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lift your hands to heaven father in the name of jesus we thank you for your love for your grace we thank you for who you are you do not change you remain the same forever we thank you that our joy the joy you put in us is the evidence of the strength you have deposited in each and every one of us lord we thank you that you gave us a new heart and we give it back to you do with us what you will do without what you desire we thank you that you will be glorified today in a way we have never experienced before may we see your glory may we experience your power and may we hear your voice above all may you be glorified in the earth today in the name of jesus somebody shout fire hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah is good i say god is good god is good look at your neighbor say neighbor neighbor the odd is so good god is so good god is so kind god is so kind god is amazing god is amazing and he is our father he is our father hallelujah hallelujah let me tell you there is nothing more precious than being in the presence of god amen and being in the house of god amen i want to welcome everybody that is online that is watching i welcome you in the presence of god we thank you for joining us even though you are overseas or in another state or at home but we thank god that you are with us listen to me i am so grateful for the message god gave me for you amen amen amen you know there is nothing more precious than hearing god on behalf of people i wish i wish you knew how beautiful that is i wish you understood how beautiful that is and i believe that you are becoming that for somebody amen amen i said i believe you're becoming that for somebody hallelujah amen there is nothing more beautiful than be a bearer of good news when you serve jesus you carry good news i don't know if you can hear me look at your neighbor say you're going to be a carrier of good news you will be an expression of good news you will be an expression of good news the lord jesus said go and preach the gospel of the kingdom are you listening to me go and preach the gospel of the kingdom the gospel of the kingdom is it is the acceptable year of the lord the lord has come to redeem you he has come to rescue you he has come to reveal himself to you that is true repentance to know that god has come for you you know a lot of people don't like the gospel they think the gospel is repentance but they don't understand repentance doesn't come without good news it is good news the bible says the goodness of god brings men to repentance preaching repentance doesn't make people repent preaching repentance makes people be condemned but when people see the goodness of god they automatically i don't know if you can hear me immediately they are transformed because the good news teaches you dependence on god and not on you because your strength my strength will fail [Music] if we try to be perfect we are putting on our own righteousness isn't that funny that the bible says that your righteousness is like filthy rags yet everybody that wants to preach repentance is telling you straighten out what if i straighten out i am offending god let the work of god in me change me let him straighten me out if i straighten out i will fail consistently and immediately god rejects me because my righteousness will always be filthy rags but all the beauty of jesus receiving jesus allowing the work of jesus by the holy spirit to work in you immediately instantly you become pleasing to god there is something i learned from from the lord jesus which is very strange but it's beautiful at the same time god only accepts what he gives god doesn't accept what you give him he accepts what he gave you that you give back to him [Applause] so we don't give our life to god god gave his life to us then we surrendered that life back to him because our life was useless anyway it was perishing i don't know if this is making sense when we say lord jesus i receive yes my lord and savior we are receiving his life we are not we are not giving him our life our life is useless he's not going anywhere it is already rotten it is headed for the pit but when his life enters us and he revives us then we take our very life and we say lord i will live for you now because you have given me purpose i was on the highway to hell you just gave me an exit and i'm on another highway now headed for heaven somebody shall thank you jesus thank you jesus somebody shall thank you jesus thank you jesus this is the gospel amen it is about receiving the life of god amen i'm always uh i don't know why i'm saying this but i just feel in my spirit to say this you know it is the most beautiful thing when people doubt the power of god it just shows you how great and how beautiful god is amen that is so good that he makes somebody a skeptic may god bless you so much may issue his goodness on you so much i will see that people will think that you lied all alone [Music] listen listen may god be so good to you that when people who knew you that you were poor they'll say no you've been pretending you've been hiding all this money you've been hiding all these blessings you are lying to us trying to deceive us now we know for sure the goodness of god is so good that it can turn men into skeptics you know when people see me like uh i was saying this we we have been really doing well on uh tick-tock and you know i i always say this that you know a child of god any minister of god that is ignorant of the means of communication is somebody that is not serious about serving god you know in the in the bible days the facebook was this this was facebook whoever had the new chapter the new that was the tablet moses came down with the first one [Music] are you listening to me then after that it changed people started traveling then jesus said go into the byways and the highways because in those days people are not on tv there were there was no tv there was no cell phone there was nothing like that people were in the marketplace that's where everybody was now you can work from home then you didn't work from home you went to the markets if you had goods you at the market if you're buying you at the market if you wanted to find work you at the market so it was the place where everybody was so jesus said go unto the byway and the highways now you think about it if jesus was alive today where would he be preaching in the wilderness he will be live every two minutes jesus is life i don't know if you're getting me that's how it would be seriously hallelujah hallelujah so people are still obsessed with old technology yet the means of communication has changed an example is this when radio was invented the church fought it do you know that the church fought radio when radio was invented they called it satanic demonic after a few years the ones that were saving souls were on radio when tv came out that is the devil and this and this before you know it great evangelists like uh like catherine coleman and many others saved more souls that understood the means of communication if you are under a rock you're not helping anybody but it's so amazing to see you know this new audience that have never seen me they don't know anything about me getting shocked at what we enjoy a week after week after week after week for the past i don't know how many years is just our reality [Music] you know now this can't be this has to be acting this has to be this but then i watch it and even i say you know what i don't blame them god is just so good and the grace of god is so much on us that it looks like it's fake hallelujah hallelujah look at your neighbor say don't take god's grace for granted don't take god's grace for granted i can't hear you don't take god's grace for granted do not take the lord's grace for granted never do that we are so blessed i want you to grab your bibles because it's going to be amazing today i love what the lord spoke to me on your behalf hallelujah hallelujah are you sure you're ready yes let's get our bibles let there be light hallelujah hallelujah glory be to jesus isaiah 6 isaiah chapter six verse number three isaiah chapter six verse number three isaiah chapter six verse number three are you there listen to what the word of god says he says and one cried unto another and this is talking about the seraphims the burning ones in other words siraf means burning ones or seraphims means burning one and one cried unto another and said holy holy holy is the lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory come we're already together one two three and one cried unto another and saying holy holy holy is the lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory one more time and one cried unto another and said holy holy holy is the lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory hallelujah father we thank you for this word may you reveal yourself continually amongst us in the name of your holy child jesus christ amen you may sit in heavenly places you may sit in heavenly places you may sit in heavenly places hallelujah now i want to speak to you about the glory of god because this is what the lord spoke to me to come and speak to you about while i was in prayer while i was before the lord as i waited on him and i prayed to hear from him the lord directed me specifically and he told me go and speak to them this morning early in the morning i had prayed all night i'd been in the presence of god and then the lord finally spoke to me like he always does faithfully now i want you to understand something precious about what the glory of god is and what that means for you there are so many believers that don't understand what the glory of god is if you read if you read like in the gospels it speaks about jesus being the reflection the light of his glory anybody that understands what glory means it means something that displays or goes before somebody to testify of them so when we speak of the glory of god we are not talking about some light that comes from heaven i hear all the time people teaching oh you know there is a dimension called the glory dimension there is this dimension there is the that dimension which is cool but in reality many of them don't even understand what that means what it means to behold the glory of god what it means to know the glory of god now if you read in genesis chapter 1 verse 26 god is speaking about let us make man in our image that word let us make man in our image the image of god is what reflects god because god is invisible he cannot be seen because he is infinite so every attribute of god that we see is a display of his glory that can be beheld by men because no one can see god and live what does that really mean it doesn't mean if you see god you get shocked and die what it means is that it is impossible for you to see god because god is infinite he has never begun he has no end he will never be born he has no uncle aunties he didn't come from anywhere he just is and he made all this uh creation that is visible and invisible that is called the universe but even within the universe he can only reveal himself but he cannot fully enter it because he is infinite how can he enter in time in his fullness so to see god is impossible but it is still possible to see him by his glory when moses asked god to see him he said remember moses beheld the glory of god the gospel said that he saw the burning bush and he saw the glory of god that's what the bible says but when moses went up there and he saw the glory of god he still asked lord i want to actually see you beyond here and the lord told him listen you can't really see me i will show you my back what does the bible mean when he says he said i will show you my back he said i will show you what you can measure me by but it will never be exactly that that was the moment that moses was shown creation because god can only reveal himself through his acts are you capturing what i'm saying now watch this and understand this by the spirit of god for a man or a woman to really see the glory of god you cannot see what you don't understand you must come first to understand what that is in order for you to behold it are you listening to what i'm saying now now watch this and and i'm trying to make sure that i set up the ground before we go deep into what is being spoken about so god said let us make man in our image and likeness meaning like let him be a display of what i look like the bible says that jesus is the fullness of god in bodily form it means that when you saw jesus jesus said whoever has seen me has seen the father and the what father simply means the source so seeing jesus is seeing god in his fullness but in bodily form is this making sense so far is this taking you somewhere so far now the issue is karabakh is that human beings are forgotten that you are created to display the image of god when isaiah went to heaven and he saw the angels worshiping god the angel said the earth is full of god's glory not heaven the earth is full of the glory of god not heaven is full of your glory the earth is full of your glory so in order for an individual to know the glory of god you need to understand why the angels are pointing us to earth and not to heaven is this making sense so far now there is some perversion in the church because people take scripture out of context and because they take scripture out of context immediately it affects their ability to grow in god you see what makes you grow in jesus is not prayer it is knowledge that empowers your prayer whoever doesn't know cannot pray in order to grow you don't pray to grow but you know to grow we measure the growth of the maturity of a person not by their age but by what they know and understand when a child is a genius even if they are seven years old they can go to university because they will test them and they will see this one's knowledge is beyond their age they don't belong here they belong somewhere else so spiritual maturity is not measured by age it's not measured by time but it is measured by the knowledge of god that you have practiced that has produced results now i want to show you something that is going to be extremely sweet are you ready hebrews chapter 1 verse 5. hebrews chapter 1 verse 5. hebrews chapter 1 verse 5. hallelujah are you ready actually no no no let's do um [Music] let's do john 17. john chapter 17 john chapter 17 verse 4 now notice what jesus is saying i have glorified thee on the earth i have finished the work which thou giveth me to do are you listening to that listen to what jesus is saying and now o father glorify thou me with thy own self with the glory which i had with thee before the world was now notice what jesus is saying father you sent me on earth and i revealed you to the earth anyone who has the ability to reveal god is the glory of god i wish somebody would understand this anyone who has the ability to carry out god's mission on the earth is already a carrier of the very glory of god that the bible is speaking about that is why the angels are saying the earth is filled with your glory not heaven because heaven knows god are you listening to me there are degrees of encounters with god but heaven already has met god but the earth has not yet seen god the earth has seen glimpse of god but it has not fully realized the glory of god so anybody that is on a mission everybody that is carrying out their assignment according to scripture you are the glory of god on the earth i wish i was talking to people that understand what is being said now isaiah chapter 42 verse 8 isaiah 42 8 now this is going to be interesting now when people read this they contradict this and and you hear people say on the in the church all the time all the glory belongs to you god no no no your glory your glory we have become hypocrites because we don't even know what we are saying because of the lack of understanding and the lack of correctly reading scripture isaiah chapter 42 verse 8 says this i am the lord that is my name and my glory will i not give to another neither my praise to graven images now you have to understand this god cannot share his glory with one that does not belong to him but you are the body of christ no no no somebody didn't understand this i i want you to capture this perfectly god is saying my glory i will not share to another i will not share it with another but you are the body of christ are you another are you his i can't hear you you are his so if god glorifies you he's glorifying himself the reason why god wants to bless you wants to elevate you wants to change your life is so that men can see him but if you have false humility you will reject glory not understanding that you are part of him you will reject glory not understanding that without the glory of god no man can come to him so we have become spiritual hypocrites without understanding this we'll say oh shanda god oh yeah god all glory belongs to you when you say all glory belongs to you you're saying i i am yours the glory cannot be separated from a man and the glory of god is not given to inanimate or things that have no life because god is alive his glory can only be displayed by something that is alive is this making sense now i am setting this up because when i tell you what god wants to do don't be shocked because i am making sure if you are one of those people that say no glory belongs to god we help you before we go deep into what god wants to say so i'm making sure that you have no doubt in you because the scripture is testifying of what i'm saying amen amen hallelujah so listen to me clearly god does not share his glory with another because simply if you're not part of his kingdom then you're not his if you're not part of his body then you're not his whenever if you read in the scriptures when they met prophets or the apostles they will say man of god what does that mean it means a human being that is an extension of god a person that is displaying god in the flesh meaning glory of god are you understanding what i'm saying when the apostles got endowed with the power of god with the presence of god whenever people met them whenever people saw them they saw god that is why people would run at their feet to ask for a touch from god why because those men were no longer themselves they became an extension of god it was no longer them speaking to you but it was god speaking to you you see peter speaking to ananias and saphira telling them you you thought you were talking to me but didn't you know that you're talking to the holy spirit this man became inseparable from their very presence from the very essence of who god is so their presence was the presence of god when you come to revelation church we are not calling god to come god has already poured himself into a man so when you come into the church you are experiencing the glory of god that is revealed in a man that is revealed to those who are serving in the house so you don't come to invoke god to come god is already here that is why he established this place this is why this is why i am very i am very very uh uh i am very very offended when people undermine undermine or or or uh uh when they see the leaders that we have set up you know the apostles that are serving like apostle goshen or or or even our our ministry of helps that are serving in the church and you undermine them and you dishonor them you're not dishonoring them you're dishonoring me who is an extension of god who i poured myself into them to become an extension of me so anybody that walks in dishonor you are told sit here but you want to sit there you are not dishonoring man you are dishonoring god i am just keeping it 100 percent you are not destroyed you are not dishonoring them because when papalo shows up you say oh papalo what you have immediately done is you are hypocrite because papalo trusted this one to be the proper law of security but when you meet him you dishonor him you think you're dishonoring him but you're dishonoring me when you see apostles saying stand up let us worship god you see him with his handsomeness with his beautiful heart and fashion [Applause] and you dishonor him you're not dishonoring him you're dishonoring me and by dishonoring me or dishonoring god that sentence and the issue is this whatever you saw you reap so when you are dishonored and you say oh how could people do this to me you did it to god remember the lord jesus said it like this in the last day some will come to me i will go to them and say i was in prison you visited me i was this and they would say lord when did you when did we ever visit you he said when you went to see that man of god that woman of god that child of god you went to visit me do you understand the glory of god now is this making sense first corinthians chapter 2 verse 7. now we are about to go into the deep places now first corinthians chapter 2 verse 7. are you ready now we're about to go somewhere listen to this but we speak the wisdom of god in a mystery even the hidden wisdom which god ordained before the world and to our glory and to whose glory our glory i can't hear you our glory god's glory our glory whose glory our glory why is god wanting to glorify you because if he doesn't do that no one will see no one will know him the moment somebody a man starts to do supernatural things is no longer a man has become an extension of that glory that is god amen now you see the bible also says it in this way the bible also says it in this way the woman is the glory of the man if you want to know a good husband look at how their wife is taken care of when she's dressed nicely when she's at peace when you see her taken care of you understand that is a great man because the glory of the man is the woman are you getting what i'm saying these things are necessary because what they do is they show who is connected to who they are men that think they are preaching about the glory of god but they don't know they have denied the glory of god so many are deniers of the glory of god yet they are saying father do great things in my life remember these are not my words this is the scriptures this is not dr elia speaking this is the bible now i want to show you something that now is the core of the message isaiah chapter 60 i had to give you all these scriptures because i said god if i don't give them evidence of what i'm saying they will say i'm a blasphemer so let me give them verses so if they're going to argue let them argue with the book not me i'm just a messenger i'm just a paper boy message i'm just tossing it at your door you take it good you ignore it good hallelujah hallelujah so this is what god is saying to you arise shine for thy light is come and the glory of the lord has risen upon thee now now listen to this clearly i want you to capture this by the spirit of god i feel it in my spirit now listen to me somebody that is shining is not necessarily flowing in the glory of god but somebody that is flowing in the glory of god is definitely shining there are a lot of people who are shining in the world that men have made them idols of the flesh but they don't profit you anything because there is no display of god but it is only the display of the flesh we have what we call influences today but what are you influencing people too somebody that carries the glory of god makes you to see god experience god walk with god transforms your life empowers your life causes you to excel causes you to increase but there are people who are shining they are popular we even call them stars zero glory but god is calling you to be different ah yeah god is calling you to be different god is telling you to rise up because you're about to shine but you're not only going to shine the glory of god has also reasoned upon you amen amen the glory of the living god has risen upon you [Applause] i'll sit for two seconds two seconds listen when the glory of god comes upon you a man transforms from being a natural man to a supernatural man a man becomes what we call superman you become what we call iron man you become something that is beyond the comprehension of men because everything you do just works if something is difficult for people [Applause] what takes men to do in years you do it in a matter of weeks a matter of months i think i'm professing to the wrong people i receive i feel like this [Applause] i receive you see when the glory of god has risen let me talk to people online when the glory of god has risen upon you it provokes a chain reaction [Music] of men turning against you not to destroy you but it is an audience that god is gathering in order for him to display who he really is i feel like somebody at home got that fire you see the lord did something very interesting he chose a nation called israel that is his real estate let me tell you the truth can i be honest with you the lord said this the lord said this to jacob who became israel he said whoever will bless you i will bless them whoever curses you i will cast them now you have to understand what this means god did not say if you are wrong they can curse you does god only protect you when you have been good or does he protect you anyway i'm talking to do demons now have freedom to mess you up because you made a mistake before god no do you throw out your kids because they just did one thing that you don't like now go out there why do you think god is like that and god is a better father better mother better then all of us put together i i can you guys really hear me is this making sense god doesn't spit us out he may discipline us but he won't spit us out let me be honest with you even if the israelis are wrong leave them alone pray for them i'm being honest with you that's god's that is god's real estate on earth the whole earth is his but that land jesus is already telling you when the new world comes that is where i'm going to be you that if you want to visit me no california will still be there you see people think that these places are going away no it will be just new cali will still be there glendale will still be there it will just be new no the earth will still be the earth but it will be a new earth the things that are broken about now will not be there but that's why it says a new earth it doesn't say a new planet a new earth the same earth but new so when we return here after we've been in heaven for some time you might find me in l.a you may find me in simi valley but if god if the lord jesus has employed me i may be back and forth to israel so much look at your jealousy you see the same way in heaven the throne of god is even on earth it will be like that we'll be going to israel to i'm going to see the lord i'm preaching too i don't know if somebody's capturing this let me let me continue one time i'll teach a series on heaven and a few people have been asking me to teach about the book of revelation and i probably would do that on live stream very soon so so now listen to me listen to me god choose chose a place called israel whether you agree i'm not saying they are perfect they are not perfect some are not really good people some are great people like my daughter ronit is the most amazing you know jewish person you will meet on earth she's just full of the love of god she just wants she wants every have you heard the bible saying preach the gospel unto every living creature you might find ronnie talking to a tree have you received the lord that's how passionate she is about people going to heaven now this is so real she is so passionate because she's seen the way the world can be and she knows what it means to be in christ but not everybody's run it are you getting what i'm saying but that doesn't mean that you start fighting because the moment you you say things or you ch you are now fighting god you're no longer fighting them that's god's land that's just what it is are you listening to me remember abraham was the one that was wrong but god was ready to kill the pharaoh god defends his own man that's just how it is now now what notice this god chose his country and established it surrounded by enemies god chose a place and actually allowed his enemies to surround him you see some of you don't get it when people are gathering around you when situations are gathering around you you have to understand that your light has come and the glory of god [Applause] the glory of god the glory of the living god ah the glory of the living god is at play now look at verse two this is what is going to happen to you for behold the darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the people but the lord shall arise upon thee and his glory shall be seen upon thee calabashia listen to this now god is telling you that when it is time for the church to shine the whole earth will be in darkness not just darkness gross darkness it means a very deep darkness look at the news right now darkness turn left and right darkness you can't even go and sit down in a restaurant darkness it is a it is actually to be honest with you this is a test run for 666. it is a test run you can't go into this place without this you can't go into that because of this you can't sit here because of it is a test some of you are not getting what is happening it is a test is it the end no is it almost the end yes but they are testing it right now they just want you to see to be used to showing something to sit somewhere so that by the time another scandemic comes then the whole world will turn against you and say you have to you have no choice that this time they will push it further that you can't even go and buy or sell this is a test run you can't sit in the restaurant you know the devil you give him an inch you take a foot you give him a foot he'll take a mile you give him a mile he will take a hundred thousand miles they are tests they are poking to see now they are still have a lot of holes in what they are doing so it can't really carry out the way they want it to are you getting what i'm saying are you getting what i'm saying and and to be honest with you i'm not anti-vaccinations and things like that no vaccine are great when we were growing up they were vaccinated we were vaccinated but don't force me to take it if i don't want to that's just how it is if you want to take it praise god we thank god for you and we believe that it will be good for you but not everybody but all these things are just run-throughs it is darkness just because how you know it is darkness is that turning people against each other should not that should not be against each other it doesn't make any sense my body my choice but do this or else i taught my body my choice are you getting what i'm saying but it's just showing you the contradictions because and this is not the work of men this is really demonic now listen to what the lord is saying when great darkness has covered the earth not just great darkness but deep darkness but the lord shall rise up upon thee and his glory shall be seen upon thee the time for the church is not in the past it is now this is the time that jesus must be revealed because the world is desperate for a solution the world is desperate for direction the world is looking for a way out the world wants to understand what is going on but the church is also asleep i don't know if you can hear me verse 3 listen to verse three capture verse three listen to verse three and the gentiles shall come to thy light and the kings to thy brightness to the brightness of thy rising you see you are about to be such a solution ah let me talk to those who are working on something those who are working planning businesses and working on things hallelujah listen to what the bible is saying kings kings will come to your rising kings will come and look for you gentiles will come and look for you they'll say um where is papalo where's mike where's uncle fred where's mama ghana where's mama katrina where is chaz the reason why they will begin to look is because they will realize that why is everybody else drowning but you're not good why is everybody else dying but you're not good why is everyone hungry but you have more than enough to even share why is it that everybody's business is crushing but you keep coming up with new things and new things and new things and new things and new things why is it that you keep rising when everybody else is falling listen it is because your brightness your brightness your brightness what is the difference between light and brightness brightness is something that is just illuminating light is the source but the illumination is the brightness some of you will just be passing people just be like what is it about you [Music] that just makes you you you know when when the brightness of the lord is upon you can i have a water bottle please you take a water bottle like this and just take a picture everybody and their mother and their uncle will buy the same water bottle i received amen because you are illuminating so much that people start to say you know maybe if i if i if i this is product placement let's turn it like this maybe maybe if i drink some of this i will start seeing visions and speak in tongues hallelujah maybe if i touch this then my life will open up listen it is your time it is your season it is your moment it is your hour i see you don't be distracted by what is happening in the world don't be distracted by what is happening in the world whatever is happening in the world is a good news for us is good news it is a sign for us it is saying something to us it is confirming something for us it is not against us so sit for two seconds thank you mama katrina it is it is announcing us listen to what the bible says for all creation awaits all creation awaits the manifestation of the sons of god do you know darkness happens so that people can look for light may they begin to look for you hallelujah may they begin to look for you i will see you may they begin to search you out i received [Applause] darkness happens so if people can seek out light you see if the lord jesus came in our time his ministry will be even bigger and the lord jesus went to israel at a time that israel was oppressed by the romans whenever there is any sense of oppression depression calamity in the world god is about to raise up new icons new giants for the kingdom look at verse 4 look at verse 4 verse 4 look lift up thine eyes round about and see all they gather themselves together they come to thee thy sons shall come from afar and thy daughter shall be nursed at thy side notice this there are people who become spiritual sons and daughters because of what you're there are doing who begin to be mentored simply because of what god is doing with you verse 5 verse 5 then thou shalt see and flow together and thine heart shall fear and be enlarged because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee the forces of the gentiles shall come unto thee listen to what god is saying when he's saying abundance of the sea shall be converted to you you have to understand that the earth is 70 percent what so if that 70 that nobody can use you can use it okay i think people didn't catch that revelation let me go to somebody else let me go to somebody else let me go to somebody else [Applause] if that's 70 percent are you listening to me if that's 70 percent hallelujah that nobody it is there it is available but nobody can use it nobody can touch it but god is making it converted to something that you can use it means that when calamity is happening and you're not acting you are losing out no one is holding you back but you are holding you back god has already decided god has already made up his mind god has already blessed god has already opened doors but you you yourself you are missing out you are missing out because you don't understand the time that you're in look at verse 6 the multitudes of camels shall come shall cover thee the drama dries of midian and ephan and all they from sheba shall come they shall bring gold incense and they shall show forth the praises of the lord you know in those days to have a camel to have a horse is lamborghini ferrari [Applause] is this not the truth it's a hundred percent the truth when the bible is telling you and job had one thousand camels my guy had some ferraris [Applause] horses and donkeys it means these guys you know how today people talk wow that person has a jet as a this is that those days wow do you know how many camels bro and horses too and charity what man when you get there you just see them all there you know what i mean [Applause] but you have become so hyper spiritual that you don't get the blessing of god you see if god is going to bless you has to bless you in a language that men can understand god cannot bless you in a way that people cannot understand what it is that you have been given so if god is giving you something it must be something that when human beings look at they can look and say oh wow man god can give me that too god can do that for me too god can show me this too god can direct me like that too all these things listen to me all these things they are not just evidence there a definite sign not only that your light has come but the glory of god has settled on you god has decided to show himself through you verse 7 verse 7 all the flocks of kedah shall be gathered together unto thee the realms of naboth shall minister unto thee they shall come up with acceptance on mine altar and i will glorify thee i will glorify the house of my glory do you know what the house of god's glory is when the lord jesus said [Music] destroy this temple and in three days i will raise it up they said what you want to destroy somewhere where our fathers the glory of god settled but they did not understand what jesus was saying because they did not know what the house of god's glory was they did not understand that they were blind they were lost they were caught up in things that don't even make sense just like today if they see a man being used by god they say oh he doesn't say jesus enough it means he's not from god they don't even understand what in the name of jesus means but that just shows you how little how big how we have belittled god we have reduced god in the name of jesus simply means in the way jesus would do it that's what a norma means how many people you know say in jesus name nothing happens because the glory of god has no reason in them when the glory of god has risen within you the bible says whatsoever you shall touch he will be blessed it means i don't need to go around in the name of jesus i touch this what this to be blessed just the fact that i touched it jesus is touching it because i am the body of christ i am his extension we have diluted listen to me we have diluted what it means to be carriers of the glory the glory is not a dimension the glory is a man that has seen god [Music] the glory of god is a man that has seen god has experienced god that has walked with god that is engaging with god that man that woman is the glory of god look at this i want to go fast so that we can finish in time who are these that fly as clouds and as the doves to their window to their windows surely the eye so shall wait for me and the ship of tarshish first to bring thy sons from fire their silver and their gold with them unto the name of the lord they their god and to the holy one of israel because he has glorified thee you know you start becoming a money magnet when you're in the purpose of god let me tell you let me tell you a secret sit for two seconds let me tell you a real mystery or finances god does not give resources to projects he did not ordain i'll say that one more time for those who are in the back god does not give resources god does not give his resources to projects he did not ordain if god did not send me to do something he can't give me the resources to carry it out but the moment you enter and receive the glory of god you are already in purpose god has no choice but to fund your life because you are a working billboard for his glory he is obligated to make sure whatever you do wherever you are going the lord jesus said this listen to this the lord jesus said this the lord jesus said this he told these disciples don't carry your wallet don't carry money don't carry anything go where i'm sending you what no don't carry your wallet don't carry your money don't carry anything no atm card no cash up no zell nothing leave everything go why did god where did the lord jesus send them like that he wanted them to understand if i send you you are taken care of [Applause] i am prophesying to somebody right now you are about to see an abundance of the resources of god i will see you you are about to experience the abundance of god i received so that you may carry out the purpose that he has ordained for you [Applause] this is how this thing works notice now because the light of god has come the glory of god has come he is they are not looking for resources their resources are showing up you know in the world they said the stars just lined up think about that realistically all the famous people are lined up to just come and see you to see how they can work with you do projects with you for the glory of god not for their glory but for god to be honored verse 10 look at this verse 10 verse 10 and the sons of the strangers shall build up thy walls and their kings shall minister unto thee for in my wrath i smoth thee but in my favor have i had mercy on the imagine the president just calling you amen i was just checking in what's up what's god saying the governors are looking for you saying ah uh oh hi hey we've had wow i just want to have dinner something you know and when you sit there not even talking anything politically they are just like what what do you think i should do how how can i be of help to carry out the mission of god how can i help you in the business because i believe it's gonna benefit people people begin to minister unto you they begin to wait on you they begin to look for ways to assist what god has given you especially those who are shouting amen amen especially those who are shouting amen amen especially those who are shouting fire fire there is people there is a people [Applause] that have resources they're just waiting for you verse 11 therefore thy gate shall be opened continually there shall not be shut day no night that men may bring unto thee the forces of the gentiles and their kings may be brought you're not listening to what the bible is saying he's saying you will be a 24 hour shop of blessing amen i received there will be no break there will be no down time [Applause] let me look for somebody that is ready to receive this prophetic word maybe this is for uncle fred maybe this is for mike maybe this is for maybe this is for those who are at home your gates will be open 24 7. 24 7 this phone call we are we we have this that we are offering for this hey we want to give you this to do this uh we are we are thinking that you can open this and pioneer this for the community ah we want to do business like this we want all this to benefit the kingdom of god i receive you show the light of god upon the earth sit for two seconds [Music] you see in those days the business center was at the gate of the city because that's where merchants were coming in and out so and it's saying your gates will be opened some of you you will have to hire people that can answer your phone because [Applause] maybe this is for my son will amen maybe receive it in the name of jesus see just think of it [Applause] offers left and right can you just show up and just say hi to people to give people hope we were thinking of just just giving 10 million just for you to just say hi but you don't even need it you say no don't give it to me give it to that funeral home that is helping those who lost their families in the war or this and that or give this to those orphans i will come and do the will of god but use that when you are sober you have to understand that when god increases you you no longer need anything everything else that comes just overflow [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah somebody look at the handsome prophet give give them the finger give them the finger look and look at this finger display you need to zoom closer zoom closer there it is one more time [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah glory be to god glory be to god now listen to this threat that gave heaven is giving there is a threat that god is giving verse 12 for the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee they shall perish yea those nations shall utterly utterly be wasted notice to what god is saying god did not say they would just perish god is threatening you know when there is a threat in the spirit by god the thief comes back to give back sevenfold what he stole even what he was thinking of stealing god is saying whoever will not work with mike will not get a hit song whoever does not work with will will not get a blockbuster whoever does not work with my son todd you will not break the records the box office will not crack and break notice god is threatening if you don't do business with apostle god is threatening if you want to perish don't work with my people if you don't go to mama ghana to work with her listen your business is going down mama ghana is receiving so well hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] notice god is becoming a bully because remember the resources they have is actually a bank that is for you the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous they are a banking system that are holding on to your money god is making them multiply it so that when the time comes and you need it they just give it to you i i feel like i'm talking to myself verse 13 verse 13 are you ready the glory of lebanon shall come unto thee the far tree the pine tree and the box together the beauty to beautify the place of my sanctuary and i will make the place of my feet glorious god is saying the way he will adorn you the way he will beautify you the way he will do with you where glories used to be they will shift to you those people who people thought they were shining it would be you who will shine i it was their time but now it is your turn and it is your time and your time cannot be changed it cannot be erased it will be as long as you live i received we are about to pray in two seconds we have two minutes verse 14 verse 14 the sons also of them that afflict afflicted thee shall come bending unto thee you see some of you you are looking for people to come and say sorry to you just receive the glory of god they will come and confess to you you won't even do anything you won't even know they were coming you know i used to talk so badly about you i used to say this about you but now i trust me i know god is really with you and i know that if if if if i humble myself and and and and i just please apologize me the lord is saying they will come and bend their knee they will come and submit you see listen when god says vengeance is mine let god do his work let him you know when god humbles somebody you know that is why you should never pray humble me oh lord he says humble yourself if god humbles you ah imagine the weight of god's finger resting on you go go back to 14 we didn't finish 14. listen to this and the sons of them that afflicted thee shall come bending unto thee and all they that despise thee shall bow themselves down at the soul of thy feet and they shall call thee the city of the lord the zion of the holy one imagine you have become the manifestation of mount zion on earth those who despise you they will come and say ah god is in this place if i touch you i am touching god and i offended god [Applause] this is the glory you're about to receive i receive verse 15 [Applause] where thou has been forsaken and hated so that no man went through thee i will make the an eternal excellency a joy of many generations some of you your mother was broken your father was broken their fathers were broken everybody is broken you come from a broken background but listen to what god says you will be an eternal excellency of joy not just for you but for many generations verse 16. um thou shall also suck the milk of the gentiles and shall suck the breasts of the kings and thou shall know that i the lord i am thy savior and thy redeemer the mighty one of jacob what is god saying milk gives strength to bones [Music] it means the strength of the gentiles will actually become your strength the strength of the kings will actually become your strength listen to me [Applause] there is only one condition that god is giving us for this to come to pass are you going to be that person that forgets god for sex god walks away from god are you going to be that person that when all this has come to pass you become an individual that forgets that god has sent you you see some of you the issue is god can't even trust to open this door for you because if he opens it and you begin to prosper you become just like everybody else and the lord didn't call us to be like everybody else the lord didn't call us to be like everybody else so when the lord god increases you blesses you multiplies you people of a certain caliber start coming to you they are coming to you because you are above them not because you are the same they want to hang out with you because they know you carry something that they don't they want to be around you because they know you carry something that they don't listen to me they are their sons and daughters that god has pro prospered dramatically from this house and and and those there and the and they are those that will never forget that they're still in the house and there are those uh just rewind the clock two years three years ago before we were here papa please papa please okay go and prosper the moment it opens pop you don't see them anymore and obviously it's not like we need them no that's not the point of it but the point of it how long will you sustain what you took from god and you did not maintain it with him how long will you maintain it for how will you even maintain it it is only a fool that despises a whale that they drank from [Music] you see a well is a deep reserve of water in the ground a brook can dry up but a well is very difficult almost impossible for it to dry up because this water is coming from a place in a resource that is not on the surface notice when the samaritan woman was going to the well she said these words were dark by our father jacob he didn't even say israel those waters were still available the danger is when god blesses you are you going to be so blessed that you're going to perish and lose your soul because sometimes when you are so blessed you start ignoring prayer you start ignoring the house of god you start for somebody to you used to be i was glad when i was told let us go to the house of god now you're like i'll just watch online used to serve at the doors when people arrived now now i'm such a big star i can't do that you know it is crazy you know when i look at like when i look at my i look at my son lee i see i see i see uh my son will and many others they are doing well and god is blessing them their careers are increasing their own on on tv screens on commercials in place but you still find them welcoming you saying yeah prophesy holding the mic ah why would god increase and bless such people any man that cannot honor god in the way they used to david was a warrior he kept fighting even when he was king it was these people that said please no more you are the light of our nation we don't want you to go and something happens to you out there please sit in the palace he was at the front line of service the same way he served soul he became king he kept serving this week [Music] this week by divine decree [Applause] the glory of god has risen upon [Applause] thee the glory of god has risen upon thee the glory of god has risen upon thee i received i want you to speak to the lord jesus and tell the lord that lord i thank you for this word i believe it with all my heart give me the strength to remain in the bounds of your word that as your glory has risen on me that i will not lose my place in you that my sh my my faith my sight my strength will not be shifted to miss what you have for me but i will remain in the purpose in the divine purpose you have given me open your mouth and begin to speak to god foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] you deserve the glory [Music] and i glorify your you name miracles [Music] there is no [Music] you're going to tell the lord father make me an extension of your glory i want you to desire this with all your heart i want you to desire this with everything that is within you father let me become an extension of your glory let me become an extension of your glory may i become a light that the world would see let me become an extension of your glory when the world sees me let them see you all lord help me to become your glory on the earth open your mouth and speak to the lord there is no is [Music] there is no one else like you [Music] there is no one else [Music] [Music] [Music] is like [Music] lift your right hand to heaven lift your right hand to heaven [Music] [Music] [Music] this great work that is to be a carrier of your glory may i be able to do this will that be able to do this will that you have given unto me that you have given unto me may i be a light in every place that i will be in may your glory oh lord change man through me may your glory o lord change man through me this day strengthened me this day strengthen me this day elevate me this day elevate me this day show me the way oh lord this day show me your way your lord let me live a purposeful life let me live a purposeful in everything let me display your glory everything let me display your glory open your mouth and begin to speak to the lord [Music] [Music] there is no okay [Music] there [Music] is no one else like you there [Music] is no [Music] lift your hands lift your hands to god don't look at who is left don't look at who is right just close your eyes and look to jesus [Music] close your eyes and look to jesus [Music] oh holy god wonderful god merciful god today father we receive [Music] the glory of god the expression of god himself by the power of the holy spirit may the weight of your glory rest upon your people even now [Music] may the weight of your glory rest upon your people now in the mighty name of jesus may the weight of your glory rest upon your people may this house be a carrier of your glory may all those who are here receive it now wherever they go may they be the light may they be the carriers and executors of god's will father let their glory rise rise and shine your glory upon them give them the strength to rise up beyond what is holding them back father let your glory be seen let your glory be revealed even now in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus glory of god receive the glory of god receive the glory of god receive it now may it be sin upon you like fire let it come upon you like fire let it come upon you like fire let it come upon you let it renew your purpose in god let it renew your focus in god the glory of god revenge [Music] [Music] [Music] father i pray for them i pray for them i intercede for them i intercede for them i cry on their behalf let this word that you gave to me for them let it be fulfilled beginning now [Music] may your glory begin to ooze out of them may your glory begin to pour out of them now the treasure that is hidden within them further unlock it now further unlock it now further unlock it now father open them [Music] oh my lord [Music] let there be an unlocking now let there be an unlocking now father touch their inner man their inner man open their bodies open their souls let the inner man come forth the carrier of the glory let father where sin has hindered them i ask you to forgive them to cleanse them and purify them let them not miss this outpouring father let them not miss this outpouring let them receive it now as the world is covered in darkness let them be the light now let them not only shine but let the glory of god shine let them be like the sun where there is no light your glory oh lord your glory your glory your glory your glory your glory your glory keep your hands lifted don't look around something is happening something is taking place something is happening i shake your inner man now i strengthen your inner man now [Music] your inner man your inner man is being charged now your inner man is being charged now may you not be able to contain the manifestation of the glory of god within you [Applause] sh many new languages pour out of your spirit [Applause] [Applause] activation activation activation activation [Music] that activation the activation the activation of the glory the activation of the glory the activation of the glory like a drunken person let the glory be displayed as it was displayed in acts chapter 2 [Applause] activation activation activation [Music] activation activation activation a [Music] don't quench your spirit open your mouth open your mouth don't quench your spirit open your mouth mysteries foreign [Laughter] keep pushing keep pushing keep pushing the waters are coming forth the waters are coming forth keep pushing keep pushing keep pushing your spirits [Music]
Channel: Revelation Church
Views: 1,370
Rating: 4.9365077 out of 5
Id: 737mSJF77f4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 17sec (6137 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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