NC3rd 2021 Women's Convention: Night 3 10-01-21

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is his name bless his name bless his holy name from the rising of the son and to the going down of the same oh lord you're worthy you are worthy to be praised father god we come to you right now in the name of jesus lord god to say thank you lord god thank you for this another day a day we've never seen before in a day we will never see again lord thank you for bringing us into this place lord god your holy temple your sanctuary oh god where we plan to give your name the praise the honor and the glory o lord god we thank you for this women's conference oh god we thank you for everything that our eyes have seen and everything that our ears have heard oh god we thank you for blessing us on friday oh god we thank you for blessing us on thursday oh god and lord god we stand in expectation of what you're going to do on tonight oh lord bless the man's servant that will stand behind the podium lord god and preach the unadulterated gospel of jesus christ oh god let your holy ghost spirit fall on this place lord god let it burn up anything that is unlike you o lord god save on tonight deliver on tonight set free on tonight oh god and we will be all the difference the different because you came lord god bless our supervisor lord god thank you lord god for the vision that she has for the women's department oh god thank you lord god for everything from her vision that came forth this week lord god strengthen her lord god and uplift her in the name of jesus all the levels of leadership oh god go with them and keep them in the name of jesus lord god be with us on tonight let your spirit rest here oh god rest here oh god let your spirit rest here oh god let's just hear it right here among your people oh god and we'll be careful to give your name the glory of the honor of the praise we'll know that we've been with the most high god for god because if you're not here we don't want to be here so lord god we invoke your presence in this place right now in the name of jesus come on through sweep through with your spirit oh god sweep through with your spirit oh god sweep through with your spirit oh god and we thank you we give your name all the glory the honor and the praise for it is truly thine oh lord thank you lord amen [Music] praise the lord scripture reading from old testament book of jeremiah chapter 29 starting with verse 10 for thus saith the lord that after 70 years be accomplished at babylon i will visit you and perform my good word towards you in causing you to return to this place for i know the thoughts that i think toward you saith the lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end o god i thank you then shall ye call upon me and you shall go and pray unto me and i will hearken unto you and ye shall seek me and find me when ye shall search for me with all your heart and i will be found of you seth the lord and i will turn away your captivity and i will gather you from all the nations and from all the places whether i have driven you seth the lord and i will bring you again into the place once i have caused you to be carried away captive god bless the reading of his holy word amen can you just put your hands together hallelujah can't you feel the presence of the lord already in this place oh while you're standing let's honor our jurisdictional pre-led bishop patrick l wooden senior amen i know we are all waiting with our neck stretched out waiting to hear what the man of god has to say to the people of god for certainly there is a word from the lord we thank god for the incoming of our jurisdictional supervisor of the department of women mother beverly degeneres what an awesome convention she has put on amen i think we have the best convention president that there is amen amen amen and we thank god for all of the administrative assistance in their proper places we thank god for our first lady first lady wooden hallelujah how she has blessed this conference so and all the administrative assistants wives well it is praise and worship time in the sanctuary do i have any praisers ah mother preached about praise did you come with a praise on your lips well let's receive our jurisdictional praise team as they come and render us in song hallelujah hallelujah anybody got a praise in here hallelujah anybody got a praise for the lord hasn't he blessed us all week long tall women of god let's bless the lord come on and bless the lord hallelujah god has been speaking all day and all week long but there's one there's two words that we want to hear after those after after all of this well done hey man holler anybody want to hear him say well done come on everybody i'm living my whole life just to hear him say well done thy good and faithful service anybody came to have church on today come on put those hands together everybody come on put those hands together like this come on [Music] what do you want the lord to do you say to say [Music] what do you want the lord [Applause] that's what i wanted to see [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good and painful wow what do you want to say [Applause] just to hear your messiah [Applause] come on everybody bless the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] yes i got it you yes [Music] everlasting life [Music] he died [Music] peace together [Music] there be no more dying there'll be no more crying there'll be no more sickness there'll be no more pain there'll be no more hey [Music] you need [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your hands living to live again i'm living to live again i'm living to live again i'm living forever again yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] somebody need to praise him [Music] is living again live again glory to god hallelujah will you remain standing because our jurisdictional prelim bishop patrick l wooden is in the house tonight we thank god for him i said it earlier our necks are stretched out to hear we're to hear what the bishop is going to say to the women and the men of god aren't you excited amen we do thank god for our chief of staff amen being with us superintendent tommy quick we thank god for all the administrative assistance in their proper places my oh my what a conference this has been and we are so excited our convention president has done as they say in the coaching church a bumper job with this conference amen have you been blessed thus far please receive that she comes to greet us mother beverly d journey the jurisdictional supervisor of the department of women you're in the precious name of our lord and savior jesus christ he has done great things and therefore we are glad oh we thank god we thank god for this sixth annual women's convention where has the time gone it seems like just a few hours ago it was wednesday morning and we had assembled women of god in prayer but here we are on friday night and we look for our leader our man of god the bishop of north carolina third ecclesiastical jurisdiction to bring this matter to a conclusion amen amen amen we honor the spirit of the living god on tonight his presence is here his presence is here oh his presence is here and we thank him for the visitation we give honor on tonight to our jurisdictional prelate bishop patrick lane wooden thank you bishop for this time that you've given to the women women aren't you grateful oh aren't you grateful i don't know but i've been told every jurisdiction don't have a three-day women's convention we're blessed here in north carolina and we don't want to take it for granted bishop thank you so very much we're praying for your strength we're covering you daily in prayer that the lord will continue to strengthen you and give you the vision as you lead our great jurisdiction to the chief of staff so good to see you on tonight we've been having a time here in the women's convention to all of the administrative staff to all of the department heads superintendents elders and pastors and to our jurisdictional first lady uh uh what can we say or we're still getting out of neutral shifting it over into drive i don't know when i'm gonna quit shifting first lady but we want to be all that the lord has for us thank you so much for how you bless the opening of our convention on wednesday night to the women of god who have been here all week long we thank god for you to those on youtube and facebook only heaven has recorded the things that has been done on this week the lives that have been changed the souls that were saved the women that were uplifted encouraged through the word of god that has been presented on this week to our guests supervisor diane bogan amen amen oh she blessed us once and she blessed us twice on thursday night and then on this afternoon we just didn't have enough time thank you so much oh i appreciate all that has been done to mother butts my friend evangelist gadson who traveled to be here we're grateful and to everyone i don't want to begin to call names because surely you'll miss someone but i want to recognize my staff on tonight to the executive ladies thank you the advisory board thank you the district missionaries thank you to all the licensed women to the mothers in zion who've been with us all week long we thank you so very much god is good he desires to take us higher and as we furl our banner on tonight to conclude this great women's convention women i request and ask to view that as you leave this place that you go back with a greater mind to work that you go back with a double determination that i will stand i will remain available unto him realize that god has called you each and every one to a special assignment and i say to you women as i've said from the beginning of the pandemic the pandemic has not canceled your assignment whatever the lord has given you to do do it with all your might do it with all of your strength and be available to him again my thanks to the planning committee to all of those who have sits behind the scenes you know who you are this convention would not have been what it has been without you and we thank god for hearing our prayers we thank god for favoring nc third department of women to the marshall on tonight who's done an exceptional job every night oh my my my the mother's daughters who shared with us on yesterday so many wonderful things have been said and done on this week grab hold to it grab hold to it and hold on to it thank you again continue to pray as we lead this great jurisdiction these awesome mighty women of god to the sunshine band oh my heart was made glass on last night to see the babies coming in amen to the ywca and that's one of the new adventures that we established or revisited on this year god is doing a great thing here women let us remain faithful i will see you all in a few weeks as we come back to our jurisdictional headquarters to be in the call meeting to hear the words of our leader as we wrap out the year 2021 won't you pray for me before i take my seat bishop would you please join me here thank you so much you know supervisor bogan is something else she's she certainly is she snuck this little gift in my hand for you yes she did she gives out gifts she just gives and gives and gives there's a little something in here when you're traveling that will help others identify your luggage your luggage won't get mixed up with the others at the airport amen we thank you so much thank you supervisor bogan for that give to our bishop god bless you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how about our supervisor certainly nc third we are blessed with the best and speaking of the best we have the best jurisdictional first lady amen oh my i think we're going to be talking about women arise and shifting from neutral out of neutral but from here on out amen amen and you know what tonight we're going to even drive a little further please receive our jurisdictional first lady first lady pamela wooden as she comes [Music] god bless you the saints of the most high god isn't the lord good hasn't he blessed us on this week oh we have been in the presence of the almighty god every day and every night and we thank god for his faithfulness for his goodness toward the children of men we do give honor and respect to our great pastor our great bishop our mother told mother bogan told us that he is he's he's our bishop amen god bless you our jurisdictional bishop amen our chief of staff god bless you to all the men and women of god to our beautiful mother i tell you she is adorable and we thank god for her we thank god for this conference that she has presided over on this week and it has certainly been a blessing to the women of god we thank god for our special guests who is here with us mother bogan amen i think she came with the intention and the purpose of making the impact of imparting and being a help to this young jurisdiction and she has certainly accomplished that goal we appreciate all that you have imparted into us on this week we don't take it lightly we appreciate your work and your labor on this week you have not just come but you have worked since you have been here and we thank you for that we thank god for mother butts it's just been a pleasure she's just a joy and a delight we thank god for her we thank god for your sister as well thank you for being here and being with us on this week and to all of the saints our administrative assistants wives pastors wives district missionaries pastors wise we show and so enjoyed our time together on today it was such a blessing and i what i meant forgot to say earlier we were rushing through our session um but one of the things i wanted to mention is i did get the opportunity to take the time and to read all of your tributes everything that you had to say and i want you to know that you deeply touch my heart it meant so much to me and i appreciate i appreciate your kindness uh from the bottom of my heart also first lady uh stone is not here yet but just wanted to she is overseeing a a get-together for the pastors and their wives you know we used to when we first got together we would get together quite often and so we're having a pastors and wise fellowship right before our call meeting so when you come we're asking you to come on in a day early so that we can have a fun and fellowship one with the one with another it's going to be awesome so we we invite you to just start preparing yourselves now and let's come together and have a wonderful time well we have heard from everybody that needed to be heard from on this week but we have not heard from the man of god we have not heard the conclusion of the matter as of yet we thank god for our bishop oh what a mighty man of god what an awesome preacher he is and tonight he will address this conference he will close the curtains and give us the conclusion of the matter on tonight and i say to you set out your cups prepare your hearts to hear and to receive the word of the lord god has given him an awesome word for us i know that because every time he gets up god has given him an awesome word so prepare your hearts to hear to receive and to be blessed god bless you amen once again put your hands together for our first lady amen well it's time for a high praise in the house you know mother talked about that praise so we're going to have the ministry of music immediately after we'll have the sunshine band video presentation and the announcements and observations by elder cory mcneil our jurisdictional secretary secretary [Music] hallelujah can we say hallelujah can we give the lord a praise how many of you know that there is no god like our god there's no god like jehovah hallelujah hey can you put your hands together [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] moses righteousness being restored and these are the days of the harvest for the fields are all white in the world and we are the laborers in your vineyard declaring the word of the lord these are the days of ezekiel these are the days of his servant david rebuilding the temple of praise oh and these are the days of great trials of sorrow with feminine floor hearts and we church we're the voice in the desert crying preparing the way of the lord jesus is coming running on his house yes we will be witnesses [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now this is the point where we want you to join in with us and we're going to declare our god that he's the only god the truth and the living god and we're going to declare that there is nobody i said nobody like our god there's no god no god nobody like you god you're the greatest [Music] the creator of the universe like oh [Music] we're going to let him know that we know that there is nobody like him oh come on [Music] oh oh [Music] we will live [Music] [Applause] oh hallelujah and we lift up your name lord we lift up your name lord we lift up your name we lift up your name we lift up your name oh you're the great jehovah father of our lord and savior jesus christ he's a father of king jesus we're talking about jehovah the god of the bible he's not the man upstairs and he's not that great big guy but oh he's a great big god the god of the bible that's why we praise you that's why we pray to come on y'all that's why we praise you that's why we pride you [Music] you are god you're the god of the bible you're the god of the bible you're the god of the bible that's why we love you that's why we praise you that's why we praise you [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well is he third we are a word and also we are a worshipping jurisdiction this is still the year of the worshiping servant amen if you can if you can contain yourselves for a few minutes please have a seat as we see the sunshine band video presentation glory to jesus hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] man [Music] [Music] is i trust in you [Music] oh i trust in you i believe [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] me [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so long bye goodbye to my pain and my sorrows [Music] [Applause] [Music] goodbye to my pain and my sorrows [Music] my [Music] oh [Music] come on [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] believe [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on put your hands together for our children the sunshine band hallelujah we thank god for the children amen amen truly tonight we first of all give honor and glory and praise to the god of the bible our savior our lord jesus christ into the presence of god god is indeed worthy to be praised hallelujah we love him we love him we love him thank you jesus amen truly we pay homage and respect to our jurisdictional prelate the person of bishop patrick lanewood and senior put your hands together for our man of god amen who was leading this jurisdiction we are truly grateful to him amen we thank god for the president of this women's convention none other than our supervisor supervisor beverly djinna amen who has done a phenomenal job on this week amen and to my first lady who preached a powerful word on wednesday night amen give honor to our first lady first lady pamela wooden amen we thank god for her on today just some quick quick observations on this cut on october 9th saturday october the 9th our pastor would be doing a pastoral installation for elder jason grant it'll be at 12 o'clock p.m on that saturday in kannapolis north carolina put your hands together for elder jason grant on october the 9th then on november the 6th november the 6th he will do another patch story installation for elder michael woodard amen put your hands together for elder wooded that would be a grace church of god in christ on saturday october november the 6th and we're asking everyone that can and able to please attend those services we're asking definitely for the administrative staff the supervisor of course and also the adjutants for this service registration for the virtual general assembly actually is supposed to open today registration for the virtual general assembly for national church is opening today uh stay tuned to your emails and your notifications as we notify you on those coming things and also our 113th holy convocation amen which will be a virtual event on this year look forward for further information and at this time we're going to have our video announcements [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] north carolina third make plans now and get ready for the october call meeting to be held saturday october 16th at 10 a.m come and hear the voice of our jurisdictional prelate bishop patrick l wooden senior here at nc third headquarters the upper room church of god in christ we're calling on all jurisdictional pastors and first ladies bishop patrick l wooden senior and first lady pamela wooden will host a pastors and wives fellowship to be held friday october 15th at 7 30 pm prepare for an evening of dinner music fun and fellowship additional details are forthcoming [Music] well let's put our hands together this time and bless the name of the lord truly the lord is in this place there's power in the house of the lord and we're coming now to the most important part of any worship service and that's when we hear god's word from god's servant certainly we honor tonight our illustrious bishop the bishop patrick l wooden senior one of the greatest bishops ever known in the church anywhere would you give them a hand tonight and thank him for his devotion his commitment his consecration and his dedication to the cause of god we certainly honor uh the the lady of tonight the lady that we honor doing our uh women's conference and that is mother dejaney believers give her a great big hand mother deja you're doing a fantastic job and though i was not here in body i was able to watch and i heard our first lady and she preached a powerful message we do honor her on tonight we thank the lord for the women's department all of the district missionaries to my own disciplinary missionary jasmine gorey to my wife first lady valerie quick amen to all of the first ladies all of the staff of the women's department and if i might come back and thank the lord for our first assistant amen what a mighty man of god and what a great job he has done on tonight and we're grateful for all of the superintendents we thank god for the chairman of our eldest counselor amen superintendent cooper and to all of you the lord's people now i wasn't here but i'm in the spirit of what's going on i felt the anointing and there's power in the house and the reason there's power is because we have a powerful leader one thing that god knew when he transitioned to the new testament was that the church had a form but it lacked something and because of that he sent the holy ghost and he said after that the holy ghost has come you shall have power and what we know today as we observe the times and transitions that are taking place in our land as we move toward fascism and communism the antichrist spirit has come forward we need and everybody needs a man of god that has power everybody needs somebody amen who's in touch with god and can speak and bring forth for words you know the bible says the priest's lips should keep knowledge and we have a man of god that i celebrate tonight because his lips keep knowledge and you know what i love about it in psalm 94 god asks who shall stand for me against this evil and i tell you we've got a man that stands up against the evil he has a word in his lips and he's got the power to rise out of obscurity in our time i am grateful tonight for the privilege of laboring by his side i could not come here if it didn't wasn't a place of power i couldn't come here if it wasn't a place where lives were transformed where people were raised up from the dust of the earth to set in heavenly places i could not come here if there was no example that we could follow that would enable us to do battle he has a clarion call the bible says if a man if the sound is not clear no one will prepare themselves for battle i believe that every man of god here will attest with me that we are prepared to battle because we are motivated by a man of god that gives knowledge and direction that is clear would you stand on your feet tonight and put your hands together and receive this mighty servant of the lord with handclap and a voice of praise god bless you after the somatic selection [Music] you gave me my hands to reach out to men to show them your love and your perfect plans [Music] you gave me my ears so i can hear your voice so clear i can hear the cries of sinners but can i wipe away their tears you gave me my voice to speak your word to sing all your praises to those who never heard but with my eyes i see a need [Music] for more of their lobby i see hearts that have been broken so many people to be free [Music] lord i'm available to you yes my will i give to you i'll do what you say to use me lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] and i am available to you [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus oh now i'm giving back to all the you you gave to me [Music] my hands my ears my voice my mouth you can use them as [Music] so that you can feel fill me now i'm free i just wanna be more available to you [Music] lord i'm available to you [Music] i will hike oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] and i need to be [Applause] [Music] you can use me [Applause] you can use me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] i need to refill it [Applause] [Music] just empty and i am available to you my storage is empty but i'm available to you to you you you you you somebody lift your hands and tell the lord my story [Applause] [Music] my savior my lord and king you knew you my story [Applause] [Music] worship him all over the sanctuary worship him all over the sanctuary for the mighty god we serve what almighty god we serve father you have blessed us all week you have blessed this convention you've smiled on it you set your approval on it in fact lord you set your approval on it when you gave the theme to the supervisor she hitched it to the theme that you gave before this year worshiping servants thou shall worship the lord thy god and him only shall thy serve but then women called and available and god tonight as i stand i am not a woman but i stand to say i'm available and called you gave this theme at a time where many churches have checked out they embraced being non-essential they closed their doors for fear they put the sign up that says unavailable closed until further notice we redefine what it meant what it means to gather and lord we've a few years ago we saw them redefine marriage that was your first institution the second institution was worship and now the world is trying to redefine how we do that but god we come tonight to say that we're called and available and we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you lord we thank you for being saved we thank you for being sanctified and filled with the holy ghost in a day like today now lord i ask that you would preach me tonight and strengthen my body and god give us to say the things that you've given us to say save the soul that's near his hell tonight strengthen the saints strengthen the weak strengthen the feeble knees lift up the hung down head touch that woman lord ah who feel overlooked and feel that the enemy is trying to destroy her satan you're a liar you will not succeed you can't have her mind you can't have her body you can't have her finances you can't have her future you can't you can't you're too late she's already been claimed claimed for and by the master [Music] hey in the name of jesus and for that matter god the men in here touch every man [Music] in the name of jesus and anoint us now as we preach the word in jesus name amen would you give the lord praises as you take your seed [Applause] you might be seated what a mighty god we serve amen our god is the true god the living god and the everlasting king and i'm glad tonight that i'm not doubting about the way i love and am proud and i tell everybody that i know that i am born again i'm born again christian i'm saved by the blood of jesus and i believe this book and i'm grateful to the lord for being saved tonight amen how many celebrate being saved somebody said one time well you may and not be anything but just saved just the same i don't like putting the word just in front of sage like being a bishop or a supervisor or superintendent or something makes you a little more safe no i'm glad that i'm saved and i'm sanctified holy ghost filled and fire baptized these things give us greater um responsibilities but they don't make you any more saved praise the lord as a matter of fact if you let it it can make you less safe and i'm i'm determined that i'm going to heaven how many are still excited about going to heaven when it's time amen when it's time i i honor tonight our wonderful supervisor uh of the women's department she she's an amazing woman of god and we we've been acknowledging her all week but we can't acknowledge her too much she's a true worker for christ and i tell you as her prelate i enjoy working uh with her uh she's a delight to work with and um i didn't come from a jurisdiction where the bishop and the supervisor were at odds amen um i don't like that kind of division i i don't i don't pe people who know me know i don't do well with division before we fight in and divide one another somebody's gonna get moved we just separate so that we can be saved amen and this woman of god is saved amen she's saved and has a heart for jesus christ first and foremost and she has a heart for me and she's always a source of encouragement and she has a heart for the women of god worldwide but for the women of god of north carolina third in particular and i want to encourage every woman in the jurisdiction get involved in the women's department it will do you good and i'm a big believer that after you've been saved for a while you need to be on something anyway you need to be in a department working somewhere in the church amen when you join a church you maybe you want to take three to six months you know to kind of drive the car around the block and kick the tires and check the landscape but after that you need to get involved there are wonderful things that happen when you get involved one of the good things that happen when you get involved is you get beat up amen you get scraped you get bruised a little bit get your feelings hurt it's like a child going to daycare you know everybody knows that when you first put the child in daycare your child is going to get sick and you got to come back get the child take the child home and then bring the child back he's gonna get sick again but the key is to bring the child back and you know what happens the immune system gets stronger it adjusts now you're able the child is able to handle the load and now you drive by one day and they're playing with all the little children and when you want to pick them up they don't want to leave because they've adjusted that's the way it is when you go to work in the church and i was determined if they try if they ran me out the side door i was coming in the front ran him out the front i'm going to squeeze in the back but i'm going to stay with jesus and i'm glad of that let's give our supervisor a big hand she's such a wonderful wonderful lady wonderful lady i love her she has um appeal she appeals to the young as well as to uh our seniors she appeals to the middle aged women to to the married as well as the single and i certainly do praise the lord for her i am still rejoicing and just so godly proud of the word of the lord that came on wednesday night from my beloved wife and uh it wasn't good preaching because she's my wife it was good preacher because it was good preaching it was the word of the lord with power and authority and i tell you um that kind of preaching just make you check yourself and i was just so proud of her and i get to see firsthand the time that she puts in preparing and preparation is key um i heard a preacher say one time that preachers no longer with us and it changed in my eyes i he said something that i could not unhear and mother butts every time i think about him today he's gone now i think about that he said that many times on sundays on his way to church he'd get his sermons and he said this and i quote him verbatim he said sometimes at the stoplight i couldn't believe it am i right yeah i couldn't believe it number one i couldn't believe that any preacher who has a responsibility of feeding god's people will wait till sunday morning on the way to church hoping you will get a message number two that you would admit that you wait at the stoplight now how long does a uh other people how long is the average time for a stoplight you used to be in law enforcement maybe somebody in law enforcement can tell me by two minutes you stand at the red light so now what kind of message it takes me more than two minutes to get comfortable in my seat to prepare to to speak to you i'm grateful tonight that when she gave us the word it was not one that was prepared uh at the stoplight amen same man for her and our supervisor she ministered the word of the lord on thursday morning and what a powerful word she gave us and that word uh she didn't get that one at the stoplight and everybody knows that uh mother supervisor woman of god diane bogan can just flat out preach and didn't she minister the word of the lord then she ministered the word of the lord here on last evening and what i love about her she's i said to my chief of staff i said man she's a preacher's friend because she she's experienced enough to know that no matter how big or small the church may be how together a ministry may appear to be uh how well we may do whatever it is that we do all churches have problems amen all churches have people who are with the program and all churches have people who are not all churches have people who put their shoulder to the plow and all churches have people who do not in fact in most churches twenty percent of the people bear eighty percent of the load that's right and eighty percent of the people are content to let the twenty percent do the work and you sit there and been saved for 10 years and you're not only on any committee and you got your arms folded uh uh you got to change from that and so i thank god that this woman of god um she's not intimidated by the order about no matter how nice things appear she understands that everybody needs a word from the lord and everybody needs a good stiff kick in the pants from time to time amen and then she did she preached last night give her a hand thank you and uh and for her to come and to stay with us um as she has um what we expected before to come in and preach and and and deliver and and go to the next thing and she's always busy always on the go and when she found out that the first lady was ministering on wednesday night she said i want to be here for her and then found out that bishop was preaching on uh friday night she says if i want to be here i'll be there for him and i think that's that's that's that's wonderful amen thank you thank you so much i think that that's worth mentioning i've enjoyed all week the wife of our chief of staff she said last night my husband will be here tomorrow night amen we have certainly enjoyed it we certainly do give honor to you and we've enjoyed all week first lady stone god bless you god bless you um we're excited about the fellowship service and she called with that idea and uh my wife and i we we got excited and said we want you to spearhead it and we want all of the pastors and their wives to come the saturday evening the friday night before the call meeting we're going to have good fellowship fellowship is you know fellowship is the foundation of ministry it's hard to do ministry with someone that you can't fellowship with amen and you certainly can't be old if there's no fellowship there's no ministry then there's no building because building together requires investing in each other we never invest in someone that you can't fellowship with so it's so important that we fellowship that we beyond the service of the lord that we love each other and listen to this and have things in common paul said to timothy the things that i have taught you commit thou he said the same commit thou to faithful men who shall be able to teach others also the same and they ought to be a same-ness uh in the in the body of christ i don't believe god calls any of us to be clones but i do think that there is a unity in the spirit and that we ought to agree on things that matter amen amen you may operate your church a little differently than the way i operate mine and i'm i'm pretty sure that you do but when we deal with things that really matter i think we ought to be one god bless first lady gates she's been here the whole time and we have certainly enjoyed you amen and i want to start with the women tonight because it's the women's convention i want to thank god for um all of the first ladies and these administrative assistants wives and i want to thank god for my district missionary district missionary margaret mose and to all of the district missionaries uh mother's staff sister keisha white you've done a great job being the mistress of ceremony uh every every night wonderful job i want to thank god for my spiritual mother mother willa dean turner as nobody like her uh in the world and i praise god for her she she loves jesus and she was there when i came through and uh i praise the lord for that woman of god i want to thank god for mother butts you are so precious thank god for you amen you've blessed us in more ways than one and this is this is the woman of god that our supervisor just loves so among our first conversations she talked about you and i tell you i hope that you are proud of her and i hope that you feel good with her in our care amen all right because we want we we won't i if you notice i paused for that answer and uh because we want you to feel good because we want to take care of her amen and mother said said yes so i thank the lord for for all of these um all of these wonderful wonderful women of god and i want to thank god for the chief of staff just good to see him tonight what a mighty man of god he is first assistant we've tag teamed this week i did the first offering and he did the second and we just uh uh worked with the supervisor to make it happen i praise the lord for him it's an honor we thank god for superintendent farrington amen farrington has this week given me much wise counsel i told him man listen i got some things on my heart i need to talk to you and uh as i opened up and shared with him the counsel he gave you know it's good counsel when it settles in your spirit and after we finish talking i said i'm settled and i'm yet settled thank you thank you god bless superintendent roland god is blessing that man of god and we're certainly grateful to god for him and to our chairman of our illness council and to this new superintendent superintendent william h cooper ii you all got to always remember to say the second amen so we thank god for you and the superintendent james parker god bless you man of god amen i hear some loud folk hollering as a child god bless uh superintendent cyprus bless you man of god we're glad to see you uh back on your feet amen and and doing the work of the lord how about our jurisdiction of secretary secretary mcneil isn't he he's a blessing isn't he and one of our national leaders who is over our jurisdictional ministry to men elder anthony wilson we certainly praise the lord for him also serving on uh uh our national uh committees you know god is blessing uh nc third uh i certainly do honor my son-in-law elder john he's been here every night serving in the work of the lord and we are we are grateful and he serves in our jurisdictional work and also to co-pastor uh quick god bless you man of god so good to see you co-pastor isaac quick we thank the lord for you and uh god bless elder uh i'm gonna preach in a minute but i thank god for these workers because they they they really work hard and they don't work for the name to get called and i don't generally call names to this degree i'd like to just jump into it but from time to time you know you know better than your people all leaders know that all leaders know that if you don't have good people you can have vision you can have whatever but if you have good people it doesn't work i was so moved by the just the faithfulness of um elder joshua quick um all week all week thanks man all week we've been in place uh carrying on and working with the president of our our jurisdiction minister music elder clarence rayford we certainly do thank the lord for him and he told the elder joshua real quick he says man i need you joshua dropped everything he was doing and came up all the way from spartanburg south carolina and has been here every night and every day i said something about joshua and it says something about his leader see because uh people follow the leader so i'm i'm grateful to god i know i'm overlooking someone amen now new chairman of finance thank you dear to a good wife she knows how to whisper it and uh elder kevin brody would you give him a big hand i tell you the finances are in good hands with lebron that'll be no and and they've been in good hands but he's a he's a he's a stickler and he's a finance uh financial man so we're in good shape so i i want to uh call your attention to the word of lord to our friends who are streaming tonight thank you we thank god for you for our streaming audience and you mean the world to me many of our members from both near and far from as far away as florida and various places pennsylvania new york iowa thank you for joining tonight and and and here in raleigh thank god for you and uh and to our friends who are not members of the church but you pray for us and you support us thank god for you and everything that we say to the people here in the sanctuary we're saying it to you as well and we thank you for all that you do and for who you are i want to thank god for our president of evangelism thank you honey evangel elder jerome king he's a soul winner isn't he god bless you other king keep on winning those souls and he king win tough souls some of us have one soul but they were all they were i mean they were lost too but they were intellectuals and they were nice and they're polite king win those folk who want to fight they get all indignant and when king gets through they accept jesus and i praise the lord for him luke's gospel chapter four luke's gospel chapter number four and we're going to to to read in your hearing i think i'll i'll read a couple of verses maybe three or four and then we're going to backtrack for a few moments and see what the lord has to say to us tonight verse 23 of luke's gospel chapter number four it says this and he said unto them and what uh occasioned our lord saying this is that when he had finished preaching and i felt better when they did him like they did him the people didn't say amen and i said well if they don't say amen for jesus then i need to understand it when you all fail to say amen for me because sometimes people don't respond the way you expect them to and so um now before i go into that i want to thank god for myself i got a new sister because her mother mother walker i talked to on the way to church uh called my mother and asked me if i could be her son and my mama said yes and my mother's watching god bless you mama i love you thank god for my saved sanctified and filled with the holy ghost 86 year old mother who is a warrior for christ amen she's not afraid of coveting or anything else and mother butts him our mothers have been my heroines they have led out this whole time and we haven't had a service that's the president of our local our mothers at the local church we haven't had one service and the mothers weren't in place amen well represented there's some brave women and i thank god for you but but my sister's here uh sister dolmen and she's been serving and taking pictures and everything and surveying the land and doing some wonderful things and i'm so i love the soul would you please just stand let him see you amen that's my sister right there praise the lord praise the lord amen so now let me try this again and he said unto them when they didn't say amen didn't respond like they should have what they said was is not this joseph's son or how could the son of joseph the carpenter speaks so well he ain't nobody to their failure to respond properly he says and he said unto them you will surely say unto me this proverb physician heal thy self and in this context physician heal your own people whosoever we have heard or whatsoever excuse me we have heard done in capernaum whatever all of those miracles we've heard about in capernaum do also here in thy country you've moved amongst the gentiles he said the day will come when you will say the same miracles that you perform for the gentiles you ought to at least perform them for the jews or for israel and he said verily i say unto you no prophet is accepted in his own country some people let familiarity calls him to breed contempt he said no prophet is accepted in his own country now watch this but i tell you of a truth many widows were in israel in the days of elijah when the heavens was shut up three years and six months when great famine was throughout all the land but unto none of them was elijah's sin save unto sereptiv a city in saddam unto a woman that was a widow he said but i tell you a truth many many widows there were many jewish widows in israel in the days of elijah when i shut up the heavens for three years and six months and great famine was in the land but none of them were called nor available they were jewish elijah was a jew they were my own people but i couldn't send him to any of them i i had to send him out of israel i had to send him to a place called zarephath i had to send him to a gentile because she was called and available i want to preach today women call [Music] and available but brethren lest you feel left out lest we feel left out verse 27 says and many lepers were in israel in the time of elisha the prophet and none of them was cleansed save naaman the syrian so to include the men tonight men and women called and available father bless us now as we minister the word of the lord in jesus name amen i can't think of a more apropos thing especially when you just take a look at the recent history and the things that have gone on in the church um i as a christian minister i am so glad that i got saved when i did i'm glad that i got saved where i got saved and i'm glad i got saved when i did um your spiritual parents believe it or not matter and the man that warned me to the lord taught me to love scripture and he taught me to love the scripture not as an allegory nor did he teach me that the bible was a book filled with principles and their principles but he taught me that the bible is the word of god in and of itself that the bible is to be taken literally the bible is to be believed the scripture from genesis to revelation that every word in it was true and that if you call on the lord he'll answer prayer among the other things i learned was that the god of bishop mason was the same god today he was a miracle worker and that he was a healer and that he's a keeper and and that was drilled into me uh i didn't buy it uh from day one i really didn't buy the part when it came to giving and offerings and stuff i really struggled with that part of holiness uh i was where some of you are now and uh but that was a hard part uh the devil had me hooked there for a minute i could be shouting and the devil would whisper in my ear and say they're gonna raise an offering and i'd lose my joy i thank god i got delivered you know i thank god i got to i got i got set free and uh but i but i embraced holiness i'm headed somewhere with this i did not know that at the time coming up in the temple church of god in christ under the leadership of superintendent james henry turner that the [Music] method of belief the depth of belief in god would matter like it does today if the times in which we live have proven to us anything it has proven that not everybody believes the scripture like they say that they do i have intentionally and i've angered many and made enemies and as i say to my enemies just get a ticket and get in line at this point but i have intentionally rubbed salt in certain womb wounds because i recall pre-covet that the the mantra the the buzzword the talk in the church world was atmosphere and you had to learn how to say it you couldn't just say atmosphere like i just said no it's got to be deep atmosphere i gotta forget to breathe right scored and he wasn't he went from being god to god court is moving in the atmosphere can't you feel it and and all mine i mean you know you the offering will go up uh ten thousand dollars just talking right about the atmosphere covert reared his ugly head and they shut the atmosphere down and the same people who were talking to me about atmosphere they told me don't be a fool come on now come on now you got to you got to use some sense well will you use the sense when you were talking about the atmosphere now you're telling me after you convinced me that god's in the atmosphere not to believe that god's in the atmosphere we were taught to put an estuary beside hebrews 10 and 25. forsake not the assemblings of yourselves together as the manner of some is but so much the more as you see the day approaching we saw our government turn on the church they called the church non-essential and then we saw the church adopt new standards that had jesus adopted those standards had paul adopted those standards had peter adopted those standards had any of the early disciples adopted those standards had antipas adopted those those standards and all of the christian mortars down through the years who gave their lives had they adopted the new standard that the church adopted i don't think biblical christianity would exist today and the new standard was not holiness the new standard was safety and whatever we do we got to be safe man i'm glad paul didn't think that way [Music] i'm glad peter didn't think that way and i'm really glad that jesus didn't think that way for had safety being his highest standards calvary would have never taken place and had calvary not taking place we'd all be lost [Music] this is hard for some to take but i'm right and i do not have a death wish i want to live i i do all that i can to live i train i work out i do i try to eat i try to eat right but you know in holiness every time you turn around somebody's putting a slice of chocolate cake in your face i mean what are you gonna do see huh and sister beth know how to walk up behind you and put a hand on your shoulder are you having some kink tonight last night last night i was i was i had discipline i said no five minutes later i said beth i hear the lord speaking to me [Applause] and mother but they brought the cake i ate it so fast but i i like you i want to live but i don't want to live at any cost i don't want to live no matter what as a matter of fact one of my prayers i shared this with you preach of it i told you years ago that one of the prayers i have before the lord is god if the day ever come that i have to pay the ultimate price or backslide stand with you and they take me out or backslide and i live i said god please please please lord give me the strength to go let me let me go with my boots on i would rather not be here and be with my lord than to be here at the expense of my lord see for the cr for the true born-again christian existence is not the optimum servant god is and we're going to serve him until we die say amen and i have news for you everybody is going to die none of us are here to live forever they they they they serve creams they sell creams they call them age-defying and death-defying nothing defies age you may not look like you say says i'm i'm i'm a hundred but i look like i'm 50 but you're still a hundred nothing nothing nothing to time marches on amen and and you know what with this mindset here we stand god has proven himself to be faithful he's good and worthy to be praised the lord is looking in this day and time to see who's available i don't know if you're paying attention or not but the world the world is forcing us to make a decision in every way they're trying to close in on us on morals they're trying to close in on us on what we can or cannot put in our bodies now the same people who which who will will say to businesses fire people unless they take the shot these same people say it's a woman's right to decide what she wants to do with that human being in her body i want to say to you i just want to warn you you do what you want your decisions are between you and the lord i'm not a doctor but i will say this do not trust the populationists [Applause] tony foucher is a self-professed depopulationist depopulationists believe that there are too many people on the planet the populationists are afraid because to them we're racing toward 9 billion people bill gates is a depopulationist they do not believe that the country can sustain nine billion people so the depopulations want to do just that depopulate my problem with them is they never include themselves in the solution the depopulationists want to live forever and they want to get rid of everybody else that they can god's looking for somebody who will stand up and say these things who would declare holiness as being right and and everything else is wrong and he he wants to know who's available ladies mother i'm going to tell you something and i speak as a you know i'm not a prophet but the spirit of prophecy moves on me and and listen i'm never wrong not about things like this i i i'm back uh i'm batting 100 out of 100. this thing is prophetic because what you don't see written in it is who is called after being called who's available who's going to speak for me who's going to speak for me that's one thing to speak for god in an audience where everybody's trained to say amen the lord want to know what are we going to say when we have to face them the world out there because they are coming they are watching us they're watching me they're watching they're watching now not everybody who pays attention is a friendly they're listening they're compiling their uh category categorizing all the things that are being said and and and the lord wants to know who's going to stand for me who is going to stand in our text in our text um our lord our text takes place actually one year one year after our lord's temptation in the wilderness one year later he leaves the temptation in the wilderness and uh actually during that time he was in judea and john's gospel chapter number two through chapter five covers what took place during the interim marriage feast of cana and different things during that uh two-year period that that one-year period and so now we find the lord jesus verse 14 says jesus returned in this power verse 14 of the spirit into galilee and there went out fame went out of fame of him through all the region round about and he taught in their synagogues being glorified of all man this was a good time for his ministry everybody was saying amen and uh the synagogues loved him the people glorified him he's operating in this the holy spirit and this is part of jesus's galilean ministry we talk a lot about the uh the jerusalem ministry of jesus but the galilean ministry of jesus is powerful ministry so now here is jesus exploding in galilee and he decides to go home to go back to his hometown his boyhood hometown because see by now his new headquarters is capernaum and that's interesting since capernaum is gentile territory it is amazing that our lord had to set up his headquarters in gentile territory what does that tell you it tells me that some of the people that god's going to use the most in the days to come may not be some of the most religious ones just maybe somebody who's just going to believe god and just go for it you may not have kojic pedigree whatever case may be you know you can't put but so much can't rely on that but so much you need the holy spirit and and you need to know what the bible says and you need to know it for yourself amen so he came and i'm going to preach in just a minute he came to nazareth where he had been brought up and as his custom was see jesus was traditional you know mother a lot of time that he preached against tradition well here's jesus being traditional the bible says and his as his custom was he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day and stood up for to read he stood up it was his turn to read the word of god and as he stood in the posture to read it says and thou was delivered unto him the book of the prophet isaiah now watch this and when he had opened the book he found the place where it was written and by the way he went to the place where every jew knew that this particular passage was a description of the messiah so he goes to a passage that depend upon how he reads it he's saying to them i am the messiah oh it's on notice how methodical our lord was grew up there and you know everybody knows the rub of jesus's boyhood the talk the chatter the talk was that jesus was illegitimate mary's bastard son that was the talk oh yeah you know you you matter of fact one day the pharisees told them says we're abraham's children we're not born of the flesh we're not illegitimate like you yeah we had to contend with that um it is true that uh joseph was not his earthly father but no other human being was either that holy thing that was found in him was of the holy ghost and i understand why joseph didn't believe mary she came to him pregnant he knew he hadn't touched him he said well what happened she said god did it he said what you expect what do i look like a fool you expect me to believe that and uh but but the lord visited him through an angel but but brethren even though he didn't believe her he was still a gentleman bible teaches that he did not want to put make an open show of her he wanted to put her away privately and the angel of the lord said oh no don't do that she's not lying that holy thing that's in her is of the holy ghost and i want to give you naming rights she shall bring forth a son and thou shall call his name jesus for he shall save his people from their sins so here is grown man jesus probably now 32 years of age since it's a year after his temptation in the wilderness am i right about it and so the grown man comes home look at him he grew up joseph's stealing his daddy though he's grown but y'all you know i know i know i know what happened i can tell the story there's always somebody there's always somebody who remember when you know they ain't gonna ever let it go and here's the man at 33 healing everybody galileo they've never seen it like that but there's always somebody yeah honey child but you don't know him like i know him i know that family call me sometime i fill you in so here is our lord and he opens the book to isaiah chapter number 61. and he begins to read and he says something interesting i want you to follow me tonight as i lay this foundation he said the spirit of the lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor the the uh greek word poor here uh literally and i know it's going to kill some of the world of faith people but it's spiritually poor to preach the gospel to the poor and have sent me to heal the brokenhearted to heal the sorrowful and to preach deliverance to the captives to preach freedom to those who are in bondage and the recovering of sight to the blind i come to address the suffering of humanity and i want you to know jesus is still concerned about the suffering humanity and that includes covet 19. there's nothing here that god can't handle there's nothing here that's going on that's beyond the reach of our savior god doesn't have to go back to the drawing board and come up with a new plan in fact i had suffering humanity in my mind when i gave it to isaiah to write back around 700 plus b.c so he said uh to uh heal give the recovering of sight to the blind and set at liberty them that are bruised the oppressed i want to set them free follow me now and to preach the acceptable year of the lord watch this period jesus he could do it because he had divine authority places a period where isaiah placed a command i know everybody don't like the word this but you you think you know your commentary is more interesting but i love preaching bible chapter book line it's called being an expositor god called me to be an expository preacher the wonderful thing about being an expositor is over time people learn the bible because you keep them in the bible topical is is right for certain settings and uh but but i'm expository today uh in isaiah chapter 61 the bible says the spirit of the lord god is upon me because this is what jesus was reading because the lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings to the meek he have sent me to bind up the broken hearted to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prisons to them that are bound to proclaim the acceptable year of the lord comma and the day of vengeance of our god so what happens here is that isaiah begins to go on into what will take place in the during the tribulation and during the millennium but jesus didn't come at this time to go that far you know god deals with us incrementally he gives us what we can handle and what we're ready for at the time so notice what our lord does he puts a period here and uh and no now notice this he says and to preach the acceptable year of the lord he stops right there and he closes the book and gives it to the kazan the minister and then and then the lord sits down which in judaism is the posture of teaching he sits down and notice this the people didn't say amen bible says and the eyes of all of them were look at this and the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue was fastened on him what is he going to say why did he stop right there what is he trying to say to us and jesus never being one to mince words nobody ever accused him of being uh being a coward you know you understood what you everybody knew what jesus stood on every issue jesus being a mighty preacher the son of god as they looked at him uh-huh they got their eyes fastened on him they're looking at him and he began to say unto them something that he knew would anger them he said this day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears he said to them i am the messiah you have met him you're looking at him this day not not this day is all of isaiah 61 fulfilled but this scripture is fulfilled in your ears you need not look any father glory to god and then look at this and and he knew he knew he knew that that they were not going they wouldn't like it verse 22 says and all that bear him witness and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth oh my and and and all they bear him witness and wondered at the gracious words that proceeded out of his mouth and they said this is joseph's boy it's not this joseph sir don't you think that this is a little bit too uh this is a little too eloquent this is a little bit too much for joseph's of fact we know we see that shack down there we know where you grew up we we saw you running the streets with your diapers on and now here you are telling us that you're the messiah and that's the way i listen since covert has happened that's the way god's truth now is accepted i don't care if you don't say amen i feel something i'm a holiness preacher holiness taught me that god's a healer holiness taught me that god's a waymaker holiness taught me that he's a keeper [Applause] and it also taught me that my life and times are in his hands praise the lord well what about some others that died their time was in his hand [Applause] but we lost so many yes that time was in his hands that's right he said you know god don't need covet or cancer or anything like that to take us home the bible tells us that the only thing he really needs is to just say something he said to one man thy fool this night your soul shall be required to be that's it the man died i don't know what he died of that was it the show was over right i still believe that now i believe that you should take care of yourself i believe that you should take every precaution and we do my god this is our 60 uh seventh week uh back in live services and i make my books in the lord anything that you've done sick for six or seven weeks 72 i mean is it 72 now 72 that's right that's like a week sunday was oh i went backwards we're 72 weeks i'm selling god sure 72 weeks now anything you've done for 72 weeks that ain't luck well you haven't been just lucky or fortunate that's the grace of the almighty the lord told me i'm going to give you a asap blessing he rebuked ace and said the eyes of the lord run to and fro in the whole earth seeking for someone to show himself strong on their behalf whose hearts are perfect toward the lord not perfect as in sinless perfection but perfect in believing that god is still able and that the god of the bible yet reigns supreme could i get about 10 people to shout how god reigns yes he reigns he reigns jesus said if me my telling you that i'm the uh praise the lord uh messiah has offended you and uh you won't say man but you're gonna insult me call me joseph's son now by now joseph was dead joseph disappears in scripture a good man but the tradition teaches that he died and and jesus if you listen to him he he told everybody who his father was and he heard him say i my father are one and so here they are saying this is joseph's son and he now he begins to rebuke them and he's beginning to tell them why they're not going to get supernatural blessings and i want to speak to you tonight nc 3rd and to my friends online and to all who will accept it our god specializes in good things our god steals passes out blessings he's still healing he's still raising the dead he's yet giving sight to the blind he's still god but he's god to everybody who believes you got to believe it and then if you don't believe it be like the man who's honest with the lord he said lord i believe but help die my unbelief well i'm lacking help me out lord jesus says i got a handful i got a pocket's full of miracles i got all kinds of things that i want to do so he said but now but dog no you're gonna call me uh joseph's son it's almost like that fighter who refused to call uh ali ali he he just insisted i'm gonna call you cassius clay clay with him what's my name what's my name well i'll tell you i know his name is jesus [Music] jesus lily of the valley bride and morning star jesus amen that name like a precious goal is oh my jesus oh the mention of your name jesus said to them when they called him joseph's son he said you will surely say this proverb you're going to you're rejecting me now but you're going to call on me you're going to want me because you know what you're going to hear about what i'm doing over there with folk who will believe me they they didn't have moses they didn't have the pentateuch they didn't have abraham they're gentiles but they believe me see the black church used to be like that we we didn't have the money that other churches had we didn't have the structure all the churches had didn't have the retirement of fun every other church has had then didn't build the universities that other churches built but we had power power with god power to heal the sick we we we raised up preachers have you noticed now most of our preachers won't preach i don't get it they won't preach these guys are scared to preach scared to preach and then when they do preach that we're preaching we got new saviors i'm not against medicine and i am no anti-vaxxer i took a shot the other day i got my uh kadness but look whatever you do that's your business but let me tell you something don't you join the crowd who's blaspheming saying i got all my shots so therefore i'm safe so so so so are you saying are you saying that uh nothing else can kill you are you saying that you don't need god to keep the plane from crashing are you saying that you don't need god to keep that burglar out of your house are you saying that you don't need god to keep that cell from dividing the wrong way are you saying that you don't need god now i'm safe in the arms of the lord [Applause] i like it the way i had it mother turner coming up my hope is built on nothing less than jesus blood and righteousness i dare not trust the sweetest friend but holy [Applause] do i have anybody leaning holy lean on jesus oh christ [Music] the solid rock i stand [Applause] on the ground this sinking sand somebody shout something to god right now [Applause] come on youtube facebook give me some love give god some praise give him some hearts let him know let them know let them know that you believe that all of the crowd is sinking saying jesus said you're going to say physician heal thyself you're going to start calling on me saying oh lord oh lord the way you're moving with the gentiles would you please come over here and move amongst your own people we're hearing about how you're raising raising the dead over there giving sight to the blind over there the miracles that you're working in capernaum there's those cities that god had exalted because jesus was that healing and saving and delivering and over there with these pious jews they wasn't getting anything see some churches have a name they have a reputation they they were on fire 550 years ago you go there now and you can't hardly get anybody to testify go there now they're living in the shadow of a great leader who once was there go there now and people aren't on fire for god anymore go there now and there's a spirit of apathy in the house you got to pull and yank and pull and yank to get somebody to praise the lord but i'm asking god lord whatever you do my god have your way in this place hallelujah jesus whatever you do lord let your spirit move in here let there be a freedom in here where we can throw our hands up where we can call on the name of jesus where we can give you all the praise and glory because where there is liberty when you give god freedom to move he'll heal when you give god freedom to move he'll send you a financial blessing when you give god freedom to move he'll touch you in ways that you can't even say see coming in your church i don't care how bad your church may be struggling give god freedom to move let him have his way make sure preachers that they glorify jesus more than they glorify you make sure first lady that they give jesus praise more than they give you praise make sure hallelujah that when they pray they call on him and call out him in faith our god is a reward of them that diligently seek him for he that cometh to god must believe that god is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him can you say yeah [Music] yeah i feel my help coming [Applause] now listen all of y'all know cause i've said it many times i was born of illegitimate birth hallelujah with jesus it was a rumor with me it was true but i'm still preaching the truth so you better say man let me hear you say man if you still believe he's a healer if you still believe he's a way maker if you still believe that he's i listen listen listen i preach uh a motherboard and i preached last uh last sunday messaging title i still preach what i used to preach see uh ezra said i couldn't take a military escort because i had told the king that my god is able to deliver me and uh if if i take the escort now my actions would take back everything i said so i i got to go out there on faith with about 1500 men 15 15 15 men to be exact while not counting the women and the children and a whole bunch of silver and gold and we're going to take a 900 mile journey all the way back up to jerusalem and we got to go through marauders and killers and stealers and thieves and yet we can't let a dime come up missing and we got to save every human being how we're going to do it we're going to fast for three days at the river of hava and then call on the lord and believe that god would have his way and 14 weeks later they arrived and the lord took care of every one of them well that same god back then is god right now and i challenge you to praise him right now like you know that he is still a deliverer good god almighty jesus said the day will come when you're going to say ah save your own people like you're doing the gentiles and do in your own country what you're doing amongst the gentiles and jesus said let me tell you why i can't move with you let me tell you church of god in christ why i can't move y'all don't give me honor like you used to give me honor you give all the honor 9 to the bishop you give all the honor now to the supervisor to the superintendents to the administrative assistants you're not recognizing me right you see you've got to give it back to me don't dishonor me this church represents the lord's country this is the lord's house this is the lord's house and the lord said if you honor me in my house i'll do something for you come on man i'll do something for you i'll heal your body i'll set you free but now you spent all your time it seemed like we can't get away from it we try and try and try if you just get up one time and say the house benny address but there here comes somebody that's always got to say i know the house has been addressed but i got to give honor to my bishop i got no we got to give honor to the lord we got to lift up the name of jesus somebody left him up somebody give him praise oh lord give god glory in this house pastors we can't be maniacal ego maniacs some preachers are you can't even testify of the goodness of the law uh without putting the pastor's name in it somehow never got to work him in it or he'll feel like you're recognizing god without recognizing him well sometimes god does things let me be honest most of the time god does things without our help without our assistance because the truth is we're just men we're trying to make it just as you are but if you want an anointing if you want power if you want the lord to feel honored then we've got to shift some things and give him glory i'm not talking about a free-for-all i don't want every person to get who gets up in the service to get up and preach as a matter of fact one of the worst things you can do is get up hoop holler squall shout to people before the preacher if there is a preacher's schedule let the preacher preach and you should never get up after the preacher and how do you what makes you think you can add to what the bishop has already said when i'm done it's done we don't do that you can't add to what the apostle have said you can't add to what your pastor have said there got to be some honor but at the same time we've got to give [Music] we've got to give clowns and honor to the lord give him praise in here tonight [Music] jesus said my problem is y'all are too familiar you think you know who i am you then you won't accept me so in my own country i don't have the honor so since i don't have the honor i'm gonna keep that major healing in my pocket those miracles in my pocket i'm you you're waiting on the lord god when you're gonna open the door for me god says i'm no no no no i'm waiting on you i want to do it but you got to honor me first got to honor me and wait on me you got to wait on me until you get to the point where you say i'll wait and for as long as it takes and i'll wait happy that's when the lord begins to move y'all don't like my preaching tonight but let me let me close this let me close oh jesus said well i'm looking for somebody a good god almighty who is willing and available called and available he knew when he said this he said two thousand in the year 2021 in the month of uh i don't know maybe god gave it to him in january when did god give you that this theme august of 2021 a mother dj will come up with a theme and it's going to challenge everybody to avail themselves to god and one of the ways you do it is that you honor the lord you give him praise honoring god let me fix it now it's not synonymous with disrespecting your leader that's not what i'm saying but you know you have to explain things or if you don't explain it then those who want to hear the wrong thing will hear the wrong thing so pastor said we ain't got to honor him no more try that see where you get in here just to try praise the lord cause i'm i'm a strong set man i don't i don't tolerate stuff like that but you can't make a god out of a man that's my point i'm making but but you are to treat the man the way the bible says you're supposed to treat the sad man you don't treat him like his duck but you you just don't you just don't treat him like he's deity does that make sense i'm you know y'all have to pray for me because in my sometimes in my ministry the teacher in me conflicts with the preacher in me so i'm trying to preach what the teacher says teach then then i try to teach and then i hear the lord saying preaching i just get all messed up i don't know whether i'm preaching or teaching or whatever i'm doing so but i'm trying to do something so i heard him i heard him say he said now let me tell you something he said verily i want to tell you a truth there were many widows in in israel many of them in samaria in the northern kingdom when ahab was ruling the show back some 950 years ago ahab was in charge he was a wicked man i raise up a prophet hallelujah raise up a prophet by the name of elijah and elijah came and told ahab it won't rain no more until i say it differently for the space of three years and six months it won't rain anymore and god god told abra told elijah he said now i want you to get away from here and go while sending because i've done something that you may not believe he said go to the brook and because i have commanded the ravens to feed you there ravens were dumb animals ravens wouldn't even feed their own ravens many times would eat their own youngs and yet god says i've spoken to the ravens and the ravens are gonna feed you at the brook sheriff and you'll be there until the brook dries up and god fed him every morning and every evening until the brook dried up after the brook dried up god says now i'm really getting ready to bless you because i want you to go to zerofather zerefather was 100 miles from samaria very fast hallelujah if you're in there put very fast put my map on the screen i just want to show you what zereff is there it is y'all see it right there you gotta leave this area samaria and go a hundred miles north to zarephath because up there in sarah father i've commanded a widow woman i can't find nobody good god almighty who will believe me around the saints i can't find nobody among the jewish women oh my the women at the convocation the women at the meeting the women at the church i can't find nobody so you got to go on up a hundred miles to zerephath and in zarephath i've spoken to a widow woman he goes 100 miles into enemy territory he's in gentile territory he's in baal territory it doesn't make sense to me that you're gonna send the man into the territory of the enemy and there he's gonna find a woman who's gonna feed him and when he gets there i'm sure he's looking for a rich lady but how many know god don't just use folk who have the means god uses people who are available to have anybody here who's available who will say to the lord lord i am lord i'm available i'm available to you well this lady she didn't even know that she'd been drafted look at the providence of god the drive had hit zebrafath and she and her son was getting ready to die she went out there to get two sticks and she didn't know that god was getting ready to use her and put her in a position that some 932 years later jesus would be talking about this woman and in some 2021 years 2100 years later i would be preaching about this lady she was available out there picking up sticks the man of god saw and said hey lady how you doing she said i'm not doing too well we're in this drought he said what are you doing she says i'm going in to feed my son and we're gonna die he said hey before you do that will you do me a favor i've been walking for a hundred miles give me a glass of water the most expensive thing that you can ask for in a drive is water and she said all right i'll give you water he must have been a kojic preacher cause he didn't stop with water he said wait a minute on your way in give me fix me something need to and she said now look now look you're asking for a whole lot he said no no no no do what i've told you but thus saith the lord the save the god of heaven well those kind of preachers i'm not preaching vaccines i'm not preaching voucher i'm not preaching cdc i'm preaching j-e-s-u-s i'm preaching that my god he's still able my god he can i have a witness in here who's gonna continue to preach jesus and him crucified [Music] he said to her your meal barrel will not run dry and your crews of all will not fail if you put god first if you feed me first and he's talking to he's talking to a build worship he's talking to a gentile because he couldn't find any body available [Music] in samaria so this bell worshiper says okay and she fixes the food and she feeds the man of god and the rest is history we see our lord 932 years approximate give or take a few maybe a thousand bringing it up saying i moved amongst them some of you young folks stay hungry for god an african preacher [Applause] was asked one time how did he get his church to grow so fast the church exploded and they said what kind of classes uh do you put your members through he said in that british dialect that most africans have well we don't put them in classes what we do is we take those who are on fire who have recently gotten saved and they're filled with the holy spirit and before we can put them in classes and get all that out of them we just send them out while they're on fire and they go out with the fire see if if you go out with see some of y'all you can't you you look you ain't gonna win nobody killed you got to have fire somebody say fire [Music] and in many ways that's what we've lost that's what we've lost that's what we've lost so i'm i'm i'm fighting not to be tame [Music] i don't want to be a seddy cool sophisticated bishop with no power i'm on power i want to do you want power from the lord if you want power let me see you wave both your hands power to walk right i'm gonna talk right power to treat your neighbor right power to be real power power i'm gonna cast out devil power to say to copeland get out of here i wouldn't say the cancer get back power to say the death lose here i don't want us to be become a jurisdiction where we become the you know like the emperor has no clothes so everybody pretends he's dressed the man walking around naked i don't know what you're saying amen because i'm the bishop i want you to say amen because what i'm saying is true i don't want you to shout because you feel that you need to do a performance for me i want you to shout and praise the lord because you feel it and you believe it [Music] if you got it just look at someone and tell i got it like the bible said yeah [Music] women our lord is looking for somebody in this day of fake women and this day of women fighting you know they mess black folk up down in georgia they campaign for abortion and guess what they call it reproductive rights so they're telling black folk we want you to argue for the right to make sure we never grow as a people have you ever asked yourself why the black community has never grown above 13 and all it's been 13 all my life you know why because of one thing the big killer of black people is abortion that's the number one killer y'all we're gonna defund the police no no we need to defund planned parenthood that's who's killing us that's who's killing us but anyway and not and not every not everybody will preach about it they frown on you oh yeah oh yeah that's that's not a convocation message i'm it's mine it's what god has given me some things you shouldn't talk about well we're going to talk about it on tuesday night when nobody's here [Music] what do you think would happen if god could just get a few sisters who are highly anointed to stand up and and fight this battle and i'll tell you what would really be good if we could get and i'm going to the brother we're going to pray i'm going home if we could get a few uh sisters in the church to insist that if uh brother is gonna be singing on the choir then the sisters are gonna say i'm not singing [Applause] i'm not going to sing uh me and him we're both sopranos and we're not i'm not going i'm not going to do it mr director do you what do you think would happen because you know women outnumber us you know that protest would sanctify the will sanctify the music section [Music] of course now i don't need you to do that here because we will roll like that but in most places wouldn't it be something wouldn't it be something if the women would stand up because these men these men black women are the most unmarried women in america between the ages 25 and 44 the most unmarried women in america and it certainly ain't because you're not fine it's certainly not because you don't look good it's certainly not because you don't make good wives it's certainly not because you're not worthy a big reason is he is chasing him but but you let him hang at your house you're the biggest fool in the world in the world in the world they don't like that in the world in the world [Music] you're at the mall with the and both of y'all look at that guy talking about he sure is fine you're the biggest fool in the world cause that man that guy don't love you he wants to be you and he resents you because he can't [Applause] [Music] and some of you seem to have a pension i don't know where this is coming from you seem to have a pension for sisters if he's effeminate you like to hang around something's wrong with you you're dizzy [Music] i don't want no masculine woman hanging around me i'm following you pastor no you're not either [Applause] who's available who's available [Music] who can guard use to feed the profit who's available where are our men naaman the leper he was rich he was powerful he was large he was in charge he was in power but he had everything going for him but he was a leper which he had a condition that would cancel everything else and he knew it but that was a little girl little girl who told them of a man of god who who serves a god who's able uh to heal we don't even talk like that no more that's an afterthought three days later we call the preacher you know pass how you doing fine i've been in the hospital so when did you go three days ago and i'm calling you today ask you to pray for me three days three days you've been to hello three days you just getting around to calling the preacher i got to go i'm getting ready to pray naaman raised the equivalent of modern dollars 4 million dollars to send to the preacher trying to buy his health because he's done you're you're a leper you're done it's just a matter of time you're done okay whatever else you got going for you you're done they're getting ready they get ready to send you to the leper colony and you got to scream lemay and you're getting ready to dissolve so he puts this money together and sends it to uh the king of samaria and the king actually thinks that naaman is trying to start a fight see he says you're sending me this i can't heal you i don't care how much money you're sending because he's thinking that the assyrians are going to attack if they can't heal if if they can't perform this and so somehow the word elijah elisha heard about it so he walks into the king he said hey king i heard that you've rented your garment i heard that you got so depressed about this thing that you rented your garment why did you rent your garment he says you don't have to rent your garment you tell naaman i said come here see that's the way the band of god used to talk we didn't train the preacher now to be so weak and then we run into a strong preacher we call him arrogance but if you have no authority you have no strength so neiman says elijah said elisha says tell them come here naman lines up gets a great big entourage great big team and shows up with his leprous self where does he listen that house right down there with all that fanfare they the word comes naman is outside naming the sirian is here delicious says all right tell him i said go dip seven times in the jordan and that's all i got to say to him and he'll come back clean naaman said what i thought he would at least come out to talk to me i thought he would at least come out here and pray for me and pray to his god you know i am naming no no you're not naming you're a leper see you through you you see you're trying you're trying to flex muscles that you don't have that's why the man of god did him like that see some has to be stripped right before god can use you right because you you're too proud of yourself see you're a legend in your own mind so god's got to just whittle you down because he wants to bless you and he wants to elevate you and he want to set you higher than you ever imagined that you would go but you got to be humbled a servant said to naaman look if he told you to do something great you would have and at the end of the day you have leprosy what you what do you have to lose man go deep well we got better rivers yeah i know we do but none of them have helped you go dip and he went and he dipped and the bible says when he came out the seventh time that his skin was like the skin of a child what a mighty god he said but the point our lord was making was israel was filled with lepers and none of them was elijah sent to right except this gentile over here i don't want somebody out there who's out there right now at the crack house right now at the club right now breaking and entering right now i don't want that person to come along later and walk in everything that god has for me because even though i'm in the church i wouldn't humble myself i wouldn't listen i wouldn't do right i wouldn't do right so god reached outside the church found the man in the crack out found the man hooked up with another man and saved him and sanctified him and filled him with the holy ghost and made him ten times the man that some of us would ever be all because we fail to honor the lord and we fail to be willing and available if tonight i'm doing i preached long enough if tonight we're doing good by kojic stan it's just 10 14. if tonight you know in most convocations i've been to convocations 10 14 they haven't put you up yet around 10 30 they're going to put you up and then say after the sabbatic solo man everybody's going to be asleep by that time who wants to offer themselves to the lord [Music] lord i wanna i wanna let go of my my reservations [Applause] see one good thing tonight no one can can can say you can't say i don't have much because the widow had nothing you can't say well lord i'm not the healthiest naaman had leprosy you can't say well lord i come from a terrible family all these people were gentiles he removes all of the excuses all he wants is you your heart now you're not going to leave here tonight and manufacture something that's right he'll come to you he'll come to you you'll know you'll know when this is your moment you'll know when it's time on the job you'll know when it's time to make your stand the world is going to force us and i really like it the world's gonna force us to make our stain well i'm ready lift your hands to him lord jesus lord jesus lord jesus we come before you lord without fanfare we come before you offering ourselves [Music] the the theme is called and available the truth is more often than not the called are not available you told uh moses that the whole nation of israel was called to be a holy nation a peculiar people a royal priesthood that's the hope that was the whole nation and yet amongst in the whole nation you couldn't find one widow even though all of them were called you couldn't find one that was available you couldn't heal a leper because they weren't available here we are father here we are here we are we present ourselves to you we present ourselves to you as messed up as we may be with all the shortcomings that we have and we have them for all the areas that we need to have improved here we are my friends who are online and streaming pray with me here we are here we are lord jesus and we are offering ourselves to you we offer ourselves as we are but we don't come insisting upon staying as we are sanctify us lord everything that's not like you god take it away everything that you're not pleased with remove it lord in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus wash us clean make us whiter than snow in the name of jesus and whatever our task whatever our job whatever our assignment oh god we embrace it tonight we embrace it tonight for we want you to use us we want you to have your way in us we want to identify with you we want to be used by you in the name of jesus now we praise you oh my the holy spirit move on you right now healing is taking place right now online god's touching you right now as you avail yourself to him as you avail yourself to him hallelujah hallelujah i know some of the things that we've said to you are different from what you normally hear now but but but that's what god is calling for he's calling for people who will go the extra mile of the way he's calling for people who were actually at his word walk all the way to sarah zarephath who's ready to take that 100 mile journey with the god of the bible here i am lord i'll go to zarephath if i have to [Music] in the name of jesus now we praise you and we thank you in jesus name amen give god praises all over the building whoa storage is empty i'm available to you [Music] you you tap your hands with jesus and give god praises tonight [Music] [Music] and i [Music] [Music] my storage is empty [Music] and i am available to you [Music] i am available to you [Music] [Applause] [Music] my story is [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a sweet sweet promise in the place tonight once we make ourselves available god makes miracles available unto us as with naaman as with the wilder woman so with you and so uh would you raise your hand tonight and just for another moment just bless the lord in faith just bless the lord in faith tonight hallelujah hallelujah glory to god glory to god lord we thank you for what you're doing we thank you for the call and we thank you for our availability and we thank you that you will move on our behalf and we give you praise tonight in the name of jesus christ we just slap your hands together as we prepare to move further what a word what a mighty anointing what power was present tonight as our bishop spoke to us the word of the lord as he preached tonight i tell you i just looked at him and i i how can we not but honor such a leader certainly nobody will ever get the glory that god deserves certainly we will never mistake who our savior is but we thank god for a dedicated anointed preaching and i mean a man of god who brings forth the word of god in in without error and causes it to be practical and calls it a man to actually apply to our life each and every day we thank the lord for our bishop now i know he told us not to give him god's praise but i want you to thank god for him tonight put your hands together if you will and thank god for our leader on tonight yes sir when i rise uh i i don't like to take up a lot of time i'm a preacher and i can talk and i have a lot to say but when i get up my intent is to do my job present our bishop and let people know that we esteem him highly we love him he's a tremendous man of god and i don't ever want to amen appear to not do that i want to do that i get up to esteem him and i want you to esteem him as well now at home when i preach very seldom do i call his name unless i'm quoting something that he says at home i'm preaching jesus christ i'm preaching the cross the resurrection the miracles of god the healing the second coming and all these troubles that we're facing but when i come here i come to serve and i come to exalt the men of god because the bible says we are to esteem them for their work's sake so i'm going to continue to do that and i hope that you continue amen to give him the honor the bible says give honor to whom honor is due and if you do that then god will bless you there's no question about it i you know as he preached tonight it's amazing i talked about power before he got up and he ended talking about power and with a demonstration of power i have made myself available and i want sometimes you just want to testify you just want to talk about how god is moving in your life and we'll talk about the things the miracles that you're seeing and all these things and i'm just gonna just say it this way i made myself available and i'm seeing the evidence of god's miraculous power every day of my life and i'm giving god the praise i'm getting calls from places i never thought i'd be called just today i was sound out by a gentleman from columbia from the guardian newspaper to interview me concerning cfad and what he'd heard about that and god has just been moving in a mighty way i believe that it's in part due to the fact that i have made myself a servant of our bishop to stand by side to hold up his arms and i do that because we are agree let me tell you something the greatest honor that i can hear get from him he often says he says you're just like me that's what this is you and i are just the light in case any acts like i don't know that or don't as if i'm trying to avoid that he said but you know you you and i just the light quake and so that's a great honor to me to have him say that i appreciate that now here's what we want to do this is the last night this is the night that we bless our bishop and i understand that we established something i thought back in august uh back during our convocation uh that we raised our offerings and we didn't call any names and then i heard that this week we kind of went back to it and then i heard the night when i got said we kind of went back a little bit but tonight we want to go back to not calling names and so uh the beautiful thing about calling names is what the lord sees in secret he said he will reward you openly but we don't use that as a cloak to not do what is right am i right and so tonight i am going to trust you all that that we've grown beyond having to have our name called to do what is right and we're going to just bless our men of god and god is going to bless us amen in return now i'm telling you you're looking at a blessed man i'm lit i'm i i am a blessed man i'm blessed going out coming in i'm blessed when i stay in i'm blessed when i go out and stay too long god has just been good to me i don't know nothing that i want that i can't have if i ask the lord for it and so uh i want to maintain that status i want to stay there and i don't want to change anything that i do that might change the result that i'm getting and so i have made it a point of being a blessing to our leader and i believe that as i do that what i make happen for others god'll make happen for me and i know that it works and that's why i encourage you to do it because i want everybody in here to have more than enough and the way you get it i believe is by trusting god and obeying god and doing the things that the lord tell you to do and the lord will come back and bless you real good so i'm going to start tonight amen with a gift of 500 and i'm going to ask everybody i'm actually the administrative assistants and the pastors of the president the superintendents that are present if you will follow me and i i'm gonna of course i'm gonna give bishop the envelopes and he may look at them if you like myself he may not even bother looking at him you know just get us some and and run on with it i don't like to look at the envelopes i like to just pray for the people and let the lord bless them but i thank god for these men and i think oh yes this looks good this looks good i like the way this looks thank you so very much amen thank you sir amen thank you that all of the pastors uh if you would if you bring your offering at this time all of the pastors if you bring your offering at this time yes thank you so much thank you so much praise the lord amen i'm kind of doing like jesus standing at the receipt of customs and looking amen and looking praise god i want this to work i want this to work i want to continue doing this praise god amen i remember back in greater north carolina when they made me the secretary and i was so tired of standing in long lines reading out reports until i figured out how to quit that amen i went and bought a computer and i said if i can i can cut down this offering time to probably less than half if you let me do it and he said go ahead so we we start receiving reports inside and uh and just announcing and bishop was happy and everybody was happy because we'd get out a couple hours earlier amen because we didn't have to do that i love to bless but i love to do it quickly amen anyone else god bless my son amen this is a man of god right here and i thank the lord for him and he is dedicated amen whenever he got the call he called me and i said get on up there and help rocky out and i thank the lord for him and he he he's a businessman and he's fortunate of now that he can leave his business in hands of other people amen and still a man do well and we think hallelujah amen glory to god all right all the men all the men would you come if you uh if you have not been amen and you are a man i want you to come tonight i still believe that we are the heads and uh i believe that i i believe that uh my one of my sons did a a did a workshop on the uh the effect of of hip-hop on the family uh disintegration and when he got through talking about men and the absence of men and showing us what the rap stars uh were saying and what percentage of rap stars the rap artists didn't have dads in their home amen 97 percent of them didn't have dads in their home and how they have tried to perpetuate and make that a glorious thing to not have had a dad and how they just attract kids who are suffering from fatherlessness who are perpetuating hip-hop and bringing about destruction in our community i realize that we as never before need to raise up fatherhood and manhood we don't need to pull it down the effect is detrimental to everybody both male and female amen so i thank god for the men that all the men come tonight all right now we're we're fewer in number but we want to we want to make we're going to we're going to set these ladies to running all right we want to make a run so this time we're coming to the ladies mother said can't beat us look at him see there look there they already prepared thank you and she gives them to me with confidence amen it's like beat that all right praise the lord amen i love good competition i like to win so when it's all over i'll just talk about male men and female men all together and the men win say amen all right all the ladies would you please bring your offering or you're going to be served you've served them already praise the lord y'all yo yo something else all right then you you go head on go go yeah all right go ahead at this time go ahead on in and receive their offerings praise the lord hallelujah this is such a beautiful spirit thank you lord if the men the males win them the males win tonight this is beautiful thank you so very much amen amen oh when i walked in the night and felt the anointing and the spirit and i want you to know i want to tell y'all i just wasn't absent now i called bishop amen i called bishop and and i spoke to him like this i said bishop now if this is not okay with you you let me know and i would do whatever necessary in order to be present and i told him what i what was going on and he said to me well i won't tell you all he said to me but he made me feel okay and feel good and not being here these first two nights and a matter of fact i felt better when i got off than i thought i would have and so when i came in the night and i felt the anointing i didn't have to overcome any type of personal feelings about not having been there because i was doing something meaningful for the lord amen and he understood so i want you to know that i'm just not absent without accountability praise god he said quick i know you're busy i know you're doing some things he knows what i'm doing amen and so he he made it all right all right are there any other anyone has not given as of yet praise god we're going we're going to pray let us pray father we thank you tonight for the word of the lord we thank you lord for the privilege of even being present and hearing such a profound word in our hearts we're determined to make ourselves more available than ever before we don't want you to have to go beyond us and seek an unbeliever but lord here we are and now god is we have blessed your servant we know that this is right we know that it is right that we should sow our carnal things especially after having received such spiritual things i pray your blessings upon your people i pray your blessings upon your people i pray that you'll bless them where they need it most i pray that you bless them in the area of their need i pray that you bless them lord in that secret area that place where they have not spoken or maybe have not even come to realize the need themselves i pray that as we've given earnestly you would give sincerely a life-changing blessing in the life of each person that have sown tonight and i thank you and i give you praise i receive mine in jesus name amen and amen i've got that now i'm going i'm going on and walk into it i want to thank the lord tonight for uh praise god supervisor i i apologize in getting up i didn't mention you tonight but you're such a powerful preacher sister bogan such a powerful preacher and we thank the lord for you on the night and uh we're grateful for mother butts where's mother bus huh right here god bless you mother yes good to see you tonight we're grateful for you and uh are the is there any announcements before we dismiss anymore should i turn this back over to you all all right if not then i'm gonna collect my beautiful bride amen i'm gonna have to go run her down see where where oh she's in the baby section all right well you heard me amen and we're gonna be together tonight let everybody stand hallelujah glory thank yourself woo got a birthday next week y'all 72 years young hallelujah glory to god raise that right hand and come on say god praise god bless you you
Channel: God First Official Channel
Views: 2,489
Rating: 4.9402986 out of 5
Id: p_9An-7A26U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 55sec (11095 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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