How to use Pizza Peel, and how to avoid stick the Pizza ( Massimo Nocerino)

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hey hello guys welcome back to the channel and today we're gonna give you another nice couple of tips today we're gonna talk about how to avoid stick the pizza in the oven and to use the pizza peel and to rescue your pizza from stacking the table to stacking to the pizza pill or stacking your pizza over we're gonna start now are you ready let's start it [Music] okay guys now um what we're gonna talk we're gonna talk about our tools to use the pizza um first of all you need to get the right tools for example i saw some people using this type of pizza beer which is now my favorite pizza beer but if you got one of them before use make sure we go still enough to give a little bit sharpness to get nice and feet to help your pizza comes to your top to your shoulder to your pizza pill without gaps here um so very good very important if you get one of them sharpness with that they still like that and then your pizza will be easy to to scoop it in but i do use j metal pizza peel so they're already sharp this one is already old so i'm definitely gonna buy another one it's got five ears but that's the great it's gonna help you to to use your pizza scoop in top and put in the oven so it already sharpens like that and that's the one of the best pizza peel you can get on there on the business right okay now we're gonna stretch couple of pizza and because the people ask me why my pizza is thick in the table stick on my pizza peel stuck in the oven so we're gonna stretch a couple of pizzas uh i got this 48 pizzas here very fragile it's been nearly two hours two days outside but we're gonna stretch it and we're gonna make a couple of pizzas too try to understand how to avoid your your pizzas so first of all when you're stretching and make sure your table is dry there's no water there's no anything so otherwise if it's little bit water a little bit sauce or something else humidity you're definitely gonna stack your pizza so you cover with your flour quick and then you give a nice stretch okay and then you want to remove all the semolina i do use all semolina so then see there's a little bit semolina here as well so i'm gonna put upside down again and then i'm gonna put on the table like that this can stay even couple of minutes it won't stick i'm gonna take one more and okay now let's fish one more pizza and i want to show you the way to now avoid stick your pizza on your table and the pizza peel so now before put any toppings always make sure there's no any little holes on your pizza because if you've got some moles it's definitely gonna stack at some point okay i can put some sauce one of them and make sure you don't go over the over the pizza you know if it's the case happen let's for give it a simple let's go like that without the mistake easy get your sparkle i guess some semolina you can use flour as well it's up to you and then make sure you just make sure the pizza see it's moving so it should stick right now when using the pizza fill just go a little bit just on the level of the table slowly hop a little bit it can pull it like that and then again you stretch it and then come down see the pizza ready you can see the wooden stuck and before go pull you over and always do this shaky movement so the pizza is moving it's moving on your pizza pill so definitely it wouldn't stock before if for some reason stack your pizza peel maybe because you will got some hole we're gonna make it for people some hole here just to maybe realize what's the hole let's say you take your pizza pill and look now i can see stuck stuck maybe you want to put all the cheese i say oh yeah i'm gonna put the pizza in the oven so we put some mozzarella too see it is a hole stuck wow let's say five what's gonna happen now do you wanna try with the pizza no [Applause] i'm gonna use a plate you can use a pizza plate i got this little disposable one go upside down okay again i can see this little hole here so you're gonna cover with your fingers like that put some semolina make sure your pizza peel is clean it was a little bit so stair okay and now put up sedan again bang double check again so it's not moving great [Applause] and then it's ready to do in the oven okay so it's very easy once you do that should stick i saw people doing this when they don't the pizza peel like those tape like that they put so much flour scrub and see if they put a pizza on top they wanna get a pizza guys please don't do that tastes very bad don't do don't follow these people show those kind of video with locals flower your pizza peel and then trying to do the pizza that way this pizza when it's cooked in the oven it's going to be your oven full of flour ben tastes better or bitter it would be horrible so okay now so this pizza you see look something easily it was broken it goes back again you can give a little bit pressure as well your piece of slide is pressure here you scoop it up your pizza up so now what happens if your pizza stuck inside your oven right we're gonna make another hole here okay maybe we didn't get a nice darts i'm sure you're gonna stack in the oven so let's put in three speeds in the oven [Music] okay so if is this now i wouldn't touch the piece right now because it's too soft but it can happen sometimes this is the little hole maybe it's too thin it's stuck in your or oven oh that's gonna be a panicking situation so don't panic him the first things let it cook first let your pizza cook first if you realize there is stuck on the base of the pizza oven i will show you now what you have to do i can hear already the mozzarella start to burn on the base of the pizza oven see the sound so i know red is a hole somewhere there okay but you need to find out where is the hole don't touch the pizza [Applause] and now trying to work with your pizza peel all around avoid to to touch the hole and move gentle okay so i know it's the hole see but i let the pizza cook like pizza cookies possible before touch it again because otherwise stuck it's gonna make a big goal you have to chew it over the piece you have to brush it over again if you're middle of the service you're gonna be in trouble so now i move slowly again pizza is moving so it's safe okay so i rescued the pizza even with the hole so what you need to do you need to work around the pizza breeze the hole they're trying to get from the back [Music] okay be gentle see there's a hole there but pizza is safe all right so you can save your pizza of course this is a big hole your pizza unfortunately cannot save your pizza so he has to remove it scrub it brush your oven again and do it again but if they all is not that big you can actually save your pizza all right okay see now another pizza is safe little hole somewhere here we will map the hole because i see the hole somewhere here it's like look see the order was here but you know we saved the pizza so we always trying to play around with your rotation pizza and then you're going to save your pizza as most couple of tips off today guys yeah um leave comments below if you got any question all about these little techniques and tricks to save your pizza and don't forget subscribe and then i'll see you on the next video thanks for watching thank you
Channel: Massimo Nocerino Pizza Massimo
Views: 129,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: massimo nocerino, pizza massimo, how to use pizza peel, how to avoid pizza stick, pizza, pizzaiolo, wood fire pizza oven
Id: a_Wo5mXHz9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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