learned in my book to make her a changed woman it's not your job it's not your responsibility this is the way she is so you can either continue to hang out have fun and hook up with her until you find a woman with integrity or you can leave the situation and tell her to go on down the road because at the end of the day she blows the streets so if you haven't read three percent man or my second book mastering yourself you can read them both for free at are you subscribed to the email newsletter and if you'd like to get one of these sweet she belongs to the streets mugs to remind yourself not to try to turn a hoe into a housewife go to look up the coach corey wayne store and you can purchase as many as you like give them to friends and if you'd like to book a coaching session with yours truly go to click the products tab at the top of your screen and book a coaching session with yours truly until next time i will talk to you soon
Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 75,271
Rating: 4.9222698 out of 5
Id: gQl0Zezjjpo
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Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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