Prophet Nathan Simmons 1997 COGIC Holy Convocation

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[Music] wait a minute I got one more thing to say and then I think we need to pray cuz I feel like it's playing time in the Church of God in Christ I don't want nobody to walk I don't know that it'll lead I don't care what you gotta do just my God's about to make history cuz we go cry on the god the same some of your own st. the way the church look now it didn't look that when y'all came in here I want you to go to weeping and cry like the Bible said I want the mothers inside and all the first ladies I don't want you to sit there cute it's a praying mother some pray insisted the Bible said women moaning women name a comma [Music] wait a minute like y'all getting me on the Panther women but y'all like to jump on the women's case but the women ain't the only one that ain't prayer we got some back slim preachers you ain't doing the doggone thing [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] get on the radio [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] let me explain something I got a problem just with the women but the Bible talked about you brothers it said me to always not sin the missionaries not the people in there praying and you an office sitting know some tea come on what's up doc and you ain't even got no doctor degree something is wrong with you [Applause] Oh [Music] listen see what we need to do is have a prayer if I stop sitting for folks across the country don't even sing for me [Applause] the Bible said the effectual fervent prayer that's the problem the effectual fervent prayer hey happy off Santa key any woman go over and don't claim no husband's but go over to that man I said you gotta be righteous man [Music] like this gentleman I gotta keep my dress down you gotta keep your sympathy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome back up something like the the mongers cuz I hope our [Applause] [Applause] [Music] we need some ham they take us to heaven [Applause] the Bible said he saw for man that stand between the gap to hold on to the horns of the altar please don't anybody move I want to go on and do the traditional who and tell you my phrase cuz every put your nose if you're in the sermon we praise you'll hit a homerun but I didn't come to hit a homerun tonight don't anybody move I was able this year to preach the pastors and elders conference I thought it was the greatest opportunity I was able to preach for our state but this opportunity is the greatest not because I'm up here I said to everybody but all the elders ability of Bishop Ellis all of the people that I Bishop Willis Bishop everybody that I could if I saw you I reached all the chicken said please pray for me please bring you in the restaurant and we sat next to each other now a submission please okk say all that's the speaker Friday night whoo oh he'll speaker Friday night oh you won't be all right doc I held my head down I will some people even say you got it you got it my biggest fear was that I would get up and say something that could not penetrate the heart of man you see I'll convince church this is not something to be taken lightly this is judgment work this is not about being a popular brother among the brother it is not about saying are Nate's laid up there ain't nothing but flesh did you hear what I said it's nothing but flesh when you go back home we got tonight tomorrow official day Monday that's three more days Church don't move listen to me and hear me and don't you ever forget what I'm about to say this year could be the turning point of our lives and the devil tried everything within its power just to make this a media committee to make it just another meeting last year the devil came in a little bit because y'all he said it to me not with him but with us because of the voting some of you couldn't praise God like you wanted to cuz you wanted your bishop to be on the board I'm sorry so some of you didn't get breakthroughs but this year there's no excuse God wants to make up the difference and if you wanna I declare under you tonight will be the beginning you'll walk through the corridors speaking in tongues you'll go back to your rooms and won't be able to sleep tonight [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh God you're gonna have to pray for me after this because I feel that devil locked at my feet but I'm putting them on the Mississippi hold on listen to me it's a matter of fact brother organist get off the organ you need to be touched to it musicians put your music down let's get to God listen to me listen listen listen listen and hear me please I'm not speaking in flesh I'm not speaking as a little preacher trying to make points Pontius fingered somebody and I mean I want you to give it to him like you know that they have been in some era tell them stop [Applause] dismiss get rid of me this mess is not going to allow us you're not going to happen with this scrap and we're on our way to heaven I said we're on our way they have our children are dying and going to heaven your son is on crack and your district missionary you're an evangelist and you're the one that's been saved for 20 years and nobody in your house is saved but you you're the one that's been sleeping in bed with an unsaved man and go home every night wondering God what are you gonna do the save we're gonna see God save him now our children are going to be delivered we're getting ready to pray I say we get ready to pray there's about to be a revolution Rebecca tell somebody this means war devil there's a war going on we're gonna win we gonna have to fight but y'all want to sit on the sidelines you won't get nowhere like them and listen to me tonight David believers and the Levites the people from the cities and the suburbs beyond listen to me you are not here just to say I went to the convocation you're here because this is the meeting that God was to bridge the old God said to me in prayer I said when I left the room he said tell the bishops the people of God we are going to wait a minute don't get excited please tell the people of God this must not be too what you can see to what you can feel to what you know to what you've already experienced this will be did you hear what I said it will be dimensional do me a favor and do your hands mention that about there and another day in two places in God knows where we've never been before will be the night that we will take up the baton we've had 20 almost 30 years of playing Church knows about we've made records we've made organizational charts ok him about him but we've lost the essence of the purity but the reality of the flowing of the power churches used to be in the worst neighborhoods and the police would come and sing something happened because of the crime and I rate going down because your church is in this neighbor now we're leaving those neighborhoods and going to other places but God is calling for a new dimension and listen to me stay right where you are if you see somebody walking tell them don't miss God you have to take up people this is the best pill to take the Holy Ghost can heal your body and deliver your soul God Almighty to spit on or whoever I'd say can do a work inside quickly is there anybody in this building that we use at shizuoka I got the house I got the car I got the body I got the position what I really need what I really what I really want I gotta handle more than just a shout more than just speaking in Subhash silver walked all the tongues that you've been speaking in but 25 years gotta heaven now we have to have a vote we have to have an election can we do it mr. chairman of the General Assembly for the position not but trustees bishops in for not for who the place here and pull down there and to put over that chameleon this no no no no spirit ever can we do this purse maybe I know that you are the chairman of the General Assembly but can I hold the graph right now spiritually me Paul Ryan the gravels in my hand now we're about to have an election I want to know is there anybody in here and once God wait put your hand down but there now I found this it makes it Davis pure whom I was so humbled and grateful to God they've a spot over you better there when our presiding bishop said today that they were going to make tapes and see these and things that that siffredi to the body cuz I've never seen him except for all the pictures I I have been fortunate enough to be able to get there by those piada in the Koriyama City to see the video think they say this one I came to Memphis to get it but I've never seen it before think about but I do know that the lingo of the Saints and the one key word that he taught us and then what made us yes total surrender its yes self-denial yes give it up all selling out to God no more Christ lives in me who is the hope of glory never up my strong tower not keeper [Applause] do you wanna back in the church luck you've never had it before do you want to see signs miracles listen to me all over this building the yeses habit and anybody that says no get out the church cuz we don't meet you you've come to him listen now that we ask the question and we've got the report this time I want every person did not just say yes I want you to yell it up from the top of your toe your inside shake till he heals the cancer to the Shiksha bloodstream back from low blood in the right blood then the sugar comes out of you and then we're going to pray if we can now listen to me at the count of three I want everybody in this building if you gotta take off your head if you gotta move the person besides you over please don't be cute yes-no yes-no everybody in the building from the back to the front to the sides if you see somebody walking tell them that don't move miss god cuz I've got to do this like never before at the count of three I want you to open your mouths and I want you to say it like you're going crazy lose you're absolutely mad act like when you first got saved before you've got the credentials before they made you what you are right now go back into your father yes sir take it have to shake and wreck and move nobody just close your eyes let's shake the roughest shake get ready one [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no because for you [Music] [Applause] stay right where you are [Applause] not finishing touch somebody tell them God's not finishing I just got orders from our Bishop they said with a move like this [Applause] somebody goddess [Applause] [Applause] Oh [Applause] Oh spear I never had stay right where I want you to hear me I'm in the hole the other of a shine the Lord's gonna do a new thing Joseph are you gonna see a new thing happening [Applause] [Music] you see somebody was saying I want him to do it in my home but before he does it in your home I got to do it in you I can tell somebody I want the Lord they do it in me in me Lord [Music] [Applause] every man every woman I have to I have to all be God's hands are on you I said God's hands are on you give up the world and be saved and God are you sure that about spit my a double my tibia somebody say mighty God my God [Applause] he's a wonder here God said don't be so overzealous wait on the Lord wait wait wait on him solve it the moment right back and say wait wait wait wait wait ah oh god it is your mother man see all over this place listen Zion I want you to listen it's processor came to here like this and say God I hear you loud and clear that we're gonna do three things in the next few minutes and then we'll give the mic over tell somebody you know this is God [Applause] and if you're glad about it a data tap truth not three people on the show then on their feet I tell him go ahead on being on tippy anointed the Lord give you annoying [Applause] [Applause] listen listen here oh yeah booyah I have to obey the Lord do me a favor put your hand in my direction and say Nathan obey the law head side come on say the game Nathan obey the law somebody wants to know well I didn't say pastor Simmons Elder Simmons God's not certain about that when I see him I just want him to say Nathan enter India to the joy of the Lord Rebecca tell somebody got to pay you here [Applause] that's what heavy pain in your heart he's going to hear now listen you've got to obey the Lord listen listen hear the lord please hear the Lord hear the Lord hear the Lord the Lord spoke to me and I don't say these things lightly cuz I don't want to be a liar I feel God with everything I've got I'm determined I'm not going to hell you can go to hell if you want to go to hell on but I'm going to hit did you hear what I said I'm going to see Jesus and I'm not gonna see him with animosity with vengeance with envy with jealousy or strife father peace with all men holiness without which no man shall see the Lord no listen the Lord said something and he didn't say it by chance I was praying left the meeting this afternoon about something - one went in the room and from 1:00 until 8:00 I laid up before the Lord six almost seven hours because I'm not a gifted young man I'm not a talented person and I want to be anointed with all my heart I'd rather die than not to have the anointing I never want to be a Samson Samson shook but he didn't have nothing to shake with yes somebody clap your hand they say shaking the Holy Ghost wait a minute wait a minute you people are clapping not like pin Acosta people I thought we were sanctified we clap we don't clap at the same rhythm see the devil can get in stuff in oh my this another lesson I'm sorry but the devil can get in stuff when you just and he can get the pattern of what you're going through and get in it and throw a monkey wrench but if you're clapping the spirit every now then to the glory [Applause] now listen the dear people of God that are here tonight I ask that you obey the Lord I beseech you by the mercies of God if you never did anything in your life literally beg you to obey God be God obey God obey God obey God obey God whoo there was an anointing in that way back I say obey God now listen to me I'm not crazy I know that in this best August buddy the devil would like to trick many of you and get you to miss God but the Lord said it and I have to obey Him or else I don't want to live I'm not doing this for any reason other than that the Lord said to do it listen to this the Lord spoke to me and said that it's time for the people of God to receive a hundredfold return somebody say wonderful Jesus and then Emma I know it seems like a mystery how God can take something simple something tangible and confound the wise move the minds of the wicked stay where you are don't you move listen to me and hear me like you've never heard me before the Lord said to me in prayer he said tell every saint of God whether they're in the balconies in the back on the platform in the hallways obey God listen to what he said he said to tell the saints of God even if it's your last hundred dollars give it and check out the hotel and sleep on in your car but you'll never regret it even if you gotta share the room with somebody else and tell them I want to obey the Lord but I have to make some arrangements I have to obey Him I just I know you used to collect enough money but tonight I'm gonna ask you to go on your pockets and obey the Lord st. if you never heard God before please God's not saying this because it's needed he wants to see if you really want me will your own baby this next error will have to do with obedience it will not have anything to do with who you know or what you know my father's not a bishop my mother's not a state mother I was born an illegitimate child but I went by the sanctified Church of God in Christ at 12 years old and said I want to be like them and look at what God can do go into your pocketbooks but Bishop is my father yes these men bishop ellison bishop Willison pastor white and pester linux in' bishop these men from a distance have embraced me bishop wind was my tent went down this summer i put up a tent over seven hundred and forty-one souls came to jesus and it came down bishop winbush bishop blake other bishops my bishop sent me an offering to put the tip back up so those souls we could be saved it was just a blessing cuz the news came from everywhere and that's how the tip got filled up because was on Channel ABC NBC the Church of God in Christ got recognition all over Lana Georgia cuz I got on the radio saying I'm encouraged to walk with Jesus what's the name of your church the Citadel of Hope evangelistic Church of God in Christ what is that I said that's a Pentecostal Holiness Church don't walk anybody stay where you are please don't obey though disobey I'm gonna ask you to get that offering in your hand I'm gonna ask you to obey God like you've never obeyed them before and I'm going to ask you now listen don't move please don't disobey God I'm gonna do something that I know it seems crazy but the Lord said to bring the offering and lay it on the altar I want you to obey God like you've never been in before now don't worry about it if you don't have it if you don't have it God's got something for you but don't you sit don't you sit down down bring it quickly that hunk bring it bring it bring it don't put it in the basket bring it bring it mighty let's be uh Oh God's Eddie's say the struggle sir is over and when you get back God's it is gonna be done bring it please please obey the Lord thank you obey the Lord yes ma'am obey and please get away the Lord please obey Him obey Him please I beg you to obey Him Oh God said it and your body is done sir I felt healing in my hands Jesus bring it bring it bring it bring it I don't care if it's your last hundred dollars you gotta bring it you have to obey the Lord I don't care if you can't go to the Perkins if you can't go to the restaurant obey the Lord tonight yes ma'am please he's a deacon divert cancer God healing get take this handkerchief and laying on this body and the Lord's gonna hear when I said that I feel healing in my body's glory bring orphans please yes yes you can just bring it and put it in in the hands of one of these men please if you will yes God said let me fix it you've been trying to handle it get out the way man and let me back I bring it bring it bring it bring it bring it bring it bring it please listen to me don't breathe the Holy Ghost I beg you if you have any sensibility to the spirit don't walk out right now I know it's late but please don't be the Lord oh yeah God touch you now God the Lord that's the work now quickly please yes god bless you come on quickly bless you man I love you sir please sir God said you have gone through it and the worst is over now it is your time catcher catcher catcher please kiss her letter going out somebody hold on that are going out oh let him lay on out honey the Lord's gone bless them bless you I want you to stay strong don't hang around with nobody weak stay around people that got a hold in God well you do promise me son that you do then stay around somebody that knows how to get a print through don't fool with these feet folks don't fool with these folks that ain't going away we've got people that got some risk a lot less shoes she's how old is she she's sporting one years old it's handkerchief Hey glory to God and then call home she hasn't been able to eat she hasn't been able to dress but he no law saying when you call home by Sunday she's going to be able to hotspur attaboy yeah yes Lord the Lord does it you see what now we're sleeping in our car we came here all the way from Los Angeles and God brought us here and I have a quarter and that's what I'm gonna give you I don't have any money praise the Lord but I thank God for being here he called us to the ministry me and my husband are evangelists you suffer with him your reign with him down did you hear what I said this is the turning point of what God wants to do in you God uses and God I anoint her to when she goes back to California to take the work up like never before Jesus should be quickly come come on please I don't want to touch it just put in this yes yes mother bless you I don't want to touch it I just want you to be on my side come on just jump it please just bring it down please I don't want to touch it I don't deal with money I don't deal with it I don't deal with it I just simply obey the law oh god sit in your body mother get ready I feel the pains but God said he's healing did you feel it did you oh my god today Nick glory yes sir alright stay that on the side thank you Jesus god bless you please come on the Lord bless you please saint come on as quickly as you can please come as quickly god bless you the Lord bless you Oh bless you come please choir members everybody obey the Lord please I beg you to obey the Lord yes remind me Jerell what is the what is wrong with it she's nothing she's not safe save the Lord everybody say save a lot see the game-saver Lord oh I just heard the Lord say I'm saving over 3,000 children come back to the convocation your son is coming back with you yes look please come on quickly yes god yes not do it for now devil yeah Jesus somebody read back and say Jesus come on collar black you believe it Jesus [Applause] come on quickly Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus oh Jesus God said you've been going through honey then the Devils in heaven of feels they with you but this is your day it is over now [Applause] Jesus Jesus Jesus [Music] [Applause] Jesus stated your baby and she's got a hot Jupiter the Lord heal a nap God healer Oh God do it for now in the name of Jesus oh Jesus peace I don't want to touch it yes man you want them saved how long have you been married to him then Mary 10 50 years 50 years and he's not saying you're one of the ones I was talking about [Music] dear God said it's time for you to I don't know what's going on but God said that he's put you in a place you stay by your leader who are you under Kenzi God says stay with him God said the enemy's trying to get you to move and take the young man away but God said stay in his feet and be blessed gossiped the blessing is walking humbly and stained by the mand of god Shannon abajo yeah I know you don't believe it but she better be humble okay how great God is using you stay humble at the feet of Jesus the Lord bless you please at the wpr Idaho yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord come on Saints come on yes Lord yes Lord yes Lord Oh God set the devil's been on your case but I want you to get free tonight write back and say free as loud as you can no honey you got to stop being cute say it like you mean it Jesus God say come out of the mess God said don't even stay in it it's not about God said if you'll just say yes to it and sell out to the thing that you're struggling with you won't have to struggle anymore this is your [Music] keep coming please bring your money right on just keep coming you don't have to get behind anybody just walk right up please just keep walking if you please walk up and just drop your money right on the floor right on the floor that's it come right on as speedily as we can drop it at the Apostles feet the prophets fee God will bless you for dropping your offering at the prophets feet come right on just come
Channel: Jonathan DesVerney Gospel Channel
Views: 49,106
Rating: 4.7731957 out of 5
Keywords: COGIC, Nathan Simmons, Preaching, Holiness, Altar Call, Bishop Owens, Bishop Blake, Bishop G.E. Patterson, Holy Convocation
Id: GwsN7JVcJuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 25sec (3505 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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