Confirming Half-life 3 [Old ITF]

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Reddit ban wont stop internet historian

👍︎︎ 102 👤︎︎ u/moathon 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

Too bad there was no pizza :(

👍︎︎ 87 👤︎︎ u/Extech64 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2018 🗫︎ replies

I'm glad you all took it well.. during the vid I was telling him I thought it might be a bad idea to stir up the hive and steered clear of the half life subreddit for that reason lol. they've been through too much

👍︎︎ 62 👤︎︎ u/super6plx 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

Anyone know what post that was?

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Agrotred40 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2018 🗫︎ replies


We got pranked

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/UberActivist 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

Ya bois got us good

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/PPRajput 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

were the pizza boxes empty?

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Steamcom 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2018 🗫︎ replies

VNN made a new video saying Half life 3 will come out and the dude has some points in the video.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DOOT_SLAYER 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2018 🗫︎ replies
this video is all the valta skill fear all liabilities on them welcome back to in the field here I am joined with desync it's French why is it called desync my name means my real name Jordan Jane Sinclair desync right that makes a lot of sense the channel is really focused on half-life 2 and well and half-life 1 so it seems only fitting that we finally give an answer to the question is half-life 3 coming out and find some evidence for it and if we can't find any evidence this just makes him up that works for me been doing you know what going through the years that seeing all the fake images and seeing what everyone else is doing wrong I've got some experience I guess make a claim I think oh yeah okay alright this would be this would be really interested but first let's just confirm that half life 3 is or is not coming out let's do that alright so half-life 1 came out in 1998 and then half-life 2 came out in 2004 and then it took them three years to essentially come out with the DLC right and then they lift it with this cliffhanger and then nothing happened well nothing came out so people said well hey you know hey women hey billion billions earth went the next month and nothing was said in response and so if they started trying to find leaks and Confirmation and that eventually spawned into a big meme which was half-life 3 confirmed so most of the lease that people were talking about originally came from a 4chan or trans a bit of a scary web site so they've made this other site to coagulate the results into a safe space called reddit so if you go to the half-life stop reddit you'll find all the leaks that have accumulated over the years I think half-life 3 confirmed here we go it looks like there's tons of evidence for the car factory here some of them you'll find some actual interesting stuff so this one people assumed that this was made by JJ Abrams in the new half-life film that he's supposedly working on with Kate Neel okay is that is the film confirmed it's all bad confirmed because it's confirmed that they were looking into it but it's not confirmed that they're still working on it or all any shape form you know of so there's a couple of things that give it away that it's just a test scene because it's too way too much of depth of field the design of the hunter as well it's all pretty good but it's just a few little things that tell me it's not real what I see when I look at this picture is very tracing noise on the legs also the grass looks fake is fun but all I know is that game films never follow the source of this closely so it's totally unbelievable from the get-go to development groups were involved the project one marked half-life 3 was fully 6 staff members another one marked half-life 3 cool with 10 yes I remember this so what was the story behind them I was basically the the whole this is the biggest leak that ever happened I think because it's it's the most it wasn't even the biggest it was just the most legitimate because it became straight from the source so some people went into valve headquarters and got a tour and they just took it worked at the camera took a picture with this guy's screen and he had the workers list open up on his monitor and it clearly showed you know group op life 3 and showed all the developers that were working on the half-life 3 that pretty much just confirmed that they were working on it do you think that that half-life through your liver come out you know what I think it's less likely that it won't come out and it will that's all I'll say so we just never said that Dermot leaks and that there are a lot of fake leaks so I think it's time to move on to the next phase which is create some leaks alright so have you got any ideas of how to do that so the things you've got to avoid with leaks Lurie photographic evidence and like directly looking at something with I use a detail in it because each case somebody's gonna say why didn't you just take a more strain on picture of the screen or they'll be able to see the model in complete detail and say I know where that models trauma at this is fake now when I see on Twitter like a screenshot of something I often know believe it unless it's a screenshot of something like on the television so if we could make something and then have it displayed on it like a different monitor and then have that monitor appear in what looks like an office right yeah and then take a photo of that this one's pretty good so we have to do is take this it's a senseless waste at night and it had a time stamp on it this is just the beginning is the shop let me take a quick photo of something that'll work okay this is gonna get picked up hot so King cross so what's here in this scene what I see is like a Friday evening I put the wrong date on it why would it be a Sunday well it could be there what meeting maybe that makes sense why there's pizza boxes okay so it's Sunday what would be the image on the screen you would think could actually be like some sort of beta test yeah so we need something that looks more like gameplay itself I think if you get like a real-world picture that looks like a nice like half-life and then you put the model the asset in the photo if you can find an icebreaker ship or even a picture of the borealis okay so if we said something like resume save game load game so something like that I think half-life 3 is just too much of a it's got to be like half-life something you know a copy half life 3 after all these years half-life 3 is it obvious you know mmm pretty borealis that was quickly well doesn't need text maybe it doesn't need the text maybe yeah let's we could travel that one that'll still be blurry and then dark how we make this more borealis light well we can give her these guys fast that is the worst half life 3 week I have seen in my entire life you know what it's so [ __ ] that it might work like why don't you just put it on see what it looks like hey didn't you say that man really hardened rule number one don't lie listen eat this ship needs more and needs to say like the borealis I mean that's good enough to be honest hey it doesn't look so bad okay that looks sorry thank you take it all back oh that's actually dude that's decent yes I think okay the borealis that's definitely too dark the borealis ship itself needs to be way like glowy oh that looks sexy realistic now see that blue edge that tinge it's got around them dude that looks perfect yeah that's pretty spot-on alright so it looks pretty good I hope you got a VPN I do oh yeah good point no one VPN let's go to us okay now what are we saying well you could say you could put the titleist who the kids pizza for breakfast what'd you just say Valdez piece of a breakfast will stop okay I reckon actually you should put this already at first now he's go to was it valve and then what are we gonna say yeah we'll just do it or develop yeah due to value and then in the comments just put half way through my to a different brackets again yeah right that gives it like it's a tells you more but not enough yeah and then and then post to have an input in the comments like this describe what this guy is thinking about all the pizza boxes oh my god if you go to the valve summer it is right at the top yeah I can just put a comment just be like say like I left the cap I counted over be more than 50 yeah I'm done that's good yeah I know this it looks so fake gimme gimme get all right we'll have to wait let's go - lets go - BEC full champ friend have got another tour of bell de box for empty oh my god yeah - comments oh I don't know if you should reply to him no I would I'm just gonna say nothing I'm just gonna leave it is exciting she takes off of me sir they all focused on the pizza boxes - the escapes - me but poor yella someone found infinite fish I'll tell you what the goal is is to get on the Velva news network yeah this one let's see his his reaction to it he's gonna be so I can skeptical yeah yeah I think you should say the message with the pitch up I think you put something personal pick him off with the ear real fan so put like I got this because you told me you loved me cuz he said that the end of his love his videos and now you wait Oh 300 for that ones go for okay people are looking at it oh hello good there we go I swear to God okay well let's leave this cuz you know let's say best-case scenario it's somehow had to be debunked by this guy we'd want that to come out later so we don't want a really loud Gideon patient and with that we left it for a day or two to to marinate I see gaben gave you a tour is that the borealis ship hmm it is red and says borealis but you can never be sure these days wait what the [ __ ] is this remote probably not maybe that looks like their new office that's not our new office thanks for the info I call BS not the same blinds in new office new blinds are pull-downs yours are shitty old gen blinds BS hmm where did you find the pic shitty bait nice graphics [ __ ] I feel dumb now half-life 3 confirmed you have been banned from participating in our vows add time hey guys let's get real for a moment we all know I'm a talentless hack but thanks for Skillshare I'm slowly becoming a hack who knows how to use editing software and I know what you're thinking no no I ain't you're too hard on yourself you're extremely handsome and that is true but I can't get by on my looks alone I need some skills they have classes and everything Photoshop selling out how to make love After Effects all of which I'm trying to learn right now it's all neatly organized and they give you the project file so you can work alongside the teacher all right well don't ever hype to think use the promo code incognito for two three months for the first 500 people designer
Channel: Incognito Mode
Views: 2,452,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halflife, half life 3, halflife 3
Id: MoOvPtI5M4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 30 2018
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