Bodybuilders try the US Navy Seals Fitness Test without practice

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this video gets 40 thousand likes we will do another visible fitness test or go through the top comments and pick a popular request comment comment comment I do [Music] hello and welcome to another video and as you just saw from the intro there today it's gonna freakin suck I'm going to meeting up once again with Mike Thurston I'm we're gonna be doing the US Navy SEALs fitness test [Music] for now as you also just saw the top request is comment as far as a fitness test goes was actually for us to do the Russian army fitness test that quote was obviously made by someone that literally wants me to die but I did some research into that test first it took about six years to find that loosely what it is and when I do find out what it is it's completely unrealistic it contains stuff like hand-to-hand combat and a live grenade throat and so yeah I sack that off found the next highest rank comment we're just rushed to the US Navy SEALs test and here we are now I was the last two videos we've done I'm gonna set another lock target but this time gonna up the ante once again so if this video gets 50,000 likes I'll go for the top comments I'll pick the most popular requested fitness test and we would do as long as it isn't the friggin Kazakh national underground bear wrestling club fitness test but yeah it could be another army one could be a fire brigade one could be a friggin police one the ops was endless you guys decided this video gets 50,000 likes that's gonna happen so make sure you like it make sure also this is key if you are new to the channel you subscribe it's the big red button that says subscribe on it and now that you've done that let's go and find Mike Mike a quiet dude okay we're in a place to do the US Navy's in assess what your thoughts I mean just like accumulation of everything we've done so far yeah again the sips again hopefully I'm gonna pass at this time so if you haven't seen the other ones we've done a US army test we've done a US Marines test on both occasions Mike has failed to sit up / crunch element so if he does that again like they might as well just end it just yeah so the test today is as follows we have the 500 yard swim swimming experience like it's alright but I just never do it in random lakes in England what it's called then we have push-ups for two minutes sit-ups for two minutes pull-ups just like until you can't do anymore and we're finally a 1.5 mile run one quick disclaimer we're doing the swim so the order is how I've just read it we're doing the swim last because it's friggin cold and like if we do the swim first I'm taking health literally we could just die 5:30 so we did this one last but I mean actually makes it harder if anything cuz we're gonna be friggin knackered for the swim which is definitely the most dangerous part the only event where there is actually an actual restore alive so a bad idea I messed up two or three times it's worth it then becomes like a rule while we're here at the outdoor gym outdoor gym being a very very generous because it's basically a circular bit of land we've some poles on the crew today by the way we have louis behind the camera we have says / chief timekeeper we're gonna get my TV here first yeah I'll go first because I went in first for the license we're gonna alternate it to keep the first event is the press-ups rules are pretty simple it's pretty much chest / face to the floor and then for Locker in terms of schools the minimum score for a pass is 50 and then an optimal / perfect score is 75 it's about 3.5 degrees by the way one last rule you can't put your knees down so after you start if you need to rest you've got to stay in the present position you're not allowed to and it touches the floor other than your hands and your feet you are disqualified for your 50/50 good [Music] oh oh do you think you got oh lost count again think it was like low to mid-60s definitely apart and putting out there 100 hours of pass was not for school or to school was 75 but wasn't 75 but like it was not a million miles away yeah not bad not bad okay I haven't confirmed Mike's but I reckon it was like originally the low to mid 60's at my target speakers I want to be much I'd like to pass but I want to beat Mike that's my that's my main [Music] son of a [ __ ] I think I'll go easy on it what the thing is I reckon it was a few yeah yeah I think I count it 69 but I think at least maybe three or four there was one period when you said it I wasn't thinking yeah maybe like mid 60s find out both past unless you did 20 [ __ ] sit-ups you can probably detect the fear on Mike's face I feel sick because yes I lost it two minutes recovery so sit-ups it's two minutes as many as you can do rules are hands behind head you have to go right down to the floor you have to right come right up so your torso is at least perpendicular to the ground so basically i displace you touch your knees of your chest that is the other one you can't and rest with your back on the floor yeah so you've got off you want to rest you've gotta rest in there like upright seat position oh my god so what you're there now you've taken it yeah yeah that's fifty years apart we're ready Mikkel [Music] okay let's go cool doing doing doing oh oh my god [ __ ] me how cats car dude oh my god abdominal endurance absolutely shocking after 40 day I feel bad for you but is quite funny we have a dog in the call a can a mockery of my tear [Music] what you hold hard is not kidding me that's ridiculous okay so the other tips we like we were resting back here and all the comments were saying you don't have to do that so this time we rest on the top but there's not rest it makes it harder hip flexors as well that's ridiculous when I got on a toga like 51 or to go past but like guys pathetic that's absolutely pathetic I'm a disgrace but luckily not as much of a disgrace is this man over here wow that's not about you at 15 good okay googly in okay pull-ups so a couple of issues firstly I forgot choc just not ideal because it's literally raining so I mean the grips on the base you've got some tape on there but probably gonna impede our performance a pass is 10 pull-ups and a perfect optimal score is 15 pull-ups which I guess should be doable but again the the grip is not the best now there's no time limit it's just like when you can no longer hold the bar and it's you're done or in terms of rules you have to fully like extend your arms at the bottom and then your chin must go above the bar at the top right when you ready mate [Music] all the Griffins not good I'm anything yeah 15 I can see your hands like struggling Zolder I was way harder than us I'm concerned yeah yeah that's ridiculous man slippery greased up as well all right oh okay ready I'm actually genuinely class k10 if I don't get ten that would be really bad bloody worsen it's a house [Music] [Music] no ice it's a slip you one yeah it's like like you said as soon as you go down to the bottom it's like a real like forearm workout to hold on to the bar hey bro ah okay it's going fine the track we made it the rain stops which is like handy because running in the rain on the tracks probably not ideal it's a 1.5 mile run which is basically six laps plus 14 meters so we're going to start slightly back from the line we're gonna run together because running by yourself is depressing and takes friggin ages and whoever's waiting in the cold is that's obviously no idea that part is ten and a half minutes I mean doesn't really mean much to us pretend we don't ever run a perfect school I think it's like nine eleven minutes but that's not gonna happen I'm fairly confident is gonna absolutely suck I want to beat Mike quite a lot so that's my primary goal so that's the last lap what you've been getting yes what you thinking I don't know I feel like the last one we did three mile one that was all right like it wasn't too first hot I think this one's gonna be hard because we're at to the Argonne yeah yeah the last two because they've been long with being kind of cruising until the end with this one it's got to be relatively fast so yeah it's probably gonna be very uncomfortable but I just want to get it done really want to get it done I literally hate like this yeah I don't like running we're not running any more than like 10 meters particularly when we're going to finish in the same place you start protein and got anywhere at least I was running to like Tesco's I'll accomplish some kind of anything 90 years old lifted like a day and a half ago smile probably good yeah three two one kids [Music] those profanities I got there hi Scott cus the ones are my cousin I love that fire spreading all around my words surpri it's hard to breathe sorry [Music] yeah do not buy these shoes burning in my sees cameramen twice oh that one was the least Pleasant Oh Oh 10:51 Jesus fire is it yeah Cynthia was a boss oh my goodness I was very unenjoyable oh right so annoying okay we're gonna take some time to recover and then you uh take over he will see there is an actual lake next to the track um so yeah see you there we are here and by here I mean on the precipice of an actual Lake life the dark and unforgiving boy is happening these videos have got out of hand now the foot we're suing in a dirty come on swimming freezing cold lake like wildlife in it this is not ideal this is not okay so it's a this a means five hundred yards which is four hundred and fifty seven meters so it's basically going to be like they're back they're back kinda like an L you know I'm saying time to pass is twelve and a half minutes perfect score haven't even looked at it because it's not gonna happen I have no idea what the sensations are relating jump remote yeah I've literally never swam more than like one lap and fall I don't know like what might I'm quite fast every short this is why I have no idea what my over anonymous is gonna drown what is happening how is this a thing that's quite cold we did also point out what is that oh yeah pick these up in Croatia give us a big day please dry [Music] so I've come to that conclusion I'm just one man in this world I love them [Music] there's my god how what you got out you joking what's the time what 13 minutes bill signs of everything I've like never I remember being a water that cold I was like screw shaking me painful you know how no one are you going water and you're like I'm cold when it goes away just didn't go away okay so in retrospect like I think we may be wrong because that is way more than 100 meters but either way we both failed and I think I might just die in a minute so we're thinking about my cash or two so sick that's wrong first where which is Mike's company I'll link to them in the description you want to go and get some definitely recommend doing say oh wow wow wow that was and I didn't expect that to go next as an uncomfortable experience oh I thought it was gonna be okay but a moment had jumped it can you explain please - cos you disappeared when we started I was concerned you suddenly weren't there anymore so they can you know what I jumped in I was like oh my god that's cold well probably hopefully just get used to it and then I wasn't getting used to yeah and then I was starting to panic and I felt like my body was shutting down and I was like you know what I don't think I can do this anymore but I tried to but notice Lautner he just climbed out yeah we got to the end we turned around and I was like no I'm stopping a little [ __ ] like power through and I was like nah I like I'm this is actually what it must feel like when people are drowning or about to drown I was like that's not worth it so then I was like no I'm tapping out of this it's not worth you see YouTube it's not like life or death yeah that was no idea interesting see what actually happened we did it in the swimming pool yeah that would be way way easier I just thought it'd be funny and like plus I thought there's no way like what some balls gonna let us film in there with the camera you know it's not gonna happen anyway who cares let's have a look at the scores total scores it makes for depressing reading so press-ups first up Mike 57 solid pass me 65 solid pass situps Mike 48 I'm getting close by old hospital skin not as bad a fail but yeah the worst of endurance in the world me 51 scraped apart pull-ups Mike 15 perfect score not as perfect as me with 17 ultra perfect score but I think in hindsight if you'd gone after me you could have scraped that a couple more I reckon you put it could have beer I reckon run Mike this is a low point for me Mike ten fifty me just 10 51 yeah that was a horrible feeling where Mike because he was behind me the whole time I thought I had him I thought I was it like he kind of lulled me into a fall semester yeah yeah and then and then when he went past me I thought I'm okay I can do this and then he went past me even further and that I was a horrible feeling order to cry I almost did actually just start crying swim to finish me and Mike both did not finish that was a pathetic attempt this wing but in our defense it was disgustingly cold I'm telling you we're out there providing you guys instead yeah so I hope you guys enjoy yeah that was the most uncomfortable I think I've ever beer for a long time go to like a local supermarket and just climb into the freezer for like 10 minutes and then that's what I felt like all right so just got some slack I'm gonna put the link to Mike show in the description because he's a sicko so going to Scott to his channel I hope you enjoyed the video guys if he didn't do it give it thumbs up if you're new to my channel make sure you subscribe and I will see you tomorrow [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: MattDoesFitness
Views: 18,276,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Natacha Océane, us army, us marines, us army fitness test, army, marines, army fitness test, bodybuilders try us army fitness test, us army fitness test without practice, nava the beast, Mattdoesfitness, bodybuilders try, matt does fitness, us marine fitness test, us marine fitness test without practice, bodybuilders try us marine fitness test, navy seals, navy seals fitness test, us navy seals, navy seals fitness test without practice, bodybuilders try navy seals fitness test
Id: WC0z9B0p1L4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 56sec (1436 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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