Great Western Trail - Playthrough & Review (Pfister Series)

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hi everyone my name is monique and i'm naveen from before you play today we are continuing our alexander fister series with great western trail yes this is the big release of 2016 very famous game that is published by edgar spiel and of course designed by alexander fister so we are going to play it today two player and monique is going to do her best to try to teach this game not with every nitty-gritty detail because there is a little bit going on yes so like we mentioned this game this game is might be what put alexander fisher on the map i mean he's he had as you can already see he's had a bunch of releases before this and they're they're good but a lot of people really love this game this is the one that probably elevated him yes probably uh so we are going to try to teach it to you and then we're going to play through the entire thing and give you our thoughts at the end but before we get started we would like to kindly please ask that you turn on your klingon subtitles just in case you make any of those mistakes and if you enjoy content like this and would like to see more please consider subscribing and with that we're gonna get started so if you'd please direct your attention to the center of the table we are all set up for our tubular game of great western trail and as you can see this is the trail right that is taking us all the way up to kansas city uh we also have a lot of other things going on we have our own player boards we have building tiles we have our deck of of cards that are cows this is a deck building game technically yeah technically and so in this game we are ranchers and we the main premise of the game is we are taking our cattle we're bringing them all the way up to kansas city and we're going to try to sell them for as much money as we can and we're trying to collect points along the way by doing various things doing stuff along the way to kansas city there are a lot of different ways to do to earn points in this game and we're just trying to become the most efficient ranchers i suppose and so this game is played over a several number of rounds um it's not a set number of rounds there is a timer a timer there's a timer of sorts that is going to dictate when the game ends but the basic structure of the game is we're going to be moving up this trail and right now you can see a few of these neutral buildings on the board but over the course of the game there's gonna be more and more of these buildings on the board where our meeples are going to be stopping at in order to perform actions as soon as you get all the way to the top here this is known as kansas city you must stop and sell the cattle that you have in your hand yeah each player has a deck of cards and our deck of cards is comprised of a ton of different cows they're valued at two and one only and the twos have three different colors and there are several repeats we're each going to start the game with a hand of four of these cards that are kept secret from other players and what happens is when we get to kansas city we're going to sell our hand of cow cards but we're only going to get money for each unique cow each unique cow type yes so if i arrived in kansas city with a hand of this two dutch belt with three ones i'm only gonna get three dollars yeah so two for this one one for that one these two are repeats of this one so therefore these do not score exactly if i had several twos then it's only twos of a different color that would score so this hand would score me two plus two plus one five and this is a repeat of the other dutch belt so i don't get any money for that cow so that is the main premise of what's happening when we get to kansas city all the buildings that we that we stop at along the way are going to help us acquire more of these cows help us switch out cards from our hand hire people and build more buildings onto the board and so the basic structure of a turn is on your turn you're going to move your meeple up to a certain number of spaces as dictated by your player board and i believe this is dependent on uh player count so in a two-player game it's up to three spaces and so spaces are not these like all the different spaces on the board they're literal buildings so you can move up to three buildings along the path buildings or hazards which we haven't talked about yet yeah just a heads up as soon as you get to a fork in the road and there are several of these there's a fork right here there's one here and there are these tiny arrows that show you the direction the flow of traffic here you have to abide by those arrows but as soon as you get to a fork you get to choose which direction to go and anytime you see any buildings or hazards and the hazards are these tiny tiny chits these are the big squares are buildings the tiny squares are hazards and they and hazards you can find in different areas of the board yeah hazards are literally along the trail you'll see some other square chits that are not actually on the trail we'll talk about those later yes there's yeah i guess i should say there are buildings hazards and teepees and that's what these are but anytime you go through a trail that has a hand on any of these tiles you must pay so if it's a building that belongs to a person you must pay the person if it's a hazard or a neutral building that doesn't belong to anybody you pay the bank and typically in like a four-player game the amount that you pay depends on what color of the hand in a two-player game they're all two coins so that's the first thing that happens you move up to three spaces and then whichever building or hazard you land on you get to take actions if it's a one of these gray neutral buildings then you get to do whatever the actions it says on the tile a majority of them have this like vertical line in between symbols and those separate the different types of actions you can take when you land there you can take all of them in any order you're not required to take all of them but you can take whichever ones you want essentially if there's like a slightly diagonal horizontalis line that's in like one of the spaces and it's one or the other and the other action exactly so that is how you read these tiles a lot of these tiles will let you do things like discard a specific cow card from your hand and get that much money whatever the benefit is so this building lets you discard the black number two from your hand to get two coins and this is discard meaning it goes into a discard pile it's not kicked out of the game so should i mention that for the cows it's standard deck building in the sense that you have four cards in your hand whenever you discard you discard into your own discard pile and you always draw from your own draw pile so you're always curating your own hand of cows yes exactly you can always look in your discard just a heads up but there are also three main actions that these neutral buildings are very good for i just kind of want to briefly go over them the first type of action is hiring these employees and so we have one of each type there's three different types of employees in the game we have one of each type already and each of these types of employees they specialize in doing something specific so there are cowboys up here who help you acquire more of these cow cards to put into your cow deck there are crafters who help you build buildings onto the board and there are engineers who help you push your locomotive up the locomotive track which we'll explain later and so one of these main actions has to do with hiring more of these employees and so as you can see they're they're going to be employees that are filling up uh row by row and in two player game we only fill up the last two columns here player three player four player and so the price to hire a specific person is shown on the right hand side of whatever row they're on the one rule is you can never hire from the row that this chit is at because this is actually going to dictate the timer of the game whenever we get to kansas city which we'll talk about later we're going to add more of these employees to this board and so over the course of the game this is going to get pushed down further and further as soon as it gets pushed off the board that's going to signal pretty much the end of the game it'll trigger it it'll trigger the end of the game so that is the purpose of that whenever you hire employees they go onto your board and just so you can kind of read this there are some of these symbols that are on these spots those are immediate effects it's kind of like a you use it or lose it kind of thing yeah you either do it now or you forfeit it any employees in the last two columns at the end of the game is going to score you four points per yeah this is one of those games where all the points come to you at the very end of the game there's no score track here so we'll figure it all out later exactly there's no score track here and so that is hiring employees the next type of main action that you'll see us doing is acquiring more of these cow cards and you can do that by going to any space that looks like this that has like a cow picture on it the cow with the bull horns yep yes and so the way that that works is it's all dependent on how many cowboys you have hired it the cowboys will dictate what type of cards you can get and at what price and this is the chart down here um as you can see if you have one cowboy you can get a valued three cow at six bucks which would be these two types yep if you have two cowboys it's only three dollars it's a three dollar discount so that's how you read them and if you you can do stuff like if i have two cowboys then i can do this and this so because you can kind of split up the value of the cowboys that you have with that action you can also spend one of your cowboys to deal out two more cards to this cow deck because this cow display doesn't refill immediately it'll only refill if somebody does that action which navin just mentioned or when that crosses any of these yellow arrows then we'll have kind of like a refill of the cow display so cows as you can probably tell are very good for when you get to kansas city because if i purchase my first three card it'll be the only three card in my deck so the chances of it being unique right are quite high when it comes around because going back to kansas city you want all unique types of cows when you get there right and our deck is only comprised of ones and twos right now so anything higher than that is going to be great um also the cow cards have point values on them innately so at the end of the game they're going to be worth that many points for having them just in your deck as long as you still possess them yes as long as you haven't ditched it the third uh main action that you can do is you can build buildings onto the board and so that is why you see a lot of these empty spots because they are for building your own personal buildings we each have 10 of them they are double-sided there's an a side and a b-side naveen randomized his and i just mirrored them so we have the exact same size of our building showing and so going to this specific tile here that has like that building symbol this will allow you to build one of your building tiles in any of the available spaces on the board and on each tile has at the top left-hand corner a certain value and that is the number of craftsmen that you have to have available to build this building and then after that it's going to be two dollars per craftsman required exactly so if i were to build this level one building it would cost me two bucks i can put it anywhere on the board and at the end of the game at the top right hand corner it'll score me a point so if you've noticed some of these buildings also have the hands so if i were to put this building here anytime naveen goes this way he must pay me he has to he literally is paying me two bucks because my building is there right uh alternatively he can choose to go this way because it is a fork but he'll end up paying more to the bank so that is kind of how these things go there are much higher numbered valued buildings like this is a sec seven level building as you can see we only have space for six um craftsmen so the way that you build these is you can over build on previously built tiles okay and then of your own yes you can over you cannot over build on somebody else's style and you only have to pay the difference in the craftsmen so that is how building builders works you pay the difference in the craftsman and in the money so it's two dollars per craftsman it's a seven minus one you'd pay six times to 12. but you have to have six craftsmen correct if you're overbuilding a seven to one yes yes and so actually the last main action now is uh moving your locomotive this spot right here uh anytime you see the purple symbol that stands for your engineers and so this spot specifically says for each engineer you have you move your locomotive one space forward and so this is this whole train track is specifically it's numbered as you can see one two three nine if i were to land on this space and i had say three engineers i would be able to move my locomotive up three spaces up to three up to three and it would stay there um the other characteristic of this train track is there are these little inlets that kind of go down like this it'll turn out yeah so it'll turn out that you can dip into and i believe those are called stations or maybe these are stations now i'm not sure i think you're right stations and so if you ever go into one of these turnout spaces you land yourself in a train station and you can choose to upgrade the train station for points so they all show a different uh number amount i guess this is you can spend two bucks to get one point this is like four bucks to get two points and so what that allows you to do is we haven't spoken about our player board too much but all of these discs on your player board are covering up a specific auxiliary action which we'll talk about in a second and in order for you to have access to these things you must remove these disks from your player board by either delivering to kansas city and putting them up here or by going into these stations and and upgrading and paying to put one of these discs on there the main rule is that some of these are bordered by black borders and some of them are boarded by white borders you must follow the color of wherever you're placing the discs so in these stations here they're all white bordered stations you can only cover it with the discs from the whiteboard spots but as you go down here it looks like these are black and white so you can choose any literally any disk on your board you can put in these spots and then you would place your disc in that station just like that in addition if the chit to the left is still present you can become the station master by placing one of your previously acquired or previously hired employees from your board into this spot and taking this chit and so what this chit does is at the very top it gives you an immediate or permanent bonus and so in this example it's a permanent bonus of a certificate which we'll talk about later and at the bottom is end game scoring this is three points for every two teepees that you have in your possession two teepees of different colors teepees come in two different flavors it's green and blue yeah that is specifically what this tile does but each tile does something different so you just kind of have to see and only one person can become the station master of each station everybody can do the upgrade only one person can take the chip all right and so that is moving your locomotive i'm just gonna leave this here for the for example of kansas city when we get there but uh those are the three main actions that you will find on these neutral buildings if you land on your own building then you get to just do what it says and these are uh they're different depending on the side that you use so we'll just kind of talk about them as we play but if you land on either a hazard which are these small um tiles or a building that belongs to somebody else then you can still take an action you just cannot take the action that it says on the building yeah not the printed action you must take an auxiliary action and so on the left hand side of your player board these are all the five different types of auxiliary actions you can take on your turn um just briefly they're things like getting a coin drawing a card from your deck and discarding one from your hand paying a coin to move your your locomotive backwards one space and gaining a certificate which we'll talk about uh spending a coin to move your your locomotive one space forward or my personal favorite is moving your your locomotive back one space to ditch a card from your hand out of the game out of the game so that would be a good way for you to um call your deck anytime you see this this symbol here which is like two circles with a one x that means you can do one auxiliary action twice as long as you have them both uncovered right and just briefly there's also a an action that allows you to remove hazards from the board and that is this building it costs seven dollars to remove a hazard from anywhere on the board and the hazards are going to give you points at the end of the game they're also going to clear some of this space here so that you can pay less when you go through that way and they're also used to complete some of the objective cards which we'll talk about later yeah because the hazards you have to not only pay a toll or a fee but they also cost you literal movement points yes it's true so they're a nice way to kind of declutter the board and get your points okay so that is that is basically everything you can do in the game in a nutshell for the most part so once you get to kansas city kansas city is very procedural so it's very easy to kind of understand there are five steps here and you just go in that order the first thing that happens is you choose one of these two tiles to place onto the board you are placing more hazards onto the board or tp's but you get to decide what to place yeah or teepees exactly um then the next spot you get to decide which of these two to place onto the board i'm not sure are they all employees uh the level two tiles are all employed and this is kind of a grab bag so ones are hazards and teepees twos are employees and three is a mix so when you get to here you choose one of these two employees to add to the lineup here when you get over here same thing you choose one of the two tiles and then when you get to step four that is when you show your hand so whatever hand that you have in your hand you're going to get money for them so this is my previous example if i had this by the time i get to kansas city i get two four five coins and then i can choose to use my certificates so we were kind of mentioning certificates here and there earlier anytime you see this like cube with a green arrow going down that means you can move this cube downwards to gain a certificate and this is just like an extra dollar to add to when you get to kansas city so there are two main types of certificates there's temporary which are these ones which get spent when you decide to spend them and then there are the permanent ones which are like the ones that you'll find on the station master tiles and so if i had this tile i always have one additional buck whenever i get to kansas city so you decide in that moment if you want to use your certificates and then you get that much money from the bank afterwards step five that is when you get to actually place your disk out into one of these cities that i suppose you delivered to right yep and so the cities are all numbered like kansas city is zero topeka is one which it has four etcetera and so forth depending on how much money you acquired when you went to kansas city that is how far you can go up in the delivering what city you can deliver to exactly so if i only had five dollars because of my hand then the furthest i can deliver to is wichita i would same thing it's it's a it's a circular spot so i would take one of the discs from my player board if it's white boarded i would take a white border disc and place it there so i could do something like this and from now on i can never deliver to wichita ever again it's only one time per person so naveen could deliver there if you wanted to but i couldn't um some there are some other benefits that are in these arrows that are not points so if i deliver to both albuquerque and santa fe and i get that bonus which is getting one of these objective cards which i guess is a good time to talk about them now might as well um because that's pretty much all that happens in kansas city and so depending on how far you went so if i went to wichita here you're going to look at how far away the city is from your locomotive and you have to pay one buck for every one of these these symbols here that are in between your locomotive and the city so if my locomotive were right here at the four spot i wouldn't have to pay anything because i'm exactly at the city that i'm delivering to or if i'm past it but if i'm behind it i would have to pay one buck for this one toll a total spot and you'll always have enough money to do that because you just earned the money from selling the cows correct so before we go into those objective cards the only city you are allowed to deliver to multiple times is kansas city in itself and over here so monique can have a whole stack right here and what it basically is is for every um token you have here at the end of the game you're gonna lose six points but the moment you deliver to kansas city you gain six bucks so hope that's clear it's a nice way to earn early money but it's a penalty it's a pretty easy steep penalty and also it looks like if you deliver to san francisco which is something i've never done then you get nine points nine points yeah yeah so that just delivering to that one spot but it is a value of 18. so okay so objective cards we all start the game with a secret objective that becomes public once the game starts and all it does is it shows you a combination of stuff that you need to acquire in order to score the points that are listed at the bottom so this example it wants me to have one of my own personal buildings a blue tp and two hazards of any type and if i can do that by the end of the game i'm gonna score five points all of the things showing must be unique to this card so if i have another card that requires hazards say if i have these two then i must have four hazards in order to meet both cards the second that you acquire one of these cards it goes into your discard pile it's gonna get shuffled into your deck just like the cows if you ever pull it into your hand it you know obviously it's going to clog up your hand you can choose to play it in front of you if you do choose to do that then you get whatever the benefit is at the very top left hand corner of the card immediately but because you chose to play it in game at the end of the game if you do not meet the requirement of the card then you get minus points and the minus points are shown at the bottom right hand corner if you leave it in your deck you can still score the card at the end end of the game but there's no risk you don't get those minus points no penalty yeah yeah but it will clog up your hand true so that is how those objective cards work and i believe the starting objectives none of them have penalties no there's four starting objectives we got two of them each are two randomly no penalties on them and since we're on the topic of teepees that was kind of like the one thing that we didn't really discuss there are these these spots here for uh tp tiles and they they're supposed to resemble trading with the natives like we're over there and we're selling goods we're exchanging goods along the way along the way if you need one of these for like the public objective cards you can go to these spots that allow you to take a tp tile from the board and uh depending on where the tile is you either have to pay coins to do so or you you you get money for doing so so think of all these ones as negatives as unfavorable trades and think of all these ones with positives as favorable trades in your in your favor in your favor and just as an fyi you do have the opportunity to acquire more movement points if i were to remove these two discs i could my my meeple can go as far as up to five spaces per action and i can also remove these to have more cards in my hand so we have a starting hand of of four cards that is our maximum hand size and um these allow you to increase that hand size at the end of your turn you always draw up to whatever that hand size is yes so if you end up discarding cards because of these different buildings then you you drop another turn and that is pretty much the end of the game the game ends once like we're mentioning once this token get gets ditched off the board whoever triggered that game end that'll be the end of the game for them and everybody else gets one more turn exactly so if i'm the one that triggered this this has a two shield on it i would get two points that would be the end of my game monique would get one more turn exactly and so at the end of the game you're going to get points for money in hand so it's every five coins is one point not the best exchange yeah pretty terrible you want to use your money you get points for the buildings that you've built the victory points that you get for for going to these areas for sandwiching in those points for those cities all of the victory points that you get for um upgrading these stations because you actually get more and more victory points as you go further down the station track all the points from the hazards that you've acquired the cow cards in your deck your objectives that you've acquired these station master tokens if you have any of those all the end game scoring four victory points each for employees in your right hand columns three victory points if you've managed to clear this spot which is the second movement space and whoever has this token gets the two victory points whoever has the most points then wins so as you can see there are a lot of different places where you can get points it's just a matter of how well you can kind of configure your strategy so that is the game in a nutshell we are going to clean up and then we're going to get started with our play through sure okay so we are all set up we're ready to play uh first thing we're going to do is reveal our public objectives and then we'll figure out who goes first all right all right so mine is this one do you want to yours is two buildings two buildings and a hazard cleared off so i'll just keep mine right over here mine is a blue teepee and two hazards for three points so i will put mine up here as well uh we need to see who goes first ready it's me so marico's first so she gets six bucks i get seven bucks for going second thanks i'll take a dollar extra so here's your seven okay and here is my six um we must also warn you that there are a lot of people who really love this game and are really good at it we are not good at this game at all i i don't know it's it's just not clicking for me so i'm gonna try my best to play strategically but feel free to let me know what my my my pitfalls were for our i guess i can't wait two bad people are playing this game right now one of us will win that's true and also for anybody who's like really really invested in this game and you want to know what building tells we're using i'm just going to read them out really really quickly okay so we're using 1a 2b 3a 4b 5a 6b 7a 8b 9a and 10a yes i can almost guarantee you that very few of these buildings are going to get built so just take that with a good assault right all right and so starting with me we're gonna get started uh to start the game you can place your meeple on any of the neutral buildings uh and so you don't actually move then you would just place it and take that exact action right away so let's go with oh i have to draw my starting hand yes that that would make sense that would lead you somewhere here we go ah no good huh no okay i'm gonna start by going to this building right here okay so this building allows me to discard a white two which is mr guernsey or miss guernsey right here and i can take two coins for doing so so i discarded guernsey out of my hand will you be employing anybody i'm taking two coins and then now i can hire one or two of these employees the first one is um the base cost the base cost and the second one is two dollars more so i'm going to hire one employee i'm gonna hire an engineer for six wow all your money huh no i just earned two more from guernsey fine so then i'm gonna take the engineer and place the oh that's right i'm gonna place the engineer in this first spot right here which gives me an immediate benefit of discarding a one from my hand which will allow me to move my cube down to take a temporary certificate so that's that and now that's it that's all i can do on that tile so i'm going to draw up to my maximum hand size of four and that is the end of my turn turns are very quick that was pretty good so now it's on to you naveen where are you going to start your great western trail journey okay i'm going to start right over here so we're going to start in the spot so i'm going to ditch a dutch belt okay green for two bucks please yep and then are you going to build a building i am going to build a building so i am going to build i'll be kind i'm not going to build the one with a hand on it okay okay i'm going to build this one right here which is 3a and what this one says is you can discard two of the same type of cards for three bucks and you can then move your your cowboy meatball to the next building over and then take an action there cool okay so so i will do that where are you going to build it it costs it requires one cowboy which you have uh not trouble sorry would you have and so it's only gonna cost you two coins two coins which are the two i just earned so where are you gonna place it uh you know i'm gonna place it i think i'll place it right over here okay i think i'll place it here okay this is a good spot also also good yes that that's me draw up to your hand size uh yes i'll just draw one card and then now i get to move and i can move up to three spaces and oh is it time to buy i'm gonna go to this spot right here and so this lets me discard two of the same uh color card i guess and in exchange for four coins so i'm going to discard my two twos for four coins and that's it i'm not going to the second thing that allows me to do is allow me to take off a hazard for seven bucks but i don't even have seven bucks yeah that makes sense that's my turn i draw up quick oh ooh you say did you make a mistake i don't know if that was that great okay so i have two options here with this fork in the road i can go this way but that's gonna cost me because of hazard so i'm gonna go up this road i'm gonna go one two to my own building and what this building allows me to do is on the left hand side it's discard two like type cows for three bucks which i'll go ahead and do so these two are gonna go out nice nice i have three dollars please oh yes and then i get to move my cowboy or my meeple one spot next and so now that's gonna allow me to then discard this black angus for two bucks oh my gosh naveen what are you doing then this symbol here allows me to now purchase a cow so i only have one cowboy in my employment so i can spend six bucks for a three for a three level cow or twelve bucks for a four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve oh my gosh you have twelve bucks how do you have all that money i don't know one two three four dollars six this is actually a good option here five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve so i'm gonna be frugal here i'm just gonna buy for six bucks with my one cowboy the level three cow which will be worth three points at the end of the game this goes into my what's the name of the uh this is a h oh why'd you ask me a air i'm sorry erin shire sorry if you know that you know oh my gosh i apologize so this does not refill here and now i'm gonna draw up my hand size that's right oh gosh well i'm going to go here sure i'm going up this track and i'm going to take this this is a one certificate it allows me to go move my cube down one or take an objective which i am not ready to do and then for every engineer that i have hired i can move my locomotive up a space so i have two engineers i want to move this locomotive up two spaces which is nice because in this game if say naveen were at one and i were at two and he needed to move forward one space he would hop over my locomotive because we don't share spots yes but because i'm two spaces forward there's gonna be no hopping uh right now not today not today so that's that back to me huh back to you yeah turns are quick okay so what i'm gonna do on my turn is i'm gonna go one two and we're gonna share this building here so we're allowed to do this in this game and i will gain a certificate on the left hand side and then because i have one engineer in my employment i will move one space over that's my turn all right uh i am going to you know i told myself i wouldn't stop at every building but it sounds like i'm doing that i'm gonna stop here because i need to flush out at least one of these cards in order to get a little bit more money over there so i'm going to first do this action which allows me to move my locomotive again per engineer that i have so i'm moving up to four now nice and then now i get to take this action which allows me to do the double auxiliary action but i don't have any spot i don't have a row once they're gonna do one so i'm gonna take this action which allows me to draw a card from my deck and then discard wow no good what is this look uh you wouldn't believe it that was not so you must already have so she discarded a black cow that means she probably has i did another black cow i might have more than that you might have more than that okay so oh really that was totally okay so you're done i'm done so i'm gonna move into the same spot that you are i will do the exact same thing but only move up one because i only have one engineer and same thing i'm gonna draw a card and hope for the best i got the worst no it wasn't the best so then i discard one card out there at least it happened to us both it did all right and now is the moment that i've been waiting for really i'm going to kansas city okay so i made it to kansas city first things first i get to choose to put out a blue tipi or a water hazard yes and so there are a lot of water hazards here already i think i'm going to go with the blue teepee yep and your private object our public objective needs a blue teepee so that's right making it cheap make it a little bit cheaper okay so yeah now we're here i choose to put out a craftsman or a cowboy let's put this will be the person that is for hire because when you place it out we'll explain it go ahead let's put out a boy so then this is going to go down and now this place is going to be this this person is going to be immediately for hire and then for the next spot let's put out let's do another cowboy okay that person's going to go right there they're coming and now i must reveal my terrible hand because i would you sell two who black angus's that's why i discarded a third i can't believe i do my third one and i have two jerseys so for a grand total of three dollars can you be spending your certificates are you just going to deliver to kansas city i mean if i deliver to kansas city i'm going to have all this money but it's going to be minus six points people swear by this this might be the time this might be the time i'm going to go to kansas city you're going to kansas let's see what happens so first of all i get my three bucks yes i actually get three dollars plus six plus six and i don't have to pay any fees because kansas city so i i'm gonna take nine bucks here five six seven eight nine nine bucks total and now i get to put a discount on kansas city that's going to be a reminder that i have to lose six points at the end of the day but it's also going to serve as an opening and then locking for one of these things it has to be a white disk it must be a white disk so i'm gonna unlock this one this is gonna allow me to move my locomotive back a space and call a card or remove a different part of my hand yeah from my uh my deck and i believe that's that's it so now we refill we refill i go back to the start of the trail and now i draw up to four cards here one two three four i don't reshuffle my deck until i run out of cards in my draw deck lots a lot of craftsmen have just come out i should have shuffled these better not good okay so i'm gonna go through the exact same procedure and protocol that monique just did so we're gonna go right over here all right what are you gonna put out all right so i'm gonna go ahead and put out let's put out a let's put a green tv let's be nice okay okay no matter what i have to put out one of these guys so we're moving along here yeah we're moving along uh now i think i'm gonna put out this engineer let's go ahead and put that person there that's one two and three i'm gonna go ahead and sell so unfortunately when i did that switch out i redrew jersey again so i have two four five that's great do you have any certificates i do have a certificate so obviously i so if i deliver here then that means i have to pay one to three bucks to deliver here oof i don't like that yeah okay i i will i'll take five bucks and i will not spend the certificate okay five bucks five bucks where are you delivering to i'm gonna go ahead and deliver to wichita over here which is gonna cost me a buck so let me put this one out here and then now i have to pay one buck because there's this little red x from where my locomotive is in there okay here's a dollar great here we go all right and then uh send your person we're back let's refill audrey phil yeah and it is now your turn now my turn all right so now i can i'm gonna jump ahead i'm gonna go one two really and so here is where i can build a building but first i will discard a two my green dutch belt in order to take two coins okay this is what's showing money bags yeah i'm like so paranoid of not having money for some reason and then i can build a building so the only buildings that are available to me are these three because these are all the level one buildings so this is if i build this in a forest area then anytime i land on it it'll get me two bucks for each building that's in a forested area and it has the hand sign so naveen would have to pay me if i build this one then i can discard a level one value to move my forward one that's kind of nice nice yeah especially because you have this one that moves you back yeah yeah i was looking at that one that is not bad do i want you to keep paying me money though that is the question you know i was merciful when i built my building yeah that doesn't really mean much these days i was merciful i'm gonna do this one rude i'm gonna be not merciful i'm building this building it costs me two bucks uh because of one craftsman which i have and i'm gonna place it right there okay so i must pay two bucks and now anytime naveen decides to go up this path instead of up the hazardous way then he must pay me two coins and that is the end of my turn pretty soon i will draw my last card and of course that's what that is so now it's your turn i should also mention that for some of these spots where you can build a building there are these like extra i think these are called risk risk actions or something and basically if i were to build my personal building there and i land on my own personal building i can in addition take whatever that action says right there if naveen landed on my building he couldn't take that that's only for the person who built their building you'll notice they're all at the terminal end of all these long hazardous roads here so that you'll see them there and there and also right here it's like a perk for going up the dangerous way yeah because because these hazards can come out here and kind of cause issues so we're living life on the wild side yeah okay so i'm going to take the slow and steady road we're just going to stop right over here i'm going to so there's a there's that and or i'm sorry there's a slash here so i'm going to take this bottom one which is pay two coins to move my locomotive so let's go ahead and up twice up twice so i'm gonna go three jump over you four to this five because i don't like paying those red x fees you wanna go inside the you know station i could but um i don't want to okay yeah i do want to but i don't have anybody to to place there so i'd prefer okay you know i'd like to just keep moving okay and then the second one here is take a double auxiliary action so i did unlock one of those so i think i will so i'm going to take this action here i'm going to draw up and then now because i have a discard pile hopefully that blue card that i purchased will show its face at some point here tell me when to stop you told me when to stop cute cowy face oh stop me yes stop there you go okay one more all right perfect and now i must discard two cards so i will discard if you can draw first and then discard we played that wrong a lot i'll describe these two these two are going to go into my discard pile okay jersey and guernsey okay that is my turn you ever had a four i have a hand of four all right that's why i discarded these two i'm going up this way because i don't have to pay my own hand so i'm gonna go one two i don't have a white two card to discard unfortunately but i do wanna hire how much mine do i have five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen 15 bucks it's a lot of bucks 15 bucks i can hire two people i'm gonna do it i'm going to hire first i'm going to hire the an engineer so that's going to be six dollars five six and i'm gonna place the engineer here which the immediate benefit lets me discard a one to gain two coins so that's going to kind of offset um not having a two to this card there i have all ones here and then for my second employee i'm going to hire a cowboy this person for uh eight dollars because it's an additional two bucks for your second employee uh hired in the same way so one two three four five six seven eight oh perfect yeah i didn't calculate that two bucks there so i have three dollars left and now i'm going to draw up to end my turn now it's back to you well i don't like that one bit um all right i'm gonna go the slow and steady road once again i'm gonna land myself over here i'm gonna get rid of a dutch bell for two bucks okay but i'm gonna also build a building so let's go ahead and figure out so i only have one craftsman so i think i'm gonna build this revenge craft i knew it i was like this looks like a spot that everybody is going to want to go to at some point so i will put it there and be rude okay so that is my two bucks back to you retaliation tactics yes an idea i like it all right so now that it's back to me i'm going to go oh i don't want to do that i'm going to go one two okay and i'm going to discard my black eggs you still have those what you still have those i don't know what i i don't know okay i'm discarding my black i guess to take two bucks and then i'm going to now purchase a cow so i have two cowboys and having two cowboys allows me to purchase one three for three bucks i only have five dollars so i think that's what i'm going to be doing sounds about right i can choose between the blue air shire or this yellow holstein i'm going to take the blue character two more points yeah it's worth more points so that cost me three bucks one two three and this is gonna go into my discard not to be used right away not too shabby and now i'm going to draw up and i end my turn solid okay so i'm gonna i'm gonna do this i have unfortunately this fee here is gonna be a problem so i'm gonna go one two three stopping here and i'm gonna go ahead and pay monique for two bucks thank you you're gonna get it back i'll get it back that's why i put it right over there so but i want the money now so uh i could i can discard two like type cards for three bucks i'm gonna go ahead and omit that oh okay but i'm gonna use the second action here which is to push me forward so it basically gives me an extra push point and then now i'm gonna discard a black angus for two bucks can i have two bucks please um yes and then now i get to buy myself a cow so i can buy this cow right here for six dollars which is exactly what i want to do so there you go that's six this holstein now what comes into my deck so it's one point but it is a different colored three different color three sort of naveen and now we don't have any threes out so that's terrible yep and i get to draw it's not good back to me yep all right i'm gonna go one two so it's paint a bean three so here's your two dollars back i'll take it uh and so this spot will allow me to get a certificate or an objective let's get a certificate and now i can move my locomotive up three spots because i have three engineers so we're gonna hop over naveen so one two and i want to go in here three i'm gonna pay two bucks to upgrade uh that's the station oh it's a white one this would be cool just in time okay i'm going to take this disc off which will allow me to call more cards from my hand and i'm going to place it here cost me two bucks so i yeah i paid my last two bucks to do so and then now i can choose to upgrade that's or to claim the station master by putting one of my employees there so i guess i will bye bye cowboy huh yeah so cowboy's gonna go there i get to take this chat so it's gonna be a permanent certificate and at the end of the game i get three points for every two hazards in my possessions so i gotta start working on that and i believe that's it okay so back to you very good so i'm gonna bypass this one i'm gonna go one bypass my own building two and then end up right where you are all right i'll take a certificate and then i'm gonna move one space on my locomotive because my engineer is only one all right so i'm gonna go over here push my locomotive three more spaces forward so one two three and then i'm going to do the double auxiliary now that i've finally unlocked a double auxiliary row i'm going to do so so this allows me to move my locomotive back one space and ditch out of my hand completely forever a card so i'm gonna go back two spaces because it's a double auxiliary and i can get two cards from my hand out of the game so i'm getting rid of my jersey one of them okay and a dutch belt one dutch belt so that's that and now i draw up hopefully i draw something good okay really good it was good it was good okay i'm excited about it okay i'm actually gonna bypass this i don't like being behind you where you get the options uh throughout the rest of the board so i'm gonna go one two we're gonna go straight to kansas city here okay so i'm gonna put out uh let's be merciful to both of us i'll put out a tv i'm going to go ahead and put out a cowboy over here okay and then i will put out a craftsman a craftsman interesting okay so it's one two three and now we're gonna sell and we have a very unique hand here wow three four five six seven eight nine and i will pay one certificate to make it a ten okay so you get ten bucks ten bucks ten dollars and so these all go bye-bye into here making money in this game and so i'm going to put out i'm going to put out albuquerque's a 10. i'm going to take this one right here which is going to add to my hand so i'm going to take this one it's going to cost me five bucks to do this yeah because it is a black bordered space he can literally put any disk it's gonna go there and now i have to pay unfortunately i have to pay fees so i think i have to pay two two dollars one two yeah so he removed the disc that allows him to increase his hand size now it's five i can drop to five now yeah that's great yep and uh that's it so as of right now just for a status count i have two buildings out so all i need is one hazard to be cleared or yeah one hazard to be cleared and then i can i can do that okay uh then i come back to the starting point and then we fill those tiles and we refill those tiles yes because it is my turn you're doing the same thing to go to kansas city oh and it looks like i don't have a choice here oh no so we could put the two out or the three out three valued what i'll do is i'll put out the two valued for no reason okay no true reason and then i'm going to put out no choice here so it's going to be a craftsman we're moving along we're oh my gosh are we halfway through the game uh i don't know uh something like that this part really stresses me out seeing that that timer go and who's gonna be the expensive future nine dollar employee probably a cowboy boy okay we'll do the cowboy and then i am going to reveal my hand and it was not as good as yours but it was pretty good two four six seven plus my permanent certificate so it's eight dollars let's see do i want to go to albuquerque also i can spend two of my certificates so i can increase my hand size you could let's do it okay i'm gonna spend two certificates so that's gonna be a total of ten so you're gonna join me and yeah and so i'm going to place the exact same disk so collect your money in albuquerque because you're gonna need uh the money to here's my 10 bucks from the sale and then now i choose my city i'm choosing albuquerque because it's a value of 10. i'm placing this disk here and it's going to cost me uh five dollars for the disc and one dollar for that fee so it's six dollars total so i get four dollars back three four and then i make my way back to the beginning and now i have a hand size of five as well so these get discarded i dropped to five one two three four five all right solid interesting gosh these need to improve okay so i'm gonna go i'm gonna go here and i'm gonna go ahead and clear out this tp right here instead of moving the train forward two spaces for two bucks i'm gonna clear out this tp take it into my possession and i'm going to gain a dollar for that because it was under this one right here so i can have a dollar please and then you can do a double auxiliary i will do a double auxiliary so i'm going to go ahead and uh i'm going to do this one where i draw two okay and discard down so i'm gonna then discard these two jerseys out so now i have five cards that i am fairly happy with okay let's go then yep that's it i'm gonna go here as well and uh do i wanna take a tp off the board or do i want to spend two bucks to move my terrain forward i'm going to forgo the first action and i'm going to do the double auxiliary so it's going to let me go back two spots okay and i'm going to discard a jersey and a guernsey out of my hand gone gone out of the game ever out of the game see ya so then i draw up and that's me done yep so i only have three movement points so i'm going to go one it's gonna go one two three and i unfortunately have to pay a toll to monique here's your two bucks uh i will get discard a guernsey to gain that two bucks back from the bank though okay and then now i have eight dollars to spend on hiring somebody so uh i think i'm gonna want you know what i'm gonna take this cowboy for five bucks okay so put that there there's five thank you uh i don't have the ability to pay or hire for another person so that's that right there and now that is the end of my turn so i will draw up you go up i draw up to five yeah two three four five six okay i have six dollars all right so i'm gonna go one two three i figured okay i um i guess i might as well discard my dirt my guernsey to take two bucks aha you did have a girlfriend i did have a grenzi and then i'm going to hire just like naveen said uh do i want to hire oh i could hire another engineer and you'd lose out on the benefit if you hired the engineer that yeah yeah that's always trying to calculate you don't have enough money i don't have enough money but oh well let's hire an engineer okay so i'm gonna hire the junior for five so that's one two three four five okay and it goes this person goes here and this benefit allows me to hire a second person at a discount of two dollars but i don't have enough money for that so that was unfortunate yep so then i get to draw up a fifth card your turn solid okay so okay so i'm gonna move we're gonna go just one spot right there oh okay one two three if you want to call it that yeah yeah uh so i'm gonna discard two like type cards i'm gonna discard two jerseys for four bucks okay you have a one uh i do yeah and then i have the option of spending these seven coins to remove a hazard which i technically need for my game but i think i will i will not do that right now yeah yeah i unfortunately won't do that so now i'm gonna go ahead and draw up to my five all right okay so then i am going to do the same i'm gonna go straight here and i'm gonna discard the two jerseys from my hand for four bucks uh let's just take a five and then i am actually going to just go to house discard seven i'm gonna pay seven bucks to get a hazard off the board because i need two hazards and i'm not working on this objective right now so here's my seven dollars and of course i'm going to remove this house yeah that makes sense it's worth the most number of points and it's one less hazard for this way so it doesn't give me incentive to go into vienna's way anymore so i'm gonna have a place i'm gonna place this right there so i know that it's there all right and then i'm going to draw up two cards very nice okay back to you okay so it's my turn i have three movement points we're going to go i'm not going to go this hazard out to i'm going to go ahead and i'm looking at those i'm thinking about do i want an objective i'm sorry a certificate or do i want to gain an objective there yeah so you know i'm gonna take a certificate i take a certificate yeah i'm gonna go certificate okay so i'll do that all right and then i'm gonna move my train my locomotive just one spot only still but i do get the leap froggy which is kind of nice it is nice there that's nice for you as well all right that's my turn uh okay so i'm going to go this way doesn't matter i don't have any money if you don't have any money you don't have to pay anything it's pretty nice so it's nice so i'm gonna take a certificate and then i'm going to move my cla locomotive up four spots so we're gonna hop over here one two three four just see we're just jetting forward i don't have any money so there's no point in me stopping bam those engineers nes you know i don't really have a plan i just uh all i knew was let's get a bunch of engineers and then obviously don't do anything with them so well you're moving along so back to you back to me huh yeah okay i'll just move one spot right over here okay uh again i'm gonna move my locomotive slowly up the mountain and then i'm gonna take a double action so i'm gonna draw two okay because i'm doing this one one two really okay so now i have to discard these two so i'm gonna discard a dutch belt and a jersey to go right there and that is my turn so i have five cards okay i'm gonna go here and i'm gonna do something that might be kind of silly but first i'm going to move my yeah i move my locomotive up four spaces so it's gonna go one two three four and then i'm gonna do the double auxiliary action i'm going back two spaces okay i'm just going two cards ditching two cards out yeah this might be ridiculous but i'm doing two twos really i am i've ditched a lot of good cards here or curating something yep and now i draw up my hand and that's it okay so my only option is to go to kansas city so we're going to go here and i'm going to put out a water hazard let's do it i'll just make it very hazardous going in the water no matter what we're going to put out a craftsman very expensive craftsman at nine bucks and then an engineer is coming in here so that's one two three four we're gonna sell we have a very nice looking selection three six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve nice so uh i'm not gonna spend any of these certificates because i'd like to bracket at el paso to get the six points at the end of the game yeah that's great i'm gonna go so i'm gonna sell these all for 12. can i have 12 please yeah 10 11 12. that is a good that's a good deal chunk of change right there right there so that's 12. um and then because i'm gonna sell it to el paso that is a potential black disc that can come off so i kind of like what monique's doing with the whole curating here but i could do this one here yep i could do this one for have a hand of six you could have a hand of six that is true so i'm gonna do that so i will put that out there so now i've bracketed this at the end of the game i'll get six points uh that's going to cost me though five dollars to do so so there's that okay and then i have to pay my fees which are unfortunately one two three bucks wow wow yeah that was expensive i need some engineering okay okay that's me so then that goes here move on back okay back uh and then we'll put out some new tiles for me because i'm following your trail here yes so i'm going up there the great western trail okay thank you i'm going to put out a blue teepee i didn't have a choice there and that's good for you moving forward i'm going to poo do we put out a you know we're full full of craftsmen so we're going to put out a cowboy let's put out a let's put on an engineer okay for three so once you're done with that we did cross this line here so d would you like to draw back up to seven because we've crossed this little yellow oh yes yeah that's what that was supposed to happen oh that's what's happening when you i believe yeah referring to there's this yellow arrow right here once this token crosses it you're supposed to uh refill the display three four five six seven there we go um solid and then i continue so i'm going to reveal my hand and i have three so everything is unique it's three four five six seven eight nine ten i have a permanent certificate so that's 11. and i'm going to spend a temporary certificate to make it 12. because i too would like to go to el paso so 10 11 12. okay and and then spending five so i'm choosing the city of el paso to deliver to and i'm going to open up my movement movement so oh or do i want more cards yeah that's the thing that's the question that is the time to ask that question yeah let's go with movement okay and it's nice because it gives me three bucks so instead of paying i'm getting more money so i don't have to pay any fees because my locomotive is all the way up there but i do get three bucks for unlocking this oh yeah yeah now i'm ready to take on the world because i have faster jet setter i'm a jet setter and then these cards go get discarded just fortunately those nice hands one two and shuffle these up all right all right back to you back to me huh we are in the last half of the game for sure i feel like i haven't done anything yeah this is bad you know i'm i'm gonna be boring i'm just gonna go here i'd really like to move my train okay so it's gonna cost two questions yeah two coins so uh here okay i get three back yep and you go ahead and move your train uh yes so i get to move up twice so i'll go one two i'm just going to skip over this there you go i know i probably should be upgrading but i don't have that many people to employ so are you gonna do the double uh yeah well i'm definitely gonna do something it's just do i wanna curate this i mean this is looking pretty good already so i'm actually just gonna take a coin i'm gonna do the single one right okay i'll take a coin please yep no problem yeah there you go okay that's your turn all right so i'm gonna go here as well but i'm going to take a tp yeah it makes sense and i really need this blue teepee so i'm taking it and it gets me a one buck because it's a favorable trade for me you know i'm going to take an auxiliary action but i'm only going to do it once and it's going to be the same one that i've been abusing so i'm going to go one step back going into this this train station here in order to discard a card out of the game so i'm discarding this jersey out of the game and now that i'm here i can decide if i'd like to upgrade the station which this will if i take this if i upgrade and i take this spot as station master then i also get to remove a hazard from the board you do need another hazard yes i thought you were doing it okay i'll do it so i'm gonna upgrade this station so it's gonna be four dollars one two three four okay and then i can place a white disk on there uh so basically any of my auxiliary disks or this bottom certificate here um i'm gonna go with this one i've been kind of regretting not doing that one so this is the one that allows me to draw a card to discard one so i'm gonna place this here so now that's gonna score me two points at the end of the game and now i can choose to become station master but it is discarding one of my valuable uh ever so valuable engineers but i think i'm gonna do it because it saves me some time i'm gonna take this and this is going to immediately let me remove either a hazard or a tp from the board i do need a second hazard and it would be nice to make this way just free so i'm taking this so now i have two hazards there this objective is gonna score and at the end of the game for every two objectives that i have i get three points so that is what that's doing for me um and that's it done yes and i drop okay so i was thinking about stopping here but i think i'm gonna just bypass it all together i'm gonna go one two three i unfortunately have to pay monique two bucks oh thank you she's so clever and i am gonna go ahead and get rid of my guernsey for two bucks back please two bucks okay there you go okay now it's time to hire some people so i don't have enough money to hire two people because it's quite expensive but i think i'm gonna hire i'm gonna hire a cowboy okay i'm gonna hire this cowboy right here for six six bucks yeah nice five six there we go and i don't have enough money to hire a second one so uh that's my turn but i do draw up to my hand limit of six okay that's me um i think i'm gonna stop here building a building yeah i am going to build it i don't have two dollar i mean i don't have a green tube to discard but i am going to build a building now that this pathway is clear this is a good opportunity to use some of these uh risky risky building spots yeah okay i still only have one craftsman so it has to be one of either one of these two and so this one will allow me to discard a one to move my train forward it's not that great or two for three bucks i think i'm gonna do this one because this will still let me push forward a spot so it doesn't really waste any time so i'm gonna build this it's gonna cost me two bucks because it's two dollars per uh craftsman and i only have one it only requires one so if i put it here in addition i can discard one card any one card to get a temporary uh certificate or i can discard a one to get a temporary certificate plus two blocks what that's so much better so i'm gonna go there okay so i'm gonna go right over here and i'm gonna discard two jerseys ah for three bucks you and your jerseys they gotta go all right can i have three bucks please oh yes sorry it's okay three there you go all right and then the next action is oh dollar overpower okay i'll give you another one okay we'll let that one uh we'll let dexter find that we'll let it literally slide uh so then this gets me a one step on my meeple so i'm gonna go here and we are to get rid of a black angus for two bucks can i have two more bucks okay and now i can buy some cows now that the cow market is refreshed so i have four five six seven eight nine but i have three cowboys i could buy this four for six bucks you could yep yep because i already have these two colors here so i think i will okay one two three four five six yes the west highland wow look at that one it's beautiful huh yeah looks like it would probably get hot yeah that's right okay and yes you gave me the four value that was very nice of you not to give me the three values i figured that's the question it is the one i wanted and uh now i just draw back up to my hand size which is six so one which is six three rub it in solid okay so i'm gonna do something similar i'm gonna go one two three four because i have four uh movement now and i'm going to discard the black angus as well for two coins and then i'm going to purchase a cow and i only have one cowboy i'm not been doing very well in the cowboy uh cowboy game yeah so i can only purchase a three for six dollars or a four for 12. a three for six dollars sounds probably more reasonable so let's do it six dollars for this yellow three because you already have the blue we already have the blue right so it's gonna go in my discard and that's that are you draw up to five back to you you know i'm gonna do this i'm gonna go i'm just gonna go one spot here i'm gonna get rid of two identical guernseys for four bucks okay which is gonna make my four plus three a seven so i'm gonna clear off a hazard because i'd like to get that thing taken care of so i have no money so then i will clear off this hazard here because i don't like that being a thing okay so i'll put that hazard there so this is satisfied because i have two buildings on the board plus one hazard here so that will score me three points at the end of the game okay and i should probably draw up to my six gosh what do i want to do here i'm going to go i'm actually going to go one two your newly acquired yeah my newly acquired building let's let's make things work two like type for three bucks oh and i can do the one the one card for a temporary okay so we're gonna get some money here so here's the two like type i got my two white twos okay for three dollars one two three and then i'm going to discard um a one the guernsey so she's doing this printed jersey jersey jersey yeah i mean yeah i'm doing the printed one the risky one to get a temporary certificate as well as two more bucks so let's take a five and give back a three one two three and then i'm going to do the right hand action which lets me move forward one and take this action which is going to let me take a secret objective or another certificate and then move my train so i think i'm gonna take an objective this time okay and i'm probably gonna go with this one really yeah i thought you're gonna go for the san francisco one i don't know if i'm gonna get there just i mean you have the engineers to do it and you're about to move right now you're literally gonna get there i don't know uh to get to san francisco i need to pick i need to have that much in my hand i don't have a whole lot of good scoring cows i thought you're curating your hands um i am but it's not been curated that well yeah so i definitely have a building that's not currently meeting any objectives so i might as well take this because the other three things are easier to get sure that goes into your discussion i tried to keep it you know uh does this really feel automatically it does exactly yeah there we go so now you have a look at you that looks like something i would want ten five do you have a five i do not okay well better work on it so now i can move my locomotive up to three spots since i lost an engineer so one two three not quite in in an inlet yet and that's me and now i draw up to five i have to shuffle this yeah okay so i'll go i'll go one two here where you are okay um and man i kind of like that one that came out you do kind of kind of yeah okay i'll take it so i'm gonna take the action of taking an objective and i'll put that into my discard so i don't get the certificate uh and then i do get to move my train just one spot i don't have an engineer so making those fees a little bit less though that's nice okay your turn all right i'm moving forward one i'm gonna move my train but i'm only moving at one spot because i would like to upgrade this station okay so i'm paying six dollars to do that and then now i can pay oh let's do this i'm paying the extra five dollars to now increase my hand size because this is a blackboard spot so i can put that there so you paid costs additional five i paid twenty paid to six eleven yeah i paid the six plus five for this spot so i have a hand size of six cards i'm not going to upgrade this station because i want to keep my station masters or am i sorry i'm gonna i want to keep my engineers and then i'm gonna do the double but i think i'm gonna do this one this time so i'm gonna draw two cards and then discard two cards let's discard these two and then i can draw one more now that my hand size is six yeah that's right all right and that is me so back to you okay back to me so i'm just gonna follow along right here okay and just move up one space because i still only have one engineer and i get to do one of those doubles so i think i'm gonna do the thing where i'm searching so i'm gonna draw two just like monique did one two and discard down two so i'll discard the ones that are not like okay so these two are gonna go out these should all be nice and unique okay your turn return yeah okay so i'm gonna go to kansas city but before i do i have my objective card in my hand so i'm gonna play it and do the immediate benefit which lets me move up three spaces on the train track so one two three i'm here at 19. and then uh now i must i must go so here we go first step is put out a hazard tp or hazard so you need another blue teepee i do yeah let's let's put out a tp leave the hazard to me what there's a teepee and then i i'm going to put out oh gosh so you're determining how much that person's going to be yeah yeah oh no let's put out an engineer okay next spot is 10 10. yeah and then you could put a tp or a cowboy let's delay the game a little bit okay put out a tp nice i like it and then uh now i will reveal my hand i have three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven for my permanent one and then i do have a couple i have two temporary certificates but where do i wanna go is the question i could go to santa fe the max you can do is 13 so yeah you have to go to santa fe oh this side refills so that will make your decision a little bit better look at that you put out a green teepee you didn't even know it i know it's actually not bad that's a pretty good card i think i will go to santa fe yeah because you cannot because you'll have a max 13 right and san diego cost 14. yes so you must go so you always have kansas city i still get the money for you get the count the cow value the cal valley so 3 4 5 6 eight nine ten eleven so i get eleven dollars eleven five ten eleven and then now uh yes eleven did you count the the certificate as your eleven is that what it was i have a permanent certificate that's how that yeah three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven yeah so then these get discarded and now i choose what city to go to and i'm going to go to santa fe so going there is not going to cost me any fees i just get to put out one of my discs so white one yes and it is going to bracket here with albuquerque in santa fe so monique is going to be able to eventually grab one of these or she could top deck if she's not happy with any of those four right um let's do oh do i want to pay a coin to move my train forward that's a nice option it's a good option yeah let's do this yeah money's flowing now yeah i use phone so place it there and then now i can take an objective i can take one of these four because i think i'm gonna take this one actually yeah i mean you just put out the green right here yeah this is i still am working on my other two hazards for that card so that would have been a little bit too expensive okay and then i come back can you please see my meeple yep coming back home and drawing up to five months one two yeah all right and it's back to you well i have to go now so i'm gonna do this and i'm definitely putting this hazard all up there i knew it yes i can't let you just have that achievement and we're gonna go here and who's gonna be expensive wow we're gonna make cowboys expensive why not and then we're gonna make cowboys really expensive so this is gonna go here though and now we cross the yellow barrier here okay so we get more cows so we're one two three four five so only two more cows come out we have another west highland this is a lesser value than the other ones and one more oh there's that other three oh there it is there it is ah unique cows all right so now i'm gonna sell and we have a very nice looking stock today so we have 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13. i'm going to spend a certificate to make it 14. that's going to allow me to put in san diego here bracketing these two getting me eight points at the end of the game i like this whole curating thing that monique has been doing lately so i'm gonna do that put that right over there okay okay very good there uh fees i pay a buck i should probably get my money that's probably smart sorry yeah so three two six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen you spent one i did okay so just give me thirteen because i have to pay one dollar fee okay 12. almost dropped 13 and you went to san diego you are climbing up the ranks there in the city we going yeah we are we're moving all right and that is me i believe and now we got to refill these guys tp hey look at another green teepee money oh i just realized i have a hand limit of six one two three four five six great okay so now it's in my hand yeah going to go to this spot because that's the only spot really right now that allows you to remove a tp from the board and to curate your hand i really need that blue teepee so let's do this it's going to get me a coin um and then i can do the auxiliary actions i'm a little bit scared of ditching cards now that my hand is so small yeah so i think i'm gonna do i think i'm gonna do this one this double auxiliary action so i can draw two cards and then i discard two i'm gonna discard these two my two jerseys goodbye jerseys that's me so back to you back to me okay so i'm gonna be a little bit cheap here i'm going to take this okay green so i have two these green ones i should have had that one yeah you should have two bucks two bucks for you and then now i can do this whole move my train back to discard a card yeah you should i should huh yeah i'll do it i'll move back one to discard a card so i'm gonna move this one back and i'm gonna get rid of jersey jersey you have served me very well but you're gonna go bye-bye out of the game for me and uh that's it and now i get to i'm gonna play this card one of my objectives okay this one requires a three level card a four level card and a five level card so this is active now so if i fail this i lose two points but if i'm successful i gained five because i played this card um i get to move up three up to three spots up to three spots without paying any fees that you see but you don't get to take the action wherever you land is that right yeah i don't get to take the action you say you do not not for those cards not for those cards okay that's fine uh so we're gonna go one two we'll just hang out here okay and i will not take an auxiliary action yes another person's building so i don't pay money yeah you sound so proud of that all right so i am going to go [Music] one two three okay i am going to discard who are you hiring the guernsey for the two bucks and then i'm going to hire the first one i'm gonna hire is this engineer nice for six six dollars you are in the engineering hiring game yeah and uh hiring this person is gonna allow me to hire a second person for a discount of two dollars which i can finally use now i'm gonna hire a cowboy so the cheapest the most affordable cowboy is this one here so it's cost uh seven dollars i'm going to pay five for that cowboy and that's it so now i draw so you could technically hire a third one then right i could technically hire 30 because she's technically did this this she didn't do this she got the second higher because of the the token that she did so technically she had enough money i have to do this the ability to i don't have enough money to and so i'm not going to okay so it is your turn hiring somebody would kind of be nice but i'm looking at this juicy cow right over here this this is if you're if you're wondering this is the juicy cow it's a seven-point texas longhorn i think it's the best cow i believe in the game it's pretty glorious i mean look at that it's a seven-pointer beauty because remember at the end of the game for every five dollars you get one point yeah so that would cost me twelve dollars for seven points that's a pretty good exchange pretty good and it's something i can then use so i'm gonna go ahead and bypass we're gonna go one two i'm gonna stop here okay i'm gonna discard two greens to get three bucks okay here's five if you give me two yes thank you and then because of um because of this next action here i get to move over uh there's a black angus going out sorry so i'll take the two backs yeah it's all for accounting here and now you can uh purchase it yeah we will purchase mr texas longhorn five ten eleven twelve because i have i have three cowboys so i'm gonna do this one right over here so i'm actually going to see you have one more cowboy yeah so let me let me figure out what i want to do so that's going to be out so he has three cowboys total he's spending two cowboys on purchasing the five for twelve dollars which is what he just did and now he has one cowboy left you can either choose to purchase another i can purchase this this one right here which is the one i don't have you can for six dollars yes that's true yes you can yeah okay i'll do it i'll spend six bucks let's do it here you go and i'll take that red cow okay we got a nice selection here and that's the end of my turn uh so now i get to draw it back up to six i'm jealous you took the cow that i wanted did you want the big one i did the big daddy yep because you bought that camera i don't know i wanted that red thread another red one yeah yeah what a shame my cow offerings are very slim fine all right i'm gonna go this way one two three i'm discarding two of my black black angus and guy to get four bucks so here's five discarding one and then i'm going to remove a hazard from the board for seven dollars so five six seven and i'm removing this one of course it's going to go into my hazard collection i do need to to get those so and then now i get to draw up so i'm going to draw one and reshuffle this it's back to you okay i think i'm gonna i think i'm gonna be boring and just come on over here and i'm gonna get rid of two jerseys for four bucks okay and i i don't have enough money so i'm just gonna take a five and give back a one and i don't have enough money to um clear off a hazard so that's me all right before i move i'm going to play my uh my objective card here because it's going to give me the ability to draw up three cards and discard so i can basically draw these three yeah one two three and then i can discard i think i discard three okay i will discard these three these three and then where am i gonna go now i'm gonna move okay i'm gonna go one two and that way which how'd you go you avoided my total i'm assuming oh sorry i'm gonna go one two uh kindness and that way i can either get an objective do i want to get another objective am i going to be far reaching now no you're working pretty hard there monique i don't know i'm working hard i am working hard i still need to get another hazard i'm going to take a certificate and i'm going to push my train forward four spaces so one two three four stop that we're going we're going you're going and that's the end of my turn i'm going to draw this last card okay uh so i'm just going to join you here one two i'll take a certificate and then i'm gonna move my train itty bitty one okay you done yeah that's it all right we're going we're going home to kansas city so let's put out a green teepee sure let's put out oh it'll be oh we were supposed to refill oh you did we did yeah okay it's going to be let's put out a cowboy um and then an engineer there are a lot of craftsmen out there we are nearing the end of the game we're getting close yeah and so i'm going to reveal my hand i have 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 twelve thirteen my uh permanent one is fourteen so you can get into san diego i can san diego which i probably should do yeah it's eight eight points at the end of the game yeah and it costs a white i'm gonna i'm gonna unveil this one nice so i can have an extra certificate spot sure and actually i should get my money first you should always always do this out of order 5 10 11 12 13 14. okay because you pay no fees yeah and now i'm going to decide on the city which is san diego play that there i don't pay any fees and i come home and then everything gets discarded and i draw up but because i have to draw up i need to oh my gosh so many craftsmen out there so there's a green teepee for you for me yeah for you thank you yes uh okay let's go ahead and slip on in here i get to move so i'm just gonna go one spot over and then i can do a double auxiliary now do i want to draw up two yeah okay i'll do this one right here where i drop two one two oh are you serious that doesn't sound good it's not good no it's not good dang it totally not what i wanted to happen i'm at 23 right yeah okay dang it okay those two will go there well that's me oh you're done yeah i think so okay that was not good sorry i'm gonna go this way for value cow go ahead go ahead there's a lot of uh upsetness going on over here it's pretty upsetting that was yeah that was pretty upsetting all right i'm going here uh and i'm going to take a tp off the board i'm going to take this one and it's going to give me a coin because that was a favorable trade and then now i'm going to do a auxiliary action of choice you know what i am going to do this one last time oh my gosh my hand size is going to be your hand size probably really they have cows yeah uh i'm gonna do it i don't know what it is so i'm gonna do it let me know this is gonna be this might be ridiculous i'm gonna do it yeah i'm doing this double auxiliary action spot okay i'm gonna push my train back two spaces let me go one two into that uh spot right there and in doing so i get to ditch two cards out of the game out of the game i'm digging these two out nice no jersey i'm just like i mean you're picking up points along the way though that's nice so what's gonna and i'm gonna upgrade that just pay eight bucks i have to pay eight dollars yeah five six seven eight six seven eight and i'm going to place this spot this this tile here so now i can move up to five spaces and it's going to be three points at the end of the game so that was eight points for eight bucks which is not bad so you're just gonna jet set now is what you're saying i'm gonna try yeah and that's it that's my turn well then that means i need to rush the game might have to wrap it so let's go here i'll put out so the water hazards are full but i do have the right to do this where it's like whoop out of the game because i would rather not have to put towards that this one's gonna go here it's gonna slip on in and then i think i will put out another craftsman here because i don't like what you're doing with that speed okay just to make the score look a little more respectable in my favor by doing that so that's that uh we're gonna go here and we're gonna deliver so three four five six seven eight nine ten i unfortunately did not pull my four card that would have that would have been nice so ten uh i'm gonna just take ten bucks as it is and then deliver to santa fe over here with this white so i'm going to go ahead and take this one deliver to santa fe so i get 10 bucks please okay two fives i have no fees because it's all behind me nice very good um and then because i bracketed albuquerque and santa fe i can take one of these do i like any of those what is that san francisco so let's just have just have a single one in san francisco right is that what i mean yes that is what that means okay i'll take it yeah it doesn't mean i have to play it so correct i'll just take it and then that's going to go there this will flip up oh look it's the same thing another time it didn't matter i was thinking about top picking it okay so that's me so then we go here we go here i'm going to refill all this stuff blue teepee cowboy and cowboy all right so now it goes back to me and i do i want to buy cow that is my question right now okay i'm gonna take a little bit of a risk okay but uh we're gonna try so i'm gonna go one two three four five wow and so i can discard jetsetter monique my black angus for two bucks so it's two bucks now cow purchases eleven dollars here and now i can purchase a cow i have two cowboys so with my five six seven eight nine ten eleven oh so you're just short of buying this cow oh and this guy and that cow i can only buy this three you can oh my gosh wow i can't believe i was a dollar short how'd that happen that's why this auxiliary action is just so interesting because it's just like how did that happen one dollar short all right i'm just gonna not buy a cow yeah i'm not gonna bite go one two three four five i'm just gonna drop my last card here all right that's me that was anti-climactic okay i'm gonna go here gosh what's your what's your movement points one two three four five six you can deliver right one two three four five oh okay yeah yeah i can but that would be the end of it probably right it could be well we'll see i don't know are you panicking i'm panicking so far and i don't have speed that's my problem so i would probably spend two bucks okay can i have three bucks back to move my locomotive there you go so i'll move my locomotive two spaces one two and then i can take the double auxiliary which would be possibly this one to get a little bit better situation here for me i mean it's so close to the end i might as well just draw two and make my best decision so i'm gonna do this one i'm not gonna go back on the train okay so i'll do one two give me one second the stress is high this dress is like here right now ah okay we'll just get rid of two jerseys bye-bye goodbye okay cool okay so i'm actually gonna go here first because i'm not going to discard any cards i'm going to pull a hazard off for seven bucks because i knew i needed another hazard for this objective here which you probably can't even see can you see this there you can kind of see it i needed a second objective right now it's getting tight so let's i have to pay the seven so five six seven and then i'm going to take this one sure three pointer three pointer and now that has been fulfilled fulfilled so that's my turn back to you okay so i'm gonna go one two three over here i'm gonna have to pay the bank two bucks not you you didn't pay me how could you uh let's go ahead and get rid of a guernsey for two bucks back you have two bucks please oh yeah here you go thank you and then i'm gonna hire i should probably hire a who's the cheapest cowboy this guy right here because then that'll allow me to take a hazard and hazards the best case hazards is three dollars so i'll take this cowboy for six bucks put it right over here so let me pay the six for that first cowboy okay that's gonna put it right there that allows me to take a hazard i'm just gonna go ahead and remove this hazard clearing off my pathway that way it's a little late for that but um and then i could hire somebody else how much money do i have i have eight dollars if i didn't have to pay that fee if you hire an engine oh well yeah if you hire an engineer you can discard a one from your hand if you have it i unfortunately discarded these two jerseys when i did this action over here so let's just say i don't have any more jerseys okay in my hand so uh well then yeah maybe we just call that well then wrap it up okay so let's go ahead and do exactly that i'll wrap it up and draw one card to get me back up okay cool all right so i'm gonna go i'm gonna go to kansas city we're gonna go one oh no we're not going that way we're going one two three four and um i mean yeah let's put out this hazard right there nice i wish it was out there when i took it that's at this point it doesn't really matter i don't think yeah i don't think so so let's put out this oh let's put out a craftsman sure and then we're going to put out a tv because i do still need to get my second teepee okay for uh my objective here so we don't want to put out us another person's just yet okay and i'm gonna reveal my hand i have three six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen i wanna get to sacramento so i have 14 with my permanent certificate oops going flying across the table and so i'm going to spend two of my certificates to make it into 16. too but i don't have 18. one short why don't i have 18. three six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen okay all right sorry that was my fit yeah and so let me get my money it was fifteen sixteen and these get discarded and now i will choose to deliver to sacramento and i can take out any of these really i mean i just take this one you're not bothered i'm not bothered so okay so i'll get you four points at the end of the game yep and then i returned back home yes so we are really neat this is pretty much yeah we're wrapping up okay lots of cowboys out there now all the cowboys all the cowboys there but now it goes to you mac to me okay so do i buy a cow i'll go one two here okay i will i'm gonna keep the black angus in my hand and i'm just gonna buy so i have four cowboys now okay so i'm gonna buy this cow right here another texas longhorn for six bucks there you go this texas long one comes to me and then that is my turn and now i'll draw back up unique okay i'm gonna go here easy turn and i'm going to take the last uh green tv that i needed for my objective and i get a coin will you be curating your hand um no you can also uh for your auxiliary just take a coin yeah i'm just gonna take a coin because i've been one coin short yeah that's right yeah a couple of times this this game yeah that's me now it's on to you so i think i still only have three movement points huh yep so you can't make it to kansas city just yet not yet but i have a feeling you're gonna be the one ending the game yeah which means i'm gonna have one additional turn yeah okay so i'm gonna go one two three and i think so i'm gonna take this action first okay you can do that out of order so i'm gonna go up well if i go into here i can then do the station master thing right yeah you can you can you can upgrade the station and claim the station master oh no so you do i have to pay this in order to upgrade the station master yes you upgrade the station yeah if you're the first one if you're only gonna have two boxes we're just gonna skip on back there uh and then i can take an objective card you know i'm just gonna i'm gonna i think i'm gonna top deck it and stop for the best okay so it is oh no i'm not in any of this game just putting those station things there oh give it to me well it's not gonna score because it's not in my great display well that's that your turn oh my turn okay i should have taken this um i think maybe okay i'm gonna go um one two three i'm not gonna discard well i guess i'm not gonna make it to kansas city anyway so i might as well do it i'm gonna discard the guernsey for two coins oops so two coins and then i'm going to hire two people so the first person i'm gonna hire is this engineer here okay we're six because it's gonna be four points now yeah so six coins and the second person i'm gonna hire is is another engineer but it's gonna cost 10 now this person's gonna cross ten because it's plus two so here's my ten and i'm gonna place this engineer here and the immediate benefit i forfeited the original benefit by the way okay so that i can take this benefit which lets me discard a one for four coins yeah that's nice so i only had one one so i figured i'd save it now i'm full up 100 years eight points worth of just people and that's it that's my turn so i draw back up to six i get to shuffle my two card deck here someone stop what's up okay okay your turn all right my turn huh so go to kansas city well let's see what do you have if you don't go to kansas city two three four five you can go to kansas city exactly so all right [Laughter] taking your sweet time on the great western trail i am yeah so we're gonna go one two i'll put out this hand uh put out the cowboy so this is gonna end the game which gives me this two points that's true i'll take it yeah yeah that's that and then um i'll put out oh it doesn't matter so we have four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen nice are you gonna get two seventeen get me to san francisco and i'll take this one off right here it's gonna give me three points in the game for having this movement i think you have to go in this order i don't think so no no oh yeah yeah you're right so it doesn't you don't have to do it in that order that's fine because i'd like to have three and a 12 point delivery for you yeah so because coming here with a sandwich and only give me four points but this is gonna be that plus i have that san francisco card i'm gonna say san francisco was definitely the right thing to do that's the right one so i'll just remove one of these guys out because you're still on that i gotta go all right and then i should probably get all the money uh that was uh 18 18 yeah we just got so excited that we're just like not doing anything which is nice because the exchange at the very end of the game is for every five that'll give me exactly 20. okay there you go thank you so this is your last turn okay i have one last turn because naveen knocked off that token so everybody else gets one final turn so we got to make it count uh huh what can we do can i even meet any of these objectives i didn't i didn't get a four you can top deck cow i don't want it there's no penalty for top decking quality four points um no i'm actually just gonna go and and try to get here because i have one two three four five yes we can do it so we're gonna go one two three so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to take an objective i'm going to top deck it haha three four five yeah definitely not yeah but at least i have it on my discard sure at least i have it for it for that end game scoring thing and then i'm going to move my locomotive up one two three four five six so i'm gonna go one two three four yeah five i was like can i even make it here but no that's all so i pay seven dollars five six seven and i'm going to upgrade that station none of these it doesn't matter now so i'm just going to put this here let's just put the this one there make it look good and that's it blue out there that's my whole again yes i have five dollars left you basically counteracted your kansas city penalty with that one that's good yeah that's true i forgot about that penalty thanks reminding me so that is game that is the entire game we're gonna go into final scoring let's do it let's use a scoresheet official score sheet there's like 12 different scoring parameters or something something wild okay first things first is money five five bucks one point so i have twenty dollars so it's going to be a four point points i have five dollars exactly five so one point for me four for you already winning naveen next thing is uh i think they're points for buildings yeah i think i get uh so go ahead you're first so you have this one building that building so you have two points two points and same with me one and one yeah so two and two two and two okay like the spread so far all right now we get points for our uh for the cities okay that we delivered too okay so that's six ten eighteen plus six is 24 minus six minus six so eighteen so i have nine for san francisco yep nine for san francisco you have 86 17 plus six is twenty three four thirty five okay you are doing you're doing well so far uh we score for these now yeah i have none so i have one two three four five six plus five is eleven plus six is seventeen yeah seventeen to nothing seventeen uh and then now we score our hazards okay so i have one two three four of them so one two three of them are worth three points each so it's nine plus four is thirteen thirteen very nice how about you uh i have six points worth six points okay then we score our cow cards cow cards okay look for all of the cow cards in your deck oh boy and anything that has points so mine is easy i only only purchased two cows the entire game so four points okay i have several cows here so let's see if i can think this is where naveen is making his millions some ground here okay so i have all these purchased cows so we have two make that nine 14 18 19 20 21 22 22 22 wow uh our objectives objective cards okay so i have one that i didn't meet but it was in my deck so it's not gonna dock me any points um this one required here let me just show you sure this required a tp and two hazards that's what these three things are so three points this one required a building a building a blue teepee and two hazards so i have one building over there and i have all of the other things that's five points and then my third one required just any um any disk upgrade i guess you definitely have that go out and two green tpus which are here so three points i have a total of 11 points in objectives nice yeah okay so these two were in my hands so i did not satisfy this one so it's not a penalty so that's just gonna be out okay so let's look at this one so i'm in san francisco yep that's five uh-huh so five points there this one required a hazard and two houses or buildings i have that so that's another three so that's eight okay and then this one right here required one of each type of cow three four five i have a three four five so another five okay so that's going to be 13. 13. wow next thing is safety master tiles and i have two of them which were these two and so this is going to give me three points for every two hazards that i have i have four hazards so that's six points i know my area is such a mess a mess is a good thing in this game so six points for this and then this is um three points for every two objectives that i have completed or not so i have four objectives so that's another six points that's 12 total to my zero i have none of those yeah okay uh people any of the people in our two last columns i needed another turn to get to get to this guy right here i wanted to jet pack so i could buy another cowboy or two money no so zero so i have two of them so it's eight points and then we have uh if you have uncovered the three point space then you get points for that and whoever gets the two point marker which is that right all right and then now we do some math so one second okay so final scores are in and it was actually not not too far spread not yeah there was a couple zeros though for me that i'm like i had a zero okay so it was um you had a zero on the not having this two token at the end of the game well no okay what i meant is you there was one where you scored 22 points and i scored four so there were some there were some spreads some stuff yeah so uh the final scores were uh monique with 89 and naveen with 75. so low that's it that's it that is great western trail i must admit that i we played this game a few times and gosh this game just like never clicked with me and then we played with with a friend of ours who was really good at this game and i kind of saw what he was doing i'm gonna do that i'm gonna try that strategy so this is not like an original strategy that i did but i guess it won the game so nice well done he did it thank you okay so we just finished our two-player playthrough of great western trail this is one that uh we had been wanting to play for a while on the stream so uh here it is i feel like the the reason why we chose alexander fister to begin with was because of this game i think so there were so many people i mean this game has like a cult following there's so many people who love this game so much uh and they know all the ins and outs of the strategies because this this is a game with a lot of depth and this game does have an expansion we have tried it and uh the expansion has to do a lot with the cities it kind of expands the way that the upper side of the board works yeah it's called like the northern rails i think um and it makes that whole engineer and all that stuff that's going on with the little trains yeah i don't remember it yeah that it exists it exists so what do you think of it yeah this is a this is a good one i like this one a lot um it's interesting because i've the more and more i play it the more i keep telling myself i need to be more efficient with my cards and my hands and i know i need to get to kansas city and sell more but i find myself stopping along the way a little bit too frequently and not just pushing ahead and selling those cattle um but i feel like every time i play i get a little bit better and so i like when games do that when when you see strategies uh kind of kind of unfolds every time you play yeah how about yourself so this game historically for me is a game that i have not enjoyed right i think in a previous video specifically and the reason i'm mentioning this is because in a previous video i specifically stated that and so i i feel like i probably should speak on it um now that we've played it a lot more times then i had played it at that time i do like the game a lot more every i feel like every time i play it uh i i enjoy it a lot more um there is still something that's holding me back from loving it still something but uh we are going to talk about that a little bit more sure in the rest of the interview yeah this is what is this our sixth game in the series six yeah yeah sixth so the sixth in the series and it's uh it's we're getting into the heavier ones you know like we did mombasa and i felt like that was sort of like our inside peek at the heavier stuff that alexander fister started to design after a while and this is like true his first i want to say his first true like heavy euro right yeah i would say this is the one this is it's the next step yeah yeah so it's it's impressive to see him go from all those other designs to this one because again i don't see a whole lot of similarities it's very unique compared to all his other stuff yeah where does all the other stuff uh after this you'll see we're going to play like maracaibo and you will see similarities between that game and this one but in terms of everything else that led up to this design it's this is this was a fresh another fresh fresh unique innovative design especially at the time yeah right so let's start with theme uh what are your thoughts on the theme um western themes for me aren't typically my favorite but what you're doing here uh makes thematic sense you know you're basically taking your cattle and improving upon it trying to get to kansas city and sell it so um you know what it is a pretty thematic game yes technically you know um it could technically be anything else but for what it's doing and for the name of the game and the mechanisms of the game it is quite thematic it is yeah yeah um i think that part of the lack of enjoyment on my part is from the theme i just don't like westerns like that that's not something that's not at all the fault of the game or the design it's totally it's completely aesthetic pure your own subjective opinion yes pure subjective opinion so that is that's part of it that's a big part of it i think the game integrates the theme really really well i think that you know the whole great western trail part of it is is really smart in the way that you're going up to kansas city you're selling your your cattle everything every three workers every everything the way that the mechanics work and the way it's integrated in the theme has really done well so um what about uh player count and replayability we've played this at all player accounts two three and four yes two three and four i i would i feel like it scales really well it does yeah because the timing of the game it's all it's all really just dependent on how many of these um how many of the employees come out and how how often we're kind of pushing the employees further further down by by going to canada yeah there's definitely less player interaction it's a lot harder to evade other people's buildings when there's four people at the table because it's the same size board and it's the same trail yeah but in a in a higher player account yours your initial speed is is greater so as more people build more buildings you can actually go further uh just baseline without having to take those those uh tokens off that's true so i guess i i i was more uh referring to paying people like when you put up buildings and have to play yeah so other than that um it scales really well uh in terms of replayability wow this game the reason why uh it's i feel like part of the reason why people love it so much is because you can keep replaying this thing but you can just get this game and have this game as like your only heavy euro and like really play it so many times and just learn really where you're going every time you play it a lot of the strategy has to do with the way that the employees come out the pricing of them yeah the pricing of them and what uh combination of types of employees are available and which ones players are taking that's going to i feel like that molds a lot of your strategy that's like one of the main things that holds your strategy the employees they are your that is the engine building part of the game you you get more and more employees that will help you do better and better things you can build your bigger buildings or you can purchase uh higher scoring cows for a cheaper price or push your locomotive all the way up front it really just depends on what you find important and what the other players are taking away from the hiring area here right and so that the way that they come out is always going to be different the the private buildings that we use there are eight of or sorry there are ten of them double-sided and you randomize them so that in itself the way that you utilize them because i have heard that craftsman is truly the best strategy yeah even though i cannot get that to work ever for people out there who do use a craftsman as a strategy you know very well how important these buildings are so that adds a lot to the replayability of the game and even just the starting placement of these building tiles it doesn't sound like a lot because you can kind of randomize them on the board but it actually has a big effect on the way that the game is played because if you have several of you know money-making spots close to kansas city or you know just depending on their orientation with each other it does affect the way that you play the game so a ton of replayability here and like navin was mentioning every time you play the game the strategies unlock more and more yeah you see more of the efficiencies because it is it it's technically a deck builder so you see more of the efficiencies of like oh man i like i like having these two like jersey cards so that i can go to that spot to discard them for some more cash but then you're realizing that you know what forget jersey like let's just get to kansas city and sell the big boys you know yeah yeah so um yeah there's all those like little little more discoveries that i'm getting every single time i play this game yeah and then going into the mechanics i mean there is so much to un-package with this game um one of the things that i like the most is the timing of how it's played it's very there's not a whole lot of like sitting and waiting around for somebody's like really epic turn because a lot of these heavy heroes are like well i'm gonna have this awesome turn and everybody's gonna sit and watch me and it's like this combo after combo in this game you move you do the action of the building there's a second action his second action yeah yeah and then when you get to kansas city that's pretty much the only time that your your turn can become a little bit longer but it's only it's five steps and it's actually not that long either i mean three of the three steps are put out of token yeah the timing and flow and once everybody like really knows the game and everybody's just kind of going it just goes like you move take your action draw up next player and it's pretty much like that the entire game i will say though in our particular play we didn't put out too many buildings so it's true if there is a heavy building strategy because your speed is dictated by how many buildings are in front of you um it can slow down the game if everyone is building a lot on that's right so that that is something we played kind of like a safe game honestly yeah there there's a lot more uh interaction that can come into play here with people going the hazard route or like just getting more of these buildings out to make the the trail longer we didn't do we didn't do any buildings yeah i did two you did too yeah but otherwise the actual mechanics in this game are really interesting it's combining deck building with work replacement essentially action selection i mean you're technically placing a worker and doing the function so it's technically work replacement but really it's a big rondelle you know the trail is just this rondelle that you keep going around which is not necessarily new but the thing that's interesting is this rondelle snakes it it uh it it forks the fork you know you play a rondelle game and it's the same circle that you kind of go around and then you you do that until the game ends here you have choices along the way you have options and you're constantly forced with a decision that's going to affect you know impact the entire yeah yeah i think it's cool that like i put that uh that place where that with the hand that has the fee and then you're like okay fine i'm gonna work my way towards chipping away at the hazards and go the other way right and then establish your own section on the trail that was your own unique building where you can get extra benefit from so that's that's kind of what you're saying like that things can fork and things can change yeah it's not the same stale rondelle over and over right and that's just on the you know it's just on the trail itself the game had there's so much to this game like the the actual actions on the building tiles they're not complicated at all they're very simple actually and they have a lot of them have to do with discarding specific cards in your hand to help you with the deck building aspect of it but it's also not a deck builder in the sense of other deck builders because all you have in your deck are cows yeah and it's just a means to an end right your cows are just going to dictate how much money you make and what city you can go to by the time you get to kansas city so you still want to build up that deck but it's a very different application right i think what i struggle with the most and what the true thing that that takes away from the enjoyment of the game for me is i have such a hard time figuring out what to focus on like the the first couple times that i play this game i know it's called great western trail yeah so you need to go up this trail and then you need to sell your cows in kansas city but that's not necessarily i feel like that's almost like a distraction to focus on that part of it because there are 11 ways that you can earn points in this game and it's not just going to kansas city kansas city is just going to get you the points on this on the cities i would call it really ten ways to score points the eleventh way is getting is being the one to trigger the end game you can still get it there's ten ways to score points this game but i guess that's my point that there it's it's it's kind of a scattered game like you need to figure out where to get these points there are these all these different ways to do it and you need to figure out how you're going to do that and i really struggled with that part of it because there's a scoreboard so it's just like i think i'm doing okay here i have a bunch of nice cows and but then yeah like i'm dropping these these uh tokens off along the way and i think i'm scoring that's what it is there's no scoreboard so you don't know how people are doing and you can see where the points are like you can see points literally on the cows you can see them in these cities and in the train stations on your objective cards but the points are all like anywhere from one to like five points so they never seem like a lot yeah you know you really need to get a lot of it for me it's like okay there's this trail i'm going to stop on every building on the trail but that's actually it's your death that's my part that's my problem you after a certain while you need to get your butt to kansas city and you need to do it again and not just kind of take like the long yeah the long road and that's another part yeah the player board yeah the player figuring out which disc to remove how do you know which disc is going to serve you in that moment right yeah you were shy a dollar on one so then that's like wow how'd you have that one extra the auxiliary actions are just so good you want them all so like i don't know what order to remove those discs in and it impacts a lot more than you think it would yes um like do i want speed or do i want the extra card in my hand one costs money and the other one gives you money but it's nice to have more than four cards in hand yeah because ultimately the more variable cows you have when you get to the kansas city the more money you make the more you turn and burn anyway that is great western trail um in the end what are your thoughts after you please i i still like it a lot um i like it more than you i think right i think so uh i in i enjoy this game way way more now than i did before we started playing it to make this video it's still not my favorite fister okay for sure but i think that the game is really good like my my enjoyment of it and what i think of the game on its own are very different things and i think this is a fantastic design like i totally understand why people love it so much but i would probably struggle emotionally if i had to play it with somebody who was who'd played this game like 20 times we knew what they were doing yeah yeah yeah because people who are good at western trail are really good at great western trail so anyway that was a great western trail thank you so much for watching next up i believe is black out hong kong yes and then maracaibo which you will see some similarities you'll start to see more and more similarities as the uh the games progress thank you guys so much for watching the video we hope you enjoyed it if you'd like to see more videos like this please consider subscribing thank you bye you
Channel: Before You Play
Views: 20,127
Rating: 4.9622641 out of 5
Keywords: Review, Alexander Pfister, Great Western Trail, great western trail review, great western trail playthrough, great western trail board game, great western trail how to play, great western trail board game review, how to play great wester trail, board game great western trail, alexander pfister games, great wester trail runthrough, great western trail overview, great western trail gameplay, great western trail game, great western trail rules, great western trail thoughts, spiel
Id: ihUFqO0CkNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 34sec (6934 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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