THE GAS IS CRAZYYYY!!! | One Piece Chapter 1110

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y'all know what time it is one piece chapter 1,110 if you don't know now you do yeah it's continuing it's been a break and we're back falling stars or Planet fall which is you know kind of a play on the Saturn and the goray falling not Saturn the other goray falling either way the gor are here I know last chapter a couple weeks ago we were somewhat apprehensive because it's like there's no way OD is going to show us all the gor right he's going to trick us there's going to be something else there's no way even with at the end of the chapter saying the stars that planet is finally align I was like Oda don't play with me this chapter he didn't play he gave us what we came here for all of the goray and their designs their devil fruits I'm guessing either way it's time to get into it cover story continues like I said we had three options in regards to the wano cover story black bit pulling up big mom and kaido coming back or yam exploring wano as Odin and while we got the choice that I would rather not have happened but the one that was most likely because it's tame however it does lead somewhere we have Yamato and Mos she's saying she wants to explore the land just like Odin did she did tell us that's something she wanted to do so I'm not mad about it it's something that I expected to happen not in a cover story at some point OD just flashing back and forth but this works it will lead somewhere I'm assuming now great cover story leads into our great chapter Black Lightning dropping in everywhere people are wondering what's going on this is very similar to when Saturn dropped in guys can you explain the Giants are here pulling up trying to stop the bombardment then we go to Mary jaah and what's happening in Mary jaah well nothing is happening because nobody is there this is OD to telling us hey I'm not playing with you guys okay there's nobody here the goray are on their way because again we were skeptical they're not there now Vega Punk is also introducing coffee or Vega coffee at the time I'm not caring about Vega coffee I'm like the gors aren there next page we're going to get the gors reveals and let's talk about it the gor up every single one of them are here now let's go through them really quickly St J Garcia Saturn is the guki St Topman warui is the hoki St Ethan Baran noso is the botu and St shepher Jupiter is the sand worm now shout out to TCB cuz TCB gave a nice breakdown on these characters and so let's insert it here so tcb's breakdown of this was great because they called it they talked about a chapter being adapted as falling stars but what we're going to focus on right now is the different mythical creatures that could be tied to the goray first the guid which is a spy Yokai and is famous for his giant cowlike face they like to attack people on the beach second is the itsumade and it's a creepy bird yo-kai with a human face and snake like body third is the hokei and it's a montrous boar from Chinese folklore famous for terrorizing the countryside four the botu and that's a skeletal Yokai and it's said to be the spirit of a horse that's burned to death and five last but not least is a sandworm it's a mythical serpent or legless dragon that appears in numerous modern fantasy franchises it could also be related to similar creatures and works like Dune now this is insane we got the forms of all the gors finally now we didn't get clarity on exactly what they are but none of these guys have typical devil fruits they have they all have mythical fruits or we're assuming mythical fruits bro what are they here's what my assumption is all mythical devil fruits right but they're all Immortal which doesn't have any relation to the devil fruit but rather just what they've been through how they've transformed over time you could be using the opio op me but I don't think them being Immortal or being able to take damage which we'll talk about later in the chapter is necessarily because of their fruits so I'm going to say that all these guys are mortal right all of them secondly these are all mythical devil fruits and in some way they're all connected to EMU now if they end up not being devil fruits that's going to be insane because it's something completely new if these are all powers bestowed to them by emu emu what are you because if emu has the devil devil fruit and he can bestow devil fruit powers on other people you got it champ but right now insane devil fruits all just weird ass devil fruits my favorite so far probably no Juro and that's not necessarily because of how he looks but he was going crazy this chapter and I think the setup is clearly there what Oda wants to happen again we'll talk about that dumad looks cool as well right that looks really cool the most underwhelming one was the sand worm like I think it could be fire I'm just picturing jupeter in a sand sorm partial transformation or his hybrid I don't know it is insane to see all these characters and their true forms bro I remember when we saw the Sabo chapter and it's like a different manga with like demons all around him which it's still possible they could be just demons reincarnate or demons incarnate I I don't know but they pull up right they all transform they're all large by the way like that double spread was guys let's be honest double spread was insane not just because of how it looks but the scale look how small Luffy is and Saturn when Luffy was large he was grabbing Saturn so you can tell relative to Giant Luffy what the size is but the others are bigger than Saturn like much larger than Saturn so these things they might be even larger than kaido more than likely like they are enormous so imagine all these things pulling up at that moment it looks like bro looks like the world is ending it looks what is this this the end of the world now again like I said B is going out of his way to portray nojo as an insane combatant insane character period cuz this dude straight up Blitz Kuma or the pacifista and it looked like he just appeared there instantly so his speed is crazy I don't want to overstate this because the pacifista I mean they're not the strongest combatants but he he blitzed him and did his partial transformation slice in an instant when we get back to where Luffy is Luffy's pretty much in the same spot but he's already sliced through several pacifista so he is moving along the coastline so no Juro that partial transformation was yes yes and it's the fact he's a horse I mean also with nojo what he's doing isn't necessarily just cutting them down he is basically short circuiting them he's basically freezing their neural circuitry so using his slash attacks which seem to be comparable to not comparable similar to Brooks right the strikes of the underworld it's so cold it is just short circuiting them where they can't move or they're immobilized for a while which is because they're a property of the world government so they don't want to destroy all of them but this is how they can put them down without destroying the property so nostro G continues meticulous detailed you love to see it SOI seeing all this play out so he's like yo Nami you guys got to get out of here okay at this point y'all can't play around anymore because crazy things are happening now the tumade Mars he can fly so he is probably the one that that's going to get to them however I expect Sanji possibly could intercept I don't know because Sanji seen things happening but he still has Vega Punk he hasn't let go of Vega Punk yet and so I wish OD didn't have him focusing on that task cuz it's just like bro we need Sanji and Sanji seeing that bird flying in the sky he'd be the perfect person to intercept but you still can it's just bro give Vega Punk to someone else we need you on duty fighting people we don't need you carrying Vega Punk Around they already failed at that let me slow down like it's just other people can do that father can do that we need you go back go give him to somebody he dead he's gone carrying a dead body all right all right maybe that's a bit too harsh I'm just saying I'm we need you bro look at you see that you see these monsters flying around doing whatever they want to go help go help them go help them all right so the goal is obviously to stop the transmission we'll see what comes of that these people are setting up to be insane final I guess I don't know if they're going to be the final opponents in the story I doubt that I'm leaning towards the black bit part just because of what's been set up but they're pretty significant now people are talking about Brooke fighting nojo as opposed to Zoro I think this is zor's fight but the Noz gas in this chapter is insane he's blitzing all the pacifist the OD is giving him all the dope poses all the dope Zoro poses that you can think of no joro is getting those and again we presume for him to have a supreme grade blade right cuz he needs a goray and to have a blade that's an upgrade of zoro's Blade which would be Shai kitetsu so this guy showing off like this I think it's apparent what's happening next what Oda is trying to set up now Luffy is fighting against Jupiter and of course those Saturn and jupeter is a sandworm so he's going underground right he's barring Ong ground then he comes back up and he eats Luffy Luffy gets eaten a lot like it just happens and just you know just like that he gets saved like last times kaido him and Zoro does a dragon twister I believe and it got Luffy out of there Luffy just get like bro stop eat I guess we'll get to the final part of the chapter with the Giants but let's focus on Zoro versus Rob Luchi really quickly because that's what the story did they kind of took a took a break from Luffy and everything going on there let's go to Zoro versus Rob Luchi a lot of us have been waiting for this fight to conclude we felt like wait is Rob Luchi impressive or is Zoro underwhelming and depending on what side you're on depends on who you like more or who you like or who you hate cuz if you don't like Zoro or Zoro fans you're going to be like of course Zoro zor's trash which is never the case zor Luchi fighting they notice the hockey they basically exchanged saying hey that's pretty strong hockey it's like yeah it's popping up everywhere jimbe is approaching he's almost there sanji's like yo MZ head is still playing around right he's putting everyone in danger and then he calls Zoro a burden and it seems like Zoro heard him he gets mad the first attack we see between Zoro and Rob Luchi looks like Rob Luchi dis armed him he lost one of his blad he here Sanji Zoro gets mad gets his blade back assumingly if this fight is over boom haava hunt like I've always stated something is subtle in this chapter is Rob Luchi attacking Zoro and Zoro just casually dodging it which I said zor's observation hockey is not as profound as sanji's I think Sanji is obviously better but I think zor makes up for the difference between the two where observation hockey is negligible between the two because Zora has probably the best or some of the best Reaction Time reaction instincts in one piece so Rob Luchi goes for an attack a spotted handgun and Zoro I want to say casually it seems casual Dodges Rob Luchi then goes for his halfa hunt with observation hockey even though you heard s from where he was with observation hockey even though Zoro doesn't have the best in regards to what you expect it doesn't matter because instinctively he's a beast and he is going to be able to react to anyone and get the best of anyone if he wants to in regards to reaction speed so your observation hockey doesn't matter how good it is Zoro is going to be a lot to overcome and this chapter is showing it to me I'm not sure if Rob Luchi is done it makes sense considering what could happen in the next chapter zor doing Zoro things that's how I look at it now a lot of people are trying to evaluate this fight saying who was Stronger who did what and how easy was to fight and this is somewhat getting into the next chapter at this point zor is fighting Rob Luchi in the labo face zor is one of the more important fights because basically the last defense where because no dor is blitzing through everyone Oda wanted Zoro to be here so he kept Zoro here because at the end of the day you don't want Zoro wandering around like hey Zoro go to the labo phase no zoro's going there he's not going to find it so what you do you have Zoro stay in the same spot that's going to be the most important at the end of the ark or towards the end of the Ark and then you have the enemy go to Zoro you don't want Zoro going to the enemy the enemy go to Zoro and then you get the clash between nosto and Zoro in chapter 1,111 we'll get deeper into that once we talk about the possibilities of that chapter and why it's significant but I think the whole point was to keep Zoro here now how do you judge the fight between Zoro and Rob Luchi it's it's subjective Zoro took it seriously after Sanji said something so could he have always just popped out and just dominated Rob Luchi that's the assumption but he started off using king of hell this wasn't even a king of Hell mode attack and some people are questioning if it's conqueror Advanced conquer hockey I think his Advanced conquerors but it's no king of hell this is just h a hunt this is assuming Rob Luchi is done I don't think Rob Luchi done for the ark but I think for right now he's down I do think his Advanced conquerors and you know this is Zoro doing Zoro things like I said again now let's get to the end of the chapter and it's Luffy you know after he gets eaten by jupeter he gets saved by Dory and broi child of the sawing son and again shout out to TCP they put some information about this attack because what they said was Dorian bro's move means sawing son but the fana makes it sound like child of the sun making it almost seem like a continuation of their dialogue about Darkness being no place for lopy now let's talk talk about that Luffy being in the belly of the worm is no place for him because he is the Sun God he brings light and so yes I don't want the sun god being in the belly because darkness is no place for somebody like that it's like a fun play on something that's happening Luffy reacting to them again Nostalgia hit Nostalgia H do because he's like bro like he hasn't seen them in so long he's like yo they're here and they're like yo it's been too long we couldn't waited and now we have the reunion here and the Giants and Luffy they're going to combine to fight against top Saturn I'm just I'm just always inclined to say top man but sat sat and Jupiter now based off of how these people are because for the most part all the G say haven't even done anything yet I don't know how they're going to get out of this one it's implied that the STS could separate as well like they could just go their not separate ways but they have to separate based on what's going on it's too much chaos ensuing and they have to just get out when they can listen listen this chapter was a Marvel I think OD was setting up zero for the next chapter I also do think that OD is going to give us some in interesting lore in regards to swordsman as well again we'll talk about that but also the Giants being here is interesting considering elbaff is presumed to be the next Arc I wonder if we could get some lore in regards to the gorus and how it relates to albath because they're all here some people have already begun to dig into the lore of the mythical creatures that are the gor and how it ties to some of the star hats obviously no Juro and the horse being related to like being a mythical creature from the underworld which is implying that this is this is who Zoro is going to fight against something I want to talk about as well shout out to TCB again zoro's move the haava they're saying it's a cold as hell in Buddhism so basically again there's a lot of parallels in this chapter between Zoro and NOS Juro and again we knew nojo had had to have some connection to wano based on well nojo and he's also a swordsman and he's also dressed in typical somewhat Samurai Garb it makes a lot of sense that you have Zoro and no Duro have somewhat of a clash here and I think that's somewhat the focus other than the forms of the goray as we dig deeper over the next week you're going to get a lot of information about the gor say and what these forms mean because I do think they're significant OD does put a lot of a lot of thought goes into some characters like this and what they mean so for the most part all yo-kai mythical creatures man great great great great freaking chapter guys I can't wait for next week no no break no break so we have a lot to look forward to give me your thoughts how do you feel about it we going to get some research and get some get some theories out because there's more to get to we got to talk we got to talk about but yeah like subscribe catch you next one peace
Channel: B.D.A. Law
Views: 138,329
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Keywords: Bda law, one piece, bda law one piece, one piece chapter 1110, bda law 1110, tekking101 1110, grandlinereview 1110, gorosei vs Luffy, nusjuro vs zoro, zoro vs lucci, one piece chapter 1110 reaction, one piece 1110 review, one piece 1110 discussion
Id: jChKkXx1GxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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