NAYC 2019 Josh Carson

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Esther chapter five verses one through three whether you're looking at the screen looking at your Bible looking at your app it came to pass on the third day that Esther put on her royal apparel and stood in the inner court of the king's house over against the king's house and the King sat upon his royal throne in the royal house over against the gate of the house and it was so when the King saw Esther the Queen setting in the court that she obtained favor everybody say favor yeah she had favor in his sight and the King held out to Esther the golden scepter that was in his hand and Esther drew near and she touched the top of that scepter and then said the King unto her what wilt now Esther and what is thy request it shall be even given to the half of the kingdom it's with this narrative that the Lord has deposited into my spirit that I rise on the first night to preach to you what I feel is my mandate from heaven I'm not here to preach my kingdom come I'm here to preach thy thy kingdom come would you throw your hands one more time towards heaven and would you pray with me all over this building in the mighty in the only saving name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray that you would anoint my lips to be as the pen of a ready rider that I might preach with wisdom and with clarity under the anointing of the Holy Ghost I pray for the ears the brain and the heart of every individual in this room do a work that only you can do help it to resonate not only in the response of our ears and our mouths but let it be with the response of our lives I pray blessing upon this room give us liberty in the Holy Ghost help me to preach it like I feel it and help them to respond like I know you want them to in the mighty and the matchless name of the Lord Jesus Christ if you feel that way and you're ready to preach with the preacher on the first night I want you to shout right now with everything you've got [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you may be seated [Music] now we were only children when we learned regardless of the country you're from regardless of political makeup regardless of any of those issues you came to the same recognition that I did when I was a kid being a king is an okay thing being a king is a powerful thing when I was a kid they taught me how to play checkers anybody ever played checkers yeah I used to love saying King me for thousands of you in this building and especially lately you're reminded but if I would say sympathy you you'd still think about the Lion King [Applause] when we were kids we used to love playing a game especially when it would snow outside we'd climb up a hill and all we would do is wrestle in a different location but we'd call it king of the mountain you ain't never had a good day like the day you threw your buddy down a hill I have found out everybody wants to be the king and you watch it in the news you watch it in society everybody wants to be the king of something some of you getting a little older a little more mature some of you getting a little more health-conscious some of you spending a little bit too much money yet smoothie King because you needed those vegetables and fruit pureed for ten dollars come by my place I'll give you something close for cheaper I'll take your money but let's be honest some of you aren't spending too much time and it's smoothie King some of you spending too much time at Burger King [Applause] now here's what I want you to do I want you to turn I want you to look at your neighbor I want you to smile so big they see every tooth you only gali and I want you to tell them these words okay you are not my king come on some of you girls get a little sassy just tell them you're not the king but now following that I want you to tell them but you are part of a very important Kingdom and soul I echo again I am here tonight on clear mandate from heaven for one reason and one reason alone and that is to try and get everybody in this building in agreement I want the King of Kings to have his kingdom come in my life in order to do this if you'll allow me I want to tell you a little bit about this story the story of Esther some of you are more aware than others but let's look at it just a little bit there was a king by the name of Xerxes who had a vast Kingdom from India to Ethiopia his official titer title as Emperor actually could have been translated that he was on the earth the king of kings but we're gonna talk about the real king of kings tonight he himself was not the oldest son but he was the chosen son of Darius the great he had this wife named bash ty and in the middle of the party some of you might remember Dirk seize calls for vast Ty and she refused to come before the presence of the king can I tell you it's a dangerous thing when you go from a royal - a robe of entitlement can I tell you it's a dangerous thing when you decide that you come to the King's presence when you want to come to the Kings presence his officials got all nervous all the guys in the kingdom started saying what if my wife starts acting that way they devised the plan so there's fine from all the provinces in the regions let's find a a pure young lady and so they begin to call and they begin to reach it in that search you know it it got a book named after her there was a young woman named Esther who was being raised by her cousin Mordecai Esther was brought in and by what was the direct result of God's favor she finds favor with the Chamberlain named Haggai after this long process of preparing herself to go in before the king it's important to note that when Esther William she had the favor of Haggai and she followed his instruction because he knew what the king would be pleased with and so when Esther goes in before the king she takes nothing outside of what Haggai has told her to take in this parallel theologians would tell you Esther is the church and the Chamberlain is the word and I would tell you that that is still the same you don't need anything outside of what the word says you need to give you favor in the presence of the King you don't have to doctor yourself up to make him love you more you need to do what the word tells you to do and as the story goes on Esther comes before the King and she does find favor in the King's presence verse 17 says in fact that he placed a crown on her head and made her Queen instead of Vashti because God will replace entitled people she walked in a young Jewish girl but she walked out the Queen she didn't even have parents in the picture anymore but I'm opposed at the beginning of this message to tell everybody in this building your parents do not determine who you are the King department's who you I'm a part there for a moment it doesn't matter if your parents are not even in the church yet that's not what qualifies you to the ministry I don't care if your dad is still a drunk and your mom hasn't been home in years I'm sorry that they're not here and I pray God will put it back together but it's not their favor that qualifies you in the kingdom it will be one word and one word alone it's gotta be the favor of the king if you believe that I want you to magnify the name of the Lord in this house but now as you know every good story needs a villain don't you look at somebody ever talk to yet and I want you to prepare to yell at them a little bit some of y'all got excited I could feel it just been waiting on it once you look out and here's what I want you to yell I want you to yell hey man yeah find somebody else yellow say hey man that's the guy who came on the scene Haman I had you do that because this guy loved attention he craved attention everywhere he went he wanted attention carnal people are like that can I tell you a little something about hey man the truth is he should have never existed in the first place his mama wasn't a guy hey God the king of the Amalekites all was supposed to kill them years ago but Saul kind of got this inclination well I'll let what I think is okay Liv can I tell you when you let a little bit of sin live now it'll turn into a big problem later I just got one CD left I just got one movie left I just oh you're not gonna help me I guess this early I'm telling you right now a little bit of sin will manifest into a big problem later and I promise you this if this generation chooses to let it live it'll affect the generation coming behind you but we're not going to let it live are we haman's and history was tied to the destruction of God's people and he gets enraged when he sees her cousin Mordecai not bow before him here comes Mordecai walking out hey man thanks surely he knows my position and Mordecai just stands there because Mordecai Mordecai already knew who his God was he had already made up his mind he wasn't going to bow to the opinions of men they just try to reach to everybody in the building and get you to understand something thank God the elder did not bow we can rejoice about 37,000 in this room but the only reason we're here tonight is because somewhere along the way the elder did not I'm gonna tell you why I'm preaching what I'm preaching because the elder did not bow I'm gonna tell you why we're singing what we're singing because the elders did not bow why we're feeling what why we're feeling what we're feeling is because the elder did not bow you ought to lift your hands and lift your voice and thank God for an elder that refused to bow thank God that the elder did not bow you ought to thank God for somebody in your life whose convictions do not change when their crowd does as a result of his frustration old Haman formulates a plan deceives and brings the kid in the King into agreement he's gonna have a genocide of the Jewish people you got Mordecai who finds out he's lost in sackcloth and ashes he's at the Kings gate he's wailing for the report that's gone out the destruction of the Jewish people when Esther hears about it at this time she had already began to live in the palace and man it's nice living in the palace it's nice living in the palace she found out about it Mordecai's at the gate he's got sackcloth and ashes she runs to him she's concerned about how this is gonna look why would you be doing this Mordecai it's a dangerous thing when you become related but not really connected Mordecai has to kinda remind her what it really matter if you live in the polish if you never get in his presence why are you looking for an answer the answer can I tell you I'm not looking for the answer I'm looking at the answer awesome y'all didn't catch that I'm gonna say it again I'm not looking for an answer to get churches planted across the face of North America I'm looking at the answer I'm not looking for an answer to have revival in our high schools and on our college campuses I'm not looking for an answer I'm looking at the answer you ought to look around and when it hits you you ought to shout a little bit when you recognize the answers not on the way the answer is here right now give somebody a high five tell them you're the answer I know it's more comfortable than to attend service than it is to be at all-night prayer meeting but I don't want to get content to just live in the palace I gotta get in his presence I understand that pizza parties or more forum are more fun than it is to get together and fasting but I want to get in presents not just in the palace uh-huh so Esther works with Mordecai she says fine I'm gonna do what I've been taught to do what we as God's people have been taught to do before I go to the king here's what I want I want you to get the people and I want you to get the people in unity get them in the same mind get them in the same frame of mind and get those people on a fast can I get a witness in the house just be honest with me you don't really like fasting unless it's a fast fast some of y'all fasted every day from the time you lay down to the time you get up I know this is old school for just a minute but if it's okay this is how I was brought up and this is how I believe there are still some things that only occur it was not just in Esther's day but it's in our day right now I would even say maybe more now needed than ever before we've got to have prayer and we've got to have fasting we need a unified effort of Prayer and we need unified fast I don't believe there's a devil in hell bad enough I don't believe there's a sickness too great I don't believe there's a Haman too large when God's people get together and we begin to pray can we begin too fast I believe that everything is possible if you believe it shout amen they start praying they start fasting they get in unity and Esther kind of walks in she hadn't been summoned she hadn't been called for but she decided that she wasn't gonna let rich we'll keep her from her right and she wasn't gonna let what other people said keep her from getting into the King's presence she puts on her royal of Harel and she walks in and she stands in the inner court in the inner court getting before the presence of the king and when she stood there before the throne I've got to tell you it's amazing she considered her position before she attempted her petition she got herself in a position to be blessed so that then when the time came she could ask what she had positioned herself for if you're called to be a preacher position yourself to be a preacher if you're called to be a missionary I charge you in the Holy Ghost position yourself to be a missionary it was because she trusted the instruction of the elder that she steps out in faith and she finds the favor of the King for the second verse says that he held out that golden scepter to her watch this now Xerxes asked her twice in verse three and in verse six he says what is your petition and what is your request at one time he says it twice as if they were separate as if they were meant to be something individually of each other what is your petition and what is your request what is it you want what is it you need and in verses 7 and 8 Esther looks at the King and she said I want to tell you something my petition and my request are the same thing newbee polls right here and tell you this when what you want and what you need finally come into unity it will give you an undeniable favor from the King in your life I know you may want something but you also know that you need some things what I'm praying happens at this Youth Congress is that we get what we want and what we need to come into alignment because at the end of the day really all I need and all I want is the favor of the King on my life my petition my requests are the same thing what's this Esther invites circuses and oh hey man to a banquet that she's already started preparing read it she already started preparing the banquet you ought to believe that what you ask is going to happen she started preparing for it in advance they both agree Haman leaves smiling woo I got invited to another banquet I'm the Kings man me and him like this walks out listen he's just got invited to the banquet by the king and barely gets out of the gates and Mordechai doesn't bow before him he goes from all that excitement to furious he leaves the palace mad and goes home starts sucking his thumb fountain talking to his wife and his friends I hate that guy you better be careful who you vent to when you leave the palace I'm telling you the attributes of Satan were in Haman I said the attributes of Satan were in Haman he wasn't mad that Mordechai didn't bow before the king he was mad that Mordechai didn't bow before him your favor with the king is not about you your favor with the king is for the people but he lost that he he lost sight of that he wanted to be reverenced he wanted to be bowed to and it sound like looser heard of anybody else he wanted to be worshipped can I tell you he hated it's not like he didn't like it it's not like he's sent a couple mean texts to people he hated that Mordechai wouldn't bow before him and he hated that Mordechai had committed to only serving one God and here's why I tell you you better be careful who you who you vent your frustrations to it was not Haman's idea to build the gallows read the scripture he went home and started venting to his wife and friends and they convinced him to build the gallows we pause here right now I'm gonna tell you something be careful about evil people that will live vicariously through your life they don't have a spiritual bone in their body and you start finding frustration to them they'll do things that they don't have the strength to do on their own and live vicariously through your life they are not your supporter they are early guests to your funeral I don't know why everybody always wants to bring the gossip to me I I don't know why everyone wants to bring the trash to me my kids seven years old and he knows where to take the trash too be careful when you share your frustrations from the palace now that night I'm not sure exactly why outside of it must have been ordained by God but for some reason Xerxes Tylenol PM hadn't quite kicked in and he couldn't get to sleep maybe he was thinking about the banquet and he called for the chronicles of the kingdom and he starts to read starts to go through it and while reading he finds out about this man by the name of mordecai who had actually saved his life when there was an attempt to be made against King Xerxes by a couple of men I love I don't know what part of it is about me but I love that Haman thinks he's talking about him when the King calls him in and says hey man how do you think I should have honor a man that's that's really worthy of Kingdom honor Haman says well I know what I think you should do here he is again with these attributes of Satan he said I'd I'd put the Kings clothes on him not not a nice robe from the closet not something that's never been I think you should put the Kings garment on him why don't you give him the Kings horse I think you should give him the king's crown bring him through the city for everybody to see all the while hey man has a mental image of himself with the Kings robe on the back of the Kings horse wearing the king's crown going down the street can you imagine what it must have been like when Haman hears the cheers and they're his arch enemy Mordecai whoa what why key it's not about you Haman but you better hear me well tonight the devil always hates anybody that gets the favor of the king I've come to a realization over the last year it's not that the devil doesn't like me the devil hates me but I've got a revelation for him I'm okay with the fact that he hates me because it lets me know that I've got the favor of the king Manimal stop right here and preach to somebody if you've been fighting all kinds of distress and you've been coming all kinds of anxiety and depression and all kinds of weariness and you've been thinking I can't take this battle anymore I'm gonna tell you what it is the enemy hates you but I'm gonna tell you take the depression off you want to rejoice in that it's because you've got the favor of I'm not just anybody I'm a child of the king I don't have your city favor I've got the favor of it you know what we're gonna take a minute and just rejoice in this fielding because we got the favor of the king come on you ought to do it like you're giving the devil a bad night you ought to do it like you're putting the devil under your feet I refuse to listen to his lies I am NOT weak I am NOT lethargic I am not feeble I will not be backward I will not be bashful I will not be intimidated I will not be The Devil's punching bag I've got the favor of the king you oughta dance I'm in it right where you're at you oughta leap for a minute right where you're at you gotta forgive me for a minute this ain't in my notes but he tried to kill my body with sickness but I'm still here and he tried to hurt my mind that I'm still here he tried to wreck my spirit but I'm still here because I got the favor I got the favor I got and you got the favor pop the king lift your voice come on as loud as you can yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah find several people tell him you're not in trouble you got the Kings favor quit getting all bent out of shape Haman is gonna be hanging pretty soon here they are sitting at the banquet trying to figure out which fork they're supposed to eat the salad with I guess seven forks anybody ever get distressed when you got too many Forks come on you lie you fry you don't know how to use them right finally Xerxes looks at Esther it says what they want to know Heyman's tucked his napkin into his shirt and his collar he's got it all tucked in turkey leg in one hand just put in a big old pile of mashed potatoes Xerxes says why are we here either Haman about choked on the mashed potatoes when Esther said don't let a man kill us so he's trying to kill us he wants to kill all the Jewish people and if he does he's going to kill your wife King you can't let him kill all the people can I tell you at some point even though you might not like confrontation at some point you got to point out what's bringing destruction to you and your family at some point you just gotta identify it and call it out Haman starts running out of the room Esther runs in the other he's pleading with this sir please don't let this happen Esther when he does he grabs her the Kean walks in and thinks he's making an advance on her I'm gonna tell you you don't mess away with his bride and get away with it I got you shouting because of what's about to happen for you but let me tell you what I also believe is meant to happen to the enemy I know that we're gonna get our heel bruised in the process but I think it's time to do some head to crushing the dawn barely rises before the gallows that had been built for Mordecai have the dead swinging body of Haman I'm not asking for God to give you a little revival I'm asking for the king to give you a devil killing enemy defeating earth shattering paradigm-shifting revival to where your enemies they leave from around you and they get beneath beneath your feet somebody say Haman's gotta die now help me here I don't want you to just now listen I don't want you to say Haman has got to die I would see it your best breach I want you to act like you're a college student that was screaming into a pillow trying to get a good preacher voice and I want you with your best preachers voice I want you to say Haman has come tada now I want you to think about whatever has been working over your family and whatever has been distressing whatever has been distressing your mind and I want you to begin this shoud it's time for you to die Haman it's time for you to die Haman it's time for you to die depression it's time for you to die anxiety it's time for you to die come on it's time for him to swing from the gallows and for God's people to find liberty you are the head and not the 10 scotches drunk wherever you're seated we are gonna plant churches all across North America we are not going to be intimidated we are not going to be bashful I'm gonna tell you who's gonna plan them look around this room right here we are not weak and we are not average and we are not scared of Haman any more I wish you lift your voice and shout there's something happening in this building there is a supernatural shifting in the spirit [Applause] be seated let me tell you what Haman's got to die because I don't just want favor in the house I don't want just Palace promise I want province promise I know we can have good Church I know we know how to have good Church I'm asking if we know how to be the church because you are not restricted to the four walls of your sanctuary and I'm thankful for favor when we gather in our auditoriums and when we gather in our sanctuaries but I'm talking about the kind of favor that walks with you into your neighborhood and the kind of favor that walks with you into your high school and the kind of paver that walks with you onto your job side I'm talking about the kind of favor that will go with you everywhere you put your foot I got favor here I got favor here I got favor here yeah look in the rear view when I look in the rear view I see Haman swinging in the bank I got favor here I got favor here everywhere you go somebody shall let it be [Applause] that kind of favor and I believe that God let me find this little verse and I think might have just been pinned for North American Youth Congress because North American Youth Congress while it gathers from all different countries provinces and areas North America the United States are Canadian brethren and all of those that join us it's in chapter 8 verse 17 that it doesn't say let there be favor in the palace no here's what happened the King took his ring and put his ring that was on Haman's dead finger on the Mordecai's living finger and they gave more oh yes he did and he gave mordecai the authority to begin to write words unto the people he said I know you've been doomed and gloomed about restructuring but it's a new season and it's a new day all the people that had been overwhelmed sitting in their homes and in their shacks gathered all around I think they were having little prayer meetings and they didn't have James Wilson I bet they wish they could have they were sitting around I'm gonna wait on you Qi children were saying what's gonna happen we're gonna die no I'm gonna wait on you Qi and Mordecai begins to write under the authority of the king and when he sends it out he sends it to every city and every province please catch this please understand that every person in every city and in every province that received the letter that was signed with the Signet of the king it didn't matter if their voice was low or high it didn't matter if it was male or female whenever they started reading the promise of the king it was as though the king was reading the promise himself I know you might be 12 years old but when you read the promise of the king it's as if the king himself I know you might be the only Apostolic in your family but when you read the letter from the king you read it with the authority of the king and look at this first look what starts happening 8 verse 17 and in every province and in every city all over Canada all over the United States and every other place that was willing to get a letter whithersoever the king's commandment in his decree came what's this they had been sorrowful but the Jews had joy and gladness feast and a good day here's my favorite part and many people of the land became Jews for the fear of the Jews fell upon them they begin to reverence the children of God so much that they begin to say we need the favor that they have I'm gonna give you a moan just give it to you right now that day is not coming that day is here that day is not on its way that day is among us revival is not coming down the dusty road revival is in us right here and right now you will win your city you will reach your school you will have revival in your family somebody whose family isn't living for God I want you to throw your hands up right now Conrado Boca CIT adobo Kuya by the authority of the word of God I speak to you right now and I tell you that it is the will of God that you pray without ceasing and you feel the confidence of the Holy Ghost that day is now when unprecedented revival would reach into your family I pray it over your father and over your mother and over your sister and over your brother let revival hit your family [Applause] I want to move that we need to accept that right now I want you to lift your voice and begin to accept that in this room [Applause] somebody shout they were having a revival everywhere they were having a revival everywhere but they found out that Haman had ten sons still alive and so they decided we can either rejoice in the fact we're having good church or while we're having good church we can also kill all the sin that materializes we need a good old-fashioned baptism of conviction I thank God for the conviction of the elders but the elder cannot preach for me when the Apostle laid hands on me earlier today he said when you walk to that microphone you preach with boldness so here it comes brother Scott I'm oh preach with boldness right now if it was sin it is sin if it's wrong in the world of God then I do not want it in my life if he's not pleased with it I do not want it in my life if I cannot have his blessing while I'm quit asking whether or not it's gonna take you to hell and start asking the question is God pleased with this it's not about it's not about just heaven or hell it's about the favor of the king it's about a good old-fashioned baptism of conviction and I'm gonna preach to you why for the next few minutes before I close I thank God for this story and I thank God for Esther and Xerxes and Mordecai but hear me tonight Xerxes is not my king kings of the world they are not our King popularity cannot be your king whoever I'm preaching to young man hear me right now I like that you enjoy sports but basketball cannot be your king baseball cannot be your king football cannot be York I don't think it's the will of God that we have 7 to 1 young ladies going on more missions trip than young men young men I'm calling you to the carpet right now I'm calling you to the floor right now thank God for your college thank God for your career but they cannot be your king young ladies I'm glad you think he's good-looking but he is not your king [Applause] and I'ma going step further on this first night if he ain't got the Holy Ghost he shouldn't be your boyfriend either we do not date them to win them I think these kids ought to be attracted to Keith why are you preaching like that brother Karsan because nothing in this world can be my king I've got one King I got one throne that I got a bow before I got one throne then I've got a bow before what brother Karsan that's not gonna be popular with some crowds as long as it's popular with heaven that's not going to get you many friends in some circles as long as the applause tonight can be nail-scarred I'll know that I have done what I have been commissioned to do [Applause] and can I tell you that when I changed locations just like the elder my convictions cannot change as easy as my geography well your one way when you're at church and your another way when it's your Sunday to give a fiery five and your one way when you're supposed to be on the praise team and I'm one way when I'm in the choir but when I he's either your king orry's not but I declare in this room of this I am confident we are choosing on the first night of this Youth Congress Jesus Christ is my king come on if you feel that way I want you to lift your voice and I want you to let him know how you feel come on there ought to be a roar leave this dome right now somebody shot he is my king shout it again he is my king everybody's looking for something about to Luke 17 20 and 21 when he was demanded of the Pharisees when the kingdom of God should come he answered that him and said the kingdom of God cometh not with observation neither shall they say lo here or lo there behold the kingdom of God is within you can I tell you that in this world right now everyone is looking for fulfilment everyone is looking for acceptance or popularity they're bowing to something here they're worshipping to something there you may never be rich [Music] but if you're called to be a preacher don't you stoop to be anything else [Applause] Jr higher that thinks I'm not talking to you for tonight it cannot be your king play fortnight for four hours but you can't pray for 14 minutes that's hard preaching really Carson what are you doing I'm gonna tell you what I'm doing I'm preaching on behalf of the king tonight that's telling me we need a fresh baptism up getting everything out of our mind and everything out of our I know some of you might not like this next day you might not like this next statement but just because you can get it on Netflix don't mean you should watch it our brother Carson nobody's gonna know are you kidding me the king is gonna know the king is gonna know you're either submitted to him or you're not and for the next few moments I want to tell you I want there to be no confusion about Who I am talking about tonight Luke chapter 1 the angel Gabriel told Mary of his kingdom there shall be no in John the Baptist told he told with every messianic Kingdom prophesy prophecy of the Old Testament when he said behold the lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world Jesus himself walks on the scene and he begins preaching you can read about it in mark 1 the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand repent ye and believe the gospel when teaching the disciples about prayer you heard it earlier in the video he said pray thy kingdom come I will be done on earth as it is in heaven I wish somebody lift your hands and pray that right now thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven but he told Pilate in John 18 my kingdom is not of this world it even hung over his cross that he was the King of the Jews and I'm gonna submit to you tonight that that sign mocktail more than it mocked Christ everybody wants to talk about the mocking that happened at Christ because of that sign no it was hell shaking in its boots one of those messianic prophecies came from Psalm 45 and verse 6 and it was echoed in the Hebrews thy throne O God is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom the great rider of the work he also records Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today I want you to say that with me yesterday today say it again yesterday one more time [Applause] it's happening forever for John the Revelator writes the four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne and they worship Him that liveth for ever and ever they cast their crowns their crowns before the throne and this is what they say in the heavenlies thou art worthy O Lord to receive glory and honor and power that has created all things and for thy pleasure they are created he continued and set up a hope low in the midst of the throne in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts in the midst of the elders I saw a lamb as though it had been slain and have beheld and I heard the voice of many angels about the throne and the beasts and the elders and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands but what were they saying John what were they saying John with a loud voice they were saying worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and bliss and every creature which was in heaven what John's revelation it went beyond just heaven and on the earth and under the earth and even such as are in the sea I heard them all saying together blessing and honor glory and power be unto him not them unto him that shyt Athan the throne unto the land forever and ever don't be confused in this house there is one God and his name is Jesus there is still one Lord there is still one faith there is still one baptism there is one God and Father of all above all through all and in you all I believe that in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily and I tell you that there is an authority that comes with having his favor ah there's an authority with his face a face was buried in the altar in January of this year I was seeking God for this meeting I was in Alexandria Louisiana because of the times and I'll tell you who I was praying for us praying for you let's pray God would somehow help me to relay to you what he wanted and what he needed on this first night I must tell you that I was astounded and even a bit confused when the Lord spoke so clearly to me that night in the altar he told me these words if they will not lay down their crowns now they will not get a chance to lay them down later I began to study on the crowns I even went and saw dr. Norris begin to talk to him about the crowns of Scripture he began to talk to me about the five crowns of the New Testament he said while some may debate it is extremely clear that the Crown's are the crowns of the Saints those who have made it who recognized they were not worthy here and they are not worthy there but there is one deserving of prince I speak to you on this opening night and tell you that I believe Esther was a beautiful woman I believe that she was probably gifted and talented but her beauty without the Kings favor meant very little her gifting without the Katie's favor meant very little hadn't she already became the queen yes she was a part of the bride of the King but she still had such a reverence for the King that she recognized without his favor my family will die and I'm preaching to the most gifted generation of apostolic young people and young adults that have ever stood on the face of North America or across the globe but hear me right now all of our talent and all of our gifting without the favor of the King means nothing I don't want to give a good speech I don't want to sing a cute song I want to save the people I don't want people to sing my accolades I don't want people to call me something I want the people to be safe [Applause] thank God that you've got on your Youth Congress best I thank God that you've dressed apartament you've showed up and you've worship so hard but I'm telling you if we don't have the favor of the king not my kingdom come if I'm ever going to see my family so hear me clear I'm not here tonight to preach the message of the Congress I'm here tonight to give you what the Lord told me this Saturday the Lord took me to the Gospels and said repentance would have to happen here tonight and I'm not just talking about sin I'm talking about everything that's been keeping you from the calling on your life I'm talking about every distraction I'm talking about everything that has been hindering you from doing the will of God and fulfilling the mission of God in your life the Lord spoke to me on Saturday so Wednesday night is not going to be about you rejoicing Wednesday night I want you to let heaven rejoice because the scripture says that all heaven rejoices over one over one sinner can I tell you that if Paul needed to repent I need to repent that if John needed to die out I need to die out can you imagine what would happen in this house over the next two days if we could have so much repentance in this building that all heaven would throw upon [Applause] in 2010 in the fight between kado and Foreman it was the trainer for Foreman who threw in a towel he threw it into the ring in rout aid after Foreman slipped and took an injury to his right knee however due to the shock of so many people that were in attendance referee Arthur Mercante our jr. one of the best in the business as he is regarded he picked up that towel and he threw it out of the ring in boxing throwing in the towel is a century old tradition but it is one of the greatest if not the greatest misconceptions in sports that veteran referee said yeah I saw the towel come in and yes I did throw it back I threw it back because I'm the referee and that's my right they don't get to decide when he's done I decide when he's done he said I didn't know where the towel came from and I didn't care where it went here's what I know he told reporters that kids still wanted to fight and as long as he kept fighting I could not surrender for him over the last 19 years of preaching in your camps your youth weeks I have built my ministry on asking you not to surrender to the things of this world I have done everything in my power to preach to you never surrender to the things of the world but oh how God has chastised me for this Wednesday night you better tell them there is one surrender that is not negotiable if they're gonna have a ministry at all they got a surrender to my will hear me your corner cannot do it for you I have sought God for you I have hid my face in prayer and intercession I have fasted I have travail for you and God has told me but you cannot surrender for them I know you want to but Joshua you don't get to throw in the towel for them I'm not letting them surrender while they keep fighting my wheel you got mamas and daddies who have tried desperately to throw in the towel for you you got pastors and prayer warriors and grandparents and youth pastors who get cause from the corner but nobody else can give this surrender for you young man young lady I tell you it's time to surrender your will for the will of God quit worrying about your last name and remember you're a child in the game quit being distracted and intimidated by your family tree and remember you're a child of it so my concluding assignment tonight when you walked into this building you were handed a Kingdom Come handkerchief I'm asking everybody that will to get that handkerchief out right now how would you get it out of the packaging I want you to pull it out and I want you to hold it in your hand [Music] listen to that plastic it really sounds like I wish you could hear it from my perspective it sounds like chains falling all over the room your pastor wants to but he don't get to throw this column for you tonight I'm not asking you to leave tonight I'm not asking you to jump tonight I'm not asking you to rejoice tonight I'm asking you to let heaven rejoice I'm asking for some young man I'm asking for some young lady I'm tired of fighting you with forgive me of ever if there's anything in my heart that doesn't please you if there's anything in my mom I'm asking that a whale begin to rise from this house I'm asking everyone that's willing to submit to the call of God everyone that's willing to die out to your own flesh tonight I can't throw in the towel for you I know a lot of times that our praise is a posture of leaping and a posture of standing and I know it will be hard for some of you but some of you need to find a place on your knees some of you need to find a place on your face and you need to lay the towel on the ground Serena [Music] [Music]
Channel: plpministries
Views: 24,105
Rating: 4.9226308 out of 5
Keywords: NAYC, 2019, Josh Carson, UPCI, apostolic, pentecostal, preaching, nayc 2019
Id: yLls7tbmsiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 49sec (4429 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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