NAYC 2019 Jack Cunningham

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I want you to turn to the book of Psalm 24 verses 3 through 8 Psalm 24 3 wait while you're turning there let me say I my general superintendent that was up here telling us what God's doing all over the world a moment ago would you all let brother and sister Bernard know how much you love them that the youth of the United Pentecostal church love our superintendent I love somebody else that I you love and that's brother and sister Carson and their youth team do you love them Psalm 24 verse number three said who shall ascend the hill of the Lord and who shall stand in his holy place he who has clean hands and a pure heart who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully now I don't have to preach those verses because brother Josh Carson preached an absolute masterpiece last night that is really wrapped up in those two verses verse number five this is where I'm taking my text from five through eight he will receive blessing who's that the one that has clean hands a pure heart doesn't lift up his soul to what is false or doesn't swear deceitfully he will receive the blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the god of his salvation such is the generation of those who seek Him who seek the face of the God of Jacob lift up your heads o gates and be lifted up o ancient door that the King of glory may come in who is the king of glory the Lord strong and mighty the Lord mighty in battle verse number six says such is the generation of those that see him I'm preaching to you tonight generation Z god bless you you may see the co-authors William Strauss and a man by the name of Neil Howe wrote a book entitled generations they studied identified and labeled the last seven generations in our North America those seven generations spent a time of two centuries about two hundred years first of all they wrote about the lost generation born 1883 to 1899 then they talked about the GI generation born 1902 1924 then they talked about wrote about the Silent Generation of 1928 to 1945 and then came generation w that's my generation also called the baby boomers we were born 1946 to 1964 following my generation is Generation X born 1965 to 1980 and then came Generation Y they get a lot of news they're the Millennials born 1981 to 1996 and then there is you Generation Z born 1997 to the present now I don't know why these two men chose the letters they chose to label each generation I don't know how they chose W X Y but I got a feeling there's something prophetic about them calling you generation Z you see I'm wondering if Z means the last generation I'm wondering if Z means the endtime generation I'm wondering if Z means the last great revival generation I believe with all of my heart that generation Z is the absolute most powerful generation that the Apostolic Church has or will ever know I know who I'm talking to tonight I want you to listen to this preacher that believes in you I am prophesying to you tonight I don't say this often maybe not ever before but I feel like my entire message is one long prophecy to this generation generation Z you hear me generation Z you will be the most powerful apostolic generation in the history of the world hear me generation Z you are the generation that will see the return of the Lord Jesus Christ and the rapture of the church you are the generation that will do great spiritual exploits your calling and your anointing generations will be unprecedented the things that God is going to use you to do have never been done before but you're gonna do it because it's what God has declared God is raising you up as a mighty army of endtime apostolic you are the generation that is destined to experience world why revival when brother Bernard was talking about 16 countries with no missionary I said on the front row down there thinking all 16 of them's probably in this building right now all 16 missionaries that are going to go to an unchurched country and have in time apostolic revival you're probably here tonight and I think a bunch of you already know who you are somebody shout yes Generation Z you will play an integral role in preaching the whole gospel to the whole world you will witness and participate in the promised outpouring of the Holy Ghost upon all flesh you will be the POTUS and you will be the most daring generation since the book of Acts chapter 2 you will have a vision given by God that you will accomplish and it will be epic you will be the most powerful prayer warriors of all time you will be the most educated and the most anointed preachers that have ever filled a pulpit you will be the most accomplished singers and musicians and songwriters that I've ever lived you're going to be spiritually gifted all nine gifts of the Spirit are going to operate in Generation Z and it's not going to be special like it is now it's going to be common it's gonna happen so much it's gonna happen among so many of you that it's gonna happen every time we go to church every time we go to a conference every time two or three get together in his name narration see you will be legendary soul-winners generation see you will be powerful in the Holy Ghost generation Z hear me well you are the generation that will see the fulfillment of end time Bible prophecy all the rest of us had talked about it all generations before you have looked forward to it but I believe with every ounce of my being that you're the generation that's going to see it it's going to unfold in your generation somebody shout yes do you believe it yes generation Z you are the most envied of all generations of all ages you see every epistatic that has ever lived has looked forward to your day wanting to be you with that to sink in just for a moment Jesus said in Luke chapter 10 verses 23 and 24 many prophets and Kings longed to see what you see but they didn't see it and they longed to hear what you hear but they didn't hear it the writer of Hebrews said of the former heroes of the faith he said these all died in the faith not having received the promise are the things promised but having seen them and greeted them from afar off the Apostle Paul wrote the things the endtime generation will see was not made known to previous generations they knew that the last generation generation Z would be the greatest can I tell somebody here tonight that the greatest outpouring of the Holy Ghost that the greatest use of the yes of the spirit can I tell you that the greatest miracles have not been seen yet the greatest sermons have not been preached yet the greatest songs have not been sung yet but they're gonna be by you by you shout yes somebody one of the greatest privileges my life has been to walk with work under our last three United Pentecostal church general superintendents when I first went to headquarters brother na Ocean was the general superintendent and one day while he and I was driving to an event he said to me with tears in his eyes I'll never forget taking glasses off and wiping his eyes with his handkerchief and he looked over at me I was driving and he said Jack you're gonna see things that I preached about but I have not seen I want that to sink in brother Billy Cole who I think is one of the greatest men of God that ever lived a genuine apostle saw more people receive the Holy Ghost than any man that has ever lived on this earth but he said to me on his deathbed just days before he died on the telephone he said son you're going to be a better preacher than me you're going to see greater miracles than I've seen you're going to be more anointed than me and when he said all those things I protested I said no uncle bill that's not going to happen you're the greatest preacher that's ever lived you're the greatest man of God that's ever lived I'd rather hear you preach in anybody in the whole wide world and when I protested what he was saying on his deathbed he lifted up his voice and he said you better be better than I was he said my generation is dying and we didn't get it done we didn't see it all we haven't seen the fulfillment of it yet we haven't seen the crescendo of what God promised he said you better do it and I've come tonight to tell generation see I want you to embrace it tonight I want you to believe it I want you to know who you are I want you to know the power you possess I want you to know that you have a prophecy you have a prophecy as a generation clap your hands everybody to the Lord I promise you it is not a cliche with me I know with some it may be that it's certainly not with me I believe this is the greatest time in street to be stalling this is the greatest time in all of history to be an apostolic you see the Word of God makes us know that the greatest revival in the history of the church will be the revival taking place in the earth at the time of the return of the Lord Jesus Christ just prior to his return there's going to be an outpouring of the Holy Ghost just prior to his return cities are going to be turned upside down just prior to his return the Bible said in all the earth shall know him just prior to his return that's going to be hundreds of millions of people that are baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of their sins I'm going to slow down and talk to you a moment generation Z the Apostle Paul's prophecy in 1st Corinthians chapter 10 is for you you are the generation that Paul wrote about when he said this generation is the one upon whom the ends of the world are come that's you Zechariah prophesied to you he said at evening time there shall be light generation see that prophecy belongs to you the Bible said Haggai was writing that the glory of the latter house is going to be greater than the glory of the former house and generations he you are the latter house you're the ones that's going to know the glory of God in a greater way than any generation before you prophet Joelle said it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh that prophecy belongs to you he said your sons and your daughters shall prophesy can I tell you that's you you're the sons and you're the daughters generation Z that are gonna prophesy I think there ought to be a spirit of a prophet come upon this entire arena tonight wouldn't it be amazing if 36,000 Holy Ghost filled young people would stand up and begin to prophesy to your home town to your home church to your preacher to your lost family you can stand up or sit down whatever you want to do Generation Z the spirit of the Prophet is upon me tonight and I'm telling you that tonight somebody hollered tonight come on scream it tonight I'm telling you that tonight a powerful endtime anointing is going to come upon every one of you if you want it it's in this house if you want it you can have it if you want it God's about to give it to us ha why don't you throw your head back and just start talking in tongues all over this building lift up your voice now listen just as easily as you went into speaking with other tongues I'm prophesying to you that tonight you are going to speak the Word of Faith and God's gonna honor it tonight with authority with more authority than you've ever felt with more anointing than you've ever known the Spirit of the Lord is gonna come upon you and you're gonna speak the word of faith and when you do God is going to honor it somebody shout yes I'm still prophesying to you that tonight somebody screamed tonight tonight in this arena you will see miracles you will see signs and you will see wonders turn around and touch at least three or four people and tell them I'm fixing to see miracles signs and wonders come on speak the word of faith [Applause] let me hurry on I want this generation to hear me clearly no matter what you've been told no matter what you've been thinking no matter how life has intimidated you I'm telling this generation tonight that you have everything that's required to be used mightily by God you hear me generation Z you're old enough you're smart enough you're anointed enough you're powerful enough and you have enough faith to be used by God starting tonight starting tonight starting tonight breacher I'm only 15 years old I was 15 when I prayed through I got the Holy Ghost about seven or eight but I acted like a devil until about 15 till I really prayed through a lady preacher come to our church I'll never forget her message she preached on the potter's wheel or the potter's field she said that's your choice and in a church of about 500 I sitting all the way in the back two or three rows from the back she come down the center aisle she stopped at my aisle and she said come on Jack you need to pray tonight I put my hands in my pockets and I shook my head no at 15 years old no I'm not going to the altar and that woman of God said ok boy if you want to go to hell I did my best I beat her back down to the older I threw myself in the altar and folks I'm here to tell you I had me a real praying through that was a life-changing night for me my life was never the same again after that night that I gave everything to him I went to my pastor I said can we start a Tuesday night prayer meeting with just young people do you trust us can we have just young people come and pray come and seek God he said sure go ahead so we started a Tuesday night prayer meeting we had about 15 came to the prayer meeting at first and it grew 20 25 30 35 40 for long we had over a hundred high school kids and church kids meeting at our church on Tuesday for prayer oh I'm telling you what folks it was something else I am Telling You we had tongues and interpretation and who knows if we even got it partly right we prophesied to one another we laid hands on the sick I am Telling You in that prayer meeting we had us one more apostolic time and in school over the loudspeaker they come on and said this is mr. Willis's last day with us for that was our principal with us for a while he has cancer and he's going tomorrow to West Virginia University Hospital where they're gonna operate on him and he'll be out for months before he gets to come back I made my way down to the office with two or three other teenagers we walked in our principal's office and I said sir 15 years old I said sir if you'd come to our Permian it just happened to be Tuesday night I said if you'll come to our prayer meeting tonight we've got over a hundred young people that are going to pray for you and Lee Willis said I'll try it I'll try to be there tonight we're in the middle of prayer meeting in walks the school principal he comes up and gets prayed for Spirit of God falls on him and he received the Holy Ghost we had an elder that lived down the street from the church brother Jimmy Wolf's daddy brother Sam wolf we called him we need you to come up to the church and baptize the school principal he come up and baptized him in Jesus name the next morning he went to West Virginia Unity HUS University Hospital and that Sunday were coming in to church on Sunday morning and here comes walking in the principal of our schools for church on Sunday morning he had gone to the West Virginia University Hospital the next day and they said we don't know why they sent you here because there's no cancer in your body I want every one of you young people to know I was only 15 years old every one of us that was there was teenager don't you dare start thinking I'll do this when I get these I'll do it I get in my 30s I'm telling you that God is raising up an army when I was 19 years old I was trying to preach believe it or not I started my first church at age 19 don't feel sorry for me feel sorry for those poor people I tried to pastor at 19 one night we had a visitor lady come she comes down to the altar at the end of the service they said would you come pray for and I went over and prayed for she had just come brother Dan Scott from one of the South American countries that still had not eradicated leprosy 40 years ago and they brought her up and they showed me her legs from her knees down her legs were blistered and scarred and red and full of all kind of running open sores and they said she's got leprosy she just got here from overseas and we laid hands on her 19 years old and prayed the prayer of faith over her and while I was praying over her a bunch of the women around her started screaming and dancing and falling out and I said what's going on they said look at her legs her legs not a sore on a not an open running sore honor no infection no leprosy when I was 23 years old I started going to Thailand with brother Billy cold we had a whole bunch of Buddhist receives the Holy Ghost and over there when we have them get the Holy Ghost we have them come up on the platform simply because we need the room in the altar so all those that got the Holy Ghost come up on the platform and brother Billy Cole said to me he said while I'm getting some new ones filled with the Holy Ghost I want you to pray for all of them that's already standing up here and don't leave them till they're talking in tongues so I went down the line laying hands one on another until they that was going to make you sick well maybe the devil is going to kill you or maybe the devil's going to let you be in a plane crash I got a revelation for 40 thousand young people tonight and I think you're ready to receive it if the devil could kill you you'd be dead but he can't do it he can't do it every young person in this hall you need to know it greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world are you ready for the Word of God Jesus said behold I give you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions are you ready for this and over all ALL over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means harm you I want every epistatic put your hand in the air as high as you can with one finger one finger pointing up one finger pointing up I want all 30-some thousand of you to know you got more power in that one finger you're holding up than all the Devils inhale together Oh somebody needs to hear me the devil's not our problem I said the devil's not our problem the only thing standing between us is in time apostolic revival the only thing standing between us and that revival hear me please is us being willing to say yes more here am i use me I'll go I'll do I'll be clap your hands again with all your might with all your might there's about to be a Holy Ghost explosion in this house there's about to come a Holy Ghost explosion in this house Peter Bahama heart I'll ela lobos shake Italian listen to me the Bible said sometimes the Bible says that sometimes we don't know how to pray it goes on from there and said sometimes we actually pray for the wrong thing but then it goes on and says but the Spirit maketh intercession for us when you pray in English you may or may not be praying for the right thing but can I tell you that when you pray in the Holy Ghost you're always praying for what's right God don't make a mistake God don't ever pray for the wrong thing I want every person in this building close your eyes and focus your attention on God now raise both of your hands and don't say one word of English I want you to start praying in the Holy Ghost with authority pray in the Holy Ghost with authority pray in the Holy Ghost with authority come on Downton II pray in the Holy Ghost with authority come on young ladies pray in the Holy Ghost with authority okay everybody listen everybody open your eyes and look at me if you can't see me at this podium look at me on the screen I want every eye in the building looking at me every eyes stop praying put your hands down your eyes open we're trying to be apostolic tonight which means you listen to elder's see how I got that in if you're here and you need a miracle I don't mean you're looking for a better job not that that's not a miracle or you'd like to have a model better car than you got I mean you're in a mess and you need a miracle physically spiritually emotionally maybe you're married a young married and your marriage is in a mess maybe your family maybe your siblings maybe your parents are unsaved but you need a real genuine miracle I want you to hold that hand up as high as you can get it do you need a real miracle he called toshe Paulo de mando Greek goddess look at that folks you could almost say there's 30-plus thousand hands up almost every hand in the building now listen to me listen to me I'm going to help you receive your I'm going to tell you five thing and then I'm going to speak the word of faith first of all we're all going to repent I'm going to repent every preacher on this platform is going to repent every person in the audience is going to repent every pastor and pastor's wife and youth leader and youth leaders wife is going to repent every North American youth core attendee is going to repent we're all going to repent are you ready are you ready repeat after me god please forgive me of all my sin say it loud of all my sin forgive me for the things I have done that displeased you forgive me for wrong words wrong actions wrong attitudes wrong relationships and wrong responses forgive me for any time I have rebelled against you against your word or against your spirit lift your hands one more time and thank God for hearing your prayer of repentance telling thank you lord thank you lord [Applause] I've got good news for you if you said god I'm sorry from an honest heart God just said you're forgiven the Bible said if we confess our sins that's one thing the Bible said he'll do for things if we'll confess our sins he'll forgive us our sins he'll cleanse us from all unrighteousness he'll be faithful to us and he'll be just with us when you said God I'm sorry God forgave you now the second thing we're going to do we're going to speak the word of faith now hear me probably nobody but you or very few people know why you raised your hand but in a moment I'm going to ask you to speak the word of faith and if you raise your hand because your family is lost when I tell you to speak the word of faith I want you to throw your head back and say my family shall be saved if you're sick in your body I want you to throw your head back and say I shall be healed if your mind is oppressed or depressed there's something wrong the enemy just attacks your mind with fear intimidation all that junk I want you to throw your hands up free are you ready you know what you raised your hand for a while ago now I want you to put both your hands in the air I hold on we're not gonna say please we're not gonna say God if you can we're gonna speak a word of faith I shall be healed my family shall be safe are you ready are you ready when I say hallelujah I want you to speak the word of faith to the very top of your lungs one two three hallelujah yes yes yes yes I shall be healed I shall be delivered I shall be free my family shall be sane okay next to the last thing next to the last thing we're getting ready to see a mass miracle in here a mass miracle I mean till we tell you what happened in Thailand this was my 35th year to go to Thailand a few years back we had a crusade and as crippled people we told them to bring folks that were blind and lame and people that were deaf and dumb and people they still have leprosy in Thailand people that have leprosy we told him to bring everybody that needed a miracle and I don't know what uh sure or pastor or who decided to do it but he got the idea to put all the lame people three or four rows every person a me in a wheelchair on a stretcher on a walker with a cane on crutches being carried didn't matter what it was they seated them all in the front of that audience and I felt there what I'm feeling right now that God is getting ready to do a mass miracle everybody be real quiet be real quiet Edwin Harper are you in the building I hear him back here somewhere holler loud he was there he saw this with his own eyes he was on the platform he preached that day and we baptized over 1500 people in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ hold on 18 about that 1,500 1,500 Baptists they weren't 1,500 Catholics and that doesn't diminish that any at all but all 1,500 of them were born Buddhist idol worshipers right in the middle preaching I was preaching about the power of the name of Jesus and in the middle of my message nobody laid hands on him nobody touched him nobody spoke nothing over him all of a sudden one lame man got up and then a second lame man got up and then a third lame man got up and then somebody got up off a stretcher and somebody come out of a wheelchair and in about three or four or five minutes over 100 lame people were up on their feet worshipping God and I'm telling you that's about to happen all over this house are you ready now I asked in service are there any believers in the house let me ask you again are there any believers in the house okay then the Bible said believers shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover now I told you we're fixing to find out if I'm a real prophet or not I told you when I started preaching tonight that you're going to speak the Word of Faith tonight and that God's going to honor it tonight so I want everybody per turn and lay your hands on somebody else the way the Bible says to every believer every believer now listen to me everybody listen everybody listen everybody listen speak the word of faith and when I speak the word of faith I want you to let out the greatest shout of hallelujah you have ever given in your lifetime and I want you to speak the word of faith over that individual that you're laying your hand on right now and God's going to heal from the front of this at form to the top of that balcony around this entire arena healing is going to fill this house and pray a prayer of faith as a believer are you ready are you ready close your eyes by the authority of the word of God and by the power that is in the name Jesus I command you to be healed I command you to be delivered I command you to be set free pray the prayer of faith over one another come on believer come on believer pray the prayer of faith [Applause] why don't you start speaking with other folks what you pray in the Holy Ghost with authority again pray in the Holy Ghost with authority [Applause] yes yes yes yes yes I command blinded eyes to be open I command deaf ears to be on stop I command dumb tongues to be loosed I command kidneys and lungs and liver and pancreas and heart to be healed [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] ha ha ha ha [Applause] I command the lane to walk I command the lane to walk I command pay to leave that body right now yes yes yes yes yes yes [Applause] Oh [Applause] okay everybody listen effort and [Applause] everybody listen [Applause] everybody everybody stop praying and listen everybody somebody by you still pray and touch him and tell him to stop hey everybody listen everybody listen hey pal that means you too thank you [Music] everybody listen now hear me when I tell you God doesn't need you to exaggerate nothing to make him look better all you kids over here look up here all you kids look up here [Applause] [Music] right here thank you look up here thank you all of you all of you thank you God don't need you exaggerating nothing to make him look good but if you know absolutely for a fact that you just got your miracle you were healed that pressures lifted off your mind you feel victory in your spirit you know you just got a miracle I want you to let out the biggest shout you've given all night long would you do why don't everybody clap your hands to the Lord make it sound like thunder now hold on before we stop we're gonna pray one more prayer and it's the most important one I hope you know who you're standing by would you why don't you we just take a moment ask at least the three or four people around you have you ever received the Holy Ghost speaking with other tongues ask at least four people around you okay I want you to remember what they told you if you said to them have you spoken with other tongues and they said no I have not or if they said something it's a long time and I and again we're going to pray in a moment and this time you're going to lay your hand on them and you're going to speak the word of faith and when you do God's going to give them the Holy Ghost and they're going to speak with other tongues as the Spirit of God give them utterance are you ready find that person that told you I've not received the Holy Ghost and get right around in front of them get right around in front of them I'm gonna tell you you guys are amazing you guys are wonderful get right around in front of them here goes by the authority of the word of God and by the power that is in the name Jesus I command you receive ye the Holy Ghost hallelujah [Applause] the Devas him understand [Applause] this whole group over here come on God's using you right now God's using you right now [Applause] hallelujah brother sound man [Applause] there are young people getting the holy ghost all over this building all over this building young people are being filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost [Applause] I want everybody that's still praying for the Holy Ghost I want you to open up your mouth and let your tongue go let God begin to speak through you in a language you don't know just open up your mouth and let it go let it go let it go [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] that's hit open up your mouth and let God begin to speak let God begin to speak let God begin to speak no matter what it sounds like let it go somebody just sent word to the platform that somebody got up out of a wheelchair back there and is walking around [Applause] [Music] I need the musicians and the singers run run run you're all young people run if you just received the baptism of the Holy Ghost or got a refilling of the Holy Ghost would you begin to wave your arm all over this place wave your arm will you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: plpministries
Views: 32,092
Rating: 4.8815961 out of 5
Keywords: NAYC, 2019, Jack Cunningham, UPCI, apostolic, pentecostal, preaching, nayc 2019
Id: gZbzyDL76tI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 35sec (3575 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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