The Easiest Pizza Ever (3 Ways)

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I know this is supposed to be easy but we need to talk about something that was really hard this video we are going to be in the new kitchen after three years of waiting a year of Designing and a year of building and putting together we finally have an amalgamation of a design of my creation exactly and I didn't know if it was ever going to happen and I'm here to tell you that it was possible [Music] this isn't just some kitchen set it's a real kitchen from top to bottom nothing in here is fake solid Calcutta marble refrigerated drawers built in dryager all of the home stuff that we would need but also all the fancy stuff there's nothing in this kitchen that we can't do and it was made specifically with you in mind that means that we can make and create anything we could possibly think of and it's all because of you but it's also all for you that being said welcome now back to our pizza what if you could make the greatest homemade pizza in your life but cut your hands on time down by 75 most people think the fastest way to make a pizza is go to the store and buy a pre-made dough that's awful but I get it we want to save time and this dough recipe has the secrets to do that on top of that we're making three different sauces the first two throw in a blender on the pizza done and the last one will be very quickly cooked using today's sponsor made in well made in cookware I genuinely love these pans I've been using them for years you've seen me use it yeah this one it's aged it's used so I'm pretty stoked to be in these are pro quality products crafted in Italy and used in multiple three Michelin star restaurants obviously you don't need to be a three Michelin star Chef to use these they're perfect for home Cooks these things retain heat like a giving you a nice even cook thanks to the nice five ply stainless steel material plus the handle is going to stay nice and cool with a beautiful balanced weight distribution due to its ergonomic design check out the stainless collection and maiden's other cookware by clicking the link in the description to save on your order so with all that being said let's make this shall we what's the problem with making pizza you need lots of experience making doughs and you have to spend a ton of time kneading dough putting your triceps to work until you can barely lift your arms to grab a little door handle or drink your coffee none of those problems exist with this dough so I don't want to hear any complaining respectfully large mixing bowl ideally a highly reflective stainless steel one so you can see all the cameras and lights we're still working on the Kinks anyway to that you'll add three and a quarter cup or 500 grams of double O Tipo flour oh my God he said a fancy flower look you can use all purpose it's fine fold it with three quarters of a tablespoon or 14 grams of fine sea salt make together lightly separately mix together one and a half cups or 375 grams of lukewarm water with a quarter teaspoon or one gram of active dry yeast which together add the liquid to the dry mix by hand until you get a Shaggy dough and well that's it anyway wrap with plastic wrap leave at room temperature overnight no kneading no slapping no kissing no nothing now next day pop your dough out of the bowl onto a floured work surface divide into four even pieces slightly roll each piece into a ball dust a baking sheet or a proofing box with flour add your dough balls and cover with a lid or greased plastic wrap that's literally it you're ready to make pizza except you need sauce the horror stories of tomato sauce only mean good if you simmer it down for an hour or two yeah well there's zero cooking for this sauce in fact you just throw everything in a blender or food processor hell you can even avoid the machines all together if you want it you just got cheese grater it's fine anyway in a blender or food processor add the tomatoes from a 28 ounce or 794 gram can of whole peeled salmon Tomatoes none of the juice save that later for soup or something follow that with three cloves of garlic a quarter cup or 60 milliliters of extra virgin olive oil salt to taste and blend on low speed until pureed and smooth as possible like I said if you don't have a blender just use a fine cheese grater for both the garlic and the tomatoes then mix with a spoon that's it now it's time to assemble Josh if this is easy pizza how can I shape my pizza with no experience don't worry if the shape gets a little up it's fine my pizzas are rarely perfectly round but they are always delicious anyway generously seasoned with flour your dough and a work surface pick a piece of dough up pop down on your floured work surface using a fist in-depth the center leaving a very thin quarter inch border around the edges now leaving your dough on the counter use your hands to stretch the dough in two opposing directions gently quarter turning the dough after each stretch until you get roughly a 10 inch circle sauce number one the Raw One add about three tablespoons of your sauce then using the back of a spoon spread around your pizza in a circular motion drop with some torn fresh mozzarella to your heart's desire a couple basil leaves and now pause of course baking this in a proper pizza oven is the fastest and most traditional way I'll also show you an oven method but first pizza oven so fire up a pizza oven to around 700 degrees Fahrenheit look you don't even need a pizza peel if you don't have one you can use a cutting board or a large plate or a serving dish or literally anything that's flat and big enough you know we all have our size choices don't we using a pizza peel load your pizza in your oven cook for 20 seconds turn 180 degrees then another 20 seconds quarter turn one more and cook for 15 more seconds remove and you have a beautiful pizza now look in a pizza oven the basil will retain its flavor in a regular oven probably not but if you are going to use a home of it using either an overturned baking sheet or in this case a baking stone placed in a cold oven preheat your oven to Max temp for 30 minutes then load in your topped Pizza using a pizza peel or a large cutting board bake for five to eight minutes boom done look at that now let's taste it's Pizza Time this is the first recipe we've done in the studio welcome we worked really hard on it I hope you love it anyway oh my God it's blocking my ability to do mental math right now I'm starting to wonder if you need to need pizza dough at all this is just as good as any other pizza dough the only difference is it's a little harder to stretch because it hasn't had as much rest time somehow you've got a lighter more tender pizza crust but it's still got that shoe I think if you serve this to most people they would not know the difference between a fine restaurant pizza and a no-need low effort Pizza this is ridiculously easy actual active time on this less than making steak and potatoes so would it be worth it to maybe spend more time on the toppings but let's take this further sauce too so I think a bit more involved and I think it might be better and you still can do it in a blender so to your skinny blade machine ADD five cloves of garlic a third cup or 45 grams of pine nuts ideally toasted 1 cup or 40 grams of grated two cups or 50 grams of fresh basil a splash of water and Blended on medium high until everything begins to loosen you may need to use a bit of extra water to get it but don't add too much as soon as it's vortexing in the blender slowly stream in a half cup or 120 milliliters of extra virgin olive oil transfer to a bowl and season a taste with salt now it's time to assemble the second pizza which needed to be more special in my opinion with more special toppings I mean look at this thing so sure your dough ball sauce it up with your lovely emulsified pesto Italians you gotta have respect for this emulsified pesto please okay it's just sexy add some torn fresh mozzarella spots all over the dough cover the few slices of prosciutto and randomized spots some sliced sun-dried tomato pop in the pizza oven till beautifully cooked I mean look at this thing and this is the piece to resistance listen tear fresh burrata squeeze and spread the stretchedatella inside the burrata around the pizza then hit that with a touch of olive oil for love and respect a little bit of fresh cracked pep and now we find out if this is better than pizza one oh yeah now this is a little step up the sauce is just Blended so it's not that difficult but you know a little more effort ah damn this is already one of the best pieces we've made on this channel and it's definitely the best pizza that we've made in this kitchen it's so balanced the pesto is right up front because you emulsify the sauce it actually surprisingly stayed relatively emulsified so you get that nice velvety finish on the sauce I mean the cream oh my God finish it off with the burrata but you're getting mostly the creamy stuff in there salty from the prosciutto and then it's cut beautifully with the acidity of a sun-dried that other Italian say tomato Pomodoro right because pomodoro sauce right I knew that this is embarrassing now we're using the same dough again on the third pizza but we're turning the effort up just a little bit to see if it makes it even better than this our grand finale the one pizza that I imagine most people know and is the most popular American style pizza in existence pepperoni turned all the way up I love spicy vodka in in stainless steel pan sponsored but genuine genuinely loved in a nice beautiful sensuous saucepan add three ounces or 112 grams of finely diced pancetta two tablespoons or 24 grams of extra virgin olive oil cooked over medium low stirring often until the pancetta is a deep golden brown and crispy increase the heat to medium add in five thinly sliced cloves of garlic one teaspoon or 2 grams of red pepper flakes saute until fragrant about 30 seconds then add one tablespoon or 26 grams of tomato paste to cook that down stirring often until quite dark if it burns a tiny bit that's fine then deglaze with two shots of vodka kidding it's actually two tablespoons or 24 grams fun fact the vodka is usually added to help emulsify the sauce supposedly don't know if that's true bring to a boil over medium high then reduce the heat to low cook that down for two minutes then add a 14 ounce or 397 gram can of crushed San Marzano tomatoes and heat medium bring to a simmer and cook until thickened about three to four minutes finally add a half cup or 120 milliliters of heavy Queen bring to a simmer and reduce for two to four minutes or until it's slightly thickened cut off the heat and season The Taste with salt and pepper so top your pizza with your vodka sauce a little bit of grated low moisture mozzarella this is obviously a more American style pizza that's not evident yes I'm breaking rules here sorry to the Italians lots of thick sliced peppy boys you gotta respect the peppy cups pop into your oven bake beautifully Marvel at its stunning gorgeousness and let's see if this bad boy was the most worth it of them all it's pizza party time I feel like I'm at a little kid's birthday party if that little kid had culinary excellence in his brain which he doesn't or maybe they do I don't know point is more effort but is it actually worth it it's in my mouth it's salty it's Rich it's a little creamy from the vodka sauce a little spicy pepperoni just a little right up there on the tip of the tongue this perfect pepperoni pizza it doesn't get any less effortless and this good than this period my personal choice would be the middle point because that was my favorite flavor but it doesn't matter you choose whichever one you want you want to go the easiest way great you want to go the hardest way great either way it's gonna be the easiest best pizza that you ever make thanks for watching and thank you to Maiden for sponsoring today's video don't forget to check out their stainless collection I'm a big fan and made into other cookware in the Link in the description to save on your order so with that being said I love you goodbye [Music]
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 1,247,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sat bawl pro, joshua weissman, pizza, pizza recipe, homemade pizza, pizza dough, pizza dough recipe, how to make pizza, easy pizza dough, how to make pizza dough, homemade pizza dough, homemade pizza recipe, easy pizza recipe, best pizza recipe, pizza sauce, best pizza dough recipe, pizza base, easy pizza dough recipe, quick pizza dough, pizza at home, making pizza, pepperoni pizza recipe, pesto pizza
Id: O3Hn3sI19ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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