Navigating Seasons of Transition | Jeremiah Johnson

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hey it's jeremiah johnson i'm so excited to come to you today and invite you to join me on a brand new e-course that we've just launched called end time messengers arise you know i'll admit that the greatest passion in my heart even in the midst of covet 19 is that god would raise up bold unashamed end-time messengers that would prepare the bride of christ to meet the bridegroom king i have an urgency in my heart as the anti-christ spirit is raging in the nations of the earth that god is seeking a remnant people who will not run away from the coming battle but will engage the enemy on the front lines of the battle and call the church back to her first love on this e-course you're going to learn practical tools on how to get invested in the bride of christ and god is going to challenge you at the deepest levels of your heart that now is the time to prepare i want to encourage you sign up today it's going to be powerful and we will all be marked for eternity check it out [Music] welcome to the watchmen's corner this is your host jeremiah johnson i'm excited today to bring to you a message broadcast live from around our nation you know in the midst of covet 19 god is seeking a radical remnant calling us to the front lines of the battle i know that you'll be blessed by today's message and i encourage you to hang in there after this message for a special time of prayer check it out [Music] let's take a look at the global pandemic numbers now stay away from crowds stay home as much as you can the cdc has confirmed this is the first case in the country houses of worship essentially remnant is rising [Music] god is looking for a remnant in america who's going to build arts of his presence all over america your family might think you're crazy your friends might have never heard of that revelation before [Music] [Music] i do not believe that covet 19 is judgment on god's house however i believe in the midst of covet 19 god is beginning to expose and deal with many things in the global church i believe much like god called israel out of egypt in the book of exodus which we're going to read some god is calling a people of his spirit out of a type of systematic church experience that is likened to egypt i believe that the purpose the goal of church leaders is to empower us it's to equip us and it's to facilitate the kingdom of god in our midst i believe in honoring leaders however i don't believe in worshiping them i believe part of the church that's been in egypt globally is based upon inviting people people to plug their feeding tube into a pulpit and i call it the moses syndrome moses you go to the mountain and tell us what god is saying that's why i go to church here that's why i give my tithe here i believe that's part of a systematic model of church that's old testament that's like egypt i believe god in this season specifically is transitioning us out of that kind of model where we are solely dependent upon church leaders for our spiritual life and what god is now desiring to do is he's not going to do away with church leaders what's going to happen is there is going to be an equipping model that's going to rise in the church where we will all be ministers we will be trained and equipped to do the work of ministry obviously as the rioting is raging in america i'm hoping that we recognize what we've been doing isn't working clearly how the american church has been operating is not solving the issues that are in america i am praying against a new normal i i am praying against shifting into a model that's based on convenience and comfort i believe that god wants to release in every sphere of society education the government lawyers doctors moms and dads we need a company of people that can gather to be trained and equipped and then sent out to do the very works that jesus did so we're in that season of divine reset where there's been an awakening and so in exodus 3 we're going to read how god has an encounter for moses a deliverer i believe he was a quip and equipper and he shows up on the scene with the word from the lord and it's in verse 8. god says so i have come down chapter 3 verse 8 so i have come down to deliver them from the power of the egyptians and to bring them up from that land to a good land a spacious land to a land flowing with milk and honey and then he mentions a bunch of ice canaanites perez's eye i'll leave all the ice to the bible but god brings forth a word in a season of transition and he says i'm transitioning you into a new land god is speaking over the global church i'm transitioning you into a new season i believe even beyond the global church many marriages and families many singles are being transitioned into a new season because of covid for example you're going to see home school boom in america you're going to see many families radically impacted they'll no longer send their kids back to public school they'll home school you're going to see many different shifts god said to me you're going to see a geographic shift many people they look for a job in a city and then hope there's a good church there i'm telling you what's about to happen in america is to places where that are going to host the presence of god rather than run drive through church people are going to move there and then they're going to find work there is a massive shift that's taking place in our nation god is going to transition many people i believe there are new inventions new ideas uh business place anointings i mean man you you hope you were in the mask business pre-covered right i mean i've just been dreaming lately about man what could someone invent that could make mega money for the mega kingdom of god i just i'm excited i'm not i'm not discouraged i'm not depressed i'm not fearful i don't think jesus is coming back tomorrow i'm sorry i preached that last night i believe we're in a season of divine reset it's time to get to work and it's time to see promises fulfilled i want to be someone who steps into the divine promises of god so god calls moses and he gives this great prophecy this great word of destiny and oftentimes what happens is promises initiate a process and it's our obedience in the process that will determine its fulfillment a lot of people have bought into what i call microwavable christianity it's more of a wham-bam thank you ma'am they want a prophecy they want a word from god you're going to be the next great billy graham and then they just go back and play video games all day and eat potato chips you will not be the next billy graham just doing what you're doing oftentimes when god releases a word it initiates a process that has to do with our character because it's character training and preparation that prepares us to inherit the promises of god we got really really deep into that where the deer in the headlight thing was like that's what i preached to at 9. but we got really deep into the price and the process that's required you you meet so few people in the body of christ that god spoke to them they walked through a process and now they're walking in divine destiny and oftentimes the problem in our charismatic pentecostal services is oftentimes we listen to the people that have been processed and we just want what they have in a prayer line so we just want them to lay hands on us and give us what they got listen someone can lay hands and impart a gift to you but they can't impart their personal history in god to you you can't want what they have without being willing to pay a price for what they walk in because it's their personal history in god them winning the battles when no one is watching that has got them where they are so i also want to warn you about celebrity christianity a lot of these guys are my friends that you watch on youtube all of these i want to be this guy i want to be that guy i'm telling you there was an intense process especially those that want to be great faith healers usually it's going to cost you someone in your family that's going to die every great faith healer i've ever walked with the devil has absolutely ravaged their family when you start hearing people's stories and their testimonies about how they've gone through the wilderness how they've been crushed how they've been tried it's like smith wigglesworth everybody wants the wiggles worth anointing but they don't know his biography many of you know prophet tracy cook he's emerging in the body of christ an incredible word of knowledge gift his daughter four years old died a few years ago rodney howard brown a lot of people want to be rodney howard brown his daughter cystic fibrosis died at 18 years old in his home people make fun of the laughter they called him the holy ghost bartender because of the laughter but they don't know that god gave them the laughter because of the pain all right how are we doing so before we get into celebrity christianity and youtube christianity and social media and it's all about influence and likes and followers and big stages and rubbing shoulders with famous people just remember if you don't get processed the very spotlight you want is the very spotlight that'll expose you there is a glory that god wants to send to people he wants to send to churches that if there's a crack in their character what god intended to bless you will actually crush you so in our season of waiting it's about stewardship can we be faithful well brother i want to kill goliath in the land have you slayed the lion and the bear lord i want to be mighty mightily powerfully used heck i can even tell you a famous prophet that gave me a word from the lord yeah but have you partnered with it have you taken steps that are necessary to posture and position yourself for a great move of god i remember being 16 17 years old someone pastor son raised in the prophetic movement i was 18 years old hungry to grow in the prophetic so i started hitchhiking to conferences i remember a time when i was even met my wife morgan who's here morgan spoke to the women on friday night did she do a great job or what i remember when we first got together there was a conference called the voice of the prophets conference in mechanicsburg pennsylvania i had such a hunger and a desire just to learn that i bought a ticket there and literally sat at an airport that said on a big poster board looking for a ride to the prophet's conference no money to get there no registration fee just a one-way ticket a hunger and a desire lord i want to grow i sat there in that airport for two hours with a sign you can imagine the conversations i was having with people walking by like what pro what prophets conference a man named dave from illinois a pastor now i should probably throw out a disclaimer i would never recommend this a lot of people hear my story and they're like that you're nuts yes i am i was i probably will be but this pastor dave picks me up and i go to the conference i he paid my whole way there i had encounters with god but there's a price later on on my journey i was 19 years old i remember when my parents divorced i talked about this last service the lord called me out of my calling to be processed i remember being on my journey to my call my parents my mom was diagnosed bipolar schizophrenia i mean a big big destructive pattern in my family and the lord said jeremiah i want you to go home and hold your dad's hands up or he'll die i went back home i set aside my call and i started working in a factory monday to friday 4 a.m to 4 p.m 60 hour weeks and i found myself working in a factory beside a jehovah witness beside a guy that had spent big time in prison and i'm sitting there thinking lord i thought i was following the call because here in the scriptures israel gets this prophetic word and you know the story they're all of a sudden in the wilderness and i guarantee you it wasn't like what they thought often times transition we want new but we think old if god is releasing a divine reset in the global church the way that we've gone is not the way that we should go i once said the last seven words of every dying church is we've never been this way before are there mindsets are there thoughts that you have today that are preventing you from saying yes to god i'm working in this factory 60 hours a week and the lord says to me jeremiah welcome to the wilderness it's where prophets learn how to find their voice if you want to be original if you want to be authentic i'm going to have to separate you from the crowd and invite you into a season of crushing where i'm going to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of god we're gonna see how much you really believe in that song he gives and takes away he gives and takes away my heart will choose to say i was a liar you know how many songs we sing in the church like lord you can have it all i surrender and really it's as long as it's on my own terms as long as i can determine what i give up as long as i'm really god and he's not we're good my heart will choose to say blessed i i was in the factory saying blessed be the name of the lord my parents are divorced two of my siblings are in full on out rebellion one would eventually land in prison for a long-term prison sentence and i'm blessed to be the like when you learn how to sing from your heart not your lips remember planning a church god bless every church planter like no money no people no words on a screen it's like people couldn't even worship with without a like you got to feed them with lines because they don't know how to worship from their heart like you lose people when they're worshiping and they're like where where's the where's the lines on the screen sink sink from your heart i i'm in this season and i'm i'm learning like how to actually sing what i mean wrestling with whether god is good or not learning that death and disease and divorce and disaster were never intended to challenge whether god is good or not god is good period not based off of my definition but office off of his it's learning to confess that the father knows best even when my ability to understand runs out and there in that factory and i'm just literally i felt just in a desert wasteland i remember literally it's probably sacrilegious but i would memorize entire pages of the bible rip them out and i would just cry myself to sleep the agony the intensity of the pain it's like getting hit with a two by four that you never saw coming i knew my mom had a dream when i was in her womb to name me jeremiah that god would raise me up and all these different things and there i was in college and then life everybody in this room we're on a journey we're walking along trying to pursue god the best that we can and then things happen in life that we never saw coming i told the last group usually you can get more of an amen from older people in the room anybody ever been to the school of hard knocks life didn't turn out how you thought but you know the reality is we can't control what happens in life but we can control how we respond how are you responding to the cards that you've dealt in life are you still raging against god have you let go of the anger have you let go of if i was god it would go this way maybe it's not under the blood it's under the rug see i might i meet a lot of super spiritual people in the body of christ who claim they don't need deliverance who claim they don't need inner healing who claim that they're free of the past folks if it's really in the past why is it affecting the present and the future you might not be delivered you might not be free yet and here's the thing that's okay because forgiveness is a process healing is a process being developed into the man or woman of god that he's caught we're all on a journey and by the way we don't all start from the same place but we're all on a journey i never forget being in that factory and god came to me one day they called me preacher man so i used to bring my bible every work break i'd just pray and read i remember being in the back room we had a break 15 minutes and god said to me jeremiah i love you i said thank you father i love you too and he said i have a greater crucifixion for your soul that awaits you i started binding the devil it's funny but can i just let you in on a little secret a lot of christians are binding god because our theology is so toxic this is part of the american system of church that has to be exposed and die jesus was tried he was tempted and he was tested even jesus himself had to be perfected as the spotless lamb of god 30 years of preparation for three years of ministry jesus came and picked up his cross not so that we don't have to he picked up his cross to show you how to pick up yours so we have developed this theology and the church that when trials and testings and temptations come our way we just bind them in the name of jesus can i just encourage you to open up your mindset to understand that god is more interested in changing us than using us he's more interested in developing character than how i feel can you imagine raising a child based off how they felt well i don't want to do that you know the scary thing is this is parenting today you never tell them no you never discipline them because we really just want temporary satisfaction rather than raising up the next generation of men and women of god it's quiet in here he loves us this is a challenge what is love a parent god the father sees from the end to the beginning and says you know what i've only got you for 18 years father knows the day we take our last breath and he is working with us on a journey and it's all for his glory and i am so sorry i sincerely am sorry as a church leader that it's so awkward in here we have lied to you we have not preached the real gospel of jesus christ we have preached a gospel of self-accommodation where god is here to accommodate your needs and your desires i told the last group jesus is not an item on a buffet he's not a salt and pepper shaker that adds flavor to your life because he is the life he is the way he is the truth so the real gospel is a gospel of self-denial deny yourself in other words what you want what you think your future is just go ahead and hit delete on that deny your flesh let's pick up our cross and let's live our life for his glory not ours but that is so familiar and it's so terrifying that it's true so that when messages of repentance and correction come forth i've been telling people you know you have an orphan spirit when you receive correction as rejection sons and daughters of the father when he begins to correct and adjust them rejoice there's a joy and there's a gratefulness that erupts thank you father for pointing out the errors of my ways lord your justice is righteous and true lord you know a lot better how to get me where i need to go than i do so there's a surrendering involved there's a daily altar that has to be built to the lord and i fear that many don't get discipled many don't get to their destiny because it all has to do with the false gospel we bought into this is where wesley and edwards and finney during the first and second great awakening one of the things that they never did is they never associated people going to church to salvation they never believed that just because someone went to church meant they're going to heaven and we make that mistake in america we assume that because people attend a church they're going to heaven and i'm telling you there are millions of christians in america who fill up hues and they fill up churches who have not died to themselves and picking up their cross and we are in a season of divine reset in the church where there is so much promise of a third great awakening there is promise of a historic outpouring but i'm telling you true power comes from purity the fresh anointing of the holy spirit that we so desperately need it can only come through crushing lord says jeremiah i love you and there's a greater crucifixion for your soul have you ever been in that season where you're like i'm i'm i'm done the thing that i it's like i fasted in my early 20s and i'm done with that thank you lord i'm 30 and 40 and i sewed in my younger years and hopefully that anointing just carries over the next few decades now this is some of us here today you remember when you sacrificed you remember when you sold out to the lord and you're still trying to siphon off that anointing and that well that you dug 20 years ago the lord is saying to the church right now return to me and it's time to start digging for fresh oil greater crucifixion for your soul that awaits you i've called you to move to india and live in a leper colony and i'm saying lord what did i do wrong you ever been in those like you're just wandering around thinking what did i do to deserve this i'll never forget it i'm literally i'm weeping i'm crying and i'm in the back of this factory saying oh god the lord says to me jeremiah what you're about to go through and what you are going through is not because of the sin in your life but because of the call on your life many of you it literally has nothing to do with what you think it has to do with it has everything to do with the call on your life for a greater purpose and a greater destiny than you ever know and it is why the devil is going to fight you so hard to bargain and negotiate with god so i always tell people to just learn how to flow under the anointing it's like when god is there and he says give them five thousand you better do it in three seconds because when you walk out the door your logic will kick in and say you're nuts have you ever had those when the lord speaks something he tells you to do something and the moment you leave or shift you just start the negotiation can i get one can i get two can i get three can i well lord you said to do this you know give them my car but really god i got a broken down bike in my garage and you know because we think we're god i just feel like maybe touching on this a bit because i've already ruffled enough feathers this weekend it's like why do we give people our junk and feel good about it i've never understood this in the church we give people our junk things that we don't even want and we feel good about it where are the saints that are actually going to buy people better stuff than they have all right i don't know who that's for the lord told you to buy him a brand new pair of shoes why did you give him the nikes in the closet you haven't worn in three partial obedience is no obedience at all god god is going to raise up a people a a literally a cloud by day a pillar of fire by night that when the lord says go you need to go when the lord says give you need to give radical acts of obedience many of them will be simple are going to pave the way for a mighty outpouring of the holy spirit in this generation i sold all that i have i moved out to india if you watch mma you know this term ground and pound like i got some ground in pound it's pretty much when your face gets slammed to the to the dirt floor in a leper colony and you're like lord i thought i knew what dying to self was i lost 40 pounds in a couple of months i lived in 120 degrees with a a net wrapped around me praying to god i didn't get malaria or leprosy it's been funny in the coven 19 you know pastors are like brother aren't you afraid of traveling the country getting coveted i said no i intentionally lived in a leper colony like i could have got leprosy or malaria every day i'm sharing my story not so that you can get your eyes on me but so you can get your eyes on god and figure out what your process is what is he asking you to do what is the requirement on your life there was a season for me of great crushing i operated in more power then than i ever have again in my ministry what i know and what i tell people is a life fully surrendered and submitted to god i believe this is why jesus operated in power that we don't see today there was such an absolute submission and surrender a dying to ourselves that he operated in under the power of the holy spirit that god is looking in the midst of a reset for a people that are going to go low take the low road you don't always have to justify yourself god is your vindicator somebody shout amen so the word comes there's a land and they begin this journey just for the sake of time if you have your bible and notepad let me give you these seven keys to navigate transition so they get this prophetic word there's a land flowing with milk and honey many of us in this room there are promises there's a destiny that god has for us i've been sharing about the process i've been talking about the price that god is asking each of us to pay and it will look different for everybody a different price and again how we get through the pain is to understand our purpose which i'm going to talk about in a minute but from jump street we have to acknowledge and confess when i got born again i remember arguing with a homosexual who told me he was born gay and i realized i wasn't getting anywhere so i said okay you might have been born gay but you were not born again gay when we have been born again when someone is born again they will never be a successful sinner again you should probably write that down when someone is born again they will never be a successful sinner again why because upon conversion the power of the sin nature romans 6 has been broken off of our life and we have been given the very seed of god the precious holy spirit that's living down on the inside of us where we cannot continually and habitually live in sin and call ourselves a christian you can however you think you were born but true conversion a born-again experience breaks the power when we're a sinner we crave sin so i always tell people why are you getting mad at those folks they're just doing what they know how to do it's their nature my question though is in the church if we have a new nature and we've been born again why aren't we radically sowing into that nature we did better serving the devil under the power of the sin nature than we have ever done serving god with the new nature how we doing i've been saved 48 times i'm one of these guys i just surrender and submit every day when there's a salvation call it's sort of awkward because i'm the first one that runs down man that guy lose it like lord i'm all in father i'm your son and if there's any area of my life that you want to touch on that you want to adjust that you want it's a posture of humility that submits to a process that says lord i'm on a journey i'm just hoping this frees us from performance frees us from thinking we've got to have it all going on each one of us is in a process being conformed to the image and likeness of jesus christ he gave them a promise i have a land for you and then they had to be processed they were freed from egypt but egypt had to be gotten out of them a lot of times you get freed from religion you get freed from drugs and alcohol you get away from the system or the lifestyle but there is still a process that you have to undergo there was a group called the bloody pharisees in jesus's day lots of different types of religious leaders they were called the bloody pharisees because they always walked with their heads down because they didn't want to look lustfully at women so they would run into walls and bloody themselves you hear people say well brother i've been delivered from drinking alcohol what does that mean well i just haven't gone into a bar in six months sir you are not delivered from alcohol until you can walk in and out of a bar and not feel tempted all you've gotten into so far is so far is outward behavior modification which again is not the gospel the gospel is not change on the outside be a chameleon do whatever you want out there and when you come into the house of god you just wear and say the right things and quote scripture and oh hallelujah praise the lord the gospel is about an internal transformation it's about looking like him talking like him acting like him i don't know why i keep going back to this this morning but it's alerting me that god wants to release a power for true conversion not only in this house but in this region i have sensed since last night that this region lima is ripe for a mighty harvest of souls but i believe in order to see it the real confrontational gospel of jesus christ that bids a generation to come and die and pick up your cross there is no resurrection without death a generation is longing for so much more but we're missing it in the day-to-day sure when israel's out in the wilderness and they're like man this is not i thought i heard god number one navigating seasons of transition you've gotta cast out perverted thoughts just give me ten more minutes when we're in this process of transition we have to cast out perverted thoughts we're in exodus 3 but by exodus 16 3 they're in the wilderness and this is what they're saying if only we had died by the lord's hand in egypt there we saw sat around pots and ate food we had what we wanted but god brought us out into this desert to kill us there is a perverted kind of slavery it's a mindset where we begin to want to go back to the place that god has freed us from because it gets hard i see this most often in the american church you have thousands of people that are tired of mega churches that i mean big big big big churches and ah brother they don't preach the word ah brother the worship is too short ah brother they're scamming the people of god and so in their hearts they're longing for the real deal and so they leave the big mega church and they go to the real deal and all of a sudden they want to go back to the mega church because the real deal doesn't have a mcdonald's clubhouse for their kids [Applause] it doesn't have the glare and the lights and the fog and the it's going to be a little longer the preaching isn't going to stroke you all the time you start hearing the real gospel that makes you mad because before the truth can set you free it's going to make you angry but they want new but they think old they want the amenities of disney world christianity but in their heart they're a hypocrite so there's this perverted sense of slavery when you step out and say yes lord i will do whatever it takes i will pay any price and usually it's like the veil of disillusionment whatever you thought it was going to be in god in the future it's like the exact opposite i remember several years ago i gave a man a word in a meeting about becoming a multi-millionaire he was going to fund wells in africa i mean it was a crazy word the next day he called our offices to let me know i was a false prophet because he lost his job you know what i said to him i said sir now that this has happened i'm even more convinced that was the word of the lord let me i want you to these are the ways of god not the will of man a promise was released from heaven and the moment a promise was released the process started oftentimes how i measure whether something is authentic or not is i measure the warfare that comes against it when god releases a word like that of destiny what happens is people lose their faith he blames the prophet he blames god how can this be without understanding the ways of the lord now thankfully this brother humbled himself and went through a seven year period like job of losing everything he called me back on the eighth year and said i am now a multi-millionaire i have ten times the amount of employees i ever had he said i went to the lord and asked him lord why did you strip everything away and the lord said to him and i'm just telling you this the lord said to him because you would have been like all those other business type christians and he said lord what does that mean and the lord says yeah you know all these people in the church that are market they ask for more money so that they you know more jobs more so they can sow into the kingdom he said to the the lord said it's god you're a liar and so are a lot of them if i give them more money they don't sow more money into the kingdom they just buy more possessions the lord said if i would have blessed you the next day on that word you would have squandered and wasted my seed in the earth but i chose to strip you down and test your faithfulness your belief and whether i was good or not and now well done faithful servant lord i want a word lord i want destiny just give it to the prophet just give it to the but are you ready here's israel powerful word freedom deliverance let's go to the promised land and they're like the chapter get me out of here it was better back then there's a perverted kind of thinking that god wants to deliver us from when god transitions you the way you once thought will not work in the coming days israel desired the oppression of the former season over walking in the freedom that the current season provided them which required faith number two how to navigate through seasons of transition number two seek counsel from mature leaders and people seek counsel from mature leaders and people the book of proverbs says that they that separate themselves seek their own desires i want to talk to some prophetic people and intercessors i've been working with them for 12 years all over the earth one of the fundamental flaws and mistakes that prophetic people make is they isolate themselves away from community and accountability and they consider themselves more spiritual than other people i want to tell you hiding out in caves was for the old testament and the new testament god is inviting his prophets and intercessors to a dining room table where we learn how to do family with one another the new covenant is based on relationship of all these people i got a word from god i've got a word from god and i don't have to submit it to anyone i don't have to run it by everyone i thank god for a father who was like the most practical person i'd ever met he drove me nuts i would get a word about the nations and i'd tell data he said get a w-2. get a job well but dad the nations and the starving and he said jeremiah get a job work 40 hours a week if god can't trust you in the mundane he'll never trust you on a stage and he was in my ear and he was all over me i'm telling you my dad was like my greatest friend and my greatest enemy he was so focused on my character development that he didn't care about my ambitions and my dreams he affirmed them at times he said there's more sun there's more transition initiates pain how many of you know this to be true oftentimes when you start walking in the destiny that god has for you pain is going to be afflicted upon you most of the time it's going to come from people that love you your friends and your family are probably not going to be excited about the things that god has called you to do i want to encourage you about an observation that i have made over the years whether it's to go to a new church whether it's to get a new job whether it's to move away when pain starts festering and other people or in your own heart in your marriage mature leaders will help you process your pain and get you to your purpose but oftentimes what happens is the jezebel spirit which i'm not going to get into today the jezebel spirit the most opportune time for that spirit is always transition jezebel will always strike in your season of transition and she will turn your pain into poison and make it your prison oh they hurt you didn't they you go to a friend man i just the lord's calling us to move away it's time to go to another church your friend yeah those pastors they they they weren't anointed anyways yeah all these people and they're they're just feeding the pain you have a conversation about a family member and that jezebel thing oh my goodness it just sees the pain it increases the pain we talk about the pain and the thing is you'll never get to your purpose because the pain has become the poison that you'll drink that becomes a prison and you will never make it into destiny you want people around you mature saints and leaders that can hear your pain you need to talk about it you need to get it out but they need to help you to process through the pain to get to your destiny israel comes out of the promised land and there were those called the rabble a lot of people don't preach this r-a-b-b-l-e there were some egyptians called the rabble that got out of egypt with the israelites and if you go back and you read exodus and deuteronomy it was often the rabble who stirred up the dissension in the camp i'm telling you when god begins to i don't care if it's your mother-in-law folks i'm serious when god begins to transition you and say you've got to go you've got to fulfill my will and it's painful and you feel that tearing beware of that jezebel spirit beware who you confide in beware who you call you will know based off of what it's producing in you whether it's healthy or not for you trying to help somebody number three recognize your need for endurance hallelujah come on some older folks help me out it's a marathon it's a journey it's not a sprint we are all on a journey to walk in divine destiny it says in hebrews 10 36 for you have need of endurance so that when you have done the will of god you may receive what has been promised when we say yes and we step out in faith and god is processing us and it's for his glory and we learn the true joy and satisfaction listen i get that it's hard i get that it can be very difficult but how many of you could say amen there is nothing like being in the will of god there is a joy there is a peace there's a satisfaction that even though things around me are spiraling out of control paul said i know what it's like to have much and i know what it's like to have little but i can do all things through christ who strengthens me he was a man who knew that in my weakness god's power is perfected when we get marked by the real gospel when we get marked by eternity temporary afflictions become nothing compared to the weight of the eternal glory that's being stored up for us on that great day god give us discernment number four don't settle for ishmaels we're almost done don't settle for ishmaels i talked about how good we are at bargaining how good we are with negotiating with god i said that i believe that it's rare to meet people who actually inherit what god originally promised them because along the way it's like you're on the freeway and you know god's promise is a couple exits up you're low on gas the car's flashing you need oil your windshield wipe i mean you've just been like oh god i'm not going to make it it's like jesus in the garden of gethsemane father 33 years it wasn't about him why do we keep trying to make it about us why have we bought into this gospel of humanism in america where we think it's all about us it's for his glory it's for his kingdom and jesus and his humanity father if you could like take the cup go ahead we're driving in destiny oh god i don't know if i'm gonna make it it's okay to be real it's okay to be raw but stop calling people that are trying to talk you out of destiny stop taking counsel with the wicked oh brother you've got to have a certain amount in the bank and i'll brother the wisdom of this world does not work in the kingdom of god i'm seeing like never before a generation that's going to rise in america it's a generation of firebrands that have been fathered in the wilderness and when they begin to emerge in the earth what they define as christianity is going to be labeled radical to the lukewarm they're just going to think radical devotion sold out all i have is yours and they're just going to think it's normal and they're going to start walking and gathering with the lukewarm church that jesus is going to spit out of his mouth whoa whoa see this is what i think the world needs i think the answer to a compromised world is a church on fire [Music] i i think that the saints are tired of being patronized i think people are tired of the fake and the hypocritical i think i think lost folks need to come in here and witness a divine romance i think they need to witness passionate worship any i think they need to hear preaching where they know it's real i think they need authentic relationship oh i can't wait don't settle for the ishmael we're almost done genesis 7 genesis 17 20. then abraham fell on his face and laughed and said in his heart where will a child be born to a man 100 years old and will sarah who is 90 bear a child and abraham said to god o that ishmael might live before thee but god said no but sarah your wife shall bear you a son and you shall call him isaac and i will bless establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant for his descendants after him and as for ishmael i have heard you behold i will bless him can you say bless him and will make him fruitful and multiply him exceedingly what most people don't understand about settling for an ishmael is that god will bless it a lot of times you hear these messages preached about ishmael and it's like you know an adulterous wife and you know it's a drunk and high and you know don't settle for ishmael no the reason why most people hit the turn signal and they get off at the wrong exit is because there's some kind of blessing there but let me tell you god is more into blessing he's actually into covenant see it was isaac that had his covenant but it was ishmael that had his blessing god will bless many things that he refuses to inhabit put that in your pipe and smoke it for a couple weeks it'll mess with your theology god will bless many things that he will not inhabit well we've got the blessing of god in this house we've got the blessing of god yeah but did you settle yeah but it's it's great i like it tastes and feels good the blessing of god but you know covenant requires circumcision which requires cutting oftentimes it's that last test that's going to cost you the most that we're not going to want to submit to that will get you your isaac david 1st samuel 30 at ziglag he had one final test it would be 24 hours from first samuel 30 that he was crowned king of israel one last test at ziglag was all their families being stolen the town being set on fire and his own men turned on him it was there he chose the ephod the high priestly garment and it said now david strengthened himself in who he knew the lord god to be i sent some of you are one final test away from your isaac number five is this helping anybody we're almost done embrace the criticism and misunderstanding oh my god i wish i could lie to you why every day is friday your best life now it's all lies just come to jesus and you'll never have a problem again but then you meet all these people they they were lied to and they're disillusioned and disappointed with god because they were introduced to a god made in our image and not the god of the bible i mean i wish i could just tell you listen transition is going to be smooth you just obey god and it's like just skating on ice and you just embrace the criticisms and misunderstanding transition is messy when you hear the holy spirit say transition it's time to go expect those closest to you to fight you the hardest expect those the bible says beware of false prophets my rendition is beware of very intending family members well-intending family members it's oftentimes people in your own family who will hinder you from the very place that god is calling you to grandparents oh boy just can't take the kids away from grandma and grandpa just can't do it i just can't i just you name it ah doesn't make sense ah telling you we are master bargainers negotiators excuse makers and still god knocks on the door of many hearts in this room and says i'm still here the call is still good the promises are yes and amen my word is eternal are you ready here's what i've learned when the attacks come when the misunderstanding comes learn how to hear don't go as i love you it's because they love you that they don't want to see you go it's the way of humility and wisdom mom i know you're upset i know you think i'm a nut for moving to california mom dad i know that this seems crazy hear all the bantering all the insanity all the gossip all the slander here all of it is really in their heart of hearts they love you so much that they don't want you to get hurt hope that helps somebody number six don't waste time trying to negotiate with god i'm pretty sure we've driven that home they go through the wilderness and they're about into the promised land they send the 12 spies in you remember this god never sent them in to decide if they were going he sent them in to decide when two of them got that and ten of them didn't joshua and caleb inheritors of destiny went into the promised land scouting out when is our time those 10 other guys full of fear and full of excuses and negotiations they were going to size up the enemy to try to determine in their own strength if they can do it god does not want to hear how big our enemies are we need to learn how to tell our enemies how big our god is folks i'm telling you do not be surprised when the word of the lord comes to a generation and it is beyond your wildest imagination i'm going to tell you that if the dream in your heart you can accomplish by human means it is not a god dream we just make lists and we dream of stuff that we know we can buy we can make happen we can do i'm asking god to give lima to give you such a big god dream that it would take a supernatural act of god to see it come to pass and here's the thing he wants dreams this big so that when it comes to pass no man can boast in their own strength no man can get credit for what only the lord jesus could have done what would the church look like in the years ahead where people walk in what would it look like if people met you years down the road and said you i remember you in high school i remember you and then you can joyfully say but god who is able to do immeasurably and abundantly all that i could ask for or imagine i'm just a trophy of god's grace i'm just an example of someone who died to myself that allowed the lord to determine the process who said god you're good no matter what happens and at the end of the day i know the swirl around me i'm not gonna allow to produce sin in me last point number seven guard your emotions carefully somebody say help us god you must not allow where you are emotionally invested become the anchor that holds you when god has called you to move on keep watch over your emotions and learn how to respond in the spirit to those who oppose you we are learning how to respond in the spirit rather than react to them in the flesh isn't transition so emotional i've got friends i've got family i mean i have emotionally invested in this person in this church in this work don't let where you are emotionally invested deter you from what god could be speaking to you in the coming season do you believe that god has a plan for your life that wasn't very many people do you believe that god has a plan for your life [Applause] plans to prosper you plans to give you a hope and a future what if history is his story i see a glorious triumphant bride emerging in the earth who's passionately in love with her bridegroom and they've learned how to work it out they've learned companionship is anyone married in here ever had a bad day why are you still married oh brother you i mean you brought some hard truth today i mean i don't i don't know if i don't know if i mean i get he has a plan but i maybe i want to keep doing it my way the rewards of knowing god will always far outweigh the cost there really are pleasures in the presence of god that are forevermore there really is that place beyond surrender of pure glory where we come to that place where we recognize why we were born it says that david fulfilled the purposes of god in his generation my prayer for you today my prayer for this church is at the end of our lives the epitaph might read they fulfilled the purposes of god in their generation i want to thank you so much for joining us today on the watchmen's corner i pray that the message that just went forth was a blessing to you that you were strengthened and encouraged we're going to go into a time of prayer but before we do that i want to ask you to consider sowing into the watchmen's corner television program the ministry of jeremiah johnson ministries we are impacting lives on a daily basis we're witnessing salvation miracles and deliverance be the portion of this generation there's going to be a prompt that's going to pop up on your screen you can follow the directions be sure to check out our website let's pray now father we just thank you for this opportunity today to gather and hear what you're saying to the churches we lift up every need to you those that are sowing financially into the program god we just ask lord for greater blessing to be ours today in the name of jesus christ amen thank you so much for joining us in the watchmen's corner we'll see you next time bye bye
Channel: The Altar Global
Views: 12,816
Rating: 4.9438596 out of 5
Id: nolc-dKz6co
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Length: 76min 43sec (4603 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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