Lisboa - Playthrough & Review

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hi everyone my name is money and I'm Devine and today we are going to be playing lisboa oh my gosh this boss yes this is a big one this is another vittala sort of game this is part of our Vitaly service series two to four players we are playing of course two players and we want to show you how it does yes we are really excited to play this it's been a while since we played the geleris and we know we really wanted to be able to play the game well and to showcase the game so here we are this is a game that came out in 2017 so this is a Vitello Surdas next game after the gallerist and this is probably one of the more me I guess I would say like mainstream games popular one popular ones when you when you talk to somebody if they played a botella sort of games they a lot of times they mentioned this one and for good reason and we are going to show you why and as per usual what we're gonna be doing is giving you a brief overview of how the game is played maybe not brief very heavy game but a good overview of how the game is played and then the nitty gritty details will be when we actually played the playthrough we're gonna have time stamps so if you want to skip ahead you can go ahead and do that but before you do that can you go ahead and please turn on your Klingon subtitles just in case we make any mistakes we can go ahead and do those Corrections and if you like content like this and would like to see more please consider subscribing and with that we are going to get started so if you would please direct your attention to the entire table well we have the beautiful game board oh my gosh so this is another you know tool design he's amazing I don't know if I can say enough about his artwork so the theme of this game is actually based off of something that happened in history in the year 1755 Lisbon suffered a major earthquake like we're talking at 8.5 tonight catastrophic catastrophic it was followed by tsunami and three days of fires and so this game spans a period of 22 years where we as Nobles are going to be working to rebuild the city using some of the rubble that was left behind during these events we're gonna be working with three major nobles and guess we can call them who are the king the Minister and the Royal Builder in order to build public buildings were going to be rebuilding stores in the downtown area which this area of the board represents and of course working with the church because this time period wouldn't be complete without having this church presence which influences we're gonna be producing goods from the stores and the goods in this game come in four different types we have gold cloth books and tools and they're color-coded and we're going to also be earning influence in order to visit these nobles to trade with them in the middle here we also have the Treasury which is going to dictate the economy of our game so it's gonna be fluctuating throughout the game now as nobles each player also has a player board that's called our portfolio so our portfolio is gonna house pretty much everything that we collect over the course of the game with the exception of our money which is in the form of race and before we kind of get into the overview of how the game is played I just kind of want to talk about some of the concepts of this portfolio because this portfolio player board area is very important to your gameplay on the left-hand side here we have I believe it's the storehouse for the warehouse that holds all the goods it holds all your goods and so you can see here we have we start with one of each type of good over here we also have our storehouse for the rubble that we're going to be collecting now there are three different colors of rubble because they are consistent with the type of destruction that occurred so blue is for the tsunami the broad ones are for the earthquake and the red ones are for the fires and so over the course of the game we're gonna be completing of sets of these rebels in and what I mean by that is one of each color completes a set we're going to be housing them here and completing these sets is not only going to potentially move along the timing of the game but it's going to unlock more space in our warehouse because right now we can only hold a capacity of at most two of each type of good as well as cards in our portfolio which we'll discuss in a second as soon as we complete a full set of rubble that in capacity increases by one so the main purpose of the portfolio is to house cards now there are three slots at the very top of the player board and three slots at the bottom of the player board to get tucked into over the course of the game just like this and so the top area is used for these noble car which are faces as well as ships that's why they're a little bit bigger in space and the bottom half is used solely for Treasury cards like this so it's gonna look kind of like this over the course of the game but like I was mentioning at the start of the game you can only have a maximum of two cards spread out between the two sides so that's just kind of the basic concept of this player board it also houses some of your other tokens like your royal favorite tokens as well as your plans and your buildings and state officials down here and at the top right we have our clergy tiles a maximum of four clergy tiles I'm going to start the game with one so the way that the game works is like I was mentioning earlier it's played over a span of 22 years so the gameplay itself is going to occur over two time periods in which we will have a mid game scoring and then an end game scoring at the very end but the player turn structure in this game is what's very interesting and also what's very difficult for some people to move your ass yes yes so we are going to discuss that right now so what happens is at the start of the game each player is going to have a hand of five cards so to start your turn and end your turn you'll always have five cards during the entire game and the cards are pretty much consistent of two different types you'll either have a noble card which is any of the cards that have the noble faces on them and there are three nobles like you were mentioning earlier and they're color-coded so any card that has a face is a noble card and then the second type of card is the white Treasury card that doesn't have a face it just has a symbol in the middle so Treasury card noble card and that's pretty much it all of the cards are just different combinations of these two different types and so on a player's turn the main concept is the very first thing that you're going to do after the ship stock which we'll discuss when we do gameplay is you're going to choose one card you have a had the five cards you just choose one it's all you're gonna do and once you've chosen the card then you are going to decide if you want to play the card to your portfolio which is your player board or if you're going to play the card to the Royal Court over here to visit the nobles and if you ever get lost in this decision tree not only is the decision tree in your player guide but it's also here on your player board it might not make sense at first glance but I'm gonna just kind of point out where we are in the decision tree as we discussed so I've chosen my card and I'm deciding to I want to play it to my player board or do I want to visit the Royal Court just keep in mind that in order to play your card to the portfolio you have to have at least one good in your storehouse if you don't have a good in your storehouse and you are not going to be earning a good by playing this card to your portfolio then this is not a valid option for you which will make sense later so let's pretend like we've chosen to play our cards to our portfolio so on the decision tree here on your board that is this area here this purple area here is me deciding to play my card from our portfolio if it is a noble card noble cards are played at the top of your portfolio tucking in the arrow at the bottom and so any bonuses that are shown on the arrows you just get them immediately and they the bonus is vary widely so we're just gonna kind of discuss them as we play but that's the basic concept it just gets stuck there and then that's it Treasury cards on the other hand are tucked in at the bottom of your player board and they allow you to earn money you're going to earn money equal to whatever the Treasury value is and then afterwards the Treasury marker will decrease in value and then afterwards the Treasury card gets tucked in at the very bottom of your player board and each Treasury card at the very bottom has an ongoing effect so that is one of the main purposes of doing this to earn money and to have that kind of ongoing effect so what's the card has been tucked into your portfolio which is this decision here then we move into the very last decision of your turn which is what do I do next do I want to sell goods or do I want to trade with the nobles selling goods is exactly what it sounds like you're selling the goods that you have in your storehouse and in order to do this somebody at the table doesn't have to be you but somebody at the table has to have a ship that they have already built in their portfolio and it would look something like this we haven't discussed how to build a ship yet but it would look something like this and so if there's at least one ship on the table that has space for goods you can now sell goods and so you can sell as many of them as you're able to and you can sell them to as many different ships as you like but they're going to go in the ship section and you're going to get money equal to whatever the value that good is here in the market so in this case if I were to sell gold I would get six rates immediately immediately exactly and if this causes any of the ships to be completely full and you can see the hull size at the top of the left side here so in this case it's one good then the good get flipped over and whoever owns a ship gets one point / good so you selling goods to other people will also help them earn points keep that in mind now the other option if you don't want to sell goods is this over here which is trading with the nobles it's a handshake because you're trading with the nobles and so this action allows you to take two of the different state actions that are associated with the three nobles that we have here and the state actions are all all the actions here they're on these like kind of like lighter colored columns each state action is associated with a specific noble and each noble cares about one of the specific types of goods trading with the nobles allows you to do up to two of these actions but each time you must turn in one of the goods to take that action so the good that is required is listed at the bottom of each column now if you can see this each Noble accepts gold as a type of currency but also the Royal Builder accepts tools the Prime Minister accepts books and the King accepts class so when taking an action in this area what you're gonna do is you're gonna literally take the good that you're going to be trading and you're going to put it on top of the action that you want to take just like that covering the action once you've finished taking your action then you can decide if you'd like to take the second one the second one is always optional so it's up to you and so the purpose of putting the good here is to also remind you that if you are gonna take the second state action you cannot take the exact same one again right only to each one once in a given turn and so I'm just gonna briefly discuss what each of these actions do and we're going to leave the nitty-gritty details to the gameplay because we are going to do each actions several times during the course of the game and so these two actions are for the Royal Builder this first one allows you to hire two state officials from your board and put them in two of the different offices which are shown here and this is going to be important for when we talk about playing cards to the the royal court so we'll discuss that again later this action allows you to acquire one of the the face up plans on the right side here that allows you to build a public building and that's something we'll also discuss later but just know that we all start the game with a starting plan a random starting plan there are two different colors of public buildings there's blue and green and that's why there are two corresponding colors of the plans as well think of them as blueprints mm-hmm this action appear for the Prime Minister allows you to build a ship so this is the way to build ships ship cards look like this on the very left hand side here there's a little box that tells you its hull size this is how many goods this ship can store before it must set sail so in order to build a ship you actually have to spend goods equal to its hull size and they have to be different goods so if I'm building this red ship that must be built after the blue one has been built then I have to spend two different goods and that's in addition to the good that I already spent just to take this action I just want to mention that when you build a ship building a ship also allows you to or an influence this is one of the main ways to earn influence which is this tracker here an influencer is going to be important for taking actions having to do with the royal court later on and so we will discuss how to earn influence during the gameplay the next state action here allows you to produce goods and so that is for every store that you have built in this downtown area you produce one good and for each type of good that you produce this way they actually decrease in value by one yeah so this is kind of a supply and demand here as we start rebuilding the city and creating more of these stores that were previously destroyed as we produce those goods the value of the goods then decreased because supply and demand and this market actually never increases in value once it's decreased then it's not going to go back up so keep that in mind as well and the last two state actions are the ones for the king this one up here allows you to move this clergy meeple around the clergy track which is our church and so there are two green arrows because it means you can move the clergy people up to two spaces forward and the basic concept of this area here is where ever the cordini pole ends you're allowed to take one of the two tiles there on either side of the people and it's going come to your code details space over here you have a maximum capacity of four and that's a hard limit you cannot ever exceed that you can't even discard a tile to make room for more and clergy tiles give you ongoing benefits they're great once the clergy meeple lands on our passes this symbol over here this increases the Treasury marker up by one and once the clergy meeple it goes all the way over here then we're going to have Church scoring which allows you to then discard any number of the core details you have to gain points and to earn influence and that will also be discussed during gameplay and the left action which is a crown allows you to take one of the royal favorite tokens that you don't already have so there are three different colors of royal favorite tokens and they all correspond to the different nobles we start the game with one each and you can only ever have one of each type and these tokens are very very useful we will talk about their significance in a second and so had you gone down this portfolio route of decision-making once you've completed up to two of the actions here then your turn will end and whenever you end your turn you all you do is you take one of the face-up cards and these are all stacked according to type so you can choose like I really need the green noble card so I'll take one of the green noble cards etc so that is how you end your turn always have to end your turn with five cards and now let's talk about the other side of the decision tree which is playing your card to the Royal Court so we're in a backtrack all the way to the beginning of your turn where you're deciding which card to play if it is a noble card and that's any of the three nobles then you're going to place it here and you're gonna put your quarry or people on top to in order to keep track of whose turn it is because in higher player accounts things can get kind of dicey and confusing and what plan a noble card to the royal court does is it basically allows you to visit that noble so these are really influential people so in order to visit Noble you have to have influence and so that's where this influence track comes into play depending on the noble card that you played you have to pay influencer equal to however many of these state official maples are in that Nobles office that do not belong to you so the purple player in this situation I played the green noble card in the green Nobles office there is only one people and it is not mine so in this case I would have to pay one influence now the amount of influence you have to pay is actually dependent on where the Treasury marker is if the Treasury marker is in these any of these lower spaces that it's increased by one and if it's in the any of the top spaces and it's decreased by one so but because the marker was in the middle then I pay one influence to visit this Noble and so what visiting the Noble allows me to do is it allows me to first take one of the noble state actions this part of it is optional I'm not required to take one of these two actions if I if I don't want to but if I want to I have to do it first after taking one of these two state actions I must then take the nobles of main action and the main action is a huge symbol that is related to that Noble so this is a royal builder the Royal Builders main action allows you to build a building buildings are going to be built all over the downtown area and then these this is what the buildings look like and the basic concept is that these buildings are going to be built with the storefront which is this like triangular area pointing to one of the colors colored streets and depending on where the storefront is pointing that is a type of good that it will produce so in this example I've built a building that will produce books and to show that it's mine then one of my actual buildings get placed onto there which will also provide me a benefit which we'll discuss later building buildings cost money which is determined by however many rubble cubes are kind of on the outset and they will also provide you with a bonus depending on where it's placed but this whole process of building a building and scoring points we will discuss during the gameplay the prime minister's main action allows you to take one of the Royal Decree cards and Royal Decree cards are basically endgame scoring conditions just for you and the last main action which is the Kings is this one and this allows you to open the public buildings public buildings get built on the outskirts of the downtown area they will also get you a bonus as depicted on these spaces and they will get you these rubble cubes once they're built the roll the cubes come to your player board but in order to build these public buildings you have to have these plans that require you to discard a number of state officials from the office in order to build them so it's a very circular reasoning type stuff which we have already seen in a lot of the previous or in all of his previous names once the active player has completed their turn after playing a noble card to the Royal Court then each player in clockwise fashion may follow that turn and so that is where these royal favorite tokens come into play that we discussed earlier if you have the same colored royal favorite token as the noble card played then you can choose to discard your token in order to follow that action and so what that allows you to do is it allows you to visit the noble just like the active player did you must spend the influence in the same manner but you can visit the noble but the difference is you can only take one action right you get to choose between the three actions that that noble does so one of the two state actions or its main action but you must choose one only one and once everybody has decided whether or not they want to follow then the after player's turn is finished and they also end their turn by drawing one of these cards the last decision that we want to discuss what happens if I play a Treasury card to the royal court so Treasury cards do not allow you to visit one of the nobles instead with a Treasury card you are going to sponsor an event so this is a pretty simple action right all you're doing is you are paying money equal to whatever the Treasury marker is on this track so in this case I would pay three race in order to take the action that is shown in the middle of the card that's it so in this example I would pay three race in order to take that action which is building a building it's pretty simple nobody gets to follow that action you pretty much do it once you're done then you end your turn by drawing up a card there's actually a secret third option you don't want to play a card to your portfolio or to the royal court which I don't think I've ever seen anyone take I think it's like a desperation thing it's a desperation move but what you can do is you must still discard a card because you're always gonna be playing one card on your turn but you're basically discarding one card to take one gold and that's literally a gold it's not 1 rial it's gold and that's it once your turn is done then the next goes and you pretty much go around and around and around until either somebody has completed two complete sets of rubble or three of the draw decks have been completely depleted exactly once that happens you finished that person's turn and then you go into mid game scoring and mid game scoring is basically just three points per completed set of rubble cubes we're going to switch out our hands and then you're going to play the whole second half of the game with different cards they're pretty much the same concept they're the same kind of cards just the bonuses are a little bit different and the influence numbers at top are all so different during the second time period once somebody has completed four complete sets of rubble cubes or three of the draw decks have been depleted once again then you finish the round everybody gets one more turn and the game is done and then you go into final scoring and final scoring is all listed over here at the bottom right hand side of the board there are seven things that you score for and you go in that order you're gonna get points for the different ships that you still have depending on what their hull sizes are you get points for completed sets of rubble cubes points for the buildings that you have in downtown area it is a majority kind of scoring it's all depicted here for example for the pink buildings whoever has the most number of them gets nine points second most six points etc in a two-player game it's gonna be scored a little bit different so we'll talk about that in a bit for every five race that you have is one point not a very good exchange rate you get points for all of your personal decree cards which is big you also get points if you have the most number of officials shown on your completed plans and the last thing is for each of these unused royal favor tokens you get I believe it's two points points so the max you can get is six on that and that is the entire game like I said there's a lot of little details about how to do different actions which will show during the gameplay a difference for a two-player game now there's not a whole lot that's different it's just kind of scale a little bit differently the main things are that in each of the offices there's one neutral meeple so that's gonna be depicted by the green yes and that's gonna be there the entire game so we always have a base value of one influence in each office the bottom row of the downtown area which is Rho E is also not in play and so that's what this this big power bar is for and I think the only other thing is the majority scoring for the buildings are 1st and 3rd rather than all three of these positions but that is pretty much the entire thing so we are going to get started with the gameplay we're gonna see what goes first and then we're I think we're gonna draft our hands dropped that's probably the way to go thinking so ready I wanna see those first yeah was it okay I'm nervous okay ready I don't know do I want to go first I won't do you X reference yeah video okay so I guess I use so because I'm first I am the orange player I'm gonna start with for influence which is not good I want one more influence and Monique is gonna start at five influence oh yeah five whole influence we do start the game with five victory points also known as weights in this game so you can say wigs that's a victory point the victory point tracker is all running all around the board and they are in the format of wigs okay we have also pre-selected our clergy stylist you're supposed to start with two clear details each and then you choose one and so would you like to sure since I'm first I'll say first my clergy tile what it's an ongoing benefit any time I have to spend influence in the royal court I have to spend one less or I get to spend one last night so my clergy tile is clear detail number three if you like the reference but it allows me to earn one wig every time I play a card to my portfolio it's pretty good so it seems like a nice like early game things what seems good seems okay so we're going to draw our heads yeah it will do we have completed the drafting phase of our hand and so if you don't want a draft you don't have to this is just a barrier that we play it seems a little more strategic yeah sometimes you can end up if you just pass out cards just end up with attack will be a hand that just says in as diverse as you'd like so all right so that's it we are going to begin you are the first player okay so what good luck so vision tree you get this so that we can keep track of who first yeah so just reminder I am the orange player in this game Monique is the purple player my money will be on the left Monique's money will be on her left so if you see me in bezel please tell me yes let us know okay let's make a decision okay so the first decision I have to make is choose a card once I choose a card I have to decide to want to play it to the royal court or to my portfolio so this one I'm gonna be playing to my portfolio and this is a treasury card so what we have here is I am going to gain the amount of money that's Shawn's Treasury so I'm gonna gain three raise so I'm gonna take a five and give back to it also then drops down the Treasury because you took money for the took money from is less stole from the coffers and then I'm gonna tuck this card underneath into my portfolio this is my one of two cards I'm allowed and this is now gonna give me an ongoing benefit for the rest of the game as long as I have this card that ongoing benefit is any time I have to pay for a earth or earthquake rubble cube yeah hits it I pay one less yes and this is what building a building so we didn't talk about that but when we get there we'll talk about it okay and then from there now I must perform the next part of the tree so that's gonna be this either sell goods now nobody has ships so I'm not even allowed to do that cannot do that or go to a noble and visit visit a noble and so I'm gonna visit a noble and which Noble don't want to visit and I am gonna go ahead and visit I think with the king so he wants a trade I'm gonna trade with the king so you must pay either a gold or club or cloth yeah so I think I'm going to spend well you know what yeah I will spend this one right here this COIs okay and I'm gonna go ahead and put it on top of the clergy - oh yeah so we're gonna be moving I like these tiles here and so I am gonna go ahead and remove the credit me flow up the two space yes because there's two green arrows here I can move up to two spaces I can go one two or I can just stop short and go one I think I will stop short and go one and I'm gonna take this tile right here what does it do this is tile number 11 so let me go ahead and consult this very handy dandy book whenever you play a marquee card to the Royal Court received three arrays so the marquee is the blue so if I ever play a blue card out here I get three bucks three Ray okay and that's right there and so that is now officially the end of my turn you don't want to do another one um he's allowed to - and if he doesn't have to do both from the king because he played here you can do any - no he's six now that you mentioned that maybe I should oh I shouldn't imagine that maybe I have been there I'm gonna spend this good right here and let's go ahead and I'm gonna take another plan here so I just want to diversify so I'm gonna go here okay so the Builder who wants tools or gold I'm not gonna spend my gold which is higher value I'm gonna spend my tools which is technically the least amount value here and I'm gonna place it right over here and I'm gonna take a plan and taking a plan is getting one of these two so I think I'm gonna diversify here I already have green plants so I'm gonna go ahead and take a blue plan right here and what that basically does is that allows me when it's time to open a public building it allows me now the options opening either the green public building or the blue public building that we have exposed all right and that is the end of my turn I must draw back up so the choices are I'll take this one right here let's go take this home okay okay and then now my turn is done expose this card for Mo'Nique all right your turn thank you oh yeah and end of the turn as well I have to refill the clergy tile there's a huge bag right here and I'm just gonna take one and place it down go that's a very powerful all right let's go ahead and clear off these Goods here okay so it's my turn and I am going to play a card to my portfolio okay so I'm playing this pink card which is the King that's a noble card I'm gonna play it up here to my portfolio and what my bonus is down here is it allows me move the clergy meatball one space see there's only one green arrow as opposed to two green arrows here so there's just one space so I'm going to move the clergy me pull over here and I get to take one of these two clergy tiles this one allows me to get a point every time I take a decree card and this one gives me a 1 rial discount every time I have to spend my purchases so I think this is a little bit more valuable you guys you know so that's gonna go there and I'm gonna tuck this in here no huh so we're not gonna refill this yet the end around a turn so because I played a card to my portfolio my clergy tile gives me a point we're doing so it begins and now I must decide to sell goods or trade with the nobles nobody has a ship in front of them this is so we do not do that so I'm gonna trigger the nobles it cannot be done the first thing I'm gonna do is I believe we should get ships out so I am going to go and build a ship you're gonna build it I think so ok yes I'm gonna do this state action with a book and I'm going to build the blue ship the only show the only ship available you have to build the blue one first before you can build the red one and then two-player game there's only one of each so in order to build the ship I have to discard goods equal to its hull size which is just one so now I must decide which good to get rid of it's good isn't good enough good enough that's a good question mm-hmm this one the pink pink the closet cloth see a cloth so that gets discarded I'm going to tuck the ship at the top because that's where the ships go and the first thing that happens is a Treasury marker increases in value and I get to take influence now that is what this universal symbol means it's like an envelope it means I get to take influence yes this is symbol right here at the influence track yes this is one of the two main ways to earn influence and we didn't discuss this earlier so the way that that works is I took this in here and at the very top of all of the cards at the top of your portfolio there is an envelope with a number on them this is the value of your portfolio so when you take influence you're going to add up all those values that are showing at the top in my case here this noble card didn't actually give me any influence it's a big zero I did get the benefit from playing that card yes but if you notice the actual ship card does give me influence at the top so I'm going to gain a grand total of three influences three there you go thank you if ever my marker gets to the very the very last spot of the track here which is a ten spot I also get a wig but that didn't happen here also of my marker so I have built my ship and now I must decide if I want to take a second action and so I think I will take the second action okay and I'm going to spend this gold to do it because it excellent you spent the wrong I'm going to do a royal favor token so I'm gonna take the green one okay and it ends my turn so I must now draw a card I think I will take this card a pink one the pink one but that so very well played money this card gets flipped over and these two goods go away go bye-bye and lastly we need one more clergy toilet to refill yes this is the thing to easily forget okay so this new clergy tile says that whenever you receive a ruble however you see ruble cubes you can discard one to get two points all right your turn yes okay so what I'm gonna do is I am unfortunately gonna play this card right here so I'm gonna play this royal card okay noble card I'm gonna play this noble card to my portfolio here and so I'm you slip it in the top and the benefit I get is I get a gold good and my capacity again is maximum two because I do not have a full set of ruble cubes yeah so I do have two gold at its max capacity the next thing I have to do on that decision tree is either sell goods or trade with the nobles like what I just previously did I'm actually gonna sell goods now that somebody has a ship so we're gonna have a little symbiotic relationship here with that newly acquired gold I'm gonna go ahead and put it on your ship so her whole size right here is a 1 I place it there because her whole size is at max this is gonna go ahead and flip saying that that is complete I am also gonna collect the value of gold at this time which is 6 so I'm gonna get 6 array here 5 and 6 and that is my turn there's no following and actually because I have met the capacity from my hole size here with this good the beam was able to flip it over and I get one point for selling that good for him that's that symbiotic relationship I was talking about I took the money she got a point but this good must stay on the ship until the beginning of my turn when this ship is actually gonna return I can clear off those goods ok so now I'm gonna draw back up and I will take this blue card right here Thanks all right so now it's my turn again and the true start of your turn is if you have any ships that have completed goods on them or boxed away goods then these clear off well that's the very first thing that happens now I will choose a card to play okay so I think I am going to play a card to my portfolio okay and this is a treasury card okay so Tory cards allow me to gain income so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to get three race because that is the current price of the Treasury and then it's going to decrease the Treasury marker by one okay you know you have that clergy tile thank you all right you have that clear detail right because you're playing to your portfolio so I'm playing the card to my portfolio it's gonna go in the bottom half but because my capacity in my portfolio is still only two cards have to get rid of one of these so I'm gonna get rid of this one because it's actually no longer doing anything for me as evidenced by when you collected influence yes I'm gonna go away and because I had this court detail that it gives me one point whenever I play a card to my portfolios and I also have now an ongoing benefit which is a 1 rial discount so much mine yes except it discounts the red cubes for when we build buildings probably describe in a second now I have to decide who I want to sell this good I don't have one good in my storehouse so I don't want to sell it or do I want to use it to trade with the Royal Builder over here which is either going to allow me to put out state officials or get a plan so I think I probably need some money so I'm gonna sell it to myself ok so I'm selling it to my ship it only has a whole size of one so it's now full I'm gonna get money equal to evidence market value is which is for radio before sorry you do yes I do five I'm gonna take one back from you thank you and then now all you took it already okay and then no because my ship is full I get the one point good and that's the end of my turn I'm going to finish my turn by drawing a card so so I think I will take this card okay green so no clear details were taken we're just gonna flip this up very good so now because I sold my good to the ship this is not gonna clear out until they start on my next turn so now Naveen does not have the option of selling no goods to at all because he doesn't have a ship so you'd have to build a ship in order for you to sell goods this is all true but I am going to go ahead and do something else I am going to finally play a card court right there I'm gonna be playing a builder card that's this gentleman right here denotes that it's my active churn I'm gonna place my little thing here so are you yeah we've mined evil and we do not focus on anything in the top and bottom here we just focus on this so again what we do here is I am allowed to take one of the two state actions that you see here followed by I must take the main action okay so I'm gonna go ahead and take the state action but first I just must pay influencer forgetting that effect but oh it's only one influence for me right now so the first thing I have to do now that I've played this card right here is I have to look at how many other people's maples are in the office so in a two-player game we have this I think like a dummy digital player and so that's one influence I must pay and then the modifier in the Treasury because Monique just did what she did that puts it at to total influence now the good thing is I have this clergy tile that I started the game with so I paid one less influence so I go from a four to three for the opportunity to take this whole action here yeah okay so now I'm gonna choose one of the two state actions which I don't have to do and then I must do this one right here so and in the scenario where you actually don't have any more influence to spend and you want to do this you can spend the difference in wigs so you can spend points instead of influence but that's only if you are at zero correct yeah okay so my modifier again was minus one so I went from four to three so now I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna take this state action here which is basically putting out two officials now when I do that it take two from this board right here and I must place them in two different offices so I'll put one here and then just for diversity I'll put one right over here okay so we have them a little bit spread out and the next thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take the main action and the main action is we're gonna be actually building stored the whole purpose of this game you know we're trying to one of you one of you we're trying to rebuild the city this is the first time that we are building a building in this game so we're gonna walk you through the specific steps because order matters unity so in the beam is gonna build a building which colored building was gonna be a pink building okay so I'm taking it from the pink section here because if I choose to follow his turn I will not be allowed to build a big building so that's really important so now there's a notch in this building and that's going to dictate the storefront and so we need it to be pointing at this streets so it can either be on one of these spaces here or one of these spaces here or would you like to be okay so I'm gonna be building it in this D row and I'm gonna put it right over here on this spot okay so it's gonna go right there naveen first get the bonus that's depicted that spot so in this situation you get to put out two more official more visible I'm gonna put one here and then one right over here there we go okay so then the building gets placed right there and now before Naveen has to pay for the land he can take one of the rubble cubes that are either in the column at the very bottom of the column of the store that he just built or on the side here so which cube would you like I'm gonna go ahead and take this red one right over here so I take it and then I place it on the first red spot that I have on the left side it doesn't what call over here because the role of cubes I built all the way from left to right and then now we calculate how much this land is gonna cost for into being so it's going to be whatever the current Treasury value is so two plus the sum of all of the rubble cubes that are in the same row and column as a building that he flew now the base price of each type of replica is dependent on the the kind of rubble it is so the beige cubes which are the ones for the earthquakes are our three raise each the red cubes are to raise and the blue cubes are one so this is going to be a grand total of three six nine ten eleven twelve thirteen raise I do have an ongoing benefit of a one discount per this beige cube right here so instead of it being thirteen it's actually gonna be ten plus the two from the Treasury so it's gonna cost me a total of twelve yes so this is the time to pay for it so five you did follow that math it's two four six eight ten plus the tube so five ten eleven twelve so all my money goes there okay and now now Naveen may must claim this building by putting one of his own buildings on top correct and so the buildings on the player board are laid up three columns and each column must be built from bottom to the top each column provides a specific benefit ongoing benefit one the building has been built we call it to the right basically allows you to produce an additional good when you're producing we call it in the middle has to do with giving you a discount when you go to build ships and then the column on the Left allows you to pay money instead of influence right so which one would you like I am gonna build from the bottom of this ship one right over here so I'm gonna take this off and place it right on there so this signals that I have one of the buildings on the pink street that's my building worth and so because he built that building he gets a discount of one good whenever he builds exactly okay and I believe that is the end of that so the last thing would be to see how many points he scores but in this game you only score points for buildings if there are public buildings in the same row or column of that store that matches the color type correct right now we have no public buildings on the board so he's not going to score any points just yet later on the game probably will maybe okay and that is everything for me so would you like to follow so now yes now I must decide if I'd like to follow because I do have this royal favorite token but it is a little bit expensive I would have to pay for influence yeah one two three four do that quite a bit I think I will okay it's expensive but worth it maybe sure I know so I have to spend the royal favor token in order to follow so I go ahead and spend it and then now I must pay influence so I'm gonna pay - I'm sorry one I'm gonna pay one plus three because none of these are mine and navin's thinking of being put to hospitals in there is getting they mean it smells great so I spent for influence to do that and I the difference is I can only take one of these three actions so I am of course going to choose to build a building build a building I'm going to build a yellow saree a goal is building and I think I'm gonna build it I think gonna build it here in this spot right there okay so doing so gives me a cloth okay so gonna have a clock to see you make another clock thank you I'm gonna plop that right there it has to be pointing at the gold and I now may pluck a rubble material which I think I will pluck this one so this is a beige one it's gonna go in my storehouse right there and then now I have to pay for the land so it looks like it's gonna be to raise plus two three four five six seven eight nine right yep but because I have this clear detail it gives me a 1 rial discount every time I have to pay any thinks that's a trace plus your your benefit at the bottom yeah plus my benefit at the bottom which is here so I get a 1 rial discount for the red rebels right so two different different discounts one discount on the red marble cube one discount on the over there just a total order so let's see that again so it's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 - 1 7 correct ok so here's a 7 race 7 and then I now must choose a building I'm gonna put this building out so that's gonna give me an additional good when I produce furnace and I don't score any points because there are no public buildings out and I believe that is it that's it so you have followed me so it's technically your turn so well I have to draw a card first let's not get too excited here yeah who's excited all right so I will take oh I will take this one right here there's only 5 cards in each deck so they all run - okay so now that the beams turn is over these get replenished yes so no those one of these lot of being but a boom so this goes bye-bye and then that card gets discarded discarded yeah all right so now it's my turn at the beginning return a beanie my turn this goes bye-bye so that now I can sell again if I like again okay yeah okay I have chosen a card okay it took a little bit of time but I've chosen a card and I'm going to visit the Royal Court okay with it so it's actually this blue knodel guard very good I'm gonna put my corner meatball right there and so in order to visit this noble I have to pay influence it's I have two peoples here that are not mine plus this additional one year because of the church in 2003 the influence totally dangerously close to zero I need to get that Treasury up we do this is a problem so now I can take one of these two state actions and then the main action so I'm going to take this state action which allows me to produce goods typically I get to produce goods for each for all of my stories that I have out here I only have one a store so this is gonna get me one gold but because I built this building this lets me take an additional good from one of the buildings that I have out there very good that's two gold total yeah which is pretty good thankfully you can still hold because of my capacity and so now that that's done I take the main action and so this main action allows me to take a decree card any one of these so there are eight of them I think I'm just going to take this one so taking the data the decree cards are very specific they they'll give you points either for stuff that that's in the downtown area but during the time it's a daunting town area but sometimes I'll give you points for like combinations of rubble cubes you have or like goods that you have at the end of the game this decree card specifically gives me one point per building that has been built in rody per store doesn't have to be hers there's nothing be mine that's why the building is like all colorful because it means any players call their buildings so this is already gonna net me two points so I took that nothing's to put here yeah yeah and that's like for my turn doesn't have a blue royal favor token so unfortunately he cannot follow so that would be it for my turn I'm going to draw up another card here I'm gonna take this one just because this because Nick loves and game scoring game scoring Queen okay well then I have me I'm gonna play this card here we're going back to the court Oh so again influences an issue one two - one one influence gets spent so now I'm gonna take the action so I get to move this the clergy track or I can take one of them in one of these favorite tokens so you know I think I I think I'm gonna push the clergy yes I think I think we need this to get cheaper for everybody go Claire do you go alright so we're gonna go ahead and push the clergy let's go one two and now I have no idea what that means there so because he bypassed this symbol correctly Treasury market goes up so I made it a little bit cheaper for money but you know I you know this handy dandy is very very do this cord Utah here number 23 this allows you to or 315 two bucks every time you spend a green card to the center yes very similar to this one right here they have not taken advantage of yet so let's go ahead and take that one I like it so now I'm full with three of them here and now I must take this main action here which is to open a public building which is the first time we're going to be doing that so you know what before you continue I'm gonna backtrack a little bit because we miss this okay when I produce the good mm-hmm because it produced a cold this is supposed to go down in value correct yeah we have to remember that so I produced two goods from that one store but it's only one type of good so it only goes down by even if you produce 10 because she had a bunch of buildings everywhere kind of one type right it still only goes down one right exact occur okay okay so we are now gonna be dead taking this for the first time this action here and we are gonna be opening a public building okay so because this is the first time we're opening a public building we are going to walk you through it so which public Nadine has plans for either color a public building green blue blue or sorry green or blue right so which one would you like to build I'm gonna build the blue isn't about the blue one where would you like to build it likes to build it right smack dab there okay so he's gonna build it here he's gonna take these two ruble cubes he gets both of them yes where's the storehouse yes he also gets this benefit which is five race yes yes yeah and this gets plopped there but also he must pay for the public building so if you look at the plan the plan shows a certain number of officials required that he is required to basically take back from the offices so in this case it's two so you must take two officials back okay anywhere hmm let's take take well you like dick free cards I'll tell my good one too okay there we go they retreat home okay so now these stores can score points each public building has a combination of colors sometimes it'll have one color on them but a majority of the time it'll show two different colors so in this case this would shows pink and brown so what's gonna happen is because he put it on one of the side areas you're gonna look at the row that that public building is in and any building any store I should say that is pointed at the pink or the brown street is going to score points equal to whatever the value is in its column so in this example this is gonna score points for pink and brown stores there's only one store that qualifies that which is navin's that's fine he's gonna get three points so same would be true if somebody were to build a public building here that is also a pink color than he was going three points again exactly mm-hmm let's not forget now I have completed one full set of rubble here now so that's gonna knock this off it's gonna go here so anytime I take a decree action I can take a second one I decree card and every card actually yes actually it's the next time he takes a decree card he has the option of saving a second one by discarding or not cube exactly in addition to that if you look at this equation here I've now increased my portfolio size so I can hold three goods of each type now as well as three cards into my portfolio yes the equation ah two plus one okay so are you done yeah I think that was right there but now it goes to me and I get to decide because I have this royal favorite token I get to decide if I would like to do the same to call it I don't remember does this immediately feel yes sorry yes the public buildings are the only exception everything else gets refilled at the end of the turn public buildings get refilled immediately so now Monique would you like to do you know what this might be very risky if I do is this is why I'm gonna do it I'm gonna follow I'm spending this Royal token I'm going to follow navin's pink noble move the King so I have to spend influence equal to these two yeah to influence fairies at zero now yes so I spend my they only want to have left and this is the only situation where you can spend points to make up for the influence so I lose a point one point four four influences I was at one point Breslin once we're now tied at he's going out I'd and so I'm gonna build a public building yeah I'm gonna build the blue one because that's the only one that I have a plan for correct so I'm gonna build this one I wonder and I think I'm gonna build it up here oh so the first thing my order matters because the first thing that happens is I take the rubble cubes which will then complete my my rubble set am I not merciful I with the cube I now increase my my store supply and I also get this benefit she was max at two but because she opened up her so now I can hold that third one this is gonna go there but first I must pay for it so my plan shows that I have to bring back three officials I only have one official out there so that one goes back to me good and in the case that you have no more officials you can hire them and you can hire them at the price that's dictated by the Treasury which is three race each so I hired two more I've hired two more four six so six raise but I also have this clergy tile that give me a 1 rial discount over the price of the order so it's only five so this gets flipped over because I used it you did and now for the public building that I built I anybody who has a storefront that is pointing to this street that's gold gets points and so that's only me and this store it will earn me five five point five weeks very good so you are at 13 now so it's also important to note that for the for the northern area appear for the public buildings you can't actually build a public building here that's not it does not at least consist of gold right like I wouldn't be able to build this blue brown one there because it has to be catering to the gold people products basically follow the colors yeah all the colors it's pretty straightforward and this gets replenished and I believe that's it well that was an excellent play money well now I'm like influence lists and you are you have that much stuff going on anymore but did you that was all my turn Wow it said I have to draw a card yes the price okay let's go ahead and take I'll take this guy right here that one okay and then we need another Koji tile right there and your quarry people goes back and now it's actually your get this garden yeah but aren't there okay okay we get one of these so we're not really describing all of the core details as we go I don't know if that's something that we should be doing so this new one that came out is number 23 and that one says whenever you sell each book is worth to raise that's good I guess we can kind of discuss them as we go yeah let's go around there's a lot of them yeah okay that's it that's so much yeah it's no you okay so it is my turn and I have chosen a card I think the name of the game this turn is we need to we need to find a way to gain some influence it is not good to play Elizabeth and have zero influence absolutely quite bad so I'm going to play this card into my portfolio it is another noble card and this is going to allow me to now I can hold up to three cards in my portfolio total because I've completed a set of rubble cubes so I don't to discard anything to do this and talking this card in will allow me to put out two officials they don't have any officials out there which is not good for me and it's great for in the beam so let's see I definitely want to put one here okay they have to be in two different offices so put one there and and probably the second one will go here okay right there okay so then this gets tucked in here and because I still have this clergy tile I played a card to my portfolio so I get one point okay that's a nice tile and now I must decide if I want to sell goods or so good to my ship so good or I try to the noble isn't I think in this case I will trade with the nobles okay so the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm going to build the second ship so we're going to have the monopoly in his ship industry here so it requires either books or gold I don't have books or in go with gold so I'm building this ship and in actuality I'm just going to upgrade the current ship that I have now we don't want to ditch any of my other cards so I only have to pay the difference in the whole size which is going to be one good so I'm gonna I'm gonna pay this ain't good to do that and the ship will go away and this ship comes to me and so now I increase the Treasury value up one and I get to take influence so if you remember earlier influence is the sum of all of the influence numbers that I have at the top my portfolio so it's 2 plus 1 3 I get 3 influence okay and then do it again 4 huh I'm gonna do anymore yes for my second action I'm actually going to go and visit the clergy for the church okay and I get to move the clergy people up up to 2 spaces so I will do both because I literally I'm only doing this to get to church scoring get some influence so I went ahead and moved it up two spaces I'm going to now take a clergy tile and I'm gonna take this one now I don't know what it does I'd have to look in the book but I'm not actually gonna use it I'm just gonna spend it for a church scoring and church so what you're supposed to do is let you lay down this maple and you're supposed to have Church scoring I believe after the turn hmm so my turn is technically finished so I'm gonna draw up a card and then we'll do Church scoring so let's clear these two all so I think I will take a minute take this card okay and then we will need to we need to refill this core detox so let's explain church-going so this is an X Square D tile and this is number one and for that quarry tile it looks like whenever you open a public building you earn two wigs okay so now my turn is done we are gonna go into Church scoring so Church scoring occurs whenever the meeple goes back to this spot or passes it and so starting with me because I was the active player I have to decide whether or not I want to earn influence the answer to that is usually yes but in order to earn influence you have to discard at least one of your clear details so this is not only a good way for you to earn influence but also a way for you to flush out these clear details because you only have a space for four so I am going to earn inflow I'm going to discard just this one and when you discard the clear details on the opposite side there's a certain number of wigs showing you actually earn points for however many wigs are so here's a shun for so I'm gonna in four points for this one two three four and these are out of the game I was a game not in back in the bag and I'm now gonna earn influence and earn my influence is gonna be two plus one so another three one two three and then on Naveen get to decide whether or not you want to influence well I have one influence showing and I have these very lovely tiles but I think I will discard for wigs also so I'm gonna discard this one right here I never got to use him unfortunately I'm gonna it's gonna earn me three points and one influence one there and three points there you go alright and also before we continue this red ship the difference between the red ship and the blue ship that I just upgraded it for is now whenever you sell to the ship you earn an additional reach right yeah and it also holds up to two goods before it set sail very very true okay so I am gonna go ahead and play a card to the court for this one right here and what that's gonna do is we're gonna take the green action so I am going to take so first of all we have to spend influence the modifier here is minus one so there's two different ones there so it's minus one minus another one here because my cleared you tell us why can't pay no influence here to do this action so now I'm going to take one of the state actions and then do the building action here so the state action I'm gonna take I think I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna put out two more influence cubes our knives with some officials so I'm gonna put one there and then the next one I will put one right over here to the public building okay okay so that's the state action now I'm gonna go ahead and build so I'm gonna build for the second time here I'm gonna build right over here this pot so you're gonna build a golden old building yeah we're right over here and be okay yep perfect okay looks so you get I get a gold gold golden then you take a ruble I take a ruble so I'm gonna go ahead and I will take I'll take this one right over here so I'm gonna place it there and now I have to pay for the building so it's gonna be for from the Treasury plus one two three four so total of eight to do this so I'm gonna spend ten and get two bucks back or two three i back to raise back sorry okay so now you have to put it building now I put a building out so I'm gonna go ahead and put this one up here and then because there's a public building out that is in line with this building I'm gonna get five points mm-hmm so we're gonna go from 11 to 16 and I believe that is my turn Monique does not have a tile to follow so I'm just gonna draw back up yeah and let's go ahead and I will draw this card right here okay perfect you know I'm done no this current has to go out very good okay oh we are supposed to refill that and then also I played I totally forgot my clergy tile I played a card this the Builder to the Royal Court and I'm supposed to get two rays for that Oh profited I did okay so I turn this is not gonna be the most exciting of turns but it's needed for me so I'm gonna play a card to my portfolio I'm gonna play this one this card allows me to take a Royal Decree and so I'll do that first I guess so you are playing a card to your portfolio let me give you the point before you forget oh yeah because my clergy child fine I guess I'll just I'll tuck it in I have to actually have to replace a card yep because I can only hold three yeah this is gonna replace that card and so I get a Royal Decree card my bonus which one would you like so I'm actually going to take the this one okay I believe this card says if I have one of each good type at the end again I didn't the game then I get five wigs you can only do that once max yes okay and because I have this ruble cube here I can discard it to take an additional one will you and I will I'm gonna take the very less ooh what is this thing so this is one at the end of the game I get one wig per card in my portfolio very nice so and I don't think that includes ships right okay just regular cards okay and then are you going to sell goods or are you going to I'm worried it's all good so I'm gonna sell it to my ship okay and this is a gold good so I get five Ray's plus one but because it's my red ship I get an additional real so it's six six raises and I actually don't get the points for this good yet because my whole size is is max - I see so it needs one more before my ship gets completely filled I gotcha alright and then I am going to end my turn by drawing up a card okay and then I'll refill these once you're done so I'm gonna take this card okay very good and that's it okay so this one looks like if you have the most books by the end of the game you get points - yeah or equal to yep and this one looks like for every white Robo cube you have out here yeah wait your turn yes you're right hmm I'm gonna go ahead and play this card out there so okay so now we have to look at how much influence is required to take these actions so there's two that are not my color - one - one is my clergy tile so net zero on my influence track a nice clear detail yeah it is good so there are no ships to build so this is pretty much a big X until the second half of the game so I'm gonna go ahead and produce goods and so I have stores I have golde store and a cloth store so I'm gonna produce one of each so I get a cloth and I get a gold and this is my max that I can hold my size is three here and so now because I produce these Goods I produce cloth cloths is gonna move down as well as gold they will both move down okay okay drop in the market prices here yeah I know alright and then now I get to take the main action I should have to take the main action which is Decree and so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take I'm gonna take this one right here the new one that came out so for every white to ruble cube you get a wig so I know for sure I'm gonna get at least two cuz I have two out oh good okay and then I will do exactly what Monique did on the previous turn I'm gonna spend my little influence not influence cue but my ruble cube and I will take a second one and I think I'm gonna take this one right here for every building that is mine that's in the pink I will get two so I know there are two wigs minimum guaranteed there Monique cannot follow because she does not have the tile right so now I will draw a card so let's go ahead and take okay I'm gonna take this card right over here I will try free card all right mm-hm and now let's expose a couple more that's one point per it's like public building on the on the on the west yeah tiny little arrow there if you guys can't see it and this one for every green plan you get two wigs ah the green plan that you have completed great okay alright this card goes bye-bye and I believe that is come back to me alright okay so I am going to play this noble card we're going to be real important ice we are visiting the master builder building and so I have to pay influence so there are three meeples in here that are not mine minus one is two so I have to pay to influence in order to visit him and now that I have done so I will take this state action first so I can now put two more official officials to go into these offices put one here yes and I don't have one in here this guy's breakdancing so that's - oh there we go I respect it yeah he wants to have a little bit of fun okay and then now I'm going to take the main action which is building a building yes I'm going to build a building that's right I want to build a pink building we're getting the pink game oh good and I'm gonna build it here so this is going to get me a royal favorite token okay which one oh gosh every move in this game is a decision which royal favorite token do I want well what do you think you can follow the green one back to the green thank you so now let's go ahead so now I must pluck a rubble I'm gonna pluck this one okay and now I will calculate how much my land does it come on all your red yes so the the Reds are all one real for me because of my treasure be discount card on here that I played early early on Whaley and then the blue cubes are already a base one real so it's one two three four race plus four for the base of the Treasury and that's eight five six seven eight there you go I'll take it thank you and then I'm going to place my building here I just took another one from the same column if I can put out the third building in this column then every time I produce goods each each store is gonna produce me an additional good or double actually I think that you only get one more good per type oh yes okay so makes a lot more sense so I'm gonna put that there and because I have a public building that's in the same row and same color as my store I'm gonna get points equal to this one at the column here more points so four points one two three four that's a good turn and I think that's it I was pretty good um would you like to follow you know what um shoot maybe this is gonna cost me how much influence one two three minus one minus one it's only gonna cost me one influence uh combination is just too good - good yeah so if I do I can't afford to do this because it's gonna cost me four plus ruble costs that's gonna be too much so do I want to take another one of these is the question you know what I get a dollar discount I got a real a discount okay yep these clergy tiles are easier for you and the difference between one reality real is huge in this game so yes uh yeah you know what yes okay I will follow so it's gonna cost one two three - one - once it's gonna cost me one influence I don't think I can afford to do this right here how much you have six no because this is already at a base value of four so you would have to find a place that would only yeah cost - okay so I am gonna go ahead and do this one right here which is get a public plan I think these are called plans yes yes I think the blue one just so I have some diversity because I have a green one okay there we go that's finished so let's take this off here I'll discard this for you thank you and then I am going to finish my turn by drawing up a card I got this one okay all right so this is the last green builder card oh boy and there's my one Marky card as well alright so I am ready to take my turn I'm gonna play a card to my portfolio it's gonna get a Treasury card so what we're gonna do is collect the amount of money in the Treasury that's for myself a five and give one back that slides the Treasury down so nope influences a little more expensive and this is gonna go right in here cuz I have a three limit in my hand and so now because I have a combination of these every white cube is now only and it cost me one instead of three before it's costing me - now I have identical benefits here to discount to discounts yes so the question is what do you do it to do next do I want to trade or do I want to sell goods Monique it's all for you to get money money yeah this gives you an additional real it does it's good we it would give me five total cuz gold if I spent gold here would be five plus one maybe I can do something else okay so I am going to trade with the nobles I'm gonna go ahead and move the clergy so the king wants cloth and I get to move it up to spaces so we're gonna go one two and I'm gonna take this right here this looks like for every decree card I have at the end of the game I get one wig it's number 21 no no that's wrong I'm wrong yeah decree card that you receive you also get one wig oh yes these are more like I'll still do it because I plan on I'm getting these so and game scoring so early in the game is it early how much time enjoys the longest period okay now who else am I gonna lobby towards yeah so this person writing there's no ships and I could produce goods but then just making anything cheap so I could only spend gold here to get Public Works or put out more yes I don't have to I don't have to I can't I don't have to but I think I can I treat it to the king as well absolutely any time yeah well you know what I think I am going to try to mix things up a little I will I say so I'm gonna send gold to the Builder and I'm gonna take another public works here so he means a plan a plan that allows me to Public Works I might take the blue one okay so you're thinking about it while you think about it we actually three filled oh yes good call you forgetting that bit ye-yes yeah blue it is yeah let's do blue okay very good that's that's it all right poof alright this clears off did you draw a card you know it's the last thing I have to do oh that's it so one out Oh one out one up three out all right alright so we need to also fill in the clergy title there we go oh that looks pretty nice it looks like you paid too less influence when you go yeah it's a marquee that me officially is no joke is that quite the barrier yeah okay I'm going to I'm gonna visit the Builder okay so playing my noble card to the Royal of course let's do I have to pay it's three influence because Naveen loves to put his officials out here oh it's a whole three there was no discount there no discount no no oh I was looking at some stuff and thinking I don't know if I have enough to do this but I think I do so four bucks you can do that with four bucks yes I can I'm going to take this this state action okay and put out two officials I'm gonna hire these two and I'm gonna place them where do you and place one here and you have to go to the mill no I don't if I place one here whoever has the most in this office is gonna have to kick out a person and if we're tied then we both have to kick out a person so it's a lobby okay what's there but I won't oh I think I'm gonna put this your kindness well is it kind of don't even know I don't know I just feel like you're hard to kick somebody out there and you were to go up next turn to have to spend influence I'm only benefiting you because I'm giving you a discount because I've kicked out one of my own mmm right sure so we're gonna leave it at that okay and then yeah four bucks I have a form you build a building with four four raise I am I'm actually going to I see you do I think so which one well I'll let you do it I don't right corner yes I'm gonna build this little half store it's like a smaller end store I'm gonna build it right here okay so this is a blue building he's gonna produce tools they're gonna get a plan land yeah so I'm gonna think this being plan going green yes gone green green okay so I'm gonna take a rubble cube and it's this one so I have to take either this one or this one from here right so I'm just gonna take one well no I'm gonna take this one hmm because the red ones are the same price for me correct so it's gonna cost you two bucks so it's gonna cost now one two plus three is five but I have a reality so uh anything that I buy such a good deal or race that's everything and I'm going to put out what is you out building right there so now whenever I produce goods I'm gonna produce one more one additional of each type and it's good it matches up with your D degree it does D degree the I do i D degree I do that I'm done so do you know you don't have any really favorite tokens so that ends my dreams No so then I yeah so I don't actually get any points for this building and the reason why is because none of the public buildings in the row or column that it's in are blue so I don't get any points for it but I will take a card now so let's just a I'm gonna take this one let's take a treasury garden I don't think I've done that all treasure game it may help you get money they influence the Treasury and I'm gonna refill this now alright back to you boy that is interesting what you've just done I'm so stressed out I'm this is this might be the most stressed-out I've been so far playing a other sort of game on our channel this exact moment right now hmm well I guess I'm gonna do this I'm gonna play this card out here okay so my maple is gonna go there and we're gonna go ahead and take care of business over here so influence we have one two three no modifier modifier from the clergy so I have to pay - whoa so now I'm at zero well now I get the choice of these lovely things oh I'll just take I'll just take one of the users right here so I can have my pick of the litter let's go ahead and take I'll take the red one okay there we go put that right there and then now I'm gonna do the main which is open a public work so I'm gonna open the blue one this one it's okay where do you want to I'm gonna put it actually into into the spot right here isn't yeah okay and you get a a tool yes and it is a brown public building there are no stores here that sell the that's all books so nobody gets points for this so I get this blue right here though naveen just kind of shut out this whole area here Fred for getting more plan then I have two choices I can spend the one with three officials or the one with two I'm gonna go ahead and do the one with two for right now so that's four you know for me yes and then now to go bye-bye let's just go one okay oh no one for sure one and then fine because I know building buildings but you don't have any money right now to build a building so rude wallet okay you gotta think of these things all right so that's one two and then I will and this gets replenished it does give my and then I will take a I'll take the red one okay that's it oh and clear this off okay so it's my turn I am going to I know I am so nervous you nervous oh this is so hard at two can always just get rid of a card for a gold don't forget you're so helpful in living okay I'm gonna visit the royal court with that one and I'm going to visit the king I am himself him himself King King him King King self all right I have to pay some influence to this thing I have to there are two meatballs here that are not my own so have to pay to influence I'm going to pay one and lose a point yes the second time I've done that if I lose my two points we know why you said something else earlier that I did it's not by this time I always do that okay so I'm gonna visit the king oh do I want to increase that wait what are those crazy tiles so this one so this could do tile is number nine yes I think you can discard rubble cube oh yes whenever you receive all trouble you can discard one instead of putting it onto your board this one is 23 that's like when you sell books you get an extra two bucks yes well you know these apology what's this one all that one okay so that was number 18 each of your ships is worth an additional two wings when it sets sail and it in game scoring what I mean wow we're gonna do this you're like after all that now we're getting a royal favor token which one you cannot take green so it's blue or red you know I'm gonna take blue this time that's the first time I'm taking blue sorry I took that and then now I'm gonna open a public works which one will you do I only have the green ones I'm gonna open that yes and I'm actually not gonna put it where you think I'm gonna put it I have no idea what you're doing oh do you okay I'm actually going to build this Public Works building I have to change my mind last minute what about here okay really I get to take these two yet interesting placement yeah it is I don't know if that was the best move but I get to take both of these and it's gonna allow me to complete my second rubble set so we're gonna have mid game scoring here and we're now have a switch in the time periods but because I completed my second rubble set this goes in the middle and now I can hold an additional card and I have to pay for that building yes so it is to two officials so let's take them I'm gonna take one from here and one from here and this gets flipped coober put it right there and I have these two nobody has any buildings here that are blue or brown so nobody gets points for that public building and I believe that's it for my turn would you like to follow I think I might okay let's take a look though yes I'm gonna follow okay I'm going to so turn into turn into chid so influence is 1 2 minus 1 so I have to pay 1 because I'm one short okay in wigs so now I am gonna put out a public building so we will have intermediate scoring so it's in my best interest to put out one that contains red let's go ahead and see which one so this is supposed to fill in automatically money oh yes because I have access to both green and so actually before naveen you continue your turn I have to take a decree cards yeah so I'm gonna take which one I'll take that last one over there the very last one yeah that's two points for every completed green green plant yes so this does not fill in until after so I can't see another one I could take a second one but just to see more okay okay so I've already done all my spending so now I got to figure out which public work I want to put out so knowing that for every set you're gonna get three at the end of this round that seems pretty important so let's go ahead and okay I'm gonna go ahead and take the green and go ahead and put it right over here get a plaid there too and if I get these two cubes below it was a plan so I'm gonna take this green one right over here and let me put these two Reds so I'm gonna put one there and one there and now because I put a green one out I'd have to put this one out with the three officials so we pluck one two three look money oh there are nobody there what happened games going on summer vacation okay so that's that that's that did I have to do anything else money you paid I did no that's it you place this one I did so the only other thing would be to check for any points there are no stores no me there uh this is here so this gets the push-off right over there all right that's so that is the end of my turn oh I get to draw up a card yes so even though these aren't gonna matter I would like to take the pink a pink one the pink one yes for purposes of this next bit so the first period is over that was a longest period ever oh and so now we are gonna go into midterm mid-game scoring which is basically for each completed set of rubble we get three points yep so we look at six so I have three now yeah so one two three four five six and what am i at twenty-one so the gap stays the same okay so now that we've earned our points for our rubble cube sets now we are actually going to set out the new ship cards so it's gonna be the purple and then the brown in that order so now we have ships to build perfect afterwards we are going to a choose any number of cards in our hand to discard and for each card that we discard we're going to draw back up to five of this new purple deck right and the purple deck is just I mean it's basically you shuffle same combinations of of noble cards and Treasury cards except with different amounts of bonuses and influence and for each type of noble card just guarded this way you get the bonus at the bottom for one of each type I don't know okay okay so I'm actually going to discard four cards Wow and three of which are Nobles okay so there are each one of each type so the first thing I get is 3 influence oh good the next thing is I get to put out two officials and you're killing it with that probably right there and then the next one is I get a royal favor token so I'm just gonna take the third one that I didn't have okay and so these are 4 cards total that I'm discarding ok and so I get 4 cards from the purple deck alright you want to take them flute oh yeah oh yes okay thank you and then Noah Naveen goes yeah so I think I'm only gonna discard 2 cards so this one right here I get to put out a I need to put out a official so let's get somebody on the board sheesh let's go over here and then alright and then the next one this is one that I wanted to play so long ago it's take to build a ship action aah so I'm gonna take this one right here ok and so I do have spread this out so I do have the benefit of pay one less good for building ships so now I just have to give up two goods that are not the same type so I'm gonna give up one to these two okay ok and now I have a ship and because I have a ship here we do all the shipping action so the first thing that happens is the Treasury is gonna move up okay and then also I'm gonna gain influence for all the influence shown here so I have to influence that's gonna go one two ok very good and then now I'm gonna draw two more cards and perfect ok and then oh we are going to sit out our second period card spread yeah it's gonna be my choice yes all right okay so we now have our decks all sorted into their different types and we are ready to begin the second period second half we I mean this could go fine I think it's gonna go much faster yes I think you're almost at three complete sets of rubble almost if we have four complete sets of rubble than this that's it for the game yeah okay so I am going to it's my turn so I'm gonna play a card to my tableau I'm gonna play this blue one right here okay and so now I have a max of 4 so I'm kind of maxed out here so I'm gonna swap this guy out right here and just put them in and I get to pick up a decree card okay my benefit so I'm gonna put that there this card is gonna go bye-bye so I'm gonna pick up a degree card and I'm gonna pick up the decree card that gets you points per degree card ha ha ha okay now the decree car exception I think yeah and then I have this right here for every day when I grab a decree card I get a wing which is a victory point so they're gonna go there now I do have this this little rubble marker marker I'm gonna go ahead and do it also so I'm gonna get rid of that and I'm gonna take this one right here so this one is if I end the game with equal to Monique or greater than her rubble cubes then I get 5 points well so I will take that one right there fantastic scores let's turn for you 1 2 and then the next thing I'm gonna do is I'm going to because I'm going through this decision tree I'm gonna go ahead and put my to gold and sell them on my own ship over here it's gonna be one to open up they don't flip over yet so gold is at 4 times 4 plus the modifier of an extra 2 coin so it's 6 times 2 so that's gonna be 12 coins so all 12 raised sorry 12 race yes 10 10 11 12 all right and I think that's everything yep so draw up a card yeah let's do it I will take I'll take this car right here so let's be filled the decree cards okay this one is if you have the most tools Wow and this is if you have the most gold ah that is good I shouldn't have sold my gold okay alright okay so I don't have a lot of options for my turn I did not set myself up well for the second period which is funny because I'm the one who ended the first period that's right you think I would have thought it back with you so I'm actually going to play a card I can't play a card to my portfolio unfortunately because I don't have any goods so I'm going to play a card to the Royal Court we are going to visit the Prime Minister Prime Minister yes and so in order to do that I I typically must pay influence that there's one stranger people in here but we're at a discount of one so I don't have to pay any employers nothing here luckily and for my state action I'm going to produce goods because this action right here so so you put today's gold and yes I actually produce I produce on all three of these so two of each right two of each because I have built all three buildings in this column I actually get an additional good alright so I'm going to get to two tools to cloth and to gold what an amazing time to have these two Decree cards come in it is an amazing time Wow to be alive you know I go to the restroom for one moment Wow well that could be the game right there I don't think so could be highly doubt that okay and so for the main action I get to take a decree card so I'm definitely going to take this decree car you know for sure gives me five wigs at the end of the game if I have a greater then novena okay sorry if I have more tools than Naveen or equal to him yeah yeah so there's that debating taking a second decree card because I do have my ruble set marker here so I can discard that for a second one okay I will take the decree card at the very end there what the goal well thank you so it's the same decree card as this except it's for the gold good so if I can sustain the majorities of both and that'll be a good amount of point and I realized that I had taken one point for the first decree card on my last turn and I'm supposed to get a second point for that so yes so in reference and the deans clergy tile here gives him one point every or one wig every time he takes a decree card he took to decree cards less I got so caught up so that completes yes that completes my turn and the mean doesn't have any royal not full favor tokens so he's unable to follow okay and so do you know which card you're gonna take the puffle win ah yes I do I'm gonna take this one okay thank you alright so I'm gonna go ahead and fill these in and Wow alright back to you Naveen okay I'm gonna go ahead okay I'm gonna play a a builder card to the center here so so the amount of influence I have to pay here is so this for showing that are not me modifier by a negative one and then I have another modifier so it's gonna cost me to influence which is exactly what I have okay so now I get to perform a one of these actions so I'm gonna go ahead and put out two officials so I definitely have to dislodge Mo'Nique here so this is the first time we're seeing this if all spots are filled the person who has the most gets booted out but they don't have to go back to her board she just is gonna I go to the plaza go right into his little Plaza here so it's perfect for when you are gonna open a public building these are the perfect people to use alright so I'm gonna put one of mine here and the next one Wow the next one I guess I'll just go right over here I think separate areas and now let's go ahead and build a building so I am gonna build a brown building and I'm gonna build the brown building right over here which is gonna get me a book right here yeah okay so you get a book I get a book I have a book okay so the first step here is I'm gonna take a cube so I'm gonna take this this one even though I get a double discount I'm gonna take the beige one so I can complete out this little step right here and what that does is this pushes this out into the center so now my hand capacity is one more and then my goods can be up to five goods I don't think that's gonna happen so now I have to look at what's remaining to pay so this is gonna be one two three four five five plus four is nine so I'll pay my 10 piece and get one back and then the house or the building I'm going to put out there is gonna be this one right here so this is when I produce I get one extra correct you get one extra good for one type for one type yeah okay so I'm gonna put that one right there and then now we look at which public buildings are open there's a brown and a brown so it's actually sorry it's actually the first time we're seeing this if you open if you build a store and there's more than one public building either in the same row or a column then it becomes a multiplier so these are the number of points that he's earning for this store multiplied by two because there are two stores that match the brown storefront there in that row so the max a building can ever score is three X so there's one two and then three up here right okay so that's six wigs so that's gonna go from that to 20 nice yes officially all right so I did the this action here I did that action and I believe I do put your poor your people oh yeah this is supposed to represent me there I believe that's that's technically the end right for me I think is that now do you want to follow I would like to follow okay yes I'm gonna spend this okay and I'm going to calculate my the amount of influence it's one two three minus one so to influence one two and now I'm gonna take one of these three actions and I'm actually going to take this one okay I'm gonna take a I'm gonna take a plan okay so I'm gonna take this blue plan right here like okay and just a heads up I'm supposed to get two right rays for playing this green card here I just want to make sure I don't forget that okay awesome so I am done with my train or your turn actually yeah that's my turn so then I am going to draw back up and let's go ahead and take you know what I will take I'll take this one looks pretty good okay and you built something right I did place we remember it to do that I know yeah that's so easy yep alright so it is my turn I don't have any money so I need to make some so I'm going to play this Treasury cards it's only I think it's only the second time I played a Treasury card all game but I'm gonna play it to my portfolio yep now that I have goods and I'm going to get money first it's four bucks equal to the Treasury values before or race and this goes down and this is gonna get tucked in under here because it is a Treasury card and the benefit now is I believe this gives me a discount of to race yes when I am buying so basically total three does it your clergy talk a little bit there exactly okay and for my next action I'm actually going to sell goods so things I want to mean what do you I think that's what's gonna happen I'm gonna sell I mean all three of my goods are worth the same amount but I have a decree card for the gold and the tools so I'm not gonna sell those yes only sell two because there are only two ships out they each only have an opening for one more good each very good so I will sell this one you get five for that one to me cuz it's four for race plus an additional real because it's a red ship so five for this five for that I'll get you the total okay yeah and then I'm also going to sell this one to naveen ship and so it is still the base value of 4 plus 2 plus 2 so so that's 6 6 so 6 2 5 11 so I'm totally 5 yeah there you go ok perfect so now hers is completely filled now that my ship is completely filled these get packed up into their boxes and I score one wig per good so it's two weeks same exact thing for me one two and Naveen gets three waves because his complete so one two three but I in this turn I had also played a card to my portfolio yes see that's one more wig right there very nice and that's it yes good that's all that can be done so I'm going to draw a card and I'm gonna take the Treasury Garden actually the Treasury card which one sorry sorry yeah yeah thank you all right okay very good so it's not Ana beans turn and just start in his turn he has a ship that has full yes so these all come off ship is gonna dock and all the goods will go bye-bye that's good I've wanted to give you an equal opportunity no Thank You forgeting okay so I'm gonna go ahead and play let's play this card right here so I'm gonna play it to my portfolio because now it can house 5 so 2 3 4 5 so I'm gonna play into my portfolio the benefit at the bottom is getting a decree card so I'm gonna go ahead and slip that in here so that's I've maxed out the top you can only have three cards in the top so I get a decree card I'm gonna go ahead and take this degree card here which is if I have the most or equal to the most books I get five points okay okay and then I get a victory point for doing that or awake because of my chip that I have here yeah and then I will spend this cube over here to get another one okay okay so I'm gonna go ahead and take this card if I have the most or equal to the most Brown buildings at the end of the game I get five points so that buildings facing the brown is the Brown Street Browns for front buildings right now he is leading with a grand total of loved one yes a brown building exactly it's actually a bookstore yeah okay so now I have to then because I did that I have to trade with the nobles or you can sell some goods some gwo Dee's you know I am going to trade with the nobles hello I'm gonna go ahead and produce goods I think so I'll go here so the brown is desired by this person here so I'm gonna go ahead and do that and now I'm gonna produce so you technically get one gold a cloth and a book but you also have this a lot right yeah so which which one would you wanna take two books one cloth one gold before we do this actually when I produce those goods Dubey decreases aha possibly re maybe not no I don't think it affected anything so so let's do that go ahead yeah oh it did affect something Oh cuz you sold to me I sold so you'll just let us get two bucks less yes I sold pink okay so what we're referring to is I made a boo-boo when I had produced goods a few rounds earlier I I produced Goods of gold cloth and tools so everything so each of those three are supposed to decrease in value by one right and then the turn after which was my last turn I actually sold to cloth goods and made you know money off of them so I'm supposed to give back to raise are to raise yeah so there you go I'm doing perfect keeping it on it yeah that was good so now you are producing good I'm producing so I'm producing gold cloth and books so gold claw and book so because I have this ability unlocked I'm gonna take one gold one cloth and then two books for that ability cool so the market has been handled we take we sit appropriately gold book cloth and then the last one is another book so I spent a book to get all that stuff to do that okay um and so I just draw a card let's go ahead and take take this one right here and it's okay how we need to fill in these decree cards here so that is having the most tinkling buildings and the other one that you just put out having the most in each this is a two player only there's like that's a two player exclusionary so only in higher player accounts is this card available because it requires you to have buildings an E and RZ is completely no not a thing okay this is the Wow the most R equal to the most goal building Wow okay so for my turn I'm going to play this card to the Royal Court I'm the Builder and so it's calculates how much influence the spenders oh really influence I don't have any influence you have one you can spend two points so are two wigs fine well that's a lot of wigs that I've spent actually just that my turn these get these go away yeah okay so 1 and then minus 2 on the wigs - so it's a total of 3 yeah with no modifier cuz we're at 0-2 right there and so I am going to I'm gonna take this action actually 4 ok first action and I'm going to take a I'm gonna take a plan nice so take this one and then I'm going to take the main action which is building a little store oh I don't my looking at these I'm going to build a I'm gonna build this gold okay this Gold building I'm gonna build it right here so this area will allow me to take a decree card right and so I'm just gonna take that decree card for having a majority you know gold building make sense thank you so hopefully that stays true till the end of the game I'm gonna put this right here and now I must take a rubble cube so you get a total three discount because of all your modifiers just a heads up yes so I'm gonna take this rubble cube which is the brown cube and put it right there and so now I must calculate how much I need to spend so this is gonna cost me three four 5 6 plus 3 is 9 minus 1 is 8 minus 2 is 6 so 6 race 6 I'm gonna put out a building this one and then and that I've started I've started my leftmost column if I put out the second building in this column then it allows me to pay money instead of influence but for the first the bottom most building it doesn't actually grab me any new abilities they're closed and so because I built the building here or the store here I do have a public building up here that matches the color store I built so I do get this amount of points 5 points 1 2 3 4 5 don't forget your benefit of the dickricker well you already got the degree cards I got the duty card already [Music] yes and you don't have any oh yeah I will draw I'll clear this off and tired before I feel the decree go ahead and draw a card I'm gonna take this one okay I'm going to replenish remember to do that yes we're doing it right we're doing it okay so influence is the problem for both of us game were influenced was mismanaged so much yeah we we dropped the ball oh did we know or did this I think Green is the winner of this game that's true what it is oh you do you green player well I guess I'll play this card so that's gonna be a builder card yikes so I'm gonna be paying 1 2 3 influence - my 1 so - so it's gonna have to come in wigs 1 2 yikes and then we're gonna go ahead and build a building so I'm going to build a pink building and I'm gonna build it right here actually right here I bought so you want a tool yeah right there okay it's a good tool okay so perfect at which rubble cube would you like to remove um let's go ahead and take one of the oh you know actually I put it in the wrong spot I don't want you on here yeah it's actually gonna be here that's what I was looking for here yes it's a pink building it's the looking building yeah exactly so tool must go back yeah and you get to move the clergy the clergy yes so Cardinal me pardon label so I'm gonna go here and then what is this - wigs / you could when you take rubble cubes you can describe to watch you get to wigs mm-hmm you know what I'm gonna leave because these roads lately interesting I'll take this one right here this is uh Oh your $2 for every time I sell a book mm-hmm okay an extra $2.00 yep okay so now though because the the cardinal me bow has landed on this spot the Treasury marker will go up it does and now you must pay an extra buck I know you have a lot of money no that's okay I do okay so let's see I'm gonna take a I think I'm gonna take this blue ruble cube right here okay and I'm fit right over here and then I have to pay now two four six seven eight because I have a double discount on on the beige the other one 1 2 4 6 7 8 plus 4 is 12 12 nice so put a building on top of your score yes I will go ahead and put I'm actually gonna put this one out the one that you just did okay how about that there's the building that has no ability exactly and because it is a pink store a cloth store and there's a Public Works here you get that four points you know one two three four we are a lot up up and down up and I know so and that completes your turn right yes I don't have a royal here we're talkin to follow that action so that's the end of your did I totally not do my main action or my side action there you know what I got so excited that I took this building action first I was supposed to put this out this is the state action and so this technically doesn't affect anything right now I was gonna take this action right here I just started looking at buildings and points but I'm gonna go ahead and put this one here I do apologize for that and then this one right here if I put it here this just bumps both of us out correct so I'm just gonna go ahead and put this guy right over here okay and then I apologize for that so this goes away this also goes away and I will take a card now let's go ahead and take I'm going to refill this sure and the card I'll take is all right your turn we need a clergy tile yes that's the easiest one I forget okay your ships I think it's a little late Oh whenever is it I can't 36 it looks like you don't pay the goods for this yes you don't pay any goods to build or update a ship that is true okay so I am going to visit the Royal Court okay again King building obols I'm going to visit the king okay so I have to influence thing mhm what's gonna cost you one this is a modifier of negative I know one two minus one I'm like riding on your coattails over there so to influence minus one start to pay one influence we both have donut for influence I have to pay a wig okay so now I'm actually going to take this action okay move in the church which is moving the Cardinal meeple yeah one or two spaces two spaces we're gonna go one two and I'm gonna take this nice clergy tile it gives me a to influence discount when visiting the King in the future so that will be helpful considering the dire straits that we are at yeah now I'm gonna build a public building okay which one so the blue one I'm going to build it here okay very nice so this will get me these two Robo cubes and a cloth okay we can have a clock please yes yeah this come lets me complete my third ruble set very good put that in there and I have to pay mmm for the public building so I'm going to use this one and this work has me getting rid of four officials so of course I'm gonna take the ones in the plaza and I think I'm just gonna go one two three four oh yeah bring them back and flip this one over you know what we've had this out on the table for so long it's time that it leaves let's go yeah that should have been going right after we took that turn okay so I took my four officials back you did and now I'm going to score points because this is a yellow and sorry a gold and pink public building and I have a gold building right there five points five points one two three four five and I believe that's it this fills in its filled in automatically do you you don't have anybody nothing to follow so that's the end of that do you know what you want to do okay this one okay all right I am gonna go ahead and put out of public work whoa so we're gonna do this green one over here whoa in a second jumping with the king of course okay yes I got so excited every time so good so excited so well give me one so this was supposed to fill in this clergy tile this is just it's a long play through the end of the game tensions are high getting a little anxious not very interesting so this clergy tile looks like you what does that do say you had to move the I don't know right when you take it you had to move it back no it's whenever you move the Cardinal meeple which is this person you can move two additional steps well no what's this one are here um you get two wigs when you put out a public building when you put out a public building mm-hmm oh no I'm max here correct I'm max here yeah I mean you can clear them out if you decide to do Church scoring but I won't be able to take anything is what you're saying correct mmm you can take a rule I favor token instead wishes two points which is not bad yes I'll do it I'll take yeah I'll take a real favor tokens okay go ahead and do this is interesting because we're getting close to the end here so if I take it I most likely want to use it yeah instead of getting the two points the two points are nice but what would Monique want to do that's the question what would Monique do what would mourn you could not do I should've been watching what you've been taking what kind of cards in card counting ish all right I'm gonna go ahead and take the blue because money loves end of game scoring stuff just in case she does something with it not as 40 points okay let's see after all that babbling I've done this and then now we do the main action and the main action I'm gonna go ahead and put out a green building okay fun yes we're put it right over here Axl it's gonna give me instant gold I love gold one goal I just completed it so we are now gonna have money because I was first player Monique will be getting two turns I'll get one more turn so this is your last two turns here so now let's go ahead and pay the two green officials out of here okay so I'm gonna go ahead and put one two these two guys are coming back home and then I'm gonna get points for this building that I put out here so it's gonna be four points for that one building oh yes one two three make the big jump okay okay very good and then yes I'm gonna follow Monique will follow um one second mm-hmm okay so yes I'm gonna follow so here's my royal favorite token okay I don't know why I keep on handing it to you I'm so sorry I don't have to pay any influence because I do have this code that gives me a to influence discount and I would have only had to pay one and so I only get to do one of these three things so I might as well make it putting out a public a public building oh this is supposed to fill in go ahead Monique oh yes all you can do is put out a blue one because you have a blue plan correct so feel free yes i'm gonna do it i'm going to put out this blue plan and i'm put it over here and so it allows me to put two officials out nice nice cube collection where the officials go the officials are going to go now are you allowed to put them out just to pull them back because yeah and one here and then i have to pay so i have to pay three officials for that plan bring them back so i'm gonna do well this one and this one okay this one so i pulled three and i put this over very good and no we are going to score for this public building so this is a gold and blue a public building so in this row I do have a gold building so it's gonna get me five - those going killer so one two three four five I believe that's all so this is gonna get filled nicely so that was my turn now it's gonna be Monique's turn let me go ahead and draw a card i well let's just take this one right here all right okay oh my gosh the last two turns of the ultimate turn my pedal to the turn boy huh what shall you do what am I gonna do okay I'm actually going to play a card to my portfolio oh it's been a while since you did that's your point for sure and I can this is gonna be my fifth card and I can hold up to five so that's fine very nice so I'm gonna play this card is my portfolio it's a noble it's gonna allow me to put out three officials three bad guys so it has to be one in each just peppery office like a snake yes okay and then I'm gonna put this up here tuck it up there and I get a point a wig because I added according to my portfolio that's what the core 2 tells us so now I must decide if I want to sell my goods or trade with the nobles and I'm thinking trading with the nobles is the absent my money over here so you need money come on over I'm gonna put this tool here to get a a plan the plans money and then I'm going to do a second trade and I'm gonna put the gold here to get a royal favor token and I think I'm gonna take the pink one I believe that's it I believe my turn is not done so those go away and I get to draw this will be the card that yeah your last draw let's do I don't think it really matters at this point I was going to take this one just to say we depleted one of the stacks ice like it okay naveen it is your final turn what are you going to do I was trying to figure out what you're gonna do last thinking action I'm thinking I don't know if I figured it out anytime well I mean I think the right thing for me to do is unfortunately play this card okay so I'm gonna play that card there put this right here and let's look at the influent oh it's gonna be one that's not good maybe I wanted to see what I wanted to know what you saw coming then I could have played maybe into it okay 1 2 3 minus 1 minus 1 so I pay 1 and I have to go all the way back send it it's really just one point between so so I'm gonna produce I suppose I will produce everything you please good yeah so let's see what I have gold what am i I'm in gold I'm in cloth I'm in cloth twice so two cloth one gold in one book and then I had up this bonus which is an extra so I'll get one book two clocks and then instead of getting just one gold then I get two gold so it's everything except for blue everything except for blue from what I understand so with my extra benefit I got an extra gold mm-hmm because I know you got that try to stop it okay so then I did that action so now I get to do a decree so I have this chit every time I take a decree card I get a point so I gotta keep doing that so I'm gonna take this one right here which is most buildings in C it looks like I'm the only one there so I should take that one most are equal to okay um so that's gonna be one point for me please for doing that I'm back yeah and then I will spend this guy right here and I will take most buildings or equal to the most buildings in pink I think it's two to one right now it's not I'll take it again yeah and then that's another point exactly so Monique will you be following this yes okay this is my only opportunity unless you play a blue card unless I play up that would have been nice which doesn't thank you well there's less cards out here now so I mean well I mean this is just for points because it's on point points for a public building their public works in the Westside I've done town this is what is this Inez is one point for every two green every two officials green officials I think or design your I think you're showing on here ooh are we look at these yeah is that right Zef that is what was a boo-boo mate at number 61 that a 61 you have the right number yeah for each for every two officials on your completed plans you earn a wig this is good to know more cards before you start selecting having greater than or equal to the green ones the green one and the other one is for number of houses in B ships and then looks like green Public Works in the top row that's not very good that's good zero so I I'm gonna follow which means I don't have any influence well we are any of the game with zero influence Oh what happened here so this is two minus one so I have to spend one point one wig to do this and I will take this action so here's the oil favorite token that I have spent it I'm gonna take this action I'm gonna take a decree card and I think I will take this one so for every two officials that I have on my completed plans I get one wig and then I might as well spend this to take a second decree card I don't know how many green plans Naveen has I'm going to take the easy way out take the four and take the four points it's only one wig less than that card so seems worth it yeah you'll know and you'll know I will know okay no need for me to draw here all we're gonna do is just lay out more decree cards right because that was my last turn yes so lay down I do reminder this is the reason why this is our last turns of the game is because Naveen has completed four sets of rubble I don't know if we addressed that earlier as soon as he completed four sets of rubble we can we finished the round and this is our last turn each hit yeah so now this is my your lanes final turn the end if I play a blue card then that means Naveen would get to go again so we're gonna try to avoid doing that we know that means okay so for my final action I am going to visit the king I chose wrong definitely I was like I don't think I'm ever gonna go back to the blue the blue person so we're going to go visit the king and I would have to pay one influence because it's 2-1 but I still have this queer detail and so I'm just gonna take a royal favor token just for the two points at the end of the game I like it and now I'm gonna build my public building so it's gonna be this blue one because I live so what I have a plan for and I'm gonna put it I'm actually gonna put it here mmm it's not gonna get anybody any points just for putting this building there but at least I can complete my rubble set and I get my book so that I can score that decree cards oh yeah eight points we just went out there and there so I complete another rubble set which doesn't totally matter oh don't you have that decree card I would the rubble yep that's yeah I took out your gold that you took out my rebel it took out my gold this isn't gonna happen for you anymore ah ah yeah boy has it you stole my gold oh well well then I don't feel that what public works here I get a book thank you that's true and then I am going to pay for this so that's for everybody show everybody you brought them all home we're gonna have a party they're gonna come back and we're going to scoring parties celebrate the opening of this public works Wow and so that I've no idea where I stand it's flipped typically we would now check to see if it scores any points or any buildings but in this road there are no blue building doesn't know so I believe that's it that's if you're punished I cannot although yeah it is game oh my gosh my brain oh my brain are you ready to score yes I need to know okay we're going to final scoring now so final scoring is laid out over here it's a seven different scoring conditions and gonna go one by one okay okay so first going condition it's for our ships you score points equal to the sum of your hull sizes okay I have three so you have three one two three and mine is a size two three get one too okay okay number two is completed sets of rubble it looks like we're equal equals so we each have four complete sets of rubble times three points each so it's twelve points that looks like 57 I should be to the end yeah 55 okay the third thing is we are going to now score the majorities these buildings of the the stores that we built at downtown so let's just go in order sure up color so for the gold buildings it looks like I have two gold buildings and maybe it has one okay so in a two-player game you score the first and third scoring mmm-hmm okay so I get three points one two three and the beam gets one one pink buildings naveen has two and I have one so no beam is gonna get nine points so what you go all the way 64 65 and I'm gonna get three one two three Brown buildings I think Naveen is uncontested night district yeah straight 9 274 okay Wow and then the blue buildings I am unconditionally injustice so it's six a 69 Wow okay next up we are going to turn in our race yeah I have zero points so yeah if three of them so that continue nothing I have seven so I get one get one point one wig oh thanks I'll just put it away okay the next thing is I decree okay so would you like to go first sure where the wrestler and you were the second player okay having the most in the pink which we have already established so that's gonna be five points this is having the most in see wouldn't see so that's another fun wait this is see oops I'm purple I got the wrong one okay oh yeah I totally got the wrong card okay okay I know when you took that one it was actually recently it was actually one of the more recent ones okay so takeaway here is make sure you're paying attention to your rows and make sure your you know what these cards do because I totally didn't take that one cover that you talked about into : and then this is having the most Brown buildings that's the only one happened its own yeah Brown buildings and that's who's right there okay having the most books in possession I have the most books having the most are equals the most rubble that that hurt one money did that so I don't get that so I have no more ripple then Devine does so no wigs I ended it I'm surprised this one right here this is for each rubble cube that is the from earthquake disaster damage in the brown I get four weeks because I have one two three four so we're gonna go up to 93 and this one is for every pink building I get two and I have 200 because it's a white wait yeah I get four points because it's two times two weeks per building and this one is for every degree card get a point Wow one two three four five six seven eight points okay okay well that's a that's quite a big spread their seed that's like a okay so for my decree cards I have having the most gold which I mean took I did yeah laughs I don't it's a big donut for that one sneaky this one is one wig per public works on the west side so it's one two three four this is having more greater than or equal to gold stores and I have more so it's five weeks this one is having the most number of tools yeah yes I have five weeks for that yep this is just one wig for each building Rodie and it doesn't matter who the building belongs to that's why it's colorful five wigs total yeah you did help my help thank you this is one wig for each card in my portfolio and I don't think it counts ships cuz it looks like it's the influence cards and the Treasury cards I have four that's four weeks okay which is these two one two or three four this is five wigs for having a complete set nice of all four types of goods which I have boy this is I think this is two this is two wigs per completed green plan and I think I only have one oh really yeah I went all blue for some reason yeah I only have one it's a two point so - yep I think you got here this is one wig for every two officials on my on my plant my completed plans and I have three four five nine eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen so that's 62 it's oh and that's all for my decree cards double the next scoring condition is we're going to score the majorities for having completed plans and so you're gonna what you're in do is gonna take all of your completed plans count the number of officials on them and whoever had curve has the most officials on there competed plans is gonna score 15 points second-most gets five I'm nice goodbye yeah okay so I was 16 okay so I get this five points when you get 15 this is the difference here okay yet five to twenty three okay and the very last scoring condition is two points per royal favor token unused I have one of them you have two of them so I get two points now you have four hands so one two three four and that's it you pulled it off now I'm gonna go to bed my brain well done is like mashed potatoes that's good but it's done we're done yes step up okay so we just finished our playthrough of lisboa we've done yeah that's a tough one one of the hardest ones I think yeah yeah I agree what do you think overall uh I love this game same yeah this this game is a masterpiece I I'm so glad I think it's a masterpiece it's every time we play it every time we finish this game we always say wow what a game yeah it's definitely one of his hardest to learn but it's just so satisfying to play it right yeah just from the simple basics of playing a card and then all the different options you have after you play that one basic card yeah it's amazing so I mean let's start with being right there's so much to to kind of digest and deconstruct with this game but starting with theme how beautiful is this theme I think that this is his hometown yep right it is this boy and he created a game about a historical event yeah from his home town and you know complete with the the artwork it's just such a beautiful presentation absolutely yeah yeah totally it's very again another one of his games were he integrates theme in mechanics perfectly I mean it's it's amazing the way he's able to do it's more so with this game I think like you know that is his style everything works in synergy with one of those with one another but in this game in particular everything is so dependent upon one another exactly that you you really find yourself thinking oh I need this I need that I didn't plan properly you know that sort of thing yeah it's amazing which brings us to the components so this game was kick-started I think that the components are super top-notch and it's it comes in the same like huge box as the gallerist does and for a lot of people that's a deterrent because it's a huge box yeah naveen you know I'm not a big fan of these boxes just because they take up so much space but the whole presentation of this game is amazing the player aid book this is the first time that we have a book we have a book that tells us everything you need to know if you know the rules this is the best reference guide if you can reference every single clergy title because they're all numbered every single decree card it's all in here if you need help with the decision tree the rule summary are in the back this is great because it's so much in a competitive game like this you don't want to be asking hey what is that card over there death exactly's gives it away so it's awesome that every single thing that you need to know once you know that the route of this game what it is is on that little tiny handbook that's awesome my one pet peeve about the specifically the the components is that in the Kickstarter they did have a Kickstarter exclusive - exclusive pack that had you backed it there was an option of having these tiles that go over the the downtown area that randomize the bonuses that you can get when you build here and it's so expensive just to have that upgrade path and really wish that it's just throw in there man yeah the game is such a big expensive you know it's a big we already went all the way yeah I really wish they just it was just part of there's no game you know we didn't play with it because we wanted to show you what it's like without a base yeah it's fine without it but it's just cool to be able to to change it but otherwise really beautiful really beautiful design yeah and in terms of the components you know there are a ton of these decree cards there are ton of clear details so the replayability is so strong yes the way the cubes come out to form all the rubble the cards the different combinations there is a deck of just decree cards there's a ton of these Souls we didn't even see yeah we never would even see these and they they're all endgame scoring conditions that you can try to work on so it's part of your puzzle you know whenever you play these with 30 games you're solving your own personal puzzle yeah and so if there are so many of those to go around then every game feels very different same with the clergy tiles there's a ton of those in the back a bunch that we didn't see so it brings us a scalability this gameplay is great at two three and four in a two-player game like what we had there was a lot of me peeking over okay so she has this she's wildly different yes it's it's different but it's it's different but very much very much to say that's very good but very much to say it's just it's very light I don't want to build that public building because she's gonna capitalize on it or yeah no offense defense offense exactly so Titan so in a higher player counts you know typically when you play this game we will play like four player games because that I feel like that's what maybe when it's meant for the full complement the full complement because you have the favorite tokens and you're able to follow and not just on this one person's turn but the game experience is so night and day because in a four and a four player game not only is it so much longer I feel because of the possibility of every turn people follow right yes the following game um but so much changes on the board by the time it gets to your turn because you have all you have all these people who are gonna take their turn and everybody else who are potentially gonna follow every turn so the game state changes and so the way that you form your strategy is a feels a little bit different it requires you to adapt more to the tune of four player you know four player again to the changing board game state in a two-player game you need to formulate your strategy and think how your opponent is going to react to what you're doing we think well I didn't do a good job this time but yeah you're right you're totally right it should totally be like that yeah where you're where you can anticipate I think you did a really good job towards the very end they're seeing like okay well he has these you know these tiles and so I'm gonna do this so that I can position myself that when he takes that action I can use that extra chit to then get a freebie action you know on his back my favorite okay - right so the favorite tokens so in every potala game we've said this I think we said this when you play the gallerist the secret to every tile game is getting those extra actions and in this game it's a favorite tokens the Royal favorite tokens get you these extra actions but you're only allowed one per type of nobles yes spend it and then you have to reacquire it and so it does there is a certain amount of trying to foresee what your opponents are going to do so that you choose the right favorite token yeah position yourself at the right time - exactly because every action that you do in this game matters you cannot waste an action because they're so it's such a calculated game and so especially at the end there when you're at the very very end of the game and you know you only have this one last turn and maybe that last last turn you're trying to sneak in an extra action total you're trying to think okay what isn't it mean going to play for his last turn so I can get the right row favorite time yeah I whipped on this one I'm still holding it it's still in front of me yeah I thought you were gonna you had a cube out there to take to defeat you have to decree cards I thought I was gonna slip in there and get it with you but so that's a big fine game in a two-player game totally because it's it's you or them in a four-player game there are so many more opportunities for you to spend those royal favorite tokens because people are gonna take those actions eventually when we send your you're playing offense defense it's it's literally like when I take my action I need to think how is this turn that I'm about to take it going to benefit intervene or change the board 14 to the board for a naveen how is this gonna open up the doors to allow him to score points and the biggest part where that happens is with the building of the stores and building up the public buildings because those two are so dependent on each other in order to score track oh we talked about that I was pushing you down I was trying to push you down influence earlier in the game well just to finish the point about the buildings you don't support points for the stores unless your public buildings and vice versa right so if I'm setting out a public public works I need to make sure that Naveen can't build a store in that row or else I'm setting up points for him there was times where you saw I had a building out there and you just you're like I'm just gonna put a incompatible public building out there so you can't score the five points yeah until this other part of it you can shut each other out from scoring points if they're already story yeah I was clearing up to do something and you destroy wall because the roads could only hold two public works and so if they're not the colors of stores that you have out there you're good those points are gone forever sitting there yeah so that part's really interesting but going to what you said about the influence yeah oh my gosh dress with neutral flair Blair let's talk about that one to you green winds make a second I'm third because man the influence in this game is so hard to manage there's only a few opportunities really to go up in influence you have to circle around the clergy tile just to give up tiles take a try to get influence you you can buy a ship which is only one per color yeah - then you know score so getting the influence is really really tough and these influence are everything when you're trying to go to the royal court yes it's very very difficult influence is everything because the royal court is the meat of the game you know they the royal court houses the main actions that are gonna really get you anywhere yes in life in this game playing cards to your portfolio helps prepare you for that yes and gives you access to these state actions that also help prepare you to set you up for these other things but you really want to be going to the royal court and if you don't have a way to earn influence then you're just gonna be spending points and that's that's what the green player did to us yeah the player was brutal but it did help a lot that our economy was changing yep so that's another part of this game that's really interesting the constant yeah the Treasury that's constantly fluctuating sometimes when the Treasury goes up the cost of influence goes down it makes it easier to take those actions but more expensive to build stores yeah when you get to the NCAA more expensive tablets stores and higher officials if you don't have any over there so it's really cool that that relationship is universe mmm Naveen had a QWERTY tile that you started off the game with that gave you a discount discount on all influence okay so that is a pet peeve of mine with this game okay the clarity tiles that you start with are two random clear details from the bag and everybody gets to choose one which i think is fine but everybody also has a starting plan and the sorting plans there are four of them and they're a different color because they're specifically for starting the game I wish that they did the same for the clergy toes have just set like eight QWERTY tiles that are set aside just for the just to start the game with and all the rest of them are just a little bit more balanced I feel like clergy tiles giving you discounts on influence are just so powerful not powerful enough apparently but yeah you're right it's not gonna make somebody like run away with it but that access especially so early on not having especially when the treasure is that in the negative when treasure is at negative one and I have a discount of one yeah so you're just like not spending influence yes to take these meaty actions the main heart of the data it's not costing you in the influence yeah I was really trying to put a lot of those those officials out there in the first half and then I kind of took my foot off the gas I think that looking like I can't do anything without having to spend all this influence mm-hmm I feel like maybe that's why I bought all the ships because I'm so frustrated yeah officials there that's probably why yeah yeah but otherwise this game is amazing I want to say that the main barrier to playing this game is that it's so difficult for people to learn that decision tree yes I mean this is a heavy euros it's not a worker placement game this is a car driven yeah heavy euro and so this one card is so powerful in this game just playing one card dictates your entire turn in terms of that kind of decision tree right so what I would recommend is if you have such a difficult time remembering the decision tree write it out just literally write it out with with the lines it's it's laid out on the board but visually that the symbols are sometimes difficult to accomplish yeah so what if that works for you just get a piece of paper literally write out the lines of what you have to do and follow that decision tree every time you take a turn because if you if you kind of follow that and you'll understand the flow of the game figuring out how everything interweaves is particularly different or sorry it's particularly difficult in this game because of that there's a lot of analysis paralysis there's a lot of oh my gosh it's my turn now what do I do because with this one card there are so many possibilities and you need to do this thing in order to do that thing even more so yeah it's again one of those things that you can be planning like okay you just take your turn I'm gonna plan to do this on the next turn three other people go I can't do that anymore so now I have to reanalyze from this point what the board looks like and so that can cause a lot of the slowdown in the game but it is what it is Oh such a good game yeah well thank you guys so much for watching the video we hope you enjoyed it and thank you so much for sticking around with us through this Lacerta series we are at the tail end two more to go two more I think it's escape plan is next and that all Morrison on Mars so it is the home stretch but we are really enjoying it and we're really enjoying having you join us so we'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: Before You Play
Views: 35,195
Rating: 4.9685864 out of 5
Keywords: lisboa board game, lisboa game, lisboa review, lisboa overview, how to play lisboa, lisboa rules, lisboa board game review, lisboa, vital lacerda, eagle-gryphon games, lisboa playthrough, lisboa board game playthrough, lisboa board game rules, lisboa gaming rules, lisboa gameplay, lisboa run through, lisboa preview, lisboa tutorial, lisboa spiel, lisboa juego, ian o'toole
Id: vDv30tZLouk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 56sec (9116 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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