Benefits Of Divine Encounter || Apostle Orokpo Michael

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hallelujah i want to salute all the ministers here thank you for all you do for the lord and for the body of christ and of course i celebrate everyone here tonight and if you are ready to receive from the lord and you lift your hands toward heaven as we whisper to the father of all spirits [Applause] just say something to him because he's worthy of our praise him that is a mortar him that is without corruption [Music] he existed before the beginning his name is called alpha omega that means he was before time began and at the end of the age he will still be there because existence itself is what is we exist but he is existence the one who was who is and who is to come when we look upon him we are broken we are humbled because no creation no creature can stand before him the bible says the twenty and four elders whenever he appears on his throne they fall on their faces and they cry holy because truly there is none like him it's a privilege to stand in the presence of god and so as we lift our voices tonight we trust that will vibrate at its frequency [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] m [Music] oh [Music] you're on your own [Applause] you [Music] aliyah i ah [Music] foreign go ahead and talk to god from the depths of your heart [Music] we come by the records of the blood [Music] we come by the testimony of the name the name of our god a strong tower we come by the testimony of the name [Music] and so we speak forth the oracles of god in faith and in power and so we command shiftings in the atmosphere we command movements and alignments in the spirit [Music] [Music] and the powers in the land we speak from the heights of the galaxies [Music] ah [Music] we are sending the spirit by the wings of the spirit we climb the heights the mountains of zion will speak from above the galaxies and so we command princes in darkness we command them to bow we shift things in the heavens we alter our voice like the thunder and the thunderings of yahweh we send other powers and the forces in the land and over the lives of men give way from the heavens we speak as pieces in zion we enter into the name of god the name of your day but we speak from the secret place of panda from the lightnings of god [Music] oh [Music] you see many songs of order will rise in the course of this meeting many songs of order will rise because there will be an awakening there will be an awakening we shake the forces of the fountains of the great deep and there will be an awakening there that sleep and slumber and we hear the echoes of eternity the voice of the son of god [Music] foreign [Music] thank you father thank you father thank you father [Music] see the first thing the lord will be doing tonight is to cause an awakening a spiritual awakening in the hearts of people some of you were seizing the intercessors you had the power to stand and to wage war in the spirit but you see the spirit has become lukewarm while the message is going on the lord will be shooting fire balls of fire into the hearts of many and there will be a staring and a vibration it doesn't matter your age because what we deal with is an eternal dimension it's not limited by time there will be an awakening thank you holy spirit thank you holy spirit thank you holy spirit we all know the angels of god that are part of this service we salute the servants of god and the spirit of judgment made perfect we honor the presence of god [Music] and we lift our voices in worship we say hello bidaini be praised forever [Music] let the worship and the memory of your name endure for eternity thank you father thank you father in jesus precious name [Music] thank you lord jesus you may be seated [Music] [Music] it's important [Music] to understand the reason for the breath that is on our new streets a lack of that understanding will make us live our lives as though there is no meaning to existence [Music] you see one of the things that distinguishes us in the class of motors is the fact that our lives are intrinsically joined with the life of god the meaning of our existence cannot be articulated except as the purposes of god are understood other creatures and other animals that exist on this plane exist only to survive so breath for them is another ticket to live another day and so while they walk into days and times it's all about what to eat what to drink and where to rest but man is not of that class the meaning of our life transcends breath [Music] and that's why when breath is withdrawn we will still exist because we existed before breath was given and when breath is taken away we will still exist as creatures of eternity we did not begin in time so we will not end in time so while we walk through time as pilgrims on the face of the earth it's important for us to journey back into the bellies of god and find out the reason for which it was necessary for us to exist else there will be no distinction between us and every other creature that has breath on their nostrils so the lord appeared to isaiah jeremiah and he said before you were formed in your mother's womb before the fabrics of your essence were captured and articulated in flesh i knew you how he existed cannot be trapped in the minds of man [Music] you know he said as thou knoweth not how the bones are formed in the bellies of heart that is with child so know what not doubt the ways of the spirit and the works of god so before man became a an existential reality in the form of flesh he existed according to the movements of the ways of the spirit because before bones were formed something existed is called the ways of the spirit that's why jesus said when man is born again he becomes like the wind he said as the wind blow it down these test nuts from once it cometh or hide go that is how man that is born again looks like because before man was captured in the bellies and in the womb of the mother that man existed like the wind he was according to the dynamics of the spirit but what the fall does to man is that when he begins to exist he wants to live as flesh but man is not flesh man is not flesh man is part of the component of god when he said he will make man in his image and after his likeness the bible said he went to the dust of the ground according to genesis chapter 2 verse 7 and he gathered the dust together and god took of himself the breath of his nostrils and implanted it in dust so man is actually god existing in flesh man is actually divinity expressed through we are beyond mortality when you want to see the elements of god he doesn't want you to journey too far he has created a being that carried his essence and he put him in dust so you can interact with him but the form makes us to live like flesh so life becomes for us what to eat and what to drink is beyond that because a time will come when you will not feed on food a time will come when you will feed on the bread of life and the tree of life that is in the courts of god a time will come when what we live on is the word of god and the presence of god because when adam was in eden adam was not breathing oxygen adam was breathing the presence of god [Music] so jesus came and breathed on them and said received the holy ghost he was breathing the holy ghost he was not breeding oxygen he was breeding the holy ghost and that was how man was designed to operate but what is it that have made us mundane what is it that have deadened us so much that we can no longer sense the vibrations of god in genesis chapter 3 verse 8 the bible said early in the morning in the cool of the day in the cool of the day the voice of god came walking in the garden so adam knew when the energy level on earth changes he knew when heaven simulated with time he knew when god showed up and instantly he could relate with god because for him existence was intact us with the spirit of god to him existence was the ability to stand in the presence of god to hear his voice and to breed his essence but now even when we come to church church service becomes too long the reason is because we are detached from meaning we are detached from essence when we go to the place of prayer time becomes a mountain that we can climb the reason is because we are detached from essence adam could live in god's presence for aeons and he didn't feel it because that is where he was created to be that was what defined his life the quality of his life was the texture of his communion so everyone will come to church if there are no enticing things then we can come so we can come for the thanksgiving service and terms but we can't come for the videos because the vigil is actually a place where we journey from time into eternity the vigil is actually a ground of migration from flesh to spirit the vigil is actually a counter where everyone stands before his creator men can speak but only the word of god can live in your spirit but many can hear and so the subject of divine encounters is one of the heaviest molecule to consider because if a man does not have encounters in his life he has not begun to live encounters are actually moments of the spirit where divinity invades humanity so that the purposes of god that are in the spirit can find expression in time encounter is actually an interface between immortality and mortality so that that which is locked in the bellies of him that is immortal can play out among man men who do not have encounter have no story to tell in eternity because when the times of this age are over and the earnest of eternity is open when the chronicles of kings are read they will have nothing to say because encounter is the ground where the document and the blueprint of your life is handed over to you we didn't come here to survive our life is a story that god is telling from eternity and until you can journey back through the code of encounter you will not know what was written concerning you he said before you were born i knew you we may be 8 billion on it but before you were born i knew you there was a definite ordination concerning your life because number does not translate to purpose we may be billions but the one before whom we have to do we are engraved in the palms of his hand and even the hairs of our head are numbered but how many can journey back to find out what was written concerning them that's where life begins from this is why we are filled with ambitions this is why we are full of flesh this is why we have competitions everywhere because only few know what was said concerning them when god echoed before we came into time every one of us there was a definite syllabus written for us you didn't begin here you are not sitting on that daddy today because you are living in asaba before time began when we lined up in that immortal assembly everyone that is born of this ministry lined up behind him that's why you found him in time and if you are not part of that assembly your heart can connect encounters they define the purpose of existence encounters they bring us the power to live according to the dictates of our eternal ordinations encounters they are actually the definers of life i want to take it gradually tonight so that i can set the coordinates tomorrow i will have time to minister in the spirit [Music] but i want everyone to be awakened to what was said concerning him because what makes you invincible begins when you can travel into the invincible jesus journey through the face of the earth his goal was to start the church but there was no way he could because men have not traveled into eternity he labored with them for over three years his goal was to plant the embassy of heaven on earth because the first embassy that was planted was hidden and it was compromised and when it then was was was established god brought eden from the spiritual in ezekiel chapter 28 verse 13 he said to lucifer you were in eden in the mountain of god so eden was not a garden that god planted in time eden was a dimension of god's embassy in the spirit that he planted in time so that when you get to eden you can traffic heaven and head as though you were in heaven that's why god could show up in eden and it doesn't move from his throne because it was a simulation between earth and heaven and when that eden was compromised because the government of the serpent entered it god wanted to plant another eden and the name of that eden is called the church but there was no man who could join into the spirit and jesus gathered his disciples together and he said who do men say i the son of man i am and the disciples thought that spiritual knowledge was a function of structure you know that was the training they received because in matthew chapter 17 verse 2 the bible said a few days later he took peter james and john to the mountain and he was as he prayed he was transfigured before them and the first thing peter said was let us build three houses here he didn't know that this was actually a movement of the spirit that wise men should latch on into a line he wanted to trap god and that was not the way of the spirit so when jesus showed up he said who do men say i the son of man i am they began to bring the conclusions of the schools of thought he said some say you are a liars some say you were jeremiah's some say you are isaiah some say you are one of the prophets and obviously none of them have traveled to the spiritual so it could be a monument so long as its root is not in the spirit it could be a monument and that also translates to our lives we can become mighty on earth but we are monuments unless our root is in the spirit you heard that talking a while ago he said god told me go to asaba it was not an assumption [Music] that is the only way the gates of air cannot prevail 90 percent of christians today are struggling the reason is because their life is not rooted in the spirit and if it's not rooted in the spirit the gate of hell we prevail you know when i started i come i see buildings like this i see ministers senior ministers and i think i can do what they are doing and i jumped into it and when i pioneered the cell i did everything spent money prayed in tongues and on the day of the meeting only few of my friends came everybody i invited some of them i sent text messages some of them i called them few days to the meeting i was nice to them i now realized that there is a power that makes destiny to happen it's only for men who join into the spirit the reason certificates are rejected is because it was not rooted in the spirit the reason lives are wasted is because they are not rooted in the spirit wise men travel back to eternity before they live in time if you don't journey back you can't exist you can breathe but you will not exist and you will not count because when the prince is come it is the people that carry the light of god in their head that they dread this is why we must labor to join into the spirit jesus labored and he said who do you say i the son of man i am and peter said you are the christ the son of the living god and instantly jesus woke up he said flesh and blood i have not revealed this to you but my father which is in heaven and on this revelation i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it three things the first is that nothing in time makes meaning except it takes bearing from the spirit your life your career nothing we make meaning except it takes bearing from the spirit why do i say that all the answers they gave even though it came from noble quarters jesus discarded them that is the way god discards the lives and the assignments of men he says bring an offering on to me and cain went in the flesh and brought corrupt offering before the lord and he discarded it but abel brought of the first links of all that he had and god received it if he doesn't come from the heart and the womb of the spirit no matter how beautiful it is to be rejected [Music] some say you are a liar some say you are jeremiah he discarded them so a man can show up before the lord and say i am good looking so you will use me another man can show up and say my father is a pastor so you will use me another man will show up and say i have money to spend so you will use me and god will discard because he doesn't know that the first level is to travel into god first before he can travel out flesh and blood have not revealed this to you but my father which is in heaven and he said down at peter so god's appointment begins when men join into the spirit down at peter it is when an angel announces a man that the elements of this world bow before him man we struggle until jesus was the son of god for 30 years he was irrelevant when jesus life was outlined in john chapter 1 he said in the beginning was the word the word was with god and the word was god the same was with god in the beginning all things were made by him without him was not anything made that was made in him was life the life was the light of man for credentials he was god he was creator he was life and he was light yet god creator life and light was irrelevant in this world for 30 years until at the baptismal service he said this is my beloved son in whom i am well pleased is things changed [Music] and jesus did not go to announce himself he ran to hide for 40 days and after the temptation when he returned the bible saying his faith went abroad how what is the difference how come 40 days is more relevant than 30 years because he said this is my beloved son that's the same utterance thou art peter and the story changed because peter has caught something in the spirit there are many of us today we have many good ideas what we don't know is that the third protocol fights everything that is good this is why even your compound if you don't weed it grass we grow but if you plant a flower there you need to water it every day else it will not grow why because anything good the gates of hell will fight it many with great ideas many with great destiny but they don't know that they need to catch something in the spirit first so they come with their ideas they come with their witty invention they come with their understanding they come with all the advantages and they get of it cut them off because first it must be caught in the spirit second it must be announced and thirdly the powers of destiny is activated he said and jesus matthew 4 15 return in the power of the spirit nothing stops it anymore that is one of the most significant benefits of encounters and that's what i want to share in the next 10 minutes encounter is the activator of the power of destiny and until the power of destiny is activated the gate of hell we prevail even if it is the mandate of god even if it is the assignment of god even if it is what the territory needs the gate of hell will prevail until there is an encounter there will be no emancipation i pray somebody hears me tonight i experienced something very terrible that turned my life around serving as a young aunt and one of our colleagues from a very wealthy home never had need for allahui and two weeks to pop the father died a young man that was already been ticked to walk with eric airline over 10 years ago things were working on their own accord his confidence was on the powers of his family but head is struck and his life turned around all of a sudden his father's friends turned their back at him and i saw a glorious destiny turned upside down in a moment and i now knew what the bible meant when is a woe unto him that put his trust in the arm of flesh the reason is because there is a gate called the gate of hades life cannot believe casually everything you call an advantage can become a mirage unless there's an encounter to endorse it this is why we can't live as normal man everything can become a mirage everyone must join into the spirit for himself it is the call of existence that everyone will meet his creator and wise men meet their creator in time not in eternity because when you meet him in eternity it might just be judgment but if you meet him in time you will straighten your part and your life will be a testimony he is the whole holy ghost spirit of the living god [Music] is the whole holy ghost scepter of the kingdom of kings [Music] is the holy ghost spirit of the age to come exchanging everything [Music] in obedience to god [Music] the activator of the power of your destiny none of you here is small none of you here is disadvantaged can i tell you something the family you come from is not necessarily an advantage or a disadvantage if you have the right encounters most of the great men that are changing their work today came from very poor backgrounds but they knew what it meant to catch god so they were god jesus but the generation that we are in today is a generation that rely on only heritages they never catch anything in the spirit so even what the father's labor for when it is handed over they waste it because they don't know how it is caught i heard warren buffet said something he said they will not plague his children with his wealth it will be a burden for them if they don't know how to create it they can't manage it and so it is in the spirit [Music] your tears can be wiped away in a moment if you know how to engage the spirit your sorrows can be turned around the question is what are the quality of your encounters when you look at a man's life the quality of his life is the quality of his encounters the quality of a man's life is the quality of his encounter saul was a commoner from the tribe of benjamin in one day but he encountered the prophet and something changed he migrated from a commoner to a king by an encounter the quality of your life is the quality of your encounter so if you are wise you will live your life pursuing after god to catch something what you need for your destiny is not anywhere it's in the spirit but the question is can you climb the mountain encounters the empowerment for destiny i want to show you five disadvantages that encounters turn around to show you that your condition is not hopeless and before this conference is over most of you we have literal encounters some with the lord some with essentials some with the word of the lord the things that makes for lasting changes they are on the orders of encounters [Music] i want to show you five disadvantages that the encounters turn around and make a mess of an encounter can rubbish your your limitation as if it was nothing an encounter can change a mountain before you to a plane and it will look as if it never existed that's why wise men chase after encounters [Music] spirit of victory [Music] blow like a mighty wind acts chapter seven verse 1 and 2. now abraham came from the regions of mesopotamia it's called the hall of the caudis and that was a region that was plagued by idolatry abraham's grandfather now was one of the princes of nimrod that built the tower of babel so they knew how to survive without god it was a territory where men had perfected how to survive without god so abraham came from an idolatrous background [Music] where i looked as if god does not count his father was part of the architects that raised the tower of babel and god came and divided their language and scattered around the world so it was a generation that god was against so there was no advantage that he had it's just like some of us that are from idolatrous background your grandfather can be a a priest of a dark prince but it's not a disadvantage my grandfather was a prince of darkness they told me ministers that succeed some of them have a genealogy of pastors that this one succeeded because he is the sixth in the genealogy of pastors their great grandfather their grandfather and the father were evangelists that's why i succeeded i went back to scripture and i discovered it's not an advantage even if it is for the one who doesn't have that it's not a disadvantage because abraham came from darkness but the bible said something when stevie was about to be stoned he began to read the chronicles of abraham and he said and he said men and brethren fathers hacking the god of glory appeared unto our father abraham when he was in mesopotamia before he dwelt in charon before abraham ever began to have meaning in life the lord had appeared to him and in genesis chapter 12 from verse 1 to 2 the secret of his greatness was predicated upon the encounter not his ancestry is there an advantage in a godly heritage yes but in case you don't have godly heritage are you doomed no blessed is the man that feared the lord and delighted greatly in his commandment his seat shall be mighty upon the earth the generation of the upright shall be blessed so a godly heritage is an advantage what if you don't have the remedies and encounter my father may not be a governor i'm not disadvantaged my father may not be a pope i am not disadvantaged because there is something called spiritual encounter and god is not a respecter of persons any man that seeks the lord the lord will be gracious to appear unto him because he's plenteous in redemption [Music] encounter is the leveler in time the buffer of destiny is encountered now the lord had appeared to abraham get thee out of that country when god wanted to to handle abraham's batter he even taught abraham because he came from a people that had confidence in their family have you seen people like that my father just came from the governor's house and the governor said things will be why you have not seen time if you have lived here enough you will know that this time does not exist on a solid foundation he said the word is on water so nothing on this on this in this realm is solid the only thing you can stand up the pillars you can stand up is the name of the lord that's why i said the name of the lord is a strong tower the righteous runner the ring [Music] get thee out of the country out of the kindred out of thy father's house come to the land that i will show you and he said in blessings i will bless you and in this are all the families of the earth including that family you left shall be blessed no believer is disadvantaged people are only bereft of encounters [Music] this is a man without a heritage yet he was not disadvantaged the second thing we call a disadvantage is a physical inability god has called you to lead and you say you adore and you think it's a disadvantage god has called you to speak to a generation and you say you are tamara you think it's a disadvantage god has told you i will make you a queen and you looked at yourself in the mirror and you are not fair and that you are wondering which prince will love me there is something that remedies physical disadvantages it's called an encounter moses was his tamara had no advantage at all to lead and to command the generation but an encounter turned the story around and in exodus chapter 3 from verse 1 the bible said something amazing moses had been laboring for 80 years of his life until the bible said and now moses kept the flock of jethro his father-in-law the priest of media and he led the flock to the backside of the desert and came to the mountain of god [Music] the end of that physical disadvantage is what to come to the mountain of god this camera came to the mountain of god you wanted to start the business no capita and you have asked all your friends and everybody you know is that hopeless he said come to the mountain of god there is a place that no foul know it the virtuous eyes have not looked upon it it is called the melting of god where the disadvantage of men no longer counts and when god said moses he said but he says tamara and the lord told him something who created them out you think you are ugly so you will not succeed who how do men see you can be ugly but the one that god choose for you can see you as a princess that's why they say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder so god can choose to make him see you the way he wants him to see you but people don't label to come to the mountain many men have shot their destinies down by looking at themselves what we look for is the mountain of god they looked unto him and they were radiant and their faces were not ashamed physical disadvantage has nothing to do with your destiny if only you will have the right encounter i've heard a lot of stories they tell people it will not work who told you you like this can do it the person doing it by what ability is he doing it there is a power called the power for the nation that's what encounters give the third disadvantage of hindrance is territorial hindrance [Music] where you come from can be a disadvantage remember what that he said when he came up ministries were not thriving in asaba why is this one thriving sword sabbah was not the problem the men that came to us about the problem they didn't have the encounter that could cause the princes to bow dania was in babylon everything about babylon is corruption you couldn't go to babylon and survive the children of israel had lost their heritage they did not even remember where they came from anymore only daniel and his friends were upright in babylon but something kept them standing they knew the god that revealed secrets secret encounters they tell you you will not succeed because you are here and there are many people in the best places in the world not succeeding a lady called me two weeks ago has been in london for 16 years without a job struggling barely to survive 16 years meanwhile there are many nigerians traveling through sahara desert to go to europe 16 years in london without a job and the word of the lord went forth and in less than a month she got a job with an official car i told her what makes the difference is where you are speaking from there is a battle in the spirit called the battle of heights that was why lucifer wanted to exhort his throne because the higher you go the more authority you exert that's why moses came to the mountain of god when moses came to the mountain of god the mountain of god is higher than the mountain of egypt so moses could come with one staff and destroy the civilization called egypt one staff he didn't have an army he had an encounter one staff can bring down the government of a nation one staff can bring down a civilization because of an encounter he went to the mountain of god your territory is not a disadvantage the question is what are the qualities of your encounters i'll be rounding up in another five minutes and we'll pray briefly like i said it's the first night i just came to trouble the waters but most of you we have destiny changing encounters before this conference is over you have looked at men before you have looked up to men before go and ask people who succeed they will tell you how many men failed them if you see a man who looks up to men he has not succeeded that's why he's still deceived is a war unto him now put at his trust in the arm of flesh any man who succeed will tell you he's a spirit god told me god made it happen i learnt it by following men that succeeded and no one had a testimony apart from god why do we label preaching is to lead people to god that's why we don't preach ourselves we preach christ and we his servants because every man must meet his creator before he leaves this realm that's what we define the quality of his life but that's the last thing believers are doing so a believer can travel from one state and go a sit down for three weeks to see a prophet but he cannot stay in the place of prayer for three days [Music] if you woke up tonight your story can change it's possible that's what i came to tell you it's possible the fourth disadvantage is the star of a wrong life some people think they can't succeed anymore because they live the wrong life i will say a harlot i was a murderer i was a criminal the life of paul told us otherwise he wrecked on the church god sent him back to build the church they brought her where they are not live she can go back to that brother and change it the thief can go back into the the world of criminals and change it the difference is encounters [Music] in acts chapter 9 from verse 4 to 5 he had received letters to go to damascus to wreck havoc on the church yet again and the lord appeared he said so saw why persecutors thought me and instantly turned he said why you lord his life was about to change you may have become a slave of the wrong life you may have become a victim of the past but an encounter can rewrite the story joyce mayor was raped by her father but no scar can stand when you go through the fires of encounters you can be a known criminal no scar can stand the fires of encounter so so why persecutors that me who are the lord i am jesus whom they are persecuted it is hard to kick against the priests now rising up and going to the city you will be told what you should do and a thief became an apostle rehab they known a lot her house was on top of the city defense of the city that was where she lived so anybody coming in and out of the city must see her she was a renowned her lot but she had an encounter and rahab became part of the progenitors of jesus christ it is recorded in scriptures today that jesus came through her lineage what was the difference encounters it doesn't matter everywhere a lot it doesn't matter if you have even had two children from two different fathers five children from five different fathers did you not read the story of the samaritan woman go call thy husband i have no husband in that you said true because you've had five husbands and the one you are living with is not the husband who are you and suddenly if you knew who it was that asked for a drink you would have asked of me and i would get out of giving you rivers of living water water i am here and instantly a halal turned to an evangelist a woman with a worst life the whole city knew her and one her lord took over the whole city because the whole city came to jesus who taught her the gospel when did she read the torah she was not trained but she had an encounter she never went to a bible school but she had an encounter the gospel is not for those who are learned the gospel is for those who have seen the lord because mary magdalene from whom seven demons where castel was the first to preach the new testament [Music] encounters can turn the lives of people around before she went to the world she was a harlot when she came back from the where she was an evangelist the power of encounter before you came to church you may be a liar but you may go back from church as an apostle it's an encounter you may come to church as a beggar but you may go back as a king as a 400 broken man came to david in keva dulham and david showed them the way of the lord and this man became the mighty man of david when david wanted to build the house of god those men gave goose what 22 billion dollars in our day 400 broken men that were in debt the difference is encountered instead of troubling your life and living hopelessly go and cleave to the horns of the altar and your disadvantage will vanish he say when israel left egypt judah was a sanctuary he said the mountain saw them and fled he said the mountains skipped like ram before that even jordan went back and he said why flee the star what mountain why is keeper or monty jordan why are you going back he said let the whole act tremble sense of [Music] let the world tremble they told you nothing works in a sabbah you have not had an encounter you have not had an encounter when a spirit wants to show you his might he will send you what is nobu he can tell you go and start selling pure water and then your life will disgrace the spirits of a sabbath when a spirit wants to exhort you he can tell you go and stand by the roadside and begin to say there's a blade and then you will know that the powers of a sabbath there's nothing compared to the beauty and the splendor and the might of god he said the voice of god is upon many waters the voice of god is full of majesty he said the mountains keep at that voice he discovered the forest he divided the flames of fire the voice of god when god speaks from the mountain everything by our house let the earth tumble this is what we know that we enter territories with goodness because we come in the name of the lord nothing is a disadvantage if a man can have the right encounters nothing and the last thing is to be a child and to be inexperienced you know that can be a great disadvantage so they they want to employ people in chevron and they now say well you must have 10 years advantage a certificate of a man with encounter can make for an advantage [Music] in first psalm chapter 3 from verse 1 [Music] he said on the church samuel ministered before the lord and in those days the voice of god was cursed but something happened he had an encounter and suddenly inexperience was no longer a disadvantage suddenly being a child was no longer a disadvantage and in fact somewhere chapter 3 verse 19 he said and the whole of israel knew that the lord had established samia as a prophet encounters an man because the word of the lord appeared again in shiloh the word of the lord appeared to samuel in shiloh the lord revealed himself to samia in shiloh by the word of the lord i read the story of smith wigglesworth 45 years illiterate and diploma but he had that encounter and he brought his word to its knees he was such a cruel man that he could lock his wife outside in the cold but an encounter change him to become a global possible faith there's no disadvantage in time because the encounter brings the dimension of heaven and supply poses it into your realm what then is the protocol of encounters even counters are so important how do we have it is he available to everybody yes because everybody was created to live in the present so encounters are available to everybody the question is have you heard yours how do encounters begin first it begins with hunger a burden can be stand in your heart you don't know what it means but all of a sudden you want to go to church all of a sudden you want to pray all of a sudden you want to stay with the brethren all of a sudden you want to hear the word of the lord that is the woo of the spirit when the spirit begins to woo a man it begins to put buttons in the heart that's how god answers questions that men cannot answer he begins to put a body to draw you did you read about moses he said and moses came to jorah the mountain of god oh rabbits the back side of the mountain is not real to grace but something that was invincible was throwing him so jesus said nobody commit to me except him that the father have drawn so when hunger begin to rise in your heart wise men begin to attend to hunger the reason why most of our lives don't count is because we are bought burdens the holy ghost brings a hunger and that's when you begin to watch a season of fear is it a sin to watch a season of him no but seizing nothing is a doctor of abortion it will remove the hunger from your spirit and then one man will be moving around one mountain for a lifetime how many buildings have you avoided you were drinking and suddenly you saw that guy and something moved in your heart and you see i want to be like this guy and god begins to draw you and you waste it [Music] you want to know wise man wise men are still words of buttons so they never miss their seasons because when a season of encounter comes it comes with hunger it comes with drawings you can be with jesus yet waste because judas was with him and wasted if you don't know how to stimulate the resources of the spirit you request the greatest blessings in this world is not the gift of a car the greatest blessings in this world one of them is the gift of spiritual hunger when that boarding comes what do you do with it what do you do with it that's what we determine your emancipation because the power to change your story is in an encounter but what takes you to the mountain of encounter is a hunger is a it's a button sometimes it's just a song and that song is playing in your heart for two weeks but many don't know how to steal it and they lose it they keep losing it and they are praying and asking god when will my story change your story had changed many times but you didn't know how to enter because he said the labor of the foolish weary at every one of them they know not how to enter the city they think a man of god will lay hands on them and change their story but when that man laid hands on them he released the hunger in their spirit it was their duty to attend to their hunger they couldn't so paul said to timothy he said this charge give eye unto thee that thou will find to flame the gift of god that was put in you by the laying on of hands of the press between it doesn't end with laying on of hands that organic thing that begins in your spirit what do you do with it that's what determines the encounters we have your life can be an endless stream of encounters if you can count your hunger and preserve your buttons some people have many bodies in one month they have bought all of them they are brought all of them but the bible said concerning jesus early in the morning in the cool of the day he went to a solitary place dear he dog into buttings because many times he will say jesus entered into the mountain you people enter mountains man climb mountain what do you mean entered into the mountain because it was digging into the spirit what does this thing mean lord this brought in my spirit what's the meaning what are you saying what are you doing and then you press and when you press long enough something happens it's the way of the eyes in the way of the virgins they commit themselves to every strand of god's movement elijah was still at the mountain interceding and he saw just a feast of a man's son he know his story have changed he knew how to attend he knew how to dig into it that's the way of the virgins men that commit their all to god if god as much as move as a strand they will live there until something comes out of it every wise man gave birth to a body and he said to mary in luke 135 and the holy ghost will come upon thee and the power of the highest will overshadow you and that thing that will be formed in you shall be called the son of the highest so mary attended it instantly mary left galilee and went to meet elizabeth because she knew for this matter i need to manage it if she has stayed in her location maybe pressure would have aborted that child because she was not yet betrated they would have said you i had not and the preacher would have appointed the child so instantly she separated herself so women have body the second protocol is separation is separation and separation so a burden came usually my friends would come to me on saturday say let's go and watch chelsea but i have a body i'm pregnant i'm pregnant people don't want football much so i will separate from my friends and i will go to the closet and stay with god and i'm fertilizing bakata rakira after a while you will see my pregnancy my pregnancy may become the gift of word of knowledge my pregnancy might become the gift of healing my pregnancy can become fame and all of us were together and all of a sudden everybody begins to talk about opposed to michael and you say ah not be all the first day all of us were here but how many of us not shot our body what you are seeing is pregnancy because they don't hide pregnancy your white body in the closet when it germinates to a pregnancy you can come to the public [Music] they looked at you they say ah you see nothing no i used to be now i'm the mother of jesus i used to be virgin mary but now i am the mother of jesus because i have no child body buttons lead to separation so he said to the wife of manual because of that child you will not drink any strong wine so she can't go to locations anymore because if you give her one and she refused she may become your enemy so she doesn't need to go to the occasion anymore many people don't understand the fight of destiny god gives you a body that will change your story you waste it on facebook you waste it on instagram you watch it on twitter and you cross your leg you think you are beautiful when you are 40 years old go back to the mirror and you hear a different story that first i used to be your god you will discover that even your body lies to you because the face would have changed the stomach would have come out those things that you looked at even in time you will discover your head but the men that not your body when they become old even that thing they nurtured those things have a life of themselves so so when the fathers grew old they called their children they gathered around me you sons of jacob sit around me you servants of israel and i will tell you the things that will happen to you and after blessing them he said he rested with his fathers because he batted something the lord the word came to jacob enlightened upon israel he managed that word and that war became a generation many cannot separate that's why our life is casual no public do you see your governor every day [Music] no king is raised in the public [Music] they told you you are a prophet but he did nothing to your life he said on the child john luke 180 was in the wilderness until the day of his showing fought onto israel because he knew that he was the voice of the one crying in the wilderness to become that voice he needed to separate himself and he hid in the wilderness when he came out he was unstoppable the pharisees came to him they said who are thou are you elijah are you one of the prophets he say i'm the voice of the one crying in the rhythm you can't stop him even herod when he wants to hear the word of the lord he goes to hear john you can't deny the power that came from his spirit because he had not short burdens through separation and when a man separated long enough then god appears for moses it took 40 years yours may be three days but you have never separated yours may be one month but you have never separated a fornicator can become a prophet it depends on what you do with your body is pathetic if you don't have one but it's worse when you have and i bought it for wise men not your bodies this is what will make us great the bible says god is not a respectable person but god will not lie his standards will remain the same this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased and you think jesus will run to the cathedral he went to the wilderness because separation comes before encounters and after the suppression in matthew 4 11 he said angels minister to him it's not too late my brother it's not too late my sister the body is the lord quickens in your heart separate yourself and nurture them is bigger than prophesying to you on the altar that you are blessed because a man that god pours himself to truly is blessed that's why i said to mary blessed are thou among all women [Music] this is the truth of the gospel that is not told to believe us that's why believers are wanting [Music] daddy here can be a grandfather to most of us he said he slept for 15 minutes 15 minutes yesterday and his normal statement meanwhile some of us here slept for 10 hours because we don't take the responsibility for existence and we hope that will be great the body of christ needs to be awakened that's why the church is infantile because very few take responsibility for destiny tonight the lord wants to provoke an encounter he may be just one person i'm okay i didn't come to preach to crowd because most times when god raised men there are few many kept to jesus he picked with out of the twelve he counted i may be speaking to one person but if god gets one man that one man can change his word gone are the days when church was a strategy of carrying people along god is raising an army now and then i have an ear he said that we hear what the spirit of god is saying to the churches so hearing is a function of ear if you don't have an ear even if the spirit is screamed you can't hear we rise to our feet and pray you want to pray like a man who is desperate for an encounter
Channel: Apostle Orokpo Michael
Views: 32,846
Rating: 4.8979344 out of 5
Keywords: prayer, apostle Michael Orokpo
Id: zuxwOj0VK9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 32sec (4352 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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