Latter Rain Conference Toledo Ohio 1995 Pastor Nathan Simmons

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the it's somebody by the hand and just tell him I tried him Oh sure [Music] I'm sorry Becky your heads and close your eyes we've been with Jesus all day long is the fullness of God about now we've got joy unspeakable and it's thank you the congregation of the righteous heritage know sanctified Jesus Jesus these are your people they've not come to hear Nathan if not come to give the place they were over here from You Lord the only you have the words of eternal life only you dear God can stick in to the worst of situations [Music] even now only you can speak now Jesus to the extremities of man and find opportunity to work Jesus you're the great I am and the everlasting father the IFO with us today that Nathan Simmons down stand up God and preach your word we just like a madman be just like a fool we just crazy in the name of Jesus and we thank you in advance any way you see fit aggressively we'll be satisfied and in advance lift our voices we lift our hand and we give you glory and honor we give you praise god is great yes God is wonderful God is mindful of us once you just lift your hands and give God [Music] God [Music] tonight and before you take your seat a Snicket somebody telephone leave here the same way you came in telepods you wanna meet we bless the Lord you can take your seats if you can I bless the Lord and honor him because he's great to Bishop and to Dyess and to all of you God's people the committee God's elect all of you God's choice and chosen on today we bless the Lord and honor him because he's wonderful and simply because he is kind today how many went to here away from the Lord and before I before I commenced preaching the announcement says please announce that you will be ministering Sunday morning at the eleven a.m. before the main service here latter rain is a Lord it met wonderful thank you Jesus glory to God amen I counted a privileged rare to be able to be here look it's about time I been here - don't hear no Joe then I got to hear from God got you got to speak to minute right now the word of the Lord is found in two portions of scriptures the book of 2nd Kings chapter 7 and then the book of Romans chapter number 8 the book of Romans chapter number 8 a man thank you Jesus glory to God thank you lord I'm gonna read Romans verse if you will verse number 14 reads dusty as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God but you've not received the spirit of bondage again to fear look at some I say you've got no business being bound but you've received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father the skirt itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God and if children then heirs and heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ if so be that we suffer with him that we may be also glorifying together 18 but I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us 19 for the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God Oh God for the future was made subject to vanity not willing but the reason of him who have subjected the same in hope because the creature itself shall also be delivered from the bondage of the corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now we are say 24 by hope but hope that is seen is not hope or what a man see it wide up he yet hope for but if we hope for that that we see not then do we with patience wait for it 2nd Kings chapter 2 familiar portion of Scripture [Music] then Elijah said 'i hear ye the word of the Lord thus saith the Lord tomorrow about this time said a measure of fine flour will be sold for a shekel and two measures of barley for a shekel in the gate of Samaria but a lord of whose hand the king lead answered the Mount of God and said behave if the Lord would make windows in heaven might this thing be and he said behold thou shalt see it with our eyes but shall not eat thereof then afore leprous men at the entering him at the gate and they said one to another why said we here until we die and we say what's in two into the city then the foreman is in the city we shall die there if we sit still here we shall die also now Bethel come let us all into the hosts of the Syrians and if they save us alive we shall live and if they kill us we shall but die and there goes into the twilite to go into the camp of the Syrians and when they were come to the Animus part of the camp up city of the whole there was no man there the Lord made the host of Syrians to hear the noise of chariots and the noise of horses even the noise of a great horse and they said one to another Rover king of Israel have hired against us the kings of the Hittites and the kings of the Egyptians to come upon us wherefore they arose and fled in the Twilight and left their tents and their horses and the asses even the camp as it was and they fled for their life and when these lepers came to the uttermost part of the camp they went into one tent and did eat and drink and carrots and silver and gold and laymen and when it hit it and came again and entered into another ten keratins also went and hid it and they said one to another we do not well this day is a day of good tidings we hope that we hold our peace if we tarry till the morning like some mischief will come upon us now therefore come that we may go and tell the king's household key base of interests then Elijah said hear ye the word of the Lord thus saith the Lord tomorrow about this time so a measure of fine flour will be sold for a shekel two measures of barley for a shekel in the gate of Samaria then the Lord of whose hand the king lead answered and said to the man of God behold if the Lord would make windows in heaven like this thing be and he answered behind thou shalt see it with thine eyes but thou shalt not eat there that may not seem like enough to be anything this morning but will you do me a favor and look at somebody didn't if this eyeball-to-eyeball incentive in these words tell them say neighbor tomorrow about this time I'm expecting a miracle look at somebody on the other side of you until the neighbor tomorrow about this time I am expecting my miracle look at somebody requested this I'm expecting me my miracle hands I'm convinced that in this just an hour this is the time that is produced in manufacture the people that somehow another in their consciousness have not regarded the things of the Holy Spirit and some are never not retained that then their knowledge is the things on which God have already done and finding also perpetrating even upon those things moving from this point to the next point never really establishing a point upon the basis of the faith and the principle of what God has already declared that he would already do it's amazing to me how in this last hour in this last day God with all honor the majesty of his power and with all of his wisdom with all of the knowledge with all of the schools of prophets and with all of the Bible institutions and with all of the missionaries and preachers and elders evangelists and puppets and apostles it seemingly appears that though we have all of the conveniences of time it appears that many of us somehow another are still found in the place where we lack the possibility of believing God for the impossibilities of man I'm convinced believer that this has come about prevention because of a lifespan and even the time in which we live this is an hour well I don't know whether not you understand that I really see it another it's going on here in Toledo where thee time with somehow never there used to be an hour that you can actually believe and have confidence and the person that's sitting next to you and believe if anybody is saying I made that sister see if anybody's saved I know that never say I believe without a question and they're not just shouting and dancing and speaking in tongues and women up and down the hour inside there's a yearning for the more God there's a commitment to diversity relationship then they finish with God that's second to none I can feel that I can sense and I can tell they're not the conversation has chased the taxation is holy they're not talking about things in the world they have been sensitive their mom totally is centered upon the things of God where they seek to please God their vision is sad because the body is somehow mother suffering in this last hour of people that are moving and they love of the Spirit and somehow other deficiencies are coming up we were dealing with people and producing a people that have dysfunction faculty somehow never thinking that they can just go all through the motions go on because they just know what to do when they do it and how to do it they're giving it understanding that we might be the realm of the Spirit the gifts and callings not come without repentance it's sad when you think about it believe and that's what before has happened within this and even the numbering of time somehow another Prudential believer I believe that history has a tendency to repeat itself there were days a wild has a tendency even to come along somehow lover through the realm of the Spirit today I wish that we would offer masterful meaning of what the Holy Ghost was to share with us and recognize that in this day of pollution and delusion when people are polluting the Oh God and fighting them say not living up to the standards here written in thought holy script body themselves making excuses and looking for loopholes to do exactly what the world and then trying to find the babies you know and things have been saying well the Bible says touch not taste not and have but not better don't say you came it's sad to think they were ended this last I would believer because we are at a time when seen him either of my new generation of porradasa the apalis holding all them playing into the hands of the autumn have declared the god i live and then for god I've even been to die so it was here in the father phenomena that was the best aful meaning of what the heaviness wants to shed up as we've got to find ourselves in a place in a time where the Bible says before us this interesting story the year here now is 892 years or in save it as quacks it's at a time now the pathetic ISM that in our time and it's a time now the people have made light of the things of God the Father we go into the motions of the feeling as if God didn't share the same yesterday today and they found themselves at a place with somehow people are healing with but they're not watching motions just how to practice I know just how to teach me how to play know how to say know what to do when to do it and how there comes a time when you came upon what you made I mean you've got to dependent only upon the things of the Spirit understanding it's not by might nor by power but by spirit again when you understand that potential you'll come to a place where you understand what's going on here in the scriptures the by this all kinds of management competition of the Wyndham not having an a petition where seemingly people are going after the reputations even the character and not the spirit of the individual however believe that the personality is never going to heal we're going the same but it's called that does the work that he wheels when he wears it and in the Bible says out the Bible says go crazy yes you remember they look the connection with God and simplicity I mean about mothers I now find themself in a place like analysis listen reducing food industry ah so now here we understand Elisha God's man on the city comes on the scene and says well let me do this I'm about to leave here I'll appreciate what's going on and what we've accomplished but this world is not my home I'm going to be caught up into the heavens and we're having here and Gildan are defending me from this place Eliza bye bye this is God's man establish prophets and these schools are the prophets so that they can learn the discipline and they can learn even the structure and the order of being harder to administer to God's people so that they will become higher and neither will they even find themselves just going through the motions to the things of the Spirit and so the Bible in lies and looks and says now tarry here in the school that the prophets now is not stationary in one particular place opposition it's a place of inconvenience because the men who service prophets have now got to move now with the play of the Spirit and that's the same way God staying in the /aa if you really want me you've got to learn how to go with the flow any way I see fit the best it's been that you've got to be satisfied the Bible the Bible the Bible by the seventh in light of the older man looks upon a young man and declares under him of this place understanding the in Gilgal the place of going around and around and around in circles that this man has to put inside these young men a noxious spirit of consistency and if there is something that the chance I believe in I walking in the walk with God it is the spirit of consistency going to do that goddess and they tell you to do and then be disciplined and so now they walk around around in circles until they find themselves leaving the reproach that is even their pound in their lives when the Bible says they journey from Gilgal even unto Bethlehem when they get in the belly you know the story by the Citadel that the sons of the Prophet be with the younger man Elijah and say unto him Eli should notice now that our master will be taken from you but Elijah says under the older and says under the prophets hold your peace in other words then defies with the Parker then regardless to what they think or they may even say he knows and what he believes and so he says all your peace in other words he puts them directly in their place by telling them in translation Shanna your business and open now and then there are some individuals that think they know more about you than you know that you've got to put in their place even shed up and get you some business the Bible says when they leave there they go now even under Jericho Jericho now represents the place of non communication with now the kind of adversity and here they find themselves going through over and over and over and over over again when this takes place the Bible says Elijah says under Elijah tarry here in Jericho the Lord is sending me from this place the Bible says Elijah says a soul liveth and even as my soul I shall not leave thee now the two have been worked over in the German and you know he receives a double Bible and if I say there is the god Elijah now what I looked at this thing I said god what in the world are you trying to tell me he said Elijah the older came forth with an anointing unusual when it came for he a very low confidence level Elijah just came on the scene and said it's going to roll and then from that place but now it lies a has a double anointing that means the anointing has to be intensified and even densified and grease so that you can be able to deal couple with the trouble that Elisha understands listen in order for me to do the work that Eliezer did I've got to help double up the anointing and listen and when you look at the anointing levers thereby you'll understand that this mountains are totally different he comes up with an anointing now not just to tear down not just to Dubuque not just the past powder not even just a speaker than lead he comes with an anointing to restore giving weapons to the idea that anybody can just be anointed how anybody can see wrong and just see you and just pour down take a hammer but it takes a definite morning to see the rest of situations and speak into that situation and say regardless God's going to work it out something regardless to how it seems thoughtful bring regardest aha Linda get Bob step pick you up regardless the house God's going to heal regardless the God's going to bring you all he need and so the by the sense that lives and now receives a double anointing this anointing is so conclusive because when you look at him you see him going about doing Deborah I'm about restoring the best restoration believe God's when he looks at the widow woman and David how her two sons he says go in your house and get you a part of all make you a millionaire him come here with a woman of the Shunammite sir the Bible said he tells her about the season you're going to be dead for the child than even after the child dies and the woman comes back and says man about don't lie to me he still continues the prophesy goes back to her house and leave inside there and he sneezes seven times and restore this man Elijah comes forth with devil of anointing and he and I he comes forth still protruding and still giving and giving and giving and giving that so much so that when he went even I endured all whether you see that place of surprising and he even see the Bible said when the enemy was all around him the Bible said he'd appear under servant look up because David apostle is more than David be against us and so now he's established within the loins of this dress the mindset of the people people now are starting to gravitate back to the move of the Spirit they're starting now to come back to the form this agenda such a first of the things of God they're actually moving around the people of God they want to be around those that women they will talk about they believe and they will do right people now coming to an all-time high there he is right okay now finds himself lining up for other nations who find themselves dealing with people who are never had knowledge of the truth in the Living God he is our elder lines themselves up with the people living in Somalia other people who now live in Somalia I in little mouse who somehow love are worshiping in form you know the story when Jesus met the woman at the well he told her sweetheart you worship what she know not you think you're worshipping in a mountain or place you're worshiping in your past or your heritage no riding upon the fact that you're Abraham's descendants all but you worship what she may not but there is a spirit now and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit the Bible says and in truth I'm so now he deals with a combustion of people that have aligned themselves up with people who are going up the phone and not regarding God with the sensitivity of the spirit and when that takes place people then there is a way that God's got to show us and of God the quality that I am the god of Isaac that I am the God of Jacob that I am that I am and decide me there is no other so now here in the instance god now is protruded upon the fact that a famine is in the land or you know the story the Bible says why the fairness in the land Eliza comes under the anointing of God he recognized that he stands as a prophet of honor and dignity equality of decision of form he understands when I speak I've got to be careful that I don't just speak just to be speaking pain or even I delivered because idleness is the devil's workshop he understands my friend that when I stand I've got to stand tall and strong and I wrecked under the power of the Holy Ghost say that what these speak God speaks I speak nothing that God does not say I work 70 with God and with the things of God when people see me coming they know I've got about my mind I look so in tune with the things of the Spirit until there's no question about whether or not he's in force or he's in spirit because my sheep know my voice and a stranger they will not and cannot follow he understands by now I cannot perpetrate the anointing because by the anointing he breaks every yoga and so when it comes on the scene he deals in a time when he's got the channel the mindset of the people and give him another world give him an hour occurrence and he says these words he says he will be sold how when he speaks this world that calls us in the heels of bears that simply have no understanding which is rather by the said how can they hear without a preacher how can they preach except they be sent the Bible says now this comes from below and when it comes from the Lord the Bible said all people that hear understand and already with anticipation waiting and making them wait but this man comes on the scene the Lord all the same when I looked at this thing I said god what in the world are you Nathan have you understood that the hardest people to try to convince that God is really speaking and God is really moving as those I think they'd already gotten me or this kind of people to deal with this olks I would think that they all have their own son have you ever seen people bathe and nothing they were humble when they didn't have nothing they were compared their car they didn't have anything they were walking in the spirit and seeking the face of Almighty God innovation came they became brought max Chapman or be annoying look at somebody and tell them there's something wrong with it because look like to me the more about you get the block the more God you look at something inside of you desires a hunger after the things of the Spirit all the leaves and other people became to a place there's somehow never win the prophet speaks they don't believe the people now having held and sing but the Lord is saying tomorrow about this time yeah right how in the world can distinguish they are opened up windows in heaven have been all our blessings what he did they ask their God is the kind of partner to do anything that they that there is nothing nothing in all of his ways that he can be sitting in here in the seat and stars and spean Russian enemies at the same table he's omnipresent [Applause] the Bible declares this Lord of the Cimmerian stands on the side and while standing on the side he's here waiting I'm declaring war if God's gonna do it but the puppet gives him the strong word I'm safe under him you will see it with your own eyes but you won't taste nor eat thereof and so in the midst of the problems my peers with another group of individuals who somehow another have not learned how necessary to go through their activities they have not wronged mrs. Sylvia how the dysfunction in the plane as a matter of fact when you look at this people you find these porn in in a place where they recognize listen we don't even deserve to be here we are outside of the city going into the city in this one this poor man sitting on the outside of the city decided missing are coming together over in ourselves it makes no sense just to sit down here it makes no sense just now complain about what we ain't got it makes no sense talk about here sitting on the outside of the city let me tell you because colleges people worry about sisters and willing [Music] look so people that have a right mentality what you see we got a lot of [Applause] prophecy he might have been talking to me while we were sitting outside it was for us as well it's almost like play of Simon Says always before they could take one step to me they got the instructions before you move let me explain something to you what's going on you're not is the same thing that the Bible says a lot of people say I believe I can do all things through Christ that strip is me however what you gotta understand is you need a spark of a man nobody's the Bible says you're the puppies maybe there's some people that they'll miss their you steal breath what's your plan I ain't got no husband what's your plan I got no car what's your plan the Bible says the Bible said when the Lord ah hey that way right away we will Oh about this ah ah dog nobody yeah how many so the person [Music] [Music] listen one of the wonderful things that I've learned about God is the reality of knowing the days are forced ad can do anything but fail everybody we just don't you think well it's not too many people now stand there God listen to me I live in church all my life some of your help too and I've seen the transitions I've seen I've seen the swings the booze the changes and one of the things that I agree without more than anything in the world is that they're not very many people that you can have confidence and as you know when you ask them to pray they want to bring them in for a closet and they're going to seek the face of God partially because many people have lost this sensitivity and have lost and concern the Bible says and I my brothers I think and that's big there was one thing that I could just automatically change in this last hour it would be the more compassion the loss of feeling and carrying the burdens of one another look what happened to the church universally with nobody what's theirs you know have you seen that everybody's concerned about themselves in this but they're selfish sitting next to people that could be gone through all kind of stuff and don't even deal with somebody's gone through could be ready to commit suicide could have just came to church and thought my god if I could just make it there but let's somebody pick me up in the spirit and feel what I'm going through I appreciate all the wonders now I appreciate all the gifts in the profits and I appreciate all of the ministries that are coming forth now with it I came up in a town but we didn't have a lot of profits we have a lot of apostles if I weren't trying to be an evangelist but we're trying to be wonderful staying marvelous hotels blabbers class they just wanted to be saved and help people y'all remember that we stay wherever the producer the sex we bring food and eat unless it we went so cautious leaving some of the works up north then because we understood no weapon formed against us was gonna be able to prosper leave any talk to us against us in the judge made our lives worse proof circumspectly we didn't hire you know we walked in the presence of God's people and when we walked into each other's presence we had confidence in each other because we knew them not after the flesh but after the spirit world trying to be deep we've got each other's houses and have church after church we call each other up on the phone and pray for each other and speak in tongues for hour and never gossip one time we want jealous of anybody because we understood that whatever God gave them the same God to bless them to turn around and blessing us remember those times we share with each other if his sister had needed address because she just came in and got say we wasn't look at her she got on them britches no we ain't gonna give it to her right now but I remember when young people would just say they would take the pants and cut them up and make them into strawberry skirts we not tell you wouldn't go there because I'm jugular thanks a lot right now we've got our closets and we give ties and shirts away so people that didn't have as much as we had come on somebody we just felt compassion concern I'll never forget in my church after I tell everybody I have a lot of young people that are ecstatic it's a shocker upper said people that lived in all kinds of life I went on the street and preached them some of them were prostitutes and drag queens you know those are don't you men they're just a black ladies and I would go preach him and rile him up and not get him there tell him I'm afraid I'm young ascended to me and I need a runner similar to me but while I was preaching and then or unusual anointing will come upon me and I would snatch the week's are now you know you had to be under the anointing cause you know they even go to fight but they care nice you know what I'm saying but God chooses the foolish things to confound the wise in them and the foolishness of the preaching of the gospel to touch the hearts of people I've seen God do some real transforming because I told God I didn't want to just play Church you know I didn't just want to have no building just to have a building and have a whole bunch of folks coming in and then nobody get sane and we all prophesy on each other and praying for each other and spirit tongues to each other and then no souls get saved so I went to pray and seek in the face of the Lord and God made me so sensitive to the needs of each other and never forget one of the dear sisters got married and when she got married I noticed that when she would come to church she would always come late and she would always leave early and she would go to church come to church in and when shouted dance and praise the Lord and my church is all about four years also you know we all should be shouting you know I'm saying this just their new should nobody have arrived you know they've got my feet not been their devil is a lot hop put him on the world about the kids but you know she would go crazy praising the Lord and people would talk about her any wouldn't say what's wrong with her make it all that noise I would say just I'd say god is good I'll say God's gonna deliver you and she would just grab hold of that word and just go to scream and holler and it just thought out we have all the chairs and so she just take a whole section and just roll our chairs away people just get all in Paris and just say this don't make no sense so some of my real people saying so that's why don't invite nobody of this church because the people just so crazy but she would go out and get people and bring all her neighbors and their children and everybody but all motherly people they just came to church by themselves that are known for meth because one afternoon I should have said precious I said you you've really faced God I just appreciate I want you to stop it I just want just past the facts of me just tell me what's going on and she said pastor you don't understand she said I'm an adult and I'm grown but every time I leave my house she said me and my three children she said I know when I go back home I'm gonna have to go through hell my husband's gonna jump on me he's gonna try to jump on the children gonna go through crazy things and Spacey changes she says so I go food I go crazy for God because I know when I get home he gonna go crazy and look like the more crazy out there for God look like when I get home he'd be sleeping in it she says so I found out to play to get you to God and to get God to stop let that man go things on me at the paisa I was so sensitive to that toe ibogaine becoming sensitive to the needs of people and I'm now we're back to when I first got saved I've been safe now for close to 20 20 years and I'm still young and I thank God and I'm like David I'm young and I'm going to get older laughs testimony is in my everyone never seen the righteous forsaken but you don't have to bug big bow and scrape and wallow in the dust with dogs and cats and snakes and mice but you can stand up and have integrity and be our same man and I have to be a fifty or have to be a party cater that repleted girl you see you don't have to try to get a number one answer that's a minute and technically but today in just a few moments God can really change that their atmosphere in here and we're going to go and of around to higher we do I want every person in this place when you do me a favor will you come out from behind your seat and listen to what I'm saying there is somebody here that's going through and that tomorrow whatever that tomorrow meet me there tomorrow might be Monday somebody might have taken the rent money to get here and believe God by faith to make a work a miracle formed by the time they get back home and see some of y'all and because y'all don't have too much faith because everybody Anil Easy Street arcade in the body some people are still going through I listen to what I'm saying some people don't know what they're going to face when they get back home facing addiction facing a pink slips on the job sons and daughters going through and they need God to what the miracle living in half a piece of their homes and expecting God to deliver and to set free is there anybody besides me tonight but is that the new that needs got to work a miracle in their lives you're here now something that you know you can't do for yourself but don't do it it cannot be done I'm not go live with my telephone is somebody else's name I'm not gonna live put the lights in my grandfather's name this died three years ago I must stand on faith and on what God's will says with integrity another credit card to name his name are using another social security number I must stand and the thing that God said I know it's not convenient for me to ask you to come out of your seat and the way across the room and pray for somebody that you don't even know I want you to pick that man that woman that forth in the spirit and I want you to take that situation to God because they need your prayer looking for my next I need your prayers because the Bible said the prayers of the right [Music] can I get you to be mad at the Holy Ghost and then find somebody in the spirit and take them up over their hands wherever they may be come on out for the handle season go and get somebody please please [Music] yeah [Music] the kebab right now please focus [Music] [Music]
Channel: PawPaw T
Views: 22,742
Rating: 4.8860397 out of 5
Keywords: cogic, Bishop William James, latter rain
Id: TaEro3lhexQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 26sec (4586 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 19 2019
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