Deadly Agendas (Pt. 2) | Bishop Eric W. Davis | Full Service

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um [Music] [Music] breaking breaking breaking breaking breaking breaking [Music] [Music] i can do all things yes i can i am trying to [Music] nothingness yes is [Music] [Applause] i was born a champion [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] you were born a champion [Music] you're a champion [Applause] [Music] come on lou [Music] let me teach you this listen a champion who lives within me he's given me authority [Music] oh [Music] [Music] he's given me oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] come over come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] to the lord our god the creator of the heavens and the earth you've done it once again you've created a day and we shall rejoice and be glad in it [Music] we overcame by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony he's done it again he's done it again he woke me up this morning [Music] gave strength to my bones [Music] caused me to get up out of my bed he done it again he's done it again [Music] so the only wise god our savior our father i'll sustain our health god we love you in this place hallelujah [Music] blessed be the name of the lord who is worthy who is worthy who is worthy to be praised whose worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy we join it with all creation and acknowledge that had it not been for the one who called everything that was not into being hallelujah hallelujah [Music] let's honor his name in this place [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] you are worthy hallelujah [Music] yes sir you're worthy you're worthy of our praise hallelujah let the redeemed of the lord say so let the redeemed of the lord say so hallelujah hallelujah let everything that have breath praise the lord hallelujah are you breathing this morning are you breathing praise the name of jesus heavenly father we come before that throne of grace this morning oh lord thanking you always for the privilege and honor you give us to serve your lord and to come before that throne lord the place where you promise that we can find grace to help in our time of need and father we need you every day all day long lord 24 7 we need your father so we ask you god to pour out the spirit upon us lord in the name of jesus father we thank you for another day that we can be in the house of the lord when we come together for collective praise and corporate worship lord where we can lift up our praise together and god we can just glorify your name oh lord in the name of jesus father we ask you to come into this place and just have your way god do as you please lord deliver those that are bound save those that are lost oh god in the name of jesus just do whatever you want to do lord give us another visit like you did last week lord in the name of jesus father we thank you and we give you praise and god we know you're able to do all things you know what we need even before we ask so father we just give all thanks to your care father we lift up our man of god our bishop god we lift him up god we ask you to pour into him a word lord as you did last week god and father stir him up lord in the name of jesus and open our hearts lord that we'll be we'll receive it lord in the name of jesus we pray for the first family entirely lord for all of them god that all is well and not father we just give all thanks to your care we give it all to you we know you're able to keep that which is committed to your trust you're able to do that which need to be done not just what we ask because this is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever in jesus christ's name we pray amen [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] he is worthy he is worthy he is worthy he is worthy he is worthy he is worthy he is worthy to be praised he is worthy to be praised hallelujah praise the lord everybody hallelujah can y'all hear me out there oh [Music] [Music] god is great and great glory glory to his name god is great bless the lord [Music] before his majesty bless the lord [Music] oh [Music] bless the lord [Music] bless the lord [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] i don't know [Music] everybody [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] the lord praise the lord [Music] is [Music] everybody [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] [Music] go [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey come on [Music] don't you get tired everybody leave me everybody [Music] [Music] because he's good [Music] praise the lord everybody [Music] the lord is great and greatly to be praised hallelujah the lord is great and gravy to be praised hallelujah [Music] i wonder if i got somebody that would help me lift up the name of jesus i wonder who helped me live jesus i wonder who will help me live jesus hallelujah [Music] hallelujah is the lord worthy to be praised [Music] is he worthy to be praised [Music] is he worthy of the glory and the honor god we just give you glory for another day that you have names we shall rejoice we shall rejoice we shall rejoice we shall rejoice and be glad hallelujah [Music] you're the rock of our salvation you're the lifter of our heads oh god you're my strength you're my helpful god we bless your name we bless your name we bless your name we bless your name hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] come on put your hands together [Music] hallelujah [Music] anybody got a hallelujah hallelujah is the lord is [Music] do i got a witness in the house [Music] come on can we stay there one more time [Music] is is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] and if he brought you out of darkness [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] is hallelujah [Music] prison with the instruments i wish i had somebody that wanted to blast him [Music] stay right there hey [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] anybody got a hallelujah [Music] let everything [Music] i got hallelujah [Music] [Music] i don't care how you feel i don't care what's going on check out my hallelujah in your spirit [Music] my sister said last week i'm gonna let my feet do the talking [Applause] [Music] [Applause] god is good [Music] hey [Music] let's go [Music] come on [Music] he's [Music] on praise him praise the lord give him glory [Music] [Music] [Music] i dances [Music] [Music] [Music] him i give him glory i give him glory i got to praise him i got to praise him i give him glory i give him glory and praise him praise him in your mind my brother's hey [Music] and praise him give me glory give me money and pray for and they pray praise and they pray praise and they pray and praise and they praise praise and say praise praise and then i will bless the lord hallelujah [Music] [Music] play it [Applause] play the tambourine in the name of jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] praise him praising [Music] [Music] blessed savior [Music] [Music] now i owe you my life can't praise you enough even if i try because so good to me [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] even if i try [Music] so good to me [Music] one more time one more time hallelujah he's better than good hallelujah he's better than good hallelujah praise him praise him praise him hallelujah father we thank you always for the privilege and honor of serving you lord that you've chosen us you could have chosen someone else but you've chosen us lord and we thank you father we give you praise o lord let the redeemer of the lord say so whom he have redeemed from their iniquities hallelujah god will lift up your name today we praise your lord we honor you lord not only with our mouths but we honor you with our lives lord and god we just give you praise we thank you for the opportunity always to come together for collective praise corporate worship where we can lift up our voices together we can lift up our praises together lord and father we invite you into this place to take over not just visit us but take over lord in the name of jesus do whatever you please lord you know what need to be done you know what need to be said today lord in the name of jesus so speak lord in the name of jesus father we thank you for our bishop we thank you for a man that speak the word without compromise god we thank you lord we ask you to pour into him god a word a right now word an anointed word god in the name of jesus and father we lift up the first friendly we lift up first lady lord we pray for her well-being lord and all that pertain to her and the first family father in the name of jesus lord we just give you praise god we ask you to visit us today again as you did last week lord give us another visit father in the name of jesus shake us up stir us up lord in the name of jesus hallelujah now father we just give this all to you lord knowing you're able to keep that which is committed to your trust you're able to do what need to be done not just what we say because dying is the kingdom o lord yours is the power o lord forever in the glory o lord forever in jesus christ's name we pray amen [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we have some pastoral observations one i want to uh first of all let me say thank you to those of you who gave as you always do anytime um you give to here my family birthdays anniversaries i don't want to in any ways like that i know last week i was so caught up worshipped that i didn't stop um because i want to give god the glory that he deserves i just don't want you to think that i take that for granted there's so many cards so many people um that i just can't say individually to all of you but i can't collectively thank you that's from the bottom of my heart always appreciate it um i want to remind us we are asking the congregation those who are watching on those who are here that we are doing a sacrificial offering sunday now i don't do these kind of things differently arbitrarily or frequently i only do them as i feel led in the spirit to do it um otherwise we don't harass you the word of god about giving because we believe that one teach you how to be responsible in your life and your walk with christ which in that is sacrificial giving so i should have to stand here and give you a half hour soliloquy every week about giving or what you're supposed to do but there are times when god mandates the leader as he did with moses who put the request on the congregation so we are we are in the midst of a lot of a lot of construction acquisitions uh oh do that unbelievable i just can't wait i'm a little part because i can't wait until you're able to see the finished product literally building because after the line i don't know but of another fate build anything going to be tremendous uh for ministry but also for um for athletic activities for our kids see one of the things that people i remember when i was growing up always complained about that the church that turner did always said you don't know don't do that good at the doing dudes but we didn't give the community or the kids anything to do and so i'm proud to say that that will never be said about this community because what god has allowed us to accomplish there is so much that we can do that in many cases the world can even so it's just tremendous it's powerful but it also requires resources and we want to be good stewards everybody follow the leading of the spirit and the next sunday is a sacrificial first sacrificial offering sacrifice and you got to give up some a meal or something you got to give up for the lord it's sacrificial right cool um also we are still receiving applications for content creators so if you have any of those skills as media as it relates to developing um content through media um any form of adapt resume check you out see what you can do because we are looking to non-tech create okay um i have a baby dedication uh for little caleb williams the center calvin and zoom in the shot hey i ain't seen that name in a long time shot hey did that right calvin and shoddy so oh ready oh well i know y'all night man you look proud yeah man and he look like you too boy you're gonna be a little mini calvin growing up man so i'm gonna be mentioning about some of this today this is so important man the more the more i i i age the more i recognize the significance and the importance of fathers and it's clear that it's a father issue that we're having in society the absence of fathers if there were more fathers there would be less problems um y'all still work on my sound now i'm still here ringing get this ringing straight um so i charge you as i do every word of god man you got to understand your role you got to understand how to prioritize for him and look at how he's looking at me he's he's just looking deeply into me too boy you have one who is going to be an observer he's going to watch you he's going to pattern after you and you got to be mindful about what you do in front of him what you're teaching him how you're leading him accept your role as a man of god before him do you accept your role let's mess with me every time i say shot hey my mind thinking smooth operator [Applause] that's taking you know i don't know all about all that but i get that out of my head but but shawnee you know he needs to see a smooth mother he needs to see a woman of god a woman of virtue a woman that he can look up to who is not hollering and fussing and screaming but is with with words seasoned with salt with wisdom and virtue that can guide him you accept your mother all right to the rest of the family to the rest of the community um i don't i don't think i'm seeing grandmamas i don't see no grandma your grandmama oh all right greg both of y'all grand mamas and great grandma too oh yeah great grandmother coming on up coming with her hat on that's what i'm talking about looking good all the grandmama's a great mama's looking good that's what i'm talking about so we need oh my god he needs that kind of virtue around him he's a blessed child to have that many generations of virtue around him and you need to pour everything that's in you into them you accept your responsibility you do all right for the whole family let's pray father we pray for caleb right now in the name of jesus for the word declared that both joshua and caleb had a different spirit god that's why they were allowed to enter into the land of promise i pray god in the name of jesus that when this caleb rises up all who know him and see him will know that he too has a different spirit he has a heart after god he has a heart that is crying as david did god that pursued and chased after god we pray for his family god we pray for calvin and sadie god that you would just bathe them in love saturate their home with your spirit god fill them with your anointing god for they have a child of purpose and promise god we pray for the entire family that's around them we pray for the entire community god that as caleb rises up we always point him to the promises of god we just thank you god for this day that he's being committed unto you and we give you glory for his family for his mother his father and all those who are with him in the name of jesus we pray let every heart say amen come on give the lord a hand of praise all right i'm gonna move out the way let the worship dancers come um [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] thank you [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] i am oh [Music] magnify right [Music] is [Music] we love you [Music] my [Music] crazy crazy crazy [Music] great hallelujah the great king hallelujah we give honor to our lord and savior jesus christ give out to god and our lord and savior jesus we recognize the power of the holy spirit we honor and esteem all of our leaders our ministers our elders our pastors see my friend rhymes bryce here and all of um our deacons and leaders to my my bride first lady to all of you i want to attempt to continue to be obedient to the spirit and the vein of this teaching that is entitled deadly agendas i want you to turn in your bibles to matthew 24 and 2nd timothy 3. i have other scriptures but i cannot ask you to read all of those matthew 24 second timothy three as we try to look at these deadly agendas matthew 24 i want to start with verse number four though i don't intend to deal with all of this for context matthew 24 4 says and jesus answered and said to them take heed that no one deceives you for many will come in my name saying i am the christ and will deceive many and you will hear of wars and rumors of wars see that you are not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet for nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there will be famines pestilences and earthquakes in various places all these are the beginning of sorrows then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake and then many will be offended will betray one another and will hate one another then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many and because lawlessness will abound the love of many will grow cold but he who endures to the end shall be saved and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached and all the world as a witness to all the nations and then the end will come ii timothy 3 [Music] you are familiar with these passages of scripture but know this verse 1 that in the last days perilous times will come for men will be lovers of themselves lovers of money bolsters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy unloving unforgiving slanderers without self-control brutal despisers of good traitors headstrong haughty lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of god having a form of godliness but denying its power well god's permission in the leading of the holy spirit i want to preach the second part of deadly agendas deadly agendas let's pray father we come to you in the name of jesus giving you glory and giving you honor praising you because you are sovereign and you deserve it i thank you lord that you have allowed me to be here that you have quickened me to do your assignment i need the power of your anointing your spirit to deliver your word not anything that is in me that is contrary to your will and not like you i ask you to purge it as david said purge me with his ship that i may be clean now god i need you to touch the minds of your people to touch the hearts of your people with your word reveal unto them the revelation make it rhema make it living your way be glorified sinner name of jesus we pray let every heart say amen deadly agendas on last week i began this by dealing with the fact that the devil has an agenda certainly he has a central agenda but it employs various other agendas it kind of reminds me how the bible says that the unclean spirit went out of a man and went through arid places dry places seek and rest and haven't found none he said i'll return to my home and having found a swing cleaned and swept and put an order the bible says that that one spirit went out and got seven more spirits and you better believe each of those spirits had an agenda and the scripture says that the last state of the man was worse than the first there are so many spiritual agendas that are in the earth now that's why the bible says look you're not wrestling with flesh and blood you're wrestling with principalities you're wrestling with powers you're wrestling with spiritual wickedness that is in higher places you're dealing with rulership that is over darkness that's dealing with the entire age you have to be alert and wise about what these agendas are last week i talked about different types of agendas like agenda that deals with non-correction this whole idea that if you correct people you are judging them and if we live in a world where no one can be corrected you can't even put a red mark on a child's page somehow you hurt their feelings and damage their psyche by simply correcting them it is a deadly agenda we talked about affectionate acceptance i didn't preach about it but i mentioned it where my affection toward you somehow requires me to accept everything about you even when some of the stuff about you is absolutely crazy again can't be corrected we talked about this idea that sinful success overrides judgment that if i'm high enough and successful enough in my sin then i'm precluded from judgment that god don't judge me because i was so successful among men that's dangerous and it's deadly because we've got so many people who believe they can forsake god and do whatever they got to do by any means necessary and if they arrive there and achieve it then god's not going to judge them that's dangerous ultimately i ended up preaching about sexual immorality the morality of your sexuality that god gave sexuality with boundaries but what immorality will cause you to do is believe that your sexuality has no limits you can do whatever you want to do in the realm of sexuality and that somehow god does not judge the morality of our sexuality talked about the promotion of that and how the real issue that we're dealing with in addition to fornication adultery which god hates he puts wolves on it with his judgment but then i do i dealt with this idea in the world of forced homosexuality and there is something that the lord opened the door to me with that i'm going to have to come back and preach teach with lot and all of that i saw a principle in there that when you're dealing with forced homosexuality which we're dealing with now where people are trying to force it on us just like they were trying to force their way into lodge house when you're dealing with forced homosexuality and you're trying to compromise with it one of the things that you see is that when you compromise with an extreme it causes you to go to an extreme so we see lot went to the extreme of taking his virgin daughters who had been keeping themselves and offered them to the spirit of homosexuality you see that sometimes even in the contemporary society where people know that men are dealing with spirits of homosexuality but yet offer their daughters to them without vetting that spirit out and he opened the door to incest and his family because it he misled his daughters that's a whole nother i mean the lord just got a deal on that and it became a generational sin but today the holy spirit as he is showing me all of these different agendas and he's not just showing it to me for these messages just as i'm watching in life and watch television i look around us and i see agendas attached to all these things this morning i want to deal with what i'm calling the agenda of cold-heartedness there is an agenda to create in america and the world a level of cold heartedness that nothing will be out of bounds the bible tells us in matthew 24 i'm starting to slow for a reason because i need you to get this in your spirit that pat that that tribulations will come and we often deal with the external tribulations wars and rumors of wars and all of the natural disasters and pestilences and famines and earthquakes but then the bible talks about how they will also turn on the believers and offer the believers up the scripture says and they will bring us into tribulation and kill us and they will be hated by all nations talks about how many will become offended and betray one another and then describe scripture says that in the midst of many becoming offended and betraying one another the spirit of false prophecy will capitalize on that and begin to deceive many and if you're not if you're paying attention you see that in operation now there are so many people who are offended with church and offended with preachers and offended were christians and offended with christianity and there's always somebody there to feed that offense and feed that spirit and drive them farther away from god farther away from fellowship and father way from church and that is the spirit of false prophecy and a word that we don't use commonly enough the spirit of the antichrist that is always trying to divide the body and separate us from one another and the bible says that the false prophets will rise up and deceive many but then it all comes to this place in the end and the scripture says this and because lawlessness will abide help me holy spirit the love of many will grow cold now the reason it's talking about growing cold is because that means that those who were warm that's talking about the believers who are warm-hearted who are loving who are fixated who are kind who are considerate who exemplify the fruit of the spirit because lawlessness the bible says will abound because you will have seen so much lawlessness you would have seen so much stuff that is wrong you would have absorbed so much through your eye gate your ear gate through your experiences in the world that the the lawlessness around you will create cold-heartedness in you that if you are in it and around it long enough it begins to affect your heart it begins to affect your spirit and it begins to affect your thinking and the bible says not a few but the love of many will begin to wax or grow cold i feel like teaching this before it's all over then over in 2nd timothy 3 it gives us the distinct characteristics that will happen to people as this period begins to warm up during the perilous times and it talks about people will become lovers of themselves and bolsters and proud and all of these things but it also talks about they will become disobedient to parents so so that lawlessness in beginning in the community in beginning in the streets it's not beginning in schools it's not beginning on the outside lawlessness begins in the home it begins with your children it begins with the spirit and the mind of your children in your home and your mindset the kind of atmosphere that you set in your own home and the dictates that you put on your own children regardless of what's going on on the outside if there is no law on the outside there ought to at least be some law in your house and you've got to be a man and woman of god that lays down some laws in your office we're not saying we come from a generation that used to lay down laws in the house you had some laws you had to abide by there were some laws that you could not break there were some laws you had to adhere to and your first understanding of law happened long before you ever met a policeman you met a daddy who laid down the law you led a meta mama who laid down the law and you knew you better not break the law of daddy and mama hallelujah and one of the worst things you could do is be disobedient to those who were laying down the law if you were disobedient in the home then that brought the full wrath of the law down upon your head do i have any witnesses in here and you learned how to respect the law of god by respecting your parents hallelujah i feel like teaching in here didn't have no thoughts running around in the street because if the law found out i ain't talking about policemen i didn't have no thugs out in the street acting like they were out of their mind because if the law called mama found out if the law called daddy found out they would come find you in the street did nobody have to call 9-1-1 all they had to do was call home and say your son or your daughter is out here acting like a fool and the law would come find you [Applause] lord didn't have to chase you law didn't have to run you down the law said come here hallelujah don't don't let mama find you and say come here don't let daddy find you and say come here and you better not run either come here you surrendering as soon as you see him i'm sorry i didn't i didn't mean to do it i'm sorry the law was you could live up in their house living any kind of way you couldn't smoke in their house you couldn't drink in a house you couldn't bring nobody that you weren't married to up in their house and if somebody came in the house with you they better learn how to observe the law too i feel like dj everybody that came with you had to observe the same law wasn't no thugs laying around in the house you got up in the morning and you got to work if you didn't go to work on a job you worked around the house that was the law ain't no daughters laying up in the house with their boyfriends that is the law he can sit on the porch and talk to you he can sit in the front room and talk to you he ain't coming all through my house up in the bedrooms that is the law i feel like i need to teach in here there were laws hallelujah that were not to be broken and some of us because we learned those laws those laws are what kept us because somebody taught us how to live by the law at home you knew how to act when you got outside and you knew how to conduct yourself there was a law you had to say yes ma'am and no ma'am man yes sir and no sir and that taught you manners and so when you met somebody who was older than you they knew you knew the law cause you say yes ma'am man you say yes sir and no sir you don't just sit and talk to people any kind of way act any kind of way you understood that there were moral laws can i teach the bible says in the last days they're going to be lawbreakers they're going to become disobedient to parents and it uses a word called unloving which means unnatural affections which means like they don't even act like they have a family don't even act like you have a mama don't even act like you have a daddy you're so unloving you don't even understand what it takes to raise you what it takes to bring you into the earth and to keep you you're so disobedient and reckless that you showed no regard for the ones who brought you into the world you don't act like you have a family you don't like you have any kind of connection you go out the street and you act like it's just you as though you just popped up in the earth and you don't represent anybody other than yourself you are so unloving that you don't think about some of us don't realize that spirit has crept into our own family and we're raising these little brats who are so unloving that they don't think about nothing or anybody but themselves and they are so consumed with what you do for them and don't have any idea of the responsibility they have for somebody other than when you see that unloving spirit it is your responsibility as a parent to lay down the law so we got these little gangsters running around the street who don't care about nobody but themselves and can take life and destroy family and the bible says that not only will they do that they will become brutal fierce i'm going somewhere lawless if you don't respect your mama's life you sure don't mind taking somebody else's life if you don't respect your own father's life you sure don't think you care nothing about taking a stranger's life you got to teach somebody in your house first of all how to love the people in your own house you got to learn how to love the people who love you or i feel like teach your children how to love teach your children not only how to love you but how to love others see that's what parents used to do when they laid down the law they would tell you no matter how people treat you love them no matter how people act towards you love them it's he say kill them they didn't say take an eye for an eye or stab them in the back when people who understood the law of god they taught their children how to love some of us who are unloving we never got taught how to love we never you got to learn how to love somebody who don't always treat you the way you want to be treated or how they give you what you want sometimes they need to learn love and they have to learn to love from you that even when they don't show you the love you believe you deserve you love them anyway hallelujah hallelujah that's what the love of god is not that we chose him or that we love him but he loved us we were unlovable we were unkind and god still loved us anyway god still put up with us anyway god still kept us anyway and what you've got to do is learn to get the love of god in our hearts help me holy spirit i'm going somewhere and when you have that love of god in your heart love don't keep records of wrongs love overlooks some stuff love hallelujah love can be patient and love can be kind love can be long suffering love help me holy spirit. [Music] but what the bible says that it will come to a point where it will become so lawless that the love of many hallelujah who used to be loving will begin to grow cold and we will begin in the body of christ and in the world to experience a spirit of cold heartedness the bible says it's going to come to a point where people are just going to get down right cold harder the devil uses all these tricks and tactics to help us because we see lawlessness in different forms we see lawlessness through racism you watch enough of the spirit of lawlessness that operates in racism people doing stuff just because of the color of your skin and the wickedness that comes through a spirit that is unloving and unkind just because of race and if you watch enough tv and focus on that and you better understand that you better be careful with these news networks and you better be careful with these media outlets that have an agenda and the agenda is not just to inform you the agenda is to put something in your heart and you'll sit there and over and over again see you can't just sit there and keep rehearsing something over and over again and let it begin that's what the bible means when it says faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god what that means is continual hearing and what the bible says what you continually listen to it will begin to manifest in you it will begin to change you it will begin to do something in you and you got to be careful when you're listening to a report that is negative and wicked and evil over and over and over you gotta you gotta turn away from some things you got to know when it's starting to affect your heart and you got to know that when you're starting to look at people differently because of what you're seeing around you you got to know when the lawlessness around you is starting to change the love of god in your very own heart that people you don't even know you don't like them and you can't love them because you got a mindset of racism all around you capitalism the rich just keep getting richer and make the poor poor and don't care anything about people who don't have anything and if you watch these kind of isms long enough it'll make you uh angry it'll make you offended it'll make you mad and angry that anytime you see somebody with something you'll be mad because you believe that everybody is like that and if you watch that and listen to it long enough it will make your love grow cold you won't be able to rejoice with anybody you won't be able the bible says rejoice with them not rejoice we won't be able to receive blessings in other people's life because you think that every blessing is robbing something from you that's why many times people in the church don't know how to celebrate when god has given somebody a blessing because you have watched greedy people for too long that's that that that take everything for themselves and don't release anything to anybody else and so you believe that anybody who is blessed is by by default greedy but you've got to understand god has given us all things to enjoy and then whenever god gets ready to bless god can bless at any time and you got to learn how to know to rejoice over a god blessing you got to know how to rejoice when god has released and that's part of your stewardship that if you can't rejoice with somebody else then hallelujah you can't let your love grow so cold that when god blesses somebody instead of you being excited you cold-hearted instead of you being happy you want them i feel like i need to teach you so cold-hearted that when god blesses somebody you're angry you don't know what that person has been through you don't know what that trial has been you don't know how long [Applause] you don't know my mind goes to jairus and the woman with the issue of blood and the woman with the issue of blood intersects when jesus is going to the house with jairus jairus has left to go find jesus because his daughter who is 12 years old is sick to the point of death and jairus goes and finds jesus to take him back to the house but in the midst of going back to the house the woman with the issue of blood pulls on his garment and jesus stops from going to jairus's house and turns around and says who touched me now you got to understand jairus had to have some anxiety he had to have some frustration because he's like come on man we don't have time for that see you got to be careful well i'm not saying he did that but i can see jairus let me slow this down let me slow this down let me slow this down because here's what you don't understand jairus's daughter was 12 but the woman has had the issue for as long as his daughter been alive so the truth of the matter is jairus was the one who got to jesus first but he wasn't the one who called on him first and sometimes when it looks like somebody is getting a blessing ahead of you you don't understand that that person has been ahead of you a long time and you don't know what they've been going through hallelujah and you got to sit there and say lord i thank you for her blessing and the same way you did it for her i need you to do it for me too because the same god that did it for you can do it for me too hi man [Applause] we'll get cold-hearted scripture reveals lawlessness isms false patriotism america is based on violence matthew 26 tells us that if you live by the sword you're going to die by the sword much blood was shed in this land by the sword by the gun by the weapon and even now we're still a unloving nation we love our guns more than we love people people are being killed children being killed innocently and gun lovers all over this country are going out of their mind to have the right to their guns when the land is so violent and filled with blood you mean to tell me it doesn't affect you when you understand that guns are randomly killing innocent people all over the country they shooting up grocery stores they shooting up convenience stores babies are getting shot in cribs and that doesn't affect you that doesn't touch your heart you mean to tell me you love your gun that much but the bible says if you live by it you will also die by it [Applause] the lawlessness that they see in the streets makes the gun lovers love their guns more than the people who are dying i came here not to teach about any that i just talked about [Applause] ultimately i want to take a few minutes and talk about something that we have run from that is causing people's consciences to be what first timothy 4 says seared as with a hot iron see the reason why many people can feel the way they feel is because their consciences have been seared that's when your skin becomes callous your conscience has become so callous because of what you see that it affects your ability to feel because when you see wrong or do wrong you're supposed to feel something from your conscience but when you see stuff and you can't feel nothing when you do stuff and you can't feel nothing then maybe your conscience has been severe i need you to go to first timothy 4 with me real quick i promise you i'm going to teach this morning i'm all over the place but i promise you i'm going to teach this morning conscience here stuff ought to be affecting you you see stuff and it ought to make you want to pray if nothing else it'll make you grieve or empathize but if we see stuff now the bible says in first timothy 4 1 now the spirit expressly says that in the latter times some will depart from the faith giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons speaking lies in hypocrisy having their own consciousness seared as with a hot iron so say people go follow people who are deceiving you and don't mind lying to you because their own consciences can't feel anything their own consciences have been seared they are callous themselves and they deceive other people to make them callous the bible says doctrines of demons i've taught you before that your doctrine comes out of your theology your belief of god and your doctrine is your teaching and then your doctrine develops your ethics which is your behavior so i act like what i believe and my belief is according to who i know because i know god i believe him and because i believe him my doctrine comes out of his word and then i act my ethics out of what i believe but if i don't know god then my doctrine comes out of who i know so if who i know is a deceiving spirit if who i know is a hypocrite if who i know is a liar if who i know is false in this prophecy if who i know is a deceiving spirit that has come from the pitch of hell with a doctrine of a demon i'm going to teach this before it's over see now we we say that but what are doctrines of demons what what is the teaching of a demon what what what kind of teaching does a demon do and how can a demon deceive somebody who's supposed to know god [Music] how can a demon come and teach you to do something anti-christ out of the will of god how would your conscience let that happen the moment you start following a demon your conscience will kick in and tell you some of you you've been places and because you are under the law of your parents and under the law of your family when you got out in certain places your conscience kicked in you were falling behind your friends and they started smoking and you wanted to do it but your conscience kicked in you wanted to drink but your conscience kicked in you wanted to go sleep around but you're conscious and the reason why your conscience kicked in is because of who you know your parents they may not be physically there but their word is with you when you go out there don't you do this don't you do that don't put your body with us don't put that don't you know that your body is the temple of the lord for the holy spirit to dwell don't you know and if you tried to do certain things your conscience [Applause] and the only way for you when you were in sin mike to avoid your conscience was for you to sear it for you to get involved in the wrong stuff for so long and doing it with the wrong people for so long that it starts to make you callous to your conscience and so now the words that you were taught no longer affect you and the people you around can now deceive you and lead you and many people who got caught up in sin is because they allowed their consciences to become callous and they became desensitized and you start doing stuff over and over and over and over because the contents that used to affect you in the beginning the more you got in sin the more callous you got to your conscience and that's how you wound up out their father and father and father because the conscience that should have brought you back is now allowing you to be seduced by spirits oh i'm gonna get to your house before it's all over and so now demons start teaching you you thought people taught you how to smoke reefer you thought you thought people taught you how to smoke crack you thought people taught you how to do methamphetamine you thought people taught you how to get high you thought people taught you how to do all kind of nasty sexual stuff you thought i'm here to tell you you weren't dealing with flesh and blood you were dealing with principalities and powers you were dealing with spirits that had an agenda in people and it was doctrines of demons that was teaching and i'll go help me holy spirit [Music] [Applause] but your conscience had to be seared so what's happening now is there's demonic teaching even to christians who have seered consciences just doing stuff that their consciences won't even indict them on or convict them on because they've become callous in their conscience one of the most destructive and deadly agendas is that of death and let me help you going someplace to black church don't like to go abortion i've been watching this agenda on tv of all these women who are parading through on the news who are arguing about the reversal of roe vs wayne to give women here it is the liberty to have abortions with their body the american creed is give me liberty or give me death but the argument of these is give me liberty through death [Applause] oh i'm going somewhere before this is over this is delicate water because the black church avoids homosexuality because our consciences we leave abortion to the white folk in front of the clinics but the law of god says thou shalt not kill going somewhere but we have no conscience to water it don't bother us don't mess with us to hear about the statistics don't bother us to notice 67 million black babies could have been here now if our daughters were not incontinent wait a minute the liberty argument for women that women should have the right to choose and many of you who are sitting in here who are mothers and before the holy ghost finishes this sermon i need him right now who are mothers who are in here who are listening to me who have made that pro-choice argument it's because many of us who make that argument are what the scripture says in perilous times incontinent which means without self-control because the argument of the woman who is in the sixth week or whatever week is that she should have the choice for her liberty that she is a victim now wait a minute let me let me just dial this back a little bit and look at how the anatomy of a woman is first of all you can't get pregnant without ovulating you you can't get pregnant without you know when your body is ovulating and when you are in a stage for pregnancy now what happens with with this is that what we got to understand is that you are not a victim when you made a choice to lay your body down with somebody and be sexual knowing that the potential for you to be pregnant particularly if it's during a time because you just can't get pregnant any time there is a period of time that you can get pregnant and that means that you ought to be sensitive enough to your body to know when a seed can penetrate and cause you to be pregnant but beyond that you made a choice to sleep with somebody now i know the world told you that you have sex without boundaries and without limit that if you feel it you just can't help yourself you got to go do it and that's where many of us who lay our bodies down and then get pregnant what happens is after you get pregnant your conscience ought to kick in and remind you that the baby didn't make any mistake that you made a choice to do what you were doing and it is amazing to me to see how many women are advocating to kill babies now i gotta go a little deeper with this they are advocating in order for a woman to have liberty that she's got to kill the innocent child that's in her room in order for her to be free wait a minute wait a minute what do you call freedom well now you got to understand if i have this baby i can't go to college and get my master's degree if i have this baby i can't fulfill the dreams that i have for myself if i have this baby now wait a minute seems to me like you knew that before you laid your behind out you knew you were in college when you laid down in the bed you knew what your future was when you were feeding your appetite and so now you want to act like you're a victim [Music] [Applause] wait a minute wait a minute because i'm going someplace and there are people who espouse doctrines of demons who say these women deserve their freedom kill the baby it's not right to bind her future like that now in order to understand you got to go back to roe versus wade and when you go back to work roe versus wade there's a woman by the name of norma mccarvey her real name was not roe they made her jane but she's really normal mccarvey now when you know the backdrop of norma mccarvey you will understand that norma mccarvey is a woman who had a very troubled life that caused her own conscience to be seared she had lesbianism she had been raped she had abuse when she was a child that caused her to go into all kinds of stuff and these two female attorneys linda coffey and sarah westinger sought her out to fulfill their agenda their agenda from satan was to kill babies and they just needed a person who would do it and so this woman who is vulnerable and gullible enough to go along with it now that means that the whole american law of rove versus wade was based on a stack of lies that even to the point that they said when she was having her third child and when she was when she was actually arguing through the course for abortion and she didn't even hardly come to court they just used her name she was actually present pregnant and her friends told her to say you got raped by a black man so then that way the laws will allow you to get aborted and so the argument of roe versus raid weight is really based out of a lie and based out of false premises of false rape and that's why right now when they talk about abortion they have to say what if a woman gets raped the same lies that they told back then it's a lie they're telling now because the percentages of women who are raped that get pregnant is so miniscule compared to the ones that lay down on their own over and over and get pregnant but they have to take this extreme lie which is a doctrine of a demon to make you believe that is legal in the eyes of god for you to do it because you love yourself so much oh i'm going somewhere with this paul makes an argument because that whole argument of abortion is antichrist it's murder but it is allowed in this society because of the callousness and the indifference and the apathy of our hearts and the average black parishioner don't care a bit about it till they get pregnant but most of us don't raise a finger don't open our mouths don't think about it it is largely a white issue for us and we are hypocrites because we sit there and suck up cnn and all their lives and all these hard-faced callous many of them lesbian women who have gone over the boundaries who satan is using them for an agenda because he don't want to see no family come forth he does not want to wait a minute i'm i'm going to jump ahead of myself i'm going to jump ahead of myself i'm going to jump ahead of myself and jump ahead of myself i i didn't want to go this far this fast but i'm gonna have to do it because y'all y'all lost you know how i know it's an agenda because he's an antichrist now i'm about to take you to the scripture in timothy where paul talks about how a woman is saved in childbearing but i want to show you this because that gets lost in context right but but but but that he's referencing back to eve that even though the woman was caught in her transgression it says she shall be saved through child bearing now the bible says this and he gets giving a prophecy and he's saying that she'd be saved through child even though she messed up she had transgressions she did all kind of stuff wrong her life was all screwed up everything but god said she'll be saved through childbearing and the devil knows that she's going to be saved through childbearing and he said not only is she going to be saved through childbearing but her seed is going to crush your head and you are gonna bruise his heel now we know we're talking about jesus but we're talking about something even as profound as that because as i studied and and god kept showing me the spirit of the antichrist and i'm saying what are you showing me and then i began to look at abortion procedures and something struck me when i look at abortion procedures because this is graphic i gotta say it but when you have an abortion up to the sixth week the child is still in the embryonic state and so what they do is they use a suction and they suck the child out up to the sixth week but from the seventh week of actually from the fourteenth week on the child is too developed to suck the child out the child has limbs the child has torso child has a head and the only way they can get the child out is to crush his head wait a minute help me holy spirit now did you not say according to your word that the woman would have the child and the child would crush satan seed's head but now here it is that here it is women of god instead of their babies crushing satan's head they're letting satan crush their baby's head help me holy spirit if that ain't the devil tell me what is [Music] so now in order for you to have an abortion you got to reverse the prophecy they got to crush your seed's head [Music] they didn't catch that yet they didn't catch that yet didn't catch that yet because if you caught it it'd make you cringe let me help some of you who are so affectionate but you're not as affectionate to war people as you are animals imagine if you had your little puppy imagine if you had your little dog imagine if you had your little cat imagine if you had your little kitten imagine if you left them and they were so affectionate towards you and somebody came in and grabbed your dog and crushed his head what if somebody grabbed your cat and crushed their head and see you some of you would lose your mind they killed my animal they killed my puppy they killed my dog but when somebody grabs a baby and crushes their head you don't feel nothing your heart is callous your mind does not even get moved what is wrong with you there ain't no fetus that's a baby that's a child that's a living being how can you be passionate about a dog and you ain't passionate about a baby what's wrong with you first timothy 2 and i'm almost done because i think i might be preaching over some of your head today first timothy 2. timothy 2. look at what paul says and it's in reference back to what happened with e he says this first 13 for adam was formed first in eve and adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived fell into transgression fell into transgression fell into transgression transgression is sin when you knew you were what you were doing transgression is when you went across the line knowing what you were doing wait a minute transgression is when you knew the boundary and you went past it anyway transgression is when you went too far knowing better don't act like a victim when you're a transgressor [Applause] don't cry victim when you willfully did what you knew you shouldn't do that's a lie [Music] the woman who fell into transgression the bible said was fully deceived look what the bible says and i'm almost done nevertheless she will be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith love holiness look at this with self-control the devil knew girl and god that you got so callous into going into transgression stuff you knew you shouldn't be doing when you were young and hot and feeling it and she wasn't hot by herself you was hot with her too man because if it's her transgression it's yours too [Music] you're not noble because you jumped up talking about i'll pay for it that makes it your transgression by your own words you are condemned y'all just missed that you thought that the price stopped at 350 or 600 or 900 so when she got pregnant you jumped up thinking you're a man saying i'll pay for it and you thought the payment stopped at the clinic but i'm here to tell you the payment is at the throne and you are still planning for it [Applause] you don't stop paying for it to god says the payment is finished he cocaine your brother's blood calls to me out of the ground you got to pay for that the devil is lying to you and thinking that we can just do it and going with our lives and some people are still paying for transgressions that we don't like to talk about in the church because we're guilty of transgression preachers don't want to preach about it because some of them are guilty of transgression yes we are and because we've now learned a lesson and we've let our hearts grow calories we cannot get the deliverance we don't understand the agenda of satan and what he is doing to destroy our families and to destroy our future and he's using sexuality that is beyond the boundaries and it's a deadly agenda yeah paul says nevertheless though she will be saved through childbearing if she continues in faith in love and holiness with self-control so what am i saying this is where the meat is and i'm almost done i promise they're lying to you and saying save yourself through abortion and god is saying save yourself through faith you're committed to transgression but don't go outside your faith don't become so cold-hearted that you don't love the child that's in your head hallelujah bishop don't lose your holiness following behind these doctrines of demons and get self-control back wait a minute so many even christian women have fallen to this because we're out of control and you go lay your body down right after you heard a message on sunday sunday night you'll be sleeping up with somebody and then get pregnant and then privately go out and have abortion and a week later be back in the house worshiping the lord or praising as though you have no conscience and don't realize that that price has not been fully met god is still dealing with you on the price that has to be paid for what you did and what god is trying to teach you this morning with these principles is that how you have to learn to come under self-control you have to learn to come back to holiness you have to learn to come back to love and faith and then he takes us over to titus and he says the older women should teach the women how to love their husbands and how to love their children and the bible says to be obedient to their own husbands now the women who teach liberty and liberation movement would say uh-huh that's the church right there putting you in prison making you a slave and making you in bondage and what we're trying to do is free you to have your own choice but see that's another lie of the devil and adoption of a demon because if you look at the root of the word obedient it's the same word that you use for soldier and what you understand is that a soldier is not a slave a soldier is not under oppression a soldier is obedient by choice and a soldier is given weapons to fight for himself and so what the devil is trying to tell you that god's system disarms you and makes you a prisoner but what god's system really does is makes you a soldier and what god's system really does is bring you into alignment with the will and the power of god and if you're a soldier in god's army if you fight for him then he will fight for and see you don't understand when you're out there fighting for yourself and trying to get your own liberty you are now opposing the will of god but god says get your heart back get your love back and come back to obedience stop following these women of the world and learn to be holy and be a soldier in your own house and take care of your family take care of your children don't let these lesbians fool you god just teach don't let these lesbians fool you they ain't happy they're miserable because childbirth and having a love hallelujah [Applause] these lesbians are duping you with doctrines of demons that a woman can make you just as happy as a man and that you can just go grab a baby that another woman produced that you could have produced [Applause] and you're gonna have the same satisfaction there's a maternal nature that is in you baby and the reason why you want her child is because even though you playing lesbian mama's coming up out of you even though you're playing footsie with your favorite girl that thing that god put into you what you were created for to save you from your transgression was god called you to be a wife of a husband and a mother of a child i feel like teaching and what it means by saving you is that it brings you out of a spirit of transgression not that it saves your soul but it keeps you from going back to sinful lifestyles and sinful ways because you are accomplishing your purpose in the earth but the doctrines of demons are teaching black women that in order for you to be liberated you got to kill your babies go get your degree form your career and live like the lesbians i'm gonna say it like it's like i feel it and live like the lesbians go conquer go rule men go do whatever and what you are doing is you are throwing away your obedience you are you are breaking rank with god and what god says is you are transgressing stop playing with them and get your behind back where god called you to be you are a woman you are a wife you are a mother i feel like teaching you are meant to be somebody's mama who teaches the children the law of god you're a lawgiver not a lawbreaker i gotta wrap this up because i'm over time and y'all feeling kind of funny but i'm gonna go all the way out here since i'm out here [Applause] [Music] and last week i talked about izzy azalea and cardi b who had now become the divas for all even the christian women that want to act like look like the and then you want to act like a and and be like a and and live like a and then when you get the hardest consequences you no longer want to act like a woman a virtue and a woman of of god and be honorable and say well god sent me here particularly for the young women because what they're trying to do is destroy your future first of all let me help you let me help you let me help you can i help you see when you the bible says and this is what jonah said he learned it when he was in the belly of the of the whale or the fish he says they that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy that what happens is the enemy will get you out there in lying vanities isaiah said the daughters of god go mincing along and they go like the women of the world and what's happening with many christian sisters they have lied to you and told you the only way to get a man and the only way to keep a man is that you got to be super sexual you got to let it all hang out you got to let it all roll you got to be like cardi b and tell him how good your stuff is and see what you don't understand is that men don't want no woman that's selling her wares to everybody real men are looking for the prize who can find a virtuous woman for her price is far greater and so real men they will play with cardi b but they will marry a real woman of god and what i'm trying to tell you the devil has lied to you haul with you if you let him then marry the one that won't can i get a witness from the man he'll take it if you give it to him but then he'll take his money his time and his love to the one who says you can't get in till you say i do [Applause] and and you got to meet my daddy wait a minute but some of you got nervous because you said well my daddy ain't here that's all right you got a spiritual father bring that sucker to me let me meet him let me talk to him let me gruel him like a daddy would let me check him out to see if he's worthy to have one of our fine daughters [Applause] and if he's scared to come to church let him go see you if you scared of the holy ghost you don't understand that's where my beauty come from that's where my power come from if i didn't have no holy ghost i wouldn't have no virtue hallelujah i'm talking about you [Music] and what they have done is lie to us hypocrisy because the ones who are telling you that's the way to go they're miserable they're not committing suicide because they're being denied anything they're committing suicide because they're tormented on the inside but the doctrines of demons and hypocrisy will make you believe and try to make you sympathetic to these lies and then make you callous to the truth i'm sitting here preaching and some of you offended at me some people can walk out on a message like this but sit there and watch the news report and watch a stiff-faced hard-hearted demonic woman sit there and coerce you to accept the law to kill babies under the guise of freeing you let me say this i wouldn't say this but the holy spirit just released me too because what i'm about to do today and the holy spirit just put this on me i'm going to do this because somebody's going to get free from transgression today you got to understand how serious this is somebody's going to get free from transgression this is real early on in my ministry i learned that there was a direct correlation not in every case i want to be clear not in every case but there is at times a direct correlation with abortion and miscarriage we only talk about this but i was ministering to a couple that was going through repetitive miscarriages and it wasn't until we got to the final miscarriage and and in some cases the baby was full born and didn't live that means that the baby had to come forth live you see it and then it dies i got principle on this see sexual misconduct has consequences asked david and bathsheba the baby was born then died direct correlation to the sin a consequence of the sin so i didn't make the connection until we've gotten through multiple mission full-term pregnancies and the lord put in my spirit ask them if they've had abortions and the exact amount of abortions was the exact amount of miscarriages and once there was confession for the transgression all the babies that needed to come started coming without interruption because there was confession for the transgression too many people think the price is paid at the clinic as though god is not watching and we in the black church don't do you any justice because we let you think you got away because we don't preach about it enough it's a deadly agenda stand on your feet give me something soft we're about to have some deliverance in this house oh i ain't trying to make you jump and shout i'm trying to teach you so this deliverance is not only for women it's for men see what you don't understand is there are some things dying in your life because you're still paying the price you're still paying the price you're still paying the price and what god is saying i need confession for the transgression i need some deliverance to come in your life because you got to understand it was transgression you were not a victim it's not a proud moment here this ain't about pride right here this is about deliverance this is not about nobody condemning and judging you because there are other agendas coming but this is about the church being made whole i ain't playing it's the last days you got to get people right these are the last days you got to get people right deliverance for the transgression is connected to some things and what the lord wants to do the numbers in the black community are skyrocketing they're astounding partly because there is no moral laws being taught our women are too liberal once upon a time now you you go back i think i think for every thousand there's 20 20 females in america you go to mexico it's like pointing something because their catholic beliefs or their religious convictions are so embedded in their culture that their women don't seek it as an option their consciences are not seared we're too callous here we are we're too callous and god wants to turn your heart now confession is required for the transgression you're too young there's too much life ahead of you for you to be caring at you have to release it you have to confess to god whether i did it in ignorance and meaning that i knew what i did was wrong but i didn't know to the extent but i did it and here it is i'm sorry i'm contrite wait my heart is different now because not only am i contrite i can't let my sisters do what i did get away with that or think they're getting away with it i have to be one who is vocal about it for the sake of these children this is serious this is a deadly agenda somebody needs to be saved if you want to accept jesus as your personal savior just raise your hand in this room because the holy spirit is ministering now if you want to be saved like this brother raise your hand if you want to be saved raise your hand if you want to be saved come on man raise your hand if you want to be saved raise your hand if you want to be saved raise your hand if you want to be saved raise your hand if you want to be saved [Music] is anyone else all right here's what i need you to do right now confession is made with the mouth and at least the salvation don't worry who's around you right now just begin to make your confession known to the lord privately where you are even as i'm praying god hears your heart if there's anyone else that wants to come from prayer you can come father to the name of jesus we come to you come to you today in a very serious sincere moment coming to you in the midst of deadly agendas we're lawlessness irreverence [Music] no sanctity for life even the people whose hearts are supposed to be toward you have turned cold god we're rebuking the spirit of cold heartedness because of the sin that is around us we can't touch our love we can't touch our emotions can't touch the feelings because our consciences have become callous to your spirit father just like jane roe who became saved and had to repent of her deeds and become an anti-abortionist just like the woman and they don't tell that story when she realized her wrong there are those at this altar who realized we were transgressors we fell into an agenda we made the mistake god we believe the lies the deceit and we see the spirit of those deceivers now that are still deceiving our young girls and our women god all over this country are being deceived by these spirits that have an agenda [Music] we can't correct them until we're correct we can't be vocal to them until we're first vocal to you so we come to you this morning confessing our wrong confessing our sin and repenting of it and the same way we changed in salvation we change in this spirit of abortion and pro-choice and destruction of life it's a deadly agenda i pray for the african-american church i pray for the pastors who keep their mouths quiet while our daughters are going to the slaughter our children are being thrown to the fires of molech we pray for this generation right now we pray for these millennials that are being deceived into the spirit of whoring and then when they get caught in their hearing they punish the child we pray for these daughters who are throwing away their virtue and these men who are parading with when they ought to be with their wives we pray that there'll be more lawgivers in the house if more parents will begin to lay down the law and let their sons know that you will not sow your wild host you will not be a you will pray to them we pray that more fathers will talk to their daughters about what men really want all these who have come today at this altar you know their confessions you know their hearts you know what they're dealing with they're casting their cares on you god leave the burden right here leave the penalty right here let the price be paid right now call it over right now in the name of jesus we plead the blood of repent wash them right now that their consciences will no longer be guilty i pray for these brothers who will come for salvation fill them with your spirit for you drew them and no man comes except the holy spirit draws fill them with the power of the holy spirit and give them tongues of fire that they will speak boldly god we just turn this all over to you today we thank you god and we love you it's in the name of jesus we pray let every heart say amen come on give god a hand i praise you okay [Music] all right it's offering time we want to move quickly a little over time but well it's a somber feeling in this room right now boy good lord all right let's prepare for the offering if you're in the room and you want to give your offering you can come to the front if you're online and you want to give go to push pay text wgcm 833-680-5952 pushpay 833-680-5952 [Music] help us lord [Music] again [Music] [Music] up [Music] foreign [Music] father we thank you for these offerings that have been taken the hands that are faithful both here and online we ask god in the name of jesus that you have blessed them pour out from the windows of heaven that they will have room to receive now give us wisdom that as we receive it we keep building your kingdom here and abroad it's in the name of jesus we pray let every heart say amen all right thank you all for being patient listen these are serious times and god is dealing with us with serious messages because he's serious is there anyone today that wants to become a member if you want to join our church raise your hand if you want to join our church praise the lord there's a hand right there all the councils are in the rear of the council's in the real all right [Music] [Music] now i'm in the love joy and sweet spirit of our lord and savior jesus may rest ruin the vibe until we all meet again let your heart say amen god [Music] [Music] oh
Channel: Word of God TV
Views: 3,196
Rating: 4.9569893 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 54sec (8454 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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