The Most BROKEN Jutsu in Naruto..

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this video is sponsored by tokyo treat and soccer ako so there's a topic we've touched on a couple of times in a bunch of my videos a topic that comes up a lot in the later stages of naruto a topic that every fledgling naruto fan holds on to as a possibility to fix any problem regardless of how grave it is and here's the thing those fans are not wrong for holding on to the hope that this ability might get used because this ability gives you almost limitless power the ability that i'm talking about is of course edo tensei also known as summoning impure world reincarnation but etto tensei sounds way cooler but not nearly as cool as liking this video subscribing the page and hitting that nodey bell indefinitely not as cool as going as far as to hit that join button and becoming a member of the web alliance over here on youtube getting additional content from me in the form of three additional videos a month but before we get into all that guys today we gotta talk about our favorite returning sponsor tokyo treat and sakurako let's start with the big box tokyo treat tokyo treat is a monthly snack box filled with up to 20 exclusive to japan in limited edition snacks these snacks are also seasonally flavored this month's theme is sakura and not like sasuke's wife like the pink flower and you might be thinking opening this box is kind of intimidating if you don't speak japanese and if you're like me you probably don't know what this bag says that's why they send a 24-page pamphlet with every single box and this pamphlet will tell you everything from what the snack is to the allergens that are inside of it to what its significance is in japan but enough talking let's try it so from the pamphlet i learned these are latte marshmallows but i'm sure they can be enjoyed without the coffee down the hatch oh yeah they're good without the coffee they're light and fluffy and the taste of sakura is subtle but sweet but since we're talking about sakura let's get into our second box sakura co this month's theme for sakura co is matcha and mochi and the way that sakurako differs from tokyo treat is that these are handmade traditional japanese snacks made by artisans and every month they sent you a different piece of kitchenware this month was chopsticks but where sakurako is very similar to tokyo treat is the 24 page pamphlet and that's helpful because i don't know what this is but thanks to the pamphlet i now know that these are matcha cream daifuku let's try them somehow it's still incredibly fresh and it's bitter and sweet simultaneously so what are you guys waiting for become a global snacker like me use the code nc hammer04 at checkout for five dollars off your first order but don't just go searching up sakurako or tokyo treat guys make sure you use the links that are both in my description and my pinned comment let's get to snacking so erotensai what is it how does it happen how do you control the people you bring back how was it countered and more importantly why was it created all these questions and more will be answered right now because i'll tell you right now this will be the longest jutsu explained video i've ever created edo tensai is not simple and i'm not talking about the practicality of pulling it off no i'm talking about the laws and rules that go into it but before we get into the legal script let's go back to that all-important question why was it created edo tensai was created by tobi rama senju hashirama's little brother in the second hokage we also know when it was created during the warring states period we know it was created during the warring states period because this is when toby rama was active in his creation of jutsus that's when he also created flying rhizian we also know it was created then because he forbid edo tensai and made it a kinjutsu or forbidden jutsu once konoha was formed this is because once konoha was formed there was peace between the uchiha and the senju and in this era of peace tobyrama gleaned that edo tensai would not be necessary but knowing when edotenside was created actually gives us a bit of insight into why it was created the most glaringly obvious reason would be that toby rama wanted to find a way to bring his brothers back to life specifically itama and kurawama senju and this would make sense considering the fact that toby rama's entire reason for helping hashirama create konoha is to make sure that children would no longer die in wars so if tobirama could find a way to bring the children who had already died in wars back then all of the past sins would be absolved but i think his reasoning is actually deeper than that and it has to do with something that i just said absolving past sins see toby rama was one of the biggest people in creating peace between the uchiha and the senji in fact when toby rama's brother kurarama asked how they were gonna break the cycle of hate between the uchiha and the senju when they had all lost family members toba rama said that you're gonna have to be able to push those emotions down what if you didn't have to push those emotions down what if instead you could simply get the people you've lost back and yes obviously this applies to toby rama's brothers therefore him and hashirama would have no reason to hate the senju but i would go so far as to say that this also applied to the uchiha toby rama himself took the life of izana matara's little brother and maybe when he realized after he had taken somebody so close to moderate that mataro would never seek for a true and lasting peace that he wanted to find a way to bring back he's in them so why did toby rama never use this jutsu well the answer to that is actually somewhat obvious he had morals and to get into why tobirama would have a moral dilemma with using this jutsu that he created we have to talk about how the jutsu works tobirama was trying to find a way to take souls out of the pure land and return them to earth pure land is naruto canonical heaven all ninjas who die ascend there but the only problem is these souls need a vessel that ties them to the earth and i know you're saying well why can't you just use the body of your friend who just died and while that would be lovely unfortunately the vessel has to be alive soul can inhabit a dead body the body is already gone and i'm assuming toby rama figured this out more likely than not toby rama tried to pull the soul from the pure land and was successful in reaching the pure land and extracting said soul but he tried to put it in a dead body or the body of the person who the soul belonged to and this most likely didn't work or had terrifying results toby rama then being incredibly intelligent probably realized that he needed a living vessel to act as the anchor to earth and since tobirama created this jutsu at least in my head canon to break the cycle of hate if he had to take another life to bring a life back you're just recreating the cycle and this is why we don't see him bring his brothers back in a fight against modera or something like that but what's weird is that other people specifically moo the second tsuche kage knew that toby rama created this jutsu we know this because the second mizukage in the second tsuche kage talk about how they've been brought back with edo tensai and therefore it was toby rama's doing which means that his research on this jutsu had to be relatively public knowledge so it's also maybe a possibility that he did use this jutsu though we've never seen it let's get back to how this jutsu works in order to reincarnate somebody you need a piece of their dna and this doesn't have to be a whole hand it could be a fingernail it could be hair it could be saliva hell kabatos says that he could probably take blood off of nagato's chopper rods that he used to kill jiraiya in order to bring jeriah back though more often than not people who want to use edo tensai end up grave robbing the people they want to bring back which makes it all the more baffling that we do not protect the graves of important people better hashirama cells are sold at half priced in costco let's say you have now acquired dna of somebody you want to bring back and you have a living vessel there's one problem the soul you're trying to grab has to exist in the pure land erotensai is not perfect it's essentially a bridge from the earth to heaven so should your soul of not made it to heaven let's say it's in the shinigami stomach because you use reaper death seal to pull somebody into limbo and fight them for eternity like hebrewsen and minotau the bridge does not go to the shinigami's stomach so they cannot be brought back the same can be said for nagato's king of hell should your soul be residing in said king of hell you will not be able to be brought back okay so now let's say you have a living sacrifice the dna of the person you want to reincarnate and their soul is in the pure land there's a special scroll that initiates the transfer from the pure land to that vessel and on this special scroll you have to smear the dna of the person who you are trying to reincarnate it's at this point that a seal appears on the ground with the living vessel being at the center of the seal and at this point dust and ash from the surrounding area encapsulate the body essentially kind of reforming the body because humans as carbon-based light forms can essentially just have carbon from the surrounding areas terraform their body into the body of the previous person except it doesn't really work like that instead the living vessel kind of acts as a caloric output a burning energy in order to comprise all of this dust and ash together and it's at that point that the dust in the ash becomes the entire body that's right with this kind of thing you would assume that there would be a thin dust and ash layer over the living vessel's body but that's not the case because we've seen edo tenside people get split in half and there's no meaty center and if you think about it that actually makes a lot of sense if you consider what i'm about to tell you you see this whole process of getting turned into dust and ash is incredibly painful for the living vessel surprise but what the true surprise is is that the chakra signature of the person you're reincarnating completely takes over the living vessel's chakra signature and what's even more surprising than that is that technically the living vessel is still alive though your chakra signature and body are basically entirely gone until edo tensile has been released the living vessel is inside of that body and what's even more confusing is that when edo tensile is released the living vessel body reappears amongst a pile of dust and ash so a bit like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly the body will entirely emulsify and then recreate itself over the duration of edo tension which is good because imagine what it would look like if minotau had lost his arms and then the living vessel's blood was just squirting out personally i think they should have done that to make you understand how truly metal edo tensai is but it's a children's show but here's the thing edo tensai wasn't always as perfect as it was when we saw in the war toby rama himself said that when he used the techniques the souls he brought back were much weaker than they were in their lifetime and also he could only control a couple at a time which i guess pretty much all but confirmed that toby rama did in fact use this jutsu listen maybe he made it for a good purpose and then he realized yeah this could be helpful on the warfront he wasn't a perfect person but just like with a lot of tobii rama's jutsu people would take the jutsu and run with it down the line minotau perfected flying raijin naruto perfected shadow clone orochimaru and kabuto perfected at otenside but they did it separately orochimaru stumbled upon this kin jutsu decades after toby rama's death in through a lot of trial and error and a lot of research he was able to bring the souls close to their original power levels i say close to the original powers because when we see arochimaru use edo tensai to bring both toby rama and hashirama back to life if they were at full power hirozin wouldn't have been around very long that being said heroes and did use the old hail mary and use reaper death seal on all three of them orochimaru also like toby rama didn't have perfect control over the people he brought back enter kabuto kabuto was able to make sure that everybody he brought back was just as powerful as they were in their lifetime he was also able to control as many people as he needed to at a time this is because edo tensai technically takes no chakra to use you heard me correctly the summoner of edo tensai has to use absolutely no chakra to control those who they have summoned so resources permitting you can infinitely summon people by resources i mean living vessels and dna having these improvements allow him to essentially reincarnate in an immortal army of the strongest ninjas on earth made kabuto say that this is probably the strongest jutsu ever made and he's not wrong there's also the fact that these reincarnations can be summoned literally anywhere because i'll remind you they're a summoning so you can pull the soul out of the pure land slap it into a living vessel and then put that person in a coffin and summon them whenever you need them toby rahm and hashirama when they were summoned to fight against hirozin had already been pulled out of the pure land for a long time their body sits in a kind of stasis limbo in the living vessel inside of that coffin and they can be sent back to their coffin by summoning the coffin and just throwing them back in it but how do you control some of the strongest ninjas on earth well back in tobirama's day simply summoning these souls allowed you to control the movements of the living vessel they encapsulate you could restrict their movement or make them attack other people you can even shut them down and throw them back in their coffin and this is because they were coming back weaker than they were when they were alive but what happens when you perfect this jutsu and now you're dealing with hashirama or modera at their highest level of strength well that's where the problems arise because these incredibly strong ninja can hypothetically resist the control of edo tensa in fact tobirama was able to fight against the summoning of rochimaru until orochimaru got his favorite little ingredient to make anything stronger hashirama's cells through an inexplicable mean orochimaru used the hashirama cell to increase the strength of the binding that he had over those people who he brought back with edotenside and while this was enough to stabilize tobyrama orochimaru admitted that hashirama could still break free if he wanted to i shouldn't have said unknown means there actually is a known mean as to how orochimaru was able to get hashirama's cells into his edo-tenside people the use of a talisman usually connected to a kunai that orochimaru kabuto would stick into the brains of the people that they adotenside back now this seal came in varying strengths before rochimaru found a way to bind hashirama's cells to it in order to increase its strength the seal would allow those who were brought back to retain their personality they could approach any task that their summoner tells them to do in whatever way that they would usually do it so long as they do it and while this may seem like a loose kind of control it's actually very powerful because by not fully taking over the psyche of the person you brought back they can fight in the way that they have always fought they know how to use their abilities better than anyone and should hypothetically the circumstance arise where the person you've brought back is fighting somebody they once knew by having their personality intact it's kind of psychological warfare that being said the big downside with this is that technically the person you've summoned can undermine you even though they are doing the thing you want them to do gengetsu the second mizukage is a perfect example of this while he was tasked to destroy the fourth squadron the one that gara was leading he was telling everybody which clams to not attack he was telling everybody about his techniques and how best to counter them and while he was technically still committing an act of war against the allied shinobi forces this was his plan to undermine the person who summoned him and while this may seem like a huge disadvantage it's actually not because they're still technically listening to you and this is the level of control kabuto prefers and the reason that kabuto prefers this level of control is because technically all he has to do in this circumstance is direct his army in a direction and they will take care of everything else the level of control of rochimaru prefers however is the complete erasure of all personality in this circumstance the summoner controls all actions of the summon they essentially just become avatars that the summoner can channel his will through and while this is still very effective and you will never have any of your summoned rally against you it's not as powerful in the grand scheme because it requires a massive amount of attention from the summoner but with this level of control you can use the summon to speak through or have them summon other people to summon and kabuto actually writes on most of his seals a kind of backdoor switch to activate this level of control should the person get too unruly but that brings us back to the topic of control we've already stated that hiroshima added hashirama's cells to these seals in order to strengthen their power but how does kabuto strengthen this power well kabuto funnels power from anko's curse mark essentially he uses senjutsu chakra making his reincarnations almost a sage move and the only true drawback to any of this is the fact that there's going to be a physical line of chakra always between the summoned and the summoner which allows sensor type ninjas to draw a line to where the summoner is but unfortunately killing the summoner does not stop the summons and that brings us with a perfect segway into our next topic rules we've talked about how and why edotensia was created and we even talked about how it works but we haven't talked about the rules that are around it and there is a lot of rules around it and the misconception of these rules leads to a lot of the questions that i get asked on a daily basis so buckle in get your notepad out and i'll answer a couple of the questions that everybody has about edutensei here so when you summon somebody into their living vessel their body is all gray and cracked and gross and this is the case for literally everyone who's been summoned but the summoner when they put in the talisman can choose whether or not they want to rejuvenate the body of the summoned i.e restore their appearance to what they used to look like there's literally no benefit to rejuvenating them outside of they look like they used to the only true difference in appearances amongst those who have been at otenside is the pupils not the pupils actually they're called the the slur sclerae the thing around your pupil not even the thing around your pupil it's the thing around your cornea i'm not an ophthalmologist but in those who have been summoned that still have their personalities the white area as i will be referring to it from now on turns gray those with their personalities erased it's black a reincarnated individual will always have the keke genkai and keke tota they had in their lifetimes along with all of the abilities they had and yes you are reincarnated as you were when you died this includes any physical handicaps you had at the time of your death that's why nagato's legs don't work when he's reincarnated but this seems to only pertain to physical handicaps because illnesses that you had at the time of your death don't come with you when you're summoned and also the things that killed you will not come with you obviously you're not going to come with a bunch of holes the only inconsistency here is whether or not things that have been grafted onto you will also come when you are summoned what do i mean by that hanzo the salamander when he was very young had the poison sack of a river salamander put into his body so he would make his own poison when he was reincarnated he was brought back with this poison sack however matara was not brought back with the hashirama cell he had grafted onto himself and because of that kabuto had to make his own for moderate but since we're talking about moderate let's talk about the question i get all the time with moderate why is he young and what's funny is there's not a complicated answer to this everybody else looks like what they looked like when they died right but for some reason moderate is younger than he was when he died or is he i'll remind you matara dies twice one when he died in his fight against hashirabha and toby rama and then again when he died in his cave after grafting hashirama cells to himself but here's the thing technically that was hagoromo what do i mean combinations of both indra and ashura's chakra allowed moderate to awaken the rinigon the reason you awaken the renegon in that situation is because when you combined indra and ashara's chakra you get hagaromo's chakra and he had the rinigon so matara died when hashirama killed him but hagoromo died when matara died a second time this is why matara looks exactly like what he looks like when hashirama killed him the first time that is further enhanced by the fact that those who are summoned are reincarnated with the clothes they were wearing when they died and while they're not actually closed they're actually just an extension of their body through the dust and ash hole thing still hashirama was wearing his traditional battle outfit he was wearing against hashirama and while you are spawned in with your clothes you're not given your weapons the seven swordsmen of the mist are only able to use the swords that kabuto collected the only exception to this rule is ginkaku and kinkaku because apparently they hid the sage's six paths sacred treasures within themselves and what's even truly wilder than all of this is there's still ways to enhance edo tension the biggest benefit of erotensia is that those who you bring back are technically immortal slice them in half that's fine they're made of ash and dust they'll just re-come together this is actually purposely done by toby rama who created the jutsu because toby rama wasn't bringing back legendary ninja no he was bringing back any ninja to use in a kamikaze-like style specifically he would use these bodies to pull off mutually multiplying explosive tag jutsu essentially by using the body of the summoned as a medium to create explosive tags they can make their body an infinitely scaling series of explosions because as their body turns into more and more explosive tags they also regenerate and so they can set off an infinite series of explosions so you don't need modera you just need anybody and in the warring states period when it was more like a traditional battlefield where large groups of ninja would run into each other an infinite series of explosions is gonna do a good amount of work and considering there's no gore or anything because those who are summoned technically don't bleed unless they're doing a summoning technique which is a weird caveat to me it's just explosions and a common misconception is that those who are reincarnated have infinite chakra while it's technically true in a sense they have infinitely refilling chakra which means that their chakra can be a hundred but it can be a hundred as many times as they want but if there's a jutsu that requires a hundred and ten chakra they won't be able to do it this is evidenced by the fact that when moo splits his body to avoid naruto's rosengan his chakra reserves are cut in half and he can no longer perform his kaketoda or the fact that all people who have been summoned can't use infinite clones oh i lied they also can bleed if they use their mangikyo sharing gone but because they perpetually regenerate the bleeding eyes don't make them go blind so technically anybody with an ms who gets summoned has ems so now that something this powerful exists how on earth do we counter it there has to be drawbacks right and while the list of drawbacks isn't quite as long as i would like it to be there is some like i said earlier killing the summoner does not get rid of the summon because remember it takes no chakra from the summoner after they've been summoned therefore you kill the summoner the summoned just exist forever there's only three ways to get rid of those who have been summoned reaper death seal heroes in taught us that having the summoner end the technique either voluntarily or through genjutsu like hitachi did or the third in much less reliable way form an emotional connection with those who've been reincarnated and really just talk no juts to them into going back to heaven essentially you can talk to those who've been reincarnated and if you're nice enough they can will themselves out of the body obviously you can also see all those have been summoned and just let them chill out for a little while gara does this with grand sand mausoleum psy does it with his tiger scroll essentially any high level foo in jutsu will be able to seal a summoned person now it won't release their soul from the summoning they'll just be in your seal but they're still not wreaking havoc on top of this summoned people are susceptible to yin yang release since yin yang release is essentially the creation of all things you can manipulate souls as well with it so something like a true seeker orb if it hits a summoned person will also destroy the soul this is why minotau wasn't able to regenerate his arms and even when he was released from his living vessel we saw him return to the pure lands with no arms so hypothetically should a true seeker orb go through a summoned person's heart it would kill them and not just the living vessel in the reincarnated person it would destroy their soul and then there's the truly unpleasant way to get pulled out of your living vessel the sword of totsuka see itachi uses the sword of totsuka to seal nagato and the sword of totsuka essentially is a sword that if you're stabbed with it it will put your soul in a realm called the realm of drunken dreams it's a bit like being sealed by the shinigami having your soul pulled into limbo and while it's unclear as to whether or not the releasal of the summoning pulls people out of this realm of drunken dreams we can at least partially assume that nagato is living in a realm that is essentially like living in the dizziest you've ever been forever it's not great also technically the use of koto matsukame can overwrite the commands of the summoner in the summonsed heads hitachi does this to himself and while the summoner can regain control of that summoned person he has to get their talisman and then re-put it in him and then there's the largest glaring hole with edo tensai that still to this day aggravates me deeply if the summoned knows the hand seals to activate edo tensai they can sever the contract with the summoner and you're like oh cool toby rama put it out in there in case he ever got summoned back so he could just send his soul back to the pure land nope one for some reason toby rama doesn't know how to do this two for some reason matara does and if you sever this contract with your summoner you just get to be immortal and have infinite chakra with nobody controlling you matara refers to it as the one risk of this technique that's a very big one risk and it's not like it's a hundred hand seals it's five with just trial and error you could probably figure it out so now there's a person running around with infinitely refilling chakra complete regenerative ability and nobody can tell them what to do also technically you can put black rod receivers in the reincarnated and control them like nagato did with the six paths of pains this is what obito did with the jin cherokee so yeah even though this jutsu is incredibly powerful there is a couple very glaring issues and that's why moderate soul was not released when kabuto released edo tensai it is single-handedly one of the biggest ass polls in literature something that could have been avoided if moderate just i don't know transferred his consciousness to a soldier nearby in the way of rochimaru does but nope he just uno reverse carded edo tensai that's all i know on it now you know as much as i do so you can be as angry as me i hoped you liked this video and if you did guys please for me like the video subscribe to the page and hit that noti bell and if you enjoyed being both entertained and educated you know being edutained go ahead and hit that join button and become a member of the web alliance over here on youtube you'll be getting three additional videos from me a month on top of cool badges and emotes you also get your name at the end of every video listen i'm not saying that edward tensai will probably never be used again but it's safe to assume it won't be one because it is basically a glaring plot hole that could fix any problem in naruto and kishimoto has kind of denied its existence in boruto but two because the only people who know how to use it are orochimaru who's definitely not allowed to and kabuto who's too busy running an orphanage so morally if anybody's gonna dip their toe into it it probably would have to be somebody from konohan that's most definitely not allowed so when people always ask me well why don't they just bring back hashirama in boruto and have him fight some of the otsotsukis it's a great question but moralistically and the fact that not enough people know the information on how to do the jutsu probably weeds that out as a choice that's not gonna happen and that's all bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 372,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, weeb, weeb alliance, nchammer23, boruto, anime, itachi, shisui, edo tensei, tobirama, hashirama, kabuto, obito, orochimaru, madara, izuna, gengetsu, hokage, death reaper seal
Id: egzd0m01FAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 58sec (1738 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 12 2022
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