The 9 Rarest Powers in One Piece (NO FRUIT, NO HAKI!)

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these are the nine rarest abilities in one piece these are powers so unique that they have nothing to do with devil fruits nothing to do with hockey and each ability can only be used by a single individual within the one piece world so we one piece fans often make a big fuss about devil fruit Awakenings and how rare they are when realistically they are far too common to be included in a video of rare abilities so is conqueror hockey and even the voice of all things three people use that there's too many that's not rare this world isn't governed by one or two broad Power Systems and if you dig deeply enough you'll find that each and every individual is capable of crafting something borderline magical like say Miss golden week and her colors traps power this is an ability so strange and frankly unexplainable that it often gets mistaken for a devil fruit power which is that through the sheer force of art Miss golden week is able to influence people's emotions actions and even whole personalities with shocking ease the first use of which was when Luffy stepped into Miss golden weg's black of betrayal which which made him not want to save his friends who were about to die imminently but she can make you feel or do literally anything send you into fits of laughter soothe you into an indifferent pacifism or even make you infuriated to the point where she can force you to fight all through the painfully simple application of paint on a Target and to the best of our knowledge the paint itself contains no special properties there's nothing magical or technologically advanced about it really like most great works of art it's all about how the artist wields the paint to conjure an emotion in those viewing the work or in this case I suppose experiencing the work it's almost inconceivable that this isn't a devil for it ability and this could be like a kinamon kind of situation when Miss golden week has accidentally eaten a devil fruit without knowing it and just believes that this power is natural but the author of one pie at Oda did confirm in the SPs of volume 23 that this is not the case and that Miss golden wig skills can more accurately be described as a form of hypnosis and it's also implied that those of particularly strong Minds would be immune or if not immune at least less affected by the colors traps which is why it was particularly devastating to have this ability used on the less than mentally sound monkey deffy although to Luffy's credit he has the strongest willpower of probably anyone in one piece so if colors traps work on him then I see no reason why it wouldn't affect any emperor of the sea or even a pirate king Especially since one Emperor already has a very similar ability that he uses on himself emperor of the sea kaido is able to access an exclusive Suite of abilities is known as shuron hake which I'd like to emphasize has nothing to do with his devil fruit or hakei so the literal translation of shuron hake is sake Dragon eight trigrs which is why we stick to Shon hake because that's not particularly helpful but this is kaido's take on the drunken fist style of martial arts where he becomes heavily intoxicated and is able to rapidly switch between eight different forms according to whatever arbitrary mood swings he's having at the time so because the title says eight trigrams I would assume that kaido has eight forms however in reality we've only seen seven for the sake of Simplicity we have depressed kaido crying kaido rage kaido drunken beggar kaido drunken Thief kaido bloodthirsty drunk kaido and happy kaido that last one there is actually very similar to Luffy's form in gear fifth kaido physically cannot stop laughing and acts in a very cartoonish way now you might notice that some of these forms sound a little bit more threatening than the others which is very much the key to this ability half of the modes are designed to put the opponent off guard while still maintaining a strong defense with the other half of them being highly deadly specialty switches in the manga it was like Luffy was fighting seven different opponents at once all tagging in and out between each other Luffy had so much difficulty keeping up with kaido's mood swings which gave kaido the opportunity to get some key damage in now the obvious disadvantage of this ability is that kaido himself cannot control it he gets drunk and then the fight becomes a glorified game of roulette but it does make him stronger these forms actively increase his Hy and my theory as to why is because it brings out kaido's most powerful emotions and with emotions comes willpower so what we have a kaido's peak emotions and his Peak willpower surfacing these moods do also interact with kaido zo and fruit and morph him physically in some cases into bizarre hybrid forms that are inaccessible to him while sober and I do think it's sad that we never got to see this kaido go up against gear fith Luffy because that would have been pure Insanity 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what I mean by that is that this is an ability you learn and train for as a youthful person in preparation to wield it during your old age to be clear there are no benefits of using geocen when you're young because it allows l g to store and conserve his muscle power during his youth in order to wield it once his body has withered and aged it's like the combat equivalent of saving for retirement every combat paycheck you put some of that combat power away ideally it then compounds with some sort of combat interest rate then eventually over time it becomes a big nest egg and you are set to live to death my personal favorite geocen technique is actually called battle Insurance where all G withdraws large quantities of power that he'd saved up in his youth should he come across a particularly dire situation and also gioken gives him a sort of enhanced control over the concept of his own existence in general there's one point during the dress rose rock where l g actually dies midf fight against s but he's able to become consciously aware of his death in Soul form and return to his body which is played as a gag in the manga but like the dude still did it and it's not an unprecedented power either Brooke can do the same thing just via magical fruit but I love the concept of gioken because it means that lji was a man who was born to be old his whole youth was about the pursuit of being elderly and it's a fun quirky power that I wish we could see in a few more one piece characters l g of course appears during the dress rosok which is something of a gold mine for these super rare unique powers because the setup is that do Flamingo was holding a tournament in the ca Coliseum with Aces form and devil fruit being offered as a prize so it attracts people from all over the world to compete for it but most importantly because the prize is a devil fruit it primarily attracts people who are not already devil for users which is why we get this amazing Showcase of Niche abilities that normally wouldn't pop up such as the always forgotten jaund do used by Blue Gilly which is quite a Trippy power because it involves blue Gilly moving his legs so quickly that they create after images and make it Nyon impossible to predict where the actual attack is going to land this Probably sounds pretty simple compared to a lot of the stuff we have examined and some stuff we are going to examine but this kind of speed it's out of this world even with the insane mainly Swift characters like kizaru or Sanji we've not seen anything on the level of what blue Gilly demonstrated here and it is arguably the single greatest demonstration of combat speed in the series currently and the only reason why we don't know exactly how effective the ability is happens to be because of another stupidly rare power used by one person in the ca Coliseum by which I'm referring to elizabello II's King punch which is one of the most mindboggling mystery powers in the world dma the tactician describes his power as follows my king Elizabeth II was born with a living weapon of mass destruction the punches he unleashes from his powerful physique are astonishing to behold he left the world speechless when he smashed through the Fortress of an enemy with one blow there's just one drawback to his power in order to throw a single punch he requires a full hour of heavy concentration and warming up it's his treasured heirloom a weapon that can only be Unleashed once in any battle the king punch a weapon devastating enough to sink one of the four Emperors should it land Square so an attack powerful enough to take down an emperor under the right conditions those are some pretty big words and it's always worth questioning how much of a reliable narrator dagma is but at the very least this is an attack on par with what the four Emperors are capable of conjuring because when elizabello iI Unleashed King punch it was one of the single most powerful attacks we'd ever seen and still have ever seen to this day actually it's quite comparable to something like kaido's Bor breath the main difference being that kaido can use Bor breath seemingly infinitely whereas elizabello is restricted to one king punch per battle but even then to have access to the power of an emperor when you're this random King dude with no devil fruit and no hockey is almost more impressive bar breath was given to kaido as part of his devil fruit but with elizab bell this is just pure concentrated Focus strength and very mysteriously a power that no one can replicate an ability that elizabella was born with and I can't imagine that discovering this ability for the first time went particularly well for anyone sounds like a very messy IND destructive childhood it's definitely not the messiest raw pther that title most certainly belongs to wansa who wields the hilarious but kind of gross Ramen Kempo ability sometimes powers are rare because you need to be born with them like say King elizabella but sometimes powers are rare simply because well absolutely no one else wants to use them Ramen Kempo involves wansa wielding absolutely gigantic pre-prepared ramen noodles in an assortment of combative techniques which wansa tends to call spanks and he's even able to Pilot a suit of noodle armor which Swansea describes as an edible Combat Uniform everyone's dream weapon and shockingly enough this ability isn't just a joke and it is implied by wansa that this is a special power that only he has access to or only he wants to have access to as in in order to study Ramen Kempo as a martial art you need to learn the special ingredient which is being able to control the ramen noodles at will it's almost like what cp9 kumadori does with manipulating his hair although that is an application of seikan which is an ability that wasn't R enough for this video because two people use it kumadori and robli but Ramen Kempo is quite similar just with noodles the key difference is that same kikan is all about controlling your body and your life force that's why kumadori can do stuff like expertly manipulate his hair into hands but with wansa it appears that he has discovered a genuine method to manipulate whatever force or substance lies within those super chunky noodles if you think about it purely from an academic standpoint it's very impressive but if you go further than that and remember that ones you want to use this to show noodles out of his nose under the guise of an attack called Ramen beam then it does lose its academic credibility somewhat when it comes down to it I think that if someone really wanted to for some reason then they could figure out the secret of noodle manipulation and wield Ramen kmo but no one wants to and that's why this ability is unique to wansa and wansa alone however just as a bit of a Onie status update after his defeat on the sea train he started dating a lovely woman who he has seen proposing to in one Piece Film gold so good on him and it should serve as encouragement to all of you if the guy who shoots noodles through his nose can put in the effort and get the girl of his dreams then so can you maybe I don't guarantee that actually especially if you're dreaming of Nami because she's fictional but to her fictional credit she has access to a power that no one else could even dream of being the art of weather so this is probably the most complicated ability in this video because it goes through a series of different iterations as one piece goes on but essentially Nami is able to create and manipulate the we around her due to a device known as the climate tact the latest version of which is a fusion product of nami's knowledge combined with Usopp and Frankie's engineering so it took three Geniuses from different fields to come together and give birth to this this weather stick and even then not just anyone can use it the reason why this ability is unique to Nami is because you need her mental Encyclopedia of global weather to even begin your journey in mastering the art of weather so the climate act Army currently wields is called the sorcery climate act because we've reached the point where a lot of what she does is just indistinguishable from Elemental Magic and what also helps is that it's inhabited by Zeus a piece of Soul Cloud that significantly amps up the damage capabilities of the clim attack when it comes to lightning based attacks and you know we did credit elizab Bell for having an emperor level attack and we're going to give the same credit to Nami because with Zeus Nami can conjure lightning blasts on the same scale as that of the emperor bigma which very much makes so one of the most heavy-hitting straw hats judging by single attacks alone but this miracle Fusion of science engering and anthropomorphic Cloud friend can only exist in the hands of Nami for our next rarest ability it's difficult to classify whether this is a nice hidden power or a heavily detrimental hidden curse going back to dress Rosa we need to address the existence that is Cavendish a lovely boy who Harbors a dark split Persona known as hakaba who emerges as a combination of three conditions held by Cavendish being noopsy sleepwalking and dissociative identity disorder his noopsy allows his other identity hakaba to come out and his sleepwalking allows hakaba to move although I think that just labeling into sleep walking very much UNS what's going on here when hakaba is out cavendish's face physically changes color and his combat ability Skyrocket particularly in the areas of speed and precision which combined with hakuba's innately bloodthirsty nature means the Cavendish has to be very careful because if he falls asleep in the wrong place then hakaba is going to go on a bit of a slicing spree so there's a tale of one of hakuba's incidents from the rumal kingdom apparently his attacks were so Swift that the people thought they were being cut down by the wind because they just couldn't see what was obliterating all of them which earned haker the epithet of kamachi of raml which literally means the sickle weasel of RL which I'm not sure quite captures the nion Demonic nature of hakaba although to the anime's credit this information was revealed in episode 666 and that was nice and thematic and this is one of the many incidences that brings up the vague idea of demons within one piece they don't get addressed very often but there are these incidents every now and then that we simply cannot ignore another examp example of a hakaba likee state is whenever Charlotte Lin Lin gets thrown into a hunga tantrum and becomes this demonic entity that isn't too dissimilar from hakar at all and it's very possible that there's a presence living within both of them and they're not the only ones either because the straw hard swordsman Rano ooro often referred to as a demon and now the self-professed king of hell is the user of another unique ability known as Ashera Zoro is the main protagonist who we've been following ever since chapter 3 and ashra is a technique we've known about since chapter 417 which was published 18 years ago now and we still have no understanding of exactly what this is ashra involves zor accessing nine sword style where Zoro appears to grow four extra arms and two extra heads bringing his sword total to a mighty nine and the biggest mystery has always been is Zoro physically manifesting all of these extra bits or is it just an illusion he's Conjuring but no matter what the answer is it doesn't prevent the next question which is how during the ra on onigashima kaida revealed that Zoro has conqueror haki and that's how he was able to nja him which appeared to imply that ashra was the result of said hockey but at the same time that would mean that Zoro has been using conqueror hockey ever since any subby and as much as my Zara Fanboy har is well and truly prepared to embrace that it just doesn't feel like quite the right answer especially since no other character in the series has ever used conqueror haki in a way that even comes close to this conqueror haki tends to have a very uniform effect and Zar here would be getting a detention because he's arrived at conqueror hockey school out of uniform so one idea is that Ash and nine sword style is granted to zor through the cursed kitetsu blade he wields whilst another is that he could be harboring and accessing demonic powers in the same vein as big mom and Cavendish all I know is that we've been waiting for the answer to this mystery for 18 years and I still don't expect it to be solved anytime soon but if you want to be the first to find out then don't forget to subscribe to this channel for consistent injections of One Piece culture administered directly into your YouTube feed
Channel: GrandLineReview
Views: 199,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Emf2w8rLxsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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