Naruto Characters Born in the WRONG Village?!

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ever feel as though you were born in the wrong country like you would thrive in some other kind of economy or culture well I'd argue to say that that problem goes far beyond just the real world So within the confines of anime there's been numerous people who were born into the wrong universe or the wrong country within their own universe and of all the anime could think of I think Naruto quite honestly has the most examples of people who were born in the wrong country see there is multiple people within the confines of Naruto who if born in a different village or country would have had dramatically different lives people who may be considered weak in the village that they currently reside in who would have been gods in other Villages people who have had incredibly horrible backstories who would have lived relatively normal lives in other Villages people who were corrupted by evil in The Villages they were born into but would have become heroes in other Villages and today I want to go over some of those examples see I genuinely believe that a lot of characters within Naruto could have had much more interesting stories if they were born somewhere else characters who are considered memes could have been legitimate menaces elsewhere but before we were talking about these Zero to Hero Stories guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that Noti Bell and while you're at it if you want to see me go from zero to leader of anime on YouTube guys you're gonna have to go ahead and follow my other YouTube channel the weeb commander or instead of talking Naruto I talk literally any other anime we're getting into one punch man now I'm thinking about doing an akame got kill video Ninja Must Die is the closest I've ever felt to being a ninja in the Naruto World ninja mustai is a revolutionary mobile game it revolutionizes combat running gameplay by integrating side scrolling in action all into one game it's an action-packed mobile platforming game that features distinct ink painting visuals jump into the world to tackle epic bosses and solve incredible puzzles in the Ninja realm playing as characters like Kuro a young and passionate boy who believes in the power of the ninja with his Ninjutsu dragon gunfire or dragon flame waltz or pepper a brand new ninja recently added to the game an energetic hot tempered character with explosive Powers they come in the form of her Phoenix flame Ninjutsu you can place these characters in a multitude of different game modes like 3v3 or other multiplayer game modes and while the long list of characters and all the different Ninjutsu that come along with them might seem a little intimidating the game is easy and intuitive on just one smartphone with just one finger this game can be played easily the easy controls make the incredible action of this game simple to achieve and you can play with all of your friends as in the world of ninja must die you can make inter-dimensional connections with other ninjas you could be your friend's Apprentice or their Sensei or you could start a clan together and these social connections between players are actually a core fundamental part of the Ninja Must Die play style as things like bounties and Clan Warfare are a massive part of the game but don't worry if you're not looking to do Clan Wars there's an incredible story in ninja Must Die the story progresses in an interlocking and perilous way combining the progression of the plot with actual combat giving the player the most possible immersion into the story so what are you guys waiting for download Ninja Must Die using the link in my description right now it's about time we start living like the ninjas we all know we are so birthplaces sometimes you love them sometimes you go to hate them you feel as though if you were born somewhere else you could have thrived in a different environment with a different culture you'd be understood better it could be places where people focus on the things that you like to focus on and if you were born there you would have been perfect while this is absolutely a problem that people struggle with in the real world it is also a problem that people sort of struggle with in the Naruto world see this idea came to me through an Instagram DM weirdly enough though not the whole idea just the idea of the first entry on this list see when I say the name 1010 you probably think fastest person in fiction less screen time than a swing kind of useless character and for any of those thoughts you'd be absolutely correct she's so fast that the animators weren't able to draw her Tonton she's an ace Pig and Naruto's swing I'll have more screen time than her and for all intents and purposes when compared to the rest of the konoha 13 she is kind of useless but this is because 1010 has a very specific set of abilities see 1010 is a weapons genius and within the confines of real ninjas that would be an incredibly powerful ability because at the end of the day that's really all ninjas had penten's fighting style relies heavily on the fact that she seals thousands of Kunis in different ninja tools away in Scrolls and 10 then unseals these weapons and hurls them at enemies pen 10 is the Ninja World version of a Gatling gun an unending volley of ninja tools fired in an enemy relatively accurately because here's the thing Tenten sure kinjutsu was actually rather impressive well it may seem as though she's just firing kunai and sure kin in any direction she's been noted several times during the manga and the anime to be incredibly accurate but 1010 is actually a lot more than just her Scrolls 1010 has an innate in relatively rare ability to be able to master any weapon she picks up and I mean literally any weapon this is fully put on display during the fourth grade Shinobi World War this was seen when 1010 used the ginanda to the jananda is a massive spikeball flare with explosive tags inside of it the explosions from the explosive tags launched the spike ball in direction that 1010 wants to launch it giving 1010 the ability to swing a massive spikeball flail at anybody she wants at incredibly high speeds 1010 was able to master this relatively unwieldy and Incredibly large weapon in a matter of No Time whatsoever but this wasn't even the greatest example of 10 10 mastering high level Weaponry instantly see also during the fourth grade Shinobi World War 1010 was able to get her hands on the Basho sand the boscherson is one of the weapons of the sage of Six Paths previously wielded by kinkaku and ginkaku this weapon when swung is able to generate a massive amount of any of the five basic Elemental Natures so you can swing the basho10 which is just a fan and generate a massive amount of fire water wind lightning ground but the thing is as it is one of the same age of six Past treasure tools and requires an insane amount of chakra to use and thus is considered one of the hardest weapons in the entirety of the Naruto Universe to wield and yet in a matter of seconds 1010 was able to pick it up understand how it works and use it and while using it once basically drained her of all of her chakra being able to pick up a weapon which was previously wielded by the sage of six paths and currently wielded by kinkaku and ginkaku descendants of hagaromo and use it instantly proves tenten's genius and here's the thing in the later stages of konoha this move set may seem like a meme because there's two people who can quite literally generate massive chakromax and therefore of the konoha 13 if 1010's not the weakest she's the second weakest but there's places that 1010 with this moveset would be considered one of the strongest people in The Village's history and the best example of a place where she would be considered one of the strongest ninjas in The Village's history is the Hidden Mist see while there's a lot of villages where weapons play a crucial role in the power of the Ninja like the hidden sand with their puppets or the land of iron with their chakra blades there is arguably no better place for 10 10 to be placed than the Hidden Mist see in the Hidden Mist history the strongest Warriors are elected to join the seven Swordsmen of the Mist which are obviously seven Swordsmen who wield the Seven Swords of the Mist and while you can make the argument then 1010 would never be considered strong enough to actually be elected to join the seven Swordsmen of the Mist if she were to make it to the seven Swordsmen of the Mist she would be very similar to two characters in Naruto's history see within the confines of Naruto only two characters have tried to wield more than one of the Seven Swords of the Mist and that was the two housaki brothers mangetsu and swagetsu and amongst the lore of the Seven Swords under the Mist mangetsu is considered to be a legend as he was known to have collected all Seven Swords of the Mist and wield every single one of them with Proficiency in fact mangatu is revered with such a level of respect that swagatu is basically trying to live mangetsu's life sisuigatu also wants to collect all seven swords of the Mist and wield them with proficiency but the thing is this is no easy task each of the Seven Swords while being legendary in their own right are incredibly different from each other one is a seven foot long hunk of iron meant for decapitating people while the other is quite literally a sewing needle with infinite thread attached to the back of it one is an ax and a hammer and the other is an ax with an infinite amount of explosive tags collecting all seven of these weapons is hard enough by being able to master every single one of them is a feat unto its own and for all intents and purposes there's really no reason to believe that 1010 couldn't have accomplished this feat I mean 1010 was able to wield one of the Sacred tools of the sage of Six Paths well obviously each of legendary swords is in fact a legendary sword there is no way it could be as hard to wield as the bashosen well at least that's the situation for six of the swords see I believe that 1010 will be able to wield everything from the lightning swords the Executioner blade to the sewing needle to the skull cracker everything except for maybe samihada tisamihara is kind of a problem because samihada has to choose its wielder and samayada only chooses wielders who have massive chakra signatures killer bee Kisame ends because samihada is constantly draining the chakra of its wielder using it to power itself if it's not taking chakra from other people and considering the fact that 1010 was only able to swing the boxer send one time before draining her chakra makes me believe that samihada probably wouldn't be the best fit with her but still if 1010 was born in the Hidden Mist there's no reason to believe that she couldn't have a joined the Seven Swords into the mist and B wielded six of the swords which would have put her in the same conversation as mongetsu and sure would she still have most likely died at the hands of might die or something like that yeah but she would have been a much stronger version of the 1010 that we know today so I can't help but feel as though that maybe she was born in the wrong Village but enough about people who were born in konoha who shouldn't have been born in konawa let's talk about people who were born outside of konawa but should have been born in konoha I genuinely do not believe that there was is a better example of somebody who was born outside of konoha but should have been born inside of konawa then he dawned you see hidon was born in the land of hot water a hot springs town that was trying to get rid of its ninja because there are hot springs town why do they need a hidden village and unfortunately they were beginning to demilitarize and get rid of their Shinobi while Hidan was trying to become a Shinobi and this didn't sit right with Hidan because he wanted to become a Shinobi he wanted to be on the front lines in battle enjoying the glory of war and before you're like oh yeah that's because he dominates a sociopath no that is a very common ideology among Shinobi in fact it's quite literally the plot of Sakura's light novel shikamaru's second light novel and a lot of boruto so he'd on a ninja who wanted to be a ninja on the front lines of War being born into a peaceful tourist Village it's pretty much the worst place he could have been born but it's actually a much larger reason outside of that that hidon should have been born elsewhere you see Hidan was born without the ability to mold chakra being that he couldn't do things like Ninjutsu and genjutsu in fact hidan's entire move said his boy down to taijutsu and kenjutsu with his sight this isn't necessarily a problem for Hidan because of his immortality granted through Lord jashin but still when I think of people who can't mold chakra and can't use Ninjutsu and Genji so I really only think of one place and that's konawa or specifically Rock Lee and my guy who I know can use Ninjutsu but decides not to see from the days that might die Mike guy's father the Eternal genin was around Kaiju to only kind of became a strategy that was so long as you trained in the eight Gates the power of only taijutsu became very apparent when might die quite literally killed six out of seven members of the seven Swordsmen of the Mist in mykai even though he could mold chakra decided to train in the eight gates in service to his father who gave his life honorably instead of focusing on Ninjutsu or genjutsu and this ordered a currently three generational line of people who train in the eight Gates and don't focus on Ninjutsu or genjutsu and there's no reason to believe that if hypothetically Hidan was born into konoha that he couldn't have done this he does roughly Mike guys age a couple years younger and thus he most likely would have seen my guy growing into a powerful figure as somebody who only trains in taijutsu in the eight Gates see Ninja who despite his situation is still getting to serve on the front lines in battle in all the wars a Shinobi getting to live a Shinobi's dream and thus he Dawn if born in konoha most likely would have ended up training in the eight Gates I didn't know what you're saying you're saying well yes but if he was born a konoha he never would have found Lord Josh Sheen and the other one got his immortality but that's if you believe that there's actually a lord Joshi see hidan's the only Josh nist we've ever stumbled upon in fact in both konawahiden and the steam ninja Scrolls 2 light novels Chrono has tried to look for other joshness and while in the steam ninja Scrolls they have found other joshness those joshness didn't have immortality they were simply trying to gain the immortality that they had seen he'd done have so my personal theories that Hidan made up Lord jasheen to make his immortality make more sense to him as a coping mechanism for killing all of his neighbors on his way out of the land of Hop water the reason that's important because within that theory it states that he Don is born with immortality meaning that if he was born in konoha he would still have immortality but even if hypothetically hidon wasn't born with immortality he would have got to live not only through the third great Shinobi World War but the fourth and outside of the great Wars there also would have been a butt ton of ninja work he could have done where he could have killed and sacrificed ninjas from other Villages would it have been the most ethically or morally great thing for konohod to employ probably not but we're not going to sit here and act like Shinobi from konwa haven't killed Shinobi from other Villages for decades how they go about it really isn't that big of a deal and yes obviously the tenets of joshianism imply that Hidan has to kill the people he's closest to emotionally but just throw him in the root and send him out as an assassin Psy has killed over a thousand people and he worked alone train a pidon in the gate shove him in the root forget about him forever and you have the most powerful asset Inc history Edan would hypothetically be able to open the eight Gates numerous times because while I did initially make a video about how he done with the eight Gates would be broken except for the fact that after he activated the eighth Gates his body would just be on fire forever somebody in the comments very smartly pointed out that the eighth gate is Centric around the heart I.E pumping all of your body's chakra to the heart and the heart pumps so quickly that it basically lights your blood on fire someone in the comments stated that Hidan could just rip out his own heart throw it on the ground and have a new one regenerate in Bing Bang Boom hate Gates is over and honestly I can't see a problem with that so yes is employing a murder a sociopath to do your Village's Dirty Deeds the best idea no but as kodala already been doing it for decades absolutely let's also not sit here and act like konoha has always been the beacon of light of morality when they have a literal head of torture in a beaky since we're talking about taking the members of the Akatsuki and having them be born somewhere else next up on the list we have nagato nagato's obvious born in the hidden reign as opposed to being born in the hidden Reign I'm proposing that nagatobi born quite literally anywhere else see when nagato was born he had about five good years in the hidden reign with his two parents who were doctors until the second great Shinobi World War found its way into the hidden Reign and basically destroyed the entire Village killing both of his parents specifically to konohashinobi looking for food killed both of his parents thinking they were enemy combatants starting the seed of the thought that konoha was the true place of evil in nagato's mind forever and honestly if I watched two people from a specific Place kill my parents in front of my five-year-old eyes I'd probably think the same thing however if nagato was born anywhere that wasn't the hidden Reign he never would have run into the problem of watching his parents get slaughtered in front of him he also on top of being an orphan wouldn't have grown up in a war-torn village led by a power hunger dictator who would go on to kill some of his closest friends in order to hold on to the semblance of power he still had if nagato was born in the hidden stone or konoha or the hidden sand or basically anywhere else there's a lot of things he wouldn't had to deal with now the real question becomes though however if nagato was born anywhere outside of the Hidden Reign would have even give been the Rinnegan by moderate see the reason that Modera gave nagato the Rinnegan is because he needed somebody with massive chakra reserves that could possibly be manipulated down the line in order to hold on to his Rinnegan for him he couldn't give them to Obito because Obito wouldn't be able to handle both of them simultaneously and thus he gave his rinnicon to somebody who could handle his Rinnegan in a war to our area that might be able to be manipulated by Obito down the line thus not only making somebody who can control the ghetto statue but also somebody who could move the eye of the Moon plan forward for him while he was I guess sort of dead however if nagato was born quite literally anywhere else there is still the possibility that Madura would have given him the Rinnegan but if modara had given nagato the Rinnegan if he was born in somewhere like oh I don't know Kono Hawk modern would have been running the risk of making an incredibly powerful enemy down the line see matara was trying to destroy konoha giving the Rinnegan to somebody who was born in konoha probably would have gone against his plan while it is still a possibility that Obito could have manipulated nagato while he lived inside of konohock God knows Orochimaru did it Sasuke it would have been a much harder and much more dangerous task since the hidden rain Village was kind of a lawless area it wasn't hard for Obito to get his hands on or the attention of nagato and honestly the same mentality could be applied to any word that's not konoha now hypothetically nagato was born in the Hidden Mist problems probably would have Arisen because it was the blood Mist Village and also matara and Obito were basically controlling the Miss Village from the Shadows so when it really boils down to it if Nakato was born on any of the five major Villages that weren't the Hidden Mist Village he probably would have lived a relatively average life he simply would have just been one of the last Uzumaki he would have just been another Shinobi with a massive amount of chakra possibly the Mind's Eye of the kagura Adamantite ceiling chains it would have been like kushna without the Karama bit or with the Karama bit see if nagato was born in konohai most likely would have been elected to be the next gen Cherokee of Karama in any Village he was born into would have been insane to not elect him to be itching Cherokee because after all that's basically what the Uzumaki were used for in Kona being the perfect candidates for Jin Cherokee and as a chin Cherokee he probably would have been this strongest one having Uzumaki chakra pools on top of a tail beast chakra pulls would have been insane but if modern did end up giving him the Rinnegan when he lived in one of these major Villages he probably wouldn't have become a gingerky that just feels like too many things to throw at a child but either way nagato would have had a much better life and therefore have been much harder to manipulate and probably would just become a powerful Ally for the Allied Shinobi forces in the fourth grade Shinobi World War Ernie gone or not the real question to me becomes if not nagato then who when we're talking about the renigon and honestly think matara probably would have just given one of the Rinnegan to Obito and put the other in a glass jar or maybe he would have taken a shot at Kushina either are very legitimate and interesting possible plot lines I think I'm gonna do a whole video on what if nagato was born in konawa and once again let's keep this whole what if Akatsuki members were born in different Villages Vibe rolling with what if Kisame was born in the hidden Cloud I know what you're saying Kisame is a literal shark he specializes in water releases why would he be born in the hidden Cloud that doesn't make any sense and while Fair give me a second to explain as we honest is one of the most powerful members of the Akatsuki and one of the most powerful kenjutsu users in Naruto's history he is inarguably the strongest wielder of samihada ever yes Kisame is stronger than killer bee kisami is also a very interesting character especially when it comes to members of the Akatsuki because kisame's motivations for joining the Akatsuki are a bit weird I guess I would say it's a bit shallow comparatively to a lot of other members of the Akatsuki was actually an incredibly loyal Shinobi to the Hidden Mist hisensei was faguki the only surviving member of the Seven Swords and of the Mist that vaticans might die the original wielder of samihada well I guess not like original but original before Kisame the first that we know of and one time Kisame was assigned to protect two people that were carrying an important piece of Intel for the Hidden Mist however he was told by faguki that if these two people should become captured that Kisame should kill them so the information doesn't get out and that's exactly what happens unfortunately the two people carrying the important piece of information are corner and thus Kisame has kill them this goes to show just how loyal Kisame was to the Village he was willing to kill other Shinobi in his village to protect its Secrets however Upon returning from said Mission Kisame realized that fuguki was actually selling the hidden Miss secrets for money and thus Kisame killed fuguki in toksamehada however upon seeing behind the veil of the Hidden Miss in realizing that there was a lot of lies that he was told and that he shouldn't feel Faith towards this Village he saw me became disenfranchised with the way of shinobis I know they really decided to join the Akatsuki because he believed that their mission would illuminate the lies of the world in essence really the only reason that Kisame ever joined the Akatsuki is because he was born in the Hidden Mist yuzuki Sami was born during the bloodmess village era he was born in the era of the Hidden Miss win a specific sect of the Ambu was created called the Hunter nin whose only job was to hunt down ninja who have left the Hidden Mist it was the bloodiest most backstabbing most lied filled Village in the entirety of Naruto while Kisame was there it was the worst place that somebody who was blindly loyal could be born however the best place that somebody with a level of loyalty that Kisame has could be born is the hidden Cloud see there's a reason that the hidden cloud has never had a member of the Akatsuki or been attacked by anybody from the hidden Cloud it's because the hidden Cloud keeps to itself it's because the hidden cloud has power and each other's backs the third reichake gave his life and fought 10 000 Shinobi for three straight days so the rest of his forces could Retreat during the third great Shinobi World War the fourth rakagi was so respected that he was elected the leader of the Allied Shinobi forces even other kages during Wars against the hidden Cloud have had respect for the hidden cloud like Minato when he came up against killer bee and a I know Minato wasn't kage at the time hidden cloud is not only overall possibly the strongest Village in Naruto it's also the most secure the only two real defectors from the hidden Cloud Were King Kaku and ginkaku and they might have been assigned to try to kill Toby Rama the first time by the hidden Cloud well the hidden cloud has tried a bunch of underhanded schemes during Naruto's history like the hyuga incident there's no ever been leaks and because of that I believe if Kisame was born there I mean people would have been curious as to why he's a shark but he most likely Never Would Have Become disenfranchised with the Shinobi way and he actually more likely than not probably would have just risen to be an incredible Shinobi for the hidden Cloud on top of the fact that the hidden cloud is probably the second most practiced kenjutsu Village out of all of the five major ones with both darawi and killer bee being kenjutsu Geniuses so to me it seems like the perfect place for him to live on top of the fact that everyone from the hidden cloud is massive and so is Kisame so besides The gales of fit right in but we're not quite done with thekotsky members at least in a pseudo fashion because next up on our list we have Karine zikarin was born in the land of grass a village with a story very similar to that of the Hidden rain a small village caught between very big Villages that ended up being the Battlegrounds for bigger villages to have their Wars on ikari's story is oddly also very similar to that of nagatos in that during one of these wars she became an orphan unfortunately as a talented orphan she was basically cannon fodder for Orochimaru he's got like magnetic Spidey senses when it comes to finding talented orphans and because Karine was orphaned and then found by Orochimaru she became one of orochimaru's helpers and therefore she eventually joined heavy slash Taco where she would fall in love with Sasuke as we all know that's pretty much the worst thing that can happen to somebody in the Naruto Universe however if hypothetically Karine was born anywhere else but a small village that was gonna get trampled on by bigger Villages she would have had a very different life see Korean isn't inherently evil she was just taken under the wing of Orochimaru when she had nothing else she was on the cusp of death an orphan running around a war scarred Village there was nowhere for her to go and nobody for her to trust which is how Orochimaru managed to sneak into her life and obviously Corrine doesn't have the worst life of all time I mean her experience with orochimar wasn't so bad I mean she still works with him in boruto orochar never really did anything wrong to her he was just curious about her Uzumaki bloodline and abilities the only real problem that arises from her time with Orochimaru was Sasuke using her like a med kit and stabbing her one time however Korean slave could have been substantially better elsewhere specifically in konoha tikarin has top five chakra reserves in the entirety of Naruto she was able to fill tsunade's entire biaki shield in one bite mind you that is years of accumulated chakra for Tsunade whose half sent you Harin is able to use Adamantite change she is mind eye of the kagura and more than anything if you bite her she can heal you the life force is inarguably one of the highest in Naruto and while she was able to achieve a lot while being orochimaru's underling I can't help but think about what she could have accomplished if she was hypothetically trained by Tsunade dakarian tailing prowess is next level just by having people bite her and obviously to be a good medical coin actually you have to have incredible chakra control but if Karine was able to learn tsunade's level of chakra control with her amount of chakra she would have been stronger than Sakura whose top five in konoha right now not to mention as in Uzumaki she would inherently be perfect for the role of jinchuriki and not to mention once again if she was born in konoha there's a possibility that she could have hooked up with Naruto and they would have had 75 percent Uzumaki children not saying I want that I love Naruto and Hinata together it's just the possibility and not to mention if she was born in konoha more likely than not her parents would still be alive because there's one place worse than being born in the Hidden Mist and that's any small village so it would have been cool to see Karim possibly a jinchuriki or possibly a medical Konichi either way both circumstances would have been substantially better than falling in love with Sasuke because the only thing worse than being born in the Hidden Mist and a small village is being in love with Sasuke but speaking of being in love with Sasuke coming in at our last entry on this list we have Orochimaru now orochimar actually wasn't born in the hidden Leaf he liked Karina nagato was an orphan but he was an orphan that was found by heroes in so here is in brought him to the hidden Leaf here's and then put him through the Shinobi Academy and then put him on his genin team getting teen of Orochimaru Jiraiya and Tsunade and while for a while konoha was a great place for erosion to be he didn't stay that way see rochamar was actually a pretty stand-up guy for a long time I mean he was brutish and he didn't like people a lot but he wasn't evil it wasn't until the second gration of the world's War when tsunade's brother was killed that Orochimaru started down the wrong path see one of the most widely forgotten facts about Naruto is that tsunami's little brother was actually a part of orochimaru's getting Squad and upon realized that Tsunade was both powerless to fix Dan and her little brother Orochimaru started the quest to master every single Jutsu known to man however unfortunately you could not accomplish this with one lifetime so rochamar had to figure out immortality first and that unfortunately took him even further down the wrong path orochimar began human experimentations with his curse mark and hashirama cells to replicate wood release he began trying to find ways to switch his Consciousness into new bodies to extend his life all the while killing quite literally hundreds of children and the thing is in kotoha that's a little frowned upon I mean not really because Orochimaru is implied to have been working with danzo but even that had to be done in the are and because it was done in the dark people began to get curious about all these missing children until eventually heroesan actually stumbles upon orochimaru's lap and here is in tribes Orochimaru out of the village this leads orochimar to have a deep-seated hatred for konoha and thus a want to destroy it which leads orochimar to the akati because he wants Hitachi as a vessel leads to the Kona hot crush and basically orochimaru's entire character are however there's places where human experimentation is not frowned upon most specifically the Hidden Mist killing children isn't frowned upon in the Hidden Mist in fact it was a Pastime for a couple of decades The bloodmess Village saw more Bloodshed amongst children than the forest of death people like zabazar killing his entire graduating class from the Ninja Academy and becoming the only graduate if Orochimaru was born into the Hidden Mist where he'd probably be more comfortable because if they're shark people surely they can be snake people even in this circumstance if he began down the path of trying to find all jutsus and immortality he could have experimented in peace in fact the mizukake probably would have hired him which Mark most likely would have been weaponized Eyes by the Hidden Mist and probably turned into the mizukake at one point or another I mean we all know that roachmart can run a village The Village hidden in the sound which is a real actual Village nowadays mind you so while orochimar's character Arc did finish with him back in konoha working collaboratively with Naruto collaboration between the powers that be in orochimar would have happened substantially faster if he was in the Hidden Mist and in fact more likely not a rich bar probably would have got more done in the Hidden Mist and faster because one he wouldn't be on the run from the Akatsuki because he never would have been driven out of the village until he wouldn't have to switch from Hideout to Hideout all the time he'll just have an infinite flow of people to work on that the Hidden Mist would feed him he probably would have been Immortal before Naruto was even born and that's it all the people that I believe were born into the wrong Villages who else do you guys think could have possibly been born into the wrong Village tell me in the comments below and while you guys are down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that naughty Bell listen I'm not saying I want to rochimaru to do more human experimentation I'm just saying he would have had a better situation forward in the Hidden Mist [Music] akes [Music]
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 269,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, weeb, weeb alliance, nchammer23, boruto, anime, ninja must die, kushina, orochimaru, konoha, hidden mist village, hidden rain village, hidan, rinnegan, uzumaki, karin, sasuke, kisame, hidden cloud village
Id: LFsbgu7Ht7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 15sec (1755 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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