Navigating Seasons of Transition | Jeremiah Johnson

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welcome to the watchmen's corner this is your host jeremiah johnson and on today's episode we're going to bring you a special message live from around our nation you know i love the corporate gathering the bible is so clear that there's power when believers gather together in person and even during coven 19 god is looking for a remnant that's going to stand on the front lines and declare the truth of who god is to a generation get ready you're about to be blessed check it out [Music] hallelujah [Music] thank you jesus good morning thank god for anointed worship you're blessed here you're blessed here i go to a lot of churches you're blessed here come on let's give the worship team a round of applause if you can't preach in this you probably just can't preach make it very easy well this morning i want to talk on transition how many of you were here last night i shared a message concerning what i believe is a divine reset that god is releasing to the global church during this time of a pandemic i do not believe that we can go back to business as usual after this 90 to 120 day period and much like god called israel out of egypt and led them through the wilderness i believe that god is calling the american church out of egypt and by that i mean a pharaoh-type system of religion where we are dependent upon man and yet we have not learned how to live a cloud by day a pillar of fire by night i believe god is drawing a remnant remnant churches remnant ministries remnant people to learn how to come up out of this season trusting and being more dependent upon the father than ever before i believe there's going to be a geographic shift in america where you are going to see people move from all over the united states not for a work but for churches and ministries you're going to see people literally shift to where people have chosen to host the presence of god rather than run boring stale programs there is a shift upon us and i want to talk this morning about transition how many of you have ever been in transition if you're not raising your hand you're a liar transition is a part of life now this message this morning might fit more into a former season it might fit into what you're going through now if it's not i believe transition will face us all but kind of where i want to preach into this morning is in a bigger picture the transition that i believe god is welcoming the body of christ to and i want to try to provide seven different pieces of wisdom or advice that you can take home with you on your journey in transition i'm going to start in exodus chapter 3. let's pray father we thank you for this morning we thank you for your word we thank you that it's alive it's active it's sharper than any two double-edged sword we thank you that your word is relevant lord we don't live above your word we don't tell you what to do lord we live underneath your word lord you tell us what to do god i'm asking that you would raise up a people at lima first that would surrender to you father even in the uncertainty of the season called covid lord we say not our will but yours be done lord we say your kingdom come god your will be done on earth as it is in heaven let us not be guided by our emotions let us not even be guided by the news let us be guided by your spirit in your ways in the name of jesus we pray amen exodus chapter 3 in exodus 3 moses has his encounter at the burning bush it's only when he decides to turn aside that god begins to speak to him i want to encourage you as someone that has trained many many prophetic people and prophets all over the world that oftentimes were looking god for god to speak to us but were unwilling to pull aside and camp out one of the ways that god speaks clearly to us is that we shut down the noise the busyness of life and we come aside with the lord but as he comes aside he begins to have an encounter with the lord where god begins to mantle him as a deliverer of israel god speaks a word to him in verse 8 for the nation of israel so i have come down to deliver them from the power of the egyptians and to bring them up from that land to a good land a spacious land to a land flowing with milk and honey to the place of the ice i'll save you my poor pronunciation of the jebusites and the perezites and all the ice to the land of the ice when we talk about transition often times transition is initiated by a word from god god speaks to us something some plan some destiny whether it's a job whether it's a spouse whether it's something a new child there's a lot of transitions but oftentimes when god speaks a promise a transition or rather a process is started and the process will determine whether that promise comes to pass promises initiate processes that if we're obedient in the process we will get to fulfillment as a former pastor for 12 years and now someone that's traveling all over the united states one of my greatest heartbreaks among the body of christ is how many people that have received words from god either in his word or from a voice that are living unfulfilled lives in other words i've never met more people that have had unfulfilled prophecy i've never met more people that had god speak something to them and never came to pass than now there are if then which we're going to read about there are if then covenants in the bible and then there are covenants in the bible where god swears by himself in other words there's nothing that anyone can do to hinder what god has spoken but what many people don't realize especially in the new testament is that the majority of the promises are if then in other words if you do this then i will do this what if prophecy is more about possibility than inevitability because we just hope somebody will stand us up give us a prophetic word and it better happen tomorrow we just believe we're going to be reading our bible god will breathe a scripture to us he'll speak a promise and then we can just go back to business as usual and it better come to pass i'm going to tell you that this is not that type of thinking is not only not biblical it doesn't reflect the character and nature of god because god from the beginning has always sought an heir he has always sought a bride he has always sought to be in partnership with you and i where he wants to walk out your destiny with you every step of the way and part of god promising you things is inviting you into a divine romance a divine is anybody awake this morning a divine partnership with him in other words the bigger the word of destiny the greater the process that we're going to have to endure to see it come to pass what price are you willing to pay to get to destiny but the ways of god unfortunately the bible is not a bestseller in today's culture because we want everything microwaved we want wham bam thank you ma'am i will take my word from god and it better come to pass tomorrow and so god speaks to moses i'm going to call you as a deliverer excuse me a deliverer and there's a land that i have for the people of israel it's a land flowing with milk and honey can you say milk and honey who likes milk and honey i don't know i don't really what do you think they thought of or even moses thought of when he got this word who wants to hear from god today we would love to hear what god has for us israel under oppression is hearing this word an amazing land a land flowing with milk and honey how many of you have ever heard this land the land of canaan called the promised land do you know that's not in the bible there's nowhere in the bible that says promise land rather it was a phrase that scholars coined to call the land of canaan the promised land what i want to start off by saying with the time that we have this morning is oftentimes what we have in our mind about the promises of god is not what he has in mind and oftentimes what will prevent you from going where god wants you to go from obeying how god wants you to obey is what you think your destiny should look like is not what god thinks your destiny should look like because we just want to skip the process in this generation we have a fundamental battle especially among young people that we do not know how to win in the mundane when times get hard when we're not feeling it and we're counseling couples that are getting divorced because they don't feel it anymore for many people in the church they can't get a job because they're called to ministry a lot of people that are called to ministry actually need to get a job because they need to learn what it means to serve god in the mundane to learn submission and authority before god actually calls them again i know this message is not a bestseller but it's the bible if we want to be heirs if we want to be in partnership with the lord we're going to have to surrender our will to the father jesus this supreme example of what it means to be a son or daughter walking with the father in the garden of gethsemane in perhaps his greatest hour of tragedy he says father if this cup can pass before me let it pass but nonetheless so it's okay to come to the altar and come to god and say god i really want this i would really like this and this is how aren't we great negotiators i mean i guarantee you there are some awesome bargainers in this room i mean we love to bargain with god and here and much of the west we just like to go ahead and make our plans and then ask god to bless them we don't even bother to invite god into our lives and ask him father what do you want me to do but rather jesus has become an item on the buffet line just add a little jesus into my life and i'll just hope i go to heaven when i die listen jesus is not a salt and pepper shaker that adds flavor to your life he is the life he is the truth he is the way so many disappointed disillusioned saints in the body mad at god and i'm telling you much of the disappointment in the disillusionment much of why he's not hearing your prayers is because your prayers are concerning what you want and not what he wants you ever got to that season where you're thanking god he didn't answer half your prayers okay thank you jesus the promised land god has good things in store for you this morning good things in store for his people he had good things in store for the apple of his eye israel moses comes with this incredible prophetic word there's a land israel that god has for us it's a land flowing with milk and honey but in deuteronomy 11 verses 10 through 15 god begins to describe the promised land in detail that can give us some clues about that land and i believe it can provide us with some insight practically for our own lives deuteronomy 11 verse 10 for the land in which you are entering to possess it is not like the land of egypt from which you came where you used to sow your seed and water it with your feet like a vegetable garden but the land in which you are about to cross to possess it a land of hills and valleys drinks water from the reins of heaven a land for which the lord your god cares the eyes of the lord your god are always on it from the beginning even to the end of the year so we have to have a sunday school time out i'm a pastor's son i grew up in indianapolis indiana and when i was in israel i've been to literal israel ten times now i take people over there on tours when i begin to get awake into the reality of israel and all that comes with it now reading the word of god i called my dad on the phone and we had a little sparring match because i said dad i was lied to in sunday school i was made to believe that egypt was like this desert wasteland where it was like a a piece of junk like get me out of here and then the land of canaan was like disney world it's like in sunday school i'm imagining egypt is like this terrible place there's no food there's no water and then the promise comes hey jailbreak come on over cain and disney world eat all the candy all the coasters i mean great things for god and all of a sudden i'm like wait a minute for the land in which you are entering into is not like the land of egypt it says in egypt the soil was so fertile that they could literally sow crops with their toes i don't know a whole lot about farming but i've interacted with farmers and what they'll tell you is folks if you can sow crops with your feet that was some good land so all of a sudden we've got to shift our mindset yes they were oppressed in egypt but in terms of what they used to feed themselves in terms of the type of land it was actually more fertile than the promised land where they were currently because a lot of people what you're currently involved in initially when god begins to speak his word to you is going to look a lot better than the place that god is calling you to see a lot of god calls someone and they've got money they've got comfort they've got convenience and the word of the lord comes to them hey i've got something else for you and we start looking over there saying what about that is better than this and i'm telling you if we are not marked for eternity if we don't have our priorities right jesus said what good is it for a man to basically be rich and have things of this world and not inherit eternal life but lord i don't want to obey you over there i don't want to go into the ministry because i won't have any money but again are we in our minds are we focusing on the will of god in obedience to him no matter the cost or are we trying to fulfill the promises of god in our own strength and in our own perspective so many people in the body of christ never i'm telling you it's so rare folks it is very rare in this day and hour to meet people that literally had nothing where nobodies were way on the backside of a mountain that heard god paid a price were processed for years and now you're watching them walk in destiny it's so rare and then they emerge in the body and we just want to get an impartation for them we have famous people in america who have been processed they radically obeyed and then they preach to people who don't want to do the same brother just lay hands on me i love what leonard ravenhill used to say one of my heroes everybody wanted leonard ravenhill to lay hands they loved his fire the zeal of the lord and he said this to them everyone wants my mantle but no one wants my sackcloth and ashes i could lay my hands on you this morning and impart a gift to you but here's what i can't impart to you my personal history in god and it is your personal history in god that serves as the foundation that helps us to steward the gifts in the calling of god the problem in this generation is we want the gifts we want the talents we want the influence we want the stages and we're failing in the secret place and so the very spotlight we want if we're not processed is the very spotlight that will expose us another great leonard ravenhill quote most christians don't lie they just sing them in church all our worships have your way god there's more i have a destiny i have a purpose but are you willing to do it his way because i'm telling you if we don't do it his way all our murmuring all our complaining all our disappointment all our disillusionment with god has zero to do with him and everything to do with us stir serving some strong drink this weekend we need it we need it we have a generation that's so used to being coddled so used to having their ba their their diaper changed he's charismatic and it's all about sugar i mean we have people's teeth rotting out from how many prophecies and impartations they've had so many gifted ministers i meet their marriage is a train wreck their kids don't even serve the lord but give me another this and let's have another meeting no let's learn how to win in the mundane let's learn how to love let's learn how to be processed amen telling you it's time for a divine reset in the church charismania is over god wants to raise up pentecostal charismatic marriages and families that have character that matches the anointing on their life we want power real power comes from purity we want anointing god's anointing comes from crushing there's got to be more than just a flash in the pan another anointed man or woman of god rose up and they crashed just as fast as they rose because their gifting took them somewhere that their character could never keep them when training young evangelists y'all i want to be a giant slayer i'm ready to cut off the head of goliath and i'm interacting with them and i start asking them questions are you watching pornography well i want to be a giants no no no no no what prepared david to cut the head off goliath is he had learned to kill the lion and the bear in the secret place process winning in the mundane even when i don't feel god i still serve him even when i've got kids that are fighting and screaming and i'm at odds with my wife it's not a contract it's a covenant love is as strong as death lord we're asking in this hour that you would raise up a generation of saints and leaders that would cry out in this hour god not my will but yours be done oh that a generation would step into real prophetic fulfillment and where are the men and women that have stood on the walls for 40 and 50 years and when they lift up their voice their history is not six marriages i literally know someone on facebook that has over a million followers that every week counsels people in marriage and they've been married six times it's the danger of social media we're being influenced by people that are just great at graphic designing and they don't even know how to do marriage and family i'm telling you we are being duped in the church we are being absolutely deceived and i believe that during covet 19 what god has done in the church is he said sit down he has effectively shut down much of these large ministries who are perpetuating microwavable christianity cash at christianity he's awakening people to the truth of how unprepared we are right now in this epidemic this shaking this crisis has just simply revealed how unprepared we are for the days ahead and as i said last night when you start telling people listen honey a little paper over your mouth isn't persecution listen i know you're getting riled up about a mask but there are far greater trials and tribulations that are going to come to your life to conform you to the image of jesus than a mask we better get ready now i know just by experience that probably the best amens in this room i could get are going to come from older people might not gone to college but they went to something called the school of hard knocks [Applause] how we doing god is good he's a good and he's a kind father and folks he's more concerned with our character than how we feel oh brother this doesn't sound loving love tells the truth love has the future in mind true biblical love is not blind he sees from the end to the beginning he sends his son he dies on the cross for our sins he rises from the dead he's sitting at the right hand of the father and he has invited us to surrender our all from jump street i said it last night many people are backsliding in the church because they never front slid from salvation he wants us all in not my will but yours be done and we submit to a glorious process and adventure where we live for the glory of god and not for ourselves you will always find more satisfaction in obeying god than enjoying the temporary satisfactions of life there is a divine wounding that i call that god wants to mark you with even this morning there is a love sickness that god has called you to enjoy we're out of an encounter out of an experience with him out of a full surrender to know god is to trust god it's out of that place where we get wounded where we can never go back to life as usual there is a place in god where you will no longer be tempted with the things that once tempted you there is a satisfaction there is a joy there is an appetite in god where even if things get hard a joy there's a peace i have decided to follow jesus though none go with me still i will follow isn't it so hard to obey and serve god when your friends choose the easy route we're just watching people around us take shortcuts and they just get to where you want to go faster than you did but the truth is that they won't last long because they were never processed and because you're so worried about them and where they're going and what they're doing that you miss the process that god has for you there are many people in the body of christ that will never fulfill the destiny on their life because they're so worried about someone else's i've been trying to encourage people during covid stop with the podcasts and with the itunes and why don't you find out what god has for you you know more about a denomination you're more familiar with someone's preaching than you are the word of god there is a mimicking copying scamming anointing where is the authentic where is the original you know where it is in the wilderness because it's where true prophets find their voice it's on the path less chosen god is going to raise up some authentic some original some creative i've been waiting for the new songs to emerge in the earth i've been waiting for the new messages to come forth that weren't copied by anyone else but that were paid for in the secret place how we doing all right we're almost done still in deuteronomy 11. it shall come about talking about the promised land it shall come about if can you say if if you listen obediently to my commands which i am commanding you today to love the lord your god and to serve him with all your heart and all your soul that then can you say then then he will give the rain for your land in its season the early and late rain that you may gather in your grain and it speaks of a harvest notice god says if you will love me with all of your heart if you will fully surrender to the process not how you define it but how i define it if you do this then i will do that who wants a prophetic word this morning see this whole thing messed me up pastor darrell i literally went from the young guy showing up to profit conferences and bright colored clothes just confession i'd make a good get a good seat you know stand up when the prophet went by make sure he saw me made sure i was worshiping when he looked over all spiritual when i started understanding the ways of god the process that was required the greater the destiny the greater the crushing i actually went from the bright colored clothes to sitting on the back row hiding hoping i wouldn't get called out i literally went from being upset that i didn't get a prophetic word to thanking god i didn't get one i'm trying to relieve you i'm trying to refresh you i'm trying to tell you if god hasn't revealed destiny yet just be faithful with what he has given you god is looking for faithful stewards in the earth and oftentimes what he considers true stewardship we don't care about faithful stewardship did you learn how to love her did you learn how to love him did you learn isn't isn't god so wise this incredible father romans 8 29 in his foreknowledge he predestined us to be conformed to the image and likeness of his son you want to talk about a transition every person on planet earth god said to me one day jeremiah i have created everyone in my image but not everyone is being conformed to my likeness what an incredible plan god here's how he's going to conform us to the likeness of his son are you ready marriage somebody laugh where the goal is not happiness it's holiness what a plan from papa god i love you with an everlasting love and i've sent my son to die on the cross for you to initiate a transition of being conformed to his likeness and the best way i can help you out is to give you a partner where the goal is not about changing them it's about changing you here's what i learned in 12 years of pastoral counseling what a gajillion couples would come into my office locking horns here's how we can help you focus on you and you focus on you and i promise we're gonna get through it quiet in here it's like the things we're supposed to be celebrating we're trying to get away from the very instruments the very tools that god has placed around you to perfect you and get you to your destiny you're saying get away from me the gift of being overlooked thank god it wasn't about you being overlooked it was about the pride that rose inside of you when you were overlooked that's what god wanted to expose know who i'm talking to and then we on the path of marriage and then a baby bump comes and we don't know how it got there but it came she's pregnant we're excited and oh praised god and then out pops johnny and oh what another adventure comes somebody say amen and then another and then another and then life happens and people die unexpected tragedy in life living in a world that we just can't control what an incredible journey we're on in the body to be conformed to his likeness are you willing to go through this grateful or are you going to keep going through it entitled are we going to just keep thinking that god owes us something do you know none of us are doing god a favor by being here today remember hearing a preacher years ago he literally says from the pulpit god got a good thing when i got saved because it's all about me it's all about me jesus wrong wrong telling you there's i just help me lord it's like i i can peer into the destiny of a generation and the plans the purposes the outpouring the revival i mean it's it's just beyond a thin veil and god the father so longs to share his gifts with his kids if you being evil jesus sid said know how to give good gifts how much more the father in heaven and we cry out for the gifts we demand the gifts we want them on our own time and in our own space and the father loves us too much to give us the keys when we're 12 spiritually telling you many of the things that we long for they would crush you rather than bless you so if you're here this morning and something's festering inside maybe it's disappointment maybe it's disillusionment maybe you're like god i've been holding on to this promise god you've confirmed it god or maybe you're here and you're like brother i'm a blank slate i got nothing i think we about covered everybody now if you're in that place rather than being focused on what you think you're owed rather than focusing on that destiny can i invite you to focus on the process can i invite you into an invitation of faithful stewardship lord at the end of my life at the end of my days i don't want to be known as the most anointed i don't want to be known as the most gifted i don't want to be known as the most popular i want to be known as a good dad i don't i want to be known as a good husband lord i want to be the best worker at my job oh brother god can't be in the marketplace do everything as unto the lord what if your life's calling is to be a faithful witness to the gospel by literally outworking everyone at your job with a great attitude that was okay it was decent i have so much thanksgiving in my heart now so much relief so much refreshing so much thanksgiving erupts from out inside of me father you are the eternal keeper of time i'm one who my mom had a dream when i was in her womb to name me jeremiah the lord told her that the devil would try to kill me on many times in my life i was born dead the cord was wrapped around my neck my mom almost died we were known as a miracle mom and son on christmas eve in that hospital to this day i started having dreams at night at seven years old the supernatural got activated very early on i grew up in a supernatural environment dad pastoring in indianapolis when i was 18 i thought i'd go and fulfill the call of god on my life i went down to university to get a bible degree my first year there my mom basically jumped off the deep end she was diagnosed bipolar schizophrenic ended up in a mental institution i'll save you the details but you're talking bankruptcy foreclosure a father that was my hero a role model the roles get reversed and i'm holding him in my arms as he cries himself to sleep suicidal i'm one of four boys i have an older brother and two under me growing up a pastor's son you just have certain mindsets about god and about how things are going to be my older brother and my brother right under me they in that season said lord if this is what my parents get for serving you screw you excuse my french they didn't just serve the devil they glorified in the works of the devil one of them right now is serving a long-term prison sentence in a federal penitentiary i'm telling you i was following the call of god and watched a nuclear demonic bomb be dropped in a ministry family and boom you don't think in those moments and in those years i'm walking around saying god but i got a call i mean i saw destiny like at seven moses comes to these people there's a land flowing with milk and honey and you and i know the story rather than 40 days in the wilderness it's 40 years and rather than a million people inheriting destiny it's only joshua and caleb because fear leads to rebellion but faith in god even through the hard season leads us to the occupation of the promises of god listen to me via experience via crushing we cannot control in many seasons what happens in life but we can control how we respond every person in this room has been dealt cards and some of us we hated them some of us we'd why god why becomes an invalid question that makes you an invalid some of you in this room are 50 and 60 years old naturally and you are 13 and 8 in the spirit you are still trapped back to that season and that year in your life where you were violated you were abandoned you were stuck and were still back there why god and we become an invalid we become trapped and listen to me there are some things in life that'll never have an answer death divorce disaster we're never meant to question whether god is good god is good period see i wish i could you know well brother that that's terrible we feel for you but you know let us know it all it all got better right no my mom is still mentally insane i go around the world and see god deliver and heal and release destiny and i go back home and i'm literally talking to a woman who gave birth to a prophet that's touching nations and the lights are on and no one's home you don't think i look the devil in the face and he says hahaha it's all a sham it's all you're a fraud the whispers the lies of the devil when i go and visit my brother in prison and i finally got him samuel you're not a victim yes mom and dad divorce but you know what you are responsible for your choices you can keep blaming you can keep blaming what happened to them as the reason why you chose but you will be a victim for life and you might get out in a couple years but you'll still be a prisoner to your own soul how many of us in this room not fulfilling destiny blaming someone or something rather than taking ownership saying lord whatever you see you came to see a holy ghost shrink today lord i accept responsibilities this is what happened to my father grew up in a horrible physical sexually abused family he's got a 14 inch scar on his chest where his dad stabbed him with a butcher knife and tried to kill him used to beat them with baseball bats out of their sleep to this day if i walk in a room and wake up my dad i tap him on the shoulder and back up because he goes 50 something years later and he finally gets to the point when he's 35 it's time to forgive dad and he goes and he writes a letter and he's getting ready to you did this and you did this and you did this and he literally writes three sentences dad i'm sorry for whatever role i joseph johnson played in your life i'm sorry for the ways in which i knowingly or unknowingly contributed to the abuse supernaturally in that moment he's never been the same again that's a wild one the hatred the rage the anger gone in a second by just simply flipping the tables and saying lord whatever part i played i release it to you i sense because of the intensity i feel in the atmosphere the war there's a war in the spirit if you if you can't feel it there's a war in the spirit in this room which indicates to me that the level of destiny here is great in my season of pain and trial with my own family this is what god spoke to me and i think i said it last night to somebody the places of your greatest warfare are the places of your greatest inheritance where the devil is fighting you the hardest is an indicator where your greatest anointing is that's why he doesn't want you to talk about it don't talk about when your dad abused you don't get raw and real with the people of god and tell them about your family dysfunction just just prophesy over them but you know what i've discovered the greatest anointing on my life is in the place of pain where do you hurt this morning if you won't get real in here you certainly won't get real out there maybe it's not under the blood maybe it's just under the rug maybe all our revival services and falling down in fire tunnels and laughing maybe there's more because i realize as i worked through my pain that there was an anointing i realized that as i said yes to god even through intense pain i had a choice about how i would respond and as i did that beyond the pain i found my purpose have you found yours yet it's right beyond the pain it's right beyond the crushing it's right beyond the process god is good he loves us too much to leave us the way that he found us wow we want to thank you for joining us on the watchmen's corner today i pray that you were blessed as you heard this special message from around our nation we're going to have a time of prayer now but i wanted to ask you to consider sowing into the ministry of the watchmen's corner by your giving we are able to reach thousands at times millions of people from around the world there's going to be a prompt that will flash on your screen now you can do text to give you can give on our website but we want to thank all our partners and friends who are carrying this burden with us to present truth to a generation without compromise let's pray together now father we thank you for this time of ministry and impartation lord we lift up every physical need every financial need god we thank you for the seed that's being sown now into this ministry and we'll give you all the praise in jesus name amen thank you for joining us on the watchmen's corner we'll see you next time bye-bye you
Channel: The Altar Global
Views: 23,036
Rating: 4.8946047 out of 5
Keywords: Jeremiah, Johnson, Jeremiah Johnson, JJM, Ministries, Ministry, God, Jesus, Prophet, Prophecy, Author, Christianity, Christ, Jesus Christ, Church
Id: eSJnxwvnhY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 51sec (3591 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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