Jeremiah Johnson | Lovers of the Presence

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if you have in your Bibles would you turn to second Samuel Chapter six how many West Virginians do we have here is that how you say it West Virginians okay Mountaineers how many people not from West Virginia great great let's welcome these guys I do believe that the Lord is going to speak tonight if I had a title for this message it would be called lovers of the presence lovers of the presence as God began to speak to me about our time this weekend kind of my preparation time is I'm not really a guy that writes books or messages and kind of carries them where I go most of my ministry is just simply fasting and praying the Lord will give me dreams or encounters for a specific house or a specific region so what I'm going to share with you tonight is just something I don't know if it's the first and very last time that I'll share it but as I prepared to come in the spirit realm meaning if that's hard for you to connect with I'm looking at you and in my natural eyes but the Lord shows me things in another realm I saw great waters in the spirit realm and I asked the Lord what the waters were and the Lord said that there were waters of Baptism that were beginning to open up over West Virginia and when I asked the Lord about the waters of baptism what exactly they were the Lord began to talk to me about waters of baptism of a revelation of sonship and I believe that the Lord is releasing waters of sonship a revelation of what it means to walk as sons and daughters to the Father I believe that God is going to restore the Fatherhood of God to the church very simply I'm not here to teach out of Ephesians chapter one but I believe before the world began that God had got together and the father and the Son and the Holy Spirit each desired an inheritance for themselves and so the father his inheritance was a family of sons and daughters when I talk about a revelation of the Fatherhood of God I'm talking about when the Fatherhood of God is taught and preached a generation of family the spirit of adoption is released Jesus Christ his inheritance is his bride there's a bridal paradigm there's an identity that's coming as Jesus Christ our bridegroom king who by the way in 1st Corinthians 15 at the end of the age gives the keys of the kingdom back to the father because the father is the originator and author of all things and the Holy Spirit his inheritance is you and I he has called us as his dwelling place as the temple of who he is and what's interesting if you listen to the fivefold ministry all of them have a different revelation some of them are carriers of the father's inheritance some of them are carriers of Christ's inheritance some of them are carriers of the Holy Spirit's inheritance but I'm here tonight I know I might have already lost some of you but I'll come back and teach Ephesians 1 it's really not all about us by the way you know ask and I'll give the nation's to you was never directed toward the people of God I don't want to crush the me-centered gospel but that was actually given to Jesus Christ in Psalm 2 ask of me says the father to the son and I will give the nation's as your inheritance seen most of our apostolic prophetic meetings we come to find out what's in it for us and really if you get an eternal respective it's all about him I'm gonna move on from there okay so there's waters of baptism over West Virginia there's a revelation of sonship and where we're going to kind of dive in tonight and again I'm asking for the Holy Spirit's presence here his revelation understanding so that you can kind of track with me because I'm gonna talk about a lot tonight I believe that there was a clash in the context of the scriptures that were going to read tonight here in 2nd samuel 6 it was the kingdom of Saul verse the kingdom of David now three chapters earlier here in 2nd Samuel 3 it says that the kingdom of Saul and the kingdom of David whoa were at war and the kingdom of David grew stronger and stronger in the kingdom of Saul grew weaker and weaker one more passage in 1st Samuel 13 Saul has already been anointed king over Israel and they go to a great battle and there's no blacksmiths in the land in other words no one in the army had weapons of their own because quite frankly Saul did not know how to be a father and I want to be bold and courageous to you tonight and tell you that for years and years in the body of Christ we have had a generation of leader who has not known how to father I'm not saying that all of them did not but many of them did not because they themselves were never fathered and so the church has become an orphanage run by orphans and so when Saul hears the cries Saul has slain his thousands but David his tens of thousands Saul as a father should have recognized the moment because fathers build for legacy father's desire to raise up sons and daughters that will be far more successful than they ever were but Saul valued position over the presence and God was about to raise up a fathering leader in David who truly valued the presence because when you value the presence of God and you make it about his presence when that becomes your primary pursuit it allows for other seats at the table with the father where we don't drive out other gifted talented leaders because we're insecure we actually see other gifted men and women as assets rather than threats because we've been fathered I'm telling you there is an epidemic there is a crisis in the church right now called a lack of fathering and I believe the lack of fathering is representative of the kingdom of Saul so there was a clash between the kingdom of Saul versus the kingdom of David and so it is in the earth today I believe that there's a kingdom of Saul leadership era that's coming to an end in the body where how many churches and ministries do you know if the main guy fell down dead the whole thing would shut down why because we're building our own kingdoms and not for legacy father's build for family father's disciple and invest in the next generation they don't have to go outside their stream and hire someone they don't know I'm gonna challenge some of you they don't have to hire outside help because they've raised up inbred men and women after their own kind how are we doing Saul's premiere mistake on the throne was that he fought for a position out of his insecurity out of his jealousy which again is all driven out through proper fathering doesn't take long for me to get around men and women in the body of Christ and recognize those who have never been fathered because those who have been fathered are comfortable in their own skin they don't get involved in social media Wars it's not about who has the most and who has this and who has that none of that matters to them because again their primary focus is on the presence not on a position now I want to talk for a minute just briefly when a leader or a person focuses more on a defending a position and you see this in cities all over America a man or woman of God is after leading a people and because they're an orphan they're striving for the father's acceptance rather than leading from the father's acceptance so the motivation behind all that they do is how big we can get how much we can give it's a competition it's a rivalry it's all about who can climb on top of one another to be the best when sons recognize that in the father's presence there's room for us all but when you fight for a position and you make other men and women and ministries your enemy you become distracted from the real enemy Satan day excuse me Saul was so jealous of the success of young David that he spent his time on the throne chasing after the wrong enemy and not fighting the real enemy the Philistines I'm telling you on social media in cities around the world there is a war against the house of Saul in the house of David fighting back and forth meanwhile the devil is kicking our butts and again it's a diversion and at the core of the issue is if there was a revelation of the Fatherhood of God our identity as sons and daughters finding our alpha may our affirmation our purpose our identity in here if all of that was taken care of we could learn how to unify and fight together but because of who we because of we not knowing who we are we fight against one another rather than unify against the devil okay so Saul takes the throne he's an orphan he's not a father it's all about a position it's all about what he can get he can't celebrate the success of young David how can I speak to those of us in this room who God has called as a Davidic leader I bet you if I went around this room and asked some of us to show your scars from the kingdom of Saul many of us have many many of us at time went to a church served under a leader who never made room for your gifting and your calling I'm telling you there are churches all over America the only one that's getting the mic is Pastor I've opened up a school of ministry now in Lakeland Florida God has Taylor Lee radically shifted my life and literally told me the greatest need in America in the ministry is called fathering I have opened and all we're doing is just fathering men and women and I know it's crazy but there's a young generation emerging in this nation who thinks they're called the ministry and can't seem to think that God's in something called a job I know it's just crazy we want to put the PayPal app the cash shop you know it's my birthday I'll do a Facebook live go get a job go go get a w-2 go because listen fathering too many of this generation what they think you mean is a sugar daddy they're looking for some father figure that's going to sign off on all their good ideas listen when you get around to real father they're going to knock all the selfish ambition out of you I myself have submitted to true Apostolic fathers and for me when I get around them I feel like the air is being sucked out of me I feel like I'm drowning in quicksand I'm ready to go and go now and they say it's called process it's gonna take a little bit of time they don't ask me about my ministry listen you know a true father when you they don't ask you about ministry their first question is actually about your family right another sign that there's no fathering because we have a bunch of gifted charismatic leaders running around in the body who their marriages are wrecked and they haven't even seen their kids serve God in years a lack of father II it's quiet in here kingdom of Saul orphan leadership fight for what you can get climb to the top who can be apostle dude at and prophet Billy Bob I want to I want to be a five-fold I just pick one whatever one you want whatever you've got to do to to meet that urge of Worth and value and significance which is really only found in Christ not on a platform not in a five-fold title sonship has nothing to do with ministry for many people that's the problem if I can't be in ministry I'm done well if that's how you feel you are done sit down so some of my deepest prayers what would it look like if the kingdom of Saul was torn down in West Virginia what if the Saints got set free from religious bondage what if people actually started getting trained and equipped rather than being pew fought for a bunch of orphans do you know that you have a call no you and you and you have a destiny you have an inheritance and father's there pleasure is not building their own ministry but helping you find your identity again fathers are after not building their ministry but helping sons and daughters get rooted in their identity because if you know who you are in him ministry will just come I'm just sewing over the state by faith that the kingdom of Saul is being torn down that the religious bondage that is literally strangling a church culture and it's a true ending of an era I'm going to tell you I believe that there was a season in America where highly gifted men and women could gather people in stadiums you would gather to hear the man or woman of God they would perform all the gifts of the Spirit I mean they were mighty anointed I believe that era is coming to an end and the orphanage is going to be very disappointed because rather than come and get a word a father is going to teach you how to get a word hello rat rather than come and let the woman of God lay hands on you they're going to teach you how to lay hands on someone else but if real fathering and a Davidic Kingdom was set up on the earth it would work ministers out of a job but I just want to tell you that's the goal the goal is for sons the goal is for this entire room to be full of men and women that can do it that can say it that can preach it that can prophesy it Pastor so-and-so is sick I need you to come Sally it's time for you to go this religious thing you know it's just hide in the closet it's getting bad out there hope Jesus returns I really believe for a lot of folks in a generation that's praying to go up God is saying grow up there is there is a maturing there is a fathering I mean I know some of us are excited but a lot of the church is allergic to this word called responsibility thank God we took the offering first but we would all come to the full stature of the knowledge of the Son of God that we would labor earnestly to present every man mature before the throne of God would would to be to God that a revelation of fathering that the baptismal waters of sonship would be released over West Virginia that we would stop fighting with one another because we're a bunch of orphans and we would get a revelation of our sonship in him and we could actually fight the real enemy and we could actually begin to establish the kingdom of God are you with me so far this encouraged you someone says there's a great leader out there don't even go to the leader this man is a great leader don't go to the leader because the revelation of whether they're a good leader or not has nothing to do with them it's actually the people that surround them if they're a great fathering leader there will be many capable men and women around them they've learned how to reproduce not castrate come on teachers can teach you what they know fathers reproduce who they are many leaders just teaching fine but fathers and here's what I I'm I'm pinning as the premier the fathering that's coming the kingdom of Saul that must be torn down with it is gonna have to come the platform with it is gonna have to come the titles and for the religious in the kingdom of Saul you better put apostle before their name I know I'm gonna step on some toes for their religious in the kingdom of Saul you are going to have to look up to them from a elevated position rather than the spirit of sonship makes the level makes the playing ground level I see a generation emerging the young people of this nation they really don't care what you have to say behind the pulpit they're just longing maybe you would open up your home and have them over for a meal I just see family coming I see fathering people are like you know we pray a revival comes listen I do extended meetings all over the country but I truly believe that the the not to me again give me some grace I believe a lot of people are looking for this extended meeting bring the man or woman of God in and the revival that's coming is Malachi four five and six in the last days fathers are going to turn to son's sons are gonna turn to father's and we're gonna get our families back [Music] but if you're after sin you got a need for the pulpit you got a need to stand before you got a listen how about the need to stand before God how about the fire burns hottest and your prayer closet not on a platform all right can we pivot now just prophesying you God is tearing down the kingdom of Saul and our nation and in West Virginia and what we're going to see rise is the waters of sonship there's a new breed of Davidic leaders coming and the primary thrust of their ministry is they value the presence Saul as an orphan fought for a position David as a fathering emerging leader fought for the presence of God so second Samuel 6 are you with me still [Music] second Samuel Chapter six David takes the throne and what do you know the very first thing that he wants to do as a leader is he says we've got to get the Ark of the Covenant back against all lost the Ark of the Covenant representing the presence of God he was disobedient to the commands of the Lord so the Lord anointed and raised up David I want to pivot as the Holy Spirit just I miss something that I think is important if God is raising you up as a Davidic leader you will attend the seminary of Saul I just briefly talked about the scars many of us can show the stars of leaders who constrained and constricted rather than released fathers release and empower orphan leaders constrict and constrained many of us have the scars why did I serve a salt here's your prophetic word that you drove here for tonight you served a soul to get the soul out of you the Lord allows you to experience the sting the pain the rejection so that you would never do it to someone else I'm telling you it's time to reverse the curse of the kingdom of Saul some of you out here the Lord even saying right now you have been looking for a fathering leader for years and I'm here to prophesy to you tonight you haven't found him yet because you're called to be him I'm telling you that's a word for somebody I just want a spiritual father come on I'm just gonna keep kicking over some idols listen you don't need a rent a daddy not your spiritual father if you don't have their phone number not your spiritual father if they're not accessible not your spiritual father if you got to paint them up pay them a monthly fee show up to their meetings hope they notice you true spiritual fathers you want an apostle you want a man of God here's the primary role of spiritual fathers are you ready they introduce you to God your father hello but how can they introduce you to the Father if they don't really know him people in the body of Christ claiming to be apostles as orphans and reproducing men and women after their own kind more orphans God shut it down but again when he shuts it down he's going to shut down your Facebook you might have to learn that the father's attention and his pleasure and his love for your life is far greater than any networker any so-called apostle or prophet to give you I believe in being aligned I myself and submitted to father's but I've never had to pay him for anything do I give him offerings do I so absolutely never been required never been demanded all they talked to me about is my family they don't even ask me about my ministry how many souls did you want how many prophecies did you give no it's how are you treating your wife oh you're some great man of God on a stage are you praying with your kids before they go to bed oh you cry on stages have they heard you cry in your house yet and it's quiet in here telling you the kingdom of Saul is being torn down sacrificing your marriage and family on the altar of ministry is tinged amongst all there's a new breed of Davidic leaders rising that will value the presence and when you value the presence it doesn't matter who's preaching it doesn't matter who's leading because your identity is not tied to ministry your identity is tied to Christ if you need the ministry you should not be in ministry Tony we just shut down 75% of our Apostolic prophetic circles I don't need to be in ministry I need to be in my father's presence he's the healer he's the deliverer how we doing ready to pray for West Virginia because I'm telling you if the waters of sonship begin to part in this state things will be shaken up some of you been looking for a revival Oh a revivals coming and it will last way longer than the man or woman of God's prime time when they are in their 30s and 40s it will last to your children and their children and their children and till Jesus Christ returns Lord I want to build for legacy well brother I'm not a preacher praise the Lord are you a father are you a mother are you a future father well I'm single hey the greatest need in this generation is fathering find some people you can invest in I'm telling you it's it's amazing how many churches I travel to you ask the senior leaders who are you disciple annoucer for the first I'm an apostle first question where are your sons and daughters Oh Paul said you are the proof of my Apostleship you're a father you're a mother you're uh somebody as a pastor I've learned how to call them more mature folks because you don't want to call people old seasoned and I just as a as a son in this nation my heart just aches for so many people there 50 60 70 s in this nation I mean I hate to put it like this but they're just rotting on a Pew they got gifts they've got calling they've got inheritance but you know what the problem is because the kingdom of salt rules you know what the problem is I'll just tell you they don't have a platform so this entitled orphaned millennial culture won't sit down with many of our seasoned Saints because you can't offer them a platform and I just want to encourage you 99% of them they don't need a platform they need a home-cooked meal they need to observe what a real marriage is that's lasted the test of time it might not be here yet but I'm telling you the kingdom of Saul is being torn down and there's a Davidic era coming centered on fathering in family the revival that's coming to this nation will not happen in churches it will happen at dining room tables and no Facebook live no tweeter no periscope no look at me how it no none of that because none of that matters when the father is home when we're sons and daughters and we're brothers and there is a more excellent way what we could do to impact our cities if we became a family what this generation of Millennials would look like when moms and dads and seasoned Saints just began to hunt down the next generation and say you know what I'm gonna love you through your identity crisis oh that we could have some father stand up in this hour look young people in the face and say yeah I see your gifting I see your desires for spotlights but if you don't get rid of that pornography addiction the very spotlights you desire are the very spotlights that are going to expose you oh we need fathering lord I just pray that you would release the father's heart in West Virginia Lord I pray for a revelation of the Fatherhood of God the spirit of adoption Lord I pray for some in this room that are literally chasing after all you're just doing what you were trained and taught at Bible School at seminary by maybe an era of dassault Kingdom Lord we just declare over this room and over this state that a Davidic Kingdom [Music] Lord let the rivers let the waters of sonship open up over this state David was a man of the presence might be familiar with psalm 27:4 he said one thing i ask one thing i seek that i mean may become an apostle and have a traveling ministry one thing i ask one thing that i seek that i would have the most followers on facebook know so there's just one thing that i'm after there's one primary pursuit in my life remember appetite dictates the direction of your life what are you hungry for just one thing I'm after just this is my daydream this is what I salivate about this is my ultimate joy and my ultimate pleasure how many of us know that corporate revival comes as a result of personal revival well Church didn't go the way I thought great if your secret place time was hot you'll be fine you've got to stop blaming the church for why we're lukewarm I don't come to church to get fed sorry to tell you that's the kingdom of Saul the kingdom of Saul comes to church and plugs their feeding tube in right here like little babies little orphans Moses you go to the mountain and tell us what God is saying Old Covenant no you go to the mountain as a son or a daughter let the father mantle you with a fresh word for your marriage and your family in your workplace it's quiet in here one thing I'm after the desire of does anybody have a call in this place I'm called to be an apostle I'm called to be an evangelist I'm called to be but is there anyone in here that is willing to set aside all the ambition for ministry and success is there anyone here willing to become a man or woman of one thing because when you have his presence all the rest just comes into place want you to hear me Saul's assignment was to be king but the dream of his heart was to be in the presence of God Saul's assignment was to be king he had a mandate he had a calling to get on the throne I'm not throwing away your calling to do something great for God but what I'm saying is this when your assignment when you're calling B becomes or takes the place of that secret place time we're living in idolatry the dream of your heart should be one thing to be in his presence but what has happened because of the orphan because of the lack of fathering is we have made our assignment the dream of our heart there is ministry to the house of God in ministry to the God of the house anytime ministry to the house of God becomes more important than ministry to the God of the house we're living in idolatry you call the church office pastor my cat is in the tree for the sixth time please come rescue him secretary I'm sorry pastor is locked up in his office he doesn't have any more appointments because his only appointment this week is with the Father but but but but I welcome to the kingdom of David where you get trained you get equipped you get released you mature you grow and now you find a life in God yourself and then when we get together corporately it's a celebration it's a manifestation of a family and you'll go higher and you'll soar deeper doing it God's Way then the kingdom of Saul could ever take you just willing I'm just wondering if there's any fivefold ministers just willing to lay down their need to be called pastor this and apostle this how do you want to be introduced as a man or woman of the presence what other accolade is there what other greater honor what other greater compliment can you you know what this guy this gal above all else they've just given their life to a radical pursuit of the presence of God but Saul will never go for it because even in his sin he wanted to be before the people oh Jesus how we doing want to be a man or woman of the presence talk to a worship leader one time it just made me weep talk to him about ministering to God he said I've never heard of that ministering to God I got into ministry for people kingdom of salt just to minister to him to adore him to pour out all our love and all our affection of telling you there's what he's taught me when he a lot of times when the Lord anoints you it's not for people it's to take the anointing and minister it back to him there's precious costly anointing that's going to be poured out on your life that's for the bedroom not the platform oh how we doing drove all the way to this meeting for what you left talking more about God than the Prophet you felt more of a conviction to get in his presence then go get another prophetic word that hasn't come to pass [Music] [Applause] all right second samuel six let's look at the text i'll try to hurry so david takes the throne the first thing he wants is what the Ark of the Covenant I'm telling you our cities would be turned upside down if leaders in church is assembled and it was all about the presence do you know why I know it's not all about the presence because there's no prayer meetings anymore just start there no one wants to show up unless it's a performance orphan Kingdom of Saul I had a pastor tell me brother if we advertise revival if we advertise an apostle or prophet we literally pack out the whole building when we say there's a prayer meeting no one comes what should we do you know what I told him teach on the Father because I believe that the Fatherhood of God and a revelation of our identity as sons and daughters will deliver us from all ministry and need to perform it will no longer be about who is leading because God is leading so David takes the throne he goes after the ark now David again second Samuel six gathered all the chosen men of Israel thirty thousand and David arose and went with all the people who were with him to bail Judah to bring up from there the Ark of God which is called by the name the very name of the Lord of Hosts who is enthroned above the cherubim and they placed the Ark of God on a new cart can you say new cart that they might bring in from the house of a Bennett which was on the hill and used in Ohio or heyo the sons of a Benedum were leading the new cart so they brought it with the Ark of God from the house of abinadab which was on the hill the in Ohio was walking ahead of the ark meanwhile David and all the house of Israel were celebrating before the Lord with all kinds of instruments made of the fir wood with liar's harps tambourines castanets and cymbals but when they came to the threshing floor of neh con user reached out toward the Ark of God and took hold of it for the oxen nearly upset it and the anger of the Lord burned against yousa and God struck him down there for his irreverence and he died by the Ark of God and David became angry because of the Lord's outburst against yousa and that place is called Perez yousa to this day so david was afraid of the lord that day and he said how can the Ark of the Lord come to me and David was unwilling to move the Ark of the Lord into the City of David with him but David took it aside to the house of obed-edom to get tight thus the Ark of the Lord remained in the house of obed-edom to get tight three months and the Lord blessed obed-edom and all his household this message tonight I believe by the Spirit of God would be incomplete if we only talked about Saul if we only talked about his kingdom excuse me I believe that there are many Davidic leaders in this place again I'm just not talking about ministry I'm talking about a generation of church growing people that have a heart for family they have a heart for fathering and mothering you want to be the cost of what God is doing I believe that David had the right intentions here is a man who took the throne he got away from Saul and he's about to take the presence of God into the city but the first thing that we have to understand is this sometimes good intentions do not translate as obedience because it's time to build quite frankly I get tired of online or people that have been hurt by the church and done this and they've done this to me and I'm like well what have you built because I can just tell you as a church planner and a leader it's a lot harder to put your hands to the plow than your fingers on a keyboard on Facebook I can tell you by the Spirit of God many of you who thought you worked for a saw one day you'll go back and apologize to him I remember working for a saw for two and a half years my heart was growing bitter and the Lord stopped me in my tracks one day and said son you better be careful because the way you treat him is the way people will serve you one day oh yeah you just want to be the next great leader but you never learned how to serve Saul why God was after getting the Saul out of you well I just can't find help I just can't find anyone that will serve me well well maybe in your past you never learn to either that was for free I feel the Spirit of God right now some of you you are your euro Jonah you are running from the very ministry the very place well there this and there that it hasn't zero to do with what they are and it's all about your heart what is God after in your heart see a lot of people like it just get out of the church flee it if there's a Saul there will maybe pray and ask God if you're supposed to serve them first because it could be an indicator that you're a next generation David telling you never trust a leader that doesn't walk with a limp you're following a great man or woman of God ask them to show you the scars I know that doesn't preach on Facebook cuz people just think they're anointed and can say whatever they want and they've never tried to paid a price for anything in their life quiet in here David great intentions many of us in this room I'm done with the song done with religion I'm done with but as you transition West Virginia as you transition into these waters of sonship as God begins to do a new thing you better obey his voice what did God tell you to do and don't be surprised if what he's telling you to do isn't found in a church growth textbook don't be surprised if he calls you to a city and they're having interest services and they've got a budget and your tagline is silver and gold have I none but in the name of Jesus Christ get up and walk don't you cower don't you divert don't you fall into partial obedience which is really no obedience at all I'm telling you the Lord frees many people he's freeing West Virginia out of the reign of Saul and he's opening up family he's opening up fathering he's opening up a training in equipping a revelation of the thigh fold like never before but as you pursue the presence you've got to have an ear who am i preaching to you've got to have an ear that understands that man lives by what many times is formulated by what's in a textbook but the man or woman of God they live by what the Spirit says I'm telling you the way of the father is the way of the wilderness the way of the father is he humbled them he tested them in order to teach them that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God I feel the Spirit of God in here sir on the end would you stand I feel the Spirit of God in this room that's even saying to you right now I have delivered you I have set you free I have broken the shackles of religion and even orphan thinking off of your mind in your heart and as you move forward in these days as you stand at this crossroads as there's a fresh mantle that's come upon you the Spirit of the Lord would say to you I have raised you up as a father I have raised you - father a company of sons and daughters but you'll do it differently you'll say it differently they'll not be a textbook they'll not be a formula for I will teach you I will impart to you I will be your father and the Lord says I released a gift of hunger to you tonight I believe even the Lord is speaking to me right now about TD jakes even in this state I raised up TD jakes I poured out my spirit upon him but even in these days he has turned away from my hand [Music] he has allowed Jezebel to dine at his table there is a seduction that has come that will him in the years ahead but it will not be so with you I will do surgery on you season after season after season and I will pour out my spirit upon you fresh fresh fresh fresh fresh when you say yes it will always stay fresh come on when you say yes it will always be fresh when you say yes it will always be fresh Lord we want the manna we want the fresh Rhema from heaven but we've got to do it God's Way his ways are higher his thoughts are higher we too easily turned to man for their wisdom we too easily run to the doctors when we're sick rather than going to the great physician the Lord raised up David he anointed him he said go and get the ark back but David said I want a new Ark I want a new carpet I want to tell you David knew the law and if you don't know the law said that the Ark of the Covenant must be carried on the shoulders of men because the real presence of God doesn't ride upon fog machines and lights not preaching against church who have fog machines and light so I just pray that every one dude does what God tells them to do listen it could look different in one place just do what God told you to do but a lot of times just having the right intentions doesn't translate into actually following God walking in the fullness of our calling is not about negotiation this is not you and I negotiating with God this is not doing a thing and then I King him if he'll bless it this is not marrying the wrong person and then saying oh god bless us this is about a generation of Davidic leaders it's going to sound familiar that will not act they will not speak unless the father have spoken and opted Jesus the prototype son came and modeled a life of complete dependence upon the father and many times the voice of the Holy Spirit people they asked me I have prophetic teachings prophetic books people want to pay me lots of money to come teach on how to hear the voice of God I'll save you the fee but you should still go buy a book are you ready how do you hear the voice of God ready listen to the voice that tells you what you don't want to hear seminar over just trying to hear the voice listen for the voice that's after your flesh listen for that small quiet voice that says your name but that does something on the inside of you but I'm telling you Saul was constantly consumed with the opinions of people because he really didn't know who he was David was free from the orphanage he was free from the position of who had the most and the destiny battle he said I want the presence of telling you the Lord is opening up waters of baptism of a revelation of sonship tonight but on our journey of going deep in God we must commit to here and follow his voice only so track with me so they get the new cart I don't know what your new cart is tonight I don't know what you've created I don't know what you thought up I don't know the plans that you have made and now you're asking God to bless it but I'm telling you God is coming in West Virginia and Fairmont and he's here to kick over some Apple carts he's here to confront some new carts of what we thought it should look like and there's a way that seems right to a man but in the end it ends in destruction I thank God for his voice telling me I was chasing a girl I don't know if there's someone in here in this room maybe you're in the wrong relationship maybe you're sure you've got the wrong image I chased a girl and in God's kindness he gave me a prophetic dream I went up to her room in her house sat on a desk there was a letter on the desk that said Jeremiah this is not the woman you're to marry I thank God for his again on the outside nothing wrong but who is wiser God or me this is a battle of ultimate surrender and obedience but Lord they won't come but why does it matter if they come so long as he comes I'm preaching to someone tonight you know this Easter you know we we've got a you know that the Cree stirs they come out right we have our little Easter service and we gotta water it down we got to make everybody comfortable cause really you and I are God we're the judge over people's lives to determine who he can touch and who he can't touch well I can't invite my neighbor to the revival service because it's too extreme who says you I don't want to be anybody's judge I don't want to be the one putting limitation and hindrance on what the Lord wants to do in my city on what he wants to do in my family Lord forgive me if I've erected some cart if I put some plans in place and tonight you're just saying I want you to lay it down at the altar I don't know if you need to fast I don't know if you need to pray and say Lord I'm in moveable until you speak five years ago Easter Sunday I'll never forget it Lord told me to invite one of our missionaries the problem is he's on the al-qaeda's most-wanted list his salvation call is not do you want to give your life to Jesus his salvation call is are you ready to die for Jesus if you think I'm intense tonight I'm a 1 out of 10 compared to him the Lord said bring him to the Easter service I said O God we flew him in from Africa the weekend before my wife and I went out to eat we sat down at the Cheesecake Factory one of our favorite places you'll feel bad for my wife after this but she's just we've gotten along a woman comes up to the table introduces herself as Jennifer says that she's studying astrology at the local college her favorite thing to do is read people before I could even engage or my wife starts kicking me in the shin underneath the table because she knows what's going to happen I just took it right on the shin and I said that is awesome Jennifer I have a gift just like that she was like really like yeah take our drink order so she took our drink order we put in an appetizer and my wife is just talking me off the lead Jeremih police this is date night and you know me I'm just like babe I'm a lover of the presence I just you know I give her all this you know you haven't tasted the glory of God if you can shut him off and I mean just all this preacher speak and she's rolling her eyes and I said babe I believe we sat here for such a thing you know she's like oh brother Jennifer comes back I said all right you first she's like you know what's your birthday and she's doing zodiac signs and this whole thing and I'm just praying saying father what's your heart for this gal tonight he shows me she was molested at four years old I mean heavy heavy heavy heavy word I usually don't do this kind of stuff in public but I just knew the timing was right I began to share with her I'd maybe talked 15 seconds before it was like a raging river of pain and tears just bursted out of her and she just ran off five minutes ten minutes 15 minutes my wife is not happy I'll have to bring her some time all I need to do is just leave a tip and church card just bless you $100 tip sorry not really that Sunday comes the missionaries down there and he I mean he has preached up a storm I mean I'm ready to get saved my wife's ready to get saved I mean I'm telling you like your sermon illustration is like a made-up story and his sermon illustration is I was stoned by a bunch of Muslims and God raised me from the dead I mean that that kind of testimony and I will never forget I just feel so convicted never forget she walked around the corner Jennifer in a white dress just makes me want to say God forgive me for the times where I didn't obey her voice I didn't even give you an opportunity to speak to so-and-so because I thought they would be weirded out by the guest prophet I I thought that my family I thought that my plans my ways I'm God when he gave the altar call she didn't raise her hand she ran down as fast as she could gave her life to Jesus became a missionary I mean literally never looked back I don't know what God's gonna tell you to do but I just encourage you if people think you're crazy you might be on the right track the Bible says beware of false prophets can I just tell you beware of well intending family members I mean I might as well tonight I'm telling you sometimes your family your parents your their that it's out of love for you probably but it's really fear it's really control it's really something other than God manifesting saying you're gonna do what you better know who you are you better know you're the father's you better know he's speaking over you you are my and you could say yes Papa I'm a son I'm a daughter of the king and no weapon formed against me is gonna prosper and every judgment that come against me will fall I'm going to follow the Lord I have decided to follow Jesus there's no turning back this is not my kids this is God's kids this is not my spouse this is God's spouse this is not my church this is God's church what would a generation of West Virginians look like who sold out to the presence of God and were unrelenting we're passionate we're pursuing and they were living for well done [Applause] I'm just telling you sometimes the word of the Lord is not mainstream sometimes who you're looking to father you is not who you should look be looking to father you it's okay if they're not famous it's okay if they don't have a platform that's probably what you need I can just tell you I thank God for the father's in my life they literally dress like they're still in the 1970s they don't have a facebook but they're pure gold they're pure gold I just hallelujah hear God's saying there's some fresh mining coming to this state there's some pure gold there's some fathers and mothers in West Virginia that I've preserved for such a time as this and even as your heart has grown weary and even as you've grown discouraged over some of your own kin that have fallen away from me do not allow the accuser to lie to you any longer I just put a demand on West Virginia that a generation of young people would rise and begin to mine the gold that is the spiritual fathers and mothers in this state that are many father we call them forth even in this room and we say that your best years are not behind you they're ahead of you god I just pray for the fresh wind of heaven to blow upon the seasoned Saints in this room even right here god we thank you in a generation that's settled for retirement we declare there's coming refinement and that idea remote di drama shield I'm telling you I've uh prophesied this in so many places I just I believe the revival that's coming is actually going to be led by the gray hairs well just let just let the young zealous eye on telling you there's such a deception running rampant right now we are so desperate for mothers and fathers it's not even funny art can we finish this the new cart everybody say no to the new cart how many of you have heard of John Wesley this is what John Wesley says about the new carts he says we like God's presence very much don't we we love to hitch his presence to some of our new carts we like to add him to our list of organizations to load him on top of the mechanics of a busy life and then drive I wonder how much of our lives and church services are merely just the flesh and operation we put forth our hands and lips close to God but our hearts are far from him it's not new models and new techniques that we need we need the fresh fire of God I'm telling you the new thing is the old thing it's time for the church to get back to the ancient pass it's time to get back to the shut-ins it's time to just begin to decisively attack church better be done in an hour and a half isn't that funny you just watched the Lion King you just watched your favorite TV sitcom for three hours and never blinked you just played video games for ten hours get out of the stupid room and get into the prayer room I'm telling you - a generation of leader that is really willing to father and lead we are about to inherit a measure of the glory of God like into the first century Church where are all the miracles while they were actually available we don't fit God into our schedule our schedule fits into God radical pursuit of the presence let the pot roast burn I'm just not talking about a seasonal time of refreshing I'm just not I have so many pastors they just they invite me in - for a weekend to pour out wine into an old wineskin the Lord said to me a few years ago you will not be a Samuel that props up Saul's in this nation see because if I don't know I keep talking about this the thing about Saul is he recognizes the anointing this is how he got many of you because you had a need to be validated and affirmed Saul spoke to the gifting in your life but yet never knew how to father you and they know you'll bring in the Monday they call my tongue Jeremiah come we need a good offering can you take up offering we need attendance we know that people will travel in and find out about I'm telling you I'm here in West Virginia because this man is a David I didn't come to West Virginia for assault I came to West Virginia for a Davidic leader I believe that there are realms of the presence that are coming to this church that haunt you all haven't even tasted yet I feel there's just a simple invitation pastor the Lord saying come and taste and see that I am good did I not call Gideon that I not raise him up in an hour where fear and trepidation began to overtake the land yes even as fear overtakes many in America the Lord would say to you like Gideon I call you for tonight and say I am with you mighty warrior I have clothed you with royalty I have clothed you with a kingly priestly garment and the Lord says you will not just lead like a king but you will bow like a priest the Lord says there's a priestly I just put a demand on the intercessor in you the Lord says that you can function in and out of the fivefold I have gifted you to preach and teach and even lay hands but the greatest anointing that is coming on your life is learning to love me back in return there's a call to the wall there's a call to the secret place there's a call to get roots down deep so that an hour of crisis when the winds blow this place and your house and your marriage and your children will be rock solid the Lord says I'm coming to trim the fat in this place I'm coming to expose the motives the impurities the Lord says there's a fire that's coming to this house where I am after pure gold there is a fire coming to this house that will be your goals and the prayer room and the place of my presence will be the threshing floor see it wasn't until the ark crossed the threshing floor I believe the Lord is saying to every one of us tonight there's a threshing floor coming in your life there's a threshing floor coming at the end of the age where God is going to examine everything that we have built many people have heard of Hellfire many people have heard of the fire of Pentecost but very few people have heard about building fire first corinthians 3 he will examine everything that has been built and what was built by the hands of man is going to burn up in the fire these two sons of a Benidorm I'm done in five minutes these two sons of a been a DAB they had grown up with the Ark of the Covenant in their home they had become far too familiar with the presence of God I'm telling you there is a fresh fear of the Lord that is a prerequisite to going deeper in him there is a fresh fear of the Lord that I believe the seasoned Saints have got to impart to the body one more time there is a fresh fear of the Lord that many of you grew up hearing taught and preached that in many places no longer exists I'm telling you there's some older Saints in the body you have been troubled you have been disturbed by the new carts that you oftentimes see being built in many cities in America and the Lord would say to you there is divine judgment that is coming to many new carts in this nation for there is wickedness and immorality that has come before my throne and I have heard the cries of the children I have heard the cries of the youth as their innocence has been stolen and I am calling you forth tonight I am raising up a generation of mothers and fathers who will restore the fear of my holy name back to the church there is a threshing floor coming there is a glory that's coming Saints can I just tell you that when the real glory comes you won't put it on Facebook yeah the glory was here everybody got hot and sweaty and fell down but they're still sleeping with their girlfriend they came in a homosexual they left a homosexual there's still a homosexual I'm telling you when the real glory comes people will either hit the floor or they'll hit the door this is not about spectating notice again they got the Lear's they got the they got the entertainment baby they got the hype they got the show they got the performance they got the skinny jeans they got the look they got the Starbucks they got the Mercedes Benz they got the $15,000 watch they got it all but what they don't know is they don't have the glory come on I'm telling you the old school is about to become the new school the ancient paths are about to become the new paths we're going to break the back of rebellion in this nation and teach a generation how to honor their father and mother come on give the Lord a shout of praise tonight I don't know what the Lord is speaking to you but I feel like the Lord is even saying to some mothers and fathers it's time to take back the authority in your home throw that stinking Xbox in the trash [Music] Saints I'm telling you the Lord has been dealing with me I'm convinced there's a spirit of Eli that's come on too many parents in this nation and because you have refused to confront the wickedness and sin of your children we now have a generation of hophni and Phineas is leading the outside of the cup looks clean and the inside is filthy and I'm telling you in the midst of this whole thing there are some intercessors I feel them there in this room you're about to give birth to a generation of Samuels I'm telling you they're some pure and holy and set apart prophets there's the Samuel prophets that God is releasing in our nation once again and the only name that they fear is the name of Yahweh they don't come for the offering they come for the pleasure of heaven wicked rebellious can't stand Authority telling their parents to shut up it's disgusting in the sight of God the only Ten Commandment that crossed over into the new honor your father and mother for it will go well with you we are living in a nation that is cursed because we have refused to honor our fathers and mothers David I love your heart I love that you want the presents but you got to do it dad's way
Channel: Covenant Church
Views: 18,445
Rating: 4.871345 out of 5
Keywords: jeremiah johnson, prophet, fairmont, wv, covenant church, pastor, josh morgan
Id: NJq-hQvCOoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 49sec (5389 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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