Women's Weekend 2021 Live Registration

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welcome to women's weekend live sponsored by the upper room church of god and christ women's department i am your host janet thompson and i'm your host tanisha spears we are pleased to present to some and introduce to others the first lady of the north carolina third ecclesiastical jurisdiction and the first lady of the upper room church of god in christ the incomparable evangelist pamela wooden hello first lady and welcome to women's weekend live thank you i am so delighted to be here with you beautiful ladies as well as our facebook live and youtube audiences tonight is going to be awesome i'm looking forward to talking about women's weekend and we're just excited about what the lord has in store for the women of god yes we are so we just want to welcome you our live audience to this awesome conversation we are about to have we have but one request post tag and share that's right post tag and share this awesome live your girls will thank you later janet tell them what they can expect on tonight well tonight we'll be talking about women's weekend we'll show you a link below in our video as to how you can register we're going to be having conversations about sisterhood strengthening bonds and relationships but we want to hear from our featured guest the president of our women's department our first lady first lady pamela wooden well i know that you all came to hear uh to ask me questions but i want to ask you some questions i have always admired the beautiful relationship that you have with one another you know i've seen you in the church down through the years you have been friends you've always had that good vibe and good connection with one another so i just wanted to ask you to tell us a little bit about your relationship and how you have become friends and have been friends down through the years since that's kind of what we're going to be talking about during women's weekend yes ma'am well i'll say that our friendship started over a pocketbook yes louis vuitton [Laughter] yes ma'am we um i was walking in walking my daughter into children's church one sunday morning with a silver louis vuitton it was a mirror speedy bag i'll never forget it that's what it was and so i was walking in bouncing the sauna in and janet said oh oh i like that bag and i said oh you know what that says and i did so as vain as it sounds it all started with a handbag but it started a magnificent relationship we've been friends ever since we've been there for each other through children funerals deaths celebrations everything the good and the bad so it really started with that women complimenting one another and it just lets us know that as sisters we can do that we can compliment each other awesome so how have you been able to sustain that relationship and remain friends for such a long time yes ma'am i think that what i'll say is it's an investment of time you know obviously there was a commonality it started with a pocketbook and a compliment above all things right and celebrating the fact that my sister had this amazing bag um but i would say that it's the investment of time and you know life doesn't permit us to talk every day but we do we do check in weekly and in particular when my friend needs me i'm there without any questions asked um and as she said earlier through the great times with children being born and marriages taking place and then through the bad times in sickness um you know i had gone through thyroid cancer in 2007 and my sister uh in a new year's eve revival testified of how god healed her from it a few years ago and so just being able to be there as a support for one another and being genuine in that is how i would say we've sustained it over the years that is awesome and you know in relationship it's reasonable to expect that from time to time there's going to be conflict there's going to be and misunderstandings so how have you uh as friends handled conflict between the two of you um i'll i'll say that and i'll make it really brief um i'll say that tanisha and i have never had any direct conflict um but we do have con views at times um and so i respect her enough to understand her perspective and to take it into consideration and honestly to pray about it because i'm very passionate and i feel how i feel but sometimes you have to let that subside and and think about the greater good of a situation and i would never want to throw away years of friendship over a disagreement exactly and if i can piggyback off of that a lot of times women don't have that relationship they get offended when you come to them with your your perspective which may be different from theirs but when you're sisters and you are together in this thing your relationship matters more than the disagreement that you may have so you put that time in it and you communicate and you don't get offended if i say something you don't like you know we talk about it we discuss it and we don't take it all over and tell everybody about it so that's been one of our key successes as well well before we move on um why don't each of you name one principle that you believe is necessary to sustain sisterhood that sisterhood bond among women i'd say being able to communicate community good communication talking talking it out whatever you are going through whatever you're dealing with being able to talk it out a lot of times we cut each other off want to cut one another off when we have a disagreement but communication is key i can't read your mind she can't read mom no matter how close we you know we may think the same but i can't we're not mind readers and i think communication is key in a relationship with sustaining a sisterhood i agree with that and i would say also just being genuine and authentic knowing that you know i'm coming from a good place and also knowing that you know i have your best interest at heart um and that i would never do anything to harm you because we are in a covenant relationship as sisters absolutely and i i i would i would say similar to the same thing for me it would be mutual respect you know i think communication authenticity and then that mutual respect respecting me for who i am knowing that we're all different i think one of the things that takes a while for us to get used to in relating to one another is understanding that we have differences we have different personalities we have a different perspective about life and god created us that way for a reason you know and so we have to learn to respect that and trust that in each other you know um god made me with you know god the bible talks about how god has dealt to every man his measure of faith you know and so we all have a measure no one person has it all everybody has their particular gifts and talents and so we all have to respect what the other person has and we even respect the fact that you know what you you have that strength but i don't have it so when you you have it and i don't have it then that um that's good for me so i can lean on you for that strength and you can lean on me for my strengths that's awesome that's beautiful i agree with that 100 well i thought when we getting back to our women's weekend how it all came about is in our sister's bible study at the beginning of the year we still when we studied about deborah and um one of the in one of our group sessions at the conclusion of our session and we always have a post meeting with the facilitators to review you know the meeting and one of the ladies one of the facilitators mentioned that a question that kept coming up was why do black women have a problem supporting one another and so to me i thought why would somebody ask a question like that right and so i asked the others i said well have any of you ever heard anything like that and another lady said yes well you know what somebody mentioned that in in um my group as well so i decided you know what in our next meeting i said we are going to take a poll and see if the ladies really feel like that or see how many ladies really feel like that and to be honest i thought the poll was going to come back and show that that was not the view of most ladies and much to my surprise the majority of the women polled said that they did believe that women black women in particular had a difficult time supporting one another and so we talked about it uh in that uh session but i made up in my mind then that that would be the focus of our women's weekend talking about sisterhood and women supporting one another i think that's awesome i think it's a very very important conversation to have and it is questioning a question in our minds why do this race of women particularly have a problem supporting one another right so what do you think of some of the barriers of women supporting women um i think it to me i think with my first thought it's the perspective of support what does that look like and how do you define that because some people support by way of finances some people support by way of their time some people support in prayer but i think that if we had to look at an outward barrier it may be communication because sometimes people may not know what you have going on and they can't support it absolutely absolutely and i think that's one of the biggest um barriers that i see is a lot of times um people just don't know and i think another barrier when you think of the when you speak of the church our church is set up especially our women's department is set up for women to be a part of to have that sister circle you know and for women to be a part of a circle and so if you don't connect if you don't become a part of a circle then you don't have that association where people can keep up with you that's how we keep up with one another uh in the church you know you're part of your your sister's circle you're part of your sister's circle so if you go down if you're having death in your family if if there's a problem that you're having then somebody in your circle knows about that and they can support you in that but if you don't have that then that support is lacking absolutely amen so basically we as women need to participate in the sister circle so that we can get that support from one another is that what i'm hearing you have to participate and get involved to get with your sisters that makes sense that makes sense and i would add that i think women would like to support you i mean it's something we do we're nurturers we're givers you know if you allow us the opportunity you know we would love to do so so it is it's who we are we're natural nurturers and and we love as christian women we love to come to each other's aid and rescue so now let's talk about the theme our theme for women's weekend is together strong women uniting in sisterhood for the faith and you know um again that that theme came about as a result of our study and the verse that the um theme scripture that the lord gave to me is philippians chapter 1 verse 27 and it says only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of christ that whether i come and see you or else be absent i may hear of your affairs and this is the part that that applies to us that you stand fast in one spirit with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel and so what we're looking to do uh in women's weekend is to bring the women together to to form a greater bond of unity and sisterhood among the women because we're in a day and in a time where we have to strive together for the faith we've got to understand that the faith of the gospel is on the line and it's imperative that we as women we stand together and that we um work together to defend the faith of the gospel because it's on the line you know and um the faith of the gospel what we believe how we believe you know um you know we're in a time where the lines are being blurred and you know it's it's more popular to subscribe to the wokeness of our day and some believe that the gospel is outdated some portions of the gospel is outdated but as women we want to stand strong on what we believe in the gospel amen that makes a lot of sense that is wonderful first lady i i appreciate how you expounded upon your vision for the conference for this year can you talk to us a little bit about the speakers in the lineup for this year well our speakers um we have some great speakers that are coming this year you know we always start out with with our pastor and our bishop on thursday night and uh it's just amazing how every year god gives him a word especially for the women of god it's it's a woman's message and it's a message that god gives him to encourage the women to fire up the women so we're looking forward to hearing from him on thursday night and then on friday night we have the uh chair lady of the international youth department she's an author she's a psalmist and she is a preacher evangelist vandalin kennedy and uh we're excited she has been here before but but it's been a long time so we're looking forward to her coming back and you know friday night is our women's only night and that's the time where we come together as women we let our hair down and we just go for god with everything in us we don't we don't you know we don't have the men to worry about we just go if we want to lay in the floor if we want to run around if we want to kick our shoes off we go for god for god we bring our burdens yes oh hallelujah we bring our burdens before the lord on that night through prayer through praise and worship and we just give it all to god and then on a saturday of doing our sister's day out we have a morning due session and that is going to be um with overseer judy turner she is going to be out speaking then on sunday morning we have none other than prophetess janet floyd and she is another who is a friend of our ministry hasn't been here in a long time but we all know that prophetess floyd can bring it yes and i tell you she knows how to talk about sister girl issues too so i believe that that is going to be an awesome time uh with uh prophetess janet floyd so our speakers are awesome and i think it is going to be great i agree i agree and i'm excited ladies we hope that you are excited along with us you don't want to miss this awesome awesome conference we've attached the link below so all you have to do is click the link register register tonight or you can go to our app store or the place play store what is the android so we under the direction of our women's department president the incomparable first lady pamela wooden we have launched an app it's the upper room church of god inc in christ app and it is not the first um icon you see it's the second one it's it's blue and gold and in that app it gives you the ability to register for women's weekend and we want you to register we also want you to post tag share this conversation that's right and you have to register in order to attend sister's day out so if you want to attend that saturday yes you have to register so go do it now go ahead now first lady about sister's day out can you talk to us a little bit more about saturday yes well i am so excited about saturday you know as i said fridays when we just come and go before the lord friday saturday excuse me is the day where it's our sister's day out where you know we come with our sisters it's our time to fellowship with one another and it's our time to you know that woman's empowerment but we're empowered in who we are as women and strengthened in our walk with the lord and and doing that which is right and pleasing in the sight of the lord so again we will start off with our morning dew and then we will go we are going to have um a luncheon that day and before the luncheon we are going to have a sisterhood clinic yes and the sisterhood clinic is where we're going to come to the we we have different sessions um planned out and this is where we're going to talk in detail about sisterhood those qualities that are necessary for women to bond together in sisterhood everybody's going to be able to go through each session we're going gonna all be um taught and and we're gonna all discuss the same things about sisterhood uh and then after that we will have our luncheon in our luncheon we're going to have a fashion show skit combination all right so that's going to be something a little different and it's going it's going to be exciting and then the highlight of saturday is always our sister's talk live and that's where we get to just do some real talk about the issue you know so you say um we have a difficult time supporting one another so this is our opportunity to talk about it so you say we can't support one another well tell me what you mean about that that's right and tell how we can go about supporting one another and so we're going to have many guests that are going to be a part of our panel and we're just going to talk about it because we sincerely want to know and we sincerely want to be able to support one another and come together in sisterhood first lady you as you were going through the lineup and we know we're going to hear from our leader who is a mighty man of god as you said that brings a word for the women every year we're super excited about thursday you mentioned our friday speaker is the international chair lady of the youth department conditions first we've got something for the young adult ladies and the younger ladies of our church that's right if if you have some words of wisdom that you would like to share with let's say generation z in particular that 18 to 24 year age group you know as it relates to our theme of together strong women uniting and sisterhood what words of wisdom would you have for that younger age group i would say to them be together strong early you know one of the things that we can say is if we would think back our relationship issues with one another as women and women are known for having issues with one another if we would be honest it started when we were teenagers and if if not before so if we could get our young ladies to build those bonds early and i think that's the one advantage that you all have you all built your bonds early and you've been able to grow up together and you've been able to support each other through the years through the good and the bad the ups and the downs and if we can teach young women the value of sisterhood the value of relationships and allow them to grow up with that you know i think that they will be better and they will have that support system that's necessary to sustain them throughout life's challenges excellent first lady excellent awesome that is awesome and i agree so ladies there you have it you've heard it all i hope you are on fire we are we're excited i'm in good company you've heard from our very fine first lady people are hard at work the ladies the actresses for the skit the ladies for the fashion show on that saturday we want you to join us registration is only fifty dollars fifty dollars so go register again we have an app you can go to the website www.womensweekend.org go now and bring your friends first lady wooden do you have any closing remarks for us as we are concluding i beg your pardon as we are concluding women's weekend live well i would just like to say when we talk about sisterhood you know sisterhood is is a word that's used in many different circles and it have different meaning for different people so i do want to clarify the fact that when we talk about sisterhood what we're talking about is that bond that connection of for us christian women who are like-minded who share the same convictions who share a similar values who have common interests who are bringing it all together for the faith amen and so i do want to encourage all of the women whether you're a member of the upper room or not we encourage you to participate in women's weekend 2021 because it's important that we strengthen our bonds as sisters in the lord the bible lets us know that a threefold cord is not easily broken two is better than one a and the scripture also says something similar to one can chase a thousand and two can put ten thousand to flight and that goes to show how much strength comes when we connect together so the more of us there is the stronger we are so join us for women's weekend 2021. [Music] you
Channel: God First Official Channel
Views: 357
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: mJzjDIdYKfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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