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I don't know why this for this is I can't even English right now what is it once with my debts it's so bad we're gonna do Whataburger and then what buttons okay look I'm mad it's 3:00 in the morning stop you can't leave without me as it is 3:00 in the morning of what better thing to do than to film a drop of math good drop your maps don't take any form of skill or anything like that we're gonna do great it's gonna be fantastic time to go on our channels and see when the last time you filmed the video together and I didn't know as best friends for 12 years I feel like we have done a severe crime to the community of our YouTube viewers kidding and the open do we have to die cuz whatever so we don't have to die the way we atone for the sins is by people leaving a like on the video oh yes the old like we found this drop or map we have no idea if it's good or bad but it's made by Indonesia people what it's it's I'm not being racist it says this on this time it isn't Indonesia yes why are you calling Indonesia look it lays 3 and whatever film in this video never film I grab at 3 a.m. he's having a brain fart stress that stupid button get over again I'm ready to start alright go over here Kenworth oh you didn't tell me it was special oh ok five stages hold on I'm gonna turn my auto jump off there we go ok sounds good guys let's do this one first no shoot wait no dad oh it levitates you up and then you drop down and I'm dead ready oh I survived your life I'm alive boys oh Kenworth oh thank god the spawn point whirring sighs actually really cool though like this is a really different concept for a dropper map first person down it's been a long time but Kenny you've always asked me every time we've ever filmed a drop or you always just touch all over died on it tell you all you always rekt me okay I did find where the water is yeah I saw the water it stopped right it stopped right I just don't know out off right no I think it's everywhere no it's not stop right all I got what the flip okay ready go down bro he's gone oh god please hit the water top right like over here I'm going right here like right down okay okay I feel great guys guys I feel great I know I think I'm good I think I'm good oh I landed on the Block next in the water that's yeah I've done that four times come on come on come on come on okay skitty focus baby no y'all we've been didn't know you flippin trash and I'm skipping the level are you just you're just probably doing this there's Guardians and there's a next level live goat but oh ma no I don't want to do this one I don't want to do it I completely done I see the Guardian over here to the left oh my gosh this man is harder than I thought it was gonna be like you drop your Maps go to way they're either like inconceivably the hard or they're very easy and this one is I died Oh in the snow level no choo boy boy did you make it this is actually like way easier than the other one you just have to get past like the first two drops and then you've got it oh wait wait wait for you eh I made it Jenny the doublet got two headsets on right now and I feel great guys why don't have two headsets don't worry about it Oh where'd you go oh it's a reverse dropper okay okay we're good this we've done this before heck I got an achievement today I've got me for you I got one to view from up here hello view from up here before you leap look down I thought my meat got levitation but apparently did it oh where do I go I don't know but I feel like you go the gold blocks I hope so gold gold blocks gonna that was way easier than it should have been what the heck wait oh wait what is that on it way there's a spawn point there's a button here what the heck I don't know if you're supposed to do that wait we reversed drop now nothing makes sense I'll go down well bye mr. Kenworth by the short lived oh I'm trying to but I don't think I require control right weight control or like whatever your spring key is to go faster uh oh yeah yeah you know that dude thank you for getting dude I don't know if this is possible it's possible but it's gonna be difficult alright okay uh yeah I think we're dropping from the wrong angle because you can't are you sure are you sure you gotta make you do you piece of garbage here right on here and then over the middle all right what if we just go far right okay dude this is too hard for a dropper man no you didn't I'm al Preston show me show me the path of righteousness it's really hard I could connect four thing you have to go through what right here I don't think I'm dropping the right area Kenny okay Preston you have to like land right through this gap close to the left I think I only made it because you're blocked no you did it okay appreciate that oh we did it yeah we had it those gold blocks and open up this door I think sorry sorry so I saw if you make it oh oh my gonna GPS back up here we have to go over one of these and there's like a slime block there's a jump on oh it's not a slime block it's green wool oh speaking of that oh no way this one is such a brain messer makes you to that dragon thing with that Kenny we have got our work cut out for us oh my flip dip unless I'm not gonna lie can you make him fuzzies first four o'clock all right all right this is looking good guys this is a wait okay the man no don't even try it if you do it on your first trial I should be angry the passage no you did it you are a guide wait wait wait oh my gosh dude this is I thought it was two men don't I could taste it tasted like swine flu oh god no peace no guys I figured out the code it was intentional I didn't have a choice bottom kenny want me to play a parkour map dude like we never did I can't do a dropper I feel like we got to get to your your parkour skills back on track I don't think they're ever on tracks well we can get them on some tracks a track track holy parkour trakula's on was an eight track and those things died a long time ago oh my god over there yeah I know that's I told you no I made it on that try Oh boys made it legitimately 100% really yeah made with a hundred some real joys I wish I could kind of help you but you know I'll remove a block oh I'm taking that I'm taking I'm taking about I'm taking that yeah I totally didn't like fall down yeah it's fine feel great we're all in a day's work hello does this button work hello oh I was right wasn't I oh we levitate told you I was right I knew it can he go through the plus sign whoo calling your name dude I've already messed I need a blog throwing something yeah if you see it please pick it up return it to me two blocks at ogre oh oh no way Oh this sneaky it's inside I didn't even think Stone gave us limitation what was that I don't know but I got it again don't worry about it because that's my management Mike come here cut yeah I gotta start talking about your names dude you named the cat cat beaver beaver - okay that's it I can't deal with this anymore you son of a gun there's a button here where does the pie feel like the buttons not working oh I'm I'm going to game-mode one hello button redstone block what happened right yeah we got the last one say we did it yeah look we open it up oh it unlocks when I did that yeah I think we're just a deuce unlock oh no no no you gotta be kidding me what this oh my gosh I've already stuck like seven thousand years this is impossible what the heck obviously suppose you're supposed to get your head hit like a bunch you think so like I'm 99% oh yeah there's no way you can do this in one fluid motion like look I think you'll make it oh yeah I think we have to drop down right oh oh we done huh wait we finish it are you sure oh no it says the land on the block oh not slimes those I died I'm landed on his one and we can do without there was no slimes at son-of-a-gun thanks for doing a troll no it doesn't say thanks for playing it says thanks for play guys enjoy watching thank why don't you just choose your TV tower frags Kenworth content leave a like
Channel: Preston
Views: 5,156,706
Rating: 4.9293799 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraf, custom map, custom minecraft map, minecraft mods, funny, minecraft mod, modded minecraft, minecraft dropper, dropper, mods, mod, minecraft video, minecraft youtuber, moments, no swearing, pg, preston, preston custom minecraft, preston minecraft, kid appropriate, kid friendly, child friendly, preston minecraft mod, preston mod, preston modded minecraft, fire nation, preston mods, prestongamez, prestonplayz, tbnr
Id: aek9Daf9dkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2017
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