Mythic Mischief - Gamefound Playthrough

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hi everyone my name is moni and i'm naveen from before you play and today we have another playthrough for you this time it is for a game that has come in a game found called mythic mischief this one's designed by max anderson zach dixon and austin harrison and it's published by ivy games and they are responsible for moon rakers veiled fate and now this one mythic mischief which is a one to four player game like we said that's coming to game found on august 31st and they're also responsible for sponsoring this video that's right yes and basically in this game we are all playing at different factions in this kind of mythical world we're actually high school students we are in a mythic manner and uh we are in the library trying to play jokes on the tomekeeper who's really just going about their day trying to fix up the books right the game comes with different modes of play depending on player count a two player game is just 1v1 but the four player game is 2v2 and so if you're interested in seeing what a game of that looks like we have filmed a four player gameplay with the ivy games team as well as ruel gaviola and so we've included a link to that video down below and so today as per usual we are going to start with the teach of the game and go into a full two-player playthrough if you are interested in jumping around we will include time stamps down below this is a very high quality prototype uh but it is a prototype so things are in fact subject to change if you are interested in checking out this game there will be a link to the campaign in the description below and lastly if you do like to see more videos like this in the future please consider subscribing and with that i think we're ready to begin right so please direct your attention to the set of the table we are all set up here for a two-player game of mythic mischief welcome to the library of mythic manor where we have the tome keeper you know the tomekeeper is the victim here they're just going about their day trying to clean up the library while we have all of our mythic students just wreaking havoc right yep and so the base game actually comes with four different uh factions um i'm going to be playing as vampires today and i'll be the zombies there are some extra factions that will be available during the campaign but for the base game it's just these two plus franklin monsters and the wizards so and the reason why i'm playing as a vampire today is because in our four-player gameplay i was a vampires then and uh we're not gonna tell you what happened but we definitely wanted a rematch we yeah okay yeah so uh i am the zombies and again like monique said in the previous game that we had played i was the zombies and uh i'll leave it at that and so just to kind of give you the lay of the land um this is the library and in the middle here we have the tome keeper the top keeper at the end of each turn is going to be moving to these different destinations and they're numbered because they're going to go to the first one first the second one next and then third one after that and the game is played over two halves the first half being before lunch where we reference this card and the card tells us how many steps the top keeper is gonna move and so for the first half of the game they're gonna move four steps towards a destination at the end of each turn once this home keeper has reached their final destination then we're going to flip over the after lunch special some extra abilities will become available to us and then the top keeper is only going to be moving three spaces so that is how the general gist of the game works other than that we're going to be taking turns essentially taking actions and our player boards reflect the four different types of actions that you can take on your turn basically trying to get each other's uh pieces into the path of the tomekeeper because if it were my turn and i'm the blue player it was over here and at the end of my turn the tomekeeper were to capture my opponent then i would score a point and so each of us will have a tome here on the scoreboard and the object of the game is to score 10 points whoever scores 10 points first is gonna be the winner otherwise if we end up getting to the end of the game before somebody scores 10 points then at that point it's going to be whoever has the most points wins so before we get into our gameplay let's just talk about the player mats here and how the actions work sure there are four main types of actions in this game two of which are slightly asymmetric depending on the faction that you play as and so each of these four different types of actions has these action cubes or dice on them that are just numbered to tell you how many times you can take that action during your turn right so at the start of the game we can each do the move action three times because there's a two and a one as the game progresses you have the opportunity to pick up these additional tomes here on the map just by entering the space or starting your turn on that space and whenever you collect these you place them on the left-hand side of one of the action spaces forever increasing the number of times you can take that action for the rest of the game so in this example if i were to put the tome in my move action spot i now have five actions as opposed to three actions each turn for moving yep we also have asymmetric abilities but we'll probably talk about them uh right before we start our gameplay so starting with the first action up here which is the move action um moving just allows you to move any of your mythics one space in an orthogonal direction so each player in a two-player game has three different mythics and you're you're using all of them on your turn right so if i were to take three actions i can do like one to pick up this tome two to pick up that one and etc you just cannot move in a diagonal fashion you also cannot move past the tone keeper or the bookshelves but you can move through opponents as well as your other mythics the next type of action is slightly asymmetric depending on who you're playing as because it gives you the ability to move your opponents and so for me i'm the vampires my opponent move ability i guess is called lure and so in order for me to move my opponents i need to be directly across from my opponent without a bookshelf or the tom keeper in between so if naveen were to be here instead um i could use my lure action with this mythic over here to bring naveen's piece closer to me one space closer and that would be true too if uh if my piece were across the way diagonally so this is actually an unobstructed view i could lure naveen's piece from here onto that space right before we continue though i do want to mention that these spaces here are called clutter and so the only purpose of them is in order to move on top of a cluttered space it costs two move actions same holds true for when the tome keeper moves whenever they go to their destination they're going to take the shortest route possible and so you have to calculate the clutter into that uh calculation i suppose and if there's ever a tie then whoever's turn it is gets to choose the direction the top keeper moves in my ability to manipulate opponents is called infect and so essentially what this is is i can as long as i'm orthogonally adjacent to an opponent i can move them to any diagonal that i wish of them so in this case i can move them here or i can move them here i would not be allowed to move them here because there's bookshelves covering this and you can never move them into the tone keeper exactly so the right strategy would probably be tuck them away so they are further away from their tomes so that they cannot enhance their guys the third type of action here gives us the ability to move these bookshelves and that is also asymmetric depending on your faction mine is a conceal action so this allows me to move bookshelves uh in a uh basically to rotate it around my mythic so if i were to use a concealed action on this mythic here i could move this bookshelf around me like that um basically just kind of uh rotating yep for me i have toss and essentially what i can do is i can take a bookshelf and toss it either behind me or out in front of me so in this case i could take this bookshelf and toss it here i however cannot toss out to the edge of the board the edge of the board is considered like these are actually walls of the of the library yes so uh the only legal one for this one would be back here if this was here then i could toss it forward this way exactly yeah zombies can toss uh around themselves or in front of the yeah of another space and so the fourth and final action type here is called distract and this is identical for everybody and we actually don't have the ability to do this at the start of the game you have to kind of boost it in order for you to do it but um this allows us to move the tomb keeper and so in order to take this action you choose one of your mythics and so say i'm going to choose this one to take the distract action and you move the tone keeper one space towards that that piece in the shortest route possible so if this mythic were to use distract then the tome keeper would move into this space capturing naveen's um mythic scoring me a point one point yep and so that is a way for you to earn points before the end of your turn when the when the tone keeper actually uh moves to the destination it's also a way for you to manipulate the tone keeper's route towards the destination in addition to moving the bookshelves and that's pretty much it those are the four basic actions that you can take in addition we also have our own a special ability that you can basically use once and then in order for you to uh recharge it again you have to pick up a tome and place it in that spot so there's a possibility that you're really only going to be using that ability once in the entire day twice yeah um also once the after lunch uh special card i guess comes into play then we each have our own after lunch specials which is additional asymmetric ability that is ongoing until the end of the game the last thing i want to mention is if it is your turn and your piece gets captured by the tone keeper at any point then you lose a point right and that is really the only way for you to go down and points other than that your goal is to just try to capture your opponent's pieces you definitely always want to get out of the way when it's your turn and that's pretty much it so we're going gonna go ahead and get cleaned up and then we're going to start with a play through and discuss our asymmetric abilities at that time yep okay so we are all set up we are ready to go we have predetermined based off of a evens and odds that i am going to be going second monique will be going first and so because of that monique seated the board with her three mythics first and then i followed it right after that and this is now what we have you basically start by placing your methods anywhere that's unoccupied as the game progresses anytime your your pieces get captured there are spawning points but at the start of the game it's anywhere it's free for all and because naveen is going second he gets a starting tone which means his one of his abilities is more powerful that's right so i made my move ability more powerful instead of having the base three now these dice are set to five total yes i'm not particularly thrilled about it uh but you have access to things and you know exactly where that home keeper is going you know this home keeper is gonna move four spaces one two three four so it's gonna get there and that's why this area is all vacated nobody wants nobody wants any part of that um i also want to mention that during the teach i did not uh talk about how at the end of your turn you get to boost two abilities but we will showcase that uh once we get there yeah definitely the last thing that we promised to talk about are asymmetric abilities that's right so because i'm the vampires my ongoing kind of ability that i can trigger at any point is my trance okay and so this allows me to move a neighboring enemy up to two spaces in any one direction so i have to be adjacent to them but if i were here lit which i am right now i could use this tone to just push this piece two spaces in this direction which is not a bad idea so one time only one time until i refresh it with a tone once the after lunch special gets pulled at the end of this whole half of the game then i have my blood ability which are these blood tokens very specific to vampires and so this allows me to collect a blood token each time i pass through a an enemy piece and at the end of my turn i can spend these blood tokens to do additional boosts which is basically gaining more actions so that's nice okay for me i have stench and uh basically uh stinky zombies yeah any neighboring tome keeper will move two spaces directly away from me and neighboring in this game is anything that is completely surrounding a hex tile so uh that is my stench and then my after lunch special is i have these decay tokens and once per turn i can place this underneath where a zombie was and essentially if an enemy moves on to this i get to manipulate where that enemy kind of slips on that that disgusting decay i get to move them onto any one other hex tile after that yeah all right so that is it we are all ready to begin and i am going to go first with the vampires are you ready naveen it's zero zero i tried to cheat all right so i'm gonna start by moving and uh usually when you're the first player you wanna get as many tomes as possible so that you can start boosting stuff so i'm gonna go down this way for one movement picking up my tome and you place the tomes at the end of your turn right so that's one uh i'm gonna move this mythic this way pick up my second tomes that's another movement okay and then i think i think i'm gonna do something wild this time okay i'm gonna spend my trans early you know i usually kind of go through the game without spending this and then i regret it so um first i'm going to lure i'm going to lure using my mythic over here bringing because my if you haven't caught the teach my um lure ability allows me to bring an opponent towards me as long as there's a one heck space gap yes and there are no obstructing bookshelves or tone keepers so i can bring naveen's piece uh one space towards me and the clutter doesn't matter because the clutter only matters when you're calculating movement points for your piece or your uh or the tom keeper yeah and going back to that lure you can have more than one space gap but the minimum is one space one of them is one yeah so i spent my lure and with this well i guess i'm adjacent here as well by the way i'm going to spend my trance now i'm doing it early but i'm going to push this uh piece two spaces that way okay so one two they're in a trance i've stared into their eyes and they believe everything i say and then my last movement i'm just going to move back one space this way okay i do have a conceal ability so i could move a bookshelf around somehow just to make it a little bit harder if i don't spend this then it doesn't get spent down that's true so i may want to save it for when it's the right time i'm going to use it okay and i'm going to go ahead and conceal with this this bookshelf just just to add an added layer of protection right there amazing uh that's it that's everything that i'm allowed to do i know i have no more action so now the tome keeper is gonna move four spaces towards their first destination this is the exact same number of spaces so i get to choose you're gonna go one two there you go three four wow so if you're completely safe from all harm their first destination and uh i score a point good um so now that that's done i get to i have to spend down all of my dice and then this is the part that we didn't discuss in the teach i first have to place my tomes and this is going to permanently boost up two actions i can place them in the same action spot but if i want the most bang for my buck then i really want a baseline conceal now every time and i also want to start getting in on this distract and so i'm placing them there because the uh the baseline distract gives you no ability to do that and just have that ability yeah distracting allows me to move the top keeper so that's great in addition at the end of each turn you're allowed to boost two abilities just superficially boosting them you can also boost the same ability twice if you want but what i think i'm gonna do you know what actually instead of placing this tome here i'm gonna place it in the move action because i don't want to have only three actions limited movements three movements i mean um and so for my boost i'm gonna boost the this one my distractibility so that i have one there and i'm also going to boost my conceal so that i have two okay so now you reset your dice to reflect the numbers above them and so now i have five move actions i have one lure um two conceals and a distract so i am all ready for the next turn and that's it so now it is back to you you stinky zombie you did good that was yeah really good okay so i i need to place out my mythic out onto one of these circled regions here on this card and so i think i'm gonna place them right here i regret placing them there earlier ah gosh okay so uh now i have five movement and i there's no way i think this tone keeper can get to you because we have one two three four five six and you are so far away and i cannot i don't have a distract if i had to distract this would be perfect here but i don't so i'm gonna move uh one two three oh okay collecting this tome and spending all these down nice uh i'm going to infect you and i'm going to toss you this way oh thank you oh gosh onto my toe it's just you're on well i guess i don't technically need that i could just go you could go one two and still collect your toe it doesn't matter if i'm honest i can't just do that okay and then i'm a little stuck here but i think you you you cut yourself off or like you put yourself off in a nice little spot here so like ah gosh i'm gonna go one two and take this tome so i need to collect some tome so i can get more actions so that is these two you have one toss i have one toss which if i spend it you lose it i lose it or you can keep it i don't know yeah this is a tough one i'm thinking do i want to toss this here causing you some grease you're gonna close me in there i think i mean the thing is if you don't use your toss you get to save it but you're gonna put a tone there anyway then you might as well use the toss right you know i i don't know because then this closes me off to that tome right there so i don't know if i want to do that either you could just try to protect yourself that's another option yeah that that's exactly what i was thinking was this one to go here yeah which kind of creates a little bit of a barrier plus this thing's just gonna move and stop here so i have some time to manipulate that one right so i think i will do that one i will toss and then that is gonna go like that nice because the thing about the vampires is that this is all obstructed i wouldn't be able to lure you through there exactly unfortunately it's kind of a hard uh opponent card stops yeah all right so top keeper time uh tone keeper so we know it's gonna move uh four spaces the shortest path is one two three four because of clutter and there will remain i didn't score a point you have time i wanted a point i wanted to go with tip for today i know i know all right so go ahead and spend on your dice and add your tones okay so i'm going to so all the dice have been spent so i will definitely want to get my distract as one of the tomes uh and then i will probably want to get infect as another one manipulating you is a good thing okay so that i guess that when we say spend on your dice you actually have to move all the dice that you spent on the left most side because they are just zero zeroed out so uh you can boost two abilities now yeah so i think i'm gonna boost infect which will now take it to two okay and then i think i will do toss which will then take it to one and then now all of these will go to their base value at that point so there we go so you have five five move and you now have a distract which i need to keep in mind for when i take my turn knowing that you can manipulate the tone keeper exactly it's back to me and uh the top keeper is inching ever closer to their second destination so let's try to get them there so you know for a fact one two yes three and it'll probably stop here unless other things happen right uh if they don't have enough movement points to get on top of a clutter they just stop short of it even if the clutter is in the way of the shortest route yes that makes sense if it comes if we come across a situation we'll call it we might be coming across this situation but it depends on what you do yeah it's true all right so we're gonna do some finagling to try to get uh naveen in the way the first thing i'm gonna do is i'm gonna move i'm gonna move this mythic here for one two because it is a cluttered space okay actually no before i do that this is really important i'm going to conceal first and move this bookshelf uh like that rotate it then i'm going to do the one two so move that down i'm going to do my one lure to bring this mythic one space towards this right there i see it i'm going to do a distract uh using this mythic so i'm distracting the top keeper towards v1 space and then let's see i have another concealed action and three more movements let's just let's get this uh one um let's do another conceal just get that bookshelf this way and then one two oh my gosh get myself a tone all right those are all of my actions let's move the tome keeper so they're gonna go one and they've reached their second destination they get three more movement points to move this way and now that i've moved that bookshelf out of the way this is the closest path to get to this destination one two three four five six versus one two three four yeah so so they will move one half your way two three four oh gosh i mean they're really close to me it's pretty easy for you to get some of my pieces next round but i needed to do what i could do there yeah that's two points and oh the don't keep looking at me look at me that's that's a little bit uh intimidating all right so now i'm going to spin down my dice and i can place this home i could i could put it there and refill the trance although i may want to just do that in the second half i also want to mention though that if they get to their third destination before we pick up those tomes they go away so try to get those before that happens thank you well me too i still have one right there um okay i'm going to boost or i'm going to put my tome here under lure and then i'm going to boost two abilities of course i'm going to boost my distract then i'm also going to boost my lure so now i have two of them i can still um only move five times though which seems to be okay for now so i am i'm okay with that decision i guess and now it is back to you back to the stinky well i have two spawns uh wow yeah so you can spawn here here these two spaces or are these two yeah i think i'm going to spawn here and do some hijinks yeah that's hijinks yeah it's a good word thank you so i'll spawn this one here i believe okay okay so uh the first thing i'm gonna do is i'm going to distract towards me yeah and get you caught ah one i got gut you got god uh the next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to do a single move and that's going to go like that then i'm going to infect you and toss you into position here then i'm going to reinfect you and i'm going to toss you again into position there that your effect is amazing yeah knowing that the tone keeper is going to go one two three four so two for two i uh and i'm surviving i'm okay with that uh and then now i have some movements so let's see how the heck can i okay i know for sure i need to go one right get those toes now how do i protect myself here i think i'm gonna toss yeah i'm gonna toss this bookshelf over here so just create a nice pathway and then now i have three movement can i get anything else done gosh so one two three four and then that's when the new card comes out so we have actually no idea where no we have no idea where we're going after after our lunch so do i just tuck and run to a corner i kind of want to run into a corner so then i'll go uh with my last three i can go one two three oh that's so dangerous i can go one two three okay let's go one two three and just be little cowards in the corner nothing wrong with that nothing wrong with that running running away from the top keeper all right go ahead and uh do your your work first if i use this one right here i could get all three of you right now i can do sketch and move this one here and then it would be one two three four yeah it's true i'm doing it i'm gonna spend this oh no my stinkiness is pushing this you just like let out a really large burp yes thank you and that's another point for me right there and then now that's going to end my turn and so now the tone keeper is going to move one two three four which is fantastic for me because now on monique's turn is when the surprise is gonna happen oh my god not on my channel yeah so that's a three three [Music] i didn't see it until just now never trust a zombie ever wow in addition to eating your brains they smell real bad yeah i didn't see it literally until just just right now i almost saw that good job for seeing it um and that's unfortunate because i won't be able to use my blood until after uh okay so spin down your dice add your tone okay so spin down the dice and don't forget you can place the tome here actually you don't have to put it in one of your action spots okay i think having the toss ability just locked in i think i will do that okay i'll go up one spend that then oh did i grab one from here supply okay yeah same difference i'm trying to cheat here no so uh now let's go ahead and boost i'm gonna boost infect to make it a2 okay and then i will probably i guess i have to boost toss because that's the only thing that has extra value if i boost uh this one it goes from one to one and i'm pretty sure i'm gonna use it so i will leave this one as is boosting my toss to a two and then leaving my movement at five value yeah five is not bad it's a nice place to be i'd like a little bit more but what can you do yeah okay so that tome is looking lost so that's that it's looking lost it's looking lost all right so you have three spawns i have no idea what naveen did a three for three right there and i'm feeling real i'm shook not gonna lie did you think that you were like i'm shaking to my core here so all right i feel pretty good about that where are we gonna place our mythics all right so i'm gonna go ahead and spawn here okay here and here the spawn points are not exactly ideal because the way that i am looking at it i need to end up right there in order to capture just one of naveen's mythics it's not ideal because i don't know where we're going afterwards um and the thing is once they reach their third destination they're going to use up the rest of their movement the tonekeeper will in order to move to the center yeah and so that is what i'm considering when i'm trying to plan out my moves right so um i'm actually going to spend all of my movements on one mythic and that's why i chose to hide these two kind of tucked off just hoping that a destination is not there so i'm going to use this method to go one two three four five okay picking up this tone no more movements for the rest of the church are you going to distract towards yourself i'm not going to distract i'm going to conceal okay by rotating this bookshelf this way oh i see what you're doing now you lure in the top keeper is going to go one two three four because they're trying to make their way to the center uh and this is still the closest route that's literally the only way i can move the bookshelf to do that um and then i'm going to use my one lure oh i have two lures two lures so you'll waste one i'm going to waste one so i'm going to use one of them to lure this skateboarder again yeah this way so at least you're in the way nice uh i'm tempted to try to lure somebody else but i don't have any more movements so i don't think i legally can't so i'm just going to leave it at that okay so i did not spend my diss track which means i get to keep it that's good it's nice all right so the top keeper will move and they're going to go one towards that third destination so we are gonna have lunch yes we're gonna have lunch it's gonna be good uh two three four four nice that's one mythic cara was thinking that was safe that lure is is pretty nice if you can get those opens those open that was awesome if you can get those open pathways that lure is very nice it's true i i kind of was considering moving the bookshelves so that uh the tone keeper would have to go this way to get to destination three but as the vampires actually want us to get to the after lunch cards so that it can start using your blood yeah collecting blood from you totally so that's that and the toe keeper is done okay that's the end of my turn so i'm going to go ahead and i spent this so this gets spent down but i get to keep my distract that's right so and you have one new tone do i want to just get a trance yeah i'm going to go ahead and uh re-energize my trans here especially going into the next the next going into the next half yeah um and so i get to keep this i'm going to boost uh i'm going to boost my lure again as well as a conceal sure so now i have two and two and so i still have the same five movements i should probably consider uh you know getting that higher soon now that we're in the second half and that's it that's it yeah so we are going to now set up for the second half again because we have finished our lunch and so we're ready to go this red card is out these tomes all the times that were not collected are gone and i think that that's it right that's it yeah it's another reveal are you ready to see your fate i hope it's not coming towards me it is it is here one is over here okay so this is one well three um three and two is up here ooh two oh okay so we've got some some good spread and then we do get to see the board with three more of our tones this is perfect one that is just luck one is where the where the temperature is and the other one is here right next to me ooh interesting yeah i think that's everything and just a reminder now that it's after lunch naveen you once per turn you get to put one of your stinky messes underneath you and if i ever enter a space with your decay token then i basically slide past it and naveen gets to decide which adjacent space my mythic actually lands in and for me any time i pass through one of naveen's mythics i collect blood i have four of these blood tokens at the end of my turn i could spend any number of the ones that i've collected to boost additional dice right but it's always maximum four right wow good luck so now the tone keeper is only gonna move three spaces so they are a little bit slower here so i know for a fact it's gonna be one two three if nothing else happens i like the fact that this person is here because i think i can do something to that person yikes i don't i have to figure out where i can spawn this because i'm trying to i'm trying to see if i can get two points here the goal is to get two points you couldn't spawn here here right next to the home keeper over here over here and over here i'm basically not blocking any of those spring points which is not a good thing okay i really want to get two uh but monique has kind of walled herself off pretty well compared to what i can do so i think it's a tome grabbing round that's good i can get somebody but it's a tone grabbing around so according to this i am going to place my mythic right here ah all right and the first thing i'm going to do the very first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to infect this one no this way just leave me alone get infected there okay and because this tome is blocked by this tone keeper uh i need to distract them towards you so i'm gonna distract them right on top of you okay so that's that i mean this student was actually reading so disturbing my studies four four oh i started here where a tome is so that was convenient yeah that's nice uh and then for sure i want to spend at least two one two to take one two to get into this tone and then i could potentially go one one two three to get that last tone there and just be toned up i just wanna mention that you have to put your decay underneath um one of your pieces yeah strategize you don't have to do it but if you want to do it it's going to be underneath one of your pieces so strategically place it while you're moving i'm thinking that when i get this tome here i'd like to put it right here because it's where your tone would be so terrible i would still get the tom because i'm still entering the space but you would just be at my mercy of where where i send you right so i will do that so i'm gonna go one two three uh i'm gonna drop my decay underneath me so again if monique enters this space uh i met i can basically dictate where she goes after that god that must be so stinky yeah and i know this one is gonna move oh so that was my three right here can't forget to spend die yes okay so i know this is gonna go one two three and stop here yeah then on monique's turn it's gonna go one and then whatever she does to manipulate after that so let's go ahead and i'm going to infect you and i'm just going to boot you i mean yeah i'm going to boot you this way okay i'm just going to infect you all the way over there nice there we go all right so you're not doing any toss you said right i'm not going to do any toss i'm just going to leave it as is okay tell them one two three and that is that so now uh i get all these tones i definitely spend down the dice yes that's always first first bending down the dice then i'm definitely gonna i want my stench just kind of like uh you did your thing yeah uh i think i will do i want more movement that's a that's a tough one right there yeah like sometimes you do want more sometimes you do like we're kind of spread out like this person over here just to get in the fight to be able to use infect right it's kind of far kind of far so i think i think i want distract though i think distract having it right next to the two on a one boost sounds like a good thing so that's that and then let's go ahead let's go ahead and do it let's let's boost the movement there we go okay all right now let's go to uh so now i get two free boosts so this one's gonna be definitely one that i want okay and then the other one will most likely be my effect right there we go so now we're two two oh you have two distracts i have two distractions i have four moves now which i can't find otherwise you have seven uh yes seven it's four and three yeah naveen is powering up i'm trying well i got all the time zombies i have all the tones i can't i can't do anything more than what what is here all right so back to the vampires who are not looking good at them one yes i do have to spawn this one person or one mythic i guess so here that's that's not a bad idea there well we'll see and you know what the way that it's looking right now it looks like like i'm only going to be able to capture one of naveen's you can get one ethics i can definitely get one okay and so with the other two mythics i might as well use them to collect some blood yeah uh so i'm gonna spawn this mythic over here so yes there's a clutter there but it's still a spotting point and uh interesting let's get started so i'm gonna do one move with this mythic to go over here i'm gonna do a conceal to rotate um this book shelf this way that's really the only legal way to do that yeah and then i'm going to distract once with this mythic so that actually brings the tome keeper to their first destination and so because of that um when they actually go to move they're going to go one two three on their way that way so they'll get so let's do the math just to make sure it's one two three four five six seven yeah the other path is one two three four five six seven so because it's monique's turn she gets to choose which side it goes yeah and i guess that's not bad either hey actually what am i talking about this is still the best round they're only going to move three three spaces they go that way it's one two three so i mean i'd be okay with it no i've already spent my i've already set my distract and there's no way that i can lure this mythic over here because i would have to be on this space unfortunately as a vampire it can't be done so we're gonna leave it at that okay and then i i don't want to lure because i want to be able to travel through you i guess and so the rest of my four movements i'm gonna go one two three four okay so i get a tome and i also collect blood because i pass by your mythic right there very good but that is all of my movement and you know what instead of ending my turn here i'm going to end my turn here or my movement on this space the same amount of movement points yeah and i since i already spent a conceal i might as well spend the the last one to move this bookshelf this way let me just make sure that this is still fine one two three four five six six one two three four five six seven no you hurt yourself i'm gonna hurt myself if i do something hold on is this a no-go that's a no-go yeah i never mind stay right there i'm gonna stay right there i was trying to get all uh sneaky you're trying to get but clever the yeah the clever is not i wasn't clever enough unfortunately you know what i'm just gonna end my actions there cool we're gonna be happy with where we are i like it um all right so tone keeper moves one two three boom the decay token stays it does not affect it because it only moves out once an opponent moves into that spot that's the point for you yes thank you and now i have these two tomes to play oh i have a tome and then i can spend my blood if i want to it's a temporary boost again right i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna do this we need some more movement if naveen has more movement then we need more movement as well and so i could so i have two free boosts plus one if you want if you want to spend the the blood i really see no reason not to well i spent this so that's good it goes down this stays yep you didn't use it i am going to spend the blood and so i'm going to do the two boosts the two free boosts on my distract so this is now a two um and then i'm going to spend the blood on the conceal so now i have two conceals um i still have the two lures you look just like my board i yeah although it's gonna be your turn so that's not actually the best thing for me so there you go that's it amazing back to the zombies okay so i know that they are gonna travel up this way one two three yep what can i do to stop that from happening so the first thing i have to do is i have to spawn my mythic and i think i'm going to spawn right on this pile of clutter right then and there interesting so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to toss and i'm going to toss this bookshelf behind me yeah little cubby right there so that's one toss yeah okay then i'm gonna infect i'm gonna infect this character here and move you there okay that's one in fact yeah okay so then the next thing i'm gonna do is a bunch of movement so i'm gonna move uh one two three four five so a total of five movements so here's my four going to nothing and then my three going down to uh two so that's okay five movement so that's gonna be one two three four uh two three four five okay okay uh and then i'm gonna do a double distract so i'm gonna bring this one towards me i have a question sure you don't wanna just go one two oh yeah i can move through you thank you you're saving me some moves i don't know why for some reason mentally yes so it's one two so i get uh you save three three moves in fact yes i lose this am i not merciful as she not merciful yes i think mischief the co-op totally forgot you can go through people that's exactly your whole gig you're trying to go through me yeah okay for blood i'm gonna do a double distract so we're gonna bring it towards me here yeah one two capture yeah that's good uh so that's a point yep and then i have my stench don't forget to spend your distract now i'm all over the place i have my stench here and my stench is uh push two away from me in any direction so uh it's gonna go one two can you imagine that cloud of stink just like suddenly like all of a sudden right like get away from me so you spent the stench i did i'm spending distinction and you get yourself i don't know yes okay so now uh this person is in trouble because it's one two three so i know i definitely need to hightail it yeah or else you're gonna lose a point all right so i'm gonna lose a point in all that work that i'm gonna waste but i have five movement now so let's go ahead and bail let's go uh one two three four and i think i'll go five just to kind of get out of the way uh so that's my five movement points yep and these go bye-bye and so now do i want to toss this bookshelf and infect you and i don't think i'm going to do that because i kind of like the fact that you are forced to go this long way okay yeah or you have to spend one of yours to get just get out of there so i'll just leave it like that i didn't pick up any tomes because all my tomes have been picked up i believe and that is it so i spend down my dice well no so the top keeper moves oh yes that's right yes so it's gonna go one two three yes so they have reached their death so we know final destination is here yeah if nobody gets to 10 before they get there ha interesting yeah so i have to spend on my dice so one this goes down here and this one goes here even though i infected uh and then now i can do my my boosting so definitely want a boost in fact so that's one there and then this is the tough part i think i'm gonna have to do the distract it's just too nice to to be able to do that yeah uh too bad i can't do this ever again yeah you kind of used it i used it but there are no more tomes on the board so it's just not rechargeable totally for you ever again i should keep that in mind but you know what i use it twice i i scored on both times so i figured it's something true that's true that's me all right so it is back to me and uh i've been an interesting position here because i do have two distracts so it kind of is in my best interest to get the tomekeeper to end the game even though neither of us are going to hit 10 if i can get the tone keeper to take these two which i think they will do if i distract twice one two yeah ah i would be one short in short and then i could maybe influence the tone keeper a little bit ah well can i get this person that person oh i can capture all three you can i maybe no all right so i'm spawning here and here while it is true that i'm probably not going to be able to get the homekeeper to get to the very end before the end of my turn uh i could still probably try to capture all three of naveen's mythics here what the heck so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to move so i'm going to go one two right there in the center so it's two movements i'm gonna use this mythic to lure naveen's mythic and this is not a closed off wall so i'm assuming i can do this diagonally so that's oops that's a conceal that's one lure okay so i'm bringing in right there and then i'm going to use this mythic to use my trance and i'm i'm putting you in a trance i'm going to push this uh oh wow this mythic onto that cluttered space on points so i'm spending it it's going away and it uh pushes the neighboring enemy two spaces in one direction that way one distract to uh to to bring the tome keeper closer to this mythic which brings um them onto this space capturing naveen so that's one point oh this is not good but i'm gonna spend this because i distracted once i five movements i can lure one more time what do i wanna do here so then i'm gonna distract again okay and just get that uh tomekeeper in position so that when they move they'll take the the latte yeah you're gonna need your guys dang yeah and then i'm gonna do a conceal to rotate this bookshelf over here okay um i'm gonna go one two just so i can take this and collect some blood that's two movements uh so i'll just put this down to a two so i have three movements left and i'll lure and i conceal i'm not gonna use a lure clearly but i will conceal again and open up this bookshelf this way and i'm gonna run uh you're on the run huh i'm on the run i am i really am i'm gonna use run for the hills two movements to go one two and then my last movement i'm going to claim the tone nice the final tone wow all right the turn is done tomekeeper shall move one two three so those are there you go you're all you're all available now one two okay so everything was used i will spend it all down and i'm gonna refill that trance it was just too good uh otherwise i'm gonna place the distract here uh and then so i'll boost the distract twice so that i can do it twice uh if it goes if it gets back to my turn and then um the lure i'll i'll boost once everything else is the same oh boy three four so seven movements and i have the one conceal okay so it is now back to um to your turn i mean this is potentially the last turn because the top keeper is so close to their their final destination uh i don't know if if you're gonna try to delay it i mean it's probably in your best interest i'm just gonna try to run up the score as much as i can but uh yeah this is not good oh boy you would have to capture all three of my mythics to outright win if it ends in a tie and the tiebreaker would go to the person with the least amount of tomes uh i'm assuming that means the least amount that is showing on their board yeah yeah so it's six and six so then it would be just a tie it's a friendly game i'm playing first high you're trying to get the birthday i'm playing for the tie okay so i think i'm going to spawn this one here okay uh this one here and then the last one i was gonna just put down here just to kind of tuck them away oh also i spent this blood oh yeah okay so the first thing i'm gonna do yeah is i'm gonna move and then i'm gonna move back so it's two movements so one two i was there because i had this right there okay okay so then that is gonna then mean i'm going to see what you're going to do here infect which is going to toss you over here and then because you're on that decay you're going to slip right onto that clutter ah disgusting and the decay leaves it kind of hard which is perfect yeah so then i'm going to do one movement here and then i'm going to infect again and i'm just going to put you right over there okay and then i'm going to spend my two distracts to distract this home keeper towards this character here yep one two and we're gonna go boom boom boom boom like that oh make it look respectable oh my gosh my mythics two points and all these characters have names by the way they do um yeah my vampires are wearing leather jackets that's right i don't remember their names but good job thank you so now i know this tome keeper for sure is gonna be going uh one two three gonna stop there okay okay and then i'm gonna spend two movement to go one two and spend my one toss that i have here to move this bookshelf here oh my gosh i'm delaying the game but now the tone keeper has to go one two three four five six seven eight spaces so i'm alive i mean all that means is we gotta move the bookshelf that's right yes so yes and you can spawn and do all that stuff so uh now i'm gonna just try to move right out of the way yeah um so we're gonna go one and i uh where you go intervene i don't know this is that's a tough part one and let's go one right okay so there we go all right that's me uh i think i'm just gonna leave it honestly this way because these are the exact ways i would boost them so we'll just go like well the top keeper moves that's right yeah so they're gonna go one two three yeah just right next to me hello just like that yeah i think you're gonna get me though okay well i'm gonna try you're gonna definitely do it i just i just tried to make it fun okay here we go so that's my in fact and then now i have this two here and then oh yeah you're saying that you're boosting it all yeah my boost is gonna be the same so i cannot find it too for some reason all right so it is my turn if i can get two of naveen's mythics then the game will end but i have to place two of my mythics out which is nice because the world is your oyster there yeah the library the library is my my oyster let's see okay i'm gonna spawn here and i think the other circle is here yeah all right so shoot first things first and you know what i'm realizing just now that i think the trance allows me to move um all neighboring enemies but uh i don't know if we did that earlier and i actually don't even know if that's correct but that's what it looks like from the image here yeah so anyway that is not going to apply to this situation right now so we're going to forget about it i'm going to using my one concealer to move this bookshelf and then um then i'm going to move into here so that's one movement and i do have two lure abilities and this mythic is in position so let's lure them both that's going to be one and two amazing and then with this mythic i'm going to distract twice so one oh we're caught two no yeah but the zombies no more stickers nice that was a little bit intense that was intense but yeah wow wow well played we didn't get to the end i really did not want the game to end in a tie that would have been a pure tie from what we understand in the world yeah yeah and especially considering we don't exactly know uh how to properly count the tone since we spent some and like that's right yeah i think it's tones in play like that you have i would assume so but who wants to end two three four five six six yeah i know i did yeah cause i was i was getting crushed there at the end there you got that three you got that three turn the three turn you got a three turn i got it really though getting it late was like oh yeah i will say it is a good feeling to get all three of somebody's mythics in one although it is hard right yeah um so well done nice job so anyway that is mythic mischief like we were mentioning there are four different factions that come in the base game and they all have different uh asymmetric abilities for those two actions as well as the other special abilities that we were kind of showcasing the campaign also gives you the ability to uh i think get the two expansions which are additional factions what are they they are the witches and trolls yes the trolls and they knock walls yes out of the board out of the game i believe there's also going to be a ghost faction as well that you can pick up there yes and i'm looking forward to trying all of them because they're all uh they're all very asymmetric but also still quite the same yeah right yeah it's because you have the same move action you still have that same distract action same core four actions yeah yeah and so if you have any questions regarding the game or the campaign in general please feel free to leave it down below and we'll try to get back to you as soon as possible like we're mentioning in the beginning of the video as well this game does come with various modes of play depending on player count uh we did leave a link down in the description for the four player game that we played with uh gabriella as well as austin from the ivy games team and there's also a blitz mode which is really hard it's like time kind of like speed chess but um i'm not ready for that and there's also a like a large version of the game which might be the blitz mode where you could basically combine just two boards of the board yeah so it's like a larger way to play so different different modes of play uh you know to suit whatever your gaming style is thank you all so much for watching the video we hope you enjoyed it if you like to see more videos like this in the future please consider subscribing thank you bye [Music] you
Channel: Before You Play
Views: 11,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mythic Mischief, Mythic Mischief board game, how to play mythic mischief, mythic mischief playthrough, mythic mischief gameplay, mythic mischief gamefound, mythic mischief kickstarter, mythic mischief expansion, session, mythic mischief review, mythic mischief thoughts, mythic mischief game, mythic mischief rules, mythic mischief tutorial, mythic mischief overview, mythic mischief how to play, kickstarter games, gamefound games, mythical mischief, mythical mischief board game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 50sec (3110 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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