How to Live on Earth | Apostle Orokpo Michael

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[Music] hallelujah praise the lord are you a spectator tonight are you sure if you expect and give the lord a shout out [Music] [Applause] tonight please leave your hands toward heaven and talk to the lord one more time if you are expected talk to the lord [Applause] you are mighty on your truth you reign [Music] breakfast or fountains of the deep cry out goddess you are mighty on your truth you rain your [Music] [Music] you are [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] you know when you go to the realm of god and you look upon his glory it will be difficult for you to give him a name the reason we can easily name god on earth is because the dimensions of god are revealed according to his benevolence towards mankind when you get when you get to a realm where you don't need god to do anything for you it will become hard to give him a name you know when you call him hell shall die it's because you have a need so extraordinary is a body blessed one when he meets your need continually you say hell shall die but when you get to heaven and you don't have need for bread and wine what will you call him so the angels that sit in the throne of zion when they started god carefully the only thing they could call him he's holy what it means is that you are in your own class there is none like you we have looked upon you for thou for aeons there is nothing we can call you so they just said you are separate you are separate so when we call god holy that's the highest revelation of god it means he's in his own class the love of god is holy there's none that lost like him the mercy of god is holy there's none that shows mercy like him the benevolence of god is holy so the holiness of god is the highest revelation of god that's why we worship in this order i am [Music] i am [Music] tonight for what you will do we are persuaded of your shift there will be a shift in our lives there will be a migration to sacred places where holy realities are kept and locked up away from waters there will be a shift tonight in the name of the lord jesus thank you father in jesus precious day hallelujah you may see that for a moment [Music] since it's the first night i want to take time to establish the coordinates of the meeting it's an in-house meeting and it's a leadership meeting so i'm bored to share a few things tonight and i know the people that are here are people that are sensitive and hungry about eternal things when you go to a crusade ground you easily emphasize the things god wants to do for people but when you come into the crucible where only few are gathered you know that's a making ground and the bodies in the heart of the father is not only to give is to make because when god wants to make men become few but when god wants to give men become meaning and in a leadership conference like this god is out to make so we are going to emphasize things that are eternal in the name of jesus in the precious name of jesus genesis chapter 3 verse on your 8. you ancient science king goddess you are mighty on your truth you know a lot had happened in the garden of eden at this point man had disconnected from god man had violated the sacred code that god gave him that gave him authority and rulership in the garden and in god's word your way he stepped into the garden the bible said and the head talking about adam and eve the voice of god walking in the garden in the cool of the day and adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the lord they hid themselves among the trees in the garden because they knew what that moment signified in eden adam was a ruler in the garden of eden but you see the powers and the rulership of edda was predicated upon the knowledge of god that he had part-time because the goal of the government that adam exercised was to bring about the nature of god so by imposed upon everything that would be factored in the visible realm so if adam's government was accurate adam was supposed to make everything the garden become a visible expression of god so his government was to super impose the nature of god on the visible creation and the second thing about the government of adam was to teach creation how to exhibit the character and the characteristics of god and there was no way adam could bring about that order of government except as he looked upon the countenance of elohim so from time to time god walked into the garden meanwhile it was not the face of god that showed up in the garden it was not the glory of god that showed up in the garden it was the voice of god because the dimension of god that came into the garden came to educate eda about a syllabus that was not up in the visible realm god came to teach adam god because there were many things satan could learn in the garden but the only way adam could land god was through calling him the only way adam could learn god was throwing tacos so the bible said in the cool of the day the voice of god the oracles of god the speakings of god came walking in the garden and ended up interacting with him the world came walking is the word work young what it means is the moment of the spirit the moment it was not at all times that god came to his thought either there was a particular window that opened in eden when god refused into the garden and when god showed up adam had capacity in the spirit to discern the invasion of god and every time god came there was an alignment order that adam sustained in order to enter into intercourse with god and when adam interacted with god god downloaded his dimensions into it it was that dimension that edgar curried from that moment of intercourse that he brings into eden and one of them shows up in eden what comes out of adam is government because he said let them have dominion but it was a strange kind of dominion you know the bible opens up in genesis chapter 1 verse 1 he said in the beginning god because before the beginning was god was so god was not part of the beginning the beginning began from god because existence itself is in the valleys of elohim so elohim was not part of the beginning so i began to teach us that before the spirit was ever created god was before the visible realm was created he said god was so it's important for any man that we strike a thought in the spirit on earth to travel beyond the beginning into god because if you don't touch god you cannot be relevant in the beginning because the beginning the origin of time the origin of reality began from god so for man to be relevant he needed to journey back into god so what adam was doing in the cool of the day was a journey back into that which was before the beginning so that when he enters into the beginning he could bring a civilization that existed before the beginning because the beginning was a virgin dimension that god allowed adam to colonize i'm looking for ultras you know what i want to teach is not normal bible study i want to tell you the stories of god i want to tell you the secrets of creation the code of existence because life does not begin in the beginning life was before the beginning and when the beginning ends life continues so the journey to god is an eternal reality you know christians don't understand the privilege they have because in christ we have a way back into him that was him that dwells before time began that's the journey of existence the journey of existence is not from kubwa that was a rock the journey of existence is from time to eternity when you touch god that you bring god back to your reign you ain't changing goddess you are mighty on your true breakfast the fountains of the deep cry out god you are mighty on your truth you know adam did not understand the significance of this journey that he was enjoying in eden adam came to a point where he thought the value of life was in teams so he began to appreciate apples he didn't know that when god opens up his oracles everything that will ever be is contained there so he began to look at things and he began to admire things and the point came before god he forgot the journey that he was engaging up in genesis 3 verse 8 he forgot that that was the foundation of all things his ability to end time to god to stay there to look upon god to download god and to communicate god he forgot that that syllabus was the making process of elohim to bring him to a point where he becomes exactly like him in essence and all of a sudden he began to desire other things and suddenly the serpent came into the garden and he recognized this happened and the serpent told him there is another way apart from the will of god there is another channel you can achieve what you are laboring to achieve there is another way of becoming like god this route you are taking is too long come let me show you another route and introduce the code of rebellion into creation and the man fell when he fell the garden was still there but he had lost reality because it was not about the garden it was about his intercourse with god and the first thing that happened to him was that he was cast out of the garden he no longer had opportunity to look upon god he no longer had the privilege to interact with god he no longer had the powers to control and to regulate regarding because he had violated a new government has been introduced that is contrary to the government of god and when the angels showed up the angels before that were his partners his partners in dominion they now showed up and suddenly he saw his sword moving on every side the sword was not there before but all of a sudden his sword appeared because they journey into god had been stopped and the man was cast in the garden since you desire that is go and seek them when you are done seeking them you will discover that all things is vanity apart from elohim everything you have is vanity meanwhile man will never understand this have you not noticed that when you have what you are looking for desperately all of a sudden he loses value the moment he enters your hand he loses value because nothing has value until it is captured in god if it is not captured in god the verdict has already been passed he said it is vanity of profanity all amounts to vanity the only place you can look upon reality and continually admire it is in god the man did not realize it so he left god and he was on the journey of pursuit of things so when he finds one he loses value he dumps it he looks for another when he finds it he loses value a point claims you know what is this you and undiscovered that path apart from god is the path of death every time god is no longer in view you have taken the journey of death and that is why nothing satisfies again because the essence of man was designed to be satisfied by the continual infielding of god so when you are born again he said him that is born of god overcoming the lord when a man is born of god he turns away from the journey of vanity that part which is a departure from god he turns away from it and he comes back to focus he begins to seek elohim again he said whoever is born of god overcome it the word the word word is the word cosmos what it means is institution it means government it means administration every protocol that is set in place that provoked a departure from the presence he said when you are born again you begin to live above that protocol all of a sudden you come back to that point again where intercourse is re-established now if you are trying to god you will discover there are three realities that governs the civilization of god the first reality that governs the civilization of god is the will of god the second reality that governs the civilization of god is the wisdom of god the thought reality that governs the civilization of god are the purposes of god this is why your prayer can't change the will of god because the will of god existed before you started praying so your praying is correct when you are aligned with the will of god because that reality if they existed before all things in fact civilization emanated from that reality that's why when you do things in your own way god doesn't hallow it before you do anything he shows you how to do it because it's not just about doing it it's about how it is done it will be consistent with the will of the wisdom of god for the blessings of god to come upon it you know when i was much younger i thought ministry was about gifts i was a mighty original so i gathered my friends and i told them something is about to happen and after talking to them for two weeks i now started the program and when i started the program i spoke to over 100 people only 12 of my friends came and those who came came to to sympathize with me because they knew it was a failure and i now realize there is a strategy beyond human intelligence to to bring administration to the purposes of god if it is not consistent with the will of god the blessings of god be not rest and now went back to god and god told me be here praying and i prayed there for over 10 years when i finished praying that oracle came out of himself you know you know god is strange have you have you contemplated for a second that before the beginning god was where was god before the spirit was created where was god that means god lived in himself so god is the house of god and god is god now i think for a second to imagine god you will see how futile your brain is you'll discover these two called your brain a matter of ordination is weak so you will seek him day and night because something that wisdom crystallizes your brain can't travel too far he said pray for long i was praying i thought i was wasting time meanwhile that was consistent to my own ordination pray and after i prayed for a long time he came out to me and he dwelt outside time and he looked upon me he gave me one instruction and what happened to me in three months was superior to everything that would have happened in 10 years i now discovered the wisdom of god is superior to human's eternity so in the civilization of god there's the wisdom of god and in the civilization of god there are the purposes of god so your life will not count until you live according to that divine purpose that necessitated your creation you know when john went to zion he interacted with the 20 and four elders now these are the beings of wisdom and highest authority in heaven because they are closest to god in proximity to the throne and one of when he saw the elders worshiping the only thing the elders were saying was holy holy holy is the lord and then they saw other beasts that were there and he said they worship day and night forever and ever and the only thing they were saying is all things were created for your pleasure that was when john realized the value of life is not in this longevity the value of life is in the degree that he gives pleasure to god because all things were created for thy pleasure so when you fulfill purpose you give pleasure to god that's why fulfilling purpose becomes an act of worship but if you don't go to zion you won't find it because that is not written anywhere in time you may be on earth and you are neighboring because you think the goal is to become something in time if it is apart from god it becomes a problem but if it is in god it becomes a weapon for kingdom advancement that's the power of the prophecies of god all of these were locked in god and these were the things god was teaching adam but adam violated it so one of them departed like lucifer that fell from the throne of heaven adam also became oblivious in understanding of what the word of god is adam became depraved in wisdom so much so that adam went to cover himself with fig leaves you can't please the spirit with vegetables the only thing that pleases the spirit is blood so when god came he looked at them before now everything you did was correct because he named of the animals and the name he called the animals was the name that was the archive of heaven why all of a sudden you now take an action that is wrong he had been cut off from the wisdom of god so god had to come quickly and kill an animal and cover him with the skin of the animal because if god doesn't see blood we kill him but adam had fallen from wisdom and they taught him adam no longer understood purpose the reason for his existence he forgot it and later began to struggle to survive he now thought that life was about survival meanwhile it was never written in the blueprint of zion that life was about survivor life was about pleasing god the moment life becomes about survivor death has entered adam had departed from the prophecies of god the reason is because a new government had been established so when john went back to zion you know there are few men that went to before the beginning it was moses that wrote genesis chapter one and said in the beginning god the second person that spoke about the beginning was john he said that which was from the beginning they traveled very far outside time and when john went and checked he now came back and said whoever is born of god the sign that is born of god the sign that the protocol of eternal life has been activated is that he overcomes the world he has the power over the administration of the world system he has the power over the enticing implications that the devil lead us upon the landscape he overcomes the world so a man who has not overcome the world have not learned the secret of existence the thought person that went to before the beginning was born and when paul went to the beginning what profound was strange paul said the code of existence in this age is not great in the animal kingdom the code of existence can be bred but he said in the importance of humankind he said the code of existence is not breaking he said the code of existence in the quadrant of humankind is god tapanaku the man so any man who god is not barnacled on his inside did not exist in this age meanwhile there are many ages in god there is the angelic age the bible said in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth so before the earth was created many heavens have been created many beings that existed in heaven that's why you see the twenty and four elders you don't know the origin that's why you see the four beasts you don't know their origin that's why you see different categories of angels because before the project of man began god had many projects and there are different mysteries that govern all of those projects what he said in the project of man what governs it is what god could imagine that's why i said christ in you the hope of glory and the bible now said you know when god began to create others he said let us make man in our own image after our likeness and let them have dominion and the way god created man was that god divided himself and then he took dust and hit god in dust so it is called heating dust that is called man so man is god healing dust because the mystery of this age is god tabana clean in a man and jesus said this is life eternal life is not breath it's your ability to touch that god that is on your inside live by that god that is on your inside commune with that god that is on your inside that was the same thing god was teaching adam in genesis 3 verse 8 that if you stop touching me you stop leaving so the greatest preoccupation of a believer is his perpetual contact with god that's why the code of this age is calling you if you have not touched god you are not alive and most times when you don't touch god the age will overpower you the government of this world will rule you this is why many people god blesses them the blessing becomes their grief because they didn't know the code of this age how often did you touch him or have you touched him have you touched him today so the reason today we count in your existence it's not because today was in time the reason today we count is because even today you touched him the day you failed to touch him will not appear in your radar your age in the spirit is not how long you lived in time your age in the spirit is how many times you made contact because every time you make contact there is a doubt in zion that this man is still breathing that's why the moment adam was expelled the moment adam stopped touching him and then died so you can be 90 years old on edge but in the spirit you're five years old because cumulatively you're touching him and the impact of your touching him did not transcend beyond five years he said this is life eternal that didn't know him that they may know him that they may know him because if you don't touch him this age will swallow you up the bank will swallow you off abuja will swallow you up the government will swallow you up a point will come when it becomes difficult to come to church because ah you you were tired from work a point will come when it will become difficult to come into this world because something happened in the office and you are not happy so you wanted to be alone and the way you were being alone is by putting an earpiece and hearing a music a song to saturate your soul that's not life that's not life that's not existence because when you look at the wisdom of god from the tablets of heaven you will discover the only way god you know the way spirits define things is different from the way men define things it's different entirely so he said if you don't touch god this world is following you all and there are many people in cities they went to cities with god large in their heart but when they came to the city the pursuit of things made god became faint so even when they come to the place of prayer they look for god they can't find god they couldn't touch god meanwhile before they came to the city even the moment they wake up an angel is singing and they can hear the sound of heaven before they woke up as they are waking up that is the holy ghost is dancing in their spirit so they woke up in the morning they didn't have anything yet they wake up i have a very big god who who is always by my side but they now enter the city they didn't know that there is a government in that city they didn't know that there was a prince in that city that have set his quarter to swallow men so when they entered the city they entered the city without an understanding of what life was so they negated the protocol of intimacy they negated the requirements of coilonia so they became big in the city but god became small on the inside so like adam we exchanged the mundane for sacred things like adam we exchanged eternal reality for temporary reality and jesus said if you are like that you are dead he said this is life eternal that he may know him how well do you know him when he wanted to choose your life partner did you hear his whisper did you hear his whisper when he went to the office that's why we respond like man man because when things happen we can't check heaven we can't consult with heaven we are no longer of heaven we have become on earth we have become of earth so things on earth we are competing with people with our minds no we are rulers we don't compete we rule in this realm and the reason we can rule here is because we are perpetually connected to zion but when you are disconnected from zion you begin to compete with that person in the office how can you compete with somebody in your office when you are a carrier of god when you know where you woke up from you woke up from your bedroom i woke up from the presence you are coming out of a room i'm coming from the mountains of zion how can i compete with you it's not possible but the problem is men have relocated from heaven they live on earth in john chapter 3 verse 13 jesus was walking in nazareth and he said no man have been to heaven at any time except the son of man which is in heaven so every day jesus woke up from the presence jesus lived from the present because he knows the code of this age christ in you god tabanaku iman aliyah [Music] [Applause] hey somebody will begin to hear the echoes of eternity as you leave this hall all of a sudden you will wake up you want to go out you will hear the holy ghost but you've not spoken with me then you now say precious holy one precious even if you go to job by six because you know the holy ghost is waiting every morning you will wake up by 4 am the reason is because when you wanted to rush out you said but mata we have not talked to this morning we have not spoken this morning so you'll come back you will interact you will commune and when you commute if you step out you become a god among men because everything you are and do streams from zion from zion from sight you can be walking at your walk but you are in two locations at the same time because while you are doing a very complex algorithm in your office a ninja is whispering into your ear or you didn't put the dot there how did i forget you have a partner in zion did you study the life of jesus you know jesus is the pattern man that was how he lived this is not you know pastor said something when he started he said one of the core values of the house on the rock is prayer another is the word he said another is worship and he said it is this tree that makes us excellent so excellence is a spirit it's not an act or a disposition it is a dimension of a spirit that flows out of you so even if it's one suit you have if the excellent spirit is not working you when you wear it it looks different because it's not actually spiritual this is what daniel had and he destroyed babylon an excellent spirit was found in tanya the reason is because they could touch heaven the king saw a dream and he came to daniel and daniel said wait there's a god that reveals secret we are in babylon but babylon is not our only location when you go to sleep we travel to zion so we come to eat from that's why you can never defeat daniel no matter the plot how do you plot against a man that sleeps in heaven did you does he know come to you we pride ourselves in the kind of building that we have built adam did not have a house yet he didn't complain about rain how did he survive the rain how did he survive the sun because there is a canopy of the presence that the man carried and if he has it everything that should be a disadvantage becomes a weapon for his advantage this is christianity is divinity expressed through humanity but when you don't know it the devil comes to entice you with things the same things that should be your slave become your god money is your slave human connection is your slave everything favor is a weapon for your advantage but if you don't know these things the things that you should send on errands become your god you almighty on your truth when a man overcomes the world there are three things that happen to him the first is that connection to god is reestablished so that man leaves his life by sickness we don't live our life by human reasoning their mind is important we use them for earthly things but how can you die your steps he said the steps of the righteousness by the law how do you know you are supposed to live in abuja what if god shift the next face of your purpose to just how will you know except you live by sickness by sickness so every morning you can't step up until there's a signal i served in the barracks the butter can be going on the moment they receive sickness everything in the barrack changes in matter of minutes the whole barrack can be altered when the sickness comes from headquarters that's how we live a man who has overcome this world he can pick sickness from heaven there is nothing that interacts and obstructs his communion so he doesn't walk as a man he walks with heavenly entourage that was how jesus lived in luke chapter 10 verse 21 when the disciples came back the bible said his heart lived for joy and jesus knew what it meant he knew that the father in his spirit was rejoicing meanwhile he was here talking to the disciples they came back they said the demons were subject to us we cast out devils he said just know that the demons are suffered to you you say rejoice because today today your connection with heaven have been established what is important is not the obedience of demons what is important is not the connection what is important is that you have connected to zion and while he was here talking the him live and he picked it and he turned to the father and left him he said i thank thee father that you have chosen to reveal these things to babes not the buddha he began to talk to heaven immediately that was how he lived in luke 147 mary mary she's not a prophet she's not an apostle she came to mata and when mata began to salute her she said my soul got my soul don't magnify the lord my spirit had rejoiced in the god of my salvation that was a deep spiritual thing many was communicating meanwhile she was not many persons mary was telling elizabeth that this joy i'm feeling now is because of an activity my spirit carried out before i came here so mary knew when her spirit was talking to god and when the impact of that communion began to manifest medicine here he said my soul thought present ten magnified the lord because my spirit had to enjoy so these people know how to live on earth they live connected to heaven so when the india came mary knew she saw the angel she knew it was not strange to her she knows how to trap exile she knows when the atmosphere changes me while you're at your job god wants to speak to you how come you are not aware you are walking all of a sudden your spirit begins to move up and down how did you know an angel had come how did you not know there was a whisper from heaven how did you not know that what you were praying for for many months the answer came you didn't pick the vibration the difference between life and death is a whisper of spirituality that's why many people go you bought a car you bother to play the plane crash how did you pick the signal because you didn't know that the code of existence on this side of the divide is christ in you so you didn't pay attention that's why many people come to church why services yes going on they are chatting on whatsapp because the government of this world have dominated their soul the government even when they service shift they didn't disarm adding to the sun when the service shifted from earth to heaven somebody is worshiping service have moved you are still on it how are you dancing when the angels are worshipping because you can't pick the signal and if you can't pick the signal you will never be visible on it the reason many christians suffer is because they don't pick the sickness of heaven they don't pick the signal they say the son of man which is in heaven what do you pick from zion how do you live your life your life is supposed to be a stream of the endless rivers of eternity a stream a stream is still that's when you become like bonjour that cannot be proved they told you this thing will not work out fine you say don't worry you are looking at the external i have checked in the spirit god told me to walk even if the whole government turns against it it will work i heard something i had some that time others are running helped us get her oh you just step aside forever and the holy ghost said don't worry to walk even if the president comes and say to her go and sleep that's how we leave god you are mighty on your truth many people spend weeks pursuing contracts many people spend weeks pursuing human connection they are beautiful never negate them but they should be a by-product of the strategy that you receive from heaven they should be a bi-protocol because when the alignment or thy heaven is achieved the earth has no choice but to allah because when the heavens be full of rain they must they must all water the earth that's the order when you secure heaven earth must move in your favor but many believers can't find heaven they can't find the holy ghost on the inside meanwhile this was the power of the apostles they tried to kill john they couldn't kill him so they cast him out of civilization they sent him to the eye in the battle patmos means the island of my death but while he was in patmos he was like mohammed he said i was in the spirit on the lord's day i was in the spirit on the lord's day there is nowhere you can take that man his connection with heaven his impact and the island of death became the island of encounter while he was in purpose he said i heard a sound as sophie trumpet as of a trumpet and as he told they carried him to heaven and they began to leave from heaven where people thought he would die so when they come after 20 years thinking they will see his carcass then the man will stroll down from heaven and say how are you doing then the enemies will fall down faint they come they put charm on your chair and they say you the son shouldn't smite on it if you sit on it to be paralyzed and then that day you came to the office you know i'm stood but don't call your cleaner take this chair keep it outside i want to sit under the sun the person that went to the alpha is when he sees you he will fall wow how how how do you put you in the sun in a four in a ten-story building there is signal there is sickness so when you came you wanted to sit down and the holy ghost said not now not now not that this is what makes men invisible our true assets are not ugly they are divine they are divine they are divine when you have it you are invincible but unfortunately many people are walking confused they are hoping somebody will tell them about their destiny they are hoping somebody will tell them about who to marry they are hoping somebody will tell them about where to walk they are hoping somebody will tell them even about what to eat how come we have become like this because we can't find the spirit anymore we can't find the spirit that's why it looks as if you are disappointed there is nothing on it that constitutes a disadvantage for a believer because for a believer all things worked together for good how come you are disadvantaged you failed to pick sickness so the earth has overcome you but if you will be in the spirit if you will be in the spirit you know being in the spirit is labeled it doesn't come true it's not a gift we are sent we are sent to enter the mountains of god we are sent and it takes neighbor do you know why many believers are vulnerable why many believers are confused why many believers seem to be helpless they didn't know the last time they ascended they can't remember jesus was always ascending so even on the mountain of temptation when jesus was tired he looked for a level he said and satan delivered him for a season he said an angel scream i'm strengthening him so there were many results in zion that were to his advantage when jesus was confused about his assignment he knew what to do he didn't go asking anybody the bible said in luke chapter 9 verse 28 to 29 he said eight years later he took peter james and john to the mountain and as he prayed the fashion of his countenance was altered and his women glistened and he said they appeared unto him moses and the liars heavenly company came and when they came they began to talk to him about what he was doing jerusalem when he comes down he's invincible you can't catch him you can't catch it there was a time they took him to the edge of the cliff to cast him down when he came there the bible said jesus walked in their list how do you walk through a mob he brought the dimension of eternity so all of a sudden he had posts and the people who went to push him he walked to them they didn't know what was happening even when he left they didn't remember what they went to the cliff to do he came with zion he came inside you must labor to culture how come your office is not a butter how come your bedroom is not a butter how come somebody can put charm around your house and then somebody is preaching about it about deliverance about a charm about who how can you trap a christian paul was teaching he said he perceived that the man city who was lame had faith to be healed instead they said jesus made the whole he didn't pray why because we have come to mount zion the city of the living god to an enumerable company of angel to the church of the festival the heavenly jerusalem to the spirit of judgment made perfect to the blood of sprinkling that speaking better how come you have all of this advantage you are still vulnerable you can't pick sickness and the reason you can't pick sickness is because you are not in the spirit you have not learned how to control the spirit when we pray the power of prayer i started asking god for things the power of prayer is the ability to download heaven to it is the ability that's why when you begin to pray the first thing that fights you is your flesh because you are going to a place where flesh does not survive and if you journey there a point will come heaven will superimpose it and everywhere you go you will carry ever you become an embassy of heaven that's what happens to men when you come hundred people can be bidding scholar for contract not until you show because when you show up you come with heaven and the candidates from earth will always be disadvantaged you reign you and shenzhen's i heard the story by benihil his son was misbehaving joshua he counseled him he advised him none was working and one day he now realized oh there is a difference teaching syllabus in heaven so when he was under the anointing he manipulated the boy to come for service when the anointing fell on him joshua come here the boy that will be advised i would say no that i don't have time for that it's no longer lingua you know spirits don't speak english they speak spirit and life there's no way come on i don't have time for that come here and joshua when this heart stops god use him for your glory from that day joshua changed because he brought heaven he brought heaven why do we struggle because we don't live what to ascend your knee down for five minutes oh father thank you george delays for five extra minutes oh come on i'm tired you will be healthy because you pamper flesh but moses the bible said he ascended sinner moses was 80 years old sinner is over 7 000 feet tall how can an 80 year old man climb that mountain because he knew on the mountain the pillar of the presence was standing so he can decimate the flesh the guy could fall a thousand times he will stand up his knees and his legs would be blistered but the goal was on top of the mountain because that's where moses becomes a god when you are actually you can never assume the statues of the new creation the new creation is a god man but have you seen him i know you have read the logos but have you seen the living world i was in the higher pathos he ascended when you climb the mountain top then you are free to do business in deep waters for many times our flesh won't let us if sleep is what stops you from climbing don't sleep don't lie down pray walk [Music] because by all means you must go through your environment because that's your advantage you may take it for granted but when the day of trouble comes he didn't say you will fail because god is weak he said you will fail because your strength is little your strength is little you have not learned how to exchange human strength for the strength of god god taught me this the hard way i was fasting when it's three o'clock i want to die and god told me if you want to defy hunger begin to pray loud now and i say okay i'm tired you're saying pray love how do i do it i didn't know there was another energy level in god ah i wish i had time there's something called entonamo when you tapping into god you will be strengthened and the day i tried it all of a sudden after 30 minutes i was mentored with strength and i prayed for two hours i should have ended the first by six but when it was six i wasn't hungry that was when i understood how to eat angel's bread because singer's bread in the new testament is not a bread on fire it is the proceeding word of god when you enter there it is short into your spirit and suddenly you wake up like a giant the things that threatened you that you felt before you begin to command them because now you are talking from the mountaintop and only god stand there only gods stand there that's the place of christians but we can't mount up we can't mount up we can't mount up we think there's an advantage there is no other advantage unless you enter zion man will fail you it's a war unto the man that put his trust in the arm of flesh whoa unto him that failure has already happened it only required time to manifest the only way to be eternally assured is when you begin to pick sickness from the realm of zion [Music] [Music] how do you man talk is by prayer it is hard but it's the only way the journey into the presence is the journey of prayer when your priesthood comes alive the presence becomes your habitation and that's when you rule the world that's when you rule the world but many don't go there we don't travel far enough you know somebody is receiving the grace for prayer now please don't be distracted just stay calm the grace for prayer is resting on somebody now because you see your season is about to open again but you have not developed the stamina to ascend and if that season passes your spiritual cycle takes four years you can't afford to miss it again the grace for prayer needs to come on you that altar must be serviced again somebody is receiving the grace of prayer i can feel that touch i can feel that thought holy spirit holy spirit now now now it's resting like a dew it's resting it's resting like a dew like a dew you will start crying don't worry don't worry it's a move of the spirit on your soul it's a move of the spirit it will start crying don't worry it's a grace your altar is coming alive channels of my spirit open up i am with the father open up no boundaries no limits open up them call until the opener you know after covering many people were no longer used to church and they come to church they are tired they want to sit at home and be eating biscuits and drinking wine and watching service oh what has happened to us somebody is receiving power to trust through the spirit no boundaries no limits open up let him call until deep open up the channels of my spirit open up i am with the father open up no boundaries no limits open up let them call on to them open and somebody your advantage in the spirit in sight few years ago you saw everything before they happened but the sight is becoming blood in the coming blood god is activating it no holy spirit [Music] is living from earth you will live by the sickness of heaven the holy ghost will talk to you you will hear him you repeat the sickness and the movements of the spirit in your soul the second thing that happens to you when you are born of god and have overcome the war is that you begin to pick the bottoms of god the boardings of god are the fewer of the spirit that powers the activation administration and the manifestation of the things of the spirit when a man is without body he can never carry out divine assignments it's impossible that's why when pastor says god wants us to do something you are like oh you don't know that he's talking from a weight he will not stop until he's done that's how men live moses was a priest in egypt but when bodies came on him he said he refused to be called the son of pharaoh's daughter he choose rather to suffer affliction with the people of god than to enjoy the pleasure of egypt which is for his this is life in the spirit if you are not having these things you are not a leader because leadership in the kingdom is not position based it's organic how much of the oppression and the rulership of god guarantees your soul somebody will receive a body fall for for souls that he will not come to church until he brings the soul to church he said body it's a body if you don't have the body if you like let god be scam to you not be moved you know just come enjoy the cozy atmosphere enjoy the worship and go home the people who win so they have bought things for soul that parties compels them that's what paul bent when he said the love of christ comes three let us we find something that the father wants to do and the moment we know it we can rest he said in mark in acts chapter 15 verse 26 he said paul and barnabas men that hazarded their lives the reason they were able to take so much risk for the gospel it's because there was a body there was a body they couldn't explain it but they couldn't stop there was a body how come christianity is marginalized and you could sleep through the night you don't have the body when you have a body you will not be able to sleep you will rise up and pray for the body of god there isn't many infantile christians in the body of christ today because they are not taught so they are waiting for a pastor to fall into sin or for a believer to do something and then 90 percent of them come on facebook and say nonsense how come you are not afraid to speak against the anointing of god when so far david said how come you were not afraid how come how could you cut off the garment of the lost anointing how were you not afraid because he knew he had an understanding a body when god wants you to begin to administer the purposes of god what he does is that he punishes you with the body that body is what drives you he drives you you can't stop jesus knew he was going to jerusalem to die but there was a body and the bible said he must go to samaria it was a compelling power he couldn't turn against it even when you don't want to you keep doing you see certain people they give and they keep giving and they keep giving and they keep giving and then you say well it's because they are millionaires you don't give because you have money you give because you have the heart because it's a body the moment there is a need in the house of god they lose their peace they don't give because they have in fact is because they give that they have not because they have that they keep [Music] when a christian walks without a body he is not threatening the devil is not treated by him because he knows he won't do anything that one is leaving for pleasure even when they talk in church and he's moved for five minutes the moment he steps up there's no body a body is a yoke of god that we carry that's what jesus meant when he said take up thy cross and follow me he said there is a rest the finished works of christ brings you into the first rest that's the rest of your spirit but the rest of your soul comes when there is a body he said bear my yoke upon you and you will find rest for your soul because when that body is attended to that's when you are fulfilled have you been there before god compares you to give for a project and you are struggling so long as you are struggling you are restless the moment you give even though you are your account became empty that was when fulfillment came you have attended to a body have you been there somebody is sick about to die and then you go home you couldn't sleep you can't pray you can't pray you can't pray until the note of victory comes that's when you you nobody these are the people living in the spirit for those kind of people they have overcome the world so the devil doesn't know how to entice them they are so connected to heaven that they can pick what is in the heart of god so when god wants to do something they know it without such men god will be paralyzed on it the reason god is functional healthy because they are men who can pick his body so god sees through their eyes god touches through their hands god walks through their legs everything in the heart of the father becomes their life that was what the mighty men of david carried he said david desired to drink water from the wales of bethlehem and he said three men to baptize their lives and they got water at what point did the life of three men became equivalent to the taste of a man it is body how much of god's body do you carry if you don't have it the world will swallow you you will listen to good messages but the word will swallow you because it's not about the message everything the message does it should bring you back to koinonia to calinonia to koinonia how can church be empty cheers are empty and the believer is there i had somebody they keep receiving impartation i said when was the last time he won his soul he couldn't remember how many souls have you won this year he couldn't remember i said do you know that god is in the business of so many but there is no body there's no body this is how we win in this world and this is what makes us leaders i know there's a place of administration i know there's a place of structure i know there's a place of wisdom i know there are many things about leadership but i want to begin with the organic because if you don't have this one you will think is somebody's business so you say pastor said we should do this it is never about bastard because what pastor said was something he downloaded from god the moment it is downloaded it becomes the assignment of every one of us going to all the world say body this is christianity [Music] radar [Music] [Music] if there's one prayer i will pray tonight it will be that god punished me with a body do you know why you can do whatever you please it's because you don't have a body when mary became pregnant with jesus her life became regimented when man was wife became pregnant with something he said you can't drink any strong drink the child is another right a body becomes a law over your soul it becomes a law if god gives you a burden to pray for the church in nigeria you may discover that when it's eight o'clock you have to stop everything you are doing because you must wake up in the night because of that body it will determine how you live your life in the day the reason you see certain men they are isolated it's not an act they are tending to too many business in heaven so they can't afford to be everywhere they are regulated on it there's a button i have bishop david he said for 21 years he only knew the road to the airport because there was a bottom for the nations you can't afford to be everywhere they say but how come christians are not regulated there is no body there is nobody when that body comes your friends will become viewed because many things about your life will become a distraction ah revival service i came to instruct our spirits so that when we come to church we know it's a blessing when we are asked to pray we will know it's a blessing it's not pastor's business this is the code of existence on this side of the divide christ in you the hope of glory the knowledge of that christ is what eternal life is but these are the protocols that furnishes those dimensions in a possibility this is what makes them mighty with god and there are many men on earth that are very heavy in heaven why they are yet on earth somebody asked bob jones do you believe in the rapture they say i get raptured seven times in the day he goes to heaven like he's thrown into his bedroom that's why they live their lives the way they live i read the story of anarchy but it became so much that she had to shoot away for a long time and bodies are different they are they are tied to the peculiarity of our colleagues some of you your body will be for souls some of you your body will be to sponsor god's agenda that's why god will be opening doors for you you don't pray keeps happening you don't have access you are divine trust fund so god is storing money with you for kingdom project [Music] we are out of time the top thing that happens to you if you are born of god is that you become addicted to the presence of god [Music] you become addicted to the presence of god you see as the deer panted you don't know the painting of a deer a deer can passive water 200 miles away it's not this one they say come to church they are sending reminders i'm persuading people the world will choke you and the bible said when you love this world he said it's any meeting with god it's not this one they are sending text messages come from it they have to do many adverts for you to remember he said has the deer planted when you see the there oh oh oh it looks as if if he doesn't find one drop of water it will drop dead in a second and that's why the more the deer drinks the more the horn of the deer grows because that horn is representative of government that's the power in the realm of god power in the realm of god is not the ability to raise the dead because there are no dead men in heaven it is an unending hunger for the present the bible says they fought peace they worship day and night without ceasing holy holy holy if you don't have hunger for the present you'll be somebody what is holy holy holy is not about the song the song is a transport system to their presence and they won't stop until they look upon him so they look upon him day and night they look upon him that's why the philosopher said vanity upon vanity oh his vanity the only thing that stands forever is that hunger for god that's why i say kiss me with the kisses of thy mouth he said thy love is sweeter than why he said the the sweet smell of thy ointment is as the ointments paul forth when you are pouring a perfume and the fragrance saturates the beauty he says so the vaginas they love you the virgin the virgins are those who are separated from the water system they don't have any other luster perhaps from god he said they love you so they will press for the presence they will fight for the present even if they can't leave the office in the office they turn the office to a tabernacle so when you enter their office it becomes a porta into heaven this is christianity even when they're on their bed that night they saw me said thy meditation it's in my heart upon my bed there is said i was glad when they said to me let's go to the house of god what is life that you may know him it's not breath it's when you leave this happy envelope called body and you step into zion that's when we know the things that the mothers were counting in time he said noah being warned of god he moved with fear it was all about god being warned of god he said abraham he was looking for a city with foundation whose builder and maker was god he said moses when he was come of age he refused to be called the son of pharaoh's daughter there was something that powered them they lived for god they sought the present and that became their dwelling place our home is not the building we live in our home is the envelope of the presence of god that we create that's where we live from and if the desire for the presence die man is beginning to is die cheap prey in the hand of the devil the devil can easily come and seduce him with things because the devil has never changed it's always about the lust of the eyes the lust of the flesh and the pride of life that's the strategy for centuries but the only way to shut the gates is when we tap in the presence these messages are not sweet but this is what makes man how many signals do you pick from heaven how much bodies do you have for god the peculiarity of your bodies what distinguishes your ministry that's why we cannot all do the same thing master began sharing he said some are strong when in matters of divine health because they have a body not to see the body of christ sick and because of that body the man can go on 40 days drive fast to get an anointing to heal the sick he says some are strong in the area of prosperity because they have a body they don't want to see believers behaving like beggars you see i've seen that bombing and abomination upon the face of the earth that princes are walking on fruit why beggars are riding on horses so when he sees believers paul he can't sleep for that he will do everything to be empowered meanwhile some have a body not to see believers living sin so every time they come it's like a road of judgment it's a body that's what distinguishes us the nature of body that we try but you can't find the body until you pick sickness from heaven and when a body comes to you the presence of god becomes your atmosphere because you have to live from there to be able to establish the government of god bow down your head some prayer
Channel: Apostle Orokpo Michael
Views: 46,939
Rating: 4.9140186 out of 5
Keywords: prayer, apostle Michael Orokpo
Id: uF35IjYQycQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 27sec (4107 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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