Smosh Cast Responds to Assumptions About Them (ft. Shayne Topp, Keith Leak Jr, Angela Giarratana)

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I try not to look at comments often either because you see that one comment and it will mess up your day up until that point all of my characters were just batshit crazy to make a character that was the complete opposite and for it to work was really fun we only want Ian and Anthony just like well I'm sorry I'm here that's a good drawing of you what very accurate what Melo psycho asks do y'all get tired of long running jokes or bits about yourselves I don't mind I like it I would rather it be around a joke or a meme than something else that people are like clinging to yeah for sure I feel like I feel like I've manufactured it a lot of times like Munch Munch was an that's one people don't know about anymore really yeah that's that's that one died that one died out dang I'm still on Munch but like the the it is Monday banana stuff like even you're my favorite pizza place was like something that I kind of kept doing until people like got into it I'd say the one I'm not tired of it but it's funny because I think people think I bring it up the most is I made a a pain joke forever ago or no I wrote I wrote we wrote it into video games in real life uh and it was about a Resident Evil character uh this giant vampire lady okay and I I was playing a character where I was like oh no I hope she doesn't come in here and me like that would suck and I we wrote this we wrote this scene out and then people just started to be like yeah Shane really wants to get oh and then and then it kept building and then Garrett did a joke in my funeral where he sang a whole song about it and I was laughing about I was like this is hilarious but it kept getting brought up and I think people think that I bring it up all the time when in reality it's just been a running gag and so uh when when I posted my Instagram post for this there was a lot of things of like well you make so many jokes about getting you must you must and I'm like I haven't actually said that many like I said reference it was a reference to a video game this was scripted too right it was on a scripted set which I was surprised that those rarely get the same momentum as our like laugh where's my camera where's my where do where do I talk I need a camera to talk to hey we're actors we are actors what you see especially in a something scripted even if we have our names attached to it it's a joke it's probably us a joke I don't mind though like I I think it's funny he does mind to get he doesn't want to get boom girl bucko says I assume Keith has wanted to leave smos for a while boom girl bucko came in BO girl was like all right enough jokes boom boom girl damn um okay um okay so there have been times for sure um even in recent times where where it is things change and I have gotten there's times where I've been complacent um there's times where I did not want to be there let me be truthful um but there are other times where I do want to be there and as of recent I'm happy to be here you know what I mean it's been a it's been like a big roller coaster for me from a lot of things like behind the scenes um just to sometimes feeling overlooked you know and not feeling seen and I've also questioned myself there and it's like where do I belong you know what I mean like for the longest being like the only like U like like black guy in the cast black person in the cast um person of color it just really like it was difficult to find my footing here you know certain points I didn't know like who what was what who was my friend you know what I mean just like the the things that I have to go through personally um so to find some sense of Peace as of recent all over again it feels good good you know I don't know if you guys can tell but I look I I don't know like they feel like they can um but yeah I I'm I'm happy right now Piper manerz says Angela was the girl at sleepovers who would always cuddle you and whose hands were always slightly sticky Wella that's that's just me yeah um Angela you were a little piece of okay so uh Keith doesn't want to be here and I'm sticky you were sticky I was saying you were when you were a little kid the first part's crazy that I wanted to cuddle and touch I feel like I feel like they're saying something there lot to break down here um everyone always comments on how excited and like little sibling energy I am when I'm around everybody and I think it's just because I like my brother and I were very just like separate in our house like and our parents were constantly working so it was I was alone a lot so I feel like when I am on smos specifically on camera there is like a younger kid who's hanging out with their siblings that comes out and I'm like oh my God I have all these brothers and all these sisters and I think it's because of like the games and the things we're doing it's not really like super like highbrow stuff so I get so excited I was that kid at the sleepover that was like oh my God I'm we're having so much fun right now right and you're were sticky as well um yeah I I I I don't think I was sticky uh maybe if I had I always had hot Cheeto hands that's sticky that count is sticky Kylie Dunn says I assume that Shane knows he's considered the backbone of smos and he feels a lot of pressure to be funny because of it oh wow oh Jesus um can I can I say something before you go okay Shane has definitely been the back bonus smj like straight up dude like straight up from when you came in and just like you take more of a leadership role than what you think you do and you do it like right you do it with class you do it with like kindness you don't have to try to be funny you're just that you know what I mean so like yeah you are just that and you are the backbone I believe so I truly believe I'm giving everybody Day flowers today yeah damn Keith uh I I don't know I don't know how to respond to that personally um because I feel like my strength is that I'm very good at playing off of other people so I never felt like I was like oh people like want to see me I'm just like I'm good at seeing other people's strengths and building that Dynamic and that's exactly what it is I mean I think it's like like I think you hear backbone of smos and you hear like just you but I it's it's actually that you just invite and like from the first video I was in with you like it's a connection thing and that's why I think it's not you alone being the backbone and us being behind you I think it could be easy for you to think that exactly but I think it's just an energy you bring that that invites everybody in yeah I yeah um it's hard you can't say that that's the thing like we can say it for yes yeah I don't know I just I I guess from my perspective I just see so much strength in just all of us working together and that's obviously what yeah what the whole brand is I think also I from a job perspective and working full-time I see the work that goes in behind the scen and I can't but be like no the backbone's actually Kiana it's just kind of like that's I think when I think of that I'm like when we get on camera like you know it I feel like it shifts all the time yeah um and I feel like it's all of us together and it's our Dynamic that is the backbone but I constantly think about who's the one like organizing this all generating everyone is a bone we're all a bone uh that that's funny to me we not like over we're we're all a bone you're just the boner go dude boners Logan Teem asks do you think some people hate you just because you're not Anthony and Ian well some people did hate us because we Anthony and you but it wasn't okay so we thought they I feel like behind the scenes everyone thought the roll out was going to be kind of rough for us it wasn't that bad of course they want Ian and Anthony all the time but we got a lot of love from like the fans but then of course you get those a few comments where it's like man we only want Ian and Anthony's just like well I'm sorry I'm here you know but beyond that I don't think for me it I tried not to look at comments often either because you see that one comment and it will mess up your day yeah I would say it always was a smaller group of people like if they those were like one out of 10 was and especially pitz that that channel wasn't really like there wasn't a lot of views there when we started so we built that audience kind of a new and our I really do think our audience nowadays is super accepting and and super open yeah uh I don't see I rarely see hate comments nowadays how do you how did you feel coming in because I think it's kind of a blur to us too since it's been so long so like in the past year and a half how did did you look at comments did you feel that you weren't accepted by like the community or anything like that yeah I came in when Anthony was gone so I didn't really understand the power they had together until he came back and we went to that VidCon and I was like oh like suddenly it did feel like for a quick second it did feel like us and then them but then so quickly it was just like oh no we're all in this and it feels I don't think I ever feel like less than um everyone does a good job at making it feel very supported I assume that they get tired of how fans kind of fit each of them into a genre of Comedy like yes they each have their own unique approach but I bet it could be stressful to try and fulfill something that you've been pigeon hold into by an audience I understand this because we do that with stories and we do that with sitcoms like on sitcoms there are like the archetypes there's like the loser the like the girl like there's it's just a thing I think you do with media but then it breaks when it's like the parasocial thing where it's like oh these are real people versus these are written these are written types of characters versus like it is a way for audiences to be like I know you you're that kind of guy yeah and that's a way for them to connect to you and I get the harmful parts of it but I understand it's just like a part of watching people on TV I think or on YouTube is like so like I think that's always going to be a thing like you're always going to have a type people put you into because they don't know you yeah yeah I I don't think it's as much the fans doing it that I worry about I think sometimes behind the scenes uh me as an individual I will start to fall into certain like things and I'm like well this works I do this thing it works and you do have to kind of be like oh I have to change it up I need to change it up for myself and also just also just for when we're writing sketches or even just in the videos that we're making it's a matter of also not like at SM pigeon hoing people and going well Angela does this thing she does this type of energy so we'll put her there it's like well have we given her the chance to do something different I remember when I was like first coming on and they would like have like an open pitch for characters and stuff I was pitching a lot of like musical stuff or like something with a musical element or a character that played an instrument for me to play and then I remember just being like Oh I I should not like pinch it hole myself as just like a theater musical theater person but at the same time that's like what you like exactly so it's like a line I walk where it's like that is a part of me and that's like yeah but but then at some point you're like I just want to make sure that just as a like a writer for yourself you're like you just want to pitch all types of roles for you to play yeah I think that what was really fun for me when I created the character of The Chosen cuz up until that point all of my characters were just batshit crazy like yelling nuts and so to make a character that was the complete opposite and for it to work was really fun wa I never looked at it that way he very grounded literally super quiet sunglasses on no the whole point is to have no expression and be quiet that's so fun it's awesome it's much easier to do uh but you know Courtney freaking Miller I was doing for years and I was like I my head hurts after doing that's so interesting cuz I even noticed that with BFF Legacy where it was like a betrayal Legacy I was like I the first half I was doing like what I thought was just my bread and butter which was crazy chaotic characters and then towards the end I was like oh I want to play like some weird like off-the-wall different types of like another volume level of a character and I was like I can do that like it's and those often hit yeah cuz you're like you're going against your Norm taking your time yeah like wow yeah dang that was good so I wouldn't say it's an annoying thing I would say it's I understand it Don Park assumes that Shane just gets home and screams for a few minutes after a long day of filming before he cooks or something that couldn't be more the uh opposite uh no I I feel like I feel like even at work in between things I'm like very downplayed like I I'm not aoud person um typically but definitely at home super quiet like I go home I do cook that that part is correct yeah but bu it on that uh but I I no I I love not talking wait we should talk about why we think we're loud like because I'm not you're not necessarily a loud person but on camera camera yeah camera that's all they see it's because I I think I think you and I are similar in that regard of we commit really hard CU I I've always been of the belief our one of our former bosses Joe Beretta always said this of just like anything's funny if you commit 100% And so I'm I'm a believer of that of like I don't think a lot of things that I do are funny but I'm just like but if I just go as hard as I can it will be something and that comes out in volume and it often if a lot of times when I'm extra loud it's cuz I don't I don't have any ideas so I just get loud like truly and it's also an improv thing of like picking a strong emotion yeah I I was just watching something recently or like talking to somebody and I said it's more embarrassing when you don't commit oh 100% you don't commit not committing is the worst thing you can do it's one like and I think and I thought back on the times just being at Smash in the times where I did not commit I felt back I went back home just and felt so bad about the moment because I didn't go deliver all the way I didn't push all the way through and I'm like whoo but it's vulnerable it's so vulnerable to try and try your hardest at something and be like this is me trying sir spark says I assume Keith's struggle with cancer has changed the way he thinks of himself and his job oh absolutely absolutely um going through it I knew once I got sick I was like I have to do c certain things differently I knew that I needed to go out and experience life a little bit more but it was certain things at the end I started to realize like I had some like what of a negative and nasty vile thing about me and I think it might have been because I was going through what I've gone through and it just things growing up as a kid too I feel like we hold on to so much of what we've gone through and don't realize that we're still holding on to it until it's like whoo like why am I angry so it's definitely changed me um I'm trying to be more cuz I do have I had to realize I have somewhat of a a mean side um sorry sorry he was looking at me like yeah but like I do and it's like I feel like sometimes I'm may be triggered by stuff or whatever and me being triggered does not justify me being a but in that I'll say like in that space you're feeling like it's a fight or flight that comes back probably where you're like I have to I have to like cuz what a trigger is is taking you out of the current moment and don't even know what's going on don't know what's going on but I think the more that it happened and the more that I like allowed that because I was going through stuff and the more I allowed it to um just poke out its head you get comfortable within that so then you really like my mom would always say what's in you is going to come out and over time that kept happening and it was just like okay what's going on with me yeah what am I with what aren't I like what am I not dealing with let me try to deal and as of recently like even just these past few months I've been trying to be more intentional with how I react to things I still can go there and it's like it's a process but also just being very um just mindful you know like I do pray and I'm just like yo and I instead of like asking God for things I thank God for them I'm said thank you God that I'm kind to people thank thank you God that I am nice thank you God that I make people feel good cancer definitely changed me um it didn't changeed me overnight because now I'm finally looking at my my issues you know I was able to look at them and I know I got a lot more and a lot more to dig down and find um that I haven't necessarily gotten to yet but the ones that I have I'm like oh okay all right yeah yeah I assume that the video where Keith was enabling Angela's cheating made them grow closer and more powerful a lot of powerful references and they will now strategically work together to take over smos games awesome well honestly that's not true you're assuming wrong because I don't want that job we will take it over won't do anything I love smash games but I don't want that job let's leave that to Spencer and Alex I do feel like when you and I are together um it it is fun to just like um everybody a little bit and I think you and I um love to cheat on board games I don't know what it is Arash is that way too this is the thing I feel like cheaters sometimes win so if we don't go for it we probably won't win it's so true so let's just like make it happen Captain yeah but like people like Amanda chance oh they will not cheat they and I don't because it's it's like a moral thing and sometimes I'm like it's just so funny yeah like honestly it makes the videos more fun and of course I wouldn't cheat like on a higher scale of anything when it's a board game and the stakes are high for no reason and they're actually low it's fun exactly yeah I mean I think let's be clear the when we're playing a board game our goal is to be funny like our goal our goal is to make this board game funny because if we played it all just genuinely very seriously we'd be very quiet and we would just be focused on the game um I've seen debates on this cuz some people of course get upset when they see cheating they're like that's not fair like that's but then other people are like there it's just entertainment I I think think all I can say to those people is know that once we cut we're all laughing about it like all of us are laughing about it like we care more about what we want is to make those moments in a board game what sucks is when we get through a board game and we we cut and we're just like did we was that good like that's what sucks and so if someone cheats and makes it a big moment it's like thank God thank God you made that entertaining also like I'll say that like it's so easy to forget that we're playing the these games to like a bunch of people who are doing their jobs in the quiet like we can't we don't have like an audience like to like like tell me that this is funny or not so truly I think that first video where like we playing who MD it and you saw me cheating and you started laughing at me I'm like I'm going to do it again and make him laugh again because we are each other's audience like that's what we're going for and if I made you laugh I'm just going to do it again we'll get back to assumptions but let's do uh this little segment where we're going to have yall create a tier list of these memes that are y'all oh wow let's look at some memes let's get it first one um Keith that's none of my business Keith 2 seconds later going for um that's like me in real life I'm just it's not my business okay it's accurate as you said um but I don't think it's like standing out to me yeah I'm not slapping my knee we're not look this is the first one so this is kind of I don't want to say it's it's not M it's it's not but it's around B orc see ooh depression uh me and my mind uh so that's your mind slapping some depression on you oh got it got you that's heavy that's pretty good relatable cuz that is the face you make when you're like yeah I'm getting a wave of anxiety and depression um I think it's I think it's it's good it's really good it's just I think it's better than the first one that we've got It's just sad okay we put this a yeah all right Angela the halftime show oh at the Anthony's funeral funeral halftime show you and chance brought it killed and you brought it too yeah you did just popped my back man it it was great this is good I mean it's it's it's just is it a roast I can't tell it's not really a roast it's just kind of like you you were you were sicko mode yeah say sick mode you there uh I think it's just kind of me yeah it's like stating who what we're doing me watching Marvel somehow make a worse show than She-Hulk okay uh so it's a Marvel meme roast it uh they didn't include the second part this to me is a fail because it it's not the full meme exactly you need the the last picture just the Old Testament we need the New Testament right right we need to finish out yeah let's just put it over here put it over there D maybe yeah but that is an iconic meme of myself we don't have it in the stock but I guess uh can you'all rate that format of keth with those those two images just as a whole that that Meme in general I think is very funny it's a popular for reason it flies cuz it sets up ew well that's that's great someone literally sent it to me this morning like sucks in the middle of filming this that's why how often do you come across it um every few months you know assumtion do you hate it do I hate it okay no I don't like I appreciate it because it makes people feel good it makes people laugh the the one part about is just like future like in the future it's going to be there and I don't know how mature I'm going to be right now I'm a little immature so it's like that's dope but later on it's like Grandpa what are you doing here exactly exactly or like say I decide to run for office you know what I mean I don't think I am but I just never know that comes out that's great actually is anyone ever going to want you to officiate their wedding because in the pictures they're always going to be like is that the guy in the yeah oh that's no it's actually kind of cool kind of AES kind of cool yeah my mom's childish and I think I'll be childish for the rest of my life uh me minding my business walking down the street random white people yeah that that vine yeah it was a Vine that that we made forever ago and people are still people are now doing this like I've seen this done in different ways and I'm like this this uh this meme has resurfaced a bunch of times it usually includes Courtney as well also doing the face what sucks is it cuts off the end of the vine which is my favorite part it's Olivia walking into like a room she looks over and she sees me and I'm just like and then she looks over and she sees Courtney like look at her with that face and then she goes to turn around and then Joe is right behind her like that's so funny just white people everywhere doing that face God this is the thing because I love this but also because I've seen people do it after you guys like they totally took it oh for sure um I'm going to say this is like A+ oh this is A+ but also us white people were doing it all the time yeah truly I catch myself doing it all the time and I'm like damn m i Am the meme and I'm doing it I forgot that's a big meme too did y'all create that we created it we we did that vine forever ago so people don't realize like we did that joke with the intention of I'm doing the white guy face that's crazy cuz that was before jokes became Trends where you could now you could take someone's joke in the name of a trend and be like I'm doing this trend exactly okay uh yeah when she stops you holy here we go how do you feel about that Shane you know what it's funny it's fine the fun is crazy the font is crazy this hits for me I think it's great you think it's great what what do we put it here we put it a or b no yeah yeah yeah right there never ask a woman her age a man his salary Angela what happened in 2011 uh in beardy uh Angela thought she she said uh 911 happened in 2011 you think happened in 2011 9911 they did it now everything is going to be about this for you and I hate that for you okay guys you know it's a common ex okay I was in the fourth grade in 2001 when we both went to performing arts high schools what but it it's be 911 the 11 represents September no no nine no 11 represents the date see I'm dyslexic so I can't even say September repres nine is September 11 is the day the day and then it was 2001 and it was yes and the number see the okay when I mess this up it's that one in a in no there's really don't have exp yourself yeah like at this point you're making it worse IED to I just go there with you but the more and I just make it so much worse what was great is like I it's also it's one of those times where I'm like we had filmed a bunch of like we're and we also just we get in these videos and we're going we're not trying to be like answered correctly TR the punch lines I'm going for are lwh hanging I made a boner joke an hour ago you know what I mean like so you're just grabbing and I remember being like completely on autopilot and you said something about it being like into 2011 I was like yeah cuz we were tooo busy thinking of something else cuz I'm like okay great 11 like and then we moved on wait no didn't we go no that that didn't happen in 2011 you go right sorry that happened in 2009 yeah yeah and then I said it happened in 2009 which is so insane 911 911 oh my God oh my God but then ke behind the camera was like what do you think happened in 2011 oh God but now it's just so Random I think this is A+ because it the way it makes you feel is like action yeah for sure that sucks oh this one's nice um this is a joke uh Angela do you recognize this I'm curious you do know yes this is um um uh uh sniper chess this is not sniper chess I did a joke forever ago where I just would wear like a jacket with no pants underneath and I was The Sassy leg infantry and i' go just like walking like it's very silly very so silly I think this is just kind of middle of the road cuz it is what what is it referring to yeah oh oh God what oh there it is best one best one hands down best one hands down okay I have to tell you guys it was so funny the other day Noah I wish I I put it on camera he just like genuinely comes up to me he goes has anyone ever told you you look exactly like Chris I was like Noah like do you read the comments or do you seen the there was one video where we talked about it like a lot of com just says that's Chris Katan in a smos video um because I said yeah that in college everyone thought Chris Katan was my dad you oh that okay so one of my dreams growing up like just like as an actor was like yo I want to play Chris Rock son in a movie oh my you should play Chris katan's daughter in a movie oh my God I think that we can make it happen they should like start opposite each other and we can that's crazy what if that happened that'd be that'd be so cool for sure um they found a good picture that looks like him I will say so this is pretty good you always look like him yeah yeah no yeah Angela in today's beardy uh confused screaming that one's pretty good that that's Jes that's a good drawing of you what very accurate what what joking that makes me want to oh my God you don't like it I mean we got I don't like it you think I love it I love the the memes that we've gotten you are like a crazy monster I would say like the the like monster chaotic devil like baral guinea pig assumptions are the main ones I get yeah um like I'm not I haven't screamed once in this video you're talking about this one here yeah yeah I mean this is I sat at a table I this is a crazy image there there's no screaming on the Anthony Pia channel uh you want to do that here just there yeah put it there yeah put it there for sure unless they drew that I'm like what interact with art department or Draw 25 Shane so this is a reference to my guessing guessing People based on their favorite things I never get art Department correct that's F like guessing people's favorite movies TV shows all and you never get the art Department right art department is the one that always escapes me to be fair you guys know our our studio art department is like they're off on their own they're cool they're dope they're so cool and say they're the coolest they very mysterious they're all cool except for Al Al I hope he sees this Alex Alex Alex is a different vibe than the rest be if tried Alex would get hit by a bus and I would not care I hope he sees that Alex I love Alex I would say out of everyone at smos all the talking we do on camera it does not rival the the talking that Alex throws at us on a daily basis I'll be so tired and in one of those moves where you're like works hard right not in the best mood and you're like walking and and is just like hey Angela your nose looks like a and I'm like yeah I'm going to go get a glass of water thanks Alex Alex has definitely hit me with some cancer Jokes which I accept so that's all I'm saying if he got hit by a bus I wouldn't care love you Alex it's so insane man okay that's a good one yeah I'll put this here that's cuz it's accurate I'm going to go through y'all's uh stuff that you posted on Instagram um you got a lot more deranged assumptions over there so we're going to do this as kind of a rapid fire round and I want just like a 30second response great you're the prettiest girl at the party me no you weren't loved as a child oh my God damn I I was loved as a child I I I look I drowned as a as a toddler and they did resuscitate me so they had to they had to have loved me a little bit they had to be like well all right we we'll bring it back you wipe front to back that's nuts cuz he does we're like Keith what's your cancer Journey Shane do you wipe from to back so how do you wipe dude no comment you giggle and kick your feet up when you're excited no I don't uh I I uh no I don't you have to think about it I am a I have you noticed I am a knee slapper when something's really funny I do I do slap my knee bottom okay I got so many that were like you're gay not bottom no I get I get a lot well people say cuz my last name's top the say B but but truthfully truthfully a lot of our fans think that I'm bisexual and they are determined they want me to be bisexual so bad uh it started when I I was cuffing my jeans they think and I'm like no it's cuz I'm short and I have to Cuff my jeans else they crumple but uh no I'm not bisexual I'm sorry we have bisexuals coming in next you want to have an do you have any assumptions about bisexuals that you want us to ask them that they cuff their je do they all cuff their pants yeah I mean cuffing comes in and out sorry I don't wear boot cut jeans and and rock a dve Buster's t-shirt you know should I be wearing that you seem like the type of guy to swallow a boiled egg hole like a snake wood no I don't do that uh I do eat hard boiled eggs every morning what really I have two I have two or three every morning but I cut them in half I put some hot sauce on them and then I do the everything bagel seasoning from Trader Joe's on top of that delicious you're lowkey depressed giving off the Robin Williams expertise and I worry for you whoa no that's that's super intense uh as we said earlier there are times where I'm definitely like feeling sad and down and I'm able to put it on and and perform yeah but no Robin Williams is a whole other that's a whole other thing yeah I think they're just saying you're as funny as him no that's sorry I I I refuse to accept that you are actually two kids in a trench coat trying to get into an R-rated movie that well that's true do you see how big my clothes are no I'm not no you missed the old smos parentheses you're Ian no uh I'm looking toward the future future I got to follow what do you think is better content-wise like like earlier 2015 through 2018 or now I did love doing sketch back in the day that was like my thing we got to play multiple different characters as of now it's like more so personality based stuff I guess I do like those much more there you go maybe I do so you do oh Dam but I am not Ian you secretly love bubble baths oo do you like bubble baths I have not taken a bubble bath since ' 85 I love showers so no waa yeah you're high in almost every smos video you've been in recently care to answer that one [Applause] no next question no okay so let me say this there was one video that I was high in for sure yeah it was great um they what was it Shane I forgot Stoner parking lot St understandable yeah so like I got to and when I was going through my cancer Journey definitely was on an edible because I was in pain course absolutely right now debatable your phone is never above 40% and you're always stressed about it even though it's your fault whoa what is it at where you know that's true yeah that's crazy can we check your phone where pH do we have it I feel like your phone's at like 62 right now it's at 61 oh that's pretty that's pretty close yeah I've gotten better for some re I think I'm not even on my phone a lot I think I just don't charge it you adore tomato soup it's literally true yeah you are actually bug who is pretending to be Angela not the other way around as one may think my D and D character and I think that I that makes a lot of sense cuz yeah I think that's um I'll do a 30- second answer and say I relate to the character a lot I I'll I'll leave it there I relate to this kid that's trying to gain his confidence you are the hardest on yourself and it's difficult for you to realize how talented you already are sweet I'd argue that I think I am the hardest on myself cuz I want to beat the haters to it you know what I mean don't you feel like you want to think of about the mean things said about you before they do oh absolutely cuz it loses its power Alex is harder on all of us but yeah some parts of your apartment are pretty clean but others are a wreck that hurts I sucks yeah that sucks I think this is true for everyone you don't like mayonnaise um I don't hate or dislike it you actually liked the cat food happened just now that's a lie do y'all feel that pressure at all of like everything that yall do is immediately going to be talked about by the fans because I feel like y'all have such a y'all's fans have such a strong relationship I think that's why you have to watch what you put online you have to be very um like we have lives outside of this and I'm sure like there are certain times to protect the brand to protect ourselves to protect our family we would never put those things online you know what I mean like you have to keep certain things to yourself um I feel for people who put everything online they're like why does everyone feel like they're in my business like why is everyone in my business because you left them in your business you know like keep things to yourself but that doesn't bother me because I just asked if they had assumptions you know what what do you think is happening like what do you think is happening right now yeah you know what I mean like cuz you don't know the things that we put in videos the things that we're saying and doing in videos it's like we're doing that intentionally for like that's what we're sharing with you guys and that's what we want to have fun talking about if if we're not putting it in videos and you're trying to seek that out that's when I get mad some of the information we were talking about earlier of just like when they're trying to figure out our sexuality in ways that I'm like well if we haven't talked about it then it's private so like if if we talk about it then then we're inviting that conversation but yeah I feel like we share so much I know at some point yeah this stuff that's that we don't share I get I get the hype cuz you're like oh it's like a Hidden Mickey but at some literally what it is but at some point it's like you got to yeah I like being private I don't like telling people my business I yeah even when my friends have my location on their phone I'm like I don't want you to have my location yeah that's weird to me um but I also love love our fans and I want to say I love when they have hype about a project absolutely that's I do love it we love the community we love the community look do you got your tiar yeah we got the is that okay you can stop great was easy this was sponsored by Elks uh was way too easy imagine God damn
Channel: AnthonyPadilla
Views: 582,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anthony padilla, padilla, anthony, i spent a day with, interview
Id: raeVkPM4AWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 43sec (2323 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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