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[Music] navy seals marsoc raiders two of the most highly trained lethal and capable special operations units in the navy and marine corps what sets them apart what do they have in common what can they do let's take a dive into what you need to know about navy seals and marine raiders [Music] we'll start off the video with a brief introduction on both of these units let's kick it off with the navy seals the u.s navy seals are one of the most popular units in the world and honestly they really don't need much of an introduction since 1962 they have been making an impact in the world of special operations just about everyone knows who they are their trident which looks like this is easily recognized by people who aren't even affiliated with the military seal stands for sea air and land which showcases just how capable and versatile these warriors are in warfare they are the us navy's primary special operations force and have a rich history in combat their motto is the only easy day was yesterday okay now on to marson marsoc stands for marine forces special operations command they are the united states marines only special operations units highly trained they equip marines to succeed in austria conditions against a wide range of adversaries marine raiders execute complex distributed operations in uncertain environments achieving silent success and strategic impact unlike the navy seals however marsoc is relatively new they were stood up in the mid-2000s pulling marines from forced recon battalions while they may be much newer than navy seals they certainly carry their own weight this is their insignia it is gold just like the steel trident is officially marine raiders are referred to as critical skills operators or csos for short but we'll be referring to them as raiders during this video but guess what they're called raiders for a reason they get their name from the original marine raiders back during world war ii who were special amphibious units that conducted lightning fast raids against enemy forces in the pacific these units were one of the first special operations units to form and see combat during the second world war they even used the same logo as the original unit which looks like this the marine raiders motto is always faithful always forward alright you just got a taste of what both of these elite entities are let's dig a little deeper and go over their capabilities missions and opportunities [Music] we're going to kick it off with the capabilities missions and opportunities for marine raiders here's the list of marsoc's core activities we're going to briefly explain each of them one by one real quick direct action raiders conduct short strikes and small-scale offensive actions to cease destroy capture recover or inflict damage in hostile or denied areas special reconnaissance they acquire information about the capabilities intentions and activities of an enemy not normally found in conventional forces counterterrorism this is pretty self-explanatory as you can probably tell marsoc prevents deters and responds to terrorism this is pretty standard across the board for any south unit out there foreign internal defense raiders provide training and other assistance to foreign governments and their militaries to enable them to provide for their own national security this is very similar to army sf in some aspects security force assistance they support the security forces of allied foreign governments to achieve operational objectives the united states shares counter insurgency in concert with allied governments marine raiders conduct military paramilitary political economic psychological and civic action operations to defeat insurgent strongholds support to combating weapons of mass destruction they provide expertise material and teams to support combatant commanders locating tagging and tracking weapons of mass destruction and last but not least support to unconventional warfare they support resistance movement or insurgency which may support conventional military operations as you can tell because of their wide variety of capabilities their mission sets also follow suit they can pretty much do it all okay now we're going to move on to the capabilities for the navy seals they are expertly trained to deliver highly specialized intensely challenging warfare capabilities that are beyond the means of standard military forces seal's main functions are conducting small unit special operations missions in maritime jungle urban arctic mountainous and desert environments they're typically tasked to capture or to eliminate high level targets or to gather intelligence behind enemy lines some of their other missions include direct action warfare special reconnaissance counterterrorism and foreign internal defense meaning that there is a decent overlap between them and the marine raiders okay now that you know the capabilities of both the navy seals and raiders let's go over the opportunities that both of them have as with any soft units there's a lot of opportunities for seals and raiders to earn qualifications and certifications like jtac creature school sniper school advanced demolition and the like typically enlisted members have more room for these schools as officers have a different role to play in these operations which leads us to our next point you have the opportunity to serve as either enlisted or an officer in marsoc and the seals it's up to you on what you prefer both are important and vital seals have the opportunity to go to soccer in the special operations tactical medical course however marshall marines do not marshaw gets its medical assets from navy sarcs if you want to know what a navy sarc is stick with us until the end of the video other schools and training that both seals and raiders get are foreign language schools advanced driving helicopter rope suspension training seer and cqb seals obviously get training in combatant diving and some marine raiders get the training at the usmc combatant dye school the same dive school recon marines go to bottom line if you decide to go to either of these communities you'll have more than enough opportunities to sharpen your combat abilities you'll obviously get a lot more maritime training as a seal than if you were a raider but we're sure you probably know that alright now you know some key similarities and differences between navy seals and marine raiders let's go over the structure of both of these entities and where you can expect to be stationed if you find yourself in these communities after that we will go over the training pipelines and requirements for each of them first things first both seals and marine raiders fall under socom which stands for special operations command underneath socom is naval special warfare command which is where the seals fall under and marsoc which is where the marine raider has fallen for the seals naval special warfare command is broken down into groups which are further broken down into teams there's nsw group 1 2 3 4 10 and 11. group one has seal teams one three five and seven group two has teams two four eight and ten group three has stv teams one and two group four has special boat teams 12 20 and 22 group 10 has the nsw support activities and group 11 has the reserve teams 17 and 18. oh and how could we forget there's devgrew otherwise known as seal team six which is its own group if you want the quick down and dirty of how a seal team is broken down we got you each seal team has eight operational platoons that consist of 16 men as well as a headquarters element these platoons can be broken down into two eight-man squads four four-man fire teams or eight two-man sniper and recon teams seal teams also draw support from naval special warfare support personnel who aren't seals but play a vital role in the missions that they undertake now on to the structure of marsoc marsoc consists of the marine radar regiment marine raider support group and the marine raider training center we're going to focus on the marine raider regiments here under the marine raider regiment there is the first marine raider battalion second marine raider battalion and the third marine raider battalion each battalion consists of four companies and each company consists of four 14 man marine special operations teams each msot is organized into three elements headquarters and two identical tactical squads it's also important to mention that there are other personnel that make up the marine raider battalions aside from the raiders there are two other entities there are socks which is short for special operations capability specialists and css which is short for combat service specialist there's a huge difference between the two and we're about to go over them socks are combat support marines who can join marsoc based upon the skills of their mls these mosses range from explosives ordinance disposal communications intelligence dog handlers and fire control specialists they have five-year billets with marsoc combat service specialists work with the battalion as their primary mos which tends to be motor t logistics and admin they receive some training to help them integrate into the battalion but they aren't as trained up as their socks counterparts they only have three years in their bills before returning to conventional marine forces if you want more detailed sources that explain these entities stick with us until the end okay now that you know the basic breakdown of the navy seals and marine raiders let's go over where you can be stationed if you were to be a part of either of these communities hey there we hope that you're enjoying the video so far general discharge as a patreon if you'd like to help support the channel please consider joining the team links in the description now back to the video we're going to start off with the seals as a seal you can be stationed at seal teams 1 3 5 and 7 on the west coast and seal teams 2 4 8 and ten on the east coast there are also two sdv teams one and two respectively with one being in pearl harbor hawaii and two in little creek virginia seal teams 17 and 18 which are preserved teams are at coronado california and little creek virginia and then there's devgrew which is at damn neck virginia as a seal you can be stationed at any of these locations now on to the raiders there's first marine raider battalion which is currently at camp pendleton california and then their second and third marine raider battalions which are in camp lejeune north carolina however in 2022 first marine raider battalion will move from the west coast to the east coast and join second and third marine raider battalions over in camp lejeune as a marine raider that's where you can be stationed alright now you know the structure of the navy seals and marine raiders now you're probably wondering what kind of training is required for both of these let's get into it we're going to start off with the navy seals training pipeline and then discuss the marine raiders pipeline navy seal training is arguably considered the most difficult military training in the entire world with one of the highest attrition rates out there roughly one in five make the cut the discovery channel documentary of butts class 234 gave people an idea of how difficult navy seal training is while also popularizing it we're going to list you the schools that a navy seal candidate must go through in order to earn their trident but that's all we'll get into for this video we have videos that go over navy seal training more in depth so if you want to know more about that stick with us until the end the list of schools are navy boot camp in great lakes illinois eight weeks msw prep in great lakes illinois eight weeks bud's orientation beau in coronado california three weeks basic underwater demolition slash seal training otherwise known as buds in coronado california six months seal qualification training sqt mainly in coronado california six months they also attend jump school and free fall school keep in mind just because a seal has finished their initial training does not mean they are running and gunning right away they typically train for another year and a half after they receive their trident before they are fully deployable you may be a seal after a year and a half but you won't be operating for a while all right now we're going to move on to the marsoc critical skills operator pipeline we're going to list the schools and then expand on them more because the marsoc pipeline is not as mainstream as the navy sales pipeline is the list of schools are assessment and selection otherwise known as ans phases 1 and 2 each about 3 weeks long individual training course or itc which is 9 months long sounds simple right wrong these courses are grueling demanding and test you to your limits let's talk about ams make no mistake this course is highly competitive in a s you're being evaluated 24 7 to see if you're the right fit for marsoc during phase one there's lots of physical training here ranging from running hiking and swimming ans incorporates a mix of classroom instruction and practical application of basic marine corps knowledge and marsoc and special operations forces fundamentals you can make it through all phase one but still not get selected to move on to phase two phase two continues to identify marines that have attributes compatible with special operations missions and the marshal way of life now on to the individual training course the itc has four phases uses a building block approach with the training rigor systematically increasing to mimic the complexity and stresses of combat we'll briefly cover each phase of the itc and then move on to the requirements for both seals and raiders phase one trains and evaluates candidates in the basic skill sets required of all marine raiders it includes physical fitness swimming and hand-to-hand combat that is designed around endurance functional fitness and amphibious training the pc will continue throughout the course other skills learned in this phase are navigation patrolling and technical combat casualty care phase two builds upon phase one with this phase teaching candidates mission planning fire support training small boat operations and scout swimming demolitions photography and information collection and reporting crew surf weapons and special reconnaissance there's also a nine-day exercise called operation raider spirits in this phase which evaluates students and patrolling in combat operations phase 3 is all about cqb training students will become very proficient in rifle and pistol marksmanship techniques and procedures demolitions and urban combat skill sets employed by an msop this phase culminates with an exercise named operation guile strike which is a series of simulated raids against urban and rural targets in phase four the last phase students will receive training on irregular warfare operations itcc culminates with the exercise called operation derna bridge it will require candidates to use all the skills mastered throughout the course while training advising and operating with a partner nation or a regular force if a student makes it through they will then be assigned to a marine raider battalion okay so you know what schools you'll be expected to attend if you decide to embark on either of these journeys but do you even qualify to give it a shot let's see before we dive into the requirements we're going to give you the main difference between getting into the seals or marsoc you can join the navy and go straight into the navy seal pipeline whereas for marsoc you can't do that you have to serve some time before you can apply so bottom line there's no guarantee you'll ever even get a shot at becoming a marine raider if you decide to go that route now with that out of the way we're going to show you some pictures of the basic requirements to join the seals and the raiders pause the screen to take a longer look here are the marsoc requirements and here are the navy seals requirements now keep in mind there are a complex amount of requirements that could take up an entire video on their own and there are obviously differences in the requirements if you're going enlisted or officer the last requirement for both of these that we will focus on are the physical test requirements for the seals you have to pass the minimums for the physical screening test also known as the pst here are the minimums for the pst obviously you should shoot for way higher than that the website has a pst calculator for you to see how you compare to other people and gives you an idea of what numbers you should shoot for as for marsoc you need to have a minimum marine pft of 235 but we all know you should be shooting for 300 and then you also must pass the marsoc swim assessment which consists of this pause the screen to take a longer look alright now you know the basic requirements for both navy seals and marine raiders but don't go just yet we're about to wrap up the video and leave you with some valuable resources to go check out about both of these communities as we can't cover everything in detail in just this video [Music] during this video you learned that the navy seals and marine raiders are quite similar yet very different they're both tier 2 units that fall under socom but both serve a different purpose they both have highly skilled operators with seals having a focus on maritime operations and marsoc having a focus on foreign internal defense but at the end of the day we're happy to have both of these guys on our side okay so we promised you that we'd leave you with some invaluable resources to go check out in our description we left some links for you to go check out ranging from the pst calculator to the requirements for both of these communities as far as videos go if you like the versus video format we've done other videos like this the thumbnails on screen are the verses videos we've done so far the links to these will all be in the description below and on a final note nick cumulotzos a former recon marine and marine raider did a video where he interviews a navy seal and compares the two communities go check it out that link is in the description well that is the down and dirty of the navy seals and marine raiders if you learned something from this video make sure to give us a like and subscribe to our channel as always thank you for watching do you even want to be here a big shout out to all of our patrons over at our patreon thank you all so much for taking the extra step in supporting our channel it is much appreciated if you'd like to be featured on a general discharge video go give our patreon a look and join the team here's nick naja all your friends are subscribing to general discharge and you don't even want to be here you
Channel: General Discharge
Views: 419,730
Rating: 4.9340358 out of 5
Keywords: NAVY SEALS VS. MARINE RAIDERS (MARSOC), navy seals, navy seal, marsoc, marine raiders, seals vs marsoc, marsoc raiders, us navy seals, usmc raiders, marsoc training, marine special forces, marine special operations, navy seal training, what are the navy seals, what is a navy seal, marine marsoc, how to become a navy seal, navy seals vs marine raiders, navy seals 2021, marsoc 2021, marsoc vs seals, navy special warfare, navy seal comparison, navy seal requirements
Id: dzqiLoXjDq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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