FouseyTube: An Alternate Reality [2]

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[ __ ] what you believe for my life I say what's right for my life I am a [ __ ] Champion I am a hero you go through my forward how the hell are you going to be a motivational speaker I can stand up strong and say watch me [ __ ] y'all fake your whole we what you talking to me about fake pranks oh [ __ ] I am you little [ __ ] God gave me a point shame on y'all that's my purpose kill myself what a load of [ __ ] rubbish it's a scam he's a con artist he's been doing this for a very long time I mean it's only been 2 years since I made part one but he's still the same [ __ ] worm he's always been worse I reckon and a lot can happen in two years he actually admitted everything I said about him I did anything and everything for attention I did some [ __ ] that like literally sold my dignity for views and money you're doing things that you morally don't believe in but because the views and the AdSense dollars are there you continue to do them I may have fake pranks but there are some people on YouTube who you know how fake their whole careers and lives and that's a fact fact is you're one of them people hear what they want to hear they see what they want to see and they believe what they want to believe it's a long story I'll tell you guys one day about the personality I created and how everything I've ever done I've contrived and I've done it behind the scenes whether it's me crying whether it's me you know getting people to make fun of me or a drama or anything it's all [ __ ] the whole internet is [ __ ] everything you see I'm going to beat him to it this is that story the story of a worm he's been digging this hole for years but nobody could have ever predicted just how deep he could go it's a much bigger Wormhole than a lot of you guys [Music] know it's going to revolutionize how [ __ ] is done forever I promise you the event is advertised as a Coachella caliber experience Summer Jam experience like dead [ __ ] ass or at least so he explains in an interview with Agent 47 who lets him rabit on uninterrupted for a sickening amount of time 5800 people sold out for free at the Greek Theater all the biggest artists in the world in one Arena and everybody in the world watching some of the biggest artists that's how we do great [ __ ] who apparently it's going to be like the Royal Rumble of a concert cuz you don't know who's coming out that's the fun part it's not really fun is it I think it's quite convenient at this point he's got pretty much [ __ ] all so he decides he's going to suck off every celebrity in Hollywood LeBron James you need to come July 15th the city J Summers Mill we need you I don't ever name drop I hate name droing yeah very very believable few get leaked anyway it's your boy WiFi funeral and I'm going to be at the Greek Theater in LA July 15th you feel me you already know was going on a whole lot of gang [ __ ] Wicked we're going to be getting some gang [ __ ] and would you look who it is on the flyer starting to look very impressive short visit with a psychopath and then it's off to the TMZ offices entirely unannounced for some more epic dick sucking so they can document the event I'm at the TMZ offices right now they didn't invite me I didn't tell them I was coming I just showed up you think any celebrity respects TMZ no because they are profiting off of other people's Fortune they are spreading tabloids they are spreading lives yeah don't invite them then you're [ __ ] brain surgeon look you got all the funny YouTubers here of course the gnome came I he smell the money from the other side of the country didn't he he's like a Jewish [ __ ] shark boom I deliver the most insane motivational speech you've ever heard in your life like groundbreaking talking about like ending racism ending this ending this ending this I have it right so this is where it all gets a little bit [ __ ] confusing it's a music festival YouTube convention motivational sem our SL song Tour that promotes love and positivity and ends racism it's a Mindless [ __ ] laoren and Maze of so many different ever altering things that you can't help but get lost in The Madness of it and obviously the rational response is to automatically assume it's a bloody scam but the event is free and he's funding it all on his Lonesome not exactly a point he neglects to men ition I'm investing all my money into this I invested all my money into it and I did it for the people so are you going to go broke no I ain't got money to spend like that Drake dead ass I don't so you've hyped this event into [ __ ] Oblivion by leeching off pretty much anyone with a shadow of relevance directly lied overdramatized everything to the point of falsehood and still claim it's going to end racism right I'm not messing about this better be [ __ ] good my dick [ __ ] me they dick get with the [ __ ] about hit Legit to Quit 2 it's [ __ ] crap Git You [ __ ] on about there wasn't any gang [ __ ] where the [ __ ] was the gang [ __ ] you [ __ ] oh my God what the [ __ ] is that we [ __ ] found her boys we [ __ ] found her she must be the one that bought all the tickets she needed to space you son of a [ __ ] needs enough time to roll out of the way of the [ __ ] harpoons got it who the [ __ ] is this guy a malnourished Pablo Escobar grease Merchant he says the same thing over and over again and I still don't know what the [ __ ] it is just [ __ ] look at him what the [ __ ] is he doing yeah just getting bumped in he's all over the [ __ ] place I'm surprised the packet of drugs didn't fall out I mean there was less than a thousand people there what but you said you were sold out wait are you telling me that someone bought multiple tickets for free and just didn't use them well we know who gobbled them up now don't we like a hungry hungry [ __ ] hippo bro just change the world let's go so everybody you said was coming everyone you invited to come nowhere absolutely [ __ ] nowhere and where are you you're not even at your own event you [ __ ] your girlfriend is there hello your friends are there [ __ ] vultures but you you're still in your hotel room doing this [ __ ] you create fantasies in your real life about circumstances that do not happen and that never will [ __ ] happen because your expectations just aren't realistic because your ego is off the charts [ __ ] immeasurable how much money did you sink into this anyway you [ __ ] Muppet well I mean at least it can't get any worse can it kill myself this is now closed you need to exit the park immediately criminal conspiracy detectives are looking into leads in and outside of La the YouTuber himself is actually on top of a car [Music] want to know the Silver Lining nobody is dead and okay despite the free tickets might be a few people out of pocket if they traveled in from a distance this one probably had to be rope tied to the back of a plane at some considerable cost bear that in mind but even though you deceived everyone like some kind of tonged serpent I bet most of them had a nice day out probably for the first time in [ __ ] months let's face it speaking for myself I would have had fun genuinely this moment where you for some unbeknownst reason felt the need to air out all the belly ooze [ __ ] magnificent brother it's been my screen saver ever since imagine a conclusion in which he didn't deceive anyone say it was just another wank YouTube event would you give a [ __ ] can't say I would Beyond a snide joke or two whatever the event was it wasn't tanacon but throughout his entire career whenever he's tried to negate criticism the actions he's taken have been far worse than the reasons he received criticism in the first place the reason people have hated me is cuz people [ __ ] fear me cuz they know how powerful I am they know how strong I can be they know how much I can achieve the general the action was about what you'd expect and most of it was warranted the event was a [ __ ] disaster and everyone could see it of course he felt he needed to spend the next few months trying to prove it wasn't he even canceled a nose job he planned to have just so he could do it I was going to get a nose surgery on July 19th but it wouldn't be all negative this fell had nothing but nice things to say Yousef showed us the true power of your mind and of your Consciousness it truly was not a fail in the middle of wa wait wait wait wait wait wait a minute is that his [ __ ] dog I'll forever protect you and you'll forever be the dollar to my [Music] dream I'm sorry but it [ __ ] [Music] is I meant this one the little white [ __ ] come on he's probably standing all but 6 feet away telling him what to say there's this one clip finds a couple of mugs out on the street it's all really [ __ ] obvious just say it to the people oh W this guy changed our lives bro this guy's a real one bro why why how going to the gym you know what I'm saying inspired us bro he's inspiring the youth stop hating man he's a good guy if you can't find him he'll pay for it promise a few friends a few things wave a few pennies under their [ __ ] noses yeah they'll happily Yip at your heels for a bit and that's why I'm a [ __ ] leader and a champion dog that's why I'm going become a world famous motivational speaker you have money and you give people money and they say yes Bo yeah cuz I help people I don't need Yes Men on the internet to tell me who the [ __ ] I am you little [ __ ] WWE guy he felt me and he feared me not that I'm putting him in danger but that holy [ __ ] I'm intimidated because he knew that he was in the wrong I don't think he did did he I mean this one is so much a [ __ ] Bubblehead you can stick him on the dashboard of your car and this one looks like he's been hand Tred to catch fousey's turds I mean the symptoms are there aren't they I think you've gotten your ass kissed by the fans by your circle and by the people around you tell me if he's done this for you tell me if anybody's done this for you I told him that if he flies out here I'm going to buy his parents a house I'm going to buy his family a house I promised him a house I'm going to build a farm for his family I don't care if I lose every single [Music] dollar if you haven't already guessed fousey not a big fan of criticism but a big fan of censorship that's why he disables his ratings he doesn't want people to see that his videos get hundreds of thousands of dislikes pretty sure he's deleting comments too and probably bribing one of of his pet monkeys to sit there and do it for him I picture it being the one that wants him to build the farm every time he deletes a negative comment he gets another packet of Crest seed never do I want to and never will I disable the comments building up quite the block list on Twitter and if you dare piss him off enough he'll try and grab your address remember when he got his first hair tattoo wasn't too happy I say a woman cuz she's lucky I didn't put her information out there she butchered my hair why the [ __ ] are we showing the wars we have going on in the world why are we showing the devastation The Killing fousey loves censorship and it's because he hates criticism so [ __ ] much that even now months later he's going to some incredible lengths he's already changed his line of defense several times each one of them a little different some pretty weak others very deluded a few straight up [ __ ] insane July 15th was supposed to end in a bomb threat July 15th was supposed to end in of course the first thing to do is to put put it on the bomb threat can't blame him for an unfortunate twist of fate can you unless he did it fact is the bomb threat benefited him it somewhat saved his brown ass well not really because the event would have will have had and had already failed without it despite the [ __ ] show that it was if your only goal was to give people an interesting day out then maybe you can claim the event was a success but looking back you intended it to be a fair bit [ __ ] more than that didn't you and not getting the numbers is the least of it did you end [ __ ] racism did you tick that one off do I really have to point out the irony with that one where were the musicians literally only three of them turned up where was the man you stuck on the flyer more importantly was he ever even coming have you seen [Music] Drake have you seen Drake no have you seen Drake have you seen Drake are you the [ __ ] have you seen Drake have you seen Drake I did meet Drake that night and I will say that to my grave this is the story of how fousy Tu met Drake except didn't it begins with a scene straight out of some kind of lowbudget crime drama where fousy is literally stalking the man outside a [Music] club that's how you know Drake's in La hey Drake oo yo I'm trying to look like you dog is it working no I'm not but some girls do call me champagne Poppy the king is back anyways Drake I'm trying to find you cuz I want to invite you to my July 15th show tomorrow he then meets up with Pablo and it gets weird I don't even know why I Lucy like that he's a solid dude you feel me but at the time I don't know feel me I don't know what he know chipperish just [ __ ] gibberish I can learn to understand you much better if I can get familiar with the way you talk spider I need your per hello everybody it's me again I'm going to ring up colosso's crazy so let's see if he answers I don't know he said he's got something planned I don't know what it is this is a lot louder than I thought a lot louder pipl your webcam your webcam pipl I told you I couldn't find it okay so all you have to do is click it watch it and just tell me what he's saying okay do you want me to do it whilst you're in the Skype call or yes obviously yes okay I don't I don't know no [ __ ] you I don't need your reaction I just need you to listen to it and decipher it I am listening to it I'm listening to it in my own way so so from what I can tell he's angry about his tacos being overcooked I don't know what what what that's about it it was a lot of gibberish I don't think a lot of it was actually language so it's amazing that even I can't understand it 2 Ines away from me I'm staring at him in his eye like this hungry knowing that I left my house that night saying I'm going to meet Drake like a crazy person this is the story of how I met Drake except I didn't meet him I was outside a club and I saw an arachnid selling what I can only imagine to be Froot Loops but God sent me a little message into my damaged [ __ ] brain that I was to follow this Mughal into the cooks I don't even know what this is but that's what I did Spider-Man decides to conveniently disappear at this point might have something to do with all the sirens we've been hearing so I start charging up into what I don't know but I think I'm about to go quite mental in any case I see someone touching someone's shoulder and the Hand goes off the shoulder and again I have literally no idea why I'm mentioning this but I am so I start wandering about for a bit asking random people if they believe in God and I'm screaming at the top of my lungs in a very enclosed space because I've lost every last bit of my sanity pool door open no close the door and throw away the [ __ ] key at this point I then managed to guess a famous person's name because God told me his name and it's all very believable but then I see Drake walking over and apparently he's a giant like he's God [ __ ] Zilla I don't know how they fit him in the club to be honest then someone goes to Drake and speaks into his mouth and I don't think that's weird at all so I just start having a little dance don't I end up running out of energy doing this so [ __ ] off for a minute to get a Red Bull probably when I come back someone else is shaking Drake's hand and I get very upset with this for some reason so I just start psychotically staring at him for several minutes then I get in close and we almost touch our noses together but don't and this is the reason why I think I met Drake and why I didn't end up getting the nose job because if I had I'd have only been several [ __ ] meters further away I'm this close to Drake at the end of the day this is a 24-minute video of a bold man talking complete bollocks it is [ __ ] nonsense you'd have to be a Nutter to understand this [ __ ] what was is this about what the [ __ ] is a champagne puppy I need your energy Drake this is energy energy got a lot of energy got a lot of people trying to Dam me this energy trying to take away from an Arab get back in the car whoa get back in the car okay sorry [Music] sorry I did it I was hyped so you didn't meet Drake he just looked at you actually he didn't even do that I'm [ __ ] fuming he doesn't make eye contact with me but I see him he didn't speak to him he didn't shake his hand he didn't put his hand on his shoulder touch his nose with his [ __ ] nose he doesn't even [ __ ] look at him of fousy might have been staring at Drake like some starved animal KY rapac [ __ ] lunatic but Drake never returned it I mean do you blame him at best he is claiming that he was able to telepathically communicate with Drake via smell and unless he's a [ __ ] dog I don't think sniffing someone counts as a greeting the only way fousey could have ever met Drake is if he is [ __ ] Kine and I'm not joking this is a very promising Theory I did it July 15th Los Angeles California he didn't we reached out to like Drake's people and they said that he had no plan to play there before the event he claimed he needed 2 million live viewers on YouTube a requirement for Drake to come but afterwards admits that neither Drake nor anyone for that matter ever told him to make it I feel like if Drake said that to you he was basically saying I'm not com didn't say that to me Drake didn't say that to me therefore he is manipulating others into viewing the live stream and why would it be a requirement for Drake to come if he was already coming as fousy claims he was you want me to answer that the answer is this he did not meet Drake he does not think he met him he was never coming to the show and fousy never thought he was coming he lied about all of it just to send more traffic to both the live stream dream and the event itself and I wasn't even surprised at how much stuff you started making up you manipulated people to come by claiming several others were coming and then lied about the lies you lied about because you are to the very marrow of your [ __ ] bones a natural born liar YouTuber Foy lies about getting Drake [ __ ] I never lied a day in my damn life the beast in me is caged by frail and fragile bars Restless by day and By Night Ranson rages at the stars God help the beast in me the beast in me has had to learn to live with pain and how to Shelter From the [Music] rain and in the twinkling of an eye might have to be restrained God help the beast in I'm a beast I'm a dog judge me for my intention not on me messing up on trying to make my intention into a reality I'll tell you this for free his intentions have nothing to do with the name hate dies love arrives that one doesn't turn out too well [ __ ] you I'll say this to your Goddamn face you little hoe I'm out this [ __ ] I love y'all hate dies love arrives my name is Foy you can call me Rose and Imagine This Princess Jasmine goes to the Village she's looking around and she sees her City miserable because the people who are leading her City now let's say she left people are leading her City are like damaging the youth they're teaching them the wrong things they're doing the wrong things they're doing all this they're doing all that you know so then she can't take it anymore so she goes to the highest Heights of the castles and she's like I'm ready to be Princess Jasmine again I'm ready to be princess fousy and she rips off her Garb and she has something to announce to the world sex change that that's why he made the event Jasmine Rose pedicures eyebrows pink eared poodle I mean the signs were there we should have seen it coming your beta is [ __ ] I'm an alpha I'm a lion I'm a lion I'm a lion am I lying am I lying yes 375 venue show in Australia and I sat there and I was like something's not right so he's in Australia doing a motivational show but damn only 375 people show up up so he decides to fly back to see if he could do a bigger show how's he going to do it leeching lying and overdramatizing most likely let's make a song about a popular YouTuber and just as we did with the event let's hype it into [ __ ] Oblivion it was going to be number one on the charts within 24 hours this song was going to Trend this song was going to be talked about by celebrities reacted to by every single YouTuber in the world this song was going to break world star the song was going to Trend number one on YouTube and get 350 million viewers in a short period of time it was going to be the biggest Club Banger literally in the world in the world I didn't say in the country yeah I heard what you [ __ ] said brought it back to Cali with LeBron o k sign Dei acting strong Logan warned me not to let them use me Tyler Perry put me in his movies it's the weekend I'm on a roll Bella DM me back with an EXO it's a Dis Track on Rice gum that opens with a pre-recorded scene of some sunlight drenched blob that's been kind enough to give him a lift home after freeing him from an insane asylum it's only got two verses and he still somehow managed to be a hypocrite in him it was still an improvement on this one and I got no girlfriend I'll probably die alone and when I meet somebody my depression takes the throne I got two small dogs on the internet I got called irrelevant by whoever just off of you calling me irrelevant I want this song to be the reason I become successful as [ __ ] things are starting to click into place and sure enough rice gum was on a live stream calling him irrelevant somebody says stop bringing up rice gum for attention [ __ ] you and [ __ ] rice gum how can you call somebody irrelevant who did what I did I'm a [ __ ] Legend I straight up I'm a [ __ ] Legend I'm a legend for what I did to YouTube the YouTube Community legend for getting into movies legend for half of the everything that I've done in my career so not just someone that owes me money but others his own fans perhaps rice gum fans fans all calling him Irrelevant for several months he does a show in Australia doesn't get the numbers he wanted his numbers are down in general he thinks YouTube [ __ ] his channels and he's very likely right so he makes a new one kicks it off very familyfriendly tries to get on the kids app he's denied so he starts click baiting every video giveaways every week he gives away a car he buys a Ferrari twice starts a project where he says he's homeless but it's one that conveniently has him collaborating with popular YouTubers calls three of them out for a boxing match disguising his true intent by claiming he only wants to fight a super Super Mutant because like four [ __ ] years ago he allegedly sexually assaulted a hooker in Brazil it's ridiculous and I could go on at this point but these are all signs of someone who is trying very [ __ ] hard to boost his relevancy it's not just any one thing it's everything combined his ego is hurt his ego is shattered and he wants so desperately to regain it that he's willing to go to the length that he does but if I heard that I was irrelevant when if I had your numbers right now I'd be hungry it would just make me hungry look how hungry it made me now I want to sell a 100 million copies to show the world how irrelevant I am and I was going to play the song for rice and be like look I love you and I hope you start using your power for good he effectively does what he always does disguises his true intent onto something more positive that makes him look good same exact thing he did with every single one of his fake Social experiments I've no doubt if rice gum had actually showed up to the [ __ ] event F would have said the [ __ ] he said he was going to say proof lies in the fact he called it hate dies love arrives this utterly bizarre interaction with keemstar looking at you dead in the [ __ ] eye I'm not hiding behind Twitter I love you I [ __ ] love you YouTube became a thing about attention and clickbait and this and this and who's hot and clout and this and this and it's cancer I agree the hypocrisy lies in the fact that you're very much part of it if I'm a shitty person and I'm successful what the [ __ ] are you if you're under me you see what I'm saying stop that that I'm trying to Big you up I'm trying to help people up I'm trying to spread positivity since you [ __ ] fell off of YouTube how many [ __ ] movies have I been in they were abysmal my mentor is Tyler Perry a talentless unfunny money grubbing slug I just crushed the [ __ ] world on July 15th a complete and utter train wreck I bought my mama house Sam no you didn't I tricked you guys I'm basically at my new house in Los Angeles I just bought a new house and that is how you clickbait a title YouTubers are slaves to their [ __ ] content and their views they die without that relevancy they are nothing without that relevancy take their numbers away they are nothing and I think he truly believes that it's very [ __ ] sad but it's because he believes it that he does the things he does and based on what I've seen I think he's willing to do almost anything as long as he obtains it when he has it he doesn't know what to do with it and can't handle the criticism that comes with it which causes him to do the things that become the things he's most criticized for so in order to negate the criticism he'll manipulate a positive message to disguise his true intention claiming the event was about ending racism was just that he did the same thing with this video years ago some things just don't change okay the event is not about a sex change but it wasn't that bad of a theory he's reinvented himself so many times that at this point he now has more names than brain cells this is fousy tube this is fousey this is Rose this is the rain of Simba this is the return of Simba this is The Rose That Grew From the concrete this is the boy who had a dollar in a dream this is the man who has been kicked down and everybody told him to stay down but stood right back up and said that's all you got I'm giving up my entire life my entire ego my entire image on social media I feel like I'm living my purpose now guys I'm not pretending to be somebody I'm not anymore if you look at the trajectory of my career and of my life I do the same things over and over and over again you can't teach an old dog new tricks just ask this one the only trick he's managed is play dead [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to [Music] we cannot change the world in 22 days and we cannot change the world alone and yet you claimed you could do it in five all of this is rooted in a single word ego without it he wouldn't have been affected by criticism made towards his own relevancy it's only because he was that his intent became to increase it so he created July 15th a scam an act of deception in terms of what it would achieve and who would be attending its failure was inevitable but he simply refused to accept it and it's for all these same reasons that he began to dig himself an even deeper hole so deep in fact I've only been halfway down it you shouldn't believe everything you see on YouTube it sells you a reality that's not real and 99% of the time it's a load of [ __ ] rub fish this is the story of a worm that talks an awful lot of it a worm that digs deeper and deeper lie on top of Lies stacking above him he digs a hole so deep he loses sight of the surface and so he only digs the hole deeper a hole that's deep enough for others to fall into an alternate reality I'm not here here I go into an alternate reality
Channel: Colossal Is Crazy
Views: 2,572,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fouseytube, fousey, alternate reality
Id: SkiCHrDHv74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 2sec (1862 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 20 2018
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