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Daggett pants games again good job Tyler good job thanks man I'm really good at spam clicking this is not click bait not click bait well I'm not interested them yo Tyler I am so glad we figured out how to trap he's got oh no no no no he's going into mode he's going you through the wall what's happening [Music] Preston what like my intro every time I killed Pilar you leave one like on the video so are you grab like 5 likes right now Tyler Oh Leon mine Wow dang I tried to kill you they didn't work yeah the last time I take you mob hunt we got a very special item and by item I mean creature on our list today oh he's a bastard Lee Tyler he's dastardly the nether King he's not nice he's not nine tails of an ancient beast that hangs out in the day the whole bunch of wall ensigns Tyler is it the nether King it is the nether King oh no it is the nether King I got his head in my hands wait how did you can spawn it in I can't spawn it exponent yes that's funny you could kill over this command block over here just find out what's going so here's the nether King look he's real friendly time at least know if he's brother what happens if I hit him I wouldn't do that don't do that oh it's fine he's fine see I know he loves you he like give me a look what's that now well you dropped her nether King I but you know what during the daytime he's easy but apparently nighttime he's not easy according to all these signs here that you saw haven't been place yeah apparently once Dyke time app and things get a little bit more difficult and really more stressed types three radius widows I'm sure you want to fight it but this is not responsible for our ragequit apparent well we're not gonna rage quit Tyler it's gonna be see that's right we got our gear ready go let's go kay let's Lucas I'm right on it wait okay these are the spawn eggs so we want to spawn the regular nether King okay all right you gonna treat spawning one or two and then we'll spawn into okay I've got to set the night time Tyler so there should be extra strength right now extra strength other king bond is body that's a big guy blister rage I don't think we're gonna rage Tyler by the way he's easy but you have to shoot at least pseudo Tyler it was like so many arrows why you did help me gather this fire particles okay there we go I'm jumping I'm jumping I'm making plays right now and I'm tired literally every arrow why are you not you know Tyler would you have a limited amount of arrows don't worry to go did you did use his back he's back no no he said I did not kill him no way oh wow he's just really up there dude he's like really really up there what maybe I don't know if we count that as a victory but not anymore I'm spotting him down here okay I like that I ever spawning him in the water there we go oh I think he takes water damage he doesn't like the water does he does not like the water he does a pretty good amount of damage well okay or I could fall right inside that why not okay yeah I think if we bow him he just runs away he gets spooked yeah I got a rack out hit him with a sword I did watch it seen a couple of his attacks so far he's got this one so I think you're right then we run away does he come down yeah I think if we saw him yet he comes to us well I'm trying to get him to come to us Tyler and he's not coming to us look please yes well I think he's a balloon I think he's just an overgrown balloon Chris let me shoot something back I mean like look every time we hit him it's a higher and higher up I'm worried when I was exploring this area of the world earlier he wasn't floating at all well he now is flying he's turned into a transformer well he's certainly not in disguise and now he's gone I'm gonna do this one okay let me see I've got it he's on my screen I see my ear really yeah it's good pocket edition you go too far I think along yeah you know I think that we should spawn in one more Preston another one another one all right maybe we get to fight each other I don't think they find each other Tyler good try check it out I mean each other yeah they are a lot better this is a good idea Tyler cuz now we're just gonna sit and watch well I think this is what's still after us great well I can't watch anything I'm getting blown up well I'm not I'm having a wonderful time watching my WWE match with the nether kings it's a nice popcorn going to meet either you're gonna aggro on it like they're gonna get a Grove to me see go and play it's like fourth of July they need to kill each other right I want to see what he drops to be honest Oh I kind of want to know what they dropped to but I only have thirty arrows love sniff use them sparingly uh-huh I've got 43 bro I hit this guy one of the nether the first one we spawned and I hit him literally with every arrow and he did not drop you didn't died and like look up you see this guy I'm killing him I'm too busy ten I'm the one above all gray that again this here he's right there I know wait Tyler what happened to return it to daytime ooh there is the command block right over there what happened yeah we killed them Tyler definitely killed them we have to make them drop oh so we turn it to daytime and then we turn it back to nighttime okay so I'm gonna turn back to daytime a lot of like I do not like stuff that what does he take damage right now nobody's invincible oh he's like a shoe in the day oil that's like a gargoyle we have to be careful Tyler have to be careful gargoyles are not majestic creatures all right yeah I read in a book once then yeah maybe like they're their mother they never call them that's what I'm saying that's what I'm saying Tyler I'm out too actually dying I'm gonna eat an apple please don't kill me mr. man nice okay stop it just so much damage the weather's very good Tyler we might have to take some turns all honestly changing it from day to night because I feel like this is the only way we're gonna be able to beat them okay I'll head over the day if I can navigate No oh no the buttons we know the buttons Tyler the bots are destroyed Tyler I need to go to a tree really fast and I need to crack tree everywhere right now literally just trying to get button so we can free we can we can we gotta kill these guys I don't wanna lose with these guys in the button Maps they're my favorite all right I've got the button I've got the button I am I'm on okay I remember this one this landscape is completely ready this one I think is daytime always blown up again they all sunk from the sky hey Tyler Tyler time you want a man this will take turn yes take turns man it all right I'm gonna go for this one right here all right I need to know I need another button via how many from spare some wood dude get some wood from the tree don't be late either don't be lazy look okay thanks God we figured this out dude that could have been really really bad I would have been upset can I wrap these guys yeah you want to try try and trap them then I'll turn it on yeah I'm gonna see if this works if this works Tyler this is gonna be huge you will be awarded the archaeology team monster award you okay yeah buddy I thought he disappeared dialer good luck one hold on now ready Eddie's on track okay he's not trapped give me extra dirt I have 60 extra dirt I need to see this man dead I need to see him dead okay okay I'm right here yeah I'm gonna throw it on the stone right okay yeah yeah or he'll be you I'll be real quick I'll be Tyler oh yeah teamwork well here's 30 more and I'll put on thank you thank you thank you we made it kills least one of these bad mamma jammas now that would be nice did he just move no no he didn't move either it's weird like we if you get too close to him something happens I don't know what it is but it's kind of scary I know it's weird right here okay this is good this is okay I think you should be good to activate it again Rosen anymore no he's activated the solution was dirt I knew it from the beginning it's always dirt yo Tyler I'm so glad we figured out out of draftees go oh no no he's going into mode he's going into an uber whoa what's happening what's happening I think he's summoning something dude he's like he's like glitching right now my screen he's going in between normal and none is deep bow damage oh he's back let's do that don't about don't wait I'm not trying to it's happening what's happened to him trapped I know why cuz the shade the blocks underneath on top of them it makes it turn oh oh that's what it was I had a feeling you'd okay back he's back no he's not that's why he keeps going back no okay okay oh no he's gonna get it out we're gonna okay he's a goat on me we should be good this is perfect you pushed him out Tyler you pushed him out how still alive he's fine you pushed him out look at him he's a good friend okay don't don't punch him I don't punch him I'm gonna move him closer oh no oh no okay you gotta hit him like forth oh no back and forth dad got it give me it can we push him push him we gonna push him hey we can't push him he's frozen he's frozen beautiful I'm gonna just go to the stupid bunny no don't okay fine go to the button go to the button I'll try to do I'm trying to do more of my my work down here dude I actually don't know cuz wait wait wait wait Tyler no no dad wait okay turn it off turn back daytime party station okay thank you thank you turn it to nighttime again for a second okay we're gonna we're gonna reach wrap him in the platform already have the quick one - I got you right yeah turn it on turn okay nine times coming okay okay wait wait for it yeah he's not close enough I need to get him closer okay thank you thank you okay good okay okay that's for now we're gonna make this work so Tyler here's the thing I don't know if we want to set it to day time any or night time anymore I feel like we should just try to kill this one you know what I'm saying yeah I like that because this guy with the dirt it's connection alive we got to make sure not only that is done but he needs to be trapped - I'm on dirt patrol right now we're getting it we're making a happen okay okay okay I don't have a lot of dirt left I think I just almost ran out he might be coming online soon I'm gonna paint I'll watch him I watch them he's not alive yet he's not alive oh he made a sound he made a sound he's not alive no he's not alive okay okay any day now I'm dressing man he's right here he's blows he's still the same spot door he didn't get out eating it out okay I'm curious make it really spooky sounds i don'ti we got to get him that much he needs more he needs more he's even more I think it's his staff you know he's a milk no he does not need milk Tyler he needs the opposite of milk he's practically made of bones he's like he's being difficult Tyler honestly like I thought we compete as a pet Oh what are we substitute I'm with Stan I don't know if that works Tyler do you really want to tick off a magical beasts like that cuz I really do not I kind of want to know Tyler Tyler don't be this guy okay we talked about this it doesn't go over well when you do that I'm just gonna collect a little bit more dirt Tyler I've got a lot more building blocks you don't have to do anything drastic all right no no Tyler he's going to eat our guests when they come over we can't let him eat our guests okay I don't like company anyways well I do okay you just happen to be a little bit on the rude side that's fine certain do you remain that way not me well he said ice cream alive it's not him he's still explosions I think that's when you pick up blocks yeah they got it oh yeah that's right yes yes Tyler why he's still not coming alive okay all right I'm just gonna okay I've had it I'm alone this is perfect it's working yeah it's this all we ever wanted live below a minute oh no he's turning Oh No what happened I got a lot of help okay he's gonna do this guy he's got like infinite help oh no oh no his buddy my let him free come my dad we oughta kill them I'm trying come on Preston don't think I'm throwing new-type Lily hit him like 700 thousand times okay that straighter motion then that quitter did say that we would rage during this video I'm that great like I'm lit but I don't like rage when I went it's at when I'm Matthew disadvantage here okay like I'm at a disadvantage to Tyler I don't know if he's gonna die he might have been fit enough I'm a little worried Tyler don't let him don't let a bus down trying to extradition why don't we not have strength pots oh no oh no oh yeah it's that new it's just new is he doing so I think he's dying is he actually is he die he's on fire yes dying dude that's if we didn't trap him I don't oh wait oh break the fire near we know what those items to burn oh boy wait he's alive he's in a new mode we know I think he's I don't know what's happening what is going on what way is he dead I think he's dead sound another biggest seem he's stuck in the dirt he's inside of you right now he's inside of you oh no no no careful we don't wanna get hit out oh no we gotta keep them below this dirt block keep it movin they're walking nice nice good job Tyler good job thanks man I'm really good at spam clicking we're getting asteroids from from the other guy these kids like to work together no it will not leave Brittany alone you know I'm really coming Annie right now it's either a strength to pot have a strength to affect oh I'm gonna say a strength set oh oh oh wait what oh it's fire I think it's the fire break the fire nearby Tyler break the fire okay I think the fires keeping them awake Oh yep oh no no no no no wow wow wow wow it's good it's good I don't know if we can kill this guy Preston Tyler I swear we killed one didn't we I think so I can't I don't know for q1 I think we did we did and we've celebrated I think we killed 164 arrows by the way map crater not nearly enough to take on this beast yeah anyway and then my arrows too and then and the sword I don't think we got a chance Preston dude I think we already killed one I'm gonna be honest with you I feel like we killed one unless that's the same one you know I don't agree no I don't know I think I think I think we're victors we're gonna go I mean there is one other one that we could kill I think this guy I hear me out Tyler let's yeah let's I just want to see it's better be good I mean it's I really want it I'm really just mainly upset that we spawned in a lot of extra ones because he keeps breaking stuff but I think I got one finger trapped here Tyler I'm not even lying this is not clickbait not clickbait well I'm not interested then Tyler I think we got no no his head broke he's doing that weird thing - wait what'd you do today - uh dry shouldn't I no no turn it back off all right I've done it okay good good chatter he's doing that weird fire thing just once doing it to like where he's on fire but I think that's when he changes modes oh well that's it I don't know if he's dead I have photo he's back alive he's back alive dad it's game again just pulling around I hate these guys dude I'm trying to get him to follow me come on follow me well I'll tell you it's cuz we're not fighting him in the nether we think that's why it's makes perfect sense well I don't want to fight in the nether Tyler I'm already at a disadvantage over here as I am or is I don't want to avoid at all anymore I just wanna love dude I just don't know if they're dead or not like we haven't seen the other modes of these guys have we there's only too much there's a live mode in dead mode I mean is an ungodly man I feel like that we just got really pranked by the map grader I think he just ended up giving infinite health the unfeeling killable boss I mean I'm pretty sure this is just the impossible boss of Minecraft thank you for watching ladies and gentlemen I think we're done you're Tyler I think we've done our job I think you've got another job I've switched to the king of the nether side I want to kill you Donna come on switch side how do we switch the daytime TV freeze in place oh that doesn't work on me that only works on nether King oh that's right joke's on you I think if anything I think it means joke's on you I killed you you that's why you left the server obviously you died yeah way to rub it in [Applause] [Music]
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 5,706,123
Rating: 4.9328666 out of 5
Keywords: preston, prestonplayz, prestonplayz minecraft, prestonplayz pe, pe minecraft pocket edition minecraft minecraft pocket edition pocket edition pocket edition preston, minecraft nether, minecraft nether base, minecraft pe nether, minecraft pe nether king, minecraft pe nether king boss, nether king minecraft pe, family friendly gaming, mcpe, preston playz, playz, pocket edition, minecraft pe, nether, mcpe alpha, logdotzip, logdotzip pocket edition, no swearing, minecraft pocket edition
Id: F05uXPjAK2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 12 2018
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