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I had to pull the sock off and the skin had actually started to grow into the cotton pattern of the sock doctors what was the most shocking case of oh I thought that was normal you've seen in a patient this one was actually from back when I was a medical student but it's still the weirdest thing I've seen sorry this is long but I promise it's worth it it was my last rotation of medical school before graduating and starting residency I had completed all my requirements and just wanted to take a few interesting electives of things I hadn't seen yet this was a dermatology rotation at the Virginia the rotation had been interesting and chill and it was my last day and my third to last patient as a medical student the guy came in and the resident asked him why he was there and he said I have hair coming out of my hand I figured he meant a weird mole with some hair coming out but this guy probably 30s or early 40s says no the hair is coming out from under the skin the resident asked what he does for living and he says he's a barber the resident tells me that it's not too uncommon for hair to poke through the skin especially for barbers who cut men's hair it's short then and can be kind of pokey after all and it was sort of like getting a sliver but with hair but the guy says no it's a lot of hair look and he holds up his hand making a fist and there's several hairs poking out from between the knuckles of his pointer and middle finger I stare in confusion and the Durham resident grabs some tweezers and pulls out a tweezer full maybe a half dozen of short black hairs the guy says yeah I already pulled out like 50 the Durham resident was like 50 so the Durham resident numbs up the back side of his hand between the first and second knuckle and makes a little incision and starts pulling out gobs of short black hair chunk of 20 chunk of 30 etc and now she's got the magnifying glasses on in the attached light and she like oh my gosh there's still more in there sir do you know how all this hair got into your hand and the guy goes oh it probably came in through there and he flips his hand over to reveal a hole in the palmar aspect of his hands skin turns out the dude had cut himself like two years before this and it had never healed properly he was diabetic and he just kept cutting hair with this open wound on his hand and probably every day a few hairs got stuck in his hand for two years and now those hairs had tunneled through the webbing between his first and second fingers from the front of his hand and out the back side long story already sorry the poor residents spent like 30 minutes milking his hand and fingers while more and more hair came out she said there's no way I got it all out you have to come back every two weeks for a few months for us to keep removing more hair from your hand which is a weird sentence in the meantime wear gloves while you cut hair we gave the do two whole box of latex gloves I don't remember anything about my last two patients that day it was literally my last day as a med student and boy what a way to go out still probably the weirdest thing I've ever seen not to mention how may there's some hair in my hand happens I guess the guy was about it resident doctor here although not a gynecologist in my gynecologists rotation in medical school I had a patient who was a first-time mother having difficulty nursing her baby the patient said she had some redness and it had been hurting to nurse on one nipple so she often had to switch until finally it became unbearable for her to nurse from either she had mentioned that she thought her nipples might be cracked or chafed when it finally came to the exam she had the most chafed nipples I had ever seen it looked totally raw and macerated to the point that they looked like two large pepperoni slices one of her breasts also looked like the wound had led to mastitis it definitely led to a new appreciation of how difficult breastfeeding can be on new mothers er MD here had a patient come in for a cast removal literally years after it had been put on she had just decided it wasn't worth taking off her leg skin was literally growing over the top of the cast and then down it once we finally cut the cast off she was surprised to find that she had no skin underneath but the dead tissue over her muscles and bones was being cleaned by about 300 maggots I knew by the smell that something under there wasn't right but wasn't expecting that patients seemed completely fine with it whatever I had a 20-something year old guy coming after he had circumcised himself because his girlfriend thought it was weird he was intact homeboy had literally flayed the skin off his wiener from the head to the balls he seemed completely normal and unaware that what he had just done with no anesthesia was totally insane he was like conscious so the edges of the skin back together I was like dude I'm an ER doctor not a urologist you're getting admitted so the sausage specialist can put what's left of your wiener back together again in the morning after I had controlled the bleeding and wrapped it up he told me he was an EMT student JFC guy had no insight that what he had done was completely messed up when I was a med student we visited a clinic in the country where I studied lots of people would get horrible injuries and used the local elixir of dirt motor oil or spit from the local old lady to patch up an exposed arm bone or whatever had one woman in her 20s come in with a fungating breast cancer that looked like a hard mushroom or mold growing through the skin and to the outside world constantly bled anytime you touched it her family shamed any injuries or impurities and she thought she just needed to keep it covered until it got better work at a dentist's office patient presents for an exam concerned part of her tooth has chipped off on examination it is not in fact a tooth that chipped off but rather a piece of calculus which is buildup of hard tartar that covers her teeth over time when you don't brush them it can be small deposits or in this case an entire bridge covering her actual teeth she thought the calculus was tooth material and was quite shocked to learn we were actually unable to see her real teeth and she'd need an extensive cleaning to remove it all when I was a medical student a patient and his brother came in together patient was just a post-op visit after a hernia repair found out he had another baseball sized hernia his brother on the other hand had literally had a football sized hernia visibly coming out of his left leg of his shorts looked like an inguinal hernia and he was able to use it as an armrest I asked him if that bothered him at all and he straight up said my brother's hernias were painful but this isn't so I thought it was just a quirk a defect I hope he was lying to save face but we recommended he get it taken care of psychiatrist here one of my first patients was a female college student that couldn't sleep because of the voices that constantly talked to her and she felt forced to answer them at all times from what she was saying I gathered that depending on the particular voice with name and identity she was either cautioned about some people or situations or outright pushed towards violent acts her voices appeared when she was 16 if I remember correctly and we've met when she was 20 so at that point for four years of her life she believed that it was normal to have such voices in your head because as she explained many people talk to themselves to some extent she was right but I had to explain to her that they really talked with themselves that there are no other identities in them but only an internal dialogue to clarify or resolve issues that bother them in their own privacy so to speak she was later diagnosed with schizophrenia I'm a nurse and one day another nurse asks for my help putting in a urinary catheter on a patient I walked into the room to see the biggest ball sack I have ever laid eyes on I'm talking as big as a basketball the other nurse couldn't get the catheter and because she simply couldn't find the penis and urethra hiding under all that ball sack I open a new catheter kit start poking around in there for about 15 minutes still no urethra to be found urology was called in to place the catheter anyway I get talking to the patient about how in the actual hell this happened and why he waited this long to come in it had been swelling for months he was a computer programmer who barely left his bed even worse his fiancee was standing next to him the whole time neither had thought that he might have needed to go to a doctor or the hospital when his ball sack started swelling months before needless to say it was infected as hell gynecologist here I've pulled so many things out of eggs that people claim they didn't know were in there or don't think it was abnormal to leave them in there old rotting medical devices what looked like a plastic car wheel or bottle cap used condom old tampon in sex you get the drift some wordix which generally are difficult to feel I'm not sure how they didn't notice these stories are actually a dime a dozen it's kind of baffling admitted a guy last week who came to the IDI with chief complaint of some right-sided numbness for the last few days presumably had a stroke turns out he also had a rapidly progressing gangrenous infection of his scrotum thighs and perirectal areas which required emergency surgery he wouldn't have even sought out medical attention if it wasn't for his stroke also had a patient not even mentioned that he had been paralyzed from the waist down for the last week which was new for him never even mentioned that did complain about his nausea though I worked with the Amish for a while so I've got some great oh I finally got around to addressing this after taking care of my harvest stories but my favorite is actually an on Amish chick she was asking why she gets ripped pained so often and literally reached under her own rib and jiggled it with her fingers turns out there were a lot of other things she could do that she should never be able to and she had a variant of ehlers-danlos literally I was so distracted by the popping in and out of her rib I didn't even notice how horrifying it was that she could get her hand under there to begin with until I reach old the story to a co-worker the mother was helping her daughter inject insulin daughter had a stroke and didn't have the dexterity to do it herself for some reason daughter told mother to inject into breast tissue it is a square tissue but there are no Studies on the distribution of insulin injected into breast tissue we don't know the efficacy they were visiting to clarify multiple medication issues and uncontrolled blood sugar injecting into breast tissue may have contributed to lack of BGE control yes it was very hard to keep a straight face and not show shock I politely told the mother that we typically recommend injection into the abdominal tissue and provided her with appropriate instructions my mom is a medical assistant in a Pediatrics office like two years ago a lady came in with a gash in her heel she'd had the gash open for weeks my mom undid the wrapping the lady put on her foot and there were maggots eating at the lady's flesh inside her foot the lady thought that the tingling was a bad sign and that she should get a checkup she said that she thought that tingling was normal and just wanted to check my mom and another ma had to dig out six maggots from this lady's foot the night she told me this I was dumbfounded by how stupid this woman was not to go to a doctor once she got the cash health care worker here I was completing a screen in a falls in balance clinic I asked the patient to take their shoes and socks off shoes came off all right but they were struggling to get the socks off I let them flail around for about five minutes and finally offered to remove their socks whilst asking how they normally got their socks off in the process of pulling the socks off they told me they can't remove their socks those socks had been on for a couple of months as I peeled the sock back there was a plume of dead skin I had to be firm to pull the sock off and the skin had actually started to grow into the cotton pattern of the sock their nails were so long they had curled around the toes and were digging into the underside of their toes skin had started to break down safe to say the socks were bent and burnt with a very hot flame lady has long-lasting heavy periods had vanishing and discomfort she thought maybe it was from the bleeding it in a way it was thought maybe a yeast infection hitching wasn't getting any better a couple of weeks so she came in maggots maggots fell out of her venge on the pelvic exam morbidly obese so didn't check herself she changes pads probably not often enough and didn't check outside of seeing they were full she might have been able had she thought to use a mirror but in general didn't check LPT ladies gents and in-between get a mirror and check your junk and crevices in the regular yeast cellulitis van Janice Boyle hemorrhoids epididymitis testicular cancer etc affect young people on the regular even if nothing is going on check yourself know your normal that's how you know when something changes my mom is an RN and was just telling us about this lady she met while working in the emergency room a few years ago this lady was morbidly overweight diabetic and was bed bound she called 9-1-1 because she was worried about a smell coming from her bottom half again she was morbidly obese and could not bend over far enough to see what was going on guess she gets seen by a doctor who checks her feet out which were described as black as a chalkboard and almost completely dead which was going to result in her losing her feet when the doctor asked why she didn't have anyone checking in on her she said that her kids came by once a week to bring her food but she thought that dingaling and diabetic pain was normal a 40 year woman a successful business owner and fully insured her sister made her go to the ER because she care of CP she was asked to put on a gown for an EKG I will never forget the sight or odor of her breast it literally looked like green hamburger sadly she did not seek care sooner because she said she was embarrassed by the appearance and later the odor I followed her care as best I could she went through bilateral mastectomy radiation TX and chemo she survived another three months of hell before she passed away the second patient was a 28 year old mother of two no insurance and had to work to feed her family she was seen for a care of neck pain physical exam and x-ray revealed both breasts to be full of tumor I know she had a double mastectomy and I lost track of her for some time approximately 2 years later I ran into her at our kids gymnastics meet she was in remission and doing really well takeaway ladies guys do please do yourself breast exams seek care ASAP if something feels off thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for free socks that don't have to be taken off ever click the right box for the doctors playlist let us know in the comments what you think about these stories you [Music]
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Id: 7S3CB-cRHr4
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Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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