I Survived 200 Days in Hardcore Minecraft! - $10,000 SMP

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you were watching us attempt to survive for a thousand days in hardcore minecraft and this is episode number two and everybody who lasts the full thousand days and defeats the inner dragon gets a thousand dollars we have a big announcement guys since the first hundred days two more comrades have fallen oh yeah literally two more players dude yeah you weren't on for them we started the series with ten players and now there are seven and we're only on episode number two where are they episode so okay um we have the footage and hopefully it's being overlaid as i'm talking right now but we lost keith i'm dying oh no no he is dead and then nick the person we commissioned to build this house alongside with strafing is also dead it looks like kimmy has presented with me a gift and i am going to happily oblige i i wonder why you need a new cat preston i'm just dude i'm kidding i wonder why i'm taking to listen i'm just i'm just i want this cat come here cat you're mine there we go all right we're gonna keep this cat because the last thing i want is for any one of us to die to creepers what day is it right now boys it's day 400 it's like it's like yeah it's like listen every episode we try to make about a hundred days but it's difficult to do it with schedules and different people so the surfer as you can tell though it's aging yeah i think we should try and get an enchant table yeah i agree okay so we have a couple things we got to do we definitely we have cord saved for the diamonds nobody's used to fortune three pickaxe we need those diamonds because okay let's hope none of us die down here all right boys let's go let's go okay okay oh look at this this is nude gatorade little animal farm very friendly just in case the flood happens on our hardcore minecraft server we have animals to put in the ark if everybody would have just gotten a cat at the beginning of the series we would have been fun oh my gosh there's a pet cat for everybody that should have been considering what i did to your cat i don't know if i should have a cat preston how many diamonds how many diamonds oh my gosh bro okay go ahead and guess from how much that guest guest 21 dude oh my gosh let's go oh we're here oh it's a five minutes they were in the tenth and final episode we have to have like fully enchanted diamonds here because i'm really worried about going to this i think the dragon fighting hardcore is gonna be very difficult oh it's gonna be different a lot of horses though guys like we really should get some sadellos no no we're not going to the nether go to the nether maybe we would be using buckets of water and lava to make that okay exactly because we're pros also is this house like built upside down i mean i like the architecture but i honestly they focused on my house and just stopped building their house i think that's what happened uh i'm making the enchant table okay you make it fine you're right i make actually i'm also gonna make a diamond chest plate because i'm big flex boy wow okay know what i'm making legs too does anyone have 30 levels that's the big thing i have 23. i have 15. i might make the automatic villager creators [Laughter] was it a gator who found the fortune 3 book wait what does sweeping edge do is i give you more aoe do we have any books because like i feel like mine is like hot trash i got hot trash and jets uh there are some bookshelves in our old base that we could just break we don't need them anymore this cat is body blocking me i mean like the thing is oh my gosh i just realized all my gears off that would have been okay that would have been very bad we need to like have a constant warning and reminder like it was can you stop blocking me cat that's what i was saying thank you all right i told you blowing up the cow was not a bad idea i got a little bit of rage i apologize it's unbecoming of me okay so basically we just need to be very careful with the pickaxe until we get mending i'm gonna start making a villager breeder can i have some lapis please yeah here here take some throw me something there you go brother i'm just gonna yellow this for the viewers oh goodness that's gonna be uh oh gosh it's pretty bad yeah it's pretty bad i'm breaking three in projectile protection four oh goodness wait okay my turn my turn level two enchantment oh it says i'm breaking one i'm not about to i'm not about that life hold on oh wait oh dude do i want protection or blast protection boys tell me right now uh i think you want regular protection i think i'm going for the blast protection because then because then you're not going to be protected from like any other mob besides i can't disenchant it though can i oh yeah you can yeah yeah i got the saddest chest plate ever fire protection one no it's honestly it's it's worth boys okay like we're we're doing god's work all right like i'm gonna go and channel boots little boots ooh feather falling yup yes i know these enchants were trash i promise i'm gonna work on them okay i promise but if you have not subscribed to the channel already like if you see a red subscribe button kind of like the red on this bookshelf make it great like my sweatshirt all right especially if you don't want to miss out on day 300 minecraft hardcore yo davis put your shields in shield squad gentlemen boys everybody that has is here today has survived for 200 days i'm so freaking proud of us except for tico and keith and preset everything three two one go team by the way strafe you did a great job replacing um the glass in the house dude it looks sick listen guys this is the one time how much time did you spend building this president it looks like nice time i found some builders i will say this to the builders um this is a hardcore series and there is no safety railing this is a little bit it's a little bit unsafe i do the windows though look at this guys yeah i can spy on y'all did this freaking clown this window gives the perfect angle into your bed just letting you know i got nothing to hide okay oh wait nothing to hide you see my you see my little window up there on top of big house in the community over there i got a window peeking right at you right there's the very top of that building that one up wait this one over there oh wow sounds a little creep yeah also um sal you're a little uh we got a couple of people in here who are missing some gear because kwig and gator were very stingy dude preston only has iron armor like the rest of us noobs do you guys realize that any moment in time if we accidentally left click well we have our gear copy yeah that person could be gone that's it dude that's okay i'm gonna sal go to this corner go right here stand right here you have been bad because this guy literally was like oh we're filming we filmed we didn't even know we've been villains it's the first day we've broken i did i've been doing uh i've been eating my steak dude this just keeps me alive bro i'm not sure what this is you're you are you are in timeouts you might have a trap dory i'm going to borrow you you know what we'll keep you alive when we do this oh actually you put it down you put it down like this is there you go take some of this take some of that all right let's see we're just we're just going to go ahead leave it guys leave them closed it's it's time all right we've we've done our job the other day i did something it was on my camera but you aren't online you wanna you wanna follow me real fast everyone can follow actually a lot of people have not seen this gator was there with me when i built it and i don't know if how as has as fond of his new neighbors yeah if we go down here how has it has some new friends oh no is this the villager training area not yet it's just oh wait someone block oh wait what someone told me there's two villagers who's here so we said there was a lot there's two that's it wait wait what's this what is still this water that is the best we could go to surface i'll show you what it is okay okay okay oh is this where you breed them and you just put them in the water source yeah so they're like 80 block or like 100 blocks away and they automatically make babies and the babies get transported over to here oh that's sick i i promise it's all legal and there's nothing wrong with it whatsoever i'm just gladly afraid some of the adults may have grown in there and they're just not coming through wait let me see five of them oh my god this is the guard that guards them for some reason this is the one from the first night and he's scott it's not no it's not why is he looking so scuffed bro because he fights all the mobs that are out in this field he's a scuff boy they will automatically make babies and they will run into these holes and get transported wait why why do they run into the holes because the truck doors they see them as full blocks and so they'll just accidentally run down there so you can literally just like watch this watch this get in the boat don't let the full grown ones go down there oh you get in the boat that's how you do it well that's how that's how gator gets out i got you i got you let me go and then you're good what if we dropped it back up back up back up yeah back back [Laughter] you look very different from this angle quake i'm going downstream helping somebody okay so then we just transport the babies in a very safe environment where they can totally water slide do we have any lifeguards on duty guys because we definitely i i sit down here 24 7. okay this is his job so this is how we can get a ton of emeralds and we can also trade for like mending books and everything in the future and it will make it really good for the end fight yeah it's like i don't want no but guys i want everybody to survive here because everybody that's left like that's sick that's so ed kate well yeah where is sal [Music] is he still back at the house wait where'd he go where's the baby coming guys progress in the works oh gosh that's the most ridiculous thing i've ever seen in my whole life look at the camera the cat's he's trying to get to a different bed but he can't i can't believe they can't climb it's kind of sad to think about it their whole lives they can't climb ladders impressive were you able to kind of let her when you're a baby i still can't climb a ladder uh yes i think i honestly don't know i feel like a zombie is going to climb down this level oh oh my gosh you let the villagers out of the house oh my goodness all right that's it we can't have any we guys we can't let this happen honestly like this oh oh oh we can't we can't we can't have any villagers out here guys we can't have any villages i'm so brutal i'm sorry wait why is there is this noah's ark why are there chickens everywhere okay that is my freaking house thank you very much bro but there's a villager in this house just chillin yes that is my that's my friend he's a skater's girlfriend i don't know which one no it's just that he's a roommate okay is that what you call why are there chickens here gator you have a scuffed house my god okay i'm working on it [Laughter] i'm sleeping in the baby shoot okay i'm just happy listen there's still six thousand dollars on the line all right there's still six of you remaining is sal still in here wait no yeah just leave it just okay just sleep with me just come over here i can go sleep come on have you been there i'm alone in cold okay i'm sorry i'm sorry please put the trap door down and sleep also you have such a jank minecraft skin wait where's this mob grinder that we were promised in between someone i don't think anyone maybe i delegated the mob grinder one of you guys yes yes you get to me and i have the resources i just haven't placed it down before we go to the nether we need good enchants all right we gotta we gotta kill a wither we gotta kill the elder guardian and we've got a lot of obj's boys okay it's gonna be intense exactly because we need a kevin bacon here uh preston with diamond uh um that's what happens when you log on for more than one episode yeah this is your fault this is your fault go back in your corner i'm going back all right listen sal because you have been delinquent come here i must delegate you no no you have to help gator with the mob xp grinder we need to do that you need help gator with the xp grinder we need level 30 enchants how are we gonna what are you coming up you know we're even a skater gator's not even here i'm freaking in the baby shoot i've been trying to get out of the hard time what do you mean are you having trouble watching i got out quick i expect i want to see some hype trades before the next episode like i wanna we need to make like some mending trades like get something ready i will get those all set up thank you i'm not like gator thank you okay honestly harry what are you good at a beautiful man but he's he's what are you good at though like what do you like i'm good at everything and he's good he's good at everything all right what would you like to do okay jesus i don't know give me something and i'll do it go kill the ender dragon i don't know no armor ain't no armor yeah i can help with the mug we don't oh yeah we need a mob grinder obviously because in the mob grinder you can collect enderman right or no it's just just no i don't know i have this hey preston well we do need i but we need more we if we have a mob grinder we can't like unlimited pearls well no we can't do that but you can't do that with the regular mob grinds we'll have to do that one in the end oh okay in the end so in the nether it's actually really easy to get pearls there's a biome in the nether that basically only spawns enderman so we can easily get pearls especially if we get looting three on our swords then let's do this one i think we have to do i think for episode before the next episode we definitely want to make a portal right well before we do that like i think the next like 300 days we going into the nether but we need we need the mob grinder because we need to make some enchants so that way we can do like part one and chance part two of the next episode go into the nether then we can like just start raiding getting like all of our potion stuff our blaze rods you know what i mean our guests so that's where i'm going to put you on mr mr harry all right make sure the xp grinder goes smoothly honestly street you've got great builds i like this hey street house i'm not even a builder well i was like gonna say they're better yours is better than everybody else i just want somebody to please put a fudging roof on this house can we please give him an effort okay watch that too bad somebody needs to buy your house off of you hmm i'll sell it i mean the the value should go down because someone who lived here is dead now so oh my god oh yeah right oh well that's tough wait is it still straight all right so let's let's let's okay straight straight favorite you do this find the veins i mean go and mine them but like we we have the fortune 3 pick this is a community chess but everybody needs full diamond like being enough for like uh swords everybody needs to have full diamond full swords before the next episode so we can all do big level 30 enchants this was the one where you left off uh in that little ravine oh we did find them wait did you when did you bind it without the fortune three that was one of the fortune pickaxes oh that's it just four so yeah i only got one extra oh dang well that's fine that's fine that's tough yeah i mean i think diamonds is definitely a big thing we need yeah listen i want you guys to mine for diamonds but please be safe we have lost two players mining off camera so we come back just strip mine and don't go into a cave because if we come into episode three and two more of you are dead and we're down to five players like right now we're on pace to do season but yeah like we're kind of on pace to just have one player remaining at the end of the series and that's not okay it's not okay man it's gonna be rough all right guys put your shields in put your shields in shields chills in children's team purple skirt get in here wait we're missing gator i'm i'm building the mod form what do you want all right fine no no more gatorade okay i will say nether on three and one two three another yes
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 3,301,423
Rating: 4.9081264 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: YIkjXP-xeGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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