Trey Parker’s Top 10 Games of all Time

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Trey Parker sitting next to Tom Vasel, giving a top 10 board games list. What a time to be alive.

👍︎︎ 432 👤︎︎ u/sudifirjfhfjvicodke 📅︎︎ Feb 22 2022 🗫︎ replies

Ummm. Hold up. This crossover is wild, actually.

👍︎︎ 98 👤︎︎ u/guy-anderson 📅︎︎ Feb 22 2022 🗫︎ replies

"Because I grew up playing D&D; that's how I got into it. I think that's how I got into South Park. Because I was basically always the DM."

I always like finding out when major media creators turn out to have had experiences with D&D growing up, and attribute that to the direction they took in life.

👍︎︎ 152 👤︎︎ u/spruce_sprucerton 📅︎︎ Feb 22 2022 🗫︎ replies

Very interesting choices. I would love to see more guest top 10s.

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/PumajunGull 📅︎︎ Feb 22 2022 🗫︎ replies
  1. Summit

  2. Sub Terra

  3. War of the Ring / Star Wars Rebellion

  4. Alchemists

  5. AuZtralia

  6. Robinson Crusoe

  7. Fury of Dracula

  8. Abomination

  9. Merchants & Marauders

  10. Western Legends

👍︎︎ 325 👤︎︎ u/nowyouknowchris 📅︎︎ Feb 22 2022 🗫︎ replies

What a crossover this is

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/HomelessCosmonaut 📅︎︎ Feb 22 2022 🗫︎ replies

Trey mentioned his #11 would've been Cthulhu: Death May Die

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/Kingslayer_N7 📅︎︎ Feb 22 2022 🗫︎ replies

I love how stereotypical geek they are in the first few minutes where they are being pedantic and arguing about how long it's been since they did a Top 10 on a Tuesday and he's just like "Anyway I've been Trey Parker."

Like they completey ignore there is a famous person at the table to get lost in the minuta.

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/JJMcGee83 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2022 🗫︎ replies

Very cool to see some new titles on there that are a little more off the beaten path.

Inside Up Games is a cool smaller publisher (Summit) that’s having a nice run on KS with “Earth” right now. Having met Connor a bunch (owner), it’s great to see good things happening to good people.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/cevo70 📅︎︎ Feb 22 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Music] good afternoon everybody i'm tom vassell i'm mike delecio i'm z garcia trey parker all righty well today we're doing we have not done a top ten on tuesdays in i don't remember last time we did the top 10 under probably i was still editing them i bet um that's how long it's been why were you editing a top 10 i used to edit all the top ten but before that i did for like a year and then i did them for like four no no no no you're you're like the very first one remember when i deleted one one time yeah exactly and then i started to do them i like the direction we recorded the top 10 ones and then after we recorded the entire thing he deleted it all right well anyway anyway i've been trey parker anyway thanks everybody mike all right well trey how would people know you um my comedy web series south park um that's mostly about board games but we do some other stuff too sometimes we do political stuff too but it's mostly board game web series south park um yes occasionally i just i i believe uh our shield that we have somewhere in here was featured there real briefly yes so yeah and also board games so you play board games in fact trey said on the way here you were playing board games on the flight here oh yeah no i i always i probably i probably pack more board games than clothes or anything else when i'm traveling yeah wow yeah said to be polite you're on the wrong channel all right so we decided since it's only one top ten now we were going to try to guess well that was your idea actually i'm sure that we would guess what they are so you gave us some clues so let's a clue what's the clue that we have yeah well no yeah i guess there are there are several but so the kind of games that i like to play are games that are i don't i don't know how you'd say but basically where you get to create your own narrative right so basically it's not it's very thematic obviously but you know uh you the choices you make kind of say oh remember we were playing this one time and this happened to kurt or we were doing this and and then dave went that way and this happened you know and things like that it's like an emergent narrative yeah and it's like you know not not necessarily you know a story-driven game where it's just like the game is telling you the story and you're going around picking up stories so that's not like choose your own adventure no no my list is dead but it's it's because i think you know we we play the game we want to pretend you know like being kids again it's like you want to pretend it's like i want to i want to pretend i'm this and that's why we also like to we like games that basically um have a point it's like you're we are these you know in this game we are these people and we are trying to do this and so a lot of times it's great the there are some victory point games in here but really instead of just yeah we're playing this and it's all about victory points you know it's like we're playing this and our you're you have a goal which is to accomplish this in this game and whether it's we want to accomplish this com cooperatively or we want to accomplish this competitively that's that's a big that's a big thing and i'm just good so far yeah i think i need to take puerto rico off my list it's funny you mentioned that too because when i first started playing kind of modern hobby board games the thing that was hard for me to wrap my mind around was this idea of victory points like that was completely foreign it really was no sense yeah right really yeah it's really sort of this abstracted you're doing better than this other guy yeah really though it's like a score in a sports game it's just if you think of kind of like the the standard board games that most people grow up playing they don't have victory points well no i do it's money you know it's usually like you want wealth or you want a race or something yeah yeah or accomplish something yeah i think it's it's really because the the the games we like to play because i have a big d background i grew up playing d d and then that's that's how i got into it and then i think that's also how i got into south park because i was basically always the dm so i was always having to make up stories and having to and doing a lot of stuff on the fly like that and so but then i i think really the game that got us into board games was the third edition of arkham horror right and that's because i mean the second edition no the right isn't it fourth now it's third notes i'm sorry okay so second edition arc about it okay so so second edition of art and again get a panroi it was i think part of the clunkiness of it helped it in a way because it it it was you know it it did you did tend to sort of tell your own story with it but anyway that i think that's that's those are all the things okay those are all the hands going back to damning okay what kind of dm are you are you a kind and gentle or do you kill everybody um it definitely and since i was a kid it definitely ends up just being pure comedy our d and d sessions are just a lot of laughing that sounds better than yeah i like that so i thought autumn is funny [Laughter] oh never mind all right so we're gonna go through our five guesses first we won't find out until we go through there's only one person who knows everything and that's roy that's right and he would not he would not be bribed i tried and that's because i do tend to agree mostly with roy when you guys do your top tens i i tend to agree mostly all right well let's see what i picked here um because i don't actually remember oh all right so there's all come up at once there okay okay so burpee i feel very very weak on suburbia now if everything was said but you get to you're in the okay so i feel very confident with western legends um and blood rage but i'm cheating on both of those because they were they were on the show wow i used what i got oh that's outrageous i've never seen south park [Laughter] nemesis has a very strong emergency story one of the strongest ones in existence so i picked that and then spirit island it was that's another slightly outside but i feel like it could be there it's a strong it has a very strong cooperative story and it's different it is it's a it's a twist on the traditional formula of you know settling anyway those are my picks those are terrible okay who's next there we go that's uh me okay so i've also got western legends tom same thing again kind of telling your own story you can be the good guy you can be the bad guy all that stuff mm-hmm i went with uh there's two arkham yeah you want all arkham hands in there but he just said he just are you feeling better now i think this is pretty good i think eldridge has better story emergence than arkham it does and then mansions of madness has the app the whole thing the music the vibe that one's very sort of it brings you in sure sure dead of winter i think might work that one's a little that's that's my sort of farthest out from the emergent story but there could be funny things that come out of that oh yeah for sure i think it's very funny when i'm hoarding food cans and nobody else is seating i'm laughing the mall santa is always funny and then uh robinson has uh it feels kind of euro-y a little bit but you i definitely have what you know what the times i've played i've enjoyed the reading into the cards that you pull up and like a cougar comes up yeah and you go off of there right um i'm talking about the animals these picks are better than mine okay now i i i know i didn't pick western legends because i knew you put on the show and i didn't want an easy out gentleman well you know you're going to lose i am going to lose because it will definitely be on there i also went with matches of madness because i thought you know i didn't even really know all of the rpg background until today and so i feel even better now because if i'm recommending a board game for people that haven't played a lot of board games that are big rpg players like that's one that i would think about because it kind of gives you that feel right uh gloomhaven is one that kind of has this emergent you know narrative that goes throughout the game and it also has a strong rpg feel to it i think don't you think you with me tom i'm no wait why am i in here seventh continent is another one that i feel very much has that exploration narrative going on i'm feeling pretty good about that sleeping godzilla choose your own adventure that's the one i feel bad about after after his you know you're more of an explanation i feel like sleeping gods was a terrible choice and i blame tom and then nemesis was a great choice you picked nemesis i think if it's not on the list i'm going to strongly recommend that it should have been on your list right really oh yeah all right yeah let's see who gets it let's are we doing the countdown roy we're doing it countdown all right my number 10 is is uh a game that it definitely so first of all a lot of these choices are older games only because because i do play a lot of new games and i play a ton of new games but for me to be on a top 10 it's got to have stood the test of time did you hear that tom shut up so and my number 10 will just get it out of the way is western legends all right there we go all right there we go based on what i had said which is again basically if you're if you want to go back to being a kid and saying hey let's go outside and play cowboy yeah that's the game to do it again and and uh i can decide what how i want to do it i can decide who i am i'm not just going around finding little cards that tell me what i did and what i found like in elder torah yeah so i do you normally go towards the law or towards i'll sort of yeah that's the fun thing is you sort of feel out what everyone else is doing you know oh he's gonna go get a bunch of gold i think i'm gonna go steal his gold and start to become an outlaw and you don't have to decide right away you know you don't have to start the game and decide who you're gonna be and you know i think it's and again it's it's 10 only because we we played it a lot and then the expansions came out and i mean it's just that game you wanted we got all the little pieces you know that give you make you the real mountains and you can just see it as like a train set would be amazing to like try to have a real train going through it you know you just your imagination just starts going wild with you got 3d printed mountains yeah yeah yes that's the way to do it so and we got 3d printed mountains we do a 3d printing mountain and again it is the most to me sort of sort of cowboy western dnd because you know of there's really nothing else there except for number nine but so stop in the head so we'll just we'll go on because basically i think that there's one that's a little better of all of these things that's just in desperate need of a rebrand oh interesting okay okay [Music] i'll bring it up all right my number nine is also western is not also western it's also a game that i feel like in the same way of hey let's go outside and play and play cowboy this is let's go play pirate all right so this is to me merchants and this is the only thing i can think of pirates pirates and you say it needs a reprint but you said old otherwise i would pick the news it needs a new it needs a new addition and it is that game that like as you're setting it up and as you're trying to get through the rulebook which is kind of hard but but you you know it promises so much and again you can decide are you know are you gonna are you gonna be a pirate or are you just gonna try to make a bunch of money selling goods but then dave might be a pirate and then i'm you know and then i'm in trouble because you know and and uh i so desperately wish and i wanted to talk about this game because i so want a new edition of this game i think they announce one at some point i don't know what's going on with it but they basically you know i i think the only place that really gets into trouble there's a part where you go into port and unfortunately once you go into port you can do all kinds of stuff which is really cool except that the person who's in port sits there for 10 minutes doing all their actions that's the main reason it's not one of my favorites exactly that that is the one thing but if you think about a if you thought about maybe an app for an output assisted version of this that could help with the port or or just streamline port it really is just and it's another one that that we really goosed up with um you know we've got metal pirate tokens and all of that stuff and the painted ships and we do that and you can decide you know what do i want to ally more with sp span you know spain with with the english you know and so i it's just it's that it's let's play pirate is have you played the new sc of legends right well sure but also the rulebook's terrible and they fixed that too well it's interesting you've been talking about games that you just feel like you're going out and playing these are both sandbox games which is where i think where that turn came from right it's like you're just have your own sandbox you can play in and do whatever you want yes and it's going to take a turn they're not all going to be that way but but um but yeah this would be right for crowd funding yeah you would think so right yeah who has yeah i mean it was z-man before but i mean they still [Laughter] all right here we go [Music] right i feel like it's my time now so we did western pirates what's next okay next is horror right spooky okay okay there we go this is gonna throw you guys for such a loop oh you're gonna really disagree with me and not like this but um we have never disagreed with it there was one i was like i know this is the one i almost picked yeah i don't think so okay this is this is a game you know of course when it gets to be around halloween time we're always just playing the spooky games right and because that's that's a great thing to play this is probably the only i think euro game on my list um it is although there's one other that's kind of your own wonderful okay and so it's a it's a but it's it i think the euro game with the best amount of theme however it's got a huge caveat okay the rules came out and they were awful uh-huh this company then went down and redid the rules and published them and said if you want to play it this way and it made it a thousand times did it make it shorter it made it shorter i think i know the game what is it abomination it's abomination yeah wow that's an interesting thing wait did they did they publish new rules yes the designer came up with a short version yes yeah i might play it that's the biggest problem with the game yeah again it's it's a euro it's a euro game and it's a lot of work replacement but it's also again there's a goal it's not just victory points you know there are there are victor points involved but there's a goal you're trying to bring your monster to life you know you're you're you're a doctor frankenstein and you're trying to bring your monster to life and and the choices that you're making and going around and getting these body parts and are you going to do it the right way are you going to do it the seedy way you know and all of that there's just so much theme to it that in in terms of playing a euro uh this is our favorite we play it definitely uh a few times every halloween season interesting i love how there's a right way to bring a body back yeah right you'll be seated yeah it's the right way to get body parts you can do it correctly right let's let's oh no that's way too little here's more money but yes but they so we and we played the normal the the way that it came out yeah and we were like oh this could be such a great game too bad too bad you know and and then uh then we heard of these the new rules which did they did two things they shortened the game and they made i don't know if you remember but at the very end there's this sort of dice rolling or something that's very just all right you you basically brought your thing to life but now there's this total chance you might fail right at the end and have to kind of start over a little bit and and it really ruined it and they they fixed that too i need to print that out and put it in the box did you upgrade your little bones and no that one we didn't you can do that actual bones no not yet if you do it the right way that's correct that's the seedy one i feel real good about the crap i brought when we came out to california at one time now right all right it's interesting because i think you and i but when you said horror i think you and i have the same thought but i don't want to say it because it may i end up showing on this list later on so okay well so far this one is my biggest surprise this is a surprise yeah sure i think it's let's just skip past those scores right we don't need to see that see if you can make mike's smile just constantly just get lower and lower and lower i think we can animate just watch it happen you can watch and everything's right my joy comes from small things all right all right [Music] [Laughter] [Music] all right number seven right yeah number seven we are um we're staying in horror kinda okay um and uh this is a game that i can play this this is actually my intro game that i will play for anyone that's like thinks that katan is still the big board game to play right okay and nothing to do with katan but if i'm like no let me show you what games can do and it's like i'm going to be this and you're going to try and catch me oh man okay oh and and uh again i will sometimes fudge the rules to make it shorter but you know what it is one of your favorite games but uh it's been it's an oldie it's an oldie does it have multiple editions yes all right i got it wait i think we got it yeah this is a good choice fury of track there we go yes baby now which one do you play or we're playing the the newest one yeah good stuff what are they're up to four now it's technically fourth but fourth and third aren't exactly yeah yeah they're just the wiz kids yeah so but anyway we started a second edition and and uh we would we would play it a lot back then and when third edition came out i think they did a a better job of cleaning up the game without making it so clean that it became just about moving this to that and getting that and without it becoming pandemic which like aldrich so but basically you want to be clear there we go but yeah i mean again this is a game that i can the cool thing about it again this is purely from a d d background is that if i get a group of people and i'm like okay i'm gonna be dracula and you guys are gonna try to catch me and they're like oh okay i do pretty much dm it or gm it or whatever you say now because i if the truth is they say the most experienced person should play dracula yes if that's true these people are all going to be frustrated because it's it's very you know as dracula you can jump in the water you can get all these other you know these cards that make it actually pretty hard i think to catch i can literally sit there and be right behind you all the time you know and so i i will let people usually catch catch me a few times and then use the right cards kill them i think the combat system to this is really underrated i think it's really cool it's it's just especially yeah third edition is really good rock paper scissors really but um it wasn't until i played i don't have you played the app version they came up with the app the fury dragon i did check it out i heard it was really bad at first at first but they've no now it's gone through they did tons of testing with it when you play the app you see just how good this combat system is yeah and and you know you really start to see oh these cards really oh and i want to have this card to be ready for that card and there's a lot of that going on so for me even even if i'm gm'ing it i can have a really good time because just watching what the people are doing trying to find where i am so that's number seven very dracula interesting now when you're when you're playing as dracula do you do uh bad dracula impression z no have i done that absolutely no i probably do exactly yeah but i do like like the count probably yeah yeah right now two steps behind there you go yeah yeah that's it that's a good one man i like it yeah so it's a score again yeah come on why are we getting caught up in the details here this is i need to i need to remember mike yeah this is important just you know neither of you guys have gotten any points my score is like way more than higher than we're waiting for his the game's higher on his list right i'm not going to waste my picks on on the dross here at the end i mean we want the good stuff right this is draw someone someone's about to score a point with number six yes well here we go there we go all right i like that [Music] [Music] all right my number six game again has been around a while i thought they were coming out with a new addition to this and maybe they haven't i'd have but i it needs one as well this is a great to me this is a great solo game or two player game i think once you get beyond two it's not great um but this is obviously when i say that here's our goal here's our board game and we have a goal one of the easiest goals is can we survive and uh so the game is simply can we can we can we survive is the game and this is robinson crusoe wow in your faces yes baby i want to suck your blood um and again you take your point it's to me it's a great uh couples game it's because it really is like you know we would come to an island yeah and it was like okay we're stranded on this island but again it's the only it's the only game i've played solo i don't play a lot of solo board games but i like this solo line i really like the expansion or the uh campaign they did the people yeah which is all that darwin stuff and everything you're the only person who's ever played it but oh it's so good and it's and it's really fun if it's if it's something you can just kind of leave set up and go back to once in a while it's really great but also as a two-player i think in a higher player account it robinson cruzo does get like your turns can some turns can feel really meaningless and it's like well i guess i better just stay here and help with with the tent or whatever you end up doing the same thing because you're good at that or whatever you're like okay well i'll keep exploring but it isn't then i'll keep it isn't there some word about some huge new version of this coming out yeah i thought it was a kickstarter kickstarter okay sorry so do you not run into the problem the problem i have with this game is every time i pull it out i cannot remember how to play it or do you play it enough that you i think i played it just enough to yeah to remember kind of internalize that yeah yeah what's your favorite scenario um the one with the cannibals i think cannibal island yeah yeah that's a good one that's the best couples one to do right but again my favorite thing is is the the beagle yeah i never played the voyage of the beagle avoid the beagle yeah it's a whole whole campaign even just even just playing the first two of it you don't need to play the whole campaign no anyway do you play with the friday and the dog when you do this yeah yeah that's again it's so thematic it is very great it's a neat way to handle small players and again it's like it's like what i'm saying that thing of playing a game and being like oh remember when we played and you actually went out and you found this leopard and you couldn't shoot the leopard but then we came back and you did the thing but then you got bitten by that thing you know and it's like it's i'm still mind-boggling that no one else has done that in a board game it's such a great storytelling helmet you did something it comes back to bite yeah exactly literally yeah yeah yeah that's probably the best mechanism i love when you eat berries and later on it's like i remember that what are your thoughts on the weather dye you big fan you're good with the with the weather well you're gonna if you if you have a problem with the weather day you're gonna hate my number one all right four shots so much for shadowing me that's a weather-centric game okay okay look at that i love everything about that image i'm okay with this because i'm not in last i'm not i'm not feeling good about this yeah i'm not feeling good at all can you know what [Music] no we'll go we'll go right to number five because number five doesn't belong on this list at all it is totally one of my favorites but i just felt so guilty because i shouldn't based on what i told you i like in a game this doesn't belong okay but that's why we only got spot but this but i could not do a top 10 without talking about this game that we play so much and this is a game where the the thing that is so cool about this is it's a game where it is competitive but if we don't work together nobody's going to win okay so so there's a there's a a part of it that and you could be you can be kind of ruthless and say well i can kind of work together with these people on that and let that but you you really have to make sure there's a there's a thing you can't let happen and i i think there should be more of this in board games okay there's a thing we all don't want to happen but there's also going to be a winner mm-hmm okay i have a guess and uh let's see is my guess this game does not have a traitor okay oh cutthroat cavs is a good answer thank you um the garbage answer oh thank you it is balancing me out it is this is i'll give it away it's the only cthulhu game on my list and it but it's not really a tool game but it is oh wait a minute i think i know what this is and this is a great game is it a martin wallace game australia yes whoa dude no yeah this is a good pick i like this game a lot no you don't like it i like it i like it i do i just was not expecting this whatsoever this i can i i racked my brain over trying to figure out how to justify this your ten top ten games but again i don't just fire up in here no no pick another one because again i can't really say in this game who i am i know what i'm trying to accomplish obviously you're all just going to to australia and you're trying to to colonize it and get it but unfortunately there are these giant cthulhu monsters everywhere and you all have to if if you don't work together somewhat yes and you know you're building your own farms you're making your own railroads you're doing all that common stuff but at some point these things are going to wake up and if you don't all work together because if one of them gets to anyone's port and destroys it game ends yeah and then you do the scores but the couture side's gonna win yeah great old ones yeah and so so you're like okay i'm doing this great job and and chris isn't doing a great job but i better go help him fight those things because then i'm not going to win right and i just think that could i don't know i don't know a ton of other games that do that and i think it's so cool so this is semi co-op it's not no just they score a lot of points right and if you they eat up farms they'll move towards farms and start just tearing your land up right and if every time they do that they're moving up on point so they will beat everyone the elder gods or the elder ones or whatever they'll beat up everyone if you don't push back on some of those right it's like so even if you're doing well and they're not coming after you right you might want to not lose to them yeah if you ignore them you're probably everyone's gonna i might have to play this one what does that catch a it's also i think the combat system is great there's a there's a push your luck to the combat system which is really cool yeah and um flipping thing right yeah yeah yeah yeah and it's like yeah maybe i'll do it you know and and um i don't know we we always have a good time playing this game and it's the perfect length yeah and uh you can get your head around it i love the fact that it feels like because it's a martin wallace game there has to be some kind of trains in there too even though they really don't really feel like they belong otherwise we're going to put some trains in here that's what drew what drew us to it first was was because it was just one of those games like okay we're trying to build farms and we're going to make trains we're going to do all this oh there's going to be monsters that are going to come right yeah that's what was really cool so before we go to number four can we just talk about nemesis for a minute okay let's do it i don't feel good about it that's why i didn't put it on my list i want to like i want to like nemesis okay and i've heard this from other people and i don't know whether it and so we just got we we got nemesis lockdown not too long okay yeah a couple weeks ago yeah and it was the same thing we're there at south park and we're you know okay we're done with work let's set this all up and we're setting it all up and setting it up it's just like oh this is going to be good this is going to be good it's like okay so see there's this and it's like oh this is going to be great this would be great and we all get excited and we start to play and i don't get to do anything fun it feels like i feel like i'm always okay i found this oh but that's broken i can't use that i want to do this oh but i don't have that card oh but now there's a big monster in there and i'm just running from it and i've i've played it a lot because it does it does i would even put this on my list of what i would think i would like yeah yeah it has all of that and yet and maybe it it i i'm wondering if it's because it is such a luck-based game that maybe i've just had a lot of bad luck with it but i i've never we we set that we set it up and we played and within 30 minutes we were kind of like do you guys want to stop yeah you know and and so it could be super punishing what's your response super super if you're the one who likes the no you like it the best i like the least i think i think i like it less than you do right yeah no i like it but every time i bring it up every time you know because i put it on my my top 100 i say it's a pretty fragile game and you can have sessions that aren't like that they just they feel like you're just getting beaten down you have no chance what's the point then there are other times where it's really cinematic and you're able to pull it off um i almost wonder if i mean do you do you uh in your game groups do you play co-op at all or because you can play it full co-op yeah we we tried it and what what's what stinks about it is that what they promise in the non-club is sound so much fun yeah it's like oh you might be this and i might be that and that we want to do that i almost wonder if i think there's sometimes with games now that you know back in the old days 10 years ago when when people were making games we you thought oh you might play this 10 or 12 times a year right not a whole lot of us play a game 10 or 12 times a year anymore and so i think more games need to come out with a starter rule set a hundred percent and i think that they've they've made nemesis so that yes you need to get good at it and you need to get to a point where you can beat it and but but it's also like look if i'm going to put this on the table a couple times a year i want to be able to at least get halfway through and feel like i'm accomplishing something no that's a really good point yeah it does not hold your hand at all and it would be you're gonna have a lot of times like you said the first impressions matter they matter a lot aesthetically it's a slam dunk but if you're in the middle of playing and you feel like you're just not having a good time i get that 100 and they would probably do themselves a favor by putting in some kind of a training mission or something i think a lot of games do the back end right yeah like this is basic rules we also will sell you another six boxes on the kickstarter right right but they don't think about the front end very much yeah like get me up to here yeah yeah then whatever this i might or might not get to you know but how get me up to speed first also the publisher awaken realms does a lot of things well but i would never necessarily call their games elegant and there's this thing where like you said there's a lot of luck and you might just pull the queen out right away and you're done you know what i mean there's very you don't have a whole lot of of uh mitigation against this i really liked that one session we played it yes that's because they were doing all the stuff for us that is also true yeah they were doing all right i did not enjoy that very much you acted like you did yeah were you pretending everything you've seen on this channel is a lie is what you need to know when it comes to z garcia when he looks like he's having fun he's in misery abject misery look how much money he looks like he's happy right now yeah no i didn't really like it but he's also still winning someone in the chat said nemesis needs the jaws of the line and that's a really good point that is a great point actually actually that is awesome because i had the same experience with glory right where i yeah blue mayman's not on the list because of that but my list is trash but yeah it was just again it was just too much and again for some i play i have a problem i play way too i get i get a new board game as soon as it comes out and i want to play that one and you know even though there's not a problem no but i mean i'm someone who the group will always show up and be like we just learned this other one can we just play that one more time i'm like no because we got this new one we're going to learn it but um with gloomhaven we tried it and again like a lot like and obviously it's awesome but for us it was just like so big and so and we're like how many times are we going to play this we're not going to play this enough but jaw's the lion we got and and i played it with my stepson and that was perfect you know and it was like and i think that's a great calm if they did the jaws of the line for that would be amazing yeah that's that's because the pieces and the again what it promises when you look at it and everything it's it's beautiful and it's awesome and it just needs some kind of yeah yeah you're right you're right that was all number now i'm going for zero i want to end with zero now that's right all right all right we're shooting the moon baby well yeah this one would have been impossible but because number four is again you could almost call it a euro but it is so thematic it's also a deduction game and uh it's probably it's it's the first game that we played that used an app and we were like wow this app is really cool and the app just did one specific thing in the game that you couldn't have done without the app i guess you could have technically and it would have been could this be one i had too much alchemists alchemists oh that's not what i thought it was okay that's a good choice wow no this is not kind of a euro game this is a euro game but i'm pretending here definitely the theming of this and if you want to say you you feel like an alchemist in this game because all of the work replacement areas are things that you're doing but what's so great is that there's the whole time there's this thing you're trying to deduce and you're trying to figure out oh if i mix this ingredient with this ingredient what do i get and the app was so cool remember i mean when that app blew my mind when they first showed anything because you're just you were just showing it was using the camera which was there weren't a lot of things doing that at the time and you're using the camera to say what happens when i mix this with this and uh and then what was so cool too and the reason to me you felt like an alchemist was because as you are trying to decide trying to deduce what what ingredients do what you're seeing like oh they're starting to put a bunch of published a bunch of theories on what this is it's like i'm just going to make something up you know i'm just going to say that somebody doesn't do that it's just like that's part of the game is you could just make it up and you might bluff your way into being you know a good thing but anyway it's a game that it's uh in as many years as it's been out which has been a long time yeah um it it keeps coming out and uh it's so much fun to play wizards basically what game has done this formula better like formula pun intended i guess nothing really right maybe the newest one the planet planet x may be but it's not dramatic though it's not it's the map yeah no sure sure planet x is pretty abstract no i was just gonna say i think you would love this game yeah i don't think that i've had a lot of people recommend to me and you hate every other game does man has designed that's true uh what else has he done it's vlad isn't it no no it's not no i don't want you but you hate everybody you've hated every other game this company has produced uh most of them you hate the designer on a personal level right that's true yeah yeah yeah um no i've had people recommend it to me yeah yeah i've just never gotten around to it this one definitely fell through the cracks it's a great but i gotta i gotta give it a try i've heard it was kind of long that's another thing i heard yeah but it was coming up probably you know it's back in that era when games could be that long again but i guess we just love it so much that we don't care we now we knew well now we know what to expect sure i mean so and i think that because there's this just this is one puzzle staring you in the face the whole time that that you know and you're it's it's it doesn't feel long to me at all yeah yeah okay interesting interesting yeah you've you've definitely you can do it without the app by the way you can yeah if you have one right it's like yeah yeah it's the same thing like with rising five which was the first second 35 minutes it is but you can also play that with it without a nap or you can have one place for that guy who's like i don't want to use no technology in my game i make my seven-year-old son sit there there's a cool thing about this too because you've got your shield and someone's taking their phone and going and you just hear it going blink blink and it makes a little sound like oh yeah those match and you just see them you know and you don't know and you're like oh what was that what happened yeah that's great that's cool that's a good call all right okay [Music] all right number three is a total cop out because i get a tie so i actually haven't played two oh okay it's two games because we've done that before to me i feel like these games are the same game even though they're totally different but to me these are the two best games i'm surprised no one picked these actually because these are two games that are based on an ip so already like games that are are already based on pre-existing stuff they are games that definitely have a here's what i'm trying to do here's what you're trying to do and here's who you are and here's who i am and you definitely know it's and it's so much i want to go out and play this movie or book i want to go out and play this movie your book it is the definitive movie versioned board games of that movie or book wow is what's the the aliens and the predator game what is that called legendary yeah it can't be a legendary i like the aliens legendary but it's not a mole that's not it okay so these are two two different movie properties yes and book or book pro one of them was a book before a movie and was it dune no they are they are pretty much two-player games even though you can't play it with more but you really wouldn't want star wars rebellion and more of the ring yes oh i always say these two are the same yeah i almost put star wars rebellion on the list these are i did not realize that these were i should have put rebellion more than one really i mean i i think that when they made rebellion they based it on one of the rings they're really different but when you play one you're like i've played this before yeah yeah yeah okay so war the ring was obviously that's the one we were playing first and again it's this is a pure if i'm gonna you know want to spend a day board gaming with a buddy that's bore the ring because it's it's it's long and it's big and it's spawning but you can really talk about create your own story you can you can create your own version of what happens you know and you can say you know what i'm gonna have gandalf take the room take the ring and i'm gonna let everyone else go fight in the wars or if you're on that side or you can be on you know star on side and basically say i'm just going to attack this and i'm just going to go for them i'm not even care what they're doing with the ring or i'm going to totally go after the ring you know the choices you make are yours and totally affect the game and uh and and you know i'm i'm lucky enough to have the big uh the big crazy collectors oh you got it yeah it comes in the giant elvish book you know they go so when we pull it out you know it's just it's an epic day of gaming it's going to be great and and i think rebellion which uh to me is is a little underwater ring um because but again it's the same thing you're going to find you're going to pick where your secret base is i'm going to try to find your secret base has a definite goal to it but has a definite like you know what i'm gonna capture luke and i'm gonna turn him bad and now luke is evil in this game you know there's there's things like that that you can do and create your own narrative with these two games that i think make them similar to play it's it's hard for me sometimes to choose which which one of the two i'm gonna play but if it's like hey let's go outside and play star wars it's rebellion let's go outside and play uh lord of the rings i think rebellion's a slightly easier teach yes absolutely it's also slightly quicker yeah and star wars is more well known yeah yeah but what's fun about both of what's fun about war of the ring is if even if you don't know a lot about board games but you know a lot about lord of the rings and you can say all right you're you're uh you're that's this side and you're and you can have the person say well if i was on that side i would do this and now you know based on the movie you've got you can do that in this game yeah yeah and things like that and it also has a cool i like wore the ring the the um how it uses the the dice that you roll and then those are your actions and um anyway there's just a lot there's a lot to both of these guys but they're they're similar enough to me it was hard for me to make one three and one i'm really kicking myself for not putting rebellion on there i very much considered that this is another one i haven't played uh yeah what's the score again right i'm definitely going for shooting the moon now there we go one two i know that's the list put it on the list alchemists star wars rebellion played uh you've been saying star wars rebellion for a long time i still need to play it outer rim i finally did play though yeah that's a great one too actually that's good stuff it just needs more content right which i heard they're doing 100 they announced an expansion you do sort of see everything pretty quickly right you play rebellion with me roy uh hard pass um oh yeah someone asked about do you like the battle five armies uh yes i do um and it's it it is a sort of um uh very similar to war of the ring and to me it's a little smaller to get your head around it's a little shorter um i think it's just because i have this big collector's edition for the ring that i'm going to buy if they make a starters there you go no that's darth vader sorry all right oh you know we could take an another interlude here oh let's do it let's talk about island oh there we go let's smash on your pick some more i don't know experience how was tom because and a lot of it was based on what you guys said and what a lot of other people say i don't get it i don't get it and i don't know whether i just is it is it a game that requires a lot more investment you think of like playing it a bunch yes it's about the interaction of the different spirits that's really that's what we've set it up and played it a few times and just got that same you know i i don't feel like a spear i don't feel like a god here i don't feel like i'm doing godly things but i think maybe we were overwhelmed in the rules maybe it's it's a tough it's a tough one to wrap your mind around and the thematic tie-in is mostly it's still it's weird there are some thematic touches as far as like if you are you know lightning swift strike your your your actions are going to be somewhat thematically tied to that idea of you have fast and slow actions you're going to have more of the fast actions yeah if you're the earth you're going to be you know doing things that are slower but super powerful build up to these big actions and then bam that's where the theme comes otherwise you're doing some heavy lifting with theater yeah yeah all right let's go to number two [Music] all right so i can already i'll just go ahead and say that my number two my number one none of you would guess so he's already won um i wow good about it and and i think z might be the only person that agrees with me about this game um so then it's a bad choice this isn't what we're talking about now we have a lot of similar tastes that was not for me um so number two is a game that no matter if it's with our core group that plays all the time they'll be happy if we're gonna play this if i am with people this is probably the number one game that if i'm with people that again don't know much about modern board gaming i will break this out i can put it on the table we all start in a place and i can say okay we've got to get out of here okay that's the one we were thinking yeah and uh it's a great game because it's a it's sort of a tile laying game and everyone can you know who you are you've all got sort of a special thing that you're doing and you should pay attention to what you're good at doing and it can totally end up in a one of those oh remember that time we almost got out but then butters went and did this you know so um this is i don't believe i've ever actually used that phrase butters is a real person he's one of our gamers oh sweet he's the animation director of south park his real name is eric but we call him we've we called them butters before southbrook started anyway um this subterra is the game and um wow okay that's not what we're thinking we're thinking of betrayal house on the hill that is correct yeah yeah okay but yeah it's one of my favorite yeah yeah i've i've i know you're the only person i've ever seen you talk about it i wasn't expecting this this is not that well known yeah it's not that well but again talk about creating your own narrative you know talking about being able to i've told i've told you tom you haven't played this yet i still haven't i bring it up every time and i tell you that that's your games two weeks ago how much more do you want more baby there's a really fun thing that they do and we've done it a few times but they've actually made the tiles um black light so so that you can play this in the dark with little black light lights and and everyone's uh they have one i think they give you one in the game but we we all went and got our own so we all have our own little black lights that are playing and we're trying to get out and you put on some thematic music and like we just got to get out of this cave um it's super fun and again people that don't know about modern board games that play this it blows their minds um if you can if you know enough about it to just you know because again that's all you have to know is are you going to go this way this way or this way and it's like oh you got you found that it's like now there's a thing there's a thing creature there you want to fight it you're going to run that way you know and things like that but it uh it really is um one of those where like you can all live or all die but have the same amount of fun playing it it's a great thing yeah my favorite things of in this game there's two things i really like when somebody loses their last uh health they're not dead they're just sort of they fall down they're sort of unconscious so somebody sometimes has to you're booking it one way and you're like i got to go back right and go pick this person up yep go spend time like reviving them while a creature is making its way over here and sometimes it's just too late like you know sometimes i'm sorry uh we will mourn you on the outside you know wait some of the other does that person not win then they're out they're down yeah also there's some player elimination why would you go back then because it's cooperative leave no man behind tom but you just said you can win without them yes but if you're not an animal and you want to join these creatures i guess that's terrible it's a board game i don't care no but it is the game we're all trapped in a cave we're all trying to get out what would you do you know and and having that real life thing of like well i want to win but it because i'm never going to do it i'll tell you that right now well also that's very true the other thing is the end game during the end when you're down to you know just a few tiles basically usually your battery on your flashlight dies when you run out that deck of cards yes yes then at that point you take your turn and then you roll or die if you fail that roll you're dead yeah so sometimes you can string along a few successes i need two more tiles and i'm out yeah that that's really funny is you turn off the black lights and play in the picture that's what i'm saying i have a proposal i think we need to play this game live turn off all the lights and we all have miners helmets yeah that'd be cool you can put a black light in yeah that's a lot of work that i might be willing to do they've added those expansion i've seen you talk about the expansion yeah yeah and i think they're all good i mean they'll add something cool yeah modules and stuff and then the characters just the characters having the extra people yeah it's just good yeah need to play this one nice pick man surprised all right let's go to my number one z1 right [Music] all right so my our number one game we do this is the one we will always bust out and again i will always play with new people because it's got a very simple goal we're all trying to achieve this this is a game that i think would have been way more popular if they hadn't made the mistake of making it both a competitive and cooperative version it's hard to pull that off and so this game is to me some have some similarities to subterra um it has to me the coolest part is it more than any game i've ever seen it says this is who we are this is what we're trying to achieve and the first thing you have to do in this game is a thematic choice of saying okay this is who you are that's what you're trying to do do you want this or do you want to do this and you're like oh man what do i do and right away before you even start the game there's a huge thematic choice to make and again they made this competitive and cooperative the cooperative version is amazing the competitive version is terrible i think they and they even they even mixed the rule book and made it like not here's the competitive here's a cooperative they made it talked about both at this if you're playing quick the only thing i can think of is that attack from aliens from outer space gamer not that game but the the flying frog one but that can't be it the part on earth there's there's also the art in it is divisive because i think it's pretty cool uh flying frog might be yeah what's the picture no no because that that had better artwork that was the oh i can't remember the zombie game no it's the alien one i don't know it's not can't be it because i don't remember there being a choice at the beginning so this is if i want to bring people in and say okay here's here's what it is we are all going to climb a mountain really we got to get to the top of the mountain we got to get back and live you're talking about manchester no no seventh summit game the no not summit summit it is something number one is summit really this game i need to warn you now that that's when you go to convention this guy's going to hug you because he does that to anyone yeah yeah yeah i'm telling you this game problem with it and and i had read a few things saying and we we mostly like to play cooperative games and so that's we did that first um we then later tried the competitive and it what was so crazy about a co-op i've never even played a competitor as a cooperative game and again right away you say okay we're all mountain climbers we need to get to the top of this mountain and back right away you decide how much oxygen you're going to bring how much food are you going to bring that's really cool and you get to make that choice and you get to decide because however you can bring more but it's going to weigh you down and you're going to go slower yeah and so then throughout the game it's basically again like uh subterra there's there's um it's a tile laying game but we're all trying to work together and it's like yeah we should all try to climb but you know what you better start finding another route because we might have a rock slide over here yeah and so you guys go over there maybe you even team up and there's even a team version which is pretty cool but um there's a and then there's all these things that happen talk about a weather dive problem because that that is the big thing then you roll the weather down that's a cool i never got yeah i don't know this one at all i mean i i wouldn't have connected though but it really is like uh you know you you have to be prepared and you have to you have to know what you're doing but um yeah this this game um i think is really underrated and i think that if they if they would have just said here's this cool cooperative game where you try to go up the mountain and back it would have done better yeah i'm with you because i just think even thematically what you're doing like you said you're you a lot of times you know you're not competitively racing a mountain right right yeah you're working with your team and you're going up and you're trying to help me and even if it's just you alone you're not going like okay i'm going to screw that guy you know so again in games we want to feel like we want to make the choices that you would make as that character and no character mount climbing a mountain is trying to get tommy yeah yeah i'm behind yeah you'll be like oh you fell good luck there's a yeah that's right there was a yeti expansion possible too actually so the last of my places we actually lost because we went back to get somebody so in your face it was me but still you were the dead way you were the anchor yeah which one i like too is that you win the game in this one to win the game only one of you has to make it so you are sometimes making that you're sacrificing yourself and going you know what here take all my food right and i did this to my my cousin who's a who's a firefighter and i was just basically like just take my food you'll get to that he's like dude i can't no come on you'll make it and we literally had this like four-minute thing he's going you can make it down look if you do this do this i'm like i'm not gonna make it down and then you're gonna die you've got to take my food and go save yourself yeah so that's why it's my number one it creates a lot of moments like that and um and that's my number one summon i gotta tell you your list very much surprised me yeah for for a lot of reasons more as it went up so a couple questions you said you didn't want to put new games on how do you feel return to dark tower is going to do for you you know return to dark tower is hard to it's hard to separate the nostalgia from the game itself yeah you know what i mean and like i i do i i loved dark tower when i was a kid it was huge for me and so we immediately when we got this new version we set it to that mode you can do with the retro and just that i mean i i i would have given it a 10 just for that you know but i do believe i think the mechanics are solid i think it's it's obviously very well thought out and um and we you know i we're only into we played it four or five times probably and we're still really digging it but i don't know it's one of those things it's got a little bit of the wizards of oz curtain where it's like when you really think about what the tower's doing you're like do you really never mind no no no just have fun just happen it's awesome you know yeah it's awesome um but uh you know obviously very well designed it it it's sort of um what's what's interesting to me is like again for us having come from arkham horse second edition when they came out with the third edition i was excited and we played it and it so quickly just became about okay this many things we're going to get a surge here this made things it was basically pandemic and i think almost the the cleanness of it took away from it it's a pretty sterile addition that's why you like it right i do i do because i like pandemic so and i thought the second one was just too long there's also that no i agree that's true that has more of an effect on me than the average gamer i think it's just a mental thing because i love pandemic but i played pandemic so much that to me it's not this isn't chicago this is three blue cubes and this isn't you know what i mean like it just becomes about colors and cubes and anything i think anything you play too much it starts to be you know your brain works it out a certain way that doesn't care so much about the theme sure so is there any other games that have come out like in the last year or so that you think could make it um because you said that you didn't put newer stuff on the list give me some name i'm trying to think here here's the stuff i wrote down so here's here's the five i picked okay this is the stuff i wrote down it has a short line so um i put arkham horror of the living card game on here you played which i like yeah and uh we we liked it and again i think it's one of those you got to play a lot you do yeah and it's demanding yeah yep yeah blood rage i didn't think about it so blood rage to me um oh here's where you can't lose roy but i do what i want to say in advance because i don't like i don't like blood rage because again if it's hey let's play vikings i don't ever feel like a viking in blood rage i don't i feel like there's a lot of mechanics going on but i don't feel like oh that's what a viking would do right it's a euro game yeah yeah it is yeah and um but i do think in terms of eric lane games i i did love call of cthulhu um because i thought that it um it it really did uh it does that thing where you're creating your own story a lot you know it's got its little things but it's and it's little scenarios and we have a lot of fun with um depending on who you're playing it can get very thematic be like i was this person and i did this and that wouldn't have happened to anyone else right you know so have you played death may die sorry that's what i mean death may die yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah death may die that's the one i mean okay yeah it that's my favorite that's the card game right yeah i think it's called call it because it's a little old card i was really surprised i'm sorry i meant i agree yeah that's my favorite story i guess yeah when you begin and the people are already like on the edge of going insane well whatever they do that i think if they suggest a story you know they don't just go and now you go here and now we're going to read this paragraph of text and we're going to go here and we're going to read this paragraph of that it really is just here's sort of what's going on and you're like oh i see it's like we're this and that's that and you know it almost creates its own narrative as you're playing it does yeah it would have been a good pick actually i didn't think of it that would have that's easily probably number 11. whoa okay uh yeah i had what else did i have on here uh but trailer house in the hill we talked about that was a great game i have the same problems with it everyone does you can get to the end and you don't know if it's going to be great it's going to be terrible version we tried it we played we played a few we played a few round but again it was just too big of a commitment i think yeah and one that i was gonna ask about but i'm afraid it would be similar with the nemesis thing where you could just feel like you're getting wrecked and feel like you have no chances uh unsettled that's another new one it's so mechanical it's pretty thematic though it really is yeah really i think he knows him better than you it's been proven that's true that's true you know about messiah that's the big sandbox game you didn't mention here's the thing so uh i i actually didn't play ziya because when we played uh the star wars one the one you mentioned um everyone told me oh this is basically zaya no no no basically fireflies firefly and outer rim are basically the same yeah and it blows firefly away i think but it's pretty disgusting yeah okay all right i gotta write zaya down then yeah i i guess i should be officially supposed to say that it's better with the expansion that's what everyone tells me which is that yeah you have to talk to roy about that i've digested it all right well we're name-dropped that's right yeah i designed it [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] thank you guys for watching we'll be back uh tomorrow with crowdsurfing where mike is already trying to talk about unsettled early two weeks across there well yeah they're yeah we may have a little more to say about unsettled tomorrow dunk until next time i'm tom basil i'm mike delecio i'm z garcia trey parker have fun i don't know what else to say now watching south park that's right have fun watching south park they killed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 245,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, review, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, GeekUsername: TomVasel, board game review, boardgame, uno, ticket to ride, apples to apples, educational games, educational, top 10, juegosdemesa, Brettspiele, ボードゲーム, brädspel, jeuxdesociété, משחקילוח, 보드게임, deskováhra, graplanszowa, bordspel, 棋盘游戏, gioco da tavolo, desková hra, gra planszowa, настольная игра, trò chơi trên bàn cờ, jogo de tabuleiro, لعبة اللوحة
Id: zh9BxM6vBNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 6sec (3726 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 22 2022
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