I traded WAGYU STEAKS for a Pizza Master Class and this happened.

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hahaa what do you think my friend about my pizza I have to say you make pizza better than Italian let me check let me check sh is soft and crunchy you pass the exam that's what I call a pizza it didn't start it this way I know it started quite different very sad VTO welcome to Miami my friend I came all the way from South Italy to taste your beautiful steaks you know I can cook a really nice pizza too you serious yeah okay let me see got my ingredients ready so you waste too much time making dough I have a pre-made dough already ready to go no problem already you start with wrong food what do you mean and then I have mozzarella cheese look you got to make it easy what you say mozzarella cheese that's that's plastic what are you talking about it's Plastic Man Okay anyway okay you already started totally it's okay let me see let me see I want you to taste once you taste then you tell me okay check this out look at that it's already open it's very very easy to use you make it my my go smell smell amazing smell like bread smell the yeast so what I like to do first is I don't want it to stick so I just you know put a little bit of flour like this okay and then to make sure that it's nice and flat I like to what do you mean oh sorry excuse me look I didn't think you were going to ask me to make pizza so chill out he doing serious here wait until you taste it everybody have a hard time opening so here's what I like to do okay that's why you made it big yeah of course I'm just cutting this open look perfect round Pizza we can use this for for the garbage no no no no no no no no no no you make it this no for thear you make you never made garlic sticks I don't like to throw away food but that's bad food that's bad food voila what's that sauce Mariner sauce delicious pre-made you don't have to waste your time smell it smell it smell it taste taste taste taste oh come on man now we add a little bit of cheese I like a lot of cheese you like a lot of cheese don't call this cheese what do you mean that's PL it is cheese no it's not make it fresh this is good Bas this is good okay there you go we're going to add that so now I look like a Piza look at that it's not sticky but you don't you don't need a pan the on the pan you don't need the PE I I want to see how you cook this okay let's go about so I don't know why you don't like me to use the peel but why you don't need to work no no no no let me do my friend chill out bro I learned this from you V you put the edge and then you pull come a little bit outside come outside already it's not ready yet I know no no no no see look this don't even cook because you don't understand my technique now I can go here on the bottom oh no no no no no no no this technique is not working that good so that's okay nice nice wow take a look at that that is a delicious pizza everybody don't call it Pizza you're ready to try he's excited don't call that thing a piz what do you think VTO take a look I'm not done yet now I'm going to admit I'm I'm if I'm going to be on don't show this to the camera no no no wait until you taste Che I don't want to feel sick taste good pizza hold on it tastes like a spaghetti with with r but a horrible way do you think you can make a better of course let me show you how to make a real pizza and then you tell [Music] me and this is what I call a pizza oh my God look at the bubbles that's so cool I've never had a pizza like that Crunch and soft the inside let me see if it's better than mine [Music] [Applause] cheers that's everybody does this face when they taste it for the first time V I never never tasted a pizza like this before are you ready to learn what's step one step one is the Polish 300 G of water 5 G of yeast 5 G of Honey now we mix now we add 300 G of flour now we mix until is all one dough this is what you're looking for the consistency is All One Piece One dough now we cover up couple of holes this with the Polish skin breed and we let it rest 1 hour at room temperature and then 16 to 24 hours in the fridge the dough the most important part of making pizza you need the whole pulish 700 g of water 1,100 G of flour 20 G of salt that's it so simple but the key is how to make it so now you going to make the dough today really how you make it you start to put in the Polish in the machine the Polish all the Polish everything goes in everything inside okay let's go inside now you need to take out a cup of water cold water because we're going to use this one later why cold water you need cold water this way we don't destroy the gluten that we are going to build water goes in all of it yes set up the timer 20 minutes turn it on speed one speed one and now let's wait until the water becomes white usually about 30 second to 1 minute got it pay attention guys because this is the most important part of the video so now the old flower goes inside beautiful done wait just a few second and then you add the 30 G of salt okay put the salt don't waste your time stay there and focus rule number one don't pass the 20 minutes rule number two don't go anywhere you have to stay here this D absorbs all the flowers it's going to be all one piece before adding all this the more is hydrated the more is digestible we have 75% water makes this okay like you can see now the bottom is all dry and now we are ready yes now we are ready to add this one little by little very little okay but we have to speed up a little bit the machine number probably four to five like this is fine okay now I just add a tiny bit Yeah that's the amount that you want that's it at this point easy to mess it up like if I just throw all the no no no it's very easy to mess it up if you did you see that no no no no no no no no and remember the water on top of the door on top of the door this way cools down the door put the last one okay now we the speed we go back really slow and now let's put olive oil on the counter because we're about to take it out okay what we're looking for we're going to touch it okay put a all and we want to touch then you go like that see your hands they're clean clean I want to show you this because it's hard to explain okay show me you don't want to pull it out like that okay you want to cut the door so what look what I'm doing I'm getting like a little piece I'm cutting it I'm cutting it and then I can take out this see then you want to put not all one piece little little section for o let me try I'll try just try to yeah cut like a cheese don't pull don't pull cut first first okay yeah it's okay cut it it's not that easy no but look at this what we're looking for look wow look at like you said that's glue okay look at this now together we have to check the structure of the gluten okay and we have to do this to be able to put more air inside the dough get a little bit of olive oil tap tap on theay just a little bit now grab from the bottom and look look the structure boom Oh my God why pull it wow it's like rubber it is look see that's what we want we do the fold kamich folds kamich is like a TT is like a t-shirt t-shirt rub it and then boom do it it doesn't need the order doesn't really matter no it doesn't matter the counter all clean and nice a lot of a lot of air look wow look at that wow that's crazy then you flip it over and remember this part is going to stay always on top from now on okay try to uh make a big ball M so I just work around push it towards you you want to make like a big bom the best way to make the dough is this I can see it so put a little bit of olive oil on top okay okay to to to on top see look at that that's the gluten it's like a balloon look at that the more we we press we build the gluten properly that is so cool so close it for how long close and wait 15 minutes 15 minutes pass by now we are ready to make the balls like you see Boom the door was relaxing perfect I'm ready what's this you need a one oh this is what you want to do mhm cut the door and then inside cut inside push inside okay inside and I want to show you one ball because sure you never made balls in your life never I know we put a little piece there and then we cut approximately 280 G so we grab with the spatula and then at this point this part it needs to stay always on top Oh you mean the top always stays on top because matters lay yeah it matters that's the layer of gluten and that's why we want to create a balloon full of air so T to on top and this is how we make the ball you make it look so easy you know what that looks like that looks like a mozzarella mozzarella yes this does the same way so we go ahead and we close that like a balloon and then upside down back on the counter wow you made it look easy let me try coun let me try and then that's too much yeah okay now you make the ball now make the ball and keeping that top part always on top yeah but try to make a ball don't got it yeah inside inside okay push it inside like a mozzarella and then close it and put it upside down I've seen a lot of people on YouTube do this is this okay chle oh sorry CH so close here on the bottom there we go perfect there that's the right way gently so now you need a box and then place it down right there we want to put the D about four finger apart from the door so now we close it right away okay and now we let it rest for 1 hour to 2 hours at room temperature it needs to double up the SI okay like you can see now it's been 1 hour and a half of room temperature exactly on the clock and boom wow you D it inside look at the little balls wow that's how we know that is ready not those bubble not too big and the dough is about to be touch each other so basically it grow one and a half time so that means it's ready okay so what's the next step how do I how do I do your pizza put a lot of flour and we are using F and F so semolina and the flow see I choose one side to get it and then try to lift it up and boom on shot and take it out got it and boom in the in the door if this door goes like that on touch like that you're not going to be able to stretch it anymore so it gets nervous what do you mean gets nervous it gets nervous because the do gets nervous like us it's human you know it's like alive you you talk about your pizza like it's your child it is got it yeah so you put a lot of and the flour a couple of times and then go wherever you want to stretch the pizza and then press gently press all the air to the CR don't do this this this just press got it and then go back got it you want to have a nice perfect cross M then t t to on top in the center okay then one shot look up take off all the flow and then down right hand you press left hand you pull once you have about if he sticky see a little sticky lift it up put a little bit of flour then down hands here like that put it on top okay lift it up hands under you make a bigger and then you choose the spot boom wow down you have a 12 in Pizza don't touch it anym so you never use the roller come on man no this is napolitan style pizza we're talking about real Pizza okay and that's that's the tomato sauce that we made let's add the tomatoes from the can two pinch of salt few LS of Basil extra virgin olive oil now we go ahead and we make the Tomato we want this kind of chunk of tomatoes and this is the tomato sauce that we want to spoon in the center that's how you hold it little circles and then you go bigger and bigger and bigger until you get all around the crust then we put some fresh basil I like to get it from the plant himself then you going to break it a little bit mm then we put the fresh mozzarella not the one I used look this is fresh mozzarella come on man get a Parmesan cheese and go on top wow at this point you can put whatever you want to put but you have to be fast once you put the tomato sauce you have to be fast the pizza sticks what's the technique here little bit of FL look got it pinch Slide the pizza under you want to try yeah I would love to try here pinch yeah lift easy a that's it shake a little bit shake it a little bit this way all the flour goes down that's it down so I don't need to use my nonstick anymore oh man pinch finger under you don't want to touch the cross you make a larger pinch it under pinch under oh the technique is that's why I say you do it so fast when you make your videos H like this ah and then you have a 12 in pizza from now we have to go fast in the oven the was it's going to get stuck let's in the don't B it because was it's going to get sham it oh really yes oh see always Lear let's go right now what's the temperature of the oven needs to be it's about 750° 750 okay so let's go ahead let's choose the spot and then one shot boom wow see I shake it a little bit this way the point touch the oven and then you can pull it up fast got it so now we have to be quick it's puffing up really nicely H it looks so good that's what I'm talking about okay three two one and the pizza look at this WOW sh what do we say soft and crunchy in the same time soft and crunchy I love it I like how you say but that's that's the goal of the pizza ready absolutely I want to see you making it you ready I am excited let's go yes okay cut the side sides first by uh so so so so upside down upside down so so but okay close that one down this way we don't get the door dry just rotate yeah now from the back yeah press leave the cross yes all the same try to flip it over the other side yeah and now press the other side now remember right hand press press and then left hand you pull yeah done okay now if he about 8 Ines one end like that M put the D on top take this inside M yeah put it on top lift it up make it a little bit bigger gentle and then boom down when you want to make a large piece it don't go like that pinch it pinch it I got it fix it so like this yes and the people they're going to see on the video they go oh that's too much crust that's not cross that's the air that we press to the crust one movement one movement always One Direction yeah no no no I mess it up again e small and then bigger bigger bigger bigger and then go bigger bigger and then you go around okay got it okay done at this point we need to move fast okay basil perfect fresh mozzarella that's that's too much too much you don't want to put too much yeah take it off don't overdo it right no no take it off otherwise we're going to make a mess and the pizza is so thin that you're going to rip it olive oil everywhere parmesan yes and now we're ready to put the pizza in the OV so now remember what I say pinch it leave gentle gentle gentle I'm scared to do it gentle do it again beautiful and you're going to hold it now make it bigger yes and don't be scared quick mov quick come got it at this point we have to move fast okay let's go let's go new okay choose the spot yeah don't throw the pizza inside the oven stop and then t p go go all the way okay gentle right one shot boom ah more hard even harder yes got it right now we are cooking at 750 which is good which is good okay okay it's getting a little brown not yet the more you weit the better but don't let it burn gentle gentle gentle on the bottom yeah now turn it turn and put it in the same exactly spot same exact spot got it check the bottom okay it's cooked put your peel under keep it the peel under turn it more turn it more okay keep it like that the mozzarella starts to bubble and the pizza is ready what do you think got it take it out beautiful wow that's the perfect oh look at that my first real Pizza what do you think huh not perfect no no it come out really good we got let's check it out if we got air inside wow look at that V got exactly what we want we got air inside the crust that's a perfect slice perfect cook on the bottom good let me tell you if it's perfect hold on one seconday and T's the cross T's the cross like that M that's a real Pizza yes everything else is yes love it now goingon to cook the pic steak for you it's going to be absolutely delicious p p that's my favorite it is my favorite as well but first I want to cook you an American style pizza with your dough I hope it's okay what you say repeat no no don't worry I don't worry just you know we have a nice beautiful backyard relax a little bit let me cook you something interesting are you sure m [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the hamburger pizza my Italian master is going to kill me I've learned how to make pizza this one I wanted to make a special shape you like the football shape you really I love it really good I mean for your first time ever making the pizza by yourself because I was relaxing there a really good decent pizza oh thank you but do how about the toppings toppings uh please respect the pizza even with toppings okay I don't mean to offend but I thought this would be fun I'll really like burgers I don't never taste it on a pizza but was that pasta yeah it's uh mac and cheese oh those things the the kids eat yes the ones that the kids eat exactly you ready for it Chin Chin cheers no no it's not that great huh no no unfortunate uh-uh don't even the burger not even the burger here's the deal you've never tasted my Paya are you ready oh yeah I'm ready it is time to get the SP on the grill because now I say it is enough talking and it is time to grill it so let's do it let's go let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] and there we have it the p and also the pizza yes finally are you ready to eat some P yes before you eat I want to say a thank thank you oh thank you thank you for coming to my house thank you for teaching me how to make the best pizza of my life guys please go check out Vito's Channel if you want to learn how to cook a pizza better than Italian even though he's Italian please go check out his channel right away but I'm excited for you to try this I'm excited too okay let's go this is the P look how juicy it is it is my favorite cut of meat which is your favorite pizza white pizza with bolog really yes I'm surprised you got to cook that one for me next time no problem okay okay next time I want to try that cheers everybody cheers gole you have outdone yourself with that pic right there that is fantastic I had to this man you guys talk then you guys St I hope you enjoy it what do you think it's really good my God it's hard to describe a googa steak cuz it's just so perfect it is the crust the tenderness the Char it all comes together and it makes literally the perfect steak that you could ever imagine I eat stick in my life yeah this is really the best one really thank you V not joking I've eaten every kind of beef in the world everything and for me this is my favorite I have to get a plane at the time now come at least twice a year I have to come here yeah so you can keep reviewing my pizza I taste you and then I teste you me too 100% you are welcome all the time and we cannot finish this video without trying the pizza again you made this Google yes sir that looks damn good I know thank you grab it grab it grab it let's try it ready cheers everybody cheers can I do something oh what are you going to do oh my God you know what that's a great idea oh that's a great idea that's the only thing that you can do to make piz it's better no we're talking so delicious with the meat sorry but I got this opportunity I've been waiting a long time my friend please eat please eat pic and pizza together is the perfect marriage everybody absolutely delicious I hope that you guys learned a lot from this video because I learn a lot from you myestro thank you my brother my friend thank you I learned so much I saw you I I Spy you I steal your art not only that we also cooked and one on your channel yes yes guys go make sure you check it out on his channel it will be on the link on the description down below if you want to learn how to make the best pizza please go check it out subscribe much I appreciate it I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did hit that thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe remember everything I use is always on the description down below thank you so much for watching we'll see you guys on the next one because now Victor is going to keep eating and so are we CH take care everybody bye-bye
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 1,957,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pizza, italian, recipe, best pizza, cooking, grilling, how to make pizza, pizza recipe, napolitan pizza, authentic, italian pizza, pizza dough, how to make pizza dough, Pizza Margherita, picanha, steak, steaks, wagyu picanha, wagyu
Id: tLuJdcC7jDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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