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Oh man i just finished the pirates one and now another vid comes out. Amazing! In my opinion, you have the best videos on youtube

👍︎︎ 54 👤︎︎ u/Master_JBT 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

the naruto opening got me in deep laugh when i realized it what it was.

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/Silvine69 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

IH is the only content creator that makes me excited for new uploads. His quality never wanes, only improves. His humor is vast, and his knowledge and work ethic even more so. The Stede Bonnet vid was both educational and goddamn hilarious.

Keep up the good work, ye scurvy dog

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/ricecakesOG 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/sprucecopse 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

Two videos in a week? My good sir you spoil us too much

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/alexjb12 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

Pretty swell of Mr. Historian on giving shoutouts to smaller channels like Mr. Incognito Mode.

Really nice guy.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/21Black_Mamba21 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Reddit video next?

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Mortiest_Morty_NJR 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

In the Quarantine

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/BackHand08 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

I just want to say this was a huge and pleasant surprise. 17:54

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Jack_Hoffa 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
mythology mythology what is mythology everyone get down this is a mythology is this a mythology take me to the treasure room i want to see it i will speak the magic words open sesame i knew they were hiding it anyway here's that deposit i wanted to make aha what's this the mythological holy grail i won't be needing this for another six months all this and more on this episode of in the quarantine do you know the story of orpheus is that the guy that travels down to hades exactly yeah yeah i know this one yeah there's a good one okay everyone loves this theremin player including what was her name eurodice eurydice okay and they fall in love and all is well so she's a beautiful woman and he loves her very much and he plays beautiful music for her and the music makes everyone happy and it's it's more than just that it also encourages things to grow and everyone loves this dude and this lady walks off goes into the forest and there i think she's running away and she gets bitten by a snake she was in a nord vpn ad it was region locked so they couldn't suck out the poison and so she died and she went down to hades he named it after himself which yeah you know that just smith saves time i suppose it might be a little bit confusing oh i'm going to hades oh how was he oh well i didn't actually see him but i went to his house so orpheus finds his wife dead and is stricken so he has to go get his wife back from haiti so he walks to hades through like a hole in the ground i believe yes he goes down these thousands and thousands of steps and he reaches the river sticks and there he sees the boatman the boat man i like that to think of the boat man with like headphones on he's not really that enthusiastic about his job well why would you be at that point yeah same old same old what do you want hi yeah i'm orpheus um i'm a pretty major musician in the upper world you might have heard of me nope okay well it's that's a good that i reminded you of it then anyway um i'm i'm new in town and i'm looking for the best boat service possible to get me straight to hades the guy not the place well it's just me and you're not getting on because you're clearly alive well i mean i don't think you should hold it against me what is this oh i didn't expect to run into such prejudice in this eternal lake of fire and sinners oh well i mean i don't mean to discriminate i mean i was some of my best friends are alive where can you take me what part of hell can you take me that's close listen you can't you can't get on the boat people need to pay me to get on this boat you know man's got to make a living i don't know what i do with the cash i don't know why there is a toll to pay for this ferry because to be honest i just take all these coins and i i put them over here in this big pile it's kind of like a scrooge mcduck thing listen um i'm not a man easily convinced you're either dead or you're not getting on the boat what if i told you that this was a mission for love i wouldn't be moved unless there was some sort of music that you were going to play on the liar what can persuade this boatman i wonder to myself perhaps a banging tune on my liar yeah i'm going to take off my headphones go on can you do toto africa i like that one oh yeah of course that's what every liar player knows how to do toto [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know what i'm convinced that's some that's a beautiful tune i'm so moved i'm going to take you down the river terrific uh what why the shoes first sure what am i seeing in hell oh man there's a whole bunch of lost souls underneath you yeah you get used to the whaling over there's a fire oh it doesn't go out for some reason um uh i don't know what else there is down here to be honest last can only stop don't forget to give me a good rating on uber sure no worries five stars please thanks surely it'd be lift as hell what no tip it's bottled water in the back i would have given a tip but the whistle stop tour of the adulterers lining up in front of a little guillotine really bummed me out so oh sorry so you get down to hades fifa faux farm who's this great lord hades it is i ortheus famous musician of the overground oh don't worry about it people know me it's okay anyway i'm here for my girlfriend you've got her and i'd like to take her back to the top world please and thank you i don't think so actually once someone comes down to hades they don't ever leave and my wife's here to back me up oh yeah yeah no i actually you don't get to leave and you know what i'm pretty big deal so i'm going to have a second wife and you know what her name's going to be uracidine what oh hades you're out of line two wives isn't it twice as good oh but she's my wife well i'm in charge that's true uh but i feel like i can persuade you bye [Music] okay all right craig craig and tune you know what i think it's good but i am still unmoved but oh hold on a minute oh my wife oh she's crying she is moved oh please hades oh please let him have his wife back you know what i'm gonna make you a deal this one time i'm gonna let someone have their wife back but special conditions she's going to leave behind you and she will not make any noise whatsoever but you must not turn around to see that she is there and if you do turn around then she will be mine forever i'm just making notes as you say this so got it walking behind me yup don't turn around yup got it well that seems simple enough there hades i'm sure that won't be a problem all right have we go out through the little fire exit i believe he plays the liar on the way out to try and guide her out or something like that this guy is very self-involved isn't he he's always every solution involves the liar yeah it's like wolverine every solution is the claws so he walks out for some reason he i mean he wants to look behind him because he can't hear her so he he looks no don't look and she just is there and then she just slowly gets like pulled back into hell do you remember what happens next a bit of a blur from here i think orthous is pretty upset about what went down sure is probably plays a sad song on the liar to himself more than just a sad song so there he is and it's driving everyone mad if i remember correctly women are miscarrying people are killing themselves crops aren't growing properly that's a bad song that's a that's a bad song and he's playing this way for days and days and then eventually the villagers go [ __ ] this and they decide to kill him i'm reading it here it's a group of irate women they've caught it which i think is very funny um they the women kill him and cut his body into pieces and throw him and his liar into the river outrageous that's oh that's a bomber yeah poor orpheus i don't know if it's going to be trite to point out the whole problem with icarus i suppose the greeks have never been up high before and they didn't they just didn't know that actually things get colder up there and and anyway he's flying along and the wings are made of feathers and wax and apparently the wax melts but that doesn't make no sense because it gets colder in it you know i've never considered that aspect of the myth you know you've got your time machine and you go back to ancient greece to find whoever made this myth because obviously you need to correct them with all the intensity of a someone in the comments who needs to correct your uh incorrect facts yeah like a scorning teacher exactly actually daedalus or whoever told this myth actually uh when you go up high it actually gets colder [Music] do you know much about socrates socrates from most descriptions he was just like a rambling madman who walked around with no shoes on but everyone thought he was pretty wise there were people who were more rambling and more mad but he was certainly one of them he used to go around accosting people in the philosophy center yeah and and he used to just ask people questions until they submitted yeah he used to go what's a horse and they go oh i don't know about 60 quid no what is a horse and they go oh well it's a big creature with four legs you go okay so is every creature that's big and has four legs a horse well no there's elephants and giraffes oh okay so what makes a horse then well you can ride on it you just ask questions and questions and questions he sounds incredible insufferable yeah totally obnoxious that's why he was executed yeah they made him drink poison it was just like i've had enough of this guy there's just two ancient greek dudes hanging out in the philosophy center just chatting away oh yeah maybe i've heard there might be war with sparta oh [ __ ] it's socrates he's here every act normal hey guys ever wonder if we're all living in a cave man we're not man like this guy look i do shadow puppet we don't want to see the shadow puppets again not again this is the thing about philosophy in general it's all about like country knowledge it's all about going oh you think the world works this way well what if it worked like this i think the world goes a little something like this he was charged and found guilty of blasphemy yes and for corrupting the youth i think well yes he had a bit of a history of that didn't he allegedly not not the sodomy they mean like corrupting the youth's mind yes by doing the bless for me there's that famous painting of him being handed his poison he was like 72 or something when he died i think so i think the idea was that he figured well what i got now is further decline i guess i may as well go boy he's loving it so this is what i've always been waiting for this is why i've been annoying you all for so long anyway so i was correct everyone's interpreted this painting to mean like oh i'm so sad when really they're just like thank god he's finally gonna shut the [ __ ] up on the left here with the curly hair he's just slamming his head against well shut up shut up he's a little more tolerant this dude is going just drink it just come on man hurry up oh man and then this guy's got his hand over his ears yeah yeah he actually does just like this guy has gotta go anyway so that's the reason why season eight of game of thrones wasn't actually that bad [ __ ] [Music] don't throw rocks in a glass house never quite understood the meaning of that phrase what was glass houses yeah so why shouldn't peop i mean obviously they shouldn't throw rocks in a glass house to break the glass but what are they what kind of behavior is that supposed to it's a thing against hypocrisy so a small amount of criticism in return could also do a huge amount of damage because the person who's living in the glass house is guilty of so much that's what i was missing guilty of walking around in just a t-shirt not completely naked a t-shirt yeah that i just think that's more offensive we can do fables right yeah let's do fables yeah okay what asops aesops and the grimms ones they're good aesop i've always thought it's just such a stupid name like yeah it reminds me of um you ever have a bad handshake of course yes it reminds me of that phenomenon where someone just puts their limp hand in your hand to shake it you go oh yeah that's an asop that's it i think that is because it's almost like an onomatopoeia because that's what the handshake sounds like as well but i stop yeah yeah always giving me a bloody ace off i'm doing all the way there is of course the the other bad form of handshake which is the overly aggressive asserting dominance handshake that's what you call a grim that's a grim handshake i like it a short story typically with animals as characters conveying a moral oh okay i only know about three of these fables maybe four okay so there's the turtle in the hair the scorpion and the frog the fox with the grapes oh i don't know that one you don't sell grapes no oh is that is it where the term comes from yeah yeah okay so you so oh this is a nice thing yeah that's a lovely little website this is what the government wants you to read government sanctioned mythology right here don't listen to him a fox one day spied a beautiful bunch of ripe grapes hanging from a vine the grapes seemed ready to burst with juice and the fox's mouth watered and he gazed longingly at them the bunch hung from the high branch and the fox had to jump for it the first time he jumped he missed it by a long way so he walked off a short distance and took a running leap at it only to fall short once again and again and again he tried but in vain now he sat down and looked at the grapes and disgust what a fool i am he said here i am wearing myself out to get a bunch of sour grapes that are not worth you know grasping for and he walked off very very scornfully yeah yeah so he's like wild [ __ ] one anyway um [ __ ] grapes you know marriage those who pretend that's where the term sour grapes comes from yeah i didn't know that that's actually a really good story all right we're gonna look at some images and you tell me which myth this is from this is gonna be like a quiz audience you can join in on this one mythbusters if you oh wait that one's taken myth destroyers myth pounders okay what's that that's an underworld story for sure yeah this is those three ladies what only share and i oh yeah i remember hearing that as a guy i haven't thought about that message since i was a kid it's super creepy and so everybody's life has a string and then they string well it's no good they've got the titles at the top here look away i would have got that one anyway it's fine all right who's this oh it's thingy she it's she's got a box it's she i know she is i've seen that box before oh okay look at this one well that's medusa head in the middle so um who cut off masseuse's head i'm not giving you any clues it's in actually it's in another in the field you should know this one oh a real fan would know yeah perseus yay who's this uh old guy dying the authority figures there lots of people are trying to kill him it's jeffrey epstein murder of jeffrey epstein you got it next one who's this fella i can only be hercules i would not be fighting a lion nudes add time nord activate [Music] this is a message to everyone out there our privacy is in danger we have to do something [Applause] sixty-eight percent off of two-year plan protect your internet privacy international content plus a free extra month [Music] it's and just [Music] [Applause] [Music] no [Music] david and goliath i think that one's pretty good what's the um moral of david and goliath i think it's supposed to be about sort of overcoming the odds but i i've heard an interpretation by malcolm gladwell that i thought was really good have you ever heard this one where it's like i don't think i have what does gladders say you've got two armies and you're across from one another on a field you're there in the bronze age you're about to stab each other with these horribly blunt weapons and hurt each other and name each other and you know you might have 2 000 troops on one side 2 000 troops on the other and you're fairly evenly matched the idea is that you know what instead of 4 000 of us getting potentially injured or killed we'll take our strongest fighter and put him on the front lines and you take your strongest fighter and put him on the front lines and these two will duel and whoever wins wins the battle so that's really good diplomacy i think we should do that now it is a good idea right his argument is that actually david had a a massive advantage all along technology yeah well basically he goes into what effectively a slingshot was back in the day so apparently these guys used to be incredibly accurate with their slingshots you know you all used to practice slinging because they were they were shepherds and so that was your main weapon against things that were going to eat your flock yeah exactly i had foxes and large crows and such monsters that lived in the backs of theaters yeah yeah like really good ideas i ip wise i'm just saying the other thing about a sling is that actually it's an incredibly powerful weapon where you can very easily kill someone with a sling they've recorded it's like the equivalent of like a 32 caliber bullet if you get hit by a rock from a slick and so basically it's the story of a man with a knife going up against a man with a gun yeah the moral of the story is bring a gun to a knife fight or at least wear a helmet yes that is the lesson according to goliath if you take his perspective if david comes along and he goes oh you know what i'm the toughest fighter from my village and then goliath's like oh i'm gonna [ __ ] your kid and then david goes oh i found the stone look at this and then basically hits them with it with the gun of their day yeah you'd be like you can't just this is cheating everybody charged you know you're right it was like set up like this samurai duel of honor and this kid walks up and hollows some guy's head out in front of everyone to be fair though it's consistent with david's character do you know what he ends up doing after this uh because i'm mess with bender he does do that invades loads of places becomes king oh right so a bit of an upgrade from shepard he becomes king of israel and then he spots a woman that he really likes far away taking a shower from his palace and he's like i like her really yeah he sees this beautiful i've never seen a woman that beautiful before this is a part of the story that i've never quite understood about is that he sees this woman bathing from his palace so i don't know how he's managing that but she's living in a glass house there we go explains it perfect um anyway so he goes over and she's like i'm the king so you should you know you should think about upgrading and she's like well actually my husband fights in your army so it'd be a little bit dishonorable so david goes back finds out who this guy is sends him to the front line and has him killed and takes his wife oh that's the story yeah that's not so pleasant [Music] what's your favorite myth my favorite myth oh king midas is one of my favorites the king who wishes to turn everything to gold yes so there's a guy his name's midas one day oh who the hell's over he's a poet he wrote the metamorphosis yeah so a lot of the myths are sort of formalized because he's the first one who actually got it down on paper all right so he retains the copyright yes exactly he so one day uh dionysus found that his old school master and foster father the sata salinas the old sata for drinking wine and wandering away drunk to be found by some pythagon peasants who carried him to their king midas midas treated him nice 10 days in hospital told him stories and songs for someone governing a major greek state he's got a lot of time on his hands and on the 11th day he brought him back to dionysus the god of debauchery and drinking and then he gets a reward you may have one wish and then oddly he decides anything i touch will turn into gold midas rejoices of his new power which he is hastened to put to the test he touches an oak twig and a stone both turned to gold overjoyed as soon as he got home he touched every rose in the rose garden and they all became gold he ordered the servants to set a feast on the table upon discovering how even the food and drink turned to gold in his hands okay he regretted his wish and cursed it here's one loophole i don't think he thought of could he not hold something and then have the thing that he actually wants to hold in the thing they said that he was about to starve to death so must not have worked otherwise uh i mean unless he's just dumb like really dumb like keeps picking up another apple and go not this one again i wonder if this is in some way links to the magical gambit i made earlier this afternoon dude that'd be the worst could you imagine like testing all that stuff because i suppose you'd go like i'm so hungry i guess i won't use my hands then so you get some chopsticks and you start putting stuff in your mouth and then touches your lips then it just turns to gold that would be the worst does gold just taste like pennies because it's gold i assume it tastes better than the inferior metals yeah i think it's got like even less flavor than your pennies it's just pennies there's nothing worse you're in a situation and you accidentally taste pennies because you know something's gone wrong oh not the penny taste on so is he turning the air particles that go into his lungs into gold because you're breathing in bits of dust too surely they would turn to gold yes so i think particles or maybe gases are exempt from his gold touching right powers no wait his clothes the clothes on his body yeah would instantly turn to gold then you would say you would think i think as is the nature of myths i think they have to sacrifice a bit of conceptual clarity and when you have a character like the hulk show up like he's always got to break his clothes in the right way otherwise you just would have to have a bit of exposition in every film of just like oh do you see the can you see the hulk's [ __ ] yeah it is distressingly big i'm scared it's exceedingly muscular foreskin and scrotum the loophole is necessary for storytelling as well as everything else i suppose um yeah yeah it's down to my nevermind yeah i'll throw that thought away it was just more about the hulk sports gone i know tell me more about the hulk's balls that's great is it regular if you got like circumcised as a kill or something does that like does it grow back does the hulk have regenerative powers or is he just super strong does that is that what happens to wolverine though yeah i mean you can almost certainly suggest that wolverine is uncircumcised in a version told by nathaniel hawthorne missus door wait a minute is the daughter thing not in the original king midas daughter is not canon what the [ __ ] in the version told by nathaniel horth in the wonder book for boys and girls that's nice that's a nice title wonderbook and my sister's daughter came to him upset about the roses and that had lost their fragrance and became hard and when he reached out to comfort her found that he touched his daughter and she turned soon so that version of the story yeah it's from 1852 didn't know that ah honestly that's a that's a genuine improvement yeah it's kind of like the peak of the the conflict yeah and the story yeah it's good it's way better storytelling well done nathaniel hawthorne you've improved the classic you say we should write a wonder book for girls and boys we should get nathaniel in on it the wonderbook for e-girls and in-cells buy a wonderbook for e-girls and in-cells as approved by the internet historian that's canon now and there's nothing you can do about it might just didn't do anything wrong you shouldn't really be punished forever no disagree no okay fair enough did so and when he touched the waters the power flowed into the river and the river sands turned into gold uh this explained why the river packed paktolis was so rich in gold we were wrong this whole time this isn't a story about like not being materialistic it's just a story about why there's gold in the river yeah yeah i love that idea like ovid shows up yeah what that's what you took from the story no no i was explaining why i'm holding this gold pan and it up to me ankles i feel like this myth is just constantly misunderstood it is about properly checking for loopholes in whatever agreement you make be greedy but be smart yes if king midas had gone to his attorney and said i just want you to maybe look at this witch and see if there might be anything that might backfire dramatically you're allowed to put caveats with your wish right so surely you can get around all of this stuff by just adding a clause that says in the way that i hope for and the desired results expect that's great that is the perfect magic wish loophole avoider that's what king midas should have done he should have talked to us first exactly he should have consulted us i'm sure there's practical uses for it though like if you were no hold on there must be one practical use of being able to immediately turn something into gold i'm trying to think about because the main thing is to have a lot of gold okay i've got one i'm impressed that you've got even one because i've been trying to think of one you're at war with the japanese not again okay no no you're at war and you decide to hire some japanese ninjas cool you could take out some parchment and cut it into s sharokin or whatever there's a shuriken yeah shaped stars and then avmitus go shwing over them and then you could probably still throw them shall we wrap it up there we need um yeah we need a bit of an outro in it yeah oh let's do something brave and original well i'm about to jump into my hindenburg two and float away i'm gonna go sleep in my glass house unlike all you losers who can't even be seen while sleeping all right see you later see you later oh no ordinary things why did you put that massive antenna on the top of your glass house no it's the only way i could know the truth [Music] the humanity okay i've got to go now i'm being beamed up by 8g signals so it's going to be really fast back on i got to go i'm dead a big fireball [Music] subscribe to ordinary things he's criminally underserved also get gnawed nor dbm
Channel: Internet Historian: Incognito Mode
Views: 2,498,424
Rating: 4.9632754 out of 5
Keywords: mythology, in the field, internet historian, ordinary things
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 13sec (1693 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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