Making New York-Style Pizza at Home like a Pro

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oh there's the smell of New York Wow stick around basically create the gluten on this door I like to keep it the literature welcome to the best pizza channel hello everyone Chuck see jira today I'm going to show you how to make second one sec me more common slice to cheer a new video or in questa momento scusa me scusi me one sec I speak in it I'm gonna speak in English me more I super doper than English speaker cause I mean camera cost a fortune though today I'm good uncle Dominic the New York style pizza how is the weather there in New York good yeah yeah because today I'm going to make the New York style pizza the weather the weather doesn't change anything my friend okay bye bye bye bye guys today I'm going to show you how to make New York history io+ with those grewal ah yes and also we need the screen because to New York style perfe New York style is with a nice screen we're gonna make the perfect New York style pizza by my sweetie acapella of course I put my touch into this Chuck 1c JIRA New York style voila okay guys let's get serious right now we have to make the dough so I'm gonna show you how to make everything from scratch from the dough tomato sauce the cheese everything so let's go ahead and see what we need to make this fantastic recipe here mine I make it really simple okay you need 250 milligrams of room-temperature water the good water 320 grams of zero zero flour 90 grams of semolina and remash anata Torre grams of extra-virgin olive oil 1 teaspoon of salt or 12 grams of salt 1 teaspoon of dry yeast or 10 grams of dry yeast so let's start this recipe let's put the water all the liquid first the olive oil and now the East to top we're gonna mix it up mentor a little bit we melt all the dry yeast inside and now we're gonna go ahead with the flour put all flour in let's mix everything up perfect when is everything mix up together let's go ahead and let's set the salt now mix up the salt perfect and now let's put ten grams of honey there we go the sugar will give a nice color the sugar will give a nice color to the dough you can add that also with the water or whatever you like perfect now at this point let's go ahead and let said all the semolina Demonica semolina imaginator that means is a very fine semolina so at this point we're gonna go ahead and make the dough so when is everything integrated we can go ahead and start the dough in the counter so let's get a spatula let's take everything out voila perfect so now we're gonna make the mix so let's go ahead and we're gonna mix it up until everything is nice integrated and needs to be nice and smooth we're gonna mix everything up for about 15 minutes until the flour is all integrated it's very simple try to break it and we have to basically create the gluten on this dough we add the semolina because the semolina will make the pits a little bit more crunchy because New York style is crunchy this clown she ain't in crossed I not really well because my grandmother comes they immigrated to the immigrated to Chicago in the 50s and they open up the first pizza place in Chicago and they were making a New York style pizza and they became really successful guys if it's sticky get a little bit of flour and just dump her like this on top of the on top of the door because we want the dough nice and smooth if you make this in the dough machine of course is much easier so what I do now at this point we're gonna let us eat the dough for about 30 minutes just get the the bowl you get the ball or the box that you were making it up at the pizza and then cover up just like that voila 30 minutes and of course guys if we are using an electric oven of course this is a little bit more professional but guaranteed is the same same thing that you have a home because this is gonna be the same the same temperature because the goalie ER and all if you are at the pizza place the new york-style needs to be cooked at lower temperature so it's perfect for your home oven or an electric oven if you need to set up the oven at the max temperature put the stone inside see I put the stone inside and I set the oven at the max temperature this oven goes up to 482 Fahrenheit that's the max and send it so this usual when it gets to fry it's okay we're gonna cook the pizza at the a500 let's say 4 or 500 Fahrenheit with the stone inside at the max temperature guys set up the pizza stone in the oven at least one hour before this way it gets warm up and we are able to cook the pizza even if we are going to cook it in the screen but I'm gonna show you two different one I'm gonna make one director in the stone and one new york-style with a nice screen like they do in the pizza place so let's go ahead and see the dough okay guys there we go 30 minutes is passed by and now we are ready to make the boss do you know New York style needs to be around 220 grams of dough balls so we need to make the balls I'm gonna show you we're gonna scale at all just like that okay 221 usually mixed about three three dough balls with this recipe perfect yeah we got three Bordeaux balls is that we need a sheet pan just like that then put a little bit of flour on the bottom of the ship and just like that don't worry about and now we're gonna make the boss you make the boss just like that there we go always you Anna you need to close it close the dough balls just like that perfect now I'm gonna cut and close because the goal is is we need to we want to incorporate we're gonna make like a balloon so that one so remember we like to close it just like that then you can put in the counter and just do this and voila we have the dough balls ready we have to put it far from each other and then what I like to do your little bit of olive oil on top just like that this way the plastic wrap doesn't touch it doesn't stick of course if you are at home and or at the pizza place and you have space you can also put a little bit of olive oil on the cup and then you can place the dough balls just like that and cover up always but I like to do it more like this because this is my my tush I have to make it an original way so now let's get a plastic wrap we need to close it really well we're then close it and voila guys we close the dough balls and now very important at this point we let a rest for three to five hours at room temperature pay attention because this one will go fast you know we put 10 grams of ease but if you're going to use it right away the result of this pizza is gonna be a little bit more heavy after 3-4 hours of course if you're going to use it is gonna be a little bit heavier or not fragrance that I was supposed to be and then the more are the hours the more fragrance will become so what I suggest to you is after 3-4 hours that the dough gets double up the side go ahead and put it in the fridge for a one on one more day and of course what I did I have already the dough made yesterday this way we save time of course I made four because one he's for my friend in New York MIMO when I call him I'm gonna call him later come on I say my friend I'm making the New York style you're in Los Angeles I'm gonna send it to you New York and this way you can judge how is my New York style so like you can see this way is nice fermented that's why I like to use the day after because it's more fragrant and then in the fridge what happened it grows really really slow so have time at that time the levant will pass and we're gonna become a bit gonna start to the fermentation because those you can see the black dots that's from the fermentation is starting so then we'll make the pizza it's gonna be my much much much more more fragrant and more light for your diet it's very digestible like this so if you use after four hours you can but the texture is going to be different so you choose if you you want to use in 4 hours you use it if it's not just do this now let's go ahead and let's make the pizza this one when I leave in 3 hours at room temperature and then I'm gonna block it in the fridge ok guys of course before making the pizzas we need to have all the ingredients ready so let's get ready with ingredients because they for a New York style the tomato sauce is one key very important so let's go ahead let's make the tomato sauce any other ingredients ok here we have just a simple tomato cane but these are summer sign of style these are actually from California we need to get just the plumber to squeeze a little bit we want to take out all the water from the tomato because the New York style the tomato sauce is very thick so we're going to take around the water from the tomato just like that ok so we need to put just a pinch of salt just a little bit then we put a 1 pinch of sugar sugar is very important it's gonna make the your sauce nice and sweet and now a little bit of extra-virgin olive oil that will is gonna give a nice flavor to your your tomato sauce so now we're gonna go ahead and break the tomato sauce just like that in your hands if you have a blender just go ahead and you can also blender but I like to keep it a little chunk of the tomatoes that was gonna give a nice flavor and I repeat this is a New York style but my way I put my own touch fantastic there we go tomato sauce is really and of course you we are not gonna use a fresh mozzarella but we're gonna use some American cheese shredded mozzarella perfect and of course a pinch of oregano for the pizza and while our guys I can't wait I made ingredients and now we are ready to make the New York style pizza Wow I'm gonna feel happy New York I'm gonna feel like my when my grandmother was making the the pizza to me how I still remember a year our goal here today is to make it and remember the past let's make this pizza okay let's go ahead and let's stretch it of course I have distilled the semolina here or the flour well if you don't have semolina to stretch you have to use the flour but always I recommend to use the same semolina so now let's put it on the counter put a little bit of flour on top and and I show you two ways how to cook it directly on the stone or with the pizza screen so now let's put it down in the flour and just press now press everything and well as you see it's nice soft and smooth but of course is much stronger than you have written style pizza so now we're gonna go ahead and press with your hands just play a little bit you know place and press play same place and then you can go just like that of course you're gonna stretch from here enough from the center this pizza perfect a little bit more couple of times if you want to just play around this go ahead and play around so now that we have the same sign the side that we that we want to make this case we're gonna make a nice and perfect New York style pizza we get the dough and then we're gonna measure it's a little bit small so we're gonna make a little bit bigger just like that gently now we have to put it down in a little bit in the craw in the screen and what my grandmother used to do at the pizza place is the extra dough she was scanning and just she was carrying the the side so you don't have to be precise like a perfect pizza circle if you have some extra dough on the outside just go ahead and cut the outside so simply and now we are this way it's much much easy for you to make the pizza so even if you're not a professional you don't have you can still making the perfect pizza voila now let's go ahead with ingredients let's put the tomato sauce top see how thick is the tomato sauce and that's perfect for our pizza so we want to go all the way to the edge to make this pizza guys try this at home because is the best and also if you are at the pizza place go ahead and make it voila we got a nice amount of tomato sauce did you see the chunk of tomatoes that were it makes the pizza nice and tasty ha so no rush when you make this pizza because it's made on the screen now we put the to me the the fresh we're gonna put them sorry I get confused because amigo is the Italian style but this is very challenging and trust me this is my first time ever making the New York style pizza at home or at the business so this is very challenging for me too there we go we're gonna put a nice amount of cheese and we're gonna go all the way to the cross just like that and at the end of this video I want to see your comment below what do you think if you think it's good leave a thumbs up if you think is bad leave a thumbs up either wise it's gonna be perfect because who doesn't like the pizza guys who doesn't like the pizza I never I never met someone that doesn't like the pizza voila so now we're gonna put our pinch of fresh oregano actually this is dry oregano it's going hands [Music] voila I think we are done with this pizza I personally don't like to put olive oil right now because already this cheese is a little bit too fat and voila we have the New York style pizza let's go ahead in the oven and see how he will turns out okay guys and the nice thing over the screen is that you don't have to have a stone so if you don't have a stone go ahead and do this open the oven right away and place the pizza you're on the bottom button rack voila let's close it right away and now we're gonna cook it until the mozzarella starts to bubbling let's wait Wow it's cooking nicely I can see that the most subtle it starts to bubbling so that means that the pizza is nice and ready to take her out I'm excited guys whoo there's the smell of New York Wow let's take it out outstanding Plus this Wow nice increase please check out the bottom nicely done Wow the pizza come out outstanding I'm gonna take it out from here I don't have the New York style plate and while are the pizza wow wow lissa the crouch Wow I'm gonna make a perfect New York style slice and here the perfect slice Wow take a look oh my god this mail reminds me really of my grandmother pizza place in Chicago Wow Nonna Maria's pizza take a look how he rolls up is really nice thin crust this is the best time my mouth is watering oh wow I amazing let me see the cross really really good take a look of the the fragrance of the dog does not show me the scrunchie and very fragrant amazing let's go make the one cook without screen I see a leave a thumbs up for this beauty to be bottoms up let's go ahead let's make the pizza but this one without the screen so a little bit more professional side press with your finger flip it over this dough is really strong because the semolina marry strong the flour the flour the the mixing that we made with the oil and the sugar that makes the dough really strong okay now I'm gonna give a couple of turn New York style migrator without the screen tomato sauce that we can go all the way to the cross just like that perfect voila and now let's put extra cheese on top but do you you don't wanna put the cheese too much to the edge either wise it's gonna melt it and we're gonna make a mess on top of the stone so try to make it to give it like a one finger wanted to finger far from the from the edge the cheese voila excellent now we're gonna put some oregano we're gonna make the same exactly of the other one and now excited to go in the oven and see how this one will come out get it poof now let's make a little bit bigger because a New York style pizza this is probably a medium medium sign okay so now before we put it in the oven let's give it a little check it's not sticky so now we can go in the oven we're gonna put her in the bottom part gently go ahead and drop her in the pizza in the Indian home let's cook until the cheese gets a little bit bubbling guys the mozzarella is bubbling I see the color is nice and crispy so the pizza the meats is ready so let's take her out and voila guys the pizza is ready yes he's ready nice and crouched let's see the bottom cook really evilly let's see the difference between the other one on the screen see it's a couple it's a little bit different because this one was cooked with the screen so he got the little black dots and this one it's still amazing guys this is exactly a new york-style leave a thumbs up if you think that I did a good job yes my first time ever making a New York style pizza it's got a little bit amazing let's see how the pizza holds it holds it really well outstanding and now let's cool down a little bit okay now the pizzas cooled down a little bit and we are ready to go ahead and kiss this amazing pizza take a look it sold really well that's what they do in New York they keep it straight to see if the cheese falls off of course it doesn't fall off because it's not fresh mozzarella but now it's perfect cook I believe I did a really good job I believe hmm now that it's cold now I can test it really better now it's really good hmm yeah definitely I prefer the one cooked directly on the on the bricks without the screen but usually in New York they put the screen on the pizza that's what I see thank you so much this pizza is amazing guys hey don't forget then don't forget give our pizza leave a thumbs up subscribe I see at the next one [Music]
Channel: Vito Iacopelli
Views: 1,633,991
Rating: 4.8607283 out of 5
Keywords: vito, iacopelli, pizzatv, neapolitan, pizza, napoletana, how, to, come, fare, funny, prank, vice, VITO IACOPELLI, pizza napoletana, pizza at home, pizza dough, how to make pizza, best pizza dough, new york pizza, how to make new york style pizza, new york-style pizza, making new york-style pizza
Id: R8V0WYS-f7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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