Pathways to Spiritual Authority | Apostle Orokpo Michael

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hallelujah praise the lord it's a great honor to be here again i must tell you it's overwhelming to be speaking in the presence of daddy thank you sir for being a covering for not just our father but a clan we know that we enjoy what we enjoy because we have a rich and a thick covering of ours it's an honor to be here thank you so much daddy thank you for having me and i want to appreciate the leadership of the dynamic youth thank you for having me it's a great honor please lift your hands toward heaven and worship the lord talk to him quickly this morning we have just one hour so talk to the lord talk to the lord minister to the lord this morning from the death of your heart [Music] that your spirit will be open to receive the word of life with meekness talk to him don't be quiet spirits are committed to our words he say i'm the lord that performed the words of my servants and the counsels of my messengers when you begin to talk spirits begin to walk so go ahead and minister to the lord don't be quiet please don't be quiet talk to him [Music] [Applause] in your church once again let it turn it in grieve a florida flow let [Applause] [Music] river [Music] once again [Applause] once again [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you holy spirit for another opportunity to receive we give you praise dear heavenly father and we ask this morning you open our eyes furnish us with understanding and again prepare us for the assignment you have for us and help us teach us to love you and to walk with you in fear and trembling take all the praise take all the glory jesus preciously amen please you may be seated we began by explaining the place and the necessity of power in advancing the kingdom of god and it's important for us to understand that we did not come here by chance we did not come here by mistake we came here by definite and deliberate plan of god and every one of us that is here there is a divine agenda are located to you alone god does not waste if he brought you here is because there is a definite purpose that only you can fulfill the worst thing that will happen to you as an individual is to walk through time without fulfilling purpose you would not have lived at all because life in the realm of god is not breath life in the realm of god is actually the ability to do the will of the father it was dr maize monroe a blessed memory that shared the story he said he took out time one evening he was just strolling after administration and he walked into it home and he was looking at different graves and their epitaphs and the lord began to speak to him and said most of these people did not live on earth and he said lord they lived they died and their epitaph is a proof that they were actually on earth and god said they didn't fulfill purpose so they walked through time but they didn't know why they came and they did not fulfill the purpose for which they came and it was that day he propounded his theory that the richest resource on earth is not in the good minds that the greatest resources you find on earth unfortunately in the graves that in the grave you find songs that were never sound books that were never written purposes that were never fulfilled because men coming to time and they forget the reason for which they were born and so the bible said in that level for pleasure is dead while he walketh [Music] so man can be breathing yet he is called dead in the name of god so it's important for us to understand that there is a definite purpose for which we've come here to fulfill but you see that you discover purpose is not proof or guarantee that you fulfill it because there are contrary forces that are out to negate the fulfillment of your purpose the bible said the devil commit not vote for [Music] what a strange agenda the devil does not have an agenda of his own [Music] he came not bought for to ensure that you don't fulfill yours the reason is because his own verdict have already been passed the devil already knows where he's going he's already doomed from the name of god so it will be a waste for him to have a personal agenda so the agenda the devil sustains is to ensure that you don't fulfill yours so if the devil commit not but to kill him to steal and to destroy but jesus made us understand they say i am come that you might have life and that you may have life to the full abundant life so we said there are forces in this world that wants to ensure that you never fulfill destiny and it has it does not begin with man so i took us back to the book of genesis that before the beginning of creation the visible realm there was already a contention in the name of god and the iniquity was found in lucifer the son of the morning and he wanted to overthrow the government of god and when he was cast from the realm of god he was very creative in his assignment so much so that he deceived one third of the angels so before he left heaven he made sure one third of the angels did not fulfill the eternal mandate and when he showed up on the earth from the lamb of god a degree was passed and he said woe unto the inhabitants of the earth woe unto them for the great deceiver has come and they attend assignment remains the same to ensure that you failed and you failed willfully and we said the only resource of god that we have found potent from scripture not just to stop the agenda of god but to fulfill that not just to stop the agenda of the devil but to fulfill the agenda of god the devil not withstanding is a resource called power so when a man carries the instrument of power it doesn't matter if the devil is present or not so he said the light shines in the darkness the darkness is present he said but the light shines in the darkness and he said the darkness comprehends it not that means by reason of power there is no excuse for failure the presence of power makes failure inexcusable before god because power makes you advance the devil notwithstanding and so we said it is very important for us therefore to understand the economy of power how to tap into that frequency and how to use it not for sure not for sure no not to become a superstar among people no but to establish the mandate and the dominion of god because without power it's impossible to advance the agenda of god so i showed us the several realms of power so that we will know that power is not for issue so that we know that for a man to be placed in authority does not make him special or make him a god or a lord over people but it's a place of service because that man that have received authority have received what it takes to advance kingdom so i said god began to show me different realms of power and the first realm of power god showed me he said is the power to rule over the demonic realm when a man sustains authority in the demonic realm now this has nothing to do with emotion because you can cry you can weep yet you'll be oppressed by demons meanwhile you can be laughing and oppressing devils you can put your hands in your pocket and cast out demons meanwhile somebody else can be crying and yet not cast out devils so emotion is not what makes it happen whether laughter or crying is not a factor is whether power is present and when power is present the first proof that power is present is that man has authority and dominion over the demonic realm so you can shout as loud as you want if you don't rule over demons there's no power you can do the shows you want to do if demons are not oppressed there is no power meanwhile demons can be oppressed there is no shoe somebody can be in captivity for 20 years and a man of authority can come and say peace this and there will be no show the person we leave you will say the atmosphere is dry but instantly his resort will become a report card something has changed so there was no activity around what happened but this result is a testimony that power was manifested so we said the first layer of power is authority over the demonic realm there are many families today that are going through crisis because there is no man of authority in that family there are many good businesses today that have crumbled not because the principles were not obeyed but because a demon sat on the business and they're sure it doesn't work and the reason the business crumbled is because there is no man of authority so the first way to bring light is when we can rule over the demonic realm and i said the second realm of power is the ability to call to cause creation to conform to the will of god because the earnest expectation of creation waited for the manifestation of the sons of god i'm talking like this because it's a huge meeting you know we reduce spiritual things to excitement and euphoria so when you start screaming or certain things begin to happen that's when we wake up no that's beautiful that's nice what is beyond that the second realm of power is the ability to cause creation or to bring liberty to creation thereby causing creation to conform to the will of god so when you see a man who can create changes in society when you see a man who can create changes in eternity that's a man of power the man may not be screaming he may not be overly loud but when he speaks things happen you know a man of power have come on the scene and i said the third dream of power is beyond stones is beyond visible manifestation the third dream of power is the ability to tame the flesh the third dream of power is the ability to bring yourself under the government of god because a man can be doing exploit yet is a puppet in the hands of the spirit so that man comes from a miracle service people are healed he goes back and fornicates the same night so he doesn't know power he's at the elementary level of power because it is more powerful for a man to tame the flesh than to take a city so the third dream of power is the ability to rule the flesh there are certain people that for 10 years they've not been able to tame anger meanwhile anger have destroyed their very family and then they come and say this my anger this my anger you need power to rule over it because a point comes when a demon is intruded over that anger and every time the devil wants to damage things all he needs to do is to touch that body and the things you have built for five years you will use anger to destroy the moment so your five years was a rat race you took a step forward and you took three steps backwards you can go for a miracle service but that anger will destroy the same ministry that you built for 20 years so a man attains a higher credit of power when he's able to tame the flesh and i said the fourth realm of power is hunger for god and his presence there are many people today that they take a gift from god and they take off from god and god never sees them again these ones are not songs they are highlights the bible said god gave gifts to the sons of keturah but for isaac he gave the promise so the hirings can take the gift and run away they have no relationship meanwhile in the realm of god relationship is superior to manifestation that's why the first power we receive is to become the sons of god not to raise the dead is as many as believe to them he gave power to become the sons of god so a man is powerful to the degree of hunger that he has for god so they are certain people they can go for a crusade raise the dead they are not moved by it you we read in scriptures many times jesus goes for a meeting everywhere is packed everybody is healed and then he sneaks through the back door and he's on the mountain free and his brain all night meanwhile we are a generation where when we finish a powerful meeting the next one month we are showcasing the things that happened in that meeting even the miracles that happened in the meeting we separated and the first mirror couldn't go online if the blind eyes are open when we create a lot of noise after three days we now upload the one of deaf ears after three days we now upload the one of the name walking because we have camped our tent around that manifestation meanwhile since that meeting finished we have not gone to the presence of god and then when you take your report card in heaven you failed i'm telling you i do it i do what i'm telling you until god began to teach me you leave one meeting and then you are hovering around everywhere waiting to receive the praise of men and then you are hearing people say oh boy this guy is powerful and when you hear it the unfortunate is that your report card is not yet if your report card were to be on earth that would have been good but your report card is in heaven so you finish the meeting you didn't go back to the one that sent you you are you are already on your own so many people in a bit to work for god they stop walking with god so they don't have power with god it is better to walk with god than to work for god [Music] so the full term of power is hunger for the presence meanwhile if you check our motives carefully the reason we go to god is to receive and the moment we receive from god we run away so we use god we don't have a relationship with god but a man becomes powerful when he stops using god and he begins to walk with god that's the fourth frame of power and i said the fifth frame of power is the realm of humility a man comes to a point where he is so lost in god that is there is nothing he can boast all about for him it's all about god when it's not god is nothing so this is the subject we are dealing with so when i start talking power please don't be carried away to think i'm talking about manifestations alone no i'm talking about the spiritual resource that makes for a perfect man we are an arrogant generation i'm sorry to say we are an arrogant generation we say what we want we do what we want we cannot be tamed and the reason is because we are high-minded the moment you begin to hear and you can pick somebody's name nobody can talk to talk to you anymore the moment you go for a meeting and one fractured bone is healed nobody can talk to you anymore you two have become a father and then a man who have not yet been discipled have 500 children and then he comes along and say this is my son your son when you are still wearing pampers you use a gift to qualify yourself as a father you have not yet been tried there's no humility we arrogant so most times even god is afraid of giving us things because he knows what we are asking for if he gives us it we destroy us so the reason sometimes our prayer is not answered so that will be safe because the day god answers our prayer god has destroyed us there's no humility we are too boastful we are too arrogant [Music] and i said the fifth frame of power is brokenness brokenness is not to count yourself to have any reputation it's a state where you are all god says you are that's the that's the realm of philippians 2 5 to 9. you don't hold on to anything you don't click to any right because you don't think you you you you have any reputation it's what god says you are that you are i'm telling you these things i'm outlining there are many people that will never attain it in life because in the realm of god the higher you go the weaker you become because the point comes when god becomes your all you know as young people we come from meeting we force the hand of god i'm a traveling minister there are places you come and even your host put pressure on you if you don't manifest you are finished [Music] so god is not moving god said talk to the people but you must create an impression and even though the holy ghost is not moving you are moving you are still strong in yourself you have not yet ascended in the name of god when you begin to grow in the name of god you become weaker because god they know will become your strength that's a broken man and i said the second realm of power is the realm of love that time the man has become like the god that is asked he has put on the nature of god when a man attains that level he has power that's the kind of man that we say the devil commit to me and find it nothing and in order to grow on this kedah the dimension of power that we will look into is the authority dimension of power because in the dynamics dimension of power you can step yourself and we will do that to the evening because evening is a night of manifestation you are excited because you like that time the dynamics dimension of power you can provoke yourself and make things happen but in the exclusive dimension of power you are a puppet so you learn to wait on god if god doesn't move you don't move if god doesn't speak you don't speak is a state where a man is consciously disadvantaged so that god can become his advantage it is very hard and i want to share with us this morning again i have a lot of i can easily get inspired but god is comparing me to share this again is they talk to them again about authority and i want to show you the pathway to spiritual authority i'll be very brief i will quote a lot of scriptures but go back and study the bible said the berean christians were more noble than those in thessalonica because after that paul spake to them they went back to search the scriptures to see if the things he said were so so i'll give you scriptures go home look at it and pattern your life you will be amazed what will become it's the big thing because a sinner can manifest a child can manifest but fathers they have become you will notice that becoming is a bigger molecule in this kingdom than manifestation meanwhile as a young man pressed for manifestation don't negate it at all i am not saying they get it i i press for it every day and we see a little of it what i'm telling you how to grow so i i outline four items here that makes for growth in power in authority and the first is the new breath a man will never have authority with god unless he's born of god our induction into authority is the new bed experience so if a man is not born again he doesn't have authority in the name of god and if a man has authority in the name of god is also a sign that is born of god so the bible said in john chapter 1 from verse 11 is that he came unto his own but his own knew him not he said but as many as received him to then he gave authority to become the children of god to them he gave authority so everybody that is born of god have authority the problem is the problem of misunderstanding or lack of understanding so most people that have been tormented by demons today are actually supposed to be oppressors of demons but they don't understand how authority works in the kingdom they feel that they have to do something to be able to have authority they don't know that being born of god already brings them into the realm of authority so when the devil comes the devil deceives them so sometimes when they feel something they now assume they have authority so when the guy is excited he can speak boldly but when he's depressed the same person that spoke boldly begins to speak in fear begins to speak in uncertainty and everything he says they pick it and take it to the demonic realm and they say this man doesn't know what he has and because he doesn't know what he has let's create a negative pattern around him so that that pattern will enslave him for a long time so every day he's walking in uncertainty and in fear when he should be ruling over the demonic realm in luke chapter 10 verse 19 jesus revealed to us he sent out his disciples and the bible said they were children they were babes he said he gave them power over satans and scorpions and these guys went out into different territories and when they returned all of them came back with the testimony of victory and they were rejoicing that demons were subject to them why because they did not know jesus just gave them authority and they believed jesus and they ran with that authority and they were casting out demons and when they came back to jesus the bible said that very hour jesus lifted off his eyes and he said i give you thanks oh father that you have revealed these things to babes so they were not necessarily men or stature in the kingdom but god gave them authority because when a man is born of god is an induction into the land of authority but see the problem with these guys they didn't grow in authority so the same people that cast out devils few days ago few weeks ago jesus went to the mountain to pray and then a man brought his child who was deaf and dumb and they began to struggle and when jesus came he said you you are a fast generation and jesus was bitter and angry at them because they came to jesus why can't we cast out this devil he said because of your own belief [Music] all of a sudden they now felt they needed to do something else in addition to what was given to them and they started struggling [Music] and jesus was angry so most of the things that happened to you that you should address that you are running to god crying god is looking at you and like what kind of child is this that's why jesus said to you he said don't talk to god about the mountain you talk to the mountain if you don't have authority to be set up jesus said if you tread upon scorpions and suffer they shall not bite you so god is telling you to dead the devil if you don't have authority that would be a terrible setup a mountain is standing before you and instead of crying to god he said don't talk to god he said talk to the mountain and say to the mountain be down removed and be that cast into the sea and if you do not doubt you are he shall why will he be done because you have the authority to address the mountain most times when we teach mistress among children [Music] it becomes a burden for them because the very basic things no longer make sense to them the simple instruction of god that a man should run with he now loses those instructions because he's looking for the unknown that's why paul said we speak mystery among them that are perfect because when you speak mystery among babes they begin to trivialize the things that is meant for their success that's why i do right now some people are not so blessed they want me to talk about the angelic patterns they want me to talk about the dimensions of the heavens they want me to talk about the secret things for the ages to come and when you are saying it even though they are not understanding it they are jumping and because they feel they have entered something if you will take the simple word of god and go to your business and say the name of jesus i command you begin to prosper and you don't lent in the name of jesus i command you begin to prosper you will be amazed what will happen to your business after three weeks if you go to your family your child is misbehaving and you are reporting that child to everywhere everybody you are looking for the prophet to come and talk to the child the apostles to come and talk to the child if you will stand up in the night and say natalia in the name of the lord jesus i rebuke arrogance from your mind i decree that from today your part is straightened and you do it for three weeks you will be amazed your arrogant child will wake up and come to you and say mommy good morning and you'll be like what has happened the demon that was manipulating him you left the child and you went to the realm of that demon and you are dressed a demon they are troubling you in your office you lie down you are crying you are crying oh lord come and help me help you the power to make the difference has already been given to you so you wake up in the evening and that you assemble all of them and you say in the name of the lord jesus in the name of the lord jesus i end this manipulation i twerked the council of ahitopha i decreed that every peace and you'll be amazed that's how you grow in authority but many people trivialize the privileges they have in the new bed meanwhile because you don't know what god went through to give back to you you know if you didn't carry a child for nine months and go through the labor room you wouldn't know what it takes to give back to a child you don't know what god went through to give back to you [Music] when man fell god went to the greatest reproach for man to be born again and if god had to die for man to be born there is nothing strong enough to kill man [Music] a man for whom god died to be born that man is walking afraid of death he doesn't know what he carries so even before god when we come i'm not talking against reverence it's one thing to refer god and it's another thing to be teased because you don't know who you are he said come boldly before the tone of grace and obtain help completely imagine if your child came to you in the morning and say please daddy i need breakfast break fast are you okay we'll start checking his temperature what is wrong with you daddy please this business must work business my journalist is already invested because you touch it it must work so when i come before the business i come to command it to walk and as you don't do it you will never grow in it that's why it's a strong meat belongs to them who by reason of use not by reason of much hearing by reason of use have exercised their senses to discern between good and evil many have not used what they have that's why every time is new to them every time is new somebody is before he demon possessed and then he starts speaking in tongues he thinks when he's speaking tongue for three hours that's when we cast out the demon he's trying to apply to them to name his way should apply exclusion when you call before a demon you command the demon because you are dealing with that demon by authority imagine if the president of this country were to give an announcement and then before he gives announcement he needs to go and fast for one day [Music] and then it comes to to address the nation or your governor have you noticed that most of the things this leader sign shows that there's no wisdom in it because most times people who understand authority is when they are drunk they now go to them and they sign this document and they don't even read through it they sign it because they have signed it from the place of authority is binding so you see certain things you know that kind this thing was a manipulation but believers have not even begun the induction phase of authority they've not begun to exercise the authority they have by reason of the new bed so we want to excite ourselves we want to do a lot of activities hoping that the more we do the more we have authority it's not true so somebody needs to wake up today and tell himself i am an heir of god and the bible said we are joined as with christ there are certain things you can't say because it will be heresy it will sound heretic to one who has not experienced he said we are joined as with christ if you were to meditate on that scripture romans 8 17 it will take you a lifetime to know what jesus has right over and for the bible to say you go in hell with christ he said that is a fearful thing it's a fearful thing to hear that you co-inhabit with christ is a fearful thing and he went for that i say we are heirs of god you know what that means you are joined air with christ he's a fearful thing meanwhile somebody who is a joint heir with christ comes to a place and is afraid no one i say god has not given us the spirit of fear but of love and of his sound mind the word is suffering there is nothing the devil throws at me that can intimidate me i refuse to be intimidated because greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world and that's why he said in first john 4 verse 4 and 5 verse 4 whoever is born of god overcomes the world so you only need to be born of god the moment you are born of god you overcome the world these are the basics of the gospel yet people don't understand it these are the basics whoever is born of god overcomes the world how come you are a slave of the world because you don't know who you are in christ the first journey into authority is the new birth the second journey authority is alignment [Music] when you begin to go higher indicators of authority you will understand that there are many intricacies at the place of the new birth you know when you're a child you come up in the morning say daddy i want bread say take bread daddy i want to go out now go out daddy i want this daddy i wonder tick take take take when you read two years if you say daddy i want to eat that they will ask you have you swept the palmer you know because you are about to wield higher authority so when you grow in authority higher realms of authority requires higher realms of alignment a child can do what he wants he will they will let go of it but not a song you come you say i want a car what do you want to use it for now there has to be a justifiable reason why you need a car meanwhile a baby cannot ask the father for a car because the car will destroy the child but when a man comes and says i need a car sometimes the father may even tell him go and buy your go and work for it because as you grow in authority requires alignment you know i didn't understand this as a young believer i saw things happen effortlessly sometimes i even woke up and i when the weather is stick i say don't wait and the weather will everything will go back i told my friend anything i see happen [Applause] i will wake up in the morning there is no money i say angel somewhere else i need money it won't take five minutes somebody will call me and they send your account number i say what anything i say walks i go to a place somebody is sick i say no now how can you be sick i'll just talk to the person sickness is gone i say nothing is impossible to death i believe and i i became a commander after i why when i started working with god a point came before i go out they send meetings that i will not pray and throw to the meeting and say lord i command sickness sickness will go now before i come for a meeting the holy ghost will keep me room and say pray and i will pray unto the body in my heart to be lifted if it is not lifted if i come for that meeting i will command 20 times nothing will happen and i went to god and said ah are the scriptures a lie god god now told me i don't only want you to have results i want you to grow so when you begin you will discover everything you ask is is at your back and call but when you begin to grow god begins to place demands on you and the degree to which you attend to the demands of god is the degree to which you see answers to your commandments so i now realize that growth in authority has to do with alignment and if you don't grow in alignment you will not grow in authority i know a lot of people [Music] they say what they want assuming that it doesn't matter when you start growing a point comes when even if you talk too much the holy ghost will grieve and because you spoke too much the holy ghost will hide in you until you pacify him he will no longer move a point will come when you are in a service the power of god is moving and then you just made an arrogant statement and in a moment the whole place dries up meanwhile when you were a baby you said whatever you want it didn't affect the atmosphere now god is moving and you just made an arrogant statement and suddenly the holy ghost withdraws and then in that same meeting if you are not smart to begin to worship or beg nothing happens again and i'll say what is going on and god said in order for you to grow it has to regulate your manifestation based on your obedience so as you grow in authority you now discover that authority is predicated on the degree of obedience that's why many people begin as high flyers after a while they vanish because when they come to the point where their manifestation is predicated upon their obedience they no longer fulfill their obedience so their manifestation is withdrawn and they vanish from the sin so in second corinthians chapter 10 verse 3 to 5 the bible began to educate us is a casting down imagination and every high-standing thing that opposes itself above the knowledge of god and bringing all things to captivity and he now added a small class for the mature is it when your obedience is fulfilled then you will be able to avenge all other disobedience so as you grow in authority you cannot be a representative of god until god can vet you and approve of you so you will discover that your manipulate manifestation becomes directly proportional to your obedience this is where many people are lost i read scriptures and i became afraid it was jesus that said in john 5 36 he said john had a witness he said but i have been greater witness than john he said the work that my father had sent me even the work that i must finish they bear witness of me and the point came there was a realm of authority that jesus needed to to acquire for man and suddenly the almighty jesus that decreed everything on the apple could not acquire that authority for humankind until he passed the test of the cross and jesus will say in matthew chapter 26 verse 2 verse 39 and 42 father [Music] let this cop pass me by but not my real time and jesus and god will remain at that spot power can never come all power will never come until on this matter you are lying and jesus will go three times to pray prayer that will not be answered until that cup he drinks of it and i saw jesus submit to the will of the father and when he rose from the dead in matthew 28 18 jesus will show up and say all power all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me why was he giving to me to him let thy will be done so the key into all authority is let thy will be done so as you grow in authority in your life you will discover that whenever you want to leap into a higher realm of authority god will bring another government if you do not fulfill that obedience you will see it the season will pass you by and you will journey with god after three years you will arrive that location again and the same instruction god gave you we appear before you many years ago i was pursuing god with so much hunger as i am today and one day i was going home and i heard leave and he called the name of a dancer and he said you will see my power in your life and then i ask i say what doctrine is this because when i checked he said you shall receive power after that the holy ghost has come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me where is everything that i must leave again for power to come upon my life i said this is the voice of the devil i want to check myself i say i'm not doing anything with this so what kind of talk is this me why i wanted to marry this this like six years ago how can you say i should leave a lady before i enter power what doctrine is this i was around that mountain for six months and i kept running round one mountain every time you refuse i'm saying this because most of us young people here there's a ministry resting upon us waiting to manifest but that ministry will not manifest because hands are laid on you that ministry will manifest when your obedience is fulfilled for that betting to take place and i revolved around that mountain for a long time after six months every time i come to church and i ascend in the spirit leave and you will see my power in your life when i descend i will become normal i will it will become normal between my teeth but any day i genuinely pray and i ascend that gate will never open until i called the lady and told her you see i'm a priest [Music] i'm a priest and there is a commandment before me if i will grow i have to obey that was i died i died because my soul was tied to this lady the love of god had become the love of the damsel and the jealous god showed up and said leave i'm telling you there are many of you here that you have violated commandments upon commandments that's why you are where you are if you don't pass this one if you pass the other one it will be a waste commandments of your commandment they are certain people imagine your destiny the hope of your destiny is placed on a relationship a flimsy relationship with a boy who is not even interested in marrying you and then you refuse after three years you now break up you now discover that you wasted three years of your life if you were wise you would have left that relationship and that three years you would have gained my image with god but when the devil comes to manipulate you he ties you to teams and when god speaks we refuse to obey and the more you refuse the more you put your life at the heart i became my eyes leave and you will see my power in your life i couldn't explain the doctrine at the time but i moved in the spirit because my authority was tied to my obedience is there a place where you have disobeyed god it's not god that we suffer [Music] it's called ancient of this when you pass your passage is like a dot you are the one who is working with time you are the one who have age god doesn't have age you are the one who was 20 years old and in 10 years you'll be 30. you are the one who is 35 and in 10 years you'll be 45 meanwhile between when you were born and when you die god is the same so who who should obey and that you are doing it in the secret and things are going wrong and you don't advise yourself you go you study all the doctrine you go to the bible school you go to the school of ministry you will come with a bishopric you are wearing color yet the thing is not working because god is standing somewhere he will never move even jesus went three times he didn't move he stood there because the will of god is the realm of god and then you you want god to shift you don't know the meaning of ancient of this go and study it [Music] that's why i preach alignment everywhere because i know that one of the quickest key for promotion is alignment i've had people accuse me lie against me and summon me to authority and sometimes i will be angry and when i want to speak holy gosey keep quiet apologize my big head will say what am i apologizing for i need to understand why i must apologize do you not know that this is unjust i want to explain the legalities around the case he said keep quiet apologize and the reason i grow fast is because i go through crisis a lot and when i go through crisis it becomes a ground of promotion i want to react you say keep quiet and every time i keep quiet god speaks and the way god speaks is my promotion so yesterday you were healing headache and god said keep quiet and after you kept quiet you came for the meeting you preached the same message you spoke the same word and this time death ear open so you didn't open death yes because you started healing 101 you open deaf ears because you kept quiet [Applause] meanwhile in some of these cases i'm guilty you know young people are aragorn there are times when i get angry even with the ministry when i'm serving i'll come home and why are they doing this why can't this be why should this be this is wrong when i finish talking god will say go and repent when i repent say take a seat go and give. [Music] and sometimes in your duties they call you and then you want to say back back back if you don't beg you are removing credit from your name in the spirit this one has nothing to do with remember it's a journey in authority so you can come and preach fire but you will be small in the spirit your weight will be light the reason is because god doesn't have rule over you you may be used to iran you may be used to some kind of messages you may be used to fire you will be burning like this nobody will hear you you are wondering is this the message that these people preach and they hear them no no i'm disappointed have you not gone i said few years ago when i come for a meeting and i see people gather and then sometimes this man of authority will just come put their hand on the prophet and say how are you doing and they will tell two and two three stories i say god bless you god bless you here we go what did this person preach and how their lives is not about the message is who is talking [Music] meanwhile this story that this person told and say you are blessed when they begin to take testimonies [Music] you now discover demonstrate english language demons yeah spirit and life so when the man speak the weight of life and spirit that is released even if you preach for five days you can't release that measure so when it says thank you jesus he has released a bandwidth that will take you one year to release so your home messages for one year will be put together before you emit that energy that he emitted by saying thank you jesus because when he spoke all his cars in the spirit are talking so when god looks at him and hears what he says god remembers the 600 times when he tied to himself in order to obey god's will so that man doesn't need so much talking he only needs to command because he has mastered the way of alignment the way of alignment is the journey to power the more rebellious we are thinking that by revelation we will become something the more backward will become that's why our generation we know so much yet we don't have so much we say so much yet what we have to show is little can't you see the contradiction a father will come i saw dr paul natchez who said he just came out and blew his socks and when he blew his socks to say oh the weight of door is here the weight of glory is here jesus jesus and before i knew what was happening i saw over seven clutches another woman was pushing witchy already i was taught from bible school that if you want to see him he preach on healing so that the faith of the people can rise what how can you play a musical instrument meanwhile before he came up there were two keyboardists playing there was a drummer somebody else was playing the same sex meanwhile several music ministers were playing nothing happened but one man came and added his whole sound and when he was playing his own sex heaven was hearing obedience death power glory so as you increase his keys also increasing authority that's why when god wants to help you he gives you commandments [Music] a miracle service that you need everywhere to be charged for things to happen you just come and say jesus is lord and then you can't contain it anymore authority our generation don't know it there's no alignment there's no alignment the thought indicator for growth in authority is to bear the reproach of christ is to dear the reproach of christ see we have become very selfish and very self-centered that all we do is for our own gain that's why even in church when you call for a vigil you won't see half of the church but when you call for a miracle service it will be packed to the end because people only want to receive from god people don't want to bear the bodies of god people don't want to bear the reproach of god so when you see people doing things for god they are doing it until they stop having benefits the moment they stop having benefit they stop so you see a man seal us for god until reproach comes until persecution comes until crisis comes he doesn't want to dent his image he doesn't want his integrity to be affected no no no no he doesn't want that's why we don't go anywhere the bible spoke concerning moses he said when moses was come of age he refused to be called the son of pharaoh's daughter choosing in order to suffer affliction with the people of god than to enjoy the pledges of egypt which is but for a moment he said for he bought the reproach of christ he had more recompense for the reward how much can you take for god how much can you endure because of god are you able to put your life on the line because of god are you able to receive the the hatred they sought the allegations of the world because of jesus then he can't do it because we have become selfish the nature of mentoring that we receive today is different from the mentoring that the fathers gave so when you see people shouting in the church is because they are prophesying over them when you see people screaming in the church is because they are receiving something but the moment you say god wants something everywhere goes dead the moment you say god wants something instantly joy vanishes from the church and that's the nature of mentoring people have received how then can you expect that this same kind of people can be the reproach of christ meanwhile this is what works glory for us it was peter i said when we bear the reproach of christ it's a testimony that the spirit of glory is upon us so men can never grow in authority until they come to a point where they tell themselves i will bear the cost if it's for jesus i am willing to let go of everything whatever it costs i will not think twice i can do it that's a man god can invest authority on that's a man god can generously pour out everything upon when god sees a selfish man it becomes difficult for god to bless you because he thinks only receive from god is for himself but when a man becomes selfless he joins to a point where he doesn't even bother to have a stain because of christ this is the way of the apostles this is how they live their lives in acts chapter 15 verse 26 paul said the bible said poor and barnabas he said these are the men he said this be the men that has zaded their lies for the gospel today if it will cost you something you become careful and you hear things like wisdom is profitable to direct but what we call wisdom is the wisdom of this world it is sensual we can't be any reproach of god what have you endured for god if you take your walk with god what has happened to you because of god what are the scars what are the sacrifices what are the peris you have gone through because of god christianity is all about places and trying to succeed so we end up using god for a lifetime but we cannot grow like that we can't be strong like that when paul walked the path of reproach he came to the end of his ministry he said i've run the race i have kept defeat he said every minute for me a town of life so paul knew he had authority not just among men but even among angels he said there is a crown of life awaiting me this may not be very exciting but this is the way to power this is the way to stand up in the name of god the reproach of christ and finally the way to authority is the way of honor he said in first psalm chapter 2 verse 13 he said whoever honors me are we all whatever despises me shall be lightly esteemed most times we do the things we do because the fear of god is not there so a man can afford to do what he wants despicable things and then he comes to the altar and he's screaming he goes to the office he's talking about god he's not afraid he doesn't honor god because honor in the realm of god is not to just sing praises almost in the name of god is reverence to tremble at the presence of god to tremble we have come to a point now that we are so familiar with god that even when god is speaking people can be operating their phones and they are checking some things online some stuff online somebody's in church he's doing other businesses in church and then when he needs the investment of god's honor and jealousy he thinks when he cries and naked himself by 12 midnight god we answer you will be lightly esteemed because the god you are calling you don't know him if you know him the first sign that you know him is that you will tremble at his presence when a generation don't honor god that's a generation that is doomed because they cannot see god appear on the scene when god is needed we despise god so much in our generation and yet we expect to see the power of god that's why we pray looks as if there are no answers because the god we are calling we don't fear him so even what we are saying we don't believe it because if you believe what you say god can do your response to god will be different you are saying god is a consuming fire and you're throwing god's presence with your hand in your pocket god is talking you're operating your phone and you are calling you say that god is a consuming fire you don't believe it that's why when you say you consume your enemies nothing happens because you don't believe it you say god is terrible in war and yet the same god you come before him you are casual you don't believe what you are saying because if you believe the moment you come you will tremble at his presence that's the testimony that you believe what you say and in the equation of honor we don't only honor god we honor men that are ahead of us many people are expecting to enter into graces and into dimension they will never because this honor will make sure the door is locked permanently every time a man dishonors authorities he locked the door to his promotion because if god himself we resist that person you know when you begin to talk about honoring men because our generation is so arrogant we say you are preaching men but that's a lie that's why we don't we don't have much to show the bible said in acts chapter 9 verse 4 5 jesus appeared to paul on his way to damascus they glorified christ and jesus told saul he said go into the city you will be told what you will do how can a man meet jesus christ and jesus refers a man to another man i thought the peak and the zenith of encounter is when you meet the lord jesus how come somebody missed jesus not strolling in human form jesus appeared from heaven with a light so bright that blinded paul yet this glorified christ have recognition for structure because paul was in the premise of damascus and in that parity the ruler over damascus was aqua man so god told him before you can be relevant in this territory there is somebody that i have invested authority over in damascus there is a man called analyze he is a watcher over that city i can't do anything with you within the perimeter of the fascist until you go to ananias so even though he met jesus jesus had regard for spiritual authority he said go to the city you'll be told what to do you tell yourself you are a healing minister and you talk against an authority in healing you are joking the angels of healing will be withdrawn they will be withdrawn you may think it's gimmick but your lack of manifestation will show you that you don't have authority in that realm you say you are a teacher of the world and every time you hear an elder talk you challenge him you are a joker you will preach the best messages but god will not do you the honor of anybody listening to you so you will preach your message only you will hear it because it's not about the intelligence of the message it's about the spirit that is being dispensed because you are talking the writing but your spirit is wrong if god allows men to listen to you you will pour out arrogance to a generation you require to reproach to a generation so god himself will hide you because you have despised men of authority he said the army of god will not break their ranks they will not break their ranks we are powerful to the degree that we own authority [Music] david was wise even though saul was in error he said to his to the man you are are you not afraid even when david caught a part of saul's garment he begged in trembling that he had to touch his garment when saul died and they lie around because he wanted to receive credit and say he killed saul david said what you are not afraid you touch the lost anointed he said they should fall upon him and david worked from morning to night so when god exalts david and invest his jealousy upon david it's not because david is fair it's not because david has long hair david is a man of allah he's a man of honor most of us have touched too many authorities that's why we can never be relevant in our generation when you come from power service you think it's all about impartation no it's not it's not there's a mystery that causes men to rise that mystery is invested in honor when you honor you will be exhorted and when a man grows in authority until he can recognize authority in others then he begins to receive the tokens of authority if you grow in authority a point will come where you will recognize authority in others that's why you honor them you don't honor them because they are nice to you you honor them because they are men in authority and because you are also a man in authority you will not disallow a man in authority if you grow in authority until you get there then you receive tokens of authority there are five tokens of authority the first token of authority is a name so when god begins to exalt a man he gives him a name so he said to abraham you shall no longer be called abram of abraham and the moment his name changed he became a father of kings he said to peter you are simon but you shall be called a rock and the point came because he was exhorted he picked the revelation of the church and said you are peter there you are peter was what made peter the head of the church because a name brings you into authority that's a token of authority when you see preachers you run after you don't run after them necessarily because they have so much you don't run after them because they have something you've never seen there is a name that is invested on them so the moment they show up that name is an authority in the spirit and whether you like it or not that name will command that the jesus is a token of authority this is why many people they run they never have a name you can be in the seventh business you will never have a name until you grow in authority you can be in the market what will make you stand out in the market is the name that you have and the point will come you will have a name so tall in the spirit that your name will become a brand and your brand will become the sign that that particular business is prospering when people hear that you invested whether it is working before it's not working we all invest because this name is a wit is a token of authority that's how god blesses men god doesn't just bless them by giving them money when god blesses a man he gives him a name and even jesus when he obeyed authority he said so god gave him a name that is above every other name that at the mention of the name of jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that jesus is lord at the end of time the bible says everyone that is an overcomer i will give him a name that no man know it he said he would give him a white crystal and upon that crystal a name will be written on it one of the ways a man enjoys the dividends of authority is that god gives me a name there are names that open doors [Music] you think it's arrogance but it doesn't work like that there are names that make things to change but many will never have believed because they don't grow in authority they don't grow hard work alone is not enough to make you survive you need a name the second token of authority is men when a man grows in authority god begins to give him men men that will bear their bodies with him in first chronicles chapter 12 verse 22 the bible said daily men joined themselves to david that's a man of authority until his host became like the host of god when you want to see a blessed man find out the quality of men around you when you want to see a man in authority find out the quality of men that around him a man is never great in isolation every great man has a company of mighty men around him and when the stories of the men of david was told that's why we know who david truly was the bible said one of them slew 800 men so one of david's men is equivalent to eight hundred men one man he said the son of dodo he took a spare and he fought from morning till night from one night at night he slew 800 men so when david is 20 david is more than a million men because when you see 30 men with david those 30 men can be equivalent to 10 million men because one of them is equivalent to a company so when god blesses a man when a man grows in authority one of the tokens of authority that he has is that men join themselves to him if you are walking alone for a long time it means you don't have authority authority compares the allegiance of men david said i wish that i would drink of the world in the brooks of the philistines and three men put their lives in japanese that means what we made david happy to them is more important than their lives and three men broke through the galaxy of the philistine and brought water for david to dream even david knew that this is not water he said this is the blood of this man and he poured it as an oblation before god so when david is sleeping he's at rest one when david became old he went to battle and he was to be killed by the grandson of goliath and one of his men rules his men have become stronger than him the glory of a strong man is not that is the strongest the glory of a strong man is that there are stronger men willing to die for him they are stronger men starting him with their life and the guy slew the man that david could not kill and he said you will never come to battle again let the light in israel vanish because even though they are powerful they know the authorities will defeat authority commands the allegiance of them that's why today we lack authority people are doing all kinds of manipulation intimidating people manipulating them to serve them no grow up when you grow men their greatest desire we see that is will be to see that you are happy that's the journey of authority this is how we bring kingdom because god needs an army but only men of authority can coordinate that army the second thing authority does they talk to the top token of authorities resources when a man grows into authority resources migrating his direction he said to abraham in genesis 17 verse 1 and 2 he said walk before me and be that perfect and he said i will increase you i will increase you when the man grew in authority god himself increased him and when abraham was old in genesis 24 verse 1 he said abraham was old and were stricken in age and the lord have blessed him in all things every resource you need in your life is in the body of christ just grow those resources will find you they will find you but can god trust you that's the question when you group in authority you discover your prayer point is not for resources they will find you in isaiah 51 verse 1 to 3 is it hacking up to me are you that love righteousness and all you that love the lord he said look unto abraham your father i'm from the rock where you were healed for i have called him alone and blessed you and increasing and increasing and increasing and he said the lord shall come for zion and he shall comfort her witness he said her wilderness shall be turned into a forest authority brings increase in psalm 112 verse one to three it says yesterday man that feared the lord that delighted creating his commandment he said his seed shall be mighty upon the earth the generation of the opera shall be blessed wealth and riches shall be in his house joy and pledges forevermore [Music] we walk in scarcity because god can trust us god can trust us he said they also their ghouls brought the money to the feet of their bosses authority commands increase so when god is teaching you the way of authority there are seasons that will look like drought but don't worry you are journey to the gushing realm of life because when you get there even if all you have is a rock god will command the rock to bring water that's the journey of authority but our generation we don't want process we want quick and fixed you just get it quickly and you are running no no great man rises like that no great man rises like that the fourth token of authority is a grace when a man begins to grow in authority a grace rest upon you that grace becomes his horn it becomes his horn there are those that have a grace in the area of the world god opens scriptures to them and when they open the scripture you know god is talking to you and on the strength of that they can exercise to millions in the world there are those that god gives grace over sicknesses and diseases when they show up they look like a god beyond before demons as they are walking into the place everywhere is just things just go off we started hearing the story of papa many years even when we're children those days when you say the word of god you hear of men like brother william you of men like dr john you know that these ones if you want to hear the oracles of god come and sit down when they talk it's like it's like a gosh of water you may come there with lying in your spirit you may come here with anger wait until the doctor the scripture you will drop everything at the feet of the master so they have authority with the word of god unless they don't open scripture even if you enter as a terrorist when they are done talking you will repent that's an authority there are those that have authority in the area of sickness i watch faster chris in healing school he just walks into the auditorium and demons begin to leave people on which years stand up stand up what do you mean stand up the person has been laying for many years what do you mean stand up if he could stand up will he come here stand up what how can you tell a lame man to stand up i can't stand that's why i'm on the witcher can't you see me you see from another end because when he talks you know heavens back him [Music] bishop you will hear testimonies in living faith your head will break somebody who is in in secondary school doesn't have the house and then he just comes to church they release a blessing as he's going home a stranger calls him and say come and think what what's wrong with you see i don't have a house he said come and that's him four bedroom flat what is that the man has authority there so if he says you are blessed even if you are in the wilderness god will import trees from the forest and plant them in the wilderness [Applause] because when men of authority talk god and angels walk that's the investment of authority they have power with god and when that grace begin to speak whether your generation like it or not that grace compares them to come under that authority the last token of authorities influence [Music] you know it's one thing to have grace but it's another thing to have influence because you can be raising the dead nobody knows you [Music] solomon became a king but it took many years before solomon began to reign influence is a scepter in the spirit that's when god wills your generation to you he said until the time of john the kingdom of god is free a whole generation was wielded to john is beyond men submitting to you is to become a patriarch in a dispensation and for such men even in the new jerusalem there will be princes the bible says men will come from the north they eat the south of the world to salute abraham isaac and jacob so even in the new jerusalem there are princes there those are men of influence they are patriarchs god wills generations to them how can a time be called the time of john that means if you were born in that generation you belong to john you have become john's inheritance that's influenced and if they wanted to check your record in heaven they will go and open the book of john because your life is in the time of john so john owns your dispensation that's influence is beyond man now is in god you have an inheritance among them that are sanctified authority is one of the greatest resource that a man can have but he begins first by accepting jesus as the lord of your life secondly by growing in alignment and obedience to his will thirdly what's my thought point by bearing the burdens and the reproach of christ and finally by honor either honoring god or honoring men in authority in second timothy 1 verse 6 he said this charge i give to you all son timothy that you may find to flame the gift of god that came upon you by the laying on of my hands in deuteronomy 32 verse 9 he said and joshua was full of wisdom because moses the servant of god had laid his hand upon him that's authority can you buy your hairs this one most of you here are already born again the problem is a problem of alignment you have disobeyed god too many times so what i'm sharing is beyond bible study say life i may say things that impress you but if you go and you still don't obey you will not grow and some of you you are running away from the reproach of christ i know people that when you say less to evangelism in their area they will not come because they don't want people to see them carrying bible i'm preaching what caring bible these are young people i'm never talking about elders yet a young man he feels he's such a big person how can he carry bible and be walking on the streets for him is a big shame he prefers to come to the altar on a double breasted suit and then he will use a baritone voice and see the lord is here the lord is here holy ghost whatever [Music] meanwhile the fathers that have done this thing for 40 years they are still going to the street but we can't hear the reproach of christ and there are so many people who are arrogant sometimes when i go on facebook and i see what young men see i become afraid i wonder where they were discipled that they are able to call the name of a patriarch and raw fishing because they have a page on facebook and two other people follow them and then i see other gullible young men sharing those right tops of indignation [Music] but when you run your wrists and you have grown you will find out whether the tokens of authority will manifest themselves in your life whether you have a name in this kingdom whether you will have men in this kingdom whether you have a grace whether you have resources both spiritual natural material and whether you have influence those tokens are testimonies that you are a map of authority it is my prayer this morning that every young person that have listened that will make up your mind to consciously commit yourself to growing in authority because whether your destiny will be actualized or not is dependent on the degree to which you grow in the ladder of authority thank you holy spirit talk to the father talk to the father talk to the father talk to the father i deliberately choose not to be charismatic to bring you instructions that you will be not instructions that will be here to excite you and it may be just one point you picked is good enough begin to work with it and check your life after six months you will be amazed the progress you would have made i tell my friends i tell people that i know i say facebook don't publicize me it is god that noises the names of people abroad he turned that from heaven he said this is my beloved soul in whom i am where please hear ye him if there is no commandment for your generation to hear you carry out all this stuff if you like go to the biggest television station in the world the day they are hearing your message nobody will be alive because this life is manipulated by the politics of heaven and that's why we muslim you were blessed by the message you just listened to and wish to make jesus your lord and personal savior kindly repeat this prayer after me dear heavenly father i believe in your son jesus christ and that he died for my sins and was raised from the dead for my justification i therefore confess with my mouth that jesus is the lord of my life i receive eternal life into my spirit i am born again thank you father in jesus name if you just say this prayer please send us an email on emaildiscipleship or reach us on our website or to enable us to reach you and afford this the privilege to disciple you god bless you [Music] you
Channel: Apostle Orokpo Michael
Views: 17,368
Rating: 4.9124727 out of 5
Keywords: prayer, apostle Michael Orokpo
Id: lvgj5_YiGpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 44sec (5204 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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