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Preston are you ready to become a fashionista are we playing fashion frenzy well you better be ready cuz it's about to start - Preston there are things for boys so you don't have to look like you know a girl I don't look like a girl thank God I was so worried I said I wanted you to know can we get a show of hands down below in the comments on how many men play fashion frenzy with mini boys like one I've played there has been a lot of boys you don't have to be rude like that I want comments for people's favorite type of tea I can't believe I'm getting I'm done I'm done guys oh I found a sassy face I think you're gonna like this face Preston oh no I actually think you're gonna be really good you have to believe saying that I what is this person getting I think in their hair done Preston I have to tell you some change or haircut what I am a fashion famous VIP so I actually may have an advantage on you a little bit what because I can go in the VIP section guys I meet Jesus right now everybody needs Jesus real I need some real amounts of Jesus right now I'm gonna make this work no like I'm gonna blow this out of the note like you just not not ready brother you're not ready brother oh I'm proud of you I'm proud with you I can't even you I think these are boy shoes sombitch wait I was not meant for the tea life for tea I was wear cute shoes okay I'm buying it I'm buying it cuz I need shoes bikinis this isn't appropriate um bikinis don't have to be inappropriate okay guess I'll get you're right you're right I guess that I guess it depends it depends well I'm I'm currently wearing really sassy shoes and I don't really feel like they're going at all with what I'm wearing but I'm channeling it I'm doing things I mean I'm gonna be honest breathe well you can see how my character looks I think I'm gonna win I'm a little nervous please vote for me I want to I want to wait I don't know that that's fair time's up I wasn't done guys you better get ready oh yeah we're knowing South Korea sorry soul this is in Seoul I'm sorry I should have noticed that it was Korean and not kanji I'm also humbled did you just type that first maybe wait who's the judges this lady with her tongue sticking out a guy with no face and then someone else wait okay Hey okay stole my look babe she kind of stole my look so I give her a three because she looks cute but kind of stole my look brilliant so jealous I gave her three as well okay okay Preston okay I'm ready for it I'm ready for it ready guys okay I'm ready I'm ready where are you I don't know why isn't it showing how do I do this Preston okay you're coming out you're coming out I don't suppose do something do anything for me why didn't skip me it's kicked me oh wait that girl is really cute I'm gonna be here for you I don't know it didn't even bring my character out wait here my here yeah oh you look really cute baby club cakes okay I gotta be honest like I'm not even being biased guys Branagh definitely gets a five she's my first boy star rating where was I who are you is because I'm a guy playing fashion frenzy clearly they don't like men playing fashion frenzy this is a guy okay I gotta give Emily I think I might have to give him a five babe yeah I'm giving him a black with this scarf lot of three because he was very accessorized and I liked the accessories press it I'm nervous no one moves it itself president really nervous you got third place okay please guys I think Breanna deserved to be honestly I think you deserve to have like stack in place thank you I'm impressed though I did love berry I own eighth place yeah you got eighth place and you didn't even show up on the runway now that's pretty impressive losing my mind mine oh so you just like dress up like you lost your mind you got a you got a did lose your mind um um okay press alright I think I've got this one I think I got this one I think this one yeah this was way more up yeah oh my gosh you're ally it's out yeah this one's a way more up my alley going for VIP hair this time because I just want to be extra oh my gosh I look I wish you could see this oh I just got huge hair because I feel like when I lose my mind I want large hair I just feel like that's where it's at oh you like large hair I look silly right now I was so good I know I have a blast playing it okay when I lose my mind I'm definitely having bright pink hair that's what that's where it's at that's what what would somebody want to do this is bright pink hair right now well I'm channeling them because I love it I'm channeling them um okay hold on hold on I can't be eyed you can even have songs I need tattoos I need tons of tattoos oh my gosh I'm gonna get a Slurpee I think I'm gonna go oh wait no no no all this is way better I need this oh my gosh to buy props I've just been roebucks to get props Preston yes ma'am I have links Briana I think it might be safe to say you have officially lost your mind woman hey okay with it I'll okay we're gonna see you I see you yeah yeah you see me over here I've lost my mom I got you you're looking a little crazy over there there's some really cool particle effects over here girlfriend what is a particle effect depending a particle effect girl now boy oh my gosh oh my I found the best base down below if you know what a particle effect is because I don't I I think I'm winning this one i'ma beat you although I'm here to take your thunder I kind of just look like a fairy more than I'm Brit I see you I'm going away from you I don't even want to go near you I lose my mind you lost your mind I'm just sitting in a corner I don't anybody to copy me I look perfect you look perfect I'm so proud of you I mean you're welcome you're welcome I didn't say thank you but you know what you feel good right now I'm checking my emails that's not perfect I looked right now the game is not over okay I still could win president I have black hearts coming out of my character and it kind of looks like she's passing gas I can't decide if I should take it off or just wait just wait until you see me you're gonna see me and you're gonna be like he has truly lost his mind oh gosh I'm afraid all I need to take this off oh no y'all what wait oh there was a fairy there's a mermaid tail time's up guys stop submarine school oh we're in Miami [Music] okay if I don't get shown this time on the runway I'm gonna be very disappointed okay first contestant oh my gosh that is hilarious I love how they always type okay that's before like he looks like he is it's really hard for people to get a five for me you don't say okay go mix up is that you I need my D please uh uh did she dress for the wrong round breed I think she dressed last round give her a three for a for effort she look I gave her - I gave I'm like Gordon Ramsay when it comes to judging cookies but in fashion frenzy oh oh okay hehe you can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man I've got a creepier three it's more creepy than losing your mind don't worry okay losing your mind I mean creepy guys where did you find these things you don't even worry about it I feel like somebody else found this face that's crazy that is just crazy oh um that just looks like a mom look like that we have kids no I just feel like she looks normal Randa I will say this now I took the oath to love you forever but if you look like that when your mom like this on a regular basis how you're gonna feel no worry Emma they're going they're going for creepy they're not going for losing my mind so that one's a three to a - I don't feel like I did this challenge right um so just love me okay I'm gonna judge you uh Oh Bri I don't know like you look good you don't look like you're losing your mind black hearts in tattoos I'm not gonna tell you what I rated you hey Bri I had to be fair and I had to be honest I kept you one cos you were actually hilarious funny you know proud I mean to be honest Brianna you could start taking tips from and stuff you know I mean I probably should just have you playing my outfits for me from now on I mean apparently look I'm not good at dressing up for real but apparently when it's a challenge to look really weird or creepy I'm good at that bugs about myself sweater weather oh this one's cute this one's keep doing Rosie breed this is up your alley like I'm wearing something down below what is that from okay so it was the boys section on the left is that how this works I mean I haven't ever really looked for the boys stuff but there is boy stuff you know you know you catch them when I'm putting down main squeeze whoa girl boy ooh there's not a lot of men's sweaters guys yes yes there are I think this is it what a t-shirt you know what is it a sweater oh I sat in the wrong chair oh no oh yeah baby girl I found me a sweater mcdead er I haven't found anything yet I need some into the nares to go with these necklaces oh I'm looking kind of good guys like I'm right oh yeah you you have to you know it give me a chance I have to catch up to me to you because you last time you won last time and like you can't win again girl I am not taking this lightly great power oh boy power right now girl power right now it's me it's it's it's a man power I just watched what some other girl chose and it made me wonder what I should choose guys I'm kind of disturbed ahead how much fun and how good I am at this I'm gonna be honest I don't think I should be this good I am getting very competitive right now oh the hair the hair makes it all guys oh my gosh I don't have anything put my hair at all right now feel like this hair is what make is this is this me oh this might not be neat chief Preston yes okay here's my I'm Preston oh yes my lesson are you struggling running out of time oh I'm trying to find hair that actually reflects mine I don't know what to choose hang out of time and I'm naked don't remember I mean put don't forget I'll beat you in a sweater contest what are you better not you better not beat me in this burger contest imma get you please girl I'm about to get you I'm actually familiar izing myself finally pretty decently though what's going on you know what I mean like you know what do you hate I'm gonna throw it at you this way do you want to be able to tell all your friends that you beat your wife you know what I'm proud honestly I'm proud yeah I am yeah I'm helping Bradley it was nice in the in the I know I know what you're trying to get out of me and I wasn't letting avenue I was let it happen yeah you I don't have anything that I want I'm actually killing it right now to be honest present : aren't you always you know I have the purse dude I look so cozy I love it I love it dude um when you have a sweater on you like to cuddle in your sweater so you have hearts Breanna I'm sorry but I think I'm gonna work this way Preston no look you told me not to take it easy on you you said you had a competitive edge on me so I'm taking it for reals I'm playing around right now girl I don't know why these hearts won't stay on or aren't everything oh yeah hey so if you click them sometimes it shows that they're not on but they are on oh okay why do I know this don't know yeah Wow the VIP stuff is kind of like Opie what's Opie like Oh we're powered like really good I know it's it's extra it's just like now I see why you bought the guide peas egg tonight I totally shouldn't have told you why did I do that guys I'm gonna beat me to be honest I haven't used a kid that last round I did use something from the VIP section that's where I found that crazy so I saw you and you were looking a little cray what what do you mean grey the whole section I've never seen before Barbie house Oh London England there's a Barbie house everybody let's go and visit it together yep get ready girl I'm bout cut Beach okay one love a girl all right I like this attitude all right there we go first up is Oh for clover girl oh it's clover not love it girl do looks like oh I'll give her a four I like it I like it what'd you give her I gave her a four I gave her a three Wow stingy I mean Oh Preston Oh Sophie Oh your face is cute I'm giving you four chocolate oh look at that strut girl oh okay okay uh that's who I thought you were yeah you know I'm gonna give this guy a two but he tried he tried even says I need more he knows he knows like he's like I messed up Oh cute yeah it's too basic too basic I'm gonna give it a three gonna give it a three new two babies well I how are they dancing how is something that's like it I think that's like an emote Oh like tonight yeah look at yeah baby it's right oh my gosh the emotes are right there look at the smiling face Oh Oh cute I'm giving it a four I don't like her sweater vest given her three oh my gosh it's floating above her head yeah I don't think it fit pretty well I guess oh definitely definitely I don't know what's happening you know there's something he's on his feet yeah I think so I gave all given material man but your outfits just a little silly okay give it give it a tour give it a three it's me oh it's me Wow that hair is ridiculous i rear matter whether you're not even wearing it yes Lana you've got like oh oh oh I didn't even rate you Preston Oh president if you win I'm gonna cry [Music] think about this Bri I didn't even vote for you Preston I just would like you to give me a second to think the audience for this moment I couldn't have done it without oh my gosh I I'm done I'm done you know what you know what guys if you want to see Brandon I play this again you know what you got to do you got to smash like down below in this video subscribe to the channel and breathe anything else also check out Preston Channel obviously because he's amazing and thank you guys so much for watching we love you but
Channel: Brianna
Views: 10,126,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, kids
Id: cj2JK-CzQTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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