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granted that many wish they could be up many wish that they could have been with their families many desired to be around but today they are not from the young to the old but lord you saw it fit for us to be here so father we are great grateful and we truly truly truly thank you that you still are doing something new in our lives father cleanse us and purify us of every iniquity and every sin lord be glorified even through this time show your face unto us even greater that our lives will never be the same in the name of jesus somebody say thank you jesus look at your neighbor say jesus loves you jesus loves you find another neighbor tell them jesus loves you jesus loves you i can't hear you find somebody and tell them jesus loves you jesus loves you glory be to god glory be to god it's so lovely to see you all this morning even those who are watching from home uh we are thankful for you to join us and i know that god is going to do something new and something amazing amongst us if you believe that say amen amen if you believe that say amen amen i grab your bibles this morning grab your bibles if you can hallelujah hallelujah i want us to go to second corinthians chapter 2 11 2 corinthians chapter 2 11 2 corinthians 2 11. are you there actually let's start from 10 if we can are you ready to whom ye forgive anything i forgive also for if i forgave anything to whom i forgave it for your sex forgive eating forgive it in person of christ verse 11 are you ready at least satan should get an advantage of us for we are not ignorant of his devices can we read that together one two three satan should get an advantage of us for we are not ignorant of his devices of his devices one last time but we are not ignorant of his devices father we thank you for your word glorify yourself even now in jesus name amen you may sit in heavenly places hallelujah hallelujah look at your neighbor say the lord is good the lord is good look at your neighbor say the lord is good the lord is good god is amazing and i thank god for being here and i i'm so glad to see the whole family here both spiritual and physical hallelujah hallelujah so there is something interesting i was in the presence of god and the lord was speaking to me about nest of vipers look at your neighbor say nest of vipers i can't hear you now the destruction of believers is always because we are ignorant of satan's devices now as a child of god it is your duty it is your duty to understand your enemy in order for you to know how to deal with him the issue is so many people are trying to fight battles against satan without understanding without comprehending without the consciousness and the conscious understanding of how your enemy works the first rule of engagement in any battle or any war is you need to know who you're fighting if you go into business you need to know who your competitors are in everything you do you need to know who is the opposition not necessarily like in business it's not because you are fighting somebody or you hate somebody but it's competition you want to make sure you are the best at something so you have to make sure that your product the way you present it and how you do it it is the best out of everybody else i always remember this movie uh please don't laugh at me coming to america mr mcdowell's had mcdowells everything was like mcdonald's are you getting what i'm saying but the point is you need to understand who you are engaging with you see apo hey apostle take it easy on us jesus apostle this is pride ah this is too much apostle i i need what you're wearing so so understand these children of god understand this with everything that is in you that it is your duty you have no choice but to understand how satan works because if you don't know how satan works it means your prayer is in vain i remember one time i was asking how do when when i was young and i was learning how to cook because i do love to cook it's actually it's like it's a good time for me it's relaxing and i was asking how do you know i was much younger then how do you know when pastors ready they say well you take it you throw it at the wall if it sticks it's ready so christians that's how we deal with satan we want to fight the devil we begin generational cast if it doesn't work we say okay let's try something else spirit of doubt there was one time somebody was trying to do deliverance and he said uh prophet how do you deal with a mocking spirit i said which demon is this i've never heard of a demon called mocking spirit obviously every demon will mock you but that's how christians are because you have no understanding of what you're engaging with so paul the apostle is advising us of something that don't be ignorant of satan's devices least he gains an advantage notice he is not designed to win but he can gain an advantage i feel like i'm on my own here satan can gain an advantage what is gaining an advantage an advantage it means that there are a few steps ahead of you before you can catch up you have suffered you see in reality you cannot lose because you're in christ but satan can take advantage of you you know the only story that heroes are not supposed to suffer is us because jesus took all the suffering for us let me let me talk let me talk to people who understand the gospel listen i don't need to suffer i don't need to be broke i know i don't need to be sick i don't need to have any of these things going on simply because of this jesus did it all amen it's not supposed to come to me but these things happen to us because of ignorance the ignorance of the truth not only of who god is but also who our enemy is we are not saying learn the devices of satan it means focusing on satan that's not the point but you should focus on your enemy in order to know how they work you should gather patterns and understand this is what he did to moses this is what he did to elijah this is what he did to this person okay if he is to come today i should expect him from these channels [Music] because if you don't do that listen to me he already has an advantage that is why some of you are pleading the blood of jesus nothing is happening jesus i cover myself uh shunned blood i cover it's like you're taking a ketchup pudding on your fries i cover my i bathe myself i dive deep sea diving in the blood the same night satan comes and chokes you you asleep in the name of jesus you even make the bible your pillow nothing is working all this is because you have no idea about who you are engaging with and who you're fighting but i thank god that you're in a prophetic church amen hallelujah i thank god that the devil will never take advantage of you again amen especially from today amen those who believe this and are standing on their feet shout fire if you believe this sit for two seconds sit for two seconds i'm just making sure you're working out some of you are skipping leg day glory be to god genesis now there is something before i go into scripture there is something called familiar spirits now what you need to understand about familiar spirits is that it is not only a spirit that has been in the family because that's not what a familiar spirit is there is more to a familiar spirit than just a demon that has been lingering around the family a familiar spirit is a spirit that comes in the form of something you can relate to so when you see it it doesn't look like it is foreign it doesn't look like it is out of nowhere but it is the same thing that satan can use to camouflage to destroy you i feel like i'm talking to myself so a familiar spirit looks like a regular thing a familiar spirit can be in a person but when you see this person let's say doing this and you meet another person doing that you just say this is what people do because you are not wise you don't understand that this is a familiar spirit it is something that has become normalized among people i feel like i'm talking to myself you're helping us you're helping us the greatest demon you will ever fight is not lucifer himself with horns even though he's the mastermind trying to figure out a way to destroy you but even the devil knows if he comes like the devil to you you will bind him instantly you'll see him with also the shanda bakata you'll stop him so the devil knows that you see let me give you an example there's something called espionage when another country wants to destroy its enemies they may even send somebody that becomes a citizen like you but his duties to collect information gather things and to plan your demise the whole time you're thinking this is my friend this is my this is my brother my sister this is my cousin but the whole time they are an agent of the devil center some of you they were sent to your marriage to your homes to your family to your children but i decree and declare today especially those who are understanding where we are going now no espionage of the spirit of physical will be able to hide in your life if you believe this stomp your feet and shout fire sit for two seconds we are going somewhere even in business somebody will pretend to apply to see what you're doing even in church can i say something can i say even in church sometimes you know we cannot have a gathering like this without the men knowing that we are gathered they will send undercover guys to come and see what is happening jesus unfortunately which is fortunate i see them amen amen hallelujah and the reality is this we are doing everything right nothing to worry about so we can see but i can tell you may not you just say ah brother so and so they'll come one and two and then they disappear you never see them again sister so and so because it's protocol even in the human even even in human nature we understand the only way to fight your enemy is to come like one of them and pretend when the government wants to burst people that are doing illegal things they come like they want to buy also they will even buy a few things to go deep and deep if their cover is not blown they are the ones that and when they mess you up they will live like they were not part of it that is what we call a familia [Music] now what you don't know is that in the realm of the spirit from genesis chapter 3 there is one spirit one spirit that every believer i don't care how holy ghost filled you are i don't care how tongue tongue-speaking you are i don't care how deep your tongues are even if they're like my son maxwell it doesn't even matter [Applause] they will come to you but it will take the grace of god and your understanding of certain spiritual truths in order for you to survive it genesis chapter 3 i believe verse 17 verse 15 genesis chapter 3 verse 15. genesis chapter 3 verse 15. glory be to god are you learning something genesis chapter 3 verse 15. now listen to what god is saying and i will put anomity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and a seed it shall bruise thy head and thou shall bruise his heel one spirit that will always be present in a christian's life is a snake let me say it for those who are in the back help us sir one familiar spirit that will always be present in a believer's life is what we call a snake there is no patriarch in the scriptures there is no general in the scriptures that never dealt with this familiar spirit called a snake now this spirit is a familiar spirit but it comes in a way you will not know they can shed their skin meaning they can become one of you these are the characters characteristics they can remove their skin and become one of you because they have a sweet tongue with quietness they will speak the language you speak they will entertain what you entertain but what you don't know is they have poison and their duty is to infiltrate and to destroy you and to take you away from every single thing that jehovah god has planned for you i don't know if i'm talking to somebody you're talking if you have ever gone through any kind of betrayal you encountered a familiar spirit called snake [Applause] i i feel like i think you guys are too righteous and only for me if you have ever encountered a form of deception that you sold yourself into you met a familiar spirit called a snake one of the things that that spirit does if you want to know you have met it is that he's very good at giving you wisdom that is of the world and never of god so they will be with you when you're going through trouble they will give you other solutions outside of god i i don't know if i'm talking to somebody they will not push you to pray they will not push you to seek god they will push you to find the solutions and when i mean worldly solutions it means that things that don't take or rectify what you're going through i'll tell you life is short anyway let's do this without responsibility they will guide you on a path whereby you find yourself far worse it's true than you were before by the time you wake up you realize you're like hey what did i do to myself how did i make these decisions hallelujah hallelujah they are very good number number number two they are very good at making you sympathize with where you are so that you don't move forward i don't know if somebody is listening to me ah these things happen to all of us but it's okay life doesn't matter anyway you know sometimes what's the point of what is the point of dressing nice we are all gonna die anyway but he's saying that with the ability to change their skin you buy into their truth but at the same time them they are improving their life you you are destroying your life wow i feel like i'm not talking to bill i hope i was opening somebody's eye somewhere [Applause] this is a very dangerous spirit because ah this ninja is everywhere you know you have to understand what god is saying when he says you shall trample over what why is it the first one that god is mentioning he's the closest wow hello hello that's good and notice what god is saying he's saying that while you're walking because you and him you just step on him now the issue is some of you are trading in places that you don't know that there is venom surrounding you if you have ever participated with gossip if you have ever participated with something called gossip if you are somebody that entertains gossip you are actually sitting in the nest of vipers jesus you see the first gossip was the snake in the garden so you find this spirit many a times actually in church where the presence of god is that's why this spirit usually is lingering did the lord say you shall not eat of this he doesn't want you to eat because he doesn't want you to know this gossip eve should have said but the lord comes and talks to us why didn't he tell us that we have never seen you talking with the lord i i don't know if you understand what i'm saying but because she was ignorant when the lord comes at the cool of the evening it is me and adam that are hanging out with god we have never seen you how are you asking me if i have not eaten if we are not allowed to eat of any tree and you know we eat every day how are we surviving there is no kitchen there is nothing we eat foods but you're asking me um you know what that's similar to so what are they saying nowadays so so what's what's the t but they are saying that so that you can say something so that they can start adding things i don't know if somebody's listening to me you're helping but what you don't understand is these things they unlock certain and close certain privileges from god but the bible says that there is a way to eradicate every viper amen i i feel like i'm talking to myself i don't know if you can hear me this spirit when it enters people they betray you with a smooch jesus i feel like i'm talking to myself [Music] listen the lord says greet each other with a holy kiss they will be the one that will declare their love and every time i see i just feel but when you walk away he thinks he's all that somebody say may god punish every serpent may god punish every sin so understand this by the spirit of god are you listening to me yes sir comprehend this really by the spirit of god best way that you can this is a dangerous spirit but it is not dangerous because of what it can do to you it is dangerous because you don't know it i don't know if you understand what i'm saying the nature of this spirit is to throw you under the bus every second it can get to defend itself [Music] but there is a way that god has ordained not only for you to be aware but for you to deal with such things when satan tries to bring it into your life acts chapter 28 acts chapter 28 we'll start from verse one ask acts chapter 28 we'll start from verse one are you ready glory be to god glory be to god now now you have to remember that i said that many times this serpent is actually or this spirit is even found among believers depending on their depth your depth in god determines if this spirit is lingering in your life or not are you listening to me yes now you will notice that the only people who killed their generals is christians you will never see a buddhist speak against another monk true you'll never see another muslim you'll never see another muslim accusing another muslim they will lie for each other because that's what they do they will like concerning one another they will pretend to make things look like they are not because they understand that a kingdom divided among itself he cannot what huh but christians they have channels discussing other christians that is the spirit of a snake if you are the body of christ now think about it the bible says we are the body of christ somebody say we are the body of christ we are the body of christ i can't hear you we are the body of christ so when you say i'm going to expose so and so you are actually taking clothes off your own body wow wow i don't know if somebody's listening to me whenever a christian says that ah god is going to expose so and so it doesn't benefit god to expose anything do you know that he sees everything naturally no matter what people do in the dark it comes out in the light simply because whatever you sow you will reap but not because god is trying to actually expose you because if god exposes his own body it is him that is going to be ashamed so god is not interested like an example is this we who can see by the spirit have you ever seen me discussing somebody's sin you think i don't see what happened to a person no i see everything by the grace of god i will see what was done what once in a while if i see like my my spiritual children doing some aladdin i'll tell them be careful that thing oh papam so yeah just it's fine this thing mistakes can happen let's fix it but it is not in our self-interest to expose our body because if you expose the body you're not exposing it to the church you are exposing it to the world and when you expose it to the world you are shaming jesus yet jesus already took all the shame on the cross he was already undressed on the cross you are taking clothes off him again this spirit's duty is to embarrass the lord are you sure you're there we're here are you sure you're there when you want other people to fail so that you feel good you have the spirit of snake wow because in the realm of the spirit the snake spirit wants to swallow other snakes are you listening to me god gains nothing but you see people with full-fledged youtube videos full-fledged channels some even with thousands of people they have become like you know what i it always makes me laugh because they have become like tabloids latest news look how prophet glove is dressed so prideful did jesus say we would dress like this [Music] are you getting what i'm saying look at the poster apostle what when did apostle paul ever wear a hat and boots in fact in fact his pocket square has demonic patterns you're like okay where did you see these demonic patterns yourself are you getting what i'm saying but all these things are happening because of one goal they want one goal they have become tabloids the same spirit that is operating in the world they are using it in the church in the name of god but it is the same thing they will talk i'm not saying nobody and nobody is without error that's just truth because if you're going to point a finger remember every measure you do to others is what god will do to you that's the standard so if you make a channel know very well angels have made a channel of you whatever you record about others know that's the same measure you'll be judged on you better not mess up are you getting what i'm saying full-fledged channels and also you see foolish christians commenting saying hey i always knew that was like that yeah find god for yourself where in the bible does he say find god for yourself god is saying who shall we send who shall speak for us but they are telling you go find god for yourself contradicting everything that god has said do you know why the sex next spirit comes in the form of godliness but denying the power thereof in the last days many will depart from the faith and give heat to what seducing spirits this next spirit is very seductive and seducing it doesn't mean sexually it means he has the ability to draw you to do things thinking that it is the right way because it sounds like god it looks like god but it is not god when this next spirit has entered you you think somebody that doesn't say in the name of jesus is not a christian that prophet he never says in the name of jesus so much that can be of god yet they don't even know because they have no study they have no understanding you don't understand that in prayer actually if you read in the scriptures it's not saying now let me ask you a question in the old testament when people prayed how did they finish their prayer hello how did they finish their prayer no amen is an attitude they spoke to god like they are talking to you in the name of jesus simply means in the manner that jesus would do it that is why you say in jesus name nothing happens because you don't have the manner jesus would do it so simply saying in jesus name means nothing because anoma means in the way jesus would do it i am doing it also that's all it means so if i come and i and i say rise up and walk and the person rises up and walks you know that i have said in jesus name because it is in the manner jesus would do it may today when you leave this place may your very actions be a normal be the embodiment amen our lord and savior would do it i sit for two seconds we are going somewhere i don't know if somebody understood me so when the disciples came to jesus and said lord we we saw a man casting out devils healing people in your name it is not saying that he was going around saying in jesus name we saw him doing it in the way you would do it with the words in the authority and in the manner so we stopped him because it's not part of our jesus was like what is wrong with you are you understanding what i'm trying to say to you this next spirit is the author of religion remember this spirit is usually around church it is the author of what i feel like i'm talking to myself it's the author of what religion because this spirit wants to make you feel like you serve god but you're away from god hallelujah hallelujah women cannot dress like that in church obviously there is a dress code for everywhere amen there is a dress code for everywhere if we go to the beach you see people with bikini don't say how are they dressed and appropriately because that dress code is appropriate for the beach but if you go to the beach with jeans and tuxedo and water they will say what happened are you trying to kill yourself are you sure you're okay you know you're busy running in the water they will say 9-1-1 please save him he might have been left at the altar or something something is going on hello because how you look and where you are do not what match at the beach we are trying to get in water nobody goes in water covered with clothes so because we are in public you have to patch up some areas so that is expected hello am i talking to myself what am i talking to you is it not the truth it's true it's 100 true but if you walked in church with bikini something is off it means you have no idea where you are this next spirit makes you not want to change i don't know if you understand what i'm saying are you listening to what i'm saying doesn't want you to change because it justifies you to be where you are this is just how i am this is just how i pray i am what i am this is just what we do but at the same time the one who is inciting you to remain there him is moving around [Music] hello hello hello now when the snake spirit is in our place let me give you an example if i am going to russia i don't park like i'm in l.a it means every clothes that i will prepare for russia will not be from l.a here i wear shorts and all that there it is freezing cold so where i need to prepare my wardrobe according to where i am what going this next spirit wants you to go where you are going the way you are [Music] i don't know if somebody's understanding what i'm saying i want god to bless me but you bless me this way yet if god wants to bless you he has to make capacity available in you he has to mold you you have to leave the old in order to go to the new but listen to this the only thing that is similar between and this is why a snake can camouflage among eagles is because eagles have a way to shed their feathers and become new snakes also can remove their skin and become new but he will encourage you not to change your feathers because if you have new feathers it means you can fly better you can sow higher and you can go farther because they cannot fly they want you to remain on the ground i feel like i'm talking to myself look at your neighbor and tell them beware of the nest of serpents beware of this nest of vipers beware now i want to show you something acts chapter 28 verse 1 and when they were escaped then they knew that the island was called melitta verstu and the barbarous people showed us no little kindness for their kindled afire now remember this and the barbarous people showed us no little kindness for they kindled a fire and received us everyone because of the present rain and because of the cold when a snake they will they will be not of you but they will welcome you you see some of you you're looking for love in the wrong places sometimes god allows you to be forsaken to be left so that you can learn to receive love from him and not from people many of you have based your christian work on how you are treated how you are accepted how you are rejected but yet that is a setup that attitude is a setup for you to end up among vipers oh they never treated me so well all those years i have been so good to them and you know christians didn't even receive me you know there was there was a an interesting uh dm i got on ig it was actually very funny i showed it to prophet dj somebody messaged me and said i need you to help me and help me financially because if you don't i'm gonna go to a juju person it is you christian's fault that we end up going to wizards i respond i said please go because if you are telling me you are threatening me that you go to satan he said and he wrote i will lose my soul because of you i said i have my own go lose yours do you understand the logic you are coming to tell me that if i don't help you go to satan you're already with satan if satan is even an option you already seduced you already there because tomorrow if you don't get the help you want i i feel like somebody's not listening to me are you getting what i'm saying it was actually comic to me i would go i said oh yeah go it's okay go are you getting what i'm saying is nonsense it's because we we we we are looking for ways to be accepted yet god has accepted us the way we are you want people to accept you on their terms yet god has accepted you he will never condemn you he will never judge you he will only help you to get better some of you you love confiding in men so much and you forget to confide in god prayer is confiding in god so if somebody gives you a little warmth and comfort oh say yeah that's what it should be like you know i always find i'm sorry to say this i believe that church should be a place that when people come they feel welcomed they feel accepted but to be honest with you i wish some of you would go to african churches where everybody's goal there is not how they are made to feel when they come in it is the intensity of the prayer and the presence of god that determines if they go to church or not that determines if that is the place that we seek god or not are there results is god showing up that's what i care for what does it matter if i walk in and somebody doesn't greet me i didn't come to see them anyway i came to see jesus i come to meet jesus when i get there and i meet jesus i will pray for them so that god can remove that foolishness if they did not embrace me it means something is wrong with them we need to pray for them that is a snake spirit [Applause] i just didn't feel the love are you waiting to feel love for men or from god how would you know even true love if you never experienced it from god no wonder you keep getting betrayed because your love is measured according to men and not god so the snake has an easy way of messing you up hello hello are you sure you're here [Applause] sit for two seconds sit for two seconds we are going somewhere and some of you also with your kind heart being good people loving the lord but without a prophetic eye you have welcome snakes in your house am i talking to myself you have welcomed some dragons in your house you have welcomed some dragons in your house when they walked in you just don't cisco is coming the culture of your house starts changing i feel like i'm talking can i speak the truth speak the truth the things that you will never allow in your house starts happening physically and spiritually am i talking to someone yes i wave your hands if you can hear me if you're not waving your hands you might be a snake so we are confirming wave your hands a little bit i'm just watching okay okay it's a joke people please don't don't take that serious are you getting what i'm saying some people you welcoming them in your house to help them more problems come to you allah starts coming from left or right all of a sudden it's just like you start dealing with problems you start asking yourself ah you start realizing the snake the the skin they put on in church was not the skin they brought at home apostle am i talking you start realizing huh all of a sudden in your house they become prophets some of them they started bringing god said god said god said but god has been talking to you but you're in my house why didn't he also talk to you so you can get your own place it sounds evil but i'm talking the truth you know how can you boast of god told me god told me god told me but you're struggling you're not hearing please you should have signed up for prophetic school i don't know if i'm talking to myself god said god said god said god said god said catch god's sake he has become a dance [Applause] i always tell the prophets they are nicer than me one day prophet dj was upstairs some foolishness that you see you're just like what is wrong with people your name i hear a name you are trying to prophesy to a prophet why are you trying to do it and then the goal of the whole thing doesn't even make you miss everything and prophet was just nice me i'm not saying god can't give you a message to tell somebody but there is a way you see a snake is always trying to fit in and if they don't get the recognition they want you become bad you become false they start you know you know i went there the spirit was just not there you know no it is you you are cast out you don't know why you left you left because [Applause] wow you left because the fire could not you could not stay so they move i love what paul said they came out of us because they were never what part of us some of you because of no spiritual ability to vet things you've welcomed some vipers in your house some have welcomed scorpions but usually scorpions and lions you can pick them from a far snake snake is very dangerous and the reason why a snake wants you to be below because you can only devour rodents so if it doesn't reduce you he cannot eat you they cannot pray on you because for them to succeed their success is based on you being low now i want you to capture this let's start from verse 2 again watch this and the barbarous people showed us no little kindness for they kindled a fire and received us everyone because of the present rain and because of the cold so when they arrived these people they welcomed them and they lit a fire somebody said they lit a fire they lit a fire when they lit this fire was to keep them they said welcome be warm hey welcome and be one now verse four watch this now verse three sorry look at this verse three now it was poster to gather fire to kindle the fire to make it more remember the fire is already burning but now it's paul's stand to do it listen to what the bible says and when paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and laid them on the fire there came a viper out of the heat and fastened on his hand some of you your fire is not hot enough so snakes can hide inside [Applause] somebody didn't hear me some of you didn't hear me i feel like i'm talking to myself i'll sit for two seconds we are going somewhere and when the when now now go back to verse three i want you to understand some few things here and when paul gathered a bundle of sticks remember there was already a fire to keep them warm the difference between fire and heat is this heat is comfortable fire consumes god called you to be a consuming fire not a comfortable fire not a warm fire some of you have made the nest of serpents be comfortable for those who can betray you those who can mock you those who can fight against you because you give warmth but today i came to set you on fire somebody didn't hear me in the name of the lord jesus i i i don't know if you can hear me every the fire is burning the snake is just chilling this is so comfortable i say sit for two seconds have you ever noticed some of you you are cool with people until when your star started shining bright [Applause] all of a sudden you became enemy of state maybe let me go this way let me talk to the people on this side i i feel like think about it when you are just regular you are all on the same level it was okay the moment you bought a house or you think you think you're better all of a sudden you're getting attacks it's because the fire is no longer warm it's getting wet hot and when paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and laid them on the fire there came a viper out of the heat and fastened onto his hand the first thing that this snake spirit tries to do when you start heating up the fire is they try to bite your hand why did it bite the hand by biting your hand they your ability to put more fire you can't gather firewood it means you can't prosper [Music] their goal is to neutralize you so they will talk about you in a bad way to put you in bad light so that you don't excel are you guys listening to me are you sure you're here yes hello hello so their goal is for you to stay lukewarm their goal is for you not to blow up not to succeed not too hallelujah hallelujah i remember you know me i keep me i'm real i just say it the way it is forgive me if you don't like me i forgive you catch this i remember one day i made a post and i wore my nice clothes my brother said you need the anointing to dress up to wear some clothes but that one was highly anointed i took a picture that was deep picture even me i said wow the glory of god is deep i said the grace of god can clean you up you know and beautify you that's what the bible says i don't know about you you guys may like to look dusty and wrinkly not me at one point we could not now we can let us enjoy amen i don't know if somebody's listening to me so i took a nice picture with my outfit and i was somebody commented say wow what happened to him he used to be so anointed now i didn't even finish reading i just responded you are hypocrite it's hypocrisy this is the product of the grace and the anointing of god hallelujah i don't know if somebody's listening to me some people apostle they wanted us to remain in the living room where god started us [Applause] because they measured the righteousness and the power of god based on us being broke looking small where they could come and say oh they don't because of how you look they can't even honor you as prophet brother lovey oh but when what god put inside of you starts exploding because they undermine you they say i don't know he's so anointed i don't know what happened yet people are getting ill delivered way more than it used to be i feel like i'm talking to myself the lord told me to come and give you a message this morning amen as we are finishing the lord told me the lord told me this you need to raise the frequency of your fire one thing that vipers cannot stand is heat and not just heat but what fire the lord says that he wants to prosper you bless you lift you up so that the vipers can live your life amen somebody didn't hear me i prophesy to somebody i declare to somebody that the blessing of god will expose the jealous he will expose those who are waiting for your downfall yes that the veil will come off your eyes for you to really see them listen to me and listen to me well try to listen to this by the spirit of god try to listen to this by the spirit of god there are vipers that they come into your life god can no longer bless you because every time god releases the blessing they will eat it that is why sometimes when god wants to lift you up there are certain people you will take away there are other times when god wants to bless you he will remove certain people and when those people can no longer benefit from you they start saying uh you know when armin used to be our boy we used to do this now you know it feels like it's all that the more you increase they realize that they try to bite your hand but they can't their next move becomes this man me and him we grew up together we used to hang out that's that's my bro bro can you call them they are disconnected may god disconnect you from all those who are seeking your downfall amen may god embarrass all those who are looking for your destruction amen may god dismantle every snake in your life i want you to open your mouth and begin to say lord prosper me lord prosper lord increase me lord increase me spiritually and physically spiritually and physically let every hiding place let every heart in place every place that has been made comfortable for vipers every place that has been made comfortable open [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] money [Music] lift your voice lift your voice lift your voice [Music] [Music] lift your voice lift your voice lift your voice lift your voice [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] genesis chapter 3 verse 14 quickly genesis 3 14 listen to what it says and the lord said unto the serpent because thou has done this thou are cursed above all kero and above every beast of the field upon thy belly shall thou go and dust shalt thou eat all the days of your life can you hear that did you hear that yes you are going to declare everyone who's seeking my downfall everyone who is seeking my destruction because you have done this says the spirit of god you are not only cursed but all the days of your life you eat dust you know some of you you like to pray cute prayers i'm taking you to real spiritual prayer now the lord said this he said this to israel whoever will curse you i will what god if god is saying if somebody is looking to destroy you i will curse them today you are going to declare everyone every spirit every man every woman every witch wizard whatever you are anything seeking my destruction you are brought low in the name of jesus and you will eat dust for the rest of your life open your mouth and begin to pray [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] every every spirit in the form of a human being every evil spirit every evil spirit in a human being in my place of work in the name of jesus in my place of business interfering with my calling with my career with my destiny in the name of the lord jesus be thou scattered be [Music] [Applause] open your mouth [Music] up in your mouth [Music] [Music] today in the name of jesus this morning in the name of jesus everywhere venom is located everywhere everywhere poison has been released everywhere poison has been released today i remove it i remove it i remove it in the name of jesus the poison that was destroying my family by reason of gossip every poison every poison that is released that is released by backbiting every spirit that has tried to ruin my reputation every spirit that is that thing that was pronounced at work [Music] i remove that spirit i remove that poison open your mouth [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] in the name of jesus this second second all my destiny helpers all my destiny partners that were hindered because of the poison i remove the veil of their eyes i remove the veil from their eyes i unlock their ears to hear the voice of the living god and to understand the blessing that is hidden in what i'm about to do [Music] and what we'll work on may it produce a hundred folds in the name of jesus begin to remove barriers from your destiny partners open your mouth open your mouth [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] listen the word of god says this by your own lips you shall be justified what you are doing right now is you are justifying yourself you are taking justice in your own hands whatever is fixed spiritually naturally physically it falls into place in the realm of men things don't just fall into place there must be a reaction in the spirit you are causing something to move in the spirit [Applause] i said you are causing something to move in the spirit you are causing something to shift in their spirit lift your hands lift your hands right now at this hour as a prophet of elohim as a prophet of jehovah [Music] as a prince in the kingdom of my father listen to me and listen to me well those phone calls that were not ringing will begin to ring [Applause] [Music] those who tried to keep you from your achievements [Applause] those who tried to stop you they are all falling down right now amen their plans are falling down right now amen your god has a reason and your enemies are being scattered [Music] those who came on one road those who came in one line they are being scattered in seven different directions amen the lord is bringing perfection the lord is bringing what perfection in your finances perfection in your health perfection in your family perfection in your career perfection in your destiny perfection perfection perfection perfection begin to declare perfection in your life now prophesy perfection prophet saw perfection
Channel: Revelation Church
Views: 2,060
Rating: 4.9749999 out of 5
Id: laP--H7XKBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 19sec (4879 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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