Necessity Of Divine Encounter || Apostle Orokpo Michael

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[Music] lift your hands toward heaven and talk to the lord [Music] he said there was by the ship market a pool called bethesda he said at a certain time the angel of the lord went down and troubled the waters is it whoever gets him first is cleansed of whatever infirmity it didn't matter what you heard they just sat by the pool he said they were lame [Music] they were battered but when the angel troubled the waters yuri [Music] you know what we are doing now is that we are ascending when the spirit wants to address you what it does is that it tells you to come to a higher ground because they speak at an energy level that you can peak and decode in the flesh so many times moses will have to climb sinai to hear god mount cena is over 6 000 feet tall god speaks and his voice is like the thunders and the thunderings of heaven why would he need to climb a 6 000 feet mountain because there's an energy level where men can decode god the man is 80 years old why won't you pity him because if he's on ground even if god cries like a thunder he can't hear [Music] in the new context of the new creation man we hear in the spirit that's why i say him that have an ear let him hear what the spirit of the lord is saying to the torture what he's saying is there that can mount up with wings like the eagles they should come to the feast of the black group this is why we are saying and we take time to mount up if you can't catch the flow you may think nothing has been said because why why paul was going to damascus others heard the sound of thunder but he heard god speak to him in the hebrew tongue can you talk to the lord for a minute i mean you know when i started i thought a good message was a function of oratory i thought it was about how many scriptures shall be gone for a meeting the lord will give me a word and i will gather my scriptures and i'll rush to the altar and when i finish preaching as i got to sit down that's when the old trans would come and then i started knowing everything i should have said while i was on the puppet and i discovered that utterance was different from origin so muslims when we stand we have the scripture but we wait for the organs because you may receive the utterance when you are done teaching it's why you sit down that the other transcom you didn't bless the people you read father we give you praise for tonight lord we ask that your oracles will be released to us tonight grant us access [Music] into the corridors of wisdom that the testimonies of god may be open to us lord we make demand by the blood and by the name of the lamb that we open up the oracles of your spirit [Music] help us to speak from the secret places of mysteries where the world and the world of your spirit is locked [Music] that as we listen to your voice even the spirit will enter into us to make us that which is proclaimed have your way tonight father [Music] have your way tonight and so father even as we declare your word we ask that you echo from zion [Music] and cause the heart of men to allah in jesus precious name amen let me be seated let's take a ride for 40 minutes [Music] and so we began last night [Music] by considering the advantages locked up in that spiritual technology called encounters you know when god created the visible realm he patterned the realm in a way that the realm will be self-sustaining so when he created the tree he put the seed in the tree to produce fruits after its kind and the fruit daring light the seed and the seed can produce the tree because the earth and the visible realm was designed to run under the government of god the realm was encased and enveloped from corruption and from the influence of falling spirits on account of that the visible creation was totally submitted to the government of god the only gate into this visible realm was hinged on the authority of man and god expected the man to live absolutely under his government so there was no chaos so long as oppressions were concerned there was so much harmony between the visible and the invincible realm so much so that god could throw from heaven into time and throw back to heaven and it's as if nothing happened he said in the cool of the day the spirit of god the voice of god came walking in the garden so god walked in the earthly eden the way he walked in the heavenly eden there was perfect alignment between the visible and the invincible unto the man yielded to the subtility of the serpent and he opened the borders of the earth to corruption on account of that external influence the bible said that all the foundations of the earth was out of course so the powers of creation was locked because there was something in the tree that made the tree pick the vibrations of god the animals could pick the vibrations and the frequency of god because so long as the man was in perfect harmony everything aligned to god [Music] you know there's a tribe in this world one of my mentors told me has to hustle he said they said try they know where the soul of a tree is locked so if they want to if they want to destroy that tree they look for where the soul of the tree is and when they come to the tree they scream very loud and the street loses its power and collapse it's an ancient wisdom so they could bring down any tree at any time because they could trace where the power of the tree was heat so because creation did not want the falling prince the dark prince to rule over it he decided to lock its powers because what the dark prince wants to do is to subject creation to bondage so it locked his powers and is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of god who can bring creation back to alignment then they will open up so in eden everything was a symphony of the voices of god [Music] everything you interacted with in eden could reveal god that's why he said in romans chapter 1 verse 20 that the invincible things of god even his eternal power and godhead is revealed in creation the blueprint of god is trapped in creation [Music] but creation became subject to bondage and vanity the bondage of corruption [Music] so it became necessary for god once and again to interfere in the affairs of man he didn't design it such to interfere because man was supposed to be under his government but because of the fall you know he said the heavens belong to god even the heavens of heaven he said but the earth he had given to the sons of men but god will of necessity have to interfere because earth has become a warfare ground this is the betting of spiritual encounters the need for god to interfere in the visible creation and to restore patterns of alignment because nothing in earth was aligned anymore he said the whole foundations of the earth is out of their cause they know not neither would they understand so they walk on in darkness the foundation of the earth is out of god so for anything to be realigned it must be exposed to an encounter because the blueprint of creation was lost when the earth fell darkness had taken over the earth every dimension that is under the government of god is ruled by light because god is light and god dwells in light unapproachable the moment darkness takes over you can't find your bearing anymore that's why many people ask what is my destiny what does god want me to do it was not supposed to be so the moment a man is born he's supposed to know exactly what god wants him to do but it's no longer possible without encounters so he had to come to mary and said in luke 14 35 that the spirit of the lord will come upon thee the power of the highest will overshadow you that thing that will be formed in you shall be called the son of the higher they can't know unless there's an encounter he came to the father of john and he told him this child that will be born will go before him in the spirit and in the power of elias because without encounter it would be impossible to know why because they know not the earth had fallen so this pedestal's spiritual encounter above every other thing that man desires [Music] coming into contact communion coilonia and intercourse with the divine so that he can receive direction for existence [Music] and we said when encounters come the first thing it does is that it converts our disadvantages into our advantage so we looked at the life of abraham dwelling in the all of the caudis a place of darkness and demonic priesthood and god came and called him out and made him a blessing and a father of many nations we looked at moses who was a stammerer by encounters god came and the bible said moses was mighty in words and indeed his disadvantage was swallowed up we looked at samuel who was a child without experience god came and by the instrumentality of encounter he became as wise as a god and god established him as a prophet he became a custodian of the councils and the oracles of god we looked at dania who was in a dark territory called babylon by the instrumentality of an encounter the spirit of the holy ghost dwelt in him so babylon could no longer execute him everything that should have been called a disadvantage is now changed into an advantage you are still where you were but from where you are you become a blessing [Music] but beyond that there is something encounters come to do encounters come to reposition us to come back to alignment that which was in the heart of god before he created us you know he told jeremiah he said before you were born i knew you i ordained you to be a prophet it's possible to come into time and because your father is a priest you want to become a priest you were not in the lineage of priests when i designed you when i fabricated you your spiritual dna was designed to host the elements and the powers of a prophet it's possible to come into time and because you have contact with businessmen you want to go the way of business to be a prophet so what encounters come to do first is to bring us back into alignment and synchrony with what god had in mind when he designed us because when he designed us he designed us mindful of our peculiarities that's why i said the hairs on your head they are numbered he didn't say they are counted they are numbered they are definite designation because everything about you is purposeful [Music] you were carefully and wonderfully made fearfully wonderful the one who designed you took time in the studio hope you know when god created you nobody was there when he designed you and looked upon your possibilities god had to congratulate himself and say this work nobody's more working because you know it's important for us to recognize that before god created us he had so many creatures and one of them is called lucifer the son of the morning when he was described in ezekiel 28 from verse 11 he said thou that she let the son he was a compendium of the totality of wisdom and beauty so in case you are in heaven and you want to find out the meaning of beautiful you don't need to read anything to understand it if you behold lucifer you understand what beauty mean it was the confliction of perfection so long as it has to do with wisdom and beauty he said you are the son of the morning it was the angel called the morning star the light bearer he moved to and fro in the midst of the coast of fire so god had created creatures that were extremely beautiful and he was not the only one micah is a is an equipment of war so if you want to understand what power a might is when you go to heaven all you need to do is to see the angel come michael when he shows up everything about him is war now the bible speaks of certain strange angels in revelation 19 he said an angel went and stood and he covered the sun the brightness of the angel dwarfed the light of the sun the sun became dark do you know what the sun is like the the external covering of the sun is like 2 billion explosive exploding at the same time that's the energy of the sun the light and the brightness and the energy that emits from the sun is like 2 billion bombs exploding at the same time but one engine stood and he covered the whole sun and the engine waved his hand and all the beds in the air died these are the kind of creatures that are in heaven but when god made man he said what man was fearfully and wonderfully made that means considering the splendor and the glory of the angelic realm is nothing compared to the architectural masterpiece that went to the design of man because why one ninja can cover the sun why one engine can kill all the birds man doesn't need to do that one man can host god [Applause] [Music] so when he said you were fearfully and married he knows what he was talking about i started telling them something in the morning you know you may not understand what it means to carry god so you can carry god and still be struggling and you will leave god and go and meet your uncle and say help me because you don't know the meaning of caring god you know all right oh my god may god help us this evening if you know who you are you will stand up and tell yourself that the deliverance of delta state has come because he said philip went to samaria he preached christ there and the city was full of joy one man took a city one man because he knows who he is what does it mean to carry god i want to teach you about who the overcomer is that's the foundation i'm trying to build so when you look at yourself the next time you will know that the mirror is the poorest equipment to define you [Music] because the only constitution that the mirror sees is the is the casing meanwhile your heart can host eternity he said he has put eternity in their hearts there is no mirror that can capture it so you will not evaluate yourself by what the mirror shows you and you will not evaluate yourself by what anybody tells you you know if you know yourself and you begin to talk people will say you are proud the problem is they have not evaluated you correctly you may be a harlot for 10 years but they don't know you they don't know that this person called the harlot in the days of our encounter should become the mother of jesus you are god most heart you are jesus christ [Music] [Applause] [Music] you what does it mean to carry god i told them in the morning that until man was created god had nothing to dwell in [Music] because god is not living in heaven [Music] you know okay for the benefit of those who are not here in the morning the bible said in festival chapter 6 verse 16 that with him is immortality and that he dwells in light that is unapproachable so i told them and first john also made it clear that god is light so god is light and he dwells in light so where god dwells in him is in himself because he is bigger than eternity the bible said heaven is his throne the earth is his fools too so when god stands in heaven where we behave i told you what god decided to do was to clothe himself with crystals and i said what christians do is to refract the technology of refraction is such that when light enters it bends to another direction that's why when you wear a diamond chain or a diamond ring at night it reflects light can hit it from here the diamond will turn the light and channel the light in another direction so you can be standing in dark but you'll be seeing the light glittering what the diamond is doing is reflecting refracting the light so god covered himself with jasper and saddam these are crystals is that crystal that emits god and transmit god into his throne in heaven so when the angels see him on the throne it's actually a dimension of god the sea and that's why forever and ever the twenty and four elders every time they see him they say holy because they keep seeing different dimensions every moment in the spirit so heaven can contain him in 1st king chapter 8 verse 27 solomon began to pray because he had built a temple but after building the temple the spirit of wisdom and revelation began to speak to him and he said but will god indeed dwell on it he said behold the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain thee how much less this house that i have built so the spirit of wisdom told solomon that god is not in heaven only dimensions of god comes into heaven and that was the assignment of lucifer if you study the patriarchs of old understood the mystery of the presence so if you go to jerusalem today the east gate is always locked because the east gate is where god comes through to his tabernacle in ezekiel 44 from verse 1 and 2 he tells you god enters the tab through the east gate so the east gate is always locked only away enters through the east and every time yahweh shows up the job of the one that is clothed with tablet is to cry yahweh he commits and the whole heaven begins to wash him so heaven could not contain him neither could it contain him so he look for where he will stay how can he make his abode on earth what can trap him nothing was found so he went to begin a project called man and he took god aeons to create man aeons aeons the bible said the divine commune one with another and the father spoke to the logos the logos spoke to the spirit and the spirit spoke to the father they kept communicating abroad for ourselves and that intercourse continued until it exploded and he said let us make man so that was a a proclamation that emanated from coinonia when divinity communed with itself because god that looked as if he was stranded i want to dwell in something but eternity cannot contain me i have tried when i got to heaven i can only sit heaven can't take my dimensions the first act that was created i sent lucifer there to be the governor and even the air can contain lucifer where that is the place of my abort where is the place of my dwelling so commune the community of the godhead came together and they kept communion thinking and strategizing troubleshooting to host god and after deep corneonia the father exploded and said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion so the project of man is actually god's strategy to have an abode but the devil knew because the devil knew that there aren't any creature that can hold god becomes the god of the universe because in heaven he knows that the fullness of god is not there when god shows up on the throne every being worship god so he said in his heart in isaiah 14 verse 2 14 are we ascend to heaven because he was the governor of the earth before it was destroyed he said are we ascend to heaven i will exert my throne above the stars of god above the clouds of the congregation i will be like the most high but god cast him away so the devil knows any creature that can hold god we rule over him so when he descended and he knew that the project was adam he came into the academy because he knows what to do to create rebellion and god will reject you even if god loves you because when he fell from zion god himself cried he said oh lucifer how are thou falling because god loved him so much so he knows that love is not a factor when a man repels against god any creature that rebels against god no matter how god love him god will reject him so he came and taught the man the way of rebellion because he know that the moment the man hosts god the man will rule over him so what does it mean to bear or to carry god it means you have become a god and god's done for sick god don't beg gods don't lack gods don't know any deceit gods they sustain anything that comes to their hands if you say here are gods matthew 10 34 unto whom the word of the lord came and the scriptures cannot be broken the idea was to make man a god but a man did not understand he went to eat fruit to become like god don't you know you are already like unto [Music] him you coming to rest when you find yourself in god [Music] so the search continued after the man fell there was no way god could achieve that anymore so the only thing to do since it was in the heart of god to carry out dustin through man god now came by himself in the form and the likeness of man so his name is called jesus he said you shall call him emmanuel which means god is with you so god came himself in the form [Music] so whoever is in christ jesus he's a new he creation no longer a man he becomes a god man that's why jesus did not say pray for the sick he said lay hands on them what does that mean because something flows out of him that is not among men he said whoever sings you forgive is forgiven men don't forgive sin but whoever is in christ jesus is a new creation so what encounters do for us when we receive christ is first of all to teach us how to conform to the image of the christ because what the fourth did was that he made us to become like the serpent in john 8 44 he said you have your father the devil the lust of your father shall ye do so the first quarry the first protocol in the journey of being an overcomer is to become conformed to the image of christ because christ christ who is the man that became the host of god did not just contain himself he said in galatians colossians chapter 2 verse 9 that he pleased the father that the fullness of the godhead should dwell in christ bodily and in ephesians chapter 1 verse 10 he said when the dispensation of time is complete he said god will cause all things to be won in christ jesus so both god and all of creation becomes an abode that is in christ so jesus is not just a person jesus becomes a realm jesus becomes a dimension jesus becomes a world jesus becomes the totality of all things so when we receive christ we did not only receive god we also came into god what encounters make out of us is to now begin to show us the different compartments of jesus because blessed be the father ephesians 1 3 who has blessed us with all spiritual blessing in heavenly places in christ jesus so where god dwells now is in christ brought heaven and to heaven and the new earth we dwell in christ anyone who begins to have encounters what he does now is that he begins to know god experientially so he begins to enter into different dimensions of the reality of god that he had received that's the first journey of the overcomer when you see scarcity in any area of your life is an area of christ that have not been known sickness is a revelation that you have not known the healing power or the divine health dimension of christ poverty is a sign that is not yet known even though you carry god and you are in god and you are supposed to be a god you have lack of understanding so jesus said this is life eternal that they may know him you know jesus healed a lot of people he didn't call it a blessing jesus gave to a lot of people he didn't call it a blessing he said this is the true blessing this is life eternal that they may know him that they may experience him the only true god because anything you know any dimension you know you no longer need anybody to give it to you you become a manufacturer of that dimension [Music] so if you know the power you become a manufacturer of power if you know the love you become a manufacturer of the love so the idea is not for christians to run from place to place seeking help the idea is for christians to engage god until they know him this is why we come to church the major objective of coming to church that's why the longest thing we do in church is to preach the word of god or to pray because the idea is to bring you into the experience of god so a man begins to truly live like a god when he begins to have encounters that brings him the knowledge how much of god do you know the scarcity of our lives is a revelation of the lack of god so when we lack things we are not supposed to look for things we are supposed to look for god pursuit of things takes us into more poverty anything you lack is an alarm that you need god in that area you need a knowledge in that area it's the journey of the overcomers in romans chapter 8 verse 29 the bible began to show us that this strategy god did not bet it in time god planned it before the world began he said for whom he did for no he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son that the son might be a first among many brethren so the idea of god is to have many christ so when you need the love of god there is one among us that epitomizes love when you need power there is one among us that epitomizes power when you need capacity there is one among us because all of these are dimensions in christ but we are not taught that we are overcomers so we still struggle with things and we pursue after things the moment we begin to pursue after things is a sign that we are falling elohim madonna ah ah [Music] if you must pursue anything in life pursue the knowledge of god he said what then is wisdom job 28 28 he said the fear of the lord this is wisdom the knowledge of the holy this is understanding you have not known except you begin to know the lord these things were not taught so we come we try to master different things instead of mastering god because we are brought into christ so that we will explore him so life for us should be exploration of god any dimension you know becomes an ammo in your quiver you are struggling with sin until you now stumbled on the righteousness of god it becomes an ammo in your quiver you are struggling with sickness until you stumble on divine health in christ it becomes a quiver you were struggling with favor until you stumble upon it and cry it becomes a quiver this is one of the purposes of encounters that we may know god and then understand the vanity of life [Music] it's easy to come prophesy over people but they will never become it's easy to come pray for people to have things they will never become this has been the crisis of the body of christ men not rising to responsibility to seek and to find god so you prefer to sing and come confess your sin and be forgiving you are a child and that's why you can't walk in the fullness of your inheritance in first john chapter 1 verse 9 as if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from our unrighteousness but who was he talking to if you go to chapter 2 verse 1 you will know who he's talking to i write unto you children that you sin not he didn't say i write unto you fathers it is here right unto you young man i write unto you children that you see not but in case you see we have an advocate with the father jesus christ the prophet of all sins so it's only the child that sins when you grow up you will put away child these things in first john 2 14 i write unto you children that you may know that your sins have been forgiven for its namesake not for sons not for fathers but they taught us that it's impossible to live holy they taught us that it's impossible to be like god in this world that's why we keep struggling with sin if they told you it was possible to live above sin you will know no matter how many times you fall that one day you will live above it and truly one day you live above it have you seen a child trying to walk they tried four many times sometimes the child is even injured by falling but the child will never stop because he sees others walking and that child knows that he or she must walk so falling was not the problem he's walking that is his goal so he said the righteous man can fall seven times but several times he will rise again they taught us that it was natural to be sick so when you woke up they said come on what do you mean you expose yourself to cold why will you not be sick they told you mosquitoes bite you why will you not be sick they didn't tell you that there were mosquitoes in eden and adam never felt sick [Music] they didn't tell you that jesus walked in this world and he never felt sick he was in the middle east very cold weather he never took it so every time we are wrestling in faith we are wrestling to be healed when we start saying we believe in divine health is when we know that we are gods because gods don't fall sick not by power not by might but by the spirit of the living god they told you it was mature to be poor because you came from a poor who who told you that he said god was in christ reconciling the world to himself i was reconciled to god in christ whoever is in christ jesus is a new creation all things have passed away the word behold is idol it means become aware that all things have become new your great grandfather may be poor your grandfather may be poor your father may be poor but not you i don't know why they choose poverty not me [Music] the journey of the welcomer begins with conformity with christ is the ability to win the war over the flesh by the spirit so the flesh dictates nothing for you that's why paul said sin shall no longer have dominion over us it's not only sin including sickness and you can't extend it to anything there are many times when we want to pray at night and then sleep shows up and then i wake up and say sleep shall no longer have dominion over me because you can command your body to align sometimes you come up to preach and all of a sudden before they give you mike you now discover you are oppressed [Music] if you don't know how to rule over the flesh the service will be messed up but you tell your body put yourself in order is the way of the overcomers the power by the spirit to subdue flesh and every one of us in christ have it but the problem is that we are not taught so the gear does not know that she has power over her emotions so a demon comes and whispers a thought instead of casting the demon away and commanding her body to align she now falls and come and cry i didn't i didn't know what happened i didn't know [Music] woke up you are not an overcomer until you can rule the flesh jesus walked in this dimension to a point where he said we don't die what do you mean sir he said this commandment have i received of my father i have the power to lay down my life and to take it up [Music] you can't kill him so they carried him to the cliff of the mountain they wanted to throw him up and he allowed them all they were shouting he retired today when they carried him to the cliff of the mountain he now went back to the archive of eternity and he passed time and the moment he passed time everybody became pause and the bible said he walked in there missed and when he left he unlocked time because when you receive the holy ghost you begin to walk from eternity and the people stood they didn't know what they came to the cliff to do and jesus walked when he left he activated them when he went to the cross they thought they kept him there he was laughing who told you he's not the cross that was holding him he was the one holding the cross because on the cross he said on the cross god was reconciling the world to himself so he was carrying a transaction what he was doing was that he was accommodating you an eye in god he cut into the fellowship of the divine that's why john said that which was from the beginning which we have heard which we have looked upon and our hands have handled of the word of life that's what we call you into he said truly our fellowship is with the father that's what he was doing on the cross he was not hanging on the cross he was reconciling you an eye to god and the beautiful thing is that it's not just the reality of jesus it becomes your reality the moment you come into christ so anything that can happen to jesus cannot happen to you they stand up tell you otherwise purpose endless genealogies that have no root in reality and the men living in fear because they are not taught the powers of the overcomers when you begin to have encounters with god then you will know who you are i used to be sickly every week i'm every day i must take paracetamol my head will just take [Music] until i began to discover something about life and the moment i knew sickness vanished nobody prayed for me he left because when you know you are free they prove that you know it's not head knowledge they prove that you know you become free the proof that you have acquired knowledge is freedom because thou shalt know the truth and the truth shall make you free this is what is taught is pathetic for people to join healing lines and they are believers it's not a glorious thing ask every man of god that's why we are moving compassion the idea is for everyone it was told of ew caion an evangelist came to his church a miracle walker and he came you know the miracle workers shine where there is darkness you know it's a dimension of the show horse you know in the days of god there are four types of horses that he raises the racehorse they show horse the warhorse the miracle worker is a show horse what it does is that he displays the power of god and rubbishes the power of darkness but this guy showed up in ew kenyon's church and when he wanted to pray for the sea the anointing was strong and he asked for the sick and nobody was around what do i do with her not take it somewhere else there's no there are no sick people here [Music] in ew kion start you don't die until you are above 70. if you die we call you back to life because he has entered into dimensions in christ this is what we practice when i go to pray god knows god knows that i'm not asking for blood wine when i got to pray i'm searching the spirit lord teach me a new thing teach me a new thing it was somewhere i went to in the spirit that ultron was given to me after laboring in prayer and fasting for 40 days i was lying down sleeping and the water opened and an ancient man walked out of the water and came to me and as he stood i wanted to stand up i couldn't and he lifted my spirit out of my body and as my spirit was floating in the room the scriptures were opening and he was reading the scripture like thunder like thunder and the whole scriptures were entering my spirit was entering my speech if you wake me up in the night stand up i can preach every day from january to [Music] december [Music] the same way it's natural to preach because i saw something that is natural for some people to heal the sick so they just walk into the auditorium and people are lined up on the wheelchair and he shows up he said get up he shows up he said get up it shows up he said get up you are now pursuing say impact me impart me go and find christ i didn't know i pursued all the men of god now there is nothing wrong in it because these men are custodians of dimensions they can bring you into this dimension but even if they give you the seed you must find it to flame paul said to timothy this church gave by unto thee o timothy that you refund to flame the gift of god that was indeed by the laying on of the hands of the presbytery so even if you met paul in the spirit today you must find it to flee that's the order who didn't impact me is it doctor point ninja is he the clock knelt down before him laid hands on me saying we walk in the glory then i came back for two weeks i healed all manner of sicknesses by the spirit after two weeks i began to struggle i now discovered that hand is to take me to where he went in christ [Music] is this a savage which of them are the endless ministers but i now understood that conformity was the primary objective somebody is there say i'm a believer and in every week 168 hours every week he can invest one hour in the spirit and then when he comes he said we gave our heart to christ in 1994 how long have you been in the spirit if they check that your 10 minutes that you spend in the spirit even if you have been born again for 30 years if they add it up maybe you are two months old in the spirit that's why we keep stumbling we don't know why because there is no investment in christ i work doubt as slippery and christ we give the light there is a light that will illuminate you but you must awake that's why i say arise shine thy light is come the glory of the lord is lifted upon thee but that glory will mean nothing if you don't rise it's a call to confirm that's the powers of the overcomers they know what to do to bring their body under subjection in first corinthians 27 paul said i beat my body that's the great apostle i beat my body and i bring it under subjection because if i don't after preaching i may become a cast away gods are not ruled by their feelings i've shared it many times i love him i love him he's not your husband why do i love it i love it who told you you should marry who you love where did you read it who told you that you are commanded to love who you marry so you don't marry who you are feeling for you marry who is aligned between the journey of destiny and the more you fulfill destiny you love her love is a commandment not a feeling that's how god lived their lives [Music] he had 32 000 soldiers 32 000 yet only 300 were ready that's the state of christianity [Music] they overcome as rule over their flesh because they have grown up [Music] and it's not by power it's not by might it's by the spirit and if it's by the spirit then you must spend time in the spirit to be to gain the ability to rule over your flesh you may think it's just about saying no it's about favor it's about mercy it's about power it's about breakthrough it's about rest because if sin can rule over you a demon can take away your favor a demon can take your star a demon can manipulate your destiny so it's not about sin it's about ruling in the heavenlies because men who tame their flesh even in the galaxies their names appear as stars jesus i know paul i know who are thou because if after the man of flesh i fought the beast of ephesus he had ruled the flesh the prince of this world come back to me find out nothing why i have won the battle of the flesh [Music] many can't because we don't spend time in the presence because we don't do business with the word of god because we don't do business with the spirit of god they say him that have suffered in the flesh have ceased from sinning but it takes time it takes hours in the spirit that's why when you come for a meeting most times god leaves you with hunger because that hunger is your ticket to the next encounter as you service that hunger as you point in the presence the vibrations invite spirits the same way lost invites spirit that's how hunger invites the spirit of god because the psalmist said in psalm 63 verse 1 to 2 that as the day planted after the water broke so my soul longet after thee in a dry and tested land where no water is that i may see thy glory and thy power as it is in the sanctuary so what brings you into dimensions is your ability to carry in the presence unto whom belong at redness of eyes he said there is that parry long in the wine the same way a man parries with white and he becomes drunk the wine begins to rule him so the guy is going this way and he moves like this he said where are you going to he's under the influence he has carried long in the wine so he said be not drunk with wine wearing his success but be filled with the spirit speaking to yourself that's the label speaking to yourself in psalms in hymns in spiritual song making melody in your heart you must be full of the spirit when the spirit begins to rule you the flesh will have no place in first corinthians 1 29 he said no flesh glory is in the presence that means if a man makes the presence of old flesh dies [Music] this is christianity it's a journey from glory to glory i told you in the morning that the journey of immortality it begins with regeneration it goes to transformation and transubstantiation because the idea is to dominate the spirit the soul at the body that's the journey so that you live above the influence of the fall but too many are ruled by the powers of flesh [Music] my mentors to hustle he said something i will never forget he said christ is a person he said grace is the power to live above death a man can come to a point where nothing controls him anymore that man is a servant of god so paul said i go to jerusalem bound in the spirit it's not my will but i'm bound i become a slave of another king what moves me is the vibrations of heaven that is why you can call him powerful he is regulated he is a puppet in the hand of the spirit that's what life is that's why i said giving thanks to god that we have known him he said no that we are known of him he is superior to be known of him [Music] i become the slave of christ there are many things i would have loved to do but i danced to the the sound of another piper the spirit of yahweh and when that spirit comes upon me the first thing he does is to lick up flesh how do you think david raised his mighty warriors david was not a military man he was a shepherd boy in the jungle how did he raise warriors the harp of david is the heart of the father so when david is playing his app he's actually not playing sound he's downloading the heart of god he identity mercy until he knows how to string the heart of god so when the man stood and david worshiped god dimensions of power entering to death so in psalm 49 verse 4 he said by my heart i utter dark sentences so david prophesies with his heart powers of intimacy he'll come around him he doesn't need to preach when he begins to play the heart you will fall down and begin to cry and when you rise up you become a warrior meanwhile we can be playing keyboard and it's about ski i tell this man better speak in tongues for two hours before you sit here because he can dwarf me if he's playing in the flesh i can access inspiration because it's not about skill primarily it's about the movements and the vibrations of the spirit the vibrations when those vibrations come you may not even understand what i'm saying but as the spirit entered into me he carried me up to my feet vibrations of life because spirits travel on vibrations light and sound you don't know what it means to carry god when you carry god you are conformed to the image of christ and when you are conformed you become like him so the second dimension of the overcomer is the ability to perfect the will of god because that man is no longer rude by his senses he has become a creature of faith so he knows what god wants but he can keep peace with god did you hear what that is saying three times when the shofar is blue three times one of the times when the shafa is blown is when the spirit of god begins to move because when they left egypt he went after them as a pillar of cloud and as a pillar of fire the pillar of cloud was to keep them from the heat of the day and the pillar of fire was to keep them from the cold of the night but beyond that he directed them so they knew where god was going they could keep peace with god when i come to age 15 i know what god wants so i don't choose the university because they say doctors are doing well if you are taught you will know it from a child because he said from a child thou have known the holy scripture which is able to make the wise unto salvation do you know these children now you say my child is four years old he can't understand these things a principality can begin to mentor a child of four years old and that child will become a witch because spiritual intelligence is a vibration it can align with your spirit if a child is raised from a child he can become wise unto salvation what it means is to know the will of god per time the present revelation position of the spirit when i want to marry i know and if i see who i should marry i know [Music] and the same applies to the sister the guy can waste his time with all his gifts you know your husband when you see him it doesn't matter if he came with a jeep he can come with a bugatti you are not marrying a car you are marrying a man [Music] that's why many spiritual people waste their time who told you a lady who has killed the flesh you can entice her with things she has no value in time her value is commensary to the spirit that have wooed her so until you align with that spirit you can't get her attention and the same thing applies to the young men that have known him you are wasting your time with your miniskirt perfecting the will of god the second realm of the overcomer but it comes by encounters moses was in egypt he wanted to kill all the egyptians he didn't know how to go about the will of god so when pharaoh raged that was when he took off from egypt for his life that thing you are doing with your head you think he's smart when a spirit or a warlord rages at you you will and he was in the wilderness for 40 years and the bible said in exodus chapter 3 from verse 1 that moses was keeping the flock of his father-in-law jethro and he came to jordan the mountain of god and he saw a bush bunny and it was not consumed and he said i returned and behold the sight and god spoke from the fire he said take off the shoes for where you are standing is holy ground and suddenly moses was ruled by a new syllabus so the egypt is where he ran from he went back to egypt you can't perfect the will of god until by encounters you are brought there that's why you will be stranded in time unless you begin to travel in the spirit wow unto man wow unto him that put that is trust in the arm of flesh he said the arm of flesh we fail before you start let me tell you the end the end is failure but blessed is the man whose trust is the lord if they ask me for example what does god want you to do now what will i say [Music] if i don't know then i've not perfected the will of god where would god have you go to i don't know meanwhile paul was zealous preaching the gospel everywhere he wanted to enter britainia and he said the spirit of god forbid us and he stopped and that night he dreamt and a man from macedonia said come and help us they have perfected the will of god they know where god is standing part-time that thing you knew about god last year is no longer relevant he has moved because you can meet god one second the next second he has moved when he told moses go to egypt and tell pharaoh let my people go that they may worship me moses thought he had captured god and why moses was going god came to kill him it was not the devil god came to kill him because he keeps migrating he keeps evolving so what do we do psalm 16 verse 8 he said daily the lord is before my face so what wise men do is that they keep watching for the movement of the spirit and every time the spirit moves the shofar is sounded and john is begun we keep migrating and we don't stop until the spirit is taught it's called perfecting the will of god this is what distinguishes the overcomers i was telling them in the morning about a friend of mine god told him keep the gate of the night and according to the word of the lord he began a victory and they were praying every night and few months later my brother came and the brother started a daily meeting and before you know there was a crowd and the man that god said stand at night wanted to shift to money if you lose god you are in error no matter what you are doing even if it's what god told you to do before the moment you lose god even that thing he told you to do before if you keep doing it to an error because as i see my father do so i do i'm not doing because i'm skillful i'm doing because that's what god is doing now until now the father walked i must walk so i'm walking because the father is walking and when he came to get someone it was hard he said lord you know this is not my will but not mine but time i want to abscond mission but you are going through and if you go through what we go through it looks simple but this is the meaning of life [Music] these are not matters of doctrine necessarily these are matters of consecration that one instruction that god gave you two years ago that's where god is standing you may have migrated to london but god is standing where that instruction is standing and everyone knows the voice of god he said my sheep hear my voice and they obey it's not whether i've read the bible or have not read the bible whether i understand the message what is that thing god is prompting in your heart that's the meaning of life and that is what we bring you to your rest it's called the way of the overcomers the ability to perfect the will of god in this business it doesn't matter how long you have been doing it it's about how well you can keep peace with god ally was old and his eyes were dim and the hell the evil lamb in the sanctuary had gone out why because in first number three verse one he said in those days the voice of god was cursed eli no longer had regard for the voice of god even though he was a high priest the lamp in the sanctuary went off and a child came a child that could pick the frequency of god and he said samuel here i am lord he didn't know but he was willing to obey and instantly the headquarters of god moved to somewhere [Music] why did god migrate from peter to paul the business of the gentiles was for peter arise kill and eat he said no i can't do that i've been a clean man from my youth how will i eat that which is not holy arrives killer elite he said no and then jesus shows up to paul in acts 19 verse 4. poor paul saw so why persecutors doubt me who are you lord i am jesus christ whom that persecuted lord what will you have me do so while one is saying no i can't the other one said what will you have me do and all of a sudden paul became the light bearer in the generation perfecting the will of god [Music] the way of the overcomers and the last thing about the overcomers is the reward in the age to come when a man have subdued flesh when a man has perfected the will of god one thing remained for him the crown of life the reward of eternity that's what he looks at he said the remainder for me now a clown of life so paul came he said for me to die is gain to live is for you i don't value life anymore i've run my race i've finished my course i have perfected the will of god so at that point my existence is to help you because he knows the value of life is the journey of the overcomer and i will show you in the next five minutes five reward system of heaven you will not know why god is sending us on errands you think it's about time no the apostleship is not primarily about time the prophetic or the office of the prophet is not primarily about time the office of the evangelist is not primarily about time neither is the office of the pastor or the teacher or the office of ministry it transcends time if we think it's about time we will judge our results and call our results our reward so you can wake up and say it's not working because there's no money because there are no people because you don't know that the tragedy is towards eternity no [Music] time the bible said concerning inner the prophetess he said she lost her husband seven years into marriage that was when she discovered she was not supposed to be married [Music] it's important to go back and ask your designer why did i come here so you don't run on another on another man's lane you come to god and say why did i come here [Music] because he said john was in the wilderness until the day of his show effort it was the holy ghost that drove him there he said the spirit drove jesus mark 112 to the wilderness to be tempted what you call a blessing is not a blessing unless it is part of what is in your destiny is it beautiful to marry yes is the will of god but part of your destiny may be for you to remain a virgin it's only when you understand the reward system of zion that you will call it a blessing it was after anna's husband died that she realized she was not supposed to marry so she remained in the temple praying and fasting until she was 84 years old and when they brought jesus she was not there but the bible said something he said she entered into the temple by the holy spirit the holy ghost that kept her brother this is the hour of your life the same with simeon he came by the spirit and he said now i may depart in peace so the guy was leaving because his existence was the reason why jesus would be born because god told him you will not see death until you see the salvation of israel different men have different meaning for existence why for one to be promoted in government is a blessing for another it's a cause so you can't even tell somebody you are blessed until you know the writing of his destiny he said to daniel i will make you president to say no make shadrach meshach and abednego president me i will sit at the gate i'm a priest my promotion is to tend the presence of god does that mean promotion in the secular world is bad no you may be an apostle to comments and if you're an apostle to the industry and you come to carry the microphone is failure [Music] because you may look at a preacher and you want to preach meanwhile god raise you as an apostle in the economic world today dangote is the first apostle of islam and is not preaching in the mosque they are merging every force together to make him the strongest financial force in africa so that he can rule the economy that he was telling us in the morning even in this church dangote is here because this sermon belonged to him if you don't perfect the will of god you may not be a candidate of eternal reward because you may run on the wrong track this is why encounters become important so we find out lord paul was wise what will you have me do and the moment he began to travel on that path when he came to the end of that journey he said they remained for me a crown of life i came here to trouble your heart so you will go back to god because some men find their destiny when they are 50 years old smith wigglesworth find his at 45 but by all means find it in time because that's what truly counts everything giving to you might become a distraction if you don't know why you are here and when the time for the world comes you will be lost because as i began to say it doesn't end in time when our age comes to an end we will be migrated to another world he said i saw the new jerusalem descending from heaven [Music] a new world has come and the man that will dwell therein they will not need the son for the son of god we become their son and they will say that the tabernacle of god is with men so men still exist at the end of time [Music] what then will men be doing [Music] that's when real life begins so the life on this plane is actually a blank check given to us to decide how we believe in the other life this is what time is about that's why i said we are big dreams on the face of the earth but if that awareness is not there we will pursue things in time until the day we are to depart and we will see the breath of a new life and many will become afraid because they will realize at the 11th hour that they never lived but that would not be our portion [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] it took moses 40 years to discover but it was worth it because the moment it discovered god said to him in exodus 7 1 behold i have made you a god unto pharaoh he wasted 40 years in egypt 40 years in jethro's house but the moment he discovered he became a god and he lived his life according to the direction that came from that mountain and moses will never remain the same even when jesus came in matthew 17 jesus wanted to fulfill his own destiny jesus needed moses to come and strengthen him and he said moses and elias appeared to him and they spoke to him concerning what he must do in jerusalem because this one have walked and they have kept the covenant the meaning of life [Music] in revelations chapter 2 verse 26 the bible said something about the overcomers pertaining to their reward he said and he who overcomes and keeps my works until the end to him will i give power over the nations which nations is he talking about what nations is he referring to because he's talking about what will happen after the end if he keep my works to the end when the new jerusalem appears not everyone will be in the new jerusalem the new jerusalem is for the overcomers i will show you from scripture [Music] he said he gave one 10 talent he gave one five talents and he gave another one one talent the one that had 10 talents made 10 talents more and when he came he said go and rule 10 cities he didn't say take 10 talents he gave him cities the one that won five more he said go and rule five cities but the one that had won he did and he said cast him away from my presence at the end of the age remember before the fall before the collapse of the new head in isaiah chapter 14 from verse 15 to 17 the bible revealed that lucifer was the ruler of the first act meanwhile lucifer was in eden in the mountain of god according to ezekiel 28 13 and 17. so earth was given to lucifer as a possession that's the same thing that will happen at the end of the age when the new world is born those who are not in the new jerusalem we be the nations that we exist at that time but the bible said something it's a day that overcomes god will now make him make them rule us over those nations so at the end of the age so men will rule over the others that's what the ternary world really is about [Music] so while we are on act pursuing after things some people are pursuing after nations because in the end of the age god will keep them in charge of nations [Music] he said in revelation 22 verse 2 he said in the street of the new jerusalem there shall grow trees and those trees shall be for the healing of the nations so the trees growing in the new jerusalem is what we provide soccer for those out to jerusalem the dwellers of the new jerusalem we rule over the nations this is why paul said i don't want to preach and at the end of the day i am a cast away because he knew what will happen at the end that's the reward of kingdom functionaries men that take nations for god in the end god will give them nations because the ticket was open to everyone go into all the worlds and disciple all nations but if you can't rule nations in time you can't rule nations in eternity [Music] so man must grow to become strong it is better than bread and wine and it has nothing to do with whether you are educated or not educated smith wigglesworth was an illiterate ruler over the nations [Music] paul said in 1st corinthians 6 2 he said do you not know that we will judge angels jesus said to his disciples you will sit with me on 12 troons to judge the 12 tribes of israel why because savior shall come from mount zion to give direction to the mountains of esau so there are many men that in the end of the age they will sit on thrones and they will determine the faith of others this is the privilege that god wants to give us but the question is are we going to win the battle of the flesh the question is are we going to perfect the will of god where god gives you the privilege of judging nations with him is a possibility available to everybody that's why he said we better worship god while we are alive because in the grave there is no worship to god this is not about preaching this is about rulership in the world to come what if you go to heaven like judas he had taught them you will sit with me on tribes of israel but judas was called the son of petition because it's possible to lose your throne when you pursue things in time you lose things in eternity [Music] my goal is to put a burden in your heart so you go back and engage god and do serious business he said those in peria were more noble than those in thessalonica because when they heard him they went to check the scripture to see whether it was so so paul afflicted them with buttons because he wanted their lives to have meaning beyond time judges in eternity it's called the galactic council there are some men that will leave this world and they will sit on throne with jesus and they'll be determining the destinies of others the fate of nations ah no i know peter did this did this so just give him this portion how can a man go to heaven with me and is the tournament determining my fate when both of us had the same holy ghost the same faith the same word of god that's what true failure is about now you don't measure up when you get to eternity and he said some we sit on his left and on his right he's talking about proximity is that proximity that the age that existed beyond before our age enjoyed in job 28 verse 7 he said when god laid the foundations of the earth he said all the sons of god shouted for joy what did he allow them do when their project ended and they began the new project of it he called them come and see how we create so those guys were watching with god how he created the visible realm there are some that will become companions of god in the projects of yahweh in the afterlife so they will see the architecture of the next world because they perfected the will of god the same way they built cities for god in time that's how god we invited to see how the true cities are built the rewards of eternity the things we live for they are not tangible tangible things are actually designed to empower us to live for intangible things if we live for tangible things we will perish with tangible things because everything that is tangible the bible said they will melt they say he will wrap the word like a canopy and the elements of creation we meld so we don't live for the tangible we live for the intangible the tangible is meant to empower us to live for the intangible that's the way of the overcomers the crown of life that paul was speaking about was not in time so he knew that life doesn't end in time so he said if only in this life we have hope he said a way of all men most miserable so it is misery to live for anything in time and finally tonight men will become messengers in the world to come john went to heaven in revelation chapter 19 from verse 10 and 11 and somebody carried him around heaven and showed him everything about heaven and he wanted to worship him and he said no don't worship me i'm one of your brethren so that guy is a man but he went to heaven because he was perfect in his service to god even in heaven he was recruited as a messenger those are the type of people you call angels because angels are messengers from eternity so when men serve god by the time this word is over some men will be sent as testifiers to the next generation to teach them the ways of god because some of them are already doing it in heaven what is the meaning of life it is the accent to which we apprehend god and express him this is the bottom of existence and if you have not been able to tame flesh if you have not been able to perfect the will of god and if you are not a candidate for the reward of eternity life was wasted because what defines us is not breath because the breath on our nostril even the goat has it the baboon has it so bread does not define us what defines us is the purpose of god for which necessitated our existence the beautiful thing about the encounter is this he said if you call upon the name of the lord you will be saved i brought you this body tonight so that every one of us we call on the name of the lord first is to cry lord give me the power to rule over my senses because what your senses do is that it locks you into time and makes you a creature of time the second thing we cry for father teach me how to keep your covenant and to perfect your will so that i will qualify for the reward of eternity and we rise to our feet and pray oh [Music] [Applause] in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Music] you see there are certain things that excite but there are certain other things that troubles when you receive what excites you it won't take you far because excitement is for a moment when you receive what troubles you it it draws you to a place where you prepare yourself for the future the words have brought to you this light a word that troubles you so that you re-evaluate the reason for your existence you are going to check it's not the kind of prayer you pray loud no but you will check yourself am i rude by the holy ghost oh i'm rude by my senses if you are this crisis you need an encounter [Music] you are going to ask yourself do i know the will of god for my life if you don't it means there is crisis you need to cry it's for these two reasons that we want to pray tonight what is it that rule over my life and what is it that is god's purpose for my existence go ahead and talk to your maker if you want to need them to pray you can knead them to pray if you want to sit down to pray you can sit down to pray if you want to stand to pray you can stand to pray but by armies make sure you are engaging god listen there's one assignment i want to carry out tonight [Music] the lord has shown us tonight that beyond just receiving him his objective for us is the ability to tame our flesh not to live by our senses but by the leading of the holy spirit because that's what will give us relevance the lord has shown us that beyond receiving him we must know what he wants to do part time and do it there are most of us here that desire god but that energy is not there we want to do his will but that energy is not there those are the people i came for tonight tomorrow i pray for the sick you are here tonight and you're in that category you want to tell yourself that from today i want to be led by the spirit because they that are led by the spirit they are the sons of god and i want to have that encounter that brings me to that point where i know the will of god and i have the ability to do it come let me pray with you that's my assignment for tonight there is a place my heart cries out for love [Music] there is [Music] a place [Music] [Music] is let me see your face and [Music] let me see your face
Channel: Apostle Orokpo Michael
Views: 61,770
Rating: 4.8951311 out of 5
Keywords: prayer, apostle Michael Orokpo
Id: 4TFn55eBDOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 27sec (5847 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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